yamim noraim 5771 edition - clanton park synagogue · aliza & akiva goldberg on the birth and...

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The Clanton Park Bulletin Yamim Noraim 5771 Edition

First of all, I would like to thank the Rav, President, and all of the congregants who shared articles or information for this bulletin. Contributions to the bulletin, especially those that stimulate discussion and thought, are always welcome. All our readers are encouraged to submit material, either in person or by e-mail to bulletin@clantonpark.com. I would also like to thank all the members who posted greetings, as well as the corporate sponsors who advertised in the bulletin. Members are encouraged to support our corporate sponsors by patronizing their businesses. Second of all, I would like to apologize in advance to anyone for any mistakes in names, announcements, or accounts. To ensure your announcement makes it accurately to the bulletin, please send it to webmaster@clantonpark.com for inclusion in the shul’s weekly e-mail posts, or speak to me in person. Speaking of the webmaster, I would like to take this opportunity to wish hatzlacha and Mazel Tov to Daniel Orner. Among other things, Daniel has been the shul’s webmaster, schedule generator/distributor and weekly E-mail coordinator for several years. It is a testament to his dedication and abilities that two people are needed to take over the many jobs he did himself. We all wish him and his new wife Ariella much success and bracha. While Daniel will continue to generate the raw schedules, David Segal takes over some production aspects, and David Spiegel will manage the website and E-mail lists. As in the last bulletin, special thanks to my son Ezer for his assistance, and to Nathan Kirsh for his patient hand-holding and encouragement, and for answering all my questions through the editing process. Thanks also to David Spiegel for proofreading. As always, the full-colour version of the bulletin is available on the shul website at www.clantonpark.com. On behalf of my family and myself, I wish a שנה טובה to all our readers. Zeev Diena

Don’t forget to make Eruv Tavshilin!

(A public service announcement from your editor)

Message from the Rav


Davening. Davening is, of course, about connecting the davener with the davened

to; about connecting man and Hashem. But, as we will soon see, davening is also

about connecting those who daven with each other, individual with individual,

individual with community, and, even, communities of daveners with other such communities. It is

about building bridges, not just between the upper and the lower worlds but also between the different

sections of the lower world. The ability of davening to create such interpersonal bridges emerges

from a whole range of sources, one of which is apropos to these yemei ha-din.

The particular source that I would like to share with you is based on a conversation that took place

between the woman from Shunem and Elisha in Melachim II (4,13). Elisha, thankful for this woman’s

acts of kindness, extends the following offer to her: היש לדבר לך אל המלך “Should I talk to the king for

you?” Elisha, as a powerful man, seems to be offering something temporal, access to the king. The

Zohar, though, sees this offer as extending far beyond the temporal. The king that the pasuk refers

to, the Zohar tells us, is none other than ה”הקב . The day in which this offer is being made is Rosh

Hashana, the offer that is being made is to serve as a conduit to the King of kings, ה”הקב .

Suddenly, the woman's curious response to Elisha, בתוך עמי אנכי יושבת “within my nation I live”,

resonates. “Within my nation I live” can now be read both as a rejoinder and as a qualification. The

woman can be seen as telling Elisha, yes, I will accept your offer, but only conditionally, only בתוך עמי,

only “within my nation”, only if my tefillos are brought to Hashem as part of the group's tefillos. Do not

bring my individual tefillos before ה”הקב ; that is too dangerous. אלו שנודעו , כי בשעה שהדין תולה על העולם

הם נתפסים מתחילה, אף על פי שצדיקים הם, ונרשמו בלבדם . “When judgment is hanging over the world,

those who stand apart are captured first.” (Zohar, Beshalach). Make sure instead, that my tefillos are

part and parcel of a larger group's tefillos. Only then is your offer worthy of acceptance, only then will

my tefillos succeed.

But creating a situation of davening “within my nation”, involves, the Zohar seems to say, more than a

simple sharing of davening space. אף על פי , אלו שנודעו ונרשמו בלבדם, כי בשעה שהדין תולה על העולם

הם נתפסים מתחילה, שצדיקים הם . “When judgment is hanging over the world, those who stand apart are

captured first.” One must share judgment with others. One must ensure that he will be judged not

as an individual, but as part of the community. Achieving this is no simple matter. But a starting point

would be to learn how to channel tefillos away from the self and towards the other. To daven for

others and for their families. To daven not just for the personal, but for the communal. Given our

personal needs, this is no easy matter. But if the end results are tefillos that help not just the others

but also the self, isn’t it worth all the effort in the world?

A Gutt Gebentcht Yahr.

Message from the President The sound of the shofar calls us to repentance, to deep spiritual states, and ultimately to the gates of Shamayim. We are blessed to be able to lead lives steeped in Yiddishkeit and tradition. We have schools, kosher markets and food readily available, and a large, supportive

community. We are blessed to have a shul where we are free to daven to Hashem and praise and beseech Him three times daily. We have spent a great deal of time discussing decorum in our shul. We are certainly not alone in the Jewish world of having a problem with excessive talking during davening. It is not my place to cite the Mishna Berura or Shulchan Aruch on how talking is shul is strictly forbidden. We all know these halachos (or should), and yet, for whatever reason, we ignore (or forget) them. I have always found it fascinating that we care so deeply about some of our holy laws and simply gloss over others. To be able to pray in silence, partnered only with Hashem in an ongoing dialogue is a gift none of us should take lightly. The need for tranquility in prayer should be as demanding as the wake-up call of the shofar itself. Just as there is a time for silence, there is also a time for certain words. A key component of Rosh Hashana preparation is to ask for forgiveness from anyone we may have wronged during the previous year. To whatever extent possible, we want to begin the year with a clean slate -- and without anyone harbouring a grudge against us. One should also be quick to forgive those who have wronged him. On that note, I beg the forgiveness of anyone in our kehilla to whom I may have said a harsh word or turned a blind eye. From my family to yours, may this season bring you to new heights of spiritual growth, and overflowing bracha and simcha. Arthur Birenbaum

Shabbos Shuva, September 10th and 11th has been designated as a “Quiet Shabbos” by the shul. Please attempt to refrain from all conversation during davening.

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“May we only meet b’simcha”

Mazel Tov On the Birth of Baby Boys to: Pearl Hochman Isaac and George Isaac on the birth and bris of a grandson, Akiva, born to Baruch and Rivkah Isaac of New Jersey. Ken and Miriam Goldstein on the birth and bris of a grandson, Zechariah Mordechai, born to Josh and Sarah Goldstein. Mazel Tov to the other grandparents, Ed and Terri Noy, and to the great-grandparents, Mrs. Betty Sweet and Mr. Sam Sweet. Murray and Clara Shore on the birth and bris of a grandson, Assaf, born to Michael and V.V. Shore of Gush Etzion. Mrs. Magda Orner and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Adler on the birth and bris of a grandson, born to Avi and Ayala Orner. Mazel Tov to the great-grandparents, Mrs. Suri Grosz and Mr. and Mrs. Isser Adler. Esther and George Rothenstein on the birth and bris of a grandson, born to Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Rothenstein. Ari and Riki Karoly on the birth and bris of a son, Mayer. Mazel Tov to the great-grandmothers Carmen Fraenkel, Ida Karoly and Mrs Gitler and to Rabbi and Mrs Rottenstreich. Mazel Tov as well to the grandparents Tommy and Susie Karoly and Eli and Breindy Gitler of Monsey, New York. Marvin and Judy Sigler and Dr. Allan and Suzie Seidenfeld on the birth and bris of a grandson, born to Moti and Shaindy Seidenfeld. Mazel Tov to the great-grandparents, Mr. And Mrs. Avraham Gartner.

Aliza & Akiva Goldberg on the birth and bris of a son, Yossef Zvi. Mazel Tov to the grandparents Ruthie Mann & Mechel Mann. Mazel Tov as well to the other grandparents Sharon Goldberg & Kim Goldberg, and to the great grandparents Judy & Anschel Lebowitz, Mrs. Chana Mann & Mr. Norman Goldberg. Mazel Tov On the Birth of Baby Girls to: Ken and Miriam Goldstein on the recent birth of their granddaughter, Kayla, born to Daniel and Michal Goldstein. Mazel Tov to the other grandparents, Arie and Dorit Kaufman of Long Island, New York and to the great-grandparents Betty Sweet and Sam Sweet of Toronto.

Daniel & Yaffa Greenwald on the birth of a daughter, Adina Na’ama, in Detroit, Michigan. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Ernie & Susan Greenwald and Gary & Patty Ross. Mazel Tov as well to the great-grandparents, Mrs. Lily Greenwald and Paul & Roberta Tobias. Mordechai and Faigie Grunwald on the birth of a daughter, Aliza Mirel. Mazel Tov to the grandparents Leo and Frances Grunwald and Sinai and Malya Bobrowsky, as well as great-grandparents Sophie Ickowicz, Martha Grunwald, Lillian Bobrowsky and Rabbi and Mrs. Popack. Mazel Tov -- Weddings to: Effi Frohwein and Hilary Edelstein on their recent wedding. Mazel Tov to their parents, Lea and Michael Frohwein and Brenda and Barry Edelstein, and to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Abi Edelstein, Mr. and Mrs. Syd Fox, and Mr. and Mrs.Yaacov Safran from London, England. Daniel Orner and Ariella English on their recent wedding. Mazel Tov to Daniel's mother, Maggie Orner, and his grandmother, Mrs. Suri Grosz. Mazel Tov to Ariella's parents, Chuck and Lydia English, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toledano. Eisig and Ethel Bergman on the marriage of their granddaughter, Esti Feder, to Yaakov Wesel. Mazel Tov to Esti's parents, Pessy and Peretz Feder, and Yaakov's parents, Meir and Tzippi Wesel. Avi Adler and Rachel Radner on their recent wedding. Mazel Tov to Avi's parents, Yaffa and Eli Adler and to Avi's grandparents, Isser and Esther Adler. Mazel Tov to Rachel's parents, Chaim and Sarah Radner, and Rachel's grandmother Anne Radner.

to our members’ children who are leaving to learn in Israel הצלחה רבה and צאתכם לשלוםand elsewhere. May they enjoy a productive and meaningful year!

Condolences to the families of: Mrs. Margaret Krakowitz a"h, mother of Yanky Krakowitz. Mr. Max Neuberger a"h, husband of Mrs. Ruth Neuberger and father of Dr. Naftali

Neuberger, Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger and Dr. Judy Sturm. Mr. Shlomo Yunger a"h, father of David Yunger. Mrs. Helen Kranz a"h, wife of the late Mr. Jack Kranz a"h and mother of Fay Goldman, Heidi

Ross, Annette Brown and Sarah Smith. Mr. Joseph Habot a"h, father of Dr. Judah Habot. Mr. Stanley Zlotnick a"h, brother of Mrs. Helen Kravetz. Mr. George Herczeg a"h, brother of Mrs. Clara Krakovits. Mr. Meyer Karoly a"h, husband of Mrs. Ida Karoly and father of Tommy, Robbie, Sruly and

Mark Karoly, and brother of Mrs. Lilly Radzyner. Mrs. Rivka Rosenberg a"h, sister of Zack Rosen. Mr. Gabe Zimmerman a"h, husband of Blanca Zimmerman and father of Tamara, Deena

and Samuel. Mrs. Rita Stollon a"h, mother of Ken Stollon. R' Moshe Yosef Maler a"h, father of Mrs. Shira Wellman.

May the families merit to celebrate simchas in the future!

Sponsorships/ Donations

Sponsorship/donation opportunities are available for members to recognize an accomplishment, celebrate a simcha, or commemorate the memory of loved one or dear friend. Sponsorships are available in the following ways: Shalosh Seudos The Levy Family has generously donated a Shalosh Seudos nameplate board in memory of Dr. Mark Levy z”l, who was President of our shul from September 1992 through Pesach 1996. Shalosh Seudos sponsorship starts from $180 for food and nameplate, and the menu can be upgraded. Please contact David Segal to indicate which Shabbos you wish reserved so that we can pre-order the nameplates. Shabbos Kiddush Anyone wishing to sponsor Kiddush on Shabbos please contact Mendy Goldman. Price for a co-sponsorship is $300. Morning Tikun Anyone wishing to sponsor a morning tikun please contact Norm Weisbart. Dolly Edell Memorial Library With Yizkor approaching please consider contributing towards the purchase of new siddurim that the Shul requires. The siddurim can be dedicated in memory of a loved one. Prices for siddur sponsorship are as follows: Artscroll Siddur (Hebrew/English)-$40, Artscroll Siddur (Hebrew)-$25. Tribute cards can also be sponsored at a cost of $18. Please contact Amanda in the Shul office or the gabbaim for further details. Members are reminded to please return all sefarim to their proper locations after use. Shul Yahrzeit Plaques Memorial Yahrzeit Plaques are available at a cost of $375. Please contact Amanda in the Shul office or the gabbaim for further details.

2010/2011 Executive

Immediate Past President Wayne Kurtz

President Arthur Birenbaum

1st Vice President Alon Kronenberg

2nd Vice President David Weitzner

Secretary Nathan Kirsh

Treasurer George Farkas

Financial (honourary) Sandy Hofstedter

Bikur Cholim Sid Wellman

Bulletin Zeev Diena

Chevra Kadisha


Hersch Kanner

Communications Norman Weisbart

Gabbaim Irwin Diamond, Mark


Gemilas Chesed


Bobby Silberstein

Hall Rental/Building


Arthur Herzig

High Holiday Tickets Mendy Goldman

House Maintenance


David Jenah & Zack


Israel Bonds David Taub

Library Mordechai Grunwald

Membership Gershon Miskin

Parness Sruli Ochs

Social Manuel Kanner

Youth Eli Edell

“Ask Not What Your Shul Can Do for You...” Clanton Park Shul currently provides a multitude of minyanim, shiurim and programming for all ages, both during the weekdays and on Shabbos and Yom Tov, including: On weekdays, three shacharis minyanim and two mincha and maariv minyanim On Shabbos and Yom Tov, a hashkama shacharis minyan , the main shacharis minyan,

a youth shacharis minyan, several programs for boys and girls of all ages, and two mincha minyanim

A busy, vibrant beis midrash, housing YU’s Torah MiTzion Kollel Men’s shiurim every day of the week, including Daf Yomi and Amud Yomi shiurim Women’s shiurim, including the special summer Shabbos afternoon series Shabbos Mevarchim programs with the Rav, for boys grades nine to twelve A Kiddush every Shabbos following the Shacharis/Mussaf davening A fully equipped library with sefarim, both in Hebrew and English Babysitting services and playground for young children Shabbos morning Bein hazmanim learning programs during Succos and Pesach Organized outings for the children during Chol Hamoed Succos and Pesach Lag Ba’omer celebration - bonfire, food, music, fireworks and much more Annual Purim and Chanuka parties for both the adults and children, complete with

food, entertainment and fun Neilas hachag on the last day of Yom Tov (Succos, Pesach, Shavuos) between mincha

and maariv Our famed Simchas Torah hot Kiddush for the adults, and flags and candy for the

children Scholars-in-residence programs throughout the year Hosting for the Torah Conferencing Network (TCN) providing “live” shiurim by

distinguished Rabbonim A mikveh for men and for Tevilas Keilim The Sisterhood, whose activities include: special events throughout the year;

mishloach manos delivery on Purim; candy bags for simchas; meals for cholim, aveilim and families who have just given birth; new family welcome baskets; transportation for events or medical appointments; and much more

Bikur cholim committee Hosting for Kiruv training programs sponsored by Project Inspire Leil Shabbos “community dinners” periodically during the year Gemilas Chesed Fund providing interest free loans or financial support to our

members in need and the community-at-large Tzedaka Fund providing tzedaka to meshulachim

Membership Information

Please remember that one’s membership account must be in good standing to be eligible for members’ privileges. Membership fees are due by Rosh Hashana. Cheques or credit card payments can be dropped off in the locked mailbox outside the Shul. As well as our Full Membership, we offer Associate Memberships at reduced rates. An Associate Membership is available to individuals or couples who are members elsewhere, but come to the shul occasionally and wish to feel part of the Clanton Park community. An Associate member will have priority over non-members for High Holiday tickets, for Yahrzeit obligations, and for Hall Rental / Simchas. An Associate Member is not eligible for cemetery (Bais Olam) privileges. Clanton Park has been the spiritual centre of this neighbourhood for the last 50 years. The shul is evolving and it is everybody’s wish that we have a committed, vibrant and growing membership. There are a substantial number of people in the neighbourhood who, for whatever reason, are not members but should be. We encourage all of our members to help keep Clanton Park our community’s preeminent shul, and to refer their friends and neighbours for membership. If you can think of someone who comes to our shul to daven but is not yet a member, or somebody new to the neighbourhood who hasn’t thought to join, please speak to them and encourage them to become members. Please contact Gershon Miskin with all membership inquiries.

Executive Updates

Hall Rental In an effort to make the process of reserving the Meyer Pik Social Hall more efficient, members are asked to contact the shul’s Hall Chairman, Arthur Herzig, by e-mail only at fairgate@aol.com and provide the following details:

1. The date(s) the hall is needed; 2. Whether the event will be a daytime or evening event (or both) and the approximate

number of people expected to attend the event; 3. The nature of the event (e.g., Bar Mitzva, Aufruf, Sheva Brachos); and 4. A daytime and evening contact telephone number.

Please note that telephone requests for hall reservations cannot be taken. Shul members receive a preferred rate for using the Meyer Pik Social Hall facilities. Everyone reserving the hall is also urged to contact the shul’s exclusive caterer, Menchen’s Catering, to confirm their plans and to receive details of the hall rental and set-up/maintenance fees. The caterers, Yehuda and Naomi Rosenblatt, may be reached via e-mail at Naomi@Menchens.com or (416) 638-8381.

Bikur Cholim

The Bikur Cholim group is looking for male and female volunteers to visit those in our community who are homebound. It is a mitzva to visit someone who is ill and the resulting appreciation and joy (both for the visitor and the ill person) cannot be

adequately expressed. Even a phone call is valuable. Please be sure to call the sick individual before making a visit!

Many times there are members who are ill who do not receive visits or phone calls because the Rav or the Committee members are unaware. To reach the Bikur Cholim committee, either to volunteer, or to let us know of someone who is ill, please contact Sid Wellman at (416) 731-4566 May all the cholim have a speedy and complete Refuas HaNefesh and Refuas HaGuf and may they have Arichas Yamim v’Shanim together with their families and all of Klal Yisroel.


Members are asked to update Sruli Ochs, Irwin Diamond or Mark Ross regularly to ensure that all relevant information (e.g. yahrtzeit dates, names of children who have recently become Bnei Mitzva, etc.) is up to date. The gabbaim strive to honour the chiyuvim of our members with respect to aliyos

and davening before the amud. Please make their efforts easier by providing them with complete and accurate information. In order to avoid mistakes or oversights, the gabbaim request that you inform them of any chiyuvim for aliyos during the week prior to the Shabbos on which you require an aliya. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

Gemilas Chesed

Clanton Park maintains an interest-free Gemilas Chesed Fund to lend money – and, in cases of dire need, to provide direct grants – to people in the community, with priority to shul members. All requests are treated with the utmost discretion and confidentiality.

The need in our own community is greater than one might imagine. We would encourage the shul’s members to donate generously to the fund and to discreetly bring to the Committee’s attention a need of which they become aware. We are here to help! For further information, please contact Bobby Silberstein.

Tzedaka Fund for Meshulachim Tzedaka Fund money is distributed by our gabbai tzedaka in a dignified manner to numerous meshulachim, rather than having them circulate among the mispallelim during davening. Donating to the fund can either be monthly or annually. Member response to this initiative has recently been weak. Please calculate what you were previously giving directly to the meshulachim and donate accordingly. Full tax receipts will be given. If you are including your Tzedaka Fund donation together with your annual membership payment, please enclose a note so the funds will be properly allocated.


Youth programming continues to be an integral part of the shul, and a special priority for Rabbi Weber, despite his busy schedule. All youth are encouraged to get involved in our various programs, many of which also fulfill requirements for

high school community service hours.

The “new and improved” youth minyan, with the tentative participation of members of the YU Kollel, is under way as of last Shabbos. The minyan starts each Shabbos at 9:15 am, and provides an opportunity for our young men to daven before the amud, lein, and even practice public speaking with a five-minute dvar torah during Kiddush – all while hanging out with their friends, and getting to sleep in later than their parents. Also soon approaching is the Succos Bein Hazmanim program, featuring 8:30 shacharis, hot breakfast, chavrusa learning and shiurim from some of Toronto’s most esteemed mechanchim. As always, sponsorship opportunities are available – please see the Rav if you are interested. Of course, we continue to have our monthly “Shabbos Mevarchim with the Rav”, our semi-annual Chol Hamoed trips, and our Chanuka, Purim and Lag Ba’Omer parties, as well as our celebrated Clanton Park Baseball league. All those interested in contributing time or ideas to the youth committee are asked to contact Eli Edell.


As the new year starts I'd like to take this opportunity and thank all those who gave of themselves last year on behalf of the shul: A very special thank-you to Eleanor Lipson for arranging all the summer shiurim for the

ladies. As always the lectures were very informative and inspiring. A special thank-you to all those wonderful people who spoke and to Rochel Sochaczewski for her assistance.

The Rosh Chodesh committee organized many events to educate, inspire and entertain. Thank you Gill Ginsburg, Yonit Rothenstein, Tamara Miskin and Ilana Weitzner.

Arranging meals for those in need is always a time consuming job. Special thanks to Judy Habot and Susan Greenwald.

Taking care of shiva meals is a great responsibility. Thank you Rosy Roth for always having had it done by the time I called you!!!

Mapping out the routes for Purim Mishloach Manos takes great organizational skills. Thank you Nadine Bressler.

Last but not least, a special thank-you to Cheryl Jenah for taking care of the books and being on top of me to get the cheques signed!!!!

P.S. Penny Kanner and Arlene Weisbart will be in charge of sending out welcome baskets for anyone who is moving into our neighbourhood. Please contact them with any information about any newcomers. WISHING YOU ALL A MEANINGFUL YOM TOV. MAY ALL OUR TEFILLOS AND BAKASHOS BE ANSWERED LETOVA! LEAH WEBER

High Holiday Tickets Your Rosh Hashana tickets will be allocated and sent to you only once membership for 5770 has been received. Members are entitled to two tickets for the High Holidays – one men’s and one ladies’ seat; Married children and family guests of members will be charged $75.00 per ticket; Non-members will be charged $150.00 per ticket; We will do our utmost to place your guests and relatives near you, but members take

precedence; Payments for extra tickets must be made IN FULL on receipt of the tickets and are not to be

included in post-dated cheques; It is not necessary for members to come to shul and stand in line for tickets. Please advise

us of how many tickets you require for Rosh Hashana / Yom Kippur. Send in your cheques together with your seating request and the committee will endeavour to comply with your wishes;

If you feel it necessary to come in person, please have your cheques filled out in their entirety before you come;

The ticket committee will be available on: Thursday, Sept. 2. 7-9 pm Sunday, Sept. 5. 9-11 am Monday, Sept. 6. 7-9 pm

Introduction to Selichos

Rabbi Netanel Javasky of the YU Kollel will be giving an “Introduction to Selichos” shiur on Motzaei Shabbos September 5th, at 12:30 am. Selichos will follow at 1:00 am.

תקיעת שופר

Unfortunately, due to illness or mobility limitations, some members may be unable to attend shul on Rosh Hashana to participate in the mitzva of hearing the blowing of the shofar. Anyone unable to attend shul to hear shofar is asked to notify Rabbi Weber or one of the gabbaim, who will make arrangements for a volunteer to do tekias shofar at your home.

The entire community is invited to attend Rabbi Weber’s Shabbos Shuva Derasha

Shabbos Shuva 5771, September 11, 2010 at 6:15 p.m.


The entire shul is invited to a Simchas Bais Hashoeva at the Rabbi's home Thursday, Sept. 23 (Yom Tov) after 9:00 PM.

Kid’s Yom Tov with the Rav open to members & to non-members

Boys & Girls, up to grade 4: Shabbos Chol Ha-Moed Sukkos, Sep. 25

from 4:30 to 5:15 p.m.

Girls, grades 5 to 8: Shabbos Chol Ha-Moed Sukkos, Sep. 25

from 5:15 to 6:00 p.m.

at the Rav’s home, 144 Almore Ave.

ישיבת בין הזמנים, קהל מחזיקי הדת CLANTON PARK

SUCCOS YESHIVAS BEIN HAZEMANIM 8:30 minyan & breakfast

followed by shi’urim from some of Toronto’s most esteemed maggidei shi’urim

Starting Sunday, Sep. 19, א תשרי ''י

Commencing April 17, 2010 and continuing until Sept. 4, 2010, a shiur for women was held each Shabbos afternoon. This shiur was extremely popular and attended by many women regularly. Several speakers were kind enough to speak on multiple occasions on a variety of topics which sparked interesting dialogue. It is gratifying to be able to enjoy this special learning opportunity, which was an enhancement to our Shabbos. On behalf of the women in the Shul, it is a pleasure to offer our thanks and appreciation to all the participants and especially to our speakers: Esther Basser, Dr. Rena Basser, Rabbi Azarya Berzon, Rabbi Leo Davids, Dr. Zeev Diena, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rabbi Moshe Ginz, Rabbi Netanel Javasky, Rabbi Jay Kelman, Yitz Kurtz, Josh Levi, Michael Levi, Dr. Brian Lipson, Sruli Ochs, Dr. David Weitzner and Dr. Shoshanna Zolty. May we all continue in good health and be zocheh to have a healthy, prosperous and peaceful new year and resume this wonderful tradition next spring.

Shiurim – Daily (or most days) Daf Yomi (Yiddish) – 60 minutes before first minyan, Monday to Friday, 6:10 Sundays with R’

Velvel Reich Daf Yomi (English) – 7:15 am Sunday, 6:15 am Monday to Friday with R’ Ari Braun, one hour

before mincha Shabbos with R’ Shia Sochaczewski Halacha – 6:40 am Monday to Friday with the Rav (or R’ Shia Sochaczewski on Tuesdays) Halacha – 15 minutes before second minyan Monday to Friday with the Rav (or R’ Shia

Sochaczewski on Tuesdays) Mishnayos (morning) – 8:10 am Monday to Thursday with R’ Leo Davids Gemara – 8:15 am Monday to Thursday with R’ Yitzchok Kerzner Mishnayos (evening)– 30 minutes before mincha Sunday to Thursday with Dr. Avrohom Perlman Amud Yomi – 8:30 pm Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am Sundays with R’ Chaim Kaplan Gemara Megilla – after ma’ariv Tuesday to Thursday, with the Rav

Shiurim – Weekly Hilchos Shabbos – Sundays 9:00 am with the Rav Daf Yomi Chabura – Sundays 8:30 pm, given by rotating speakers Navi – Mondays 7:35pm with the Rav Women’s Chumash – Mondays after ma’ariv with the Rav Women’s Navi – Tuesday 10:00 am with the Rav Gemara Bava Kama – Tuesdays 6:45 pm with the Rav Parshas Hashavua – Tuesdays 8:30 pm with R’ Dovid Sapirman Chumash– Wednesdays at 8:00 pm with Dr. Brian Lipson Gemara Yoma – Wednesdays after ma’ariv (subject to change after Yom Tov) Responsa of the Great Poskim – Wednesdays 9:00 pm with the Rav Parshas Hashavua – Fridays after second shacharis with the Rav Gemara Chulin – Shabbos 7:55 am with the Rav Gemara Sota – Shabbos 65 minutes before mincha / pirkei avos with R’ Leo Davids Parshas Hashavua – Shabbos 45 minutes before mincha / pirkei avos with the Rav

Boys, grades 9 to 12-- Shabbos Mevarchim with the Rav – Contemporary Halachic Issues

Tuesday Morning Ladies’ Navi Shiur Siyum

The Ladies’ Tuesday morning Navi class with Rabbi Weber spent the year learning about the trials and tribulations of Dovid Hamelech. We thank the Rav for a most interesting year. At the suggestion of Rabbi Weber, we celebrated the completion of ‘שמואל ב with a Siyum. At the invitation of Joel and Annie Tencer, the Siyum took place at their home on July 6th. Annie was the personification of “the hostess with the mostest”. She extended herself above and beyond the call of duty. Guests were greeted with a table fit for the royalty of the “House of David”. To the Tencers -- thank you so much for a most memorable morning.

Torah Conferencing Network 2010-2011 Season The Torah Conferencing Network (TCN) is a state-of-the-art system which allows Jews in Toronto to view and hear shiurim, given in real-time, from all over the world. All shiurim can be heard in the Clanton Park Shul, in the main sanctuary. Recommended donation is $10 per shiur ($5 for members). Alternatively, consider an annual membership for access to over 100 shiurim. Members of Clanton Park: Single -- $118; Family -- $180 Non Members: Single -- $180; Family -- $250

For a receipt make out cheques to: Clanton Park Synagogue and mail to: 40 Palm Drive, Toronto, M3H 2B6. Membership cards can be picked up at shiurim.

Shira Smiles Rabbi Yissocher Frand Rabbi Yisroel Reisman Sunday 10:00 AM Thursday 9 PM Motzei Shabbos

August 29, 2010 September 2, 2010 October 2, 2010 9:00 PM September 5, 2010 September 16, 2010* October 9, 2010 9:00 PM September 12, 2010 October 7, 2010 October 16, 2010 9:00 PM September 19, 2010 October 14, 2010 October 23, 2010 9:00 PM October 10, 2010 October 21, 2010 October 30, 2010 9:00 PM

October 17, 2010 October 28, 2010 November 6, 2010 8:30 PM October 24, 2010 November 4, 2010 November 13, 2010 7:30 PM October 31, 2010 November 11, 2010 November 20, 2010 7:30 PM November 7, 2010 November 18, 2010 November 27, 2010 7:30 PM November 14, 2010 November 25, 2010 December 4, 2010 7:30 PM November 21, 2010 December 2, 2010 December 11, 2010 7:30 PM November 28, 2010 December 9, 2010 December 18, 2010 7:30 PM December 5, 2010 December 16, 2010 December 25, 2010 7:30 PM December 12, 2010 December 23, 2010 January 1, 2011 7:30 PM December 19, 2010 December 30, 2010 January 8, 2011 7:30 PM December 26, 2010 January 6, 2011 January 15, 2011 7:30 PM January 2, 2011 January 13, 2011 January 22, 2010 7:30 PM January 9, 2011 January 20, 2011 January 29, 2011 7:30 PM January 16, 2011 January 27, 2011 February 5, 2011 8:00 PM January 23, 2011 February 3, 2011 February 12, 2011 8:00 PM January 30, 2011 February 10, 2011 February 19, 2011 8:00 PM February 6, 2011 February 17, 2011 February 26, 2011 8:00 PM February 13, 2011 February 24, 2011 March 5, 2011 8:30 PM February 20, 2011 March 3, 2011 March 12, 2011 8:30 PM February 27, 2011 March 10, 2011 March 26, 2011 9:30 PM March 6, 2011 March 24, 2011 April 2, 2011 10:00 PM March 13, 2011 April 7, 2011 April 9, 2011 10:00 PM March 27, 2011 April 14, 2011 April 16, 2011 10:00 PM April 3, 2011 April 28, 2011 April 23, 2011 10:15 PM April 10, 2011 May 5, 2011 April 30, 2011 10:15 PM May 8, 2011 May 12, 2011 May 7, 2011 10:30 PM May 15, 2011 May 19, 2011 May 14, 2011 10:30 PM May 22, 2011 May 26, 2011 May 21, 2011 10:30 PM May 29, 2011 June 2, 2011 May 28, 2011 10:30 PM June 5, 2011 June 16, 2011 June 4, 2011 10:30 PM

June 23, 2011

June 30, 2011

July 7, 2011

July 14, 2011

* Teshuva Drasha

Yeshiva University Kollel Activities

Once again, we would like to extend a warm welcome to the Rabbanim and avreichim of the Yeshiva University Torah MiTzion Beit Midrash Zichron Dov Kollel, and their families. The kollel offers tremendous opportunities for Torah study at all levels in our shul, our neighbourhood, and throughout the city. Most of the kollel members have moved into the Clanton Park area, and all have become active participants in our davening and programming. We appreciate the exciting atmosphere of learning that they have brought to the shul, and wish them hatzlacha in the coming year. We would especially like to welcome two new avreichim: David Teller was born and raised in Toronto. After graduating Yeshivat Or Chaim, David attended Yeshivat Sha’arei Mevaseret Zion for a year and a half. Following his learning in Israel, David studied at Yeshiva University, earning a B.A. in Psychology. David continued his learning at Yeshiva University, entering the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, as well as the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education, where he is pursuing his Masters. David, his wife Shira and son, Akiva are returning from a year in Eretz Yisrael in Yeshiva University’s Gruss Kollel. David is very excited about his opportunity to be back learning and teaching in the Toronto community. Dovid Zirkind grew up in Baltimore, Maryland. After completing high school at the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore, Dovid attended Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh for two years. From there Dovid continued to Yeshiva University where he received his undergraduate degree in Psychology, graduating from the Yeshiva Program with honours. Dovid then attended Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, an affiliate of Yeshiva University. Simultaneously, Dovid served as the Rabbinic Intern for Congregation Adereth El in Midtown Manhattan for two years. Dovid’s wife, Ariella, majored in Jewish Studies at Yeshiva University's Stern College for Women.

YU Kollel – Schedule of Neighbourhood Shiurim

(Schedule is subject to change. Consult www.torontotorah.com frequently for updates)

Mondays After Ma’ariv – Rambam Hilchot Talmud Torah with R’ Azarya Berzon, Clanton Park Shul After above shiur – Ramban Al HaTorah with R’ Azarya Berzon, 12 Midvale Road

Tuesdays 11:00 am – Gemara Kiddushin (Advanced) with R’ Azarya Berzon, Clanton Park Shul After Ma’ariv – Minchat Chinuch with R’ Mordechai Torczyner, Clanton Park Shul

Thursdays 11:00 am – Gemara Kiddushin (Advanced) with R’ Azarya Berzon, Clanton Park Shul 4:00 pm – Hilchhot Kiddushin (Advanced) with R’ Azarya Berzon, Clanton Park Shul After Mincha – Halacha and the Philosophy of the Rav with R’ Azarya Berzon, Clanton Park Shul (Ma’ariv and cholent following!)

Shabbos 7:50 am – Ramban al HaTorah with R’ Azarya Berzon, Yeshivat Or Chaim After Hashkama Minyan – Shiur with R’ Azarya Berzon, Clanton Park Shul One hour before mincha – Shiur with R’ Azarya Berzon, Mizrachi Bayit

Daily Kollel Schedule

Morning Seder 8:30 am– 12:00 noon at Clanton Park Shul Afternoon Seder 2:00 pm– 5:00 pm at Yeshivat Or Chaim Night Seder 8:00 pm– 10:00 pm at Clanton Park Shul

Member Contributions

Deleted scenes from the “Inspire” video on Tish’a B’av

By: Shimmy Roth

We never saw the guest spilling grape juice on the beautiful white table cloth. We never saw the host’s wife shopping, cooking and sweating all day in the kitchen. We never saw the Rabbi getting punched in the nose when he questions the guy on the bike on

whether he was Jewish or not. (He turned out not to be.) We never saw the Jewish student who spoke to strangers on a subway being charged with

“harassment” in a public place. We never saw two kids run away from home for being ignored at the Shabbos table. (The Inspire

guide concentrates only on the guests.) We never saw the “Inspired” guest bring flowers or chocolate for the host. (They only brought

more people to eat.) We never saw the guest steal the silver candlestick from the Shabbos table. We never saw how the guest explained that he has been schnorring meals for twenty years and

that he has no intention of being “Inspired”. We never saw the Ba’al Teshuva who was in the Pesach exhibit unknowingly taking a large bite of

maror and have a heart attack. We never saw that, as a result of when a man came uninvited on the second day Rosh Hashana

with two cousins, an uncle and three other people claiming to be his relatives, the host’s children went starving.

We never saw the Rabbi being shocked when the guest who hadn’t ever experienced a proper Shabbos meal refused to eat the salad and meat.

We never saw the host’s wife file for divorce because of the stress that came with cooking for nine days of Succos.

We never saw the guest convincing the host family to become non-frum and succeeded. They are now devout atheists.

We saw that it never occurred to the Rabbi that a non-Jew had procured an Israeli knapsack and was wearing it.



Who Is At The Table?

By: Rabbi Leo Davids

Looking for an opportunity to make a difference in the Jewish community, help shape community policy, meet new people, and maybe even have a great Kiruv opportunity? Yes, it’s that time of year again. The notice has just arrived about the Jewish Family and Child (JF&CS) Annual Meeting. It will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 21st, 2010. Is that of any relevance to us, around Clanton Park Congregation? Should we care? When everything Baruch Hashem goes well, then indeed JF&CS does not seem to be part of our world. It is of no interest to us who sits on its committees and Board of Directors – we are too busy for that. But any Jewish child needing foster care, a Big Brother or Big Sister, post-separation counselling, etc. will be served by JF&CS; it doesn’t matter how long the kid’s peyos or tzitzis or skirt may be. For adults, parenting support programs, abuse prevention, hospice programs, or new immigrant counselling are all important. For those families who need any such service, it could matter a lot whether the people who set policy and give the agency its “tone” are from Holy Blossom, Habonim, or Temple Sinai, versus from BAYT or Clanton Park. But, who is “at the table”? Who turns up to listen, to vote and work for those things? Admirably, many active Conservative, Reform, or Reconstructionist Jews spend their Jewish hours in such community forums, thus shaping “official” Toronto Jewry into the future. But our frum balebatim spend their Judaic hours in Shul and shiurim, leaving the community and its services entirely in the hands of our non-observant brethren. Regrettable, but true – that’s how things have been for decades. But obviously that is not the right way to proceed. We need lots of our people at the table (no, not just for Kiddush) to ensure that our community agencies reflect the values of the entire spectrum of Jews across the community, to provide the most appropriate service for those among us who need these programs. Should a Clanton Park “flavour” be put in? Sure, if we’re available to be on the inside, to share the burdens of leadership and public service. Tachlis: How to start?

Phone about membership or volunteering (416-638-7800), and sign up. Come with me to the Annual Meeting (Sept. 21, at the Lipa Green building, 4600 Bathurst St.). Join a committee. Become a foster parent, or a Big Brother or Big Sister. Help a child (other than your own) with homework. Visit a nursing home or hospital through JF&CS Chaplaincy Services.

Need more information? Talk to the current JF&CS president, Mrs. Sharon Shore (Murray Shore’s daughter-in-law), or to your friendly local nudnik, Dr. Leo Davids. Rosh Hashana is just ahead. So is that Annual Meeting. Act now. To all, “A Gut Yohr”! Leo Davids

Member Greetings


כתיבה וחתימה טובה Leo & Faigie Davids

The Diena Family


כתיבה וחתימה טובהThe Habot Family

Wayne and Zeldie Kurtz and Family

Mordechai & Caren Torczyner


כתיבה וחתימה טובהSruli, Nurit and Avi Ochs

Arthur & Suzanne Birnbaum and Family


כתיבה וחתימה טובהEisig & Ethel Bergman

Member Greetings


כתיבה וחתימה טובה Aaron & Rachel Weinstock

Yehudi & Ruth Shields

ותחתמו תכתבו טובה לשנה

Renee & Moshe Shields and Family

Hersch & Penny Kanner and Family

Mark & Chana Ross and Family wish all members of the community a year of

health, happiness, prosperity and peace.


! ומתוקה טובה שנה

Member Greetings a

The Staff and Fellows of Yeshiva University Kollel Zichron Dov

“Message to Clanton Park Synagogue. This message is for the entire


. Norm & Arlene Weisbart

Sidney and Pearl Woolf

would like to convey our sincerest wishes for a happy, healthy and

prosperous new year to the Rabbi, Rebbetzin, and all our friends

and fellow congregants of Clanton Park Synagogue.



wish all of klal Yisroel a kseva

va’chasema tova .... a year filled

with gezint and bracha !

Wishing Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner,

Rabbi Azarya Berzon and the

Avreichim of Beit Midrash Zichron

Dov & their families

A year of health, happiness,

prosperity and peace.

! ומתוקה טובה שנהMuch hatzlacha in the new year !


Wishing Rabbi and Rebbetzin

Weber & family, the Members of

the Executive Board & their

families and the entire

Congregation & their families

A year of health, happiness,

prosperity and peace.

! טובה וחתימה כתיבה

! ומתוקה טובה שנה


Golden Chopsticks wishes our customers a happy and healthy New Year!

Kesiva Vachasima Tova

Shana Tova From:




10 Bonnacord Drive

Selling Sifrei Torah, Megillot, Teffilin and Mezuzot

Checking Tefillin and Mezuzot

Same Day Reasonable Prices, High Quality, Large Selection

Just around the corner from Clanton Park Shul

The Clanton Park youth department in conjunction with the YU Kollel is pleased to announce our Avos U'Banim shabbos afternoon learning program which will run through the summer (until the time change), following early mincha.


Mara d’Asra: Rabbi Yehoshua Weber

Rabbi Emeritus: Rabbi Yitzchok Kerzner

President: Arthur Birenbaum

11 Lowesmoor Avenue

Toronto, Ontario M3H 3H6

Phone: 416.633.4193

E-mail: office@clantonpark.com

Website: www.clantonpark.com

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