year 21 | bulletin no. 29 friday, 9 feb 2018 | 26 magh ...€¦ · year 21 | bulletin no. 29...

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Year 21 | Bulletin No. 29 Friday, 9 Feb 2018 | 26 Magh 2074 | Silla Ga, Nawami, Nepal Sambat 1138

President: Rtn. Dr. Laxman Joshi Secretary: Rtn. Shobha Devi Shrestha Editor: Rtn. PP Kiran Shrestha

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d'FHof Nof @(, -!!))_

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Ogfk ofgF lbn .

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n'd+s]u' Hofh'n .

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• /f]= k|]d l;+x h' oft l;Grflxlt ld;fto\ b'?kf j lecfO

P 6]i6 Hofem\jM sf]rfMu' n;tfvF sgfF lbn .

• j+u' jfof d'FHof Nof !)(( gfnfsfo\u' Hofh'n .

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uf]laGb hf]zL j /f]= ls/0f gfy >]i7_ gfkF vF AofsfM

sf]l5pu' HjLu' vF sgfF lbn .

Published by: Rotary Club of Yala, Lalitpur, Nepal. Meets: Every Friday 5:30 pm at Bagaicha Restaurant, Jawalakhel, email: email:

sf]M lg0f{o Decision

vFjfM] pbwf]ifs Announcer

rfy' cg'ej Experience

ld;' dfgjtf Humanity

g3fM 3':ofxf One who takes bribe

g]jfMefo\ NxfgfFlb;F ln;]+ g]jf vFUjM

;Lsf 5]nf lb;F

g ]jf Mefif + ;+:s[t—g ]kfnL English

• yf}of d'FHofof gf]r'of lgltF gfoMg+ Noof sy+ j}u'bFof

Noof gfoM /f]= ;'/]Gb| uf]kfn >]i7 h'oftM Ogfk

ofgfFbLu' vM;f jo\sMof gf]r'of em\jno\ yDx ofgfF

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ag]Hof w}u' kmfGtfl;+, kmlg{r/of/of af/] yDxM v+u'

ofgfu' vF sgfFlbn .

y"u' sy+of gf]r'oft GXofOk'tfMu' vF sgfF lbn .

yLyL vF

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gf]r'of vFRj vM Knf:6Ls ;h{/L, cn] jo\sMof gf]r'

km]a|]j/Lof ( tfl/v s'Gx' HjLu' d'FHof Ajlgu' HjL

w}lbn .

o /f]= k|]d l;+xh'+ j+u' l;Grflxltof h"u' VIA test jbreast examination ;R5LDx ld;f lkG;F

AjMltsfu' vF sgfFnL y'lsof Hofkf} ofsg+ lkAjMou' vF

sgfF lbn .

o /f]= uf]kfn dfg >]i7h'+ /f]6/L Sna on+ ofgfF j}Rj+u'

km'Ss HofvF gfkF cfo\g lk;+ ofgfF j} Rj+u' uf];fof

b:tfa]h tofto\dfMu' vFo aMlaof lbn . xfsg+

cNhfd/ Njoof gf]r'of lglt Sna xo\dfMu' vF sgfF

lbn y'lsof lglt+ Sna ;le{;of slh /f] k|]d l;+x gfkF

;xnx ofo\u' vF sgfF lbn .

• /f]6«fS6 kfv]F Hofkf} GXo]Ajof : /f]6«fS6/ /f]ld >]i7h'++

lrtf}go hgj/Lof @^–@& tfl/v s'Gx' lemSjMu' /f]6«fS6

l8li6«sof tMd'gfo ZRR Zone 8 of lglt NoMu' vF

sgfF lbn . cn] s]g /f]6«fS6 kfv] ono\ HjLu' k'm6;no\

es'FUjf/f sf;fo\of Wo]Wo]aNnfo AjMlt s}u' vF sgfF

lbn .

• 5\of~h] kfv] d'FHofof vF sg]u' emf]no\, /f]6]l/og !@ Dx,

/f]6«fs6/ @ Dx kfxfF ! Dx km'SsofgfF !%Dx l;g+

AjMltsfMu' vF sgfF lbn . cn] ;gf;fOg km08 %%)

jMu' vF sgfF lbn .

• gfoMg+ d'FHof Nof !!)) sf]rfo\sf lbn .


Minutes of RWM#29(1100)

Friday 02 Feb 2018|19 Magh 2074, Dwitiya Silla Ga


Time: 18.00 to 19.00

Venue: Bagaicha Restaurant, Jawalakhel

• RWM # 1100 was called to order by President RtnDr. Laxman Joshi

• Silent invocation observed for 15 seconds

• President welcomed attending Rotarians andRotaractors.

• Rotary Song was played.

• Birthday Felicitations: Birthday

o Ann Usha Pradhan (2 Feb)

• Felicitation: Wedding anniversary

o Rtn. Gautam Shrestha & Ann Prathana Shrestha(29-Jan)

o Rtn. Om Krishna Shrestha & Ann SunmayaShrestha (Magh Jan-Feb?)

o PDG Rtn. Dilendra Raj Shrestha & Ann BhawaniShrestha (1-Feb)

o Rtn. Dr. Sudip Shrestha & Rtn. Sworupa Shrestha(2-Feb)

• Sharing of happy moments:

o Rtn. Deepak K. Shrestha: Happy as today is RWM #1100th meeting of the club.

o Rtn. Sushil Bajracharya: Nominated as a memberof Nepal India Chamber of Commerce & sonSanyam received Best Student Award at OPAILukhnow.

o Rtn. Kiran Shrestha: Nominated as Co-chair ofDistrict Rota Award Committee for 2018-19.

o President Rtn. Laxman Joshi: His office shifted toKhumaltar (closer to home); initiated preparationfor project outside Nepal.

o Rtn. Prem Singh: Completion of VIA test andbreast examination program at Sinchahity,Lalitpur

• Confirmed Minutes of RWM # 1099

• Rotary Matters

o Final installment (Rs. 1,500,000) for KshamawatiSchool Project received from NAH, USA will behanded over to school authorities at RWM nextFriday (Action: PE Rtn. Surendra Gopal Shrestha).

o Rtn. Kiran Shrestha: Proposal for Balkumari SchoolProject has been drafted. Further discussionwithin project committee (members: Chair Rtn.Kiran Shrestha, Rtn. Surendra G. Joshi and Rtn.Kiran Nath Shrestha) will be held soon to finalisethe plan and budget.

• Talk Program: (speaker selected at RWM)

As requested by President PE Rtn. Surendra G.Shrestha shared his experience about hischildhood, education and timber/furniturebusiness. His talk was followed by a short Q&Asession. The idea of requesting one of theattending Rotarians for a talk was consideredsuccessful and interesting.


o Rtn Kiran Shrestha: Confirmation received fromDr. Jaswant Shrestha for a presentation on PlasticSurgery at the RWM on 9 Feb. AG along withRotary Clubs in Lalitpur of Zone 11 will be invited.

o Rtn. Prem Singh: VIA test and breast examinationcamp at Sinchahity, Lalitpur where 101 womenwere examined. Detailed report will besubmitted soon.

o Rtn. Gopal Man Shrestha: (i) Documentation ofclub activities, including those organized by AnnsGroup, is important for future reference. (ii) Atalk program on Alzheimer disease can beorganized. Selection of a speaker and plan for thetalk program will be discussed with ClubAdministration Committee Chair Rtn. Prem Singh.

• Reporting by Rotaract: IPP Rtr. Romi Shrestha:Four Rotaractors participated in 10th RotaractDistrict Conference, 26-27 Jan 2018 in Chitwan. IPPRtr. Romi Shrestha selected as the ZRR for Zone 8.Rotaractors will participate in futsal matchtomorrow in Lalitpur.

• Reporting of Meeting by Secretary: Participants:12 Rotarians, 2 Rotaractors; 1 Guest. Total 15.Sunshine: Rs. 550.

• President adjourned RWM # 1100.

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