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Post on 09-Apr-2019






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Realization of Education Scholarship 2018


First of all, I would like to say thank you for your support you gave to the children through

us. The educational assistance they get really helped them. Every year we help poor children

to get education so that they have hope for a better future. Every year we open scholarships

registration for students from poor families but the we always found different dynamics

which are always interesting to reflect.

Registration Process

This year, Idul Fitri, the big celebration of Muslims, falls in the mid of June. In that

celebration people will visit their relatives to share and forgive each other. Sometime they

have to travel long distances to visit their relatives. This celebration is more important than

anything. Many public service offices will close almost a week in this celebration. Idul Fitri

is not only celebrated by Muslims but all Indonesian citizen, across religions and cultures.

We have to understand this situation. Because of this condition Realino prolonged the

schedule of scholarship registration. Usually we open registration on 1st -20

th June, this year

we open scholarship registration on 1st-25

th June.

We prolonged the registration schedule but we can’t postpone the schedule of announcements

because children have started school and have started paying. So the schedule of

announcement still on 25th

July because. The consequences are we have to work faster and

more careful to make a selection of scholarship applicants. Therefore we invited more

volunteer to visit scholarship applicant. We have to get ready for next year because Idul Fitri

will be in the beginning of June along with the scholarship registration. We have to modify

registration schedule because of that celebration so that everything can run smoothly.

Selection Process

For the new academic year (2018-2019), 512 students sent application of scholarship (new

applicants and continuous scholarship receiver). They are from several part of Yogyakarta

and Central Java, such as: Wonosari, Karanganyar, Surakarta, Wonogiri, Sukorejo, ect. There

were more than 10 volunteers that helped us to observe the new applicant. Through

observation and interview we decided to receive 384 students for this academic year (2017-

2018), they are: 133 students from elementary school, 121 students from junior high school

and 130 students from vocational high school.

The number of scholarship recipients does not match the target in our proposal 2018. This

year we have a target 430 recipient but we accepted 384. In the selection process, we are not


only pursue target numbers but we decide based on observations made directly. We distribute

scholarships for children who are really poor. There are scholarship registrants who need help

because of family conflicts. We encourage family conflicts to be resolved so that children do

not become victims.

Last year, we are aware with the student from poor families that live in slum around

Yogyakarta. This year we give more attention also for them. We entered the three slums in

Yogyakarta (Bong Suwung, Prambanan and Pingit) and observed that there were children

who drop out from school because of economic difficulties and parents who don't care for

their children. Their condition is not very good and has not received attention. These children

in this area often drop out of school after graduating from elementary school. For this

community, we are more selective in providing scholarships to children. We ensure that they

have not received assistance from the government.

The government began to pay attention to children by providing educational assistance but

the weaknesses are in the selection process. Assistance from the government is coordinated

by the chairman of the region (ketua kampung) but nepotism often occurs. Only people who

know the chairman well who gets help. Therefore, educational assistance is sometimes not on

the right target. We often find children from disadvantaged families who have never received

help from the government even though they really need it.

Maintain Accountability

Every year we distributed scholarship for poor children. We distribute scholarships every

semester, in the end of the semester, all scholarship recipient have to give us their semester

report from school. After we get the report we will distribute the scholarship for the new

semester. We asked this to make sure that the children really continue their study. We have

done this a few years before because there is scholarship recipient who have left the school

but are still taking scholarships.

The semester report collection can be individual or collective arranged by the school. In the

end of 1st semester, academic year 2017-2018, there was many student that did not sent their

semester report for us (we give a red mark on the list of scholarship recipients). We remined

them but no respon so we stoped the sholarship for the 2nd

semester, academic year 2017-

2018. In the new academic year (2018-2019), they come and explain why not collect

semester report from school. We understand that scholarships are given to the poor student

but the recipients must also understand that we must ensure the scholarship reaches the right


SD Kanisius Jamprit is one school that collects rapot collectively arranged by schools. But

they did not sent semester report for us. They said that there was personal problems at school

that interfere communication between teachers. They apologized to Realino and said that the

problem was over. They are responsible for mistakes. They still do not charge tuition for the

children who receive the scholarship even though the scholarship is not sent because of

school errors.

New Awareness

After we entered some of the slums in Yogyakarta, we see a circle of poverty that won't stop

if we doesn't act with the holistic approach. The backgroud in poor families with low

education. Parents will be busy fulfilling life's needs rather than paying attention to their

children. Furthermore, parents will educate their children as best they can according to their

limited knowledge. The limitations of parent education affect children's parenting and the

environment has a stronger impact on children. Aware of this condition, we make additional

activities for children and parents.

This year we have a new awareness of poverty in Yogyakarta. There are many people coming

to Yogyakarta to looking for work. They are not formally Yogyakarta residents but they have

also left their place of origin. Finally they do not have clear identity and become very

vulnerable people. They don’t have access any assistance from government, such as; health

insurance. They live in the carts with the whole family and move around, they take care of

their children also in the cart. this makes us reflect, what we can do for them especially for

the children.


We are very grateful for the additional funds you gave for us. Through that fund, we can help

more poor children. The whole of the funds are distributed. In this part, I would like to give

account report the donation. The first part is the global calculation of donations and the

realization. The second part is a list of scholarship recipients.

Global Calculation of Donation

No Date Donation Scholarship Detail

1. 8 Januari 2018 Rp. 191.291.520

2. Rp. 89.844.000


Semester Academic

Year 2017-2018

3. Rp. 96.351.000 1st Semester Academic

Year 2018-2019

Remaining Budget Rp. 5.096.520

List of Scholarship Recipients


Semester Academic Year 2017-2018

No School Name Grade Tuition/

Month (Rp)

Date Of


6 Month


1 SD K Baturetno Yohana Paschalista G 2 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

2 SD K Baturetno Aurora Oktavia D H 2 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

3 SD K Baturetno Maulana Pamungkas 2 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

4 SD K Baturetno Elisabeth Afrianti M 2 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

5 SD K Baturetno Martinus Zavier P A 2 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

6 SD K Baturetno Rachael Avrilliana S 2 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

7 SD K Baturetno Fransiska Cinta D M 2 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

8 SD K Baturetno M. Yanuari M 3 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

9 SD K Baturetno Rico Satria Utomo 3 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

10 SD K Baturetno Kevin Cahyo P 3 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

11 SD K Baturetno Yunita Sari 3 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

12 SD K Baturetno Raihan Setiawan 3 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

13 SD K Baturetno Felix Asditya J S 4 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

14 SD K Baturetno Anastasia Dwi K S 4 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

15 SD K Baturetno Agnes Nurvita A 4 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

16 SD K Baturetno Gea Irawan 4 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

17 SD K Baturetno Damianus Rindra S 5 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

18 SD K Baturetno FA Dwi Adi N 6 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

19 SD K Baturetno Taffarel Valentino C 6 34.000 18/01/2018 204.000

20 SD K Jamprit Sabila Al Maulana 6

21 SD K Jamprit Dhiyah Kasuma 6

22 SD K Jamprit Andyan Ridha G 6

23 SD K Jamprit Yogi Susul P 6

24 SD K Jamprit Bayu Cahya Pratama 4

25 SD K Jamprit Faurel Gema R 6

26 SD K Jamprit Vincensius Apaulo K 3

27 SD K Jamprit Aida Suciati 3

28 SD K Jamprit Teguh Johan P 3

29 SD K Jamprit Aloysius Gesta P 3

30 SD K Jamprit Yuliana Karin 4

31 SD K Jamprit Theresia Rina S 4

32 SD K Jamprit Nicholaus Bima Af 4

33 SD K Jamprit Tri Astuti 4

34 SD K Mayang SKA Kristiana Dewi 6 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

35 SD K Mayang SKA Misael Putra D 6 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

36 SD K Mayang SKA Nico De Rio Grace A 6 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

37 SD K Mayang SKA Novena Angela K 6 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

38 SD K Mayang SKA Thomas Akuinas S J 6 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

39 SD K Mayang SKA Jonathan Octorino P 6 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

40 SD K Mayang SKA Chatarina Alya J 5 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

41 SD K Mayang SKA Callista Yotia Yesa 5 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

42 SD K Mayang SKA Vika Artika Sari D 5 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

43 SD K Mayang SKA Dimas Yona Pratama 5 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

44 SD K Mayang SKA Bartolomeus Gilang A 5 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

45 SD K Mayang SKA Frans Archie N A 6 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

46 SD K Mayang SKA Anggun Rahmawati 4 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

47 SD K Mayang SKA Fabian Andi W 5 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

48 SD K Sanjaya Yesaya Dian Saputra 2 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

49 SD K Sanjaya Abeliza Karenica E 3 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

50 SD K Sanjaya Diva Aulia Rahma 6 50.000 10/04/2018 300.000

51 SD K Watuagung Rafa Prihandika 2 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

52 SD K Watuagung Zesya Margarini 4 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

53 SD K Watuagung Martinus Oka Nugraha 4 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

54 SD K Watuagung Dias Dwi Purnomo 4 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

55 SD K Watuagung Chatarina Cristy Putri T 4 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

56 SD K Watuagung Isalarosit 4 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

57 SD K Watuagung Anggi Tesa Putriyanto 5 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

58 SD K Watuagung Fitri Candra Eka Nur K 5 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

59 SD K Watuagung M.M Titin Rusmianda 6 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

60 SD K Watuagung Reval Ditya P 6 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

61 SD K Watuagung Dina Ismawati 6 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

62 SD K Watuagung Safa Anastasya 1 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

63 SD K Watuagung Irfan Mulya Ramadhani 1 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

64 SD K Watuagung Reno Yulianto Dwi P 1 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

65 SD K Watuagung Fauzty Mandala P 1 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

66 SD K Watuagung Novia Girri Marganing 1 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

67 SD K Watuagung Melvin Nizar P 2 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

68 SD K Watuagung Neo Dylan Al Kahfi S 3 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

69 SD K Watuagung Enjelina Vidi Anata 3 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

70 SD K Watuagung Dwi Yunita Marseliya 3 30.000 19/03/2018 180.000

71 SD K Gowongan Jhonatan Eka Putra P 6 75.000 19/03/2018 450.000

72 SD K Gowongan Severinus Evori Raka 4 75.000 19/03/2018 450.000

73 SD K Gowongan Attar Almira 4 75.000 19/03/2018 450.000

74 SD K Gowongan Rosalia Flameta P 5 75.000 19/03/2018 450.000

75 SD K Gowongan Pratama Nugroho 6 75.000 19/03/2018 450.000

76 SD K Gowongan Ferdian Artha K 6 75.000 19/03/2018 450.000

77 SD K Gowongan Ruengga Christian 4 75.000 19/03/2018 450.000

78 SD K Pugeran Alfons David Syalom 3 100.000 08/01/2018 600.000

79 SMP K Argokiloso Felisha Cristabella 8 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

80 SMP K Argokiloso Valentino Endiyanto 8 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

81 SMP K Argokiloso Ika Ambarwati 9 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

82 SMP K Argokiloso Robertus Lintang S 9 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

83 SMP K Argokiloso Tutut Pujianti 9 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

84 SMP K Argokiloso Aldi Siswanto 7 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

85 SMP K Argokiloso Anastasia Dinda T 7 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

86 SMP K Argokiloso Ina Setiyani 9 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

87 SMP K Argokiloso Anastasia Defita N 8 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

88 SMP K Argokiloso Eka Budi Utami 8 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

89 SMP K Baturetno Restu Yoga Handoko 9 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

90 SMP K Baturetno Katharina Maylani K 9 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

91 SMP K Baturetno Dian Wangga Dinata 9 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

92 SMP K Baturetno Yoga Setiawan 9 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

93 SMP K Baturetno Bibiana Fuji Amelia 8 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

94 SMP K Baturetno Yohana Retno L 9 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

95 SMP K Baturetno Agnes Vira K 8 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

96 SMP K Baturetno Margareta Putri A 8 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

97 SMP K Baturetno Wahyu Meilani 8 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

98 SMP K Baturetno Damar Vinaldo 7 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

99 SMP K Baturetno Mei Herawati 7 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

100 SMP K Baturetno Nathanael Glori AS 8 50.000 27/02/2018 300.000

101 SMP K Budi Murni Danang Riwayanto 9 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

102 SMP K Budi Murni Nurul Farida 9 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

103 SMP K Budi Murni Turah Risa Meisaroh 9 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

104 SMP K Budi Murni Titis Tri Puspitasari 9 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

105 SMP K Budi Murni Rizki Yuni Arti 9 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

106 SMP K Budi Murni Ryan Ardyansah 9 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

107 SMP K Budi Murni Bayu Samodra 9 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

108 SMP K Budi Murni Melynda Ramadhani 8 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

109 SMP K Budi Murni Marcellinus Julian Vito 8 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

110 SMP K Budi Murni Rafritzdy Samara P 8 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

111 SMP K Budi Murni Afifah Novita Sari 8 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

112 SMP K Budi Murni Galang Rizky Putra P 8 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

113 SMP K Budi Murni Novita Dian Prasasti 7 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

114 SMP K Budi Murni Wulan Septi Setiawan 8 80.000 12/01/2018 480.000

115 SMP K Tirtomoyo Bayu Prasetyo 9 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

116 SMP K Tirtomoyo Dewi Susilowati 9 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

117 SMP K Tirtomoyo Venita Bertha 9 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

118 SMP K Tirtomoyo Tohpati Gigih Prakosa 9 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

119 SMP K Tirtomoyo Age Andrawina D W 9 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

120 SMP K Tirtomoyo Fajar Gunawan 9 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

121 SMP K Tirtomoyo Muh. Ilham Robani 9 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

122 SMP K Tirtomoyo Gilang Listiasmoko 9 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

123 SMP K Tirtomoyo Zalia Catur A 8 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

124 SMP K Tirtomoyo Rofi Hermawan 8 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

125 SMP K Tirtomoyo Tri Windarto 8 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

126 SMP K Tirtomoyo Gybra Natasya R 8 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

127 SMP K Tirtomoyo Surya Putra 8 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

128 SMP K Tirtomoyo Rohmat Maulana 8 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

129 SMP K Tirtomoyo Reinhard Vallentino 8 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

130 SMP K Tirtomoyo Alfio Uli Pradana 8 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

131 SMP K Tirtomoyo Fajar Maulana B 9 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

132 SMP K Tirtomoyo Rangga Aji Prayoga 7 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

133 SMP K Tirtomoyo Cicilia Ribka Batubara 7 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

134 SMP K Tirtomoyo Valentino Fabiola 7 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

135 SMP K Tirtomoyo Diah Ayu Hamidah 7 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

136 SMP K Tirtomoyo Lusia Siti Ranggeng 7 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

137 SMP K Tirtomoyo Tri Herlambang 7 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

138 SMP K Tirtomoyo Tegar Tri Madhani 7 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

139 SMP K Tirtomoyo Dela Rusianti 7 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

140 SMP K Tirtomoyo Palupi Setya Handayani 7 50.000 24/01/2018 300.000

141 SMP K Wonogiri Tara Santi Jaya Mahe 8 60.000 18/01/2018 360.000

142 SMP K Wonogiri Yovindha Castanika 8 60.000 18/01/2018 360.000

143 SMP K Wonogiri Ruth Marchellina 8 60.000 18/01/2018 360.000

144 SMP K Wonogiri Lusya Indhah P 8 60.000 18/01/2018 360.000

145 SMP K Wonogiri Paulus Nugroho 9 60.000 18/01/2018 360.000

146 SMP K Wonogiri Aprilia Setyowati 8 60.000 18/01/2018 360.000

147 SMP K Wonogiri Agnes Sukma A 8 60.000 18/01/2018 360.000

148 SMP K Wonogiri Theodorus Rasika A 9 60.000 18/01/2018 360.000

149 SMP K Wonogiri Elisabet Dea Cahya 9 60.000 18/01/2018 360.000

150 SMP K Wonogiri Ganesh Arya Raditya 8 60.000 18/01/2018 360.000

151 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Arya Putra Rangga 8 50.000 16/01/2018 300.000

152 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Ayu Bernadeth Z 9 50.000 18/01/2018 300.000

153 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Agnes Putri A 9 50.000 18/01/2018 300.000

154 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Edo Yulianto 9 50.000 18/01/2018 300.000

155 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Iwan Wahyu N 8 50.000 18/01/2018 300.000

156 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Dwi Santoso 9 50.000 18/01/2018 300.000

157 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Sifra Damarista Putri 9 50.000 18/01/2018 300.000

158 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Lusia Rahmawati 9 50.000 18/01/2018 300.000

159 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Lis Dayanti 8 50.000 18/01/2018 300.000

160 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Fransiska Sri Wahyuni 8 50.000 18/01/2018 300.000

161 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Alexander Dwi Saputro 9 50.000 18/01/2018 300.000

162 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Khoirudin 8 50.000 18/01/2018 300.000

163 SMK Pius X


Maria Lucky Kania



seri 125.000 27/02/2018 750.000

164 SMK Pius X

Magelang Chatarina Widia R


Boga 125.000 27/02/2018 750.000

165 SMK Pius X

Magelang Vita Loka Anggraeni


a Boga 125.000 27/02/2018 750.000

166 SMK Pius X

Magelang Dingga Pradhika Dewi


a Boga 125.000 27/02/2018 750.000

167 SMK Pius X

Magelang Putri Palupi


a Boga 125.000 27/02/2018 750.000

168 SMK Pius X

Magelang Nurhabibah Febrianti


iseri 125.000 27/02/2018 750.000

169 SMK Pius X


Leonardus Budi



a 125.000 27/02/2018 750.000

170 SMK Pius X

Magelang TH Dewi Adi Cahyani


a 125.000 27/02/2018 750.000

171 SMK Pius X

Magelang Ika Winarni


Boga 125.000 27/02/2018 750.000

172 SMK Pius X

Magelang Brigitta Linda Prastyani


Boga 125.000 27/02/2018 750.000

173 SMK Pius X


Bonifatius Dimas Heri



a 125.000 27/02/2018 750.000

174 SMK SPP Kanisius


Tri Pangestutiningtyas



PH 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

175 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Cornelia Fitria Sugiarto


tanian 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

176 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Winda Tri Hastari


PH 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

177 SMK SPP Kanisius


Cahyani Yunita Sukma



PH 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

178 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Febriyanti Utami


PH 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

179 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Dinda Wahyu Karina


tanian 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

180 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Rudy Setiawan


PH 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

181 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Maulana Arifuddin


PH 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

182 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Matius Woro Santoso


PH 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

183 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Yulius Gany Prasetyo


PH 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

184 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Lukas Trio Aminanto


PH 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

185 SMK SPP Kanisius


Yohanes Panca



PH 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

186 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Muhammad Musyafa


H 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

187 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Anita Kurniawati


H 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

188 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Sopian Prasetyo


H 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000

189 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Petrus Clever Adi K X/AP 100.000 16/01/2018 600.000


Temanggung Ifan Taufik XII/AP 100.000 18/04/2018 600.000


Temanggung Adrianus Budiarso XII/AP 100.000 18/04/2018 600.000


Temanggung Khamid Sodikin XII/AP 100.000 18/04/2018 600.000

193 SMK Swadaya

Temanggung Ulvi Yatus Sa'adah


a Boga 100.000 18/04/2018 600.000

194 SMK Swadaya


Marchellius Mulat Ardi



untansi 100.000 18/04/2018 600.000

195 SMK Swadaya


Antonius Nugroho

Widiyanto X/AP 100.000 18/04/2018 600.000

196 SMK Swadaya

Temanggung Putriana Himawati X/AK 100.000 18/04/2018 600.000

197 SMK N 2


Catur Wulan




198 SMK N 2


Wike Berlian




199 SMK N 2

Temanggung Diva Regita Viviandra



200 SMK N 1

Temanggung Dion Wisnu Wardana



201 SMK N 1

Temanggung Niken Ivana



202 SMK Bhumi Phala

Parakan Caterina Viga Widanti


timedia 100.000 18/04/2018 600.000

203 SMK Bhumi Phala

Parakan Aissah Dwi Yanti


untansi 100.000 18/04/2018 600.000

204 SMK Bhumi Phala

Parakan Anggi Indra Pratama




100.000 18/04/2018 600.000

205 SMK 17 Temanggung Agustinus Feri S



206 SMK Ezzul Moslem Ian Wahyu Wibowo



207 SMPK Krista Citra

Parakan Damianus Ega Dwi C VIII 100.000 18/04/2018 600.000

208 SMK Wiratama 45.1

Wonosobo Rio Hadi Wido



209 SMK N Bansari Via Arfany X/MM 100.000 18/04/2018 600.000

210 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Cornelia Septingtyas


B 194.000 20/03/2018 1.164.000

211 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Marcelinus Novaldo S


R 194.000 20/03/2018 1.164.000

212 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Theresia Wening P


B 194.000 20/03/2018 1.164.000

213 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Rizki Adi Kurniawan XI/T P 194.000 20/03/2018 1.164.000

214 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Diyan Tri Hartanto XI/TP 194.000 20/03/2018 1.164.000

215 SMK Pangudi Luhur


Demitrio Dewa

Primario XII/TF 175.000 20/03/2018 1.050.000

216 SMK Pangudi Luhur


Marcelinus Rifki

Dhany M


R 194.000 20/03/2018 1.164.000

217 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Frederik Selki Anggoro


R 194.000 20/03/2018 1.164.000

218 SMK Pangudi Luhur


Anselmus Bayu Seno

Aji L


P 175.000 20/03/2018 1.050.000

219 SMK Pangudi Luhur


Martinus Rudi



niture 175.000 20/03/2018 1.050.000

220 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Antonius Jordi Ambur


anik 175.000 20/03/2018 1.050.000

221 SMK Marsudirini


Fernando Ivan



a Boga 150.000 18/01/2018 900.000

222 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Melani Ian Damayanti


a Boga 150.000 18/01/2018 900.000

223 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Monica Sulvi Lestari


ana 150.000 18/01/2018 900.000

224 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Natalia Kristiani


a Boga 150.000 18/01/2018 900.000

225 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Alisa Enggar Septiana


a Boga 150.000 18/01/2018 900.000

226 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Jonatan Martoyo


a Boga 150.000 18/01/2018 900.000

227 SMK Marsudirini


Fransisca Vonni



a Boga 150.000 18/01/2018 900.000






1st Semester Academic Year 2018-2019

No School Name Grade Tuition/

Month (Rp.)

Date Of


6 Month


1 SD K Baturetno Yohana Paschalista G 3 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

2 SD K Baturetno Aurora Oktavia D H 3 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

3 SD K Baturetno Maulana Pamungkas 3 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

4 SD K Baturetno Elisabeth Afrianti M 3 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

5 SD K Baturetno Martinus Zavier P A 3 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

6 SD K Baturetno Rachael Avrilliana S 3 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

7 SD K Baturetno Fransiska Cinta D M 3 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

8 SD K Baturetno M. Yanuari M 4 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

9 SD K Baturetno Rico Satria Utomo 4 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

10 SD K Baturetno Immanuel Darrel SG 2 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

11 SD K Baturetno Yunita Sari 4 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

12 SD K Baturetno Raihan Setiawan 4 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

13 SD K Baturetno Felix Asditya J S 5 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

14 SD K Baturetno Anastasia Dwi K 5 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

15 SD K Baturetno Agnes Nurvita A 5 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

16 SD K Baturetno Gea Heri Irawan 5 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

17 SD K Baturetno Damianus Rindra S 6 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

18 SD K Baturetno Valentina Kurnia Putri 2 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

19 SD K Baturetno Wahyu Hariyanto 2 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

20 SD K Baturetno Felixius Abednego DN 3 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

21 SD K Baturetno Khrisna Bagus S 3 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

22 SD K Baturetno Christian Kevin CW 4 34.000 24/08/2018 204.000

23 SD K Jamprit Nofica Avenanda 2 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

24 SD K Jamprit Chiko Adrian Pratama 2 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

25 SD K Jamprit Yonathan Ronald H 2 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

26 SD K Jamprit Tri Adrianzah 2 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

27 SD K Jamprit Bayu Cahya Pratama 5 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

28 SD K Jamprit Faurel Gema R 6 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

29 SD K Jamprit Vincensius Apaulo K 4 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

30 SD K Jamprit Aida Suciati 4 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

31 SD K Jamprit Teguh Johan P 4 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

32 SD K Jamprit Aloysius Gesta P 4 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

33 SD K Jamprit Yuliana Karin 5 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

34 SD K Jamprit Theresia Rina S 5 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

35 SD K Jamprit Nicholaus Bima Af 5 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

36 SD K Jamprit Tri Astuti 5 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

37 SD K Jamprit Kristoforus Gigih P 2 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

38 SD K Jamprit Zera Kristi Olivia 3 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

39 SD K Jamprit Theo Setyo Wibowo 3 25.000 24/08/2018 150.000

40 SD K Mayang SKA Anastasia Andien SS 4 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

41 SD K Mayang SKA Jonathan Kristiadi 4 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

42 SD K Mayang SKA Anabella Natasha Putri 5 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

43 SD K Mayang SKA Dwita Ayuningtyas S 5 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

44 SD K Mayang SKA Chatarina Alya J 6 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

45 SD K Mayang SKA Callista Yotia Yesa 6 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

46 SD K Mayang SKA Vika Artika Sari 6 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

47 SD K Mayang SKA Dimas Yona Pratama 6 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

48 SD K Mayang SKA Anggun Rahmawati 5 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

49 SD K Mayang SKA Febian Andi W 6 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

50 SD K Sanjaya Dinda Ayu Wulandari 1 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

51 SD K Sanjaya Abeliza Karenica E 4 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

52 SD K Sanjaya Yovita Lidya Putri 3 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

53 SD K Sanjaya Septi Afiani 5 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

54 SD K Sanjaya Ricko Agung Permono 5 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

55 SD K Sanjaya Wildan Setya Winda 5 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

56 SD K Sanjaya Ascar Ayub L Tobing 6 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

57 SD K Watuagung Rafa Prihandika 3 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

58 SD K Watuagung Zesya Margarini 5 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

59 SD K Watuagung Martinus Oka Nugraha 5 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

60 SD K Watuagung Dias Dwi Purnomo 5 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

61 SD K Watuagung Chatarina Cristy Putri T 5 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

62 SD K Watuagung Isalarosit 5 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

63 SD K Watuagung Anggi Tesa Putriyanto 6 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

64 SD K Watuagung Fitri Candra Eka Nur K 6 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

65 SD K Watuagung Kevin Saputra 3 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

66 SD K Watuagung Dinda Tiara Putri 4 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

67 SD K Watuagung Catur Pamungkas 5 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

68 SD K Watuagung Safa Anastasya 2 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

69 SD K Watuagung Irfan Mulya Ramadhani 2 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

70 SD K Watuagung Reno Yulianto Dwi P 2 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

71 SD K Watuagung Fauzty Mandala P 2 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

72 SD K Watuagung Novia Girri Marganing 3 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

73 SD K Watuagung Melvin Nizar P 3 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

74 SD K Watuagung Neo Dylan Al Kahfi S 4 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

75 SD K Watuagung Enjelina Vidi Anata 4 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

76 SD K Watuagung Dwi Yunita Marseliya 4 30.000 24/08/2018 180.000

77 SD K Gowongan Zahira Aprillia KN 2 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

78 SD K Gowongan Severinus Evori Raka 5 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

79 SD K Gowongan Attar Almira 5 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

80 SD K Gowongan Rosalia Flameta P 6 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

81 SD K Gowongan Brigita Verssa TK 2 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

82 SD K Gowongan Biomantoro Martin A 3 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

83 SD K Gowongan Camario Vical PP 3 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

84 SD K Gowongan Elena Putri Nalindra 3 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

85 SD K Gowongan Jordan Okta Putra L 3 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

86 SD K Gowongan Stevanus Yuan AR 3 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

87 SD K Gowongan Arya Adi Nugraha 4 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

88 SD K Gowongan Andreas Sebastian ED 6 75.000 06/09/2018 450.000

89 SD K Demangan


Igantius Abi

Manamanasa 4 100.000 09/08/2018 600.000



Emanuel Garsia Tegar


100.000 03/08/2018 600.000

91 SMP K Argokiloso Felisha Cristabella 9 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

92 SMP K Argokiloso Valentino Endiyanto 9 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

93 SMP K Argokiloso Destarina Natalia 7 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

94 SMP K Argokiloso Yusef Rohmat Sejati 7 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

95 SMP K Argokiloso Hillarius Angga P 8 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

96 SMP K Argokiloso Putri Anjani Ratnasari 8 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

97 SMP K Argokiloso Anastasia Dinda T 8 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

98 SMP K Argokiloso Selvia Dwi Rizki 8 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

99 SMP K Argokiloso Anastasia Defita N 9 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

100 SMP K Argokiloso Eka Budi Utami 9 75.000 16/01/2018 450.000

101 SMP K Baturetno Fyan Alvito 7 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

102 SMP K Baturetno Antonius Panik Adi C 7 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

103 SMP K Baturetno Mateus Agung P 7 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

104 SMP K Baturetno Felix Togar NS 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

105 SMP K Baturetno Bibiana Fuji Amelia 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

106 SMP K Baturetno Agnes Vira K 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

107 SMP K Baturetno Margareta Putri ATA 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

108 SMP K Baturetno Wahyu Meilani 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

109 SMP K Baturetno Damar Vinaldo 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

110 SMP K Baturetno Mei Herawati 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

111 SMP K Baturetno Nathanael Glori AS 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

112 SMP K Budi Murni Rida Putri Destiana 7 80.000 29/08/2018 480.000

113 SMP K Budi Murni Jonson Santosa 7 80.000 29/08/2018 480.000

114 SMP K Budi Murni Imtinan Aryaputra W 7 80.000 29/08/2018 480.000

115 SMP K Budi Murni Adrian Apriliyanto 8 80.000 29/08/2018 480.000

116 SMP K Budi Murni Lanang Restu Ilahi 9 80.000 29/08/2018 480.000

117 SMP K Budi Murni Arvan Aryan Adi M 9 80.000 29/08/2018 480.000

118 SMP K Budi Murni Aditya Febriyanto 9 80.000 29/08/2018 480.000

119 SMP K Budi Murni Afifah Novita Sari 9 80.000 29/08/2018 480.000

120 SMP K Budi Murni Galang Rizky Putra P 9 80.000 29/08/2018 480.000

121 SMP K Budi Murni Novita Dian Prasasti 8 80.000 29/08/2018 480.000

122 SMP K Budi Murni Wulan Septi Setiawan 9 80.000 29/08/2018 480.000

123 SMP K Tirtomoyo Zalia Catur A 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

124 SMP K Tirtomoyo Rofi Hermawan 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

125 SMP K Tirtomoyo Tri Windarto 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

126 SMP K Tirtomoyo Gybra Natasya R 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

127 SMP K Tirtomoyo Surya Putra 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

128 SMP K Tirtomoyo Rohmat Maulana 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

129 SMP K Tirtomoyo Reinhard Vallentino 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

130 SMP K Tirtomoyo Alfio Uli Pradana 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

131 SMP K Tirtomoyo Fajar Maulana B 9 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

132 SMP K Tirtomoyo Rangga Aji Prayoga 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

133 SMP K Tirtomoyo Cicilia Ribka Batubara 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

134 SMP K Tirtomoyo Valentino Fabiola 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

135 SMP K Tirtomoyo Diah Ayu Hamidah 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

136 SMP K Tirtomoyo Lusia Siti Ranggeng 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

137 SMP K Tirtomoyo Tri Herlambang 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

138 SMP K Tirtomoyo Tegar Tri Madhani 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

139 SMP K Tirtomoyo Dela Rusianti 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

140 SMP K Tirtomoyo Palupi Setya Handayani 8 50.000 29/08/2018 300.000

141 SMP K Wonogiri Tara Santi Jaya Mahe 9 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

142 SMP K Wonogiri Yovindha Castanika 9 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

143 SMP K Wonogiri Ruth Marchellina 9 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

144 SMP K Wonogiri Lusya Indhah P 9 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

145 SMP K Wonogiri Paulus Nugroho 9 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

146 SMP K Wonogiri Aprilia Setyowati 9 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

147 SMP K Wonogiri Agnes Sukma A 9 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

148 SMP K Wonogiri Jessyca Phallma 7 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

149 SMP K Wonogiri Bona Ventura GR 7 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

150 SMP K Wonogiri Ganesh Arya Raditya 9 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

151 SMP K Wonogiri Mishell Angelyna R 7 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

152 SMP K Wonogiri Eknatius Inggit WP 8 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

153 SMP K Wonogiri Lucia Edita DP 8 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

154 SMP K Wonogiri Antonia Dwi W 8 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

155 SMP K Wonogiri Sandy Saragi Sitio 9 60.000 29/08/2018 360.000

156 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Arya Putra Rangga 9 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

157 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Mahesa Prapanca 7 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

158 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Ferdiyanto 7 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

159 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Ardiansyah Victor S 8 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

160 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Iwan Wahyu N 9 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

161 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Sifra Damarista Putri 9 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

162 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Ririn Kartika 8 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

163 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Lis Dayanti 9 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

164 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Fransiska Sri Wahyuni 9 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

165 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Nrfatilah Yulianti 8 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

166 SMP Sanjaya Ngawen Khoirudin 9 50.000 28/08/2018 300.000

167 SMPM Marsudirini

St.Thersia SKA Michael Rifaldy BW 7 87.500 28/08/2018 525.000

168 SMPM Marsudirini

St.Thersia SKA Jonatan Rizki M 7 87.500 28/08/2018 525.000

169 SMPM Marsudirini

St.Thersia SKA Marisa Herawati 7 87.500 28/08/2018 525.000

170 SMPM Marsudirini

St.Thersia SKA Nur Rizki DW 9 125.000 28/08/2018 750.000

171 SMPM Marsudirini

St.Thersia SKA Cahya Putri K 9 125.000 28/08/2018 750.000

172 SMPM Marsudirini

St.Thersia SKA Vania Gita amanda 9 125.000 28/08/2018 750.000

173 SMK Pius X

Magelang Ervina Rusiana


ga 125.000 06/09/2018 750.000

174 SMK Pius X

Magelang Chatarina Widia R


ga 125.000 06/09/2018 750.000

175 SMK Pius X

Magelang Bernadeta Putri S


ga 125.000 06/09/2018 750.000

176 SMK Pius X

Magelang Luciana Bertha A


oga 125.000 06/09/2018 750.000

177 SMK Pius X

Magelang Anastasia Ade Irma N


oga 125.000 06/09/2018 750.000

178 SMK Pius X

Magelang Ristya Mega Nanda


usana 125.000 06/09/2018 750.000

179 SMK Pius X


Leonardus Budi



oga 125.000 06/09/2018 750.000

180 SMK Pius X

Magelang TH Dewi Adi Cahyani


oga 125.000 06/09/2018 750.000

181 SMK Pius X

Magelang Ika Winarni


Boga 125.000 06/09/2018 750.000

182 SMK Pius X

Magelang Brigitta Linda Prastyani


a Boga 125.000 06/09/2018 750.000

183 SMK Pius X

Magelang Ignasia Puji Budi M


usana 125.000 06/09/2018 750.000

184 SMK SPP Kanisius


Tri Pangestutiningtyas



PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

185 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Wid Jadrika T


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

186 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Jelita Anggun PM


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

187 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Elsa Kristiani H


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

188 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Cornelius Paskah PM


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

189 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Destamawati Zae


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

190 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Berkat Kasih HH


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

191 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Sesi Yohana Boboy


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

192 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Lukas Trio Aminanto


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

193 SMK SPP Kanisius


Yohanes Panca



PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

194 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Muhammad Musyafa


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

195 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Anita Kurniawati


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

196 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Sopian Prasetyo


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

197 SMK SPP Kanisius

Ambarawa Petrus Clever Adi K


PH 100.000 03/09/2018 600.000

198 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Cornelia Septingtyas


MB 194.000 06/09/2018 1.164.000

199 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Marcelinus Novaldo S


o 194.000 06/09/2018 1.164.000

200 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Theresia Wening P


B 194.000 06/09/2018 1.164.000

201 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Rizki Adi Kurniawan


P 194.000 06/09/2018 1.164.000

202 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Antonius Abimanyu EP X/PIB 194.000 06/09/2018 1.164.000

203 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Febriyanto X/PIB 175.000 06/09/2018 1.050.000

204 SMK Pangudi Luhur

Muntilan Yusuf Dwi Pamungkas XI/TM 194.000 06/09/2018 1.164.000

205 SMK Pangudi Luhur


Gregorius Ricko



R 194.000 06/09/2018 1.164.000

206 SMK Pangudi Luhur


Martinus Rudi



rniture 175.000 06/09/2018 1.050.000

207 SMK Marsudirini


Fernando Ivan



a Boga 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

208 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Melani Ian Damayanti


a Boga 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

209 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Monica Sulvi Lestari


sana 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

210 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Natalia Kristiani


a Boga 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

211 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Alisa Enggar Septiana


a Boga 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

212 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Jonatan Martoyo


a Boga 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

213 SMK Marsudirini


Fransisca Vonni



a Boga 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

214 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Theresia Septiara C


sana 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

215 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Marta Putri S


usana 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

216 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Rizky Wahyuningtyas


oga 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

217 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Veronica Puspitasari


oga 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

218 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Dwi Kurniawati


oga 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

219 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Chatarina Dita P


ga Gizi 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

220 SMK Marsudirini

Marganingsih Natasha Tresna P


sana 150.000 03/09/2018 900.000

221 SMK Taman Siswa

Yogyakarta Kevin Sidiq Pratama


R 115.000 17/09/2018 690.000


Yogyakarta Putri Wahyuni


P 200.000 11/08/2018 1.200.000

223 SMK Tamansiswa

Jetis Rahmad saiful


sin 120.000

12/09/2018 720.000

224 SMK Pelita Bangsa


Daningga Latu




150.000 10/08/2018 900.000






Finally, Realino really like to thank Mr. Anton and Mrs. Anneke for all the support to

children so that they can go to school. Thank you for your generosity. Without your help

many children will not be able to continue their studies. Hopefully Mr. Anton and Mrs.

Anneke and all the companions in Stichting Projecten Kleinschalige Indonesie always

receive blessings from God.

Yogyakarta, 12 Oktober 2018

Yohanes Adrianto Dwi. M, SJ

Director of Realino Foundation

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