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New-Haven, Jan. 28.The anxiety that haa for

aome time h.-en oppressing some of the more aober-inln.led publlc ln regard to the moral Influene* ofTale hns Ita orlgla aargely in a fallure to graspthe Tale flaaa'a naoral aaaka mp He is a creatureof contnull"ti,>n«. In whom gayety nnd jroodness.rltrht feetlag and mlsleading expr**slon, walk arm

'n .rm la BBoel beellderlag fashion, nnd aaeda oare-

ful. BTroparnctlCi eiudy to weiah him Jnatly. Notthat «v ry nnn a! Ynle- deaarvea the oonflclen'-e of

the awaatda wortd. Tt would Indeed border upon themirii-ulou.s rf nra-mK the 2.TM men who throng th"

BklTirBlIT th*-re were not an appreclaMe number ofbl.w-k Bhaep. Th#> public do not. however. look down

upon Iheae blach »h,-.-p with more plty and r-ontemptthan dO Ike stron).'. pore, steartfast men who glve to

tn* eeHega n* loaa <--n,l eoaetiteta the overwaelna-Ina- BAaJorMy. It deea n-,t make a man popular. monit his feBowa 10 be a reprobate. Although h<*

may eetae lo New-Havea labortag under the !m-

pre"i»;oii tbr.t a llttle dlssipatlon v-ill be hia bes-t

earl of entry lo rotkaga hinrh llfe, he itw not have

to bo h.-r.- lOBg to baroaaa thoroughly aBhamed of the

¦pcotaole be haa aaada Of himaelf ln the eyea of the

very BB. ti irhoaa favor he wlshed 10 secure; and by¦enlor y.-jr lf he haa not lived down his flrst demon-

etratlon II is aot, as a rule. because be has not

trled to.The. ofBe. Of daaa dencon ie a much coveted honor

arlven l.y vota only to gaafl of acx-lal promlnenee and

populnrlty. Baeh ls the Ohristlan stnnd taken in

fact by inany of the richest. most infiuentlal men

ln OoBaga Ibr "Mk men." Iu college parlance-thatrellgious work la almost in danger of becomlna; a

fnd.The Toang Bfenw CturkrUaa Aaaaeiatloa, too, lays

ajotd with a atr ng grlp »pon *hc> mrn wh0 com' ,0

Mew-Haven. if t profeeatag Cartatlaa eoaaea here

ivlth a h.-)lf-f"tnvd Inlenf.on of taklns things

ln a rellgloa. «rp,y for the n-xt four yeera glvlngBtaaoala varat1on,ao 10 apeak.he wrtl h.ive uphillajrorh of lt eludlng the I'hristlan Aaaoclatlon. They-wlll c.vh bla and put hlm to work aomewhere,If *r, 1 thera la any aoctl thin^ as work in him.

lt np doea fl ,t f-el ths.t converflng "toutrhp" in the

east si Ie eltirna i>- hla ferte. they wlll make him Ff rve

Hia day u:;l ganeratlon In some l*sa pnrely spirituni

way, aueh na golng from house to house Invest'gat-lng the freshmen'p boarding-pln'-es. If he eomes

here not a Chrlstl.m. earneal fellows In the i-iass

me.-tings that are held after church .very Bundaymorning. or the alumnl who com- back, ^:il wltbbarntng words addreea the aniirerBlty meetlag haMevery Bunday ev.-nlng, do not lay any obataclain the way of his beeooring on.-

Whatever may be aald of compulaory atteodaocaon mornlng prayers an.l Sunday aervlce, a man can,

at least. hcar nothlng there to his dleadvantage.Mornlng prayers may be a good deal of a formallty,The tlme-honor-I custom of bowlng the preaidentout does not a.ld to the so). mnlty of the hour.

"Piisr-lng a good thing along" the men rall It when.after bowlng to the ground as the preaident goeadown the aisle, the senlors plle out after him with

auch impet'ioslty aa falrly to ehaaa him out of the

ebapet It ls aald that one uf the presldents triedto break up the custom, on his tlrst lnstallntlon. byretirlng quletly from a side door, but that the men

eat on and on In thelr places, nnd would not atirfrom thfm tlll ho came back nnd aceord.-U themthelr time-honored prlvliegc of rhasing him OUt thefront way.


Aa for Bunday morning servlre. however, it is dlffl-cult to aee how a man eould nttend it all hla cilegecouree and not get aome Inaplratlon for good. It ls

mervileesly crltlcal, thla Tale audience. brutally in-toierant of "aawdust" or "w'.n.l" or "tommy rot" in

the pulplt. One preach. r, for lnstance, after prosingalong tadeflnttety to his own e-llflcatlon on some

thoroughly recognlxed rellglnus trulh. aeetned to be

drawlng bta reflections to ft happy ending, when, to

every one'a surprlse. he found "his second wlnd"an.l. calmly remarking "but we must not let thematter reat here," atarted off afresh. The gr.-aiaudience. ae one man, twiated in Its scat, BCrap 1Ita feet and cough.-d oetentntlously. the aggregateaoaad making the unfortunafe apeaker'a rlosing re-

murks of llttle avall to any on* but hlmself. lle

prohably went away to tell of the deadness of re-

llgious Intereal at Yflle. But let the rlght gethold of the aame audience; let l»r. McKensie, of Boa-t,.n, for Inst.'ir ce, C< me to addr.-ss them. nnd theywill hang br.athlesHly on hla utt-ronccs aa in terse.

dlrect, man-to-man f.ishlon he urgea Upon them th.clalms of h!>r!)."r, noblor living. Whm l>r. MrKen-gle comea f.,r a week, as he aometlmea doea, even

his evenlng aervlcea are cr.nvi. l to th,- doora arltthe fasten men in the eollege, the "aporta," a-* theyare called.

It is by no meana an nlarniing circumstance tha'

the men who accept one'a hoapttallty or look ona

up at the eommand of thMr parenta in, gradually dlaappear from one'a horlzon Thla

neglect .f Ihelr aodal opportunltlea la due merely,ln the Mr-t place, Ih. r belng too buay to ealltheir aoula th.-ir own: and. i" Ihe a con place,

the fact that the engrosalng faactnation of the

charmlng, reeklesa. innocently gay. Uohemlan cam-

pus llfe ha? 'ald hold upon them so strongly nt) to

make then, for the time betag, dead IO everythlngels.There la no human creature, ao Bweat-laborar

harder worked than a Tala boy. Wot by the faeultv beaven forfead! They are tender-bearted metas a dass, and fathera of famlUea The Tala boyof to-day pllea arduoua pleasure upon w,.rk till the

twenty-four houra are n,.t long enoogh to hold him

and his achlevetnenta, Thera are his regular datlea,those for whlch he pres-umably caBM to eollege. Asa rule. he is earnest and Intereste.l In th. s-- A

protninenl profesaor aald lately that,the proof of

thifl lay in the elective cours.-s. There wns rareija man who dld not chooaa the aubjeeta whlch inter.

e=tel him most, or thcee whlch would be of mosl

use to him in after llfe. regardleaa of hla peraonalea«e. There are, of course. exceptiona The*-si..n havtag galned ground, for Instance. that the

Btudy of the PaullfM BplatleB under the preaidentdld nnt make such Inroada upon a man'fl nm.- as

the more aecuiar branchea of learnlng, the courae

beeaane Immedlateiy a popular one with the faataatmen in eollege. A eerta!n partlcttlarly gay youagfellow. thinklng io make llfe doubly eaay, ch<>se

general Blhhcal reaearch In addltlon to the Kplatles.To his own dlamay, however, and to the Inllnlte de-hctatlon of his feltowe, the preceptora acenttng,poaalbtv, aomethlng pecullar ln the situatlon, w.rk.-.lhim so h..r,l he had abaolutely 00 llBBB leflfrom his aearch of the Bcrlpturea for more con-genial occupatlona. _ , ,

Few men, however, at Ynie, are in n nnancial ait-nntion t,, afford such trlfllng. Desplt- its reputatlonas a rlch's ,-..llege. the proverblal rlch man *

aon arelterlng ln nl* f.ith.-r's gold to his own and |i-'- .-! i-.--m.-it.-s' .|estru,ti,,n Is. like the bogi. ln the

nuraery tale, more often heard of than met withln llfe. Much more num»roUB, ln realliy, ar-

Ihe m-n with Judlcloua, romfortnWe allowanceg;gnd below them in the moneyed arale .acorea ofpoor fellowa upon moal uneomfortable allowancer,or ujN.n ii me at all, lo whom belng at eollege much in tbe ara) of hard w.,rk and eelf-denlalthat they nre not iu. H lo forge-i they romefor or by th<- f..r,-e of thelr example lo lei other*f.rg.-t lt' to thla legltlmate workthe all-engroaalng pumull ,,f athletlca, ind afteiathletlca, rluba an«l III >rial boai N and ao...-,.... ,: i otherwlae ..¦'. Inflnltum, lt la dlftlcull t.,

Wl. how a Tale boy rould tlnd llme to keep up,>_.,,' Intlmacy with the frienda (o whom hlapa. enta orom n him.

LEI8URE HOURS IN BOIIEM1AWhen ha doea have a llttle llme the im

unconventlonal Bohen lan llfe allud. I toto the campua and l natea a I. a for. e

lhal no one who haa noi been through II, or rom»

near t it. ,-m reallae. To one «h.. baa however,lt |s qulte poealble to nn leratand how a r '. :>. boymlghl entertain th. I< n verenoe foi 811

icqua'.nl mee an >.>. nlng ir. nft. t . bia«) roll. ge day II work

t. .,-]... ir. .1. l n il c| ilm him, -.

would no. ha) th lecor. i- p ir'. rs -¦

ui-on hlm ln ehoals. make a seeon.l BB.Be1 ol n.s

quarter* with their eoUega JirKon an.l their In-

'ttUwould0nor^»r^Ht1lar. to one who thoroufhlyJ,Z, healtuauon a hopeleaa eon.lltion of thtn.-s

rtn* 5n he way al the tinv-nonorel reetauranfa."Hinv"-" -ind MoreVs an.l Traeger*! and "The h-n-

ne"--T.Ver. vi- man knowi them-for WeWh rare-», ta an.l reeklna hot BBUBBge san Iwlchee. nn.l Othernll-S ll» ..h B* H Yale man >.r an ostrlchcoutd eat Bt Sat hoiir of the nlght and llve to tell


Thls sort of gayety goes on wlth most of the men

raarely as n surfacc ctrraat over .leep aaplratlona,earnest thinklng nnd an anslous feeline; out Into

the workaday world that llea bo Bhortly ah.-aJ. lt

is beeaaae they feei the noiimnlty of the comlnc UfeBo deeply that many of the men are so ,ray. If on-

canunSeratand the paradoa. A man, moreover.'l le',1 a mldnlahi frollc mlghl betfciivery one

to lea 1 a prayer-aajetlna, when prayer-meeting Hnw

eame; aft. r Buoh a faahlon, too. as to roonfor .1. ublln* the depth aad (ariiestnesi of his plety.Then* li of wnirae, danger to ihe man ln theae

noeturaal eacapadea. The twenty-four houra of theconegeda aredlvlded In thelr rocabulary Into thea m the p. ai. and tha t n. thal la. the aray".';,,,: .nd In the g m. anquaailonablir pltfalis

u. .'.¦ V- tneli moral feet. It ml*ht be.unpar-Sonabl* rartjn**a to aend a boy to Tale if therewere no K m elaewhere wlth Ita ettendant danaera,or "t th- tempter. who has alwayi heretofore aralkedSd and down Impartlally ... tl.arth, had eome to a

ti^rminent ln New-Haven.P,. ,".> contrary. hi ¦ ttlll al torae. Thls belngthe raae iher* are many ehaneea thal on<-miitht jio"..,.. bi boy than lo aend him Into the rankanf one nf Vale'a fr.-shmen rlaaaee, to take hla pla ¦.¦

with th* tl. ¦. manly frllowa who wlll mareh. aheul-,l,.'r to ahouliier, wlth rlnglng, iwlnglng tread. ever

onward an.l upward. through the rouryeara °{ «*;l.-ue Ufe If noa and agaln a man nearta ta*

rmks or turna hu baeh on the gune. waa there ever

an. army that reacheii Ih* with not more thanon* ,.,.«.. mlaalnaT Waa there ever nn army wherethe ilefeetlon of the few wa* counted the ruegraceof th.- many?

A TREA8VBEB,8 CABBLB88 BOOKKEBPINO.Albany, .fan 9 A apeelal aeaatoB of the vVarren

County Board <-f Buparvleora waa h'i-1 yeaterdayto rWelv* a reporl from an eapert aceountenl eenl

t.k Into ih* matter of lrre*rularltlea in thehook* of <x County Treaaurer Thoma* Tbe re¬

porl reveal .1 error* ahowlng gro i r_r*le* n.

,n,. t of M Th. ma In h**i Ing h * boo i* and.l. t there i d i* the rounty from Ihe late,,,.......

- Th* exp*rl t.|...rte.l thal ihe totalam.i .. fo m.l !... geable agninal -Mr. Thoinn

, -. ther* werim,. Tl ..»¦. utnpunt

¦'... harglng tbi¦,. iiurer h*W lhal ih .¦. aa

the man had no Intentlon of belng dlshoneet andcareful acrutlny of hla work bv a commlttee of eacnHoard of Bupervlaora alnce 1W7 would have aa^eothla annoyanco and expenae. Mr. Thomaa has arawna certlfled check payable to the county treaatirer rorthe discrepancy.


RrSIXESS BMBA RRA 8SUEXTS.PlttaTiurg, Jan. 23..The Plttaburg Iron and flteel

Company, the new firm whlch recently purchaaedthe Moorhead & McC'.eane plant, on Second-ave.,went Into the hnndB of a r*celver laat evenlng.There waa no oppoaltlon to the appltcat'.on, and

Judge Bufflngton, In the Cnlted fitate;, ClrcultCourt. arpolnted the I.'nlon Trust Company re-

celver. The lfttter gave bonda in 150.000. The appll-eatlDn waa Uad by the Vega Iron Company. of

Duluth, .Mlnn., whlch company holda a JudgmentBgBlnat the defendnnt firm.nlathe. Kan., Jan. M-Marrlner A Norvell, an old

and extenalve general mcrchandlsing firm, failedyeaterday. The aasets are tft.MB, and llabllltlea|3.'),000.Madlson, Wla.. Jan. 29.The West Superior Rapld

Translt Company. operatlng a street rallway com¬

pany at West aluperlor, went into tho hands of re-

eelvers yeaterday in thn Cnlted Statea DlatrietCourt. M. II. Oakley, of Madlson. and the managerof the read, H. P. Norval, of Weat Superior, were

appolnted recelvra.Kaiamazoo. Mlch.. Jan. 29,-The St. John a Plow

Compn.y flled mortgageH to-day aggregatlng 153,-4»r> The total Indebte.inesa amounts to about Jo-Viuo.

Loulavllle, Ky. Jan. IrS.-Th* asalgne«a of theIlelle of Nels >n DlHtllltry Company to-lay pre-sented In court a statement. as followa: Llabllltlea.t7"0,:>>2: assets. 8498.21*. The frauduient recelpts are

eatlmated at $1<0.7J7. . ,, ,

Boaton; Jan. rl..Bmltb & Stoughton. the failedehoe manufacturera, Bled ln the Insolveney Courtto-day achedulea of th°lr assots and llabllltlea.There are nearly ereditors, according to thes.-h.-lule. Th. flrm's l'ablilties amount to aboutJ'.il 700 and the asaet* to B7S.00Q. Frank \N Smltn a

llabllltlea an- acheduled at *2<)t..r.<j0. and his aasets atj '-, J B. Htought-.n's llabllltlea are $1.. 000. andaaaeta



Onlveeton Jan 20 .Cotf.n ,-i.ilet. but atearly. ml.Mllng.K 1 l*e; low ml, 7 11-10'-. K""l nrdinnry. 7 n-Plc;,,n, .n,l groaa re.-el|,t". 2.2*0 balea; «P"r«a ta the <nn-.i¦,,...! ROO; aalea. 8«; aplnnere, Bl; <.*«.* 118.880,


Vorfolk. 'an. 2:1 Cotton mtddllng, . IB-lflCii, « middlln*. 7 u-io.-. «-,<>.i ordlnary, 8%e; jrt and gr<».

iita ::..'.».*, h:,lea; exi.,rts roaatwlse. 4'..'.; salea. 847;

New Orleaiia 80.- .'..tton dull; »H mlddllng, BUe;|n* mlddllng, T%e; good ordlnary. 7 7-HW\

"., ,...';..¦ .:.::¦.'!. h !<¦ gr. i 8.584: asnorl tl.' a.ano eoaatwlaa, 1,013; *:.>». 2.600; ..

W ....7.. ,.., 30 .¦ m .< ady; mlddl n«. T*ie; lew: and .¦.>.¦:. - 5 T6B balea; eaporta

.07: a k. 80.7 '7.

|/)XDON WOOL BALK8,1. r |in .an 28 The nfferlnaa al t< Iay*a ww| aalea

aaorimen. and fj;:,. :...¦.- i. ..f the klnd

. ;:¦*-! tO dl.nut ¦..>.... equal .¦>

taelr reautresiMte, cotia^juently thelr naada war* largar*unaupplled. 8U11 thera waa a gentrally tood aplrit, aadfull prieaa war. r**ll**d. Oarman buyer* wera acttv* andtook a large ahara of mertnoa. Tha blddlnr of the Prenehoperatora wa* *trona at Intervai*. eapeclally In 8011thAuatralla and medlum merlno* gennrally. Lamh'a wooliwere ahared by Frenoh and Yorkshlre buyera. Thera waaa good ahowlng of Xew -Zealand wo.,1*, whlch iold well,chlefiy to the home trade. Plecea BQti well at *xtr»m*Rgurea. Followlng are the aile* and the prl-ea ohtalned;New-South Wale*. S.BOO balea. Heoured. >W©1ii 4d, lorka

and plecea, 7Hd#la 24d; greaay, «V(*UH,d; lock* andplecea, B*4tfOI.Que«naland, 2.S00 bale*. feoured. la Vjd''"* 4d; lork*

and plecea, T^dgl* 3d; greaay, 6,1®I* 3'yl lork* andple,-ea. 5\a«'r1Vlctorla. 2.100 bale*. Bcoored. 2dffl» *Hd; look* and

plecea, 6\deia 3<*d; grea»y, fl'-rQlO^d; kteka and plec«a,BM,«4d.flouth Auatralla. 100 balea. Sroured. l<,oks and pleeaa,

7\^S'-»d; greaay. BH®8d; lork* and plecea, iyu<\\<i.Weat Auatralla. 400 halea. Oreaay, 8V(/7<1; look* aad

pleoea, 4>^eat%d-Xew-Zeaiand. 3.700 balea. Scnured. Tttdejla 3d. Inoka

an.1 plecea, ^(i<ft\* 3'*d; greaay, 7W10.*d; locka and ple.-ea,4»CH^1.Cape of Good H,>pe and Xatal, B00 balea. Scoured, lOtyd

ftl* 2,1; greaay, BC7'*d.

El'ROPEAX PRODCCE MARKETS.I.lverpool. Jan. 2f», 3:4S p. m. Reef.Extra Indla m**a

g'endy at 7(Va; prlme mf« atenly at Ma M. Pork-Prlmernea-i Wejitem, firie, stendy at .Vts f>d; do medlum eteadyat 47a 84. Hama- Short -rut. about 14 t,, 14 Th. dull at41* i>d. Haron.i"umherlnnd cut. atiout 2S »o 30 th. rl.rllat 31a fld, ahnrt rlb. about 2B Th. dull at 8Be; long ek-armlddlos. abovl 4f> fb. dull at 2Ss; loag and pt.ort r|»srmlddle*. about 88 Ib, dull at 27a. Shnuldera.About 12to W fb, dull at 2(Va W. Lard.Prlme W.-atern. spot, dullat 20a .Id. Cheese.Amerlcan whlte and e.,|or>dfirm at 4«s. Tnllow.-Prlme city nrm at 21a 3d Ctton-aeed oll- Llverp,*-,1 rertr.ed atr.i'y at 17« Id. Sptrlts ofturpentlne ateady at 21). R"*ln .Cnmmon ateady at 4*Hd. No 2 red wlnter at»ady at la td; N 1 North-ern *pr1ng ateady at B* *d. Flour -ft. I»ula fancy wlnterflrm a» 7a M. Com.Mlxed *.\>»tern, fp.,t. new. dull at3a 2d; Jnnuary dull at 3a l%d; February dull n( 3a \\<\-Mar'-h dul! at 3» ?»Jd. H"ps at LtMBdon- Paciflc Coaatateady at 40®O0s

Qftrnraions .


WEST INDIESIly tha paasenger atoamem i»( th*

ATLAS LINE,Weekly from Pler B.'.. X. R carrvlng V S. Mall

S. S, ALENEIAHJ SATl IIDAY. I-"l-:il. s.



to tbe We»r In,t>-< nn-1 Bpanlah Maln, cjatlnaAiiotT an A DAY

Kully de-^ribed In our llluitrated ba phlet, rr:al><! fraaLPIM. rORWOOD A KELLOCK.<;»neral .),'-nts, 24 Sta'e Bt., Xew-Tork.

BMBFjftai ajrp CAja**r>^B)ia»A,^_IlANDaoMR Btyllah d*rk it* grai'«.««."... and klnd,], :'. ' .»«»: .~i t'et ln .1

<.-. :..-.-. ::

, - IU .¦ ltr*water. ......, }-:;-ki .-.., :. barjnaM. - '¦¦

,' ., .ARP1NO BTABLEB. 237 and.*, n«a. Boad-aL,

Hrooklvn _._

HonsF.H HOAltl y tY nthly, ». Eaall]:, in . ferea tt alv.n.

|I1 r. II .\ 15, TTII Offlc**v v- brni waat* le purebaa*

,I s- ti.rr. )Ul ...

,-.- h j.242 Broadway.

',.,-.,.-. || ,- ..; work r. -ra. -

t2o , aa); bargala 10S! ;i-. iu. >lai.

Bt IU IIHAR KKAL HjStfATlL^a^nTy^for v..NTrT.A;).. -R**~«w**

... kjndr, Ml* er rcat.' :nce B. TUMBs. 3 B**Bjnen-8L

......, i-nvv. P* HAMILIT/.S m OO.t-'. 'i-

*v. .:: ¦' -'in ,vp- ".?10(1 r. -.

..... v..

.yJEW :..v> -v -ONN la :. .k* ¦!';...¦;.<II ,-.- firm*; .¦.¦

.,. not«d h-al'h r*

i ATW .TEK, 01 l.'-.t st._"vONKERS \M> VI.'INI-V -Ch-.u;; Dl P-

s:.l>- ol el 'hang* OEORtlK-,:. Wllllam


Y r.-C atage. 130. WJIgJi... bm; Bll ImproveaieBtB; rear of*

r rntraace; lullahl* lof cneo* two

_f»n.lll..«.¦.<<> i.kt rtm ms*_'_5_*'2H2S2KfcAT 72 BEBKMAN ST Btoea,1 aa*aa*alaad eub-cellar to lei Ht I.AKD a

W1HT1N 1. i»n-»t_"a . ORNER BTORE, wlth v*ry !ar?e ihowwtnd » on Pulton-el lo l*t. wlll -.pS_^ po..Mlon RITLANB * WIHT-

IN.j _:._i _>-¦¦'..... ¦"


?.yW,;,: r lmm*dlat* purcha*«r, l.a\-

ini: ih-. it li'.ABW. builntaa property, ^'ii, -,.;. . m 8th ave. EDMLND S.

lflLLB ¦*<< BUi-av*_WANT t- .

M, -l l....!¦"J 1 ¦.' Trll on* *f. *.

rLATB I » i.KT.I \i'l ilM^lir.l).

42 MORTON >T.- HandaomMt, n*w *!*-Ib 0th Ward;'..:. .-".iK-

....-. i. op. :¦.

Hunla_>~" ..>.-"¦_,IU aUfBBB CHAXUKS.

>\ EX. ELLENT BUB1XES9 opportunlty| . .1 n alOoa i,.- ih* r.«ht p.-.n>.

*ith f. in I6.000 I «ino0t» to )..m me .:.

tu..!.'.' ¦'. ..' 1 '",.-* "f a r-"w ''"

I ,| H, ,,i th* hlshMl ord»r. for ti ind fi . U»B d*mand;

, | foi ih* ..-oirk.-t andII ..

¦ d iv pat.nti; r»f.r*Be* a1v*a nt.-l t*-

qulrwl. '. H. a. Tnbun. Offlce,_^t»I»ITIONAL PAPITAI. proeured for

in.-r. itiuita, manul etureri an oth.rilirin* to ext*i 1 ih-.. buain*aa; oivres an-1li,.n ..... , vi q-ii. kl\ wlthout pub-j fi OONALU i- HTIOGINB. 140_

ADDITIONAL CAPrTAL or.^urr-i rorpurpoa**; lnv**tora aiviw

.-. n. f d**ln v.i" opi nh.»-ti<.-: ei-mraereial refereuca ORIOOB *CARLETON, W- Broadway._t:.Y' LC HANT>LE ..f wir* gaaia: c*.!.

iiap and .lurai.k-. n.y Inventlonr. , i,.iris P TLTTLE, Eaatport,

laland_"¦,-., laurei th. <!> as

it | . * .::. .. i:^v,- ind ilBBple devte*; I... ia] .i n pai rnUng. A. I..WILL1AM8, N-.-tli L.aminat.r. Maa*PIVIPERri for iarp«nt*ri and draughta

Il li -.~ ..r -.x .-.iht .-yual n*c*ai . and (.'.mpi. instiu-

i iientina 11 W.P1KK UI kllrpor-, N. V

'] VT1. >.v.\i. pubUah*r, with <-r'h1j-., dralrea paitaer wlth *-!>.-

BjBa ii -.-.. youna eoltoaa gradtiat* t

raroi prefenad; i»f.r.ncea. iwuulre. BPITATTONAL,

,v... i.:': ¦. '-'¦:' Bi ttdwaj*ti»K .-....! <iU iti'A'Vt.lV N*W an,]

eii^!...! patenta; toy and domestlc: >.f-, appl) J, \\. RHOADX, 622 Oourt-BL. !.».:¦ I**ni_

)v pat*M* Noi .'.¦".¦' "7U for unpi. ln Bhip* nrel flr»-

.ui-. raap Addrea* s. KATZIN. 80 W/Ul-|,M , N.rthik. N J.Ol v. ,' BTOR1 ¦".. wood an.l f.ed

n \ Kl.iK--: & rill<-sMl yearly lal**, |36.«00; .. .-k. 8r..0f«;

v. f.i,riK- for fann al ng Hud* nRlv.r or ^..ll:.d. Adrir*aB X>AL AND\Mm,i. i.\ 10. Trlbun* ^ill^e_V5ri.'f"3tV A..:.t«d ly an .xperl-

,.,, p ultrj n tn ¦' t, Incraaaj of

p^,,. ra*a i!itutt.f:ns.Trlbune >fi.-. ._

WARTNER WANTEI) wlth |1.*00 ln a

downtown satahllahad .-^a! eata'e busi-.,.» BAFE, Trll in. .'¦. ._itE8TAL*RANT Ns pfOflt* ov*r Jl.«aT0montnlv: < «.'' '¦<¦ r-'w" " '" ,h" """''

joSloiB). MNOONALL * WIGKUMB, 140Ni -¦-»'¦


"(! FAaTENER a b*w, burglar-pn fmanufacturwra .sh»ul.l we niy

,, ,. .. »III -.11 .t at rea»! I- Prle*.J.ilIV II. DICKSON. N'-vv 1'

B|*E(*l'l ATION. No mor* fi'*"'"'"* or un"

eartalaty all ruilroad atoeUa ..irrlwl 30<ia>-» in. ler our insurune.- or crtMcatoHati wlthout ad.lliional rnarifln ran cj^ae»t markel a^iy tlBM. K.SoWLTON A OO.,'. i/1»uy._"wELL-BWUIPPED haad laun'lrr, wlth

..ii 1 waif'n. d«iiMr u buatnaaa of24.". ., w.-.k; barjf.iln; owner retlrlnB. 02RaJph-avc, Hr.>.k)yn._ftllj, KXCHANOE for Weatcheiter lotaun 1 f.tnr <aah. .-I.ganl ui'rtght planu.WERII 196 134th-it._VaNTKI. Mar. t--T r*ai>onilhl* p<j*ltlon;

aataiy, t2Z |>-r w^ek; muat H.34*.6 net aaM mi..rant««l on Invaatmwnt. Ad-drraa <i"< »D POH1TION. Trlbunt Offlce,1.2*2 Hr..a.lway.


WANTEI..-A Partner wlth $l6.obo In e*-tat.ll»'.e.l m.rcantll. bualn^a; nv.n.y not

all r«.|ulr>-d it oaee; invMtur (If i-ompe-t.nt. la have chara* of flnanon; a goodlurom* »nd iaf* Invajtm.nt. J. X.. Trlb¬un. Offlc..__^_______^^_WAN'i ED .laventora ihould wnti JohnW-.-lerhurn A Co.. Pat.nt Attorn.y*.

1ra*ata*-tna O. *'.. for thelr ll.aoo prem¬lum. munthly eontrtt open to th«n uponaipieallon._*$abno WILL BErt'RE pennan^it baaaaaaa

partneiahlp In ntw m.tillurglcal IndJ*-try of unnueetlonable rertatnty wlth 1m-m«llat. r.turni. NATIONAL ORE ANDRl'DfiTION <X>.. 415 Locu*t-*t.. Bt.Lotili. Mo.

HEAI. ESTATE I'Olt ¦ALEk^Country.

A PE- CHOICE EARM8 Borneraet.Mid,"eSeX llorrt* and 8u**m

X. J ilao r< I'-i- -

order, nern- Sew Yorlterroa; or.iv « imall eaah paymenl r>-

ov:irel Foi f.rih-v Informatlon apply toHEXRY f CARMER, 34 Naaaau at.

', vlTI.K RAXCH FOR SA1-E KeautlfulKh.-ltere.. -..,: ey, Ro kv M unl 1.120

aerea imgat'.i landa Ired na-,v yearly log dwelllngi range

larf* profl i .¦ '¦ ¦'"" .hre-ulr, d ai irl; ln*. em Ad¬dreaa RAntClIM »X, in,


MOXTCLA1R. -The Hllla ¦,- M uan.-h-1 1", roomi advantacea

tha ef, loca'lon ln lown. W., ...»_


AT 44 IRVIKtl PLACE Large, in>rooaa, wltn. «« alao table

"v. I>T TI'I'i: ST .. -

two prlvate ,- If di a red :¦¦'.h CABHIER, P 0 Bo* 2 B

')7TH BT-, 81 WBJBT Rooma altl\r r.-r.t ..

tif- who pay llbera '¦

lafll ST 1" WEST B" ,,!.'. ¦¦ p- ,-\r: 1nnall aunny -¦ <n*\ epeelal ae< immoda

tlon ' - fdm.i.ep and g. ntl. n><.x .-¦::¦- :':.' la ¦ refer"

SBTH-8T~ ?.". WEST Large, ¦'-1furniahed vui-m roum. alao

BOUthern cxpoaure; aumptu<iu« ta. :.¦. .¦'.

enrea: .¦'-u I ¦. :. n

34TH-PT 33 W_8T. Tw ¦..-

'-on-.rour.l-atlr.a aunny r ~,ms. !l:lrd ft .:

pr'vate table; refei»l»cee.210 '\VE.-«T 721'RT.-riecnr.'lv f.irn'*'. '

large r,x>m with bath; rulatne eaeellent;f--»i-ci,i«.a only referencea.

HAKDSO.ELY FTRXIFIIEI' ROOM8|. ,-. '. >me e.m' ,rt; nae '

g«n hr, \ batl prlvate famll: IMBB8TEVEXS HOFSE 21 27 RROAI

»w \\ fnrnla) -¦" tr.ri ughmnlarge m* foi peri ¦,...' Ipei areek and ipwail p.\k;/.)K FLOOR; *ii lighi roomi

.Irabie -. r helor qu»rt»ra; wlll dlv;.:.. 12 f"-,«. ttth al, between .".,l-. andv. " a\-«.

Ml Wlfi ml pl.

aad ha ;enlen.--

Vo'itit st .' AXri k'i w:. Tn i- (hlr: .. ¦" .. ) n

¦ ;..-¦ v. ; :.' .rnely furn ahe


,m with good rloaet; genlr*;i: $12 m tiih; refen


DEXTIST araata ofn>«, IStl .-.:. at.,:..). ti <)<h *\ Ad :;. - 1)11 .¦

|,!-:.VT1>T. l..7 I'.r - lv. jjI)ItESS>l IK15JG.

ttrTt'hlERE FRANCAI8E. -F rm-I.-. |tti tiiri u Broe. ....«.-.>..r

eunimer <\r-:*'-r, rvenlng \\..i^'. tallor-nu I- an-l dlm er roalu,ll<». n^>'.- .....

j,. cea. Mm* AXOl RBOX IM alIBtl il

I*i.RKHSMAKi ii ti.i rioakmakei n-. -k al i,- ',.-- ..¦ eaj auperlor tt.

Bne»i -aoik-t oa aaal garmant*; alecve* .;.

largnd. w::. muki- over and ren lel,niuri.- Ir.;,. ln-.^- atyl. ¦:¦¦¦ eollaretteaaad Etoa Jarket*. ORKIG, 181 \v< st22U at.

l)RKaAMAKER, by lb« day, in prlvatelwi.niea; uiaking-ovvr a apeelally; tl -">

pe- -Jav. allBa ll KOX, 288 8th av* bal:-bu, a'-.J x:v ¦¦¦

TThTLssM \I.IN-; by Ihe day, ln f.r*.lamllle* t'v prwfeaalonal; refereni»* Art-

dreea BPEKDY, ..',2 BOi-ava._DRESHMAKER or famil aearaatreaa, t.,

g ,,u> by Ihe daj per* inal .-'. r. nee*t ,. r, Tl RIKIIE, 79 Oreenwlrh ave.

n.-lKSSMAKKK. Th roui refer¦. .- dij r

*..,.. ;'. r oul ol lt) A Idre a THOR-OUQH, B < MO, 1.8*2 Br «

DRESPMAICRR and BKAMaTRESS B]in.iv in prlvata famlllea il .i day; 80

\ \ w, uld i.yr\t-- ln ani way; r< fer.nce*. lil'.K.-SMAKi;!!. 21S Eaal »l

DRE88MAK1XO. Kr«n h dreaamaklng;».>¦.>,. an.) -tre.-r k.iii.. mod

e.-aii- prtc*a; n. d*lay. Mm*. R AXTOIXETTE. 220 ^^'¦»I I24lh-at.

DKKHKMAKER. Flral cla*i lirnoh dre»»-m« ,r. thoroughly eompetent; best nt'«r

ii, n.u v-.ik ...>. wlll i; oul by ib. day.Addreaa 231 Cniun »;.. Brooklyn.UrESHMAKIXG. Prencn (iiff-in:ik1nit;

f-\.M. «.y!iir..c hh', »treet gowna; mod.rat. prtcea; ao d*_y Rme. lt anTOIXETTE, 290 W,»i l24th-*t.

' _XPEHIEXCED dre»amak< r. nr»»a In,.,.-r\ datatl, vUim eagagenaent ln <-,,.,.

tiy; weekly .r nH.nthly A,l,lie»« »4 Ji.l.nht, :;',n-.. Kettriiy. Xawark, N. .1.

HTR1CTI-Y nret-,laK» dreoamakar wouldlllia f.v. m.,re angacamanu by day. M

S., 270 \V»!>t Md-at.


A A.-- A- A. --KIXE .llRinonda, walohe*;fl weekly, no irni..'!. Call Of u'lurraa >V.

B. iX)., 4 ilaldcn lj*n'. RootB 2. All g.^^laguarutite.-.l. _

AT REDUCED PRICES. SflO »*oond-handwni.l and lr>m w,,rklng n,u,hli..n; fuily

auaran'e»d. ma.lilnety l> uglit and ex-

SSaawd. OEOROI h EDDT. 888 Madi-

*»n-at._BMJCflAMT PIAXO. Uk. n»w, muat aell;make "ffer; ala,j eveninga; manufaclur-

ar* STAI'IK. 188 Kaat lllth »l

RK) HAROAIXH -<n<alng <ut at re.alleleaant goM ehaUa "nly »2 BO. re.a.l.,1

,.l«-wli»- nt 86 60, buy dlr~t fr..m faclory.OOU) i-HAIR MANCFA.IfRERS. fi»

Murray-at._VOR SAUE-Outflt for hand Uundry'; larg*

o-^pper wller. 40 feet atoveplpe, new;

alao nat-lrona and ducka e. inplet*. eouldOr u**.l bv prlvate famlly. fall or addreaaK DOWK.Q.T. 867 Weat BTlk-et_flKNTT.KMAN'8 gold watch and obaln;pledged. 125. CRIETOX. 457 2d-ave;_

*ROL_-TOP I»E«KH. 112 and upward. alaode*k* .llghlly dMnuged by water. K.

MABOX, 71 Fultnn-at.THOROl'OHI KKD black and tan bltch;

fond of chlldrrn; good watch .log, of

would exohanga for aomeihlng uwiulBARRY, 211 Weat Wth-M

Tim BE8T located *ummer l^iardlng-aouM ln N.w-England; valuable mlnera

.prlng eonnected, water on rnarket; wlllbear olo*e ln*|>*ctlon. Addre** Boa 13.W.Iton. V. II.

BIIICELLAREOUS.XEW (1 .¦ 8, re: il la .. ul. - ai

ii :...¦¦ illy I..W jn irka,,? n ,-.. ii .¦ iwinter redurtionVlalt oui I j AMM.iS. ;. 8

- ,;W- ¦.

lljM welghl .

>, 2-2 .»:-. ...._

BELF wa\ti;i),


1." ,1 lr. Iu. ¦¦¦. iv.-. >;<.«.-. rv. wilteI-,, >; .;; UT '< ) -.

111AOKX1 P1IY -t-'l I v." In ':

M ¦.. l.|.ui..r l*undr. aa - M' .i EI.I. I.PQI >R AM) M' >R-PIIIN Koi an.l 3 Ann-i X V.

MEX vVAXTED -i .-..¦¦

'.-¦¦.. ¦¦

v -.< ; p ..- ig* Qreena a.

VVAXTE11 \ ) .ung man -.*


¦\VAN > '¦ '¦"¦'-.-!.¦¦¦. piotecl

)¦..... «] -

pr..-.- ir .: m\eni ;» and .. ' 2**J u

I'.-ii.i, IeGEN '-y II¦¦!.-.¦. .'. .RK

«ii aaalat wl. ....-. iao w*eei 4..

r . r< -.

. r. u red 8 E. 741

BBLP WAXTED.l->nuil«-

WAXTED.- \ th ,i ug. ly ea| i':¦. « .'..¦nnd pai rnuat I >n

.r. \. at IN Eaat 71th-flT ii ¦¦: .¦¦ ¦. .. n |2 i | 2 -. k

>VOKK WAVn >).


blll. IM¦...¦¦


t| 1.1.

21. of



IV.11'1 -..¦¦



.: .-.-

AM, l;i .. '. -i ll....


.1 M I:..\ - me -.. ¦¦

V '. ¦;-.< ...

,; 2*2

Ri-..-.. for ..'.¦.;-'

t'IDAL, 42U ."


mpo-l ..-...,-

| 4.1

1)1 -.

ACEX .. .¦' '¦:.:Kn.l v. r1 ...;:.. eiperlenoe,aaleaman, «..-i, fti > -.-. ...,,. r :,.mmlal «; i. f i- n, v s.

BAKEH ;... »e. -, hand nn ,<- ?¦

bread; v, | re oi,-. III '¦. Bfitl

'baKEII l Iral >.., ¦.

rolla, aJ p il h .-. bakei 2MAvenue \, 2d flBOOKfl arRlTTEX l*P. itaumenta,

¦¦. t. \ -.;..,.¦.¦ (Im ..- Ii .,...¦ oul ild, .wehargei MORRISOX, 180 Eaal lO'l.UOOKKEEPHR A n ii n bi oul f

n dMlrea poelilon. p-. i.i - .-¦¦ik. anv other k;;.'1 f .v rk

will bi -i ANE, 1.242 Broadwa)UOOXKEEPER, A '.¦ ¦¦ ung m n ,f 13yeara' Mperlence, poall.on a- bo kkeeper

an<l rashl. r; !.--.¦ .» :,-,.un quli kaccurata; beal ,,i r»-fer« h ...- aalar; Ifiw.-i.. Addxaa Boa 718, Hooairk rX. VBOOKKEEPER. By a y.ung marrled

ii,un aa bo kkeepar or u,v kin,i ,.f .fii. .¦ work ran k.m- aeeurlty. Addre a

E. LALOXDE. one J W, \Vln,l-att. iisrtyckort klynBAKER FOREJJAX Elrai ciaaa on .-.iiklnda f br< ,.-, rolla; eapaelally Xew

Bngland, Prench and I'lenna braad; eltyor country. 104 Eaal BOth a. baaement,BAKER By aiperlenead foreman; underManda th* bualncaa Ihoruughly:

cla i .. r<.-. n. * :. ,m lai m| loy.abl* of runnlng larg. ahop, HCHEEOEK,12". Eaal 1101b si.

BOOKKEKl'ER By young Oertnan;Baember I m C a.. io tear*' ->|.r

l.-nie in i|.,ubl* omij. French and Bpan¬lah; iw-r.-n, . ». Addreaa MABSMAXN, 2.17Eaal oth-»t.

BOT, brlght, laielllgent, Amerloan, 18,Wlah** poaltlon ln oflloe: good p.-nmnn.

Addre** t. J, M'Mants. v* Charlea-al."BOY, brlglil. AriiHrlc.-.n, IS. uanta plao.

in offlee; good penman. JA.MKH YOIISO,2.'.1 \\ e.-i IOth at.

BOT, 17. wlahea altuuilon at uny'hlnk-..mart; good i-enmnn. E, !(., 188 North

H.ii-ai Brooklyn.BOY, is. iniiiiigi-nt, iiving wiiii parenia,

.|enlr,:a poaltlon in wholeaala bualican furnlab tlrat <-la»H refi-riM)l »aBEBTHOXO LOEWEXTHAL. 1.440 3davi-.

BOT, IS. wlabea to learn tra.le of miyklnd; can furnlah beal referenr.-. KltKI.

FREBKICUB, iviO siti uve

BOT, IS. w,,rk ,,f any klnd; gn,>d penman;(K-at referenre M|h- MULLEX, B_ :)-1-


BOT, IA, HWng wlll, purenta. deelrei toleara a irud«. or pla-e wiu, ,-han,e of

advnneement. Pleaa* addreaa B. BORLER,41-. I.nsi 12.'M al

BOT, 17, de«irea alluatlon ai anythlng;ran furnlah g.K«1 raootnmandatlon; good

penman WM 1'A.MH. 1,848 2d-av«.

BOT. I'". IWag wl"i parente, (|e«lr»a a Btt-uatlon aa .|,,t,,ra boy, A. VIREX, 852

Weat 37tli-at.

rtoy. is. wlfbi-H altuatlon In whn.eaal*boiiae -Aher.- la rlian,-e for advi,n,H-

n.ent wllllrig and obllglng; beal r»fei^r,,H.j MILLER. 42x Eaal 17th ai._BOOKKEEPER Idonbl. entry), 23 yeara:over .'i ye.ira' expeil.-noe; rellable. *ci-u-

rate and "very aalek Bt flgure.. Al leail-moniai. aalary 1)2 to tlt\ II. E. 1-.. -uiWeat 4th aL

uiiiiH \v\%Tion.


... ... ....-:....""'

» I-


... \a




i-l.l .

i..-. ..:¦. ¦»'







V< >K1 .... .''' ''"'


*-.'¦¦IHI .. .¦

"l ,, KI! '


¦. .. .. iiENI l»l.

'"*.» "


'a«<..¦- umi -.-; Int

..¦ .. ( -:

.........'¦..¦!< 282 ....'¦ -

.MAN 1 una '¦¦ "iFingl h. l-'r.neh ind '> m ui ¦.

il n l..n .r 5. .. Bperi. ".',. .. ,,. Pl.'I.KH. ." IH "

v; 11,n ,.- I.rk, n»i 01 m.B n.arrl.d u ... rmniry.

-,,,.- 11 <J ti'< ¦_.<..!. il Hi «kl

BHIPI'INO CLERK » ibU iti n r.-r........-¦ AddiTaa IIONEBT, Bol M Trlb,, ...'¦ -.

... , ITTY >LI.Ei rOH,,.. ien. ¦¦ ln r. lall bu nol

f hard w< rk <.r l»nB houil '¦'. w

v,,,k nd l;i.M.Ki\n II \\ A...... P. M J«.hn« 1. oi'.. T«nn.T1NBMITH, ilni-.n '-'4. wanti rtead.

p, 1,1 .. f, r In 01 .,..1 li ¦¦. rk; m IIAddreai PA1 !. MISOHKE, 401

60th ii barb*i ahopTINHMITH A« V-uni; niarrled man, Itaimlth and roofer, aanli »l«ady w. ik

,.,, u.intrj PRBTJ WENEEL, l"-..Eaal 2d at.

TVPEWRiTEH and BTENOilRAPIIKR....k. rna*B*nt*nt; underitanda te.okke.p-

i,k. >nd ..... K.v Mtlifacllon; hiBi.-^t ..r

tr.ncc Blven. Addrem AMERH'AN, .11ltll,l. 11t'l'IlOLitTERINfl don* ln prirat* 1 u- -

,;... |f. refaranrei Addre** l.l>.<:ki ....;:.-. ablnH .-.. p 814 7tt ..- -.

"WATCIIMAK. An elderfy. eap-n-o. -1,., « inti ln ¦. iltuatkm; un

.... r*B ¦-. i'*rj fi- mabl*,,., A Idr*** WATt'HM IN, I'.'.t. IT, 1 rlt.un* Offle*._ m

w a 1. ¦: Jan It -:. i«W« mittdlf nt-.iman ... fumlah real -..ut. .«.uni> i.n.l

referenr.. FOIJSY. 114 Muni.I

WILL AN VH' li'Y IMlBI ¦> \...inn nmn. withti,,... -in:..1 rhlldren In want wlih w tk

,,t im ...!..'." wllllna '.' anythlng. a.iM.KhY. Trlbune Offlei

~\"\ N«i MAN. Z'.:. ai pr.aeal .npcne».l.woald llk* iteady poaltlon; rapld wrlier;

beat r*f»renc* I. iv Boa '-' IM Baali_.n. 11.yi.i'.N.; man. 2<V thorovghly »ap*rl#ne*dai ii.. drya.'« hnJ aaoia" furriiaiiing

bualn*M; form*rti havlaa -wn huBlnaaa.K AllKAIIAMS. 7 K.u.1 lliBtlial.

yOlTNO MAN. IK d**lr** a poaltloa atanvtiiinK "iftr'' w'"k B****r*ed .fuilN

BCHROEPRR, W" l'.Mal.n «\. Hkl>nTOt'NH II1ISIIMA.N, 10, n .1 HHMJ ln thlae.iuntr., Wlll *vik wl «r,\ rl.lnat BOl W'< ,1

4Ptb it., 1*1 Ooor.TolfNtl MAN. 2t>. Anl.-... ..ii. limparai*and arUIIng, bandy wltB .-ariM-nter-a

loull nnl |.aln' bruih, w.nia .m

ploynwnt. .< ALLBR, 808 :Jt NleftoU*uw

TOl fftl mav wanii poalilon ..^ ..i.iin..r.,.., Bl* own r.j.ain.; 14« ln Init

,,!;,.. fall 36 9ft En ...... Sd Boor.TOI'Nfl M VN 20, uilllna. obllaiaa. ".aay'hlng; un.1.r*tana* bora**; refereneaa.

B. OaKLBT, 111 Noalraad -iv.-., Brooklyn.yi>' N.; MAN <i!4>. / und a. Ilv.-.wial.*?. wrk ..f an> klnl, llr«l lasa i.f.r-

Blici. J. AIUtAHAM, 7 Baal l<*lh-at.



... .

Ilahl-. -¦ ¦¦ DX

J! .;

. . ..f »«> rapl: *"dpenman

- v. k; '

i'IIAB S H W,.. i.r.2t 1*1 ««>

.... ln Mrefei

¦ \VM M.'.IIFl:.. .



V\ 1)1 K V. IM I.i).

Krin-lr...| . -

| Mr, WIL_fAM8

»IH RMIIR1 UPERT.. . a »; .. laliy.

oni 7) '. Bl

MAX1* to 7 | m.

domivii. ««ni ITIOXB \\ ivtr.n

. »i |



...... , r


... » A Wlll.....

1.242 11IAII. '

.¦ .*..


^ ,....; 1.13 ¦'

,K 1. Mi-, ,n v If ii

,¦'.-.N I I.LIH M.i .¦-,.!.,,.


VKKRB '¦ -- l. >d We tnt. ref

- ..<

li IIKIiltOX, nl2.1 al.

.-jil.l * ,-¦ -- Amerl K.-i -¦ .' ,!"¦., |, *ltlon ln prl. .«<e club ih n»l.

la liral iaaa * ixir.w, ..--Mi BRYER. )ir. I-

i-ni. n lili-IIKP and KABTR1 .'""K. |ual_ arrlved

irl, i, .,|r. ¦-,i il, n ln II r. -- hmii. i..«i referenoe*. rannol -i eak .ng.iaii.Adilrei M liltTTKAW, 44i Blh-av*

', l< ,K I-1"' """' "n'' !"" " I "''*.i,,,,..| ,.,.. or i-ountrj. . ¦¦ and Indua

..,, .- iw-lv, yrana' »ip rl nca f* W.i,\\ Ll V. 11.', U. :..! -¦'¦ "v< -len.-y > >tv.

.,.,.>: and IVAl My Ja| .m-->-. Bra.|... i. prl) ue famllj or amall hotel i

reataurant. In lt* ,,r Brooklyn. II. 1lni«n Pi..t-OACllMA.N By a young ioi man ln

. prtvnla famll; can furnlel. raferenceAddreaa A 1 lt 2*' We* l«a»h al

[-OACI1MAX, Rrtlable, wllllng, l»rnpen»i«., ,»;. ;.!..-. man; II ¦,.-.,. < '.ei-t rit).,,;.,,,',.;.,....- AddreM COACHMAX,

L'l,. ft'ual Mlh at.

COACHMAX. I-..M1. in.irn-l -i-i fi.l.l'lv;,unii. pl*1 .¦. wllllng, taithful, n ¦.¦

,,. r drtver; hui .< and ai lagea car.

fu nrni f..r. i- il i. fei n - »A. ll

MAN ioh Ea_i 1 Hth al.

"coacHMAX. Thoroughly aaperlenred;trn perate, oMlgliut, Induatrlou*, Iru

worlhy; wlfe, houeeworker. rook, waltr««a,...i,,i....r*aa, city -. rountry; ver)modrrad eapeo.atlon*; (lerman Am*-rli-ini-r.,i.-..i..i,i-- WILLIXO. I.eau llroadwayTrlbun* Hriu,

ruAi-IIMAN B) Prolaalanl; "Ingle;il,-,:. ughl) un li raland* pr. p care n- r*< ».

,,n,.,*.¦-. garden, n.nk. wllllng, grBeiauaeful; .»*<: employai >-*.'. .< 188 Kaal311II, Blii,\,iim IN Mi rr. d; ,-n. .-r counlry;

i,.,: ,,f r.f. i.-....- MACKLRTOMMOMY,i;i I .,-, 2,'tn «t.

',,,.,. |l\l IX W)d 1SK1C1.MAN B)...Him man: i»-"<.i r.-f.r.... .-. couniri pre

f.rr.-.l, laal empl i. an be aeen, T .'

lloi 2"v 1.241 Unaidwa),-,.A, HMAX. I wiah « good plar* foi ,..-.

..,. iiiii.,.,, haa been In mj ampl >y t*nyejia. I ",..' BTttll hlni "ll I,''--unt Ol i.-ll-,',.,. iir. horaea; aIH reeommetvi him a*

¦irletly robar, bywal, and » Mrsi iru<«.liiv^r ...» Weal 4tlI. at.. prMBBl '-ni

l.l.-ver. B. L._

i-llAHIMIN. Kngllah; flngle; flr*t l,,e-rp|rr..i ¦'.* a* to eapabUltlaa, boneaty an.l

u.l.iKM B >l Marlln * Miinln. £W fiihave.

"cdai-IIM \N Slngle. ml,1,11a a«.-. , furn.i .-. I» ger.erall... uaeful,

,llv .,r loinirv. al in...lrra|. w«^.-», t>esl..|,.r,iiv addreaa COACHMAX, .?>,» 7,Trlbun* . .rti.-e

COACHMAX H\ aingl* Proteatanl unn.

nif.-.i .2, underatanda bunliing an.l ear.of i',n>- b0W*a l-n i"'-. ,iin..a.e. . :ir.-(,il,iri\.r, city >,r rooairy; l.nd furnaeea,mllk. g.inlei.r; uaeful. I,^ei r*f*r*n~>*;laal aaaployer eaa b* aaen Addreaa .1. « I. Trlbun* OfBc*.T. >.\. iim v.n ii- ...ung man; (horoughlyundaratanda car. of aoraaa; n-«.i ,lri\er,

pertnaneal poaltlon ,lealr.-.l, .an fiirn.ihla-at .f refereno*. CARL40M, 106 Weal24th al.


'.li.le.r»Ai i,.m \ ... [,-MAN. «w*d»;

¦¦ liori-a,r-i. aei ..

ia. I1M \: ;.'. ¦. 24trOAi'UMAN M .- rl

.-...¦' ¦!; ¦.

.il, wllllng andfrom l*»l i \- 'II

27 li ..'

.:r By i n.r-.i '¦;,.''

.... ...-.: -.' ItglllRv :. 4MITII,

i i'.A.'HSIAS r*an..: r.rei -.

rtlf i. AiBtli il

.. \ ,im x ¦ mar Hrl ¦.':i-f;

.,.,.. | (ibiwi ii .'-.- ly{.-.¦¦ \ li -.> .. 6


i-tiA IIMAN «:¦.¦ I'SEKI'L-MAN M-. nl.mandi

< r r r .. i' Trlb-

.... ¦.. i.vtal -... i i.un ti

,DVKR rifER, 1 BJMai-i)A< IIMAN '>.,; iihi .-. m irrlid

- -. . .. r '

»¦-., .. ..ri .!¦. i< mp. .¦. » ni anIV .(. INKH i.'1'l v ¦. '¦"


.. (I .

,. ..'..,¦ \ ||.M-.: ilrjnge. N.

\ \- -

mai -¦

. ir an.l ¦ .-

PETERKI N, :¦! I_q "

¦ hi -

t i.M VN I ARMEII<¦ ,r iraall fam an «. '* .... t

iv- ,» ilp.rt.nred it k:"..r. ¦..nri man;.< '.. Ulry and li romai i*l r»fir

-. \ :. ... n< *lil RT 152 '...>. a\.

,*>-¦¦ i o MAN 28...klnii ' '-.-

M i- i

i.. >

UI - ei \\-\«. '

- . rliik ..-

, i .<- . \. :

.... .. IN, IB'J.'. .

. B 1MAN.-lly ¦

|.rt. II. I

SER l FL i.l- Ml ¦ '

gi. | iiomlng rg»

.t »m,, .. .,i . itARI'ENER ..."

rjAROENKR m.1 .;¦. ri - elst. il ;¦¦.*. wanl



.j VHI.ENI II M a 13. I Ln N«:.:..'¦.

.... in.l gai r,!. -!.\ K 747 3d

i iingl* man; theiand. h'a 1

.- . .. . r .1n '.:¦ ¦¦¦. :: 12 II !wi

v-.' ,- ri; ||. H'BI WORK M'i ;>:..

man ln lo. - ift. .. .-.-.-

..- .-«i ih; h u 'W. > Nfcl! 24S W.«i !'.'*..' al

OARDENEH l! ORIST PARMEK By aflnl Ua* fl-rman mpeti nt i lake en

ii... of a gen '¦¦¦¦. - .!

.... :¦.,,. tj ran eipei wlf*k laun.1r.aa or ->M.k PP. i-.l; llt.*..}>.Tl lt 'Ani^t.-r ...... I'..*"n laeih indHI7H iti

OARHENER r r lErt'I. M VN n gei IInian'i pla.-... un.l.rataiuli ih* ralilng ...

., -. atloll i.f II ... ..>.< nnl ... ',: -.

ii- f ii... m* and " -' .':'. furns. ¦.wlf.- Ilral r>la*l ¦. k It.i famll) Ih. I II

i iu i. r.-i. ri. ¦- A l.lrraa .1 Ulf»<* rfle* llo* u.1*. Tarrytnwn-on n,n r.; tRDRNER and II HM^'l Marrl*d; one

... to lak. harge "f . alaee; beel I ref.ncea, > V-ln .;.,. X. I. rlat, Iti unl Klaeo, N. V..;.«li|.i:M't and HP.PONIi MAN t'n.lar-

ran i.f'i eounlry piaccltreenhoiia.i kmi,.-- hard ind v-.rt .. ..¦!;,:.¦. in ind oul f. ulta; ».' \ li..-- HoH lilli. II. Prlnco-i.-.i. N .1.

OARI il NEI1 Il gle ' Ih* b...ii .- in >..I.II ¦. «<-B, i. ..; ilei

f. .-.,.¦,..: ¦ .: w.n> ar. un. i indIf.vna or an) Impr.n.nta; hlghh ¦¦ K 1,242 i".Iway.

OARl'KNEH Miiri..;. ...'a; rapabl. In all -ti.--. lak. full rharg. -f'aplai . tw.nlj ..'...! ¦¦ rei.s.i, ¦. llARDENER, -'-"¦ Eaal 5Bth *t.

.11.M ... %...:..: man; clti >* eoun¬lry; good refeiri,,.-. I! li'f.S 4M1

Mh .i\"

<-,.(... >. \ iung man thoroiighli i|,.., ,i i... ¦..< .!. n¦¦.. P. M rar* Mn

J -ik-. 888 U-.t JMh -.1

.lli.i. .\l ..r I'BEFI'L M \n Uy a J ...i«man in prlval* family; aober, honeat and

i.-.i elli r*f*r*nr. .\.i..-.-ia P,MiiRAN, rar* Mr.. tSirry, 648 li .m-

BEO0N0 MAN By young i"..". t" prlai family: u.II.ik «:¦.! ol.llglng; good

r.f. r.Ti. - :..-,.'. Rail ".'II. st.

0(X)D AND BTRONO young Fr*nohmin,foui r*ar* ln 'he ravalry k. i.. ik-

charg* of h.wi**, prlval* iralnmg houa*a or

rl.lln.; ... ¦ un IIAl\ l:l...l 184¦_'7i ti »i

t'si:i"t'i. man. Uy vhuiib Irlihman t.i...i.. an.l drlvi i. bara* anl mak* blmaelf

ganarally uaaful; tlrat .-Inw. r.f.-i.-n.-.. Iwthwii'i.n anl i.^r^..iiiil. cli> or ...unuy.1 I.Y.i.N'ri. .are J. I'aa.y. 300 Kouatoa *t.

ITBRPULr-MAN wlnl. iltuallnn at nny-ihir.a. car.- borBM, Iriv>- rar* furnace; wlth t....|i>. kn-.wa tli» elty; r.f.-r-.ii.-.h M r, 138 <\.urt .1., Brooklynt'BBPUL MAN. iu a riapaetahl* Koaweglan; undantandi kar**a, *.>¦¦ '.-..' <-an

rullk. good .lilv.r wllllm; an.l BOb*r; goodrafereneea i>. P., Trlbune Offlc*.I'mki-ti. man r«k.. rar* ..f furniciand would r.k to I.... Bom* tnor*.

TRACTf, 7>l Irvlng I'ln..-.

rsKKt'l. ma.n .ni gentUman'i plaee, tolak. rar* .if horaa, lawn. Ao.; wining t..

mak luitiK.-if ganerally uaeful; Bnaltih;iiiiKl.; ir* <1": baal ref.riii.-*. Addrriibl, iioi lo. 1.212 Broadway.


Malec.-T.i-'t t. MAN. handr with loola. w.nts

k ;¦. t :. ihlng :-, ', :;.- ,,r attop.!.' 210 Eaal SOth-at.I'SEFFL MAN By young neal Bwed., 2n.un len tar la fun ;, - and waltlng; an

furni "-"-. iIKKi-. 1 2-12 Broa Iway.

MAX, By a mlddli ;.e. 1 imn «n

g-.-..-. ¦¦ pta ¦. r a .', :;-,an; a

gO '. ¦¦. ¦. mOr* :il: '.¦ . ,-. « a*e- Ii -IT

ll) ',- ¦..,-. 8 ROl RKK, 4>» III alBr>« ilynV'AL *< M irrled mai 80 yeara,;..¦¦¦ languagea. kn wledg. of

.,.. ,....... ntry, waata eltuatlon »*

;.¦¦ . nion. iravelling, r.ra' ia*KORBERT. 1*. Eaal 2 rt

-. AI.ET. Xeat reapeetabl* eolored boy, IIl adu atl ,. aa .1.1 for tv.lllng

raoi il r*f*r*ne#a, J. JKEMI', -i2" Waa. tBtlVAI.ET '. H> » jroUBg n.nn. 22 lpeik-hk ¦;;. Kreneh ..::'. Pol ah, In k*i

. mai - fan lly aa, M-rv,in- or n.» por-tei .': M'l. 73 El Irl lg> il I fl\ . i.v »¦. ii *...!. afd eolored mai

\- ¦. ,.-¦ rman, can f-irnlsh rev.i f*n neei M K. MAIlAEF-lF.a.


t The Trlb '¦ t.'ptown Of-fl i 2.2 i- aulwev. Adv«rtleem«nt* onlyai-e'takei rfioea f I 284 Btl

i t8 al III .1 i-'.. -r-. mj ,'. luml u* ».*. . ¦¦ '.'. ..'.

Bilil 10. ', a- )2 l-*t., r eai th a' *.jo w**t 14th -.t n**r 5(1 iv* 257 Weal120 il tween Tth and Bth a-.e*.. 187 4-1>.. corner '.-»" -*t I 823 8d ja l»'«rinI5tl «: ".'"¦ ..¦¦ S8B M av« between

77th ata 1 028 .;¦: a. * B*er «l*',: ia. *ai 4"tl -' n »r 8d ... - 158

24.1 Weal 12Stl rt 28 Eaal.; i- . 708 U' iif..

..,¦>.¦ i.i p. nadwaj 7«V>"> Sd-¦ rn*r »7th "' .'.'¦» 8d ave

52 Av«nu* A, betwean 8d aadtth .<* 888 Bl**,-k-r-»t.. n»»r Chrlal¦I ir ,.. . aad 137 I>h .¦ u.n-ai-;i ¦i _et_ _*_ 112- ... .,,,:t-'. ata

DOMKSTir ¦rrVATfOBt wa*tku

Faaaala,A RETIXED JAPAXE8B OIRL d'alre* a

I't.-l -I-. aa i-.fatr. » r.nia..- t . me llgtilw rk ln prtvata famlly: wllllng and i

l v Idreaa E l>., rrtl u [ffl >¦

k r;<.-' Pr*i mai and »lf».Would 4>k* to take -are ,.f

j..fl C.ii \ Tnbun* ota. *

i'ViAM n ,:: a- a k-!:I aa rhamber-wall ,-*a. aaa'.at wllh waahlng

mall p li at* '¦. ardlng;.; ¦.. -. 128 h

j mlidle-r*m:|. x . 1 r-fer

\ ¦.-. \tr- .' AdlMl'B, MllM-ave.,n -


. N'liREMB II) ..-

.¦.-. SlB u u-h at.

-,-,. -, girl aa » an p.*m¦ ln \:\: ..-e f.rr.i; h.-at ,-|-y r-f-

r Cail .ii lTo Hiii-me ring Power'a

\ - - .' |e »-, i a ,- k¦ .¦«. .- urk. ll w -si

,al (1.. >r. a. carda

,.h,\ I' wllllng 11 BWlSl wllha,- ... l n, objectlon *o

^., ,r- dtetan . in eounlry; Ih^i lefereaee,;.',i IVi 2^ i «i ro -in B

N')K A « tt.nn t.»>k waah anl Ir -.-i

mall prlvat* ?a::..ii. or do ih.I .. !!,«: and alaap I. me; beal ,¦,..

.'.,.:, -. ..i b* e-en ,.t 188 Fa»t 8M-¦< 2M 1oor. fr-nt.

.> dk ii\ Proteatanl w aaan; wiiiing t>waahlng, la ainal prl) at. farn-

) r-f--: <¦",' 818 I'aat ,-'.2i al

,--.,:< i- .....nt woman g.a.i eook,i-..-r. amall Gamil). rtly or-.. -,.,.- 2ii Wtn ::inh«i.,

rtng .«,.--.

i-ik\ Flr*( ;ae-. underalBBda all klnda( fancj cooklng and ean Berv* Iu -

and Jlnner*; no ibjecdot) io b ardlng-houee. 188 \V.->i 27th-*t., I fllght.(.OOK and LAt'XPREBB. By i <-Vamarl aarvant; good u.hjr. h, u*.- or flni;

,.-. ,. .oiintry; elrt. refi-re:., e. fall al !-3«J

. ....>!< Klret elaaa ln prlvate famtty. ref-rrenra fr ,m laal *taploy*r. Il!l

BAcI H., rlr.g Mra. BulliVan'i !e||.Oii.K V ung » m,m ,n impelBBI cv>k;wculd do plain waahlag; elty referen.-ea.

888 \)--«t «8d ai Sd .1 wiCXk)K B) good eook; arat-claaa refer-

.-... A i,lr.-aa 218 l-'.at iViIim! ...reM '..i ml ¦.....<»'k Oerman Protaatant; neal anl wlll-

gooj ook; underaland* all k.n-li¦> tal ng. n lleni ref >i

.-ii--.-. -n» ..iirts 211 tSaai 34th-at..

. 2.1 un l IM ,l> .

.'. .1 -i\ I'ompettn. ln ..:! branch** n( eooknr. t.ik»- full charge; dlnner an.j luneh-

.. i.a. m.iiketlng; kltchenmald reiulred; .-lly

.. f. ren I. M Il.l \\Vat 37tli at,..Mi'ANi >n Engllth l*d) a.a companlon

...!¦ o-nk companlon; ->i>,ik.a Freach,Upanla i, [ta lan. cuai m< .1 trarel I...21.2 Wetl I2(ll at

BAY'fl n. .i;:<.. k

rl< Call f,,r t«.

A I.-« table a m i-i t.,ii, ia and Iron na.J.AINI- ,%<M W.HI

...v\s WORK Uiixliing ,4- h ¦,-. j. arld w l'role»t»n(;

t... ard* Addr* i* 180 M>*( 'l,l;|, -t r aDAY'S WORK tV.di.W « a'.ea .v rk by

''.. lay, waahlng cl**; i« wllllngan ol II na Mr* O UuKNEI l.. 84B tit-i

i.w.-i WORK Reapertabl* woanaa i go"Ul »,\ da) lo aa.sial wllh waltlng ri

lun, he* nnd dlnnera; ,-lt. r-f.-r.-n.-ea. \v..jiii w.-a. glth rlng iwle*.HOI'HKWORK Hy « Norweglan K'ti Io

,, general hnua** .rk. waaea *is. .'VIfor i»>. ,1h)m al tr.7 llenr) at., Brooklyn.t..|. I!,....'

DAY'a WORK Coloreil woman would llk*dai work Call N.i .'.. iiih,i\.-. Mra.

HHEPl'ARD.i«a\-..- WORK Young woman. by ,!«.;Unri ,iHaa laundi. houae-eleaaing; .,<-m

referanee Ml \v tal 88th ai 4th H-H,r,fronl.DAY'g WORK. Toung tl.-rinan woman lo

.... waahlag, ir.nitiK m houaael*aniaa bjfthe .1.)). Mra M 8M VVrat 23th al.

ELDRRLY WOMAN, with large experlti,,-. wlahe* Iu ear* f >r lavalM, aaalat a

n.ira.- aii-l i.- geaerally h.-iiful; good kom*preferr. d t.< hlgh waaaa; bighea. rafemtee.Addrnaa BARAH, 21 HlbU Houa*.Hot'BRWORK. li) a wiliin--. tldv aetlv*woman; mak-a good hrand and aooha

meiit* nlreh ,-, unuy |>ief«-ire.l; « igea tl,Jmonthly. <'aii 73 v/aaa llth-et,ll.nsEWii.tK By Korth Qermaagiri. plaln eook; rgcelbmi rafaraaea; ,it>-

.r country. 811 BaM :i4t)>-*t.. betwoea2d un,1 3d nvea

ii.,tsi;\v.>itK. v.y glri, tn prlvate f;>m*-lly. (lal |,referre,1. i:,.,-al city r.-f-r.-n.-e

Call f-.r two daya tiaj Weat Mth-et.; rlngMra. Malna I..-I1

HOL'SEWORX. ny Am.ieaa gin. mamall Iu pilie or addr*** M. M..

821 Weat :iPI, at.


ICRfl :. BEELT,R-. U K.-l' 22U IT.,



."TRI'TI.Y invebtioatedjF.n. ant. t.r^akina .Maag«ra.n:a wlll

b* ^i»m!-»»d fr *n cfllc* and al.rlalmi lo f.~ ; Id

Br oklvn Offlei. 2 i;- nd-aL.Corner Pultoa-et,

a \ LONO M ':r. AOENCT.4"o BTH avi:

I'l'imieM1!..<*, waltre****, houaa-rorken ...« kttehenmalda nuraea..- -'.'-,- ¦ n Ity, .--.-. prli Btafamlll ¦ .. li lervanti m I ad-


AT BONORANTV8, ¦ Weal <2d-*t_Prenel gov.rn.ea Oermaa :r«e. Prvaefc

ple, r. I utler -.. ild ull. r laf .r .'.nnra*. rhambermalde, Englliti w-.i:--.*!,Englliti -k: peraonal r*f*r*Bc*iHWBEWORK! A- xmerlean gri-l wlahea

pll to do !lg! hou*ea k r mlfl ' < -v .-.¦..- th.rgli '¦ wll'tneail

I | MAOOIE, 437 Weil 64th it .11Bo. r

HOt'BEKEErER.. B) 'ndy: grwt 4 ¦.nco. B war* ln <.n- family; at*U*tom«d

'. hlldren; -f MrvantB,rataring and purchaelng; -itv or oountry;r*f»r*n<-*a Ad^r.>«s C. B 0 Baa 13a,1 242 Hr . |way.

HOt'PEKEEPER or fOMPANIOW..A _4y¦uddenly thrown npon b*r A».n r-'-un-.i

"l-vr.--. ; .<:. I) WOUld a- ..: n\: p.»l-tl on n. n.-'rit i! flral IBM ....--.

A rei* B ."., 1.243i.: <i 1 * iv.

HOl'aBWORX BtrtM r WIIIIRt glH; n**c.».k. laundrtM; w:!::np nn.l Mlgiaai

nrlrtly t.'n.i..rit«; oountry or elty 143Bth-av*


HOI'BEWORK -Neat Amerlraa g:rl aaK-ri.r., BOUa*W rkrr In "; famtly:

¦ >k. .a'"»s. elty r*f*r*nca< CB_ttfl WmI 4ftih-?t.. rina Mi luirk I..I1.iim^EWORK c gtrl. la amail

faffl ln fal. Chll Mr§. BHKPPARO, 3...- iv.

HOI'SEWORK Btrong, heal'hv. wllllng,.' ¦':..¦:( gen*rall] . -'¦ inl.r-

naraag. itrlet mlltr***; fumi»h»4\ ¦ PRANCia,

:.o;i7 Sd av.

KITTMENMAIP -By a young Ba aallaaigtrl, lately !a::l<-.l. tidj- aad handy. Ap-

l ly al 88 Harrow-at.

LAl'NDREBB -Flrat-elaM Pr*neh \tnn~lr«M wllh** FltUBtl r. ln .n n'.l j>rl\at|

f.m.:\ good r*f*r*ne*a Addr*** 22] v\>»t;uth-at.I_a7'NDBES5 Puperior laundreee !n~riri*..ri.^ prtvat* family; f!r»: rlari elty r*f-

erenera fr-m Pebruary 1 I.ALNI i'.Kss.ii \ ii>. l :M2 Br adway.LADIEB O.sirinc womaa lo work by day he aupi .1 al t'.. Hiv.raMe l>«-Nura.rj. 121 W.Pt 83d »t

LAl'NDREBa A* flra'-elaai. ortak. waahlng home; >: 1 nference, Mrs.

RI 'IT. 238 W.»> .17th-!.t.LADT*a M.\ir> Eapertenced aril ..-.:.,;¦»"-

..:... good kni»i.<ic« of dre**makiBCaaihair.lrH<ain«. aceu*tom*d to travel; g.> 4family; .« -.ini.tre..; beai r.f*r*nc*a K.,7o W.xt ailth-.t I^ea bOBMAID an.l Nl'RME, .xp.rl«iced, to ild*r>

lv iai\. wllllng io mak* h"n.if Mhar.t«i-.i. u«-ful, lilalie-it r»f.r.»n-.. A. R. ?"'that.MAID BEAMBTRE88 Or would dochanil.»r»< rk ar.-l » haa g > d

clty nferene*. K. i.. 1,182 ld-ava.Nt'RBE. Hv v."ing R.ri is partleularly

f..n.l of rhlldr*n; good r*f*r*n*a. 223EaM ."

*NtrR8B '..>MI'ANI"N. By dortor"* wld-ow, w.t'i Brat-elaai hoapltal and prlvate

famth ..i;er,..n... K i' 320 W.-«t BM-tt.NfRBERY OOVERNEaB North fliiaanfroM Kaaover; lak* full eharg* f chll-

ilivii from thre* y*ara .>n, b.»: t.f.r.n.-.*.A.11r.». M. WARODELL 138 B_*l 431 at.

NfRS;: II) Mn .xi..rlane..^ K-n-llah Pfot-BBtaal wwaaa a* tnfini< aaraa er to

young rhlldr.n; .itv ..r country clty r.f-.: n .. 1. H «l« Fa.t JOih st.

NPRBE an¦'. MAID By a I'arlslan; u**f""land ooow»*tant; flrat-oiaaa rat.naoa.

BOPHIE. 138 \v.-.i 20th-it._ _____

Nt'RBE Corr.p t.-e* Infanfi nun<> wllllak* rar* f one rhlld; undent.n.lx l. t.

tl-.f.- II yeara' r.if.-renoa; »,n{.». t'M.IS3 H'ni 24th-*t.; t..n 3.Nl'RBE.- It> r**p*etaM* O.rman womaa:

I ind .'¦.¦. to »ld*i ly or ln\Hl.tlal. n*ai x-«-r b**< r*f*rcncea BCHEB-ii>a\\ 188 Eaal --ii it.

Nl'RKE. I<\ pi..f.-^>: nal n'.:«e. w.U lo ntagloui dl*B*B**; i-»t ..f ph>a-

Irlan'i r*f*rea * Un. JENNIE UOR-OAN, Waahln«tun-a\H.. Weat t.'htst.r.N \.

PARIiORMAID or .'IIAMBERMAID Bvn young 'lrl wlll do I'li.ln a.-wlng A1-

ili. --. f 193 .' INVALID ATTKNPaNI-He.i rrferenee: wllllng anl oMiging- clty

..: country. AONEH, Uox u. I iMJ Hn>a.l-

BEAMBTRRB8. By young alrl. In pr vatefaiiiih'. (.¦ ..1 .. arei fall or lddr*M two

daya A, WALLACB, 1 483 M-av*ajpAMBTRRBB By ag*d, eompttant a -

man, ena*a*m*ni wlth lady or famllyihi ma .on:.! lered b*fora wagea; undentandirenovatlng an.1 ehlldren'i .lre^;..-.. C. M.ii c 257 Weal 42d -t.

\vai:i:i:s rim-eiaaa waHrMi wlahm.ngag.m.nii for lunehaon or .imner |>.ir.

tl»*. or Woul.l ... a* !«.!> s mii.l. la guodihampooer ind i i.kei ind nualeurer; nn-l.r i.ui'a Ih* car* 'f lal^'n » A.M'O »V AN. 'J'JI W.-at ISth-ll._WABIIIN'll foung .'.-rinan Woman would

|lk. ...ishiiiK al h m* ¦'.-¦ K' oul «. ishlngor I* inlna Mn WOLF 310 Eaal MUh it.


gtrl; lhr»* years' rrfaaaneaa; wiiiimk toi.bIpi wh.n rvqulrcd; country er dty.Mi, ll'h-ave.

WABIIERWOMAN L. youna wM.w. totik* I...... 4ii Baal _i»tJi-=«t graaal

ft. ..r._

WABHINO R.*;.»- tabl* «. maa would;ik.- to «..' rotn* lad'.aa* aaahhaj to Ao at

>.¦¦- h ma; haa k.i elty r*f*r*aea MraWIIJ«>N. .'US .TOth »t

ADVERTiarilENTa an.l lubacrlptlooi aralak. n Bl Th* Trll...n.a M.xln l.'ptOWU <H-

II.-.- 1,249 Broadwar Adv.rtiH.m*nii onlyui.- ti'..- n at th* olneei followlng: in4 M'.i-av.v, » . c .r 2.T. st 1VJ Hih av... cr.15th ^t 142 PolumhM ii\e \V.,tfiattl t :ihi W'^i I..1 BL, rttli a\.jM Weat 14th at.. 3'l BV*, 2o7 \\ei44-j.i ,i baiwaaw "tii an.l Mh av*a IM 4Ui-av* nrnrr I4tl IL; I.BJ8 Bd **.., b»-twaea TBth an.l 7«th Bta 1.888 Baave., b*.iw^.-u 70th aad 77i'i .is l.OBi M-a_Nn.-ar illal lt. 180 Ka.l I7lh Bl.. ***_** 3-Uavi l.Mi Knst i2r>tt-. it 141 weal ti'.th-BL; ¦:<.< Baal ISd-et, b**jt MaAlaoo-av*.|1.7*ik l.t a..., n.-ar M.tli st.; 1A20 H-.>ad-way; 7iio Id ava .n.r 47th aL; W>4 3d-av... near Ea*l :'.7th «., M Atreana A, *.-tw..n ,'tl an'. 4tli ata .12A BtMCfc** nidi>tophi-r at.; 17 rannl st., anl 1f.7Mm.i ti -t 2.0f>l 8.1 av.-.. betwcen 112iaand 11.1th ita

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