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Yalcin Ekren PT USF Student # 100115

E- Mail: yekren@tampabay.rr.com




Barbra Koczan PT, DPT, CHT

Email:  bjk1010@hotmail.com

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Case Report

A combination of modalities, manual therapy, and patient-specific goal oriented progressive end-

range stretching and strengthening exercises, along with a consistently monitored home exercise

program, may improve the outcome of the patient with shoulder adhesive capsulitis (SAC).


Background and Purpose

This case report describes patient-specific progressive stretching and strengthening exercises

along with end- range Glenohumeral joint (GHJ) mobilization and a consistently monitored home

exercise program (HEP). There have been many approaches in treating the patient with Shoulder

Adhesive Capsulitis (SAC) as described in the literature 1 , 2; 3 including manual therapy, electric

stimulation, joint mobilization and heat as well as basic and advanced modalities. There is a lack

of evidence or studies to identify the best and most cost effective treatment for SAC. 1 ; 3 ; 4.

The purpose of this case report is to describe the patient specific successful management of SAC

utilizing best evidence, clinical expertise and patient combined efforts in therapy and at home.

Case description

This is a case study of a 62 year old endomorphic woman, executive director of a large company,

who was diagnosed with primary SAC. Intervention of physical therapy was initiated two months

after her initial injury. She was injured when she fell at home and broke her collar bone, after

which her shoulder was immobilized with a sling for eight weeks. She developed left shoulder

pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion (ROM), impaired GHJ mobility, functional

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limitation and disability. The patient’s orthopedic surgeon referred her to physical therapy for

evaluation and treatment, with a diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis.


This patient showed excellent progress. Outcome measurements including The Numerical Pain

Rating Scale (NPRS), Shoulder Pain and Disability Index score (SPADI), and Disability of the

Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) score showed that she made an excellent recovery from her

condition in 3 months, and reached her goals. As illustrated by the case report, intervention

provided in a timely manner decreased her pain, improved her ROM and functional ability to

move her arm and reduced her disability, allowing her to return to her quality of life prior to her



Outcomes of this case study showed that intervention should start immediately after the SAC

diagnosis is confirmed. This case report showed that patient-specific, goal oriented, aggressive

end-range stretching and strengthening exercises were effective when applied 2 to 3 times a week

by an experienced physical therapist on a consistent basis in an out-patient setting. The patient

contributed to the outcome by performing HEP 2 to 3 times daily to reduce pain, impairments, the

functional limitations and disability and improve the quality of life at home and at work. Further

research is warranted to find out the best and most cost effective intervention for SAC, which

would result in the best outcome for the patient.

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Shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis (SAC) is a painful and debilitating condition affecting up to 3%

to5% of the general population and up to 20% of those with diabetes 5. Approximately 70% of

patients with frozen shoulder are women. However, males with frozen shoulder are at greater risk

for longer recovery and greater disability 6 . There is an even greater incidence among patients

with insulin dependent diabetes (36%), with increased frequency of bilateral shoulder

involvement. 12, 13

SAC was first described as a gradual onset of pain felt near the insertion of the Deltoid, with an

inability to sleep on the affected side and the restriction of active and passive elevation and

external rotation of the shoulder. Adhesive capsulitis is characterized by pain, stiffness, and

limited function of the gleno-humeral joint, which adversely affects the entire upper extremity.

Patients typically describe an onset of shoulder pain followed by a loss of motion. The most

common limitations in range of motion are flexion, abduction, and external and internal rotation.

SAC is considered to be scar-like fibrotic tissue changes of the glenohumeral joint (GHJ) capsule,

with the capsule also becoming taut and losing volume. This may lead to an inflammatory

response of the GHJ with generalized pain. Patients typically experience pain, stiffness, limited

range of motion, and disability in daily activities at home and at work. SAC, also known as frozen

shoulder, is a condition characterized by pain and significant loss of both active range of motion

(AROM) and passive range of motion (PROM) of the shoulder.

The “frozen shoulder” diagnosis has been used for many years in describing shoulder pain and

limited motion, and was originally thought to be “periarthritis.” Nevasier 7 was the first to

identify the pathology through histological and surgical examination of patients with frozen

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shoulder. He concluded that frozen shoulder was not periarthritis, but a “thickening and

contraction of the capsule which became adherent to the humeral head,” that he termed, “adhesive

capsulitis.” The typical decrease in joint volume was described using arthroscopy 8.

The exact pathophysiologic cause and etiology of this condition remains elusive and unclear.

Several studies have found that patients with frozen shoulder had both chronic inflammatory cells

and fibroblast cells, indicating the presence of both, an inflammatory process, fibrosis,

ligamentous tightness, fascial restrictions and muscular tightness.

SAC classification systems are proposed in the literature and frozen shoulder is most commonly

classified as either primary or secondary. 9,10 Primary frozen shoulder is idiopathic in nature, and

radiographs appear normal and substantially different from the changes produced by

immobilization or degeneration. Secondary frozen shoulder develops due to some disease process,

which can further be classified as systemic, extrinsic, or intrinsic. Physical therapists can address

impairments and limitations associated with each of these contributors to the pathology of

adhesive capsulitis with a variety of treatment methods. Systemic secondary frozen shoulder

develops due to underlying systemic connective tissue disease processes and causes including

diabetes mellitus, hypo or hyperthyroidism and hypoadrenalism. The increased appearance of

SAC in diabetic patients was first described by Bridman . 11 Extrinsic secondary frozen shoulder

occurs from pathology not related to the shoulder, such as cardiopulmonary disease, CVA,

cervical disc pathology, humeral fracture, and Parkinsons. Intrinsic secondary frozen shoulder

results from known shoulder pathology, including but not limited to rotator cuff tendinopathy,

GHJ arthropathy and acromioclavicular joint (AC) arthropathy.

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Primary Frozen shoulder is classically described as having four stages: Stage I involves pain

Stage II involves pain and restricted movement

Stage III involves painless restriction14

Stage IV is the maintenance stage

Most cases resolve over the course of 19-30 months. However, a minority of patients have a

protracted course of ongoing restriction. 15 The individual stages last on average 6 months, but

the timeframes are variable. 10 Frozen shoulder is also known as a capsular restriction, where

there is limited passive ROM, in which Abduction<100 º, External Rotation<50 º, Internal

rotation<70 º, flexion<140 º. 17

Stage I- The freezing stage is also known as the painful inflammatory phase.

Patients present with constant shoulder pain and ROM limitations in a capsular pattern.

Stage II- The frozen or stiff phase, the pain progressively decreases as does shoulder motion and

patients commonly experience increased restrictions in function.

Stage III- The thawing phase- patients gradually regain shoulder movement and experience

progressively less discomfort. The “thawing stage” was reported to last anywhere from 12 months

to 42 months and is characterized by a steady return to shoulder mobility and function 16 .

Stage IV- In the maintenance stage, the frequency and intensity of the exercise regimen continues

at a slower pace, and gradual progression is preferred. 16

Various interventions can be utilized in the treatment of SAC. Both surgical and non-surgical

options are available. Surgical treatments can include manipulation and capsular release under

general anesthesia.18 Nonsurgical treatments include analgesics (e.g., acetaminophen,

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), oral prednisone, and intra-articular corticosteroid

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injections. Often, physical therapy is prescribed; including the usage of modalities such as TENS,

electrical stimulation, heat, cold and ultrasound; and a home program is recommended . Exercises

utilized by the physical therapist in the treatment of SAC could include Codman, pendulum,

passive end range stretching, active-assistive range of motion, myofacial soft tissue work, soft

tissue mobilization, joint mobilization 19, and capsular stretch. As the patient progresses to the

later stage, sub maximal isometric, concentric and resistive exercises could be utilized. Patients

can utilize pulleys, ropes, self stretching and a home exercise program as instructed by the

physical therapist. Biodex CPM (continuous passive motion) and high speed isokinetic treatment

can be used for appropriate patients.

The goals of treatment include pain relief, restoration of movement, restoration of function and

reduction of disability and patient education to the disease process and prevention.

The purpose of this case report is to describe the patient-specific physical therapy intervention by

utilizing best evidence, clinical expertise and patient combined efforts in therapy and at home to

successfully manage frozen shoulder.

Patient History and System Review General demographics: The patient (Pt) was a 62 year old endomorphic Caucasian female who, after immobilizing her

collar bone fracture, was diagnosed with “Left Shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis” by the orthopedic

surgeon. The patient was divorced, lived alone in her one story condo and described her health to

be in relatively good condition. Prior to her injury, she walked two days a week, and went to the

gym 2-3 times a week. The Pt was an executive manager/director for a real estate firm. Her job

required her to travel both by car and plane in order to inspect real estate properties. When she

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had to travel by plane, she had to carry her luggage and place it in the overhead bin on the plane.

She had to ask for assistance when her symptoms became evident.

Since she lived alone, she needed to cook, dress, take out the trash, wash her hair, and carry her

bag. She was financially dependent on her job income and had to drive to work every day.

The Pt injured herself after slipping on wet floor in the bathroom. She reached her arm out to

catch herself and in the process broke her left collar bone. She could not move after the fall and

she was immediately taken to the emergency room for x-rays and treatment. Her left arm was

placed in a sling and she was referred to an orthopedic surgeon the following day. The orthopedic

surgeon instructed her to keep the arm in a sling for eight weeks. At the end of the eight weeks, he

referred her to a physical therapist for evaluation and treatment. Her diagnosis was Adhesive

Capsulitis of the left shoulder.

During the initial evaluation, the Pt reported constant pain at left shoulder, even at rest. After

being in a sling for 8 weeks, she developed stiffness and limited range of motion at left shoulder.

The orthopedic surgeon informed her that the collarbone fracture was healed, and that it was time

for her to move the arm. She was given some exercises by her physician; however, she could not

do the exercises due to sharp and intense pain she experienced every time she tried to move the

arm. The patient thought that her fracture was not healed yet, since it hurt even when she was

resting. As a result she kept her arm immobile.

Patient’s Goals: • Pt wanted to experience less pain and not have to take the prescribed pain killer “oxycodone”.

She reported that she could not function at work when she took her pain medication.

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• Pt also wanted to increase her range of motion. She wanted to be able to use her arm for daily

living activities, such as eating, dressing, self hygiene, driving, and carrying groceries. She

wanted to be independent again, and return to her activity level prior to her injury.

• Pt also wanted to be able to perform her work duties without difficulty, like using her

computer, typing and carrying objects.

• In addition to being able to use her left arm at work and at home she wanted to continue her

prior physical activities such as walking and going to the gym to be physically fit and to lose

the 10 lbs she gained since she broke her collar bone.

The Pt was taking oxycodone 10 mg 3 times a day. Her X-rays for the shoulder and collar bone

revealed satisfactory improvement, but not so perfect alignment. MRI was not performed.

The Pt was given cortisone shot on Friday prior to the physical therapy evaluation; however she

reported no relief with pain.

The Pt had history of vaginal cervical cancer (tumor removed) followed by a hysterectomy in

1974. She was in remission, and had a regular check up every year. Pt also reported having a stiff

neck on and off over the years, due to her work.. Her mother died last month, at the age of 82,

from pulmonary disease and congestive heart failure (CHF). She was a smoker for 50 years. The

Pt did not remember her father or his health history but knew that her grandmother died from

pancreatic cancer in her 80’s. The Pt was nonsmoker, non drinker and right hand dominant.

Examination / System review: Cardiovascular and pulmonary: Patient’s resting heart rate was 74 bpm. Resting blood pressure

was 130/85 mm Hg and, resting in a chair, respiratory rate was 16 pm.

Integumentary system: Skin integrity was normal: left 1/3 of lateral collar bone ½ inch slightly

raised; skin pliability and color were normal and there were no visible scars present.

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Neuromuscular system: Patient was wearing sling on left arm at the time of initial visit. Gait

was normal but left arm was not being used. Pt could only maintain balance on right leg alone for

7 seconds and left leg alone for 5 seconds. She experienced no problems when climbing or going

down the stairs.

Musculoskeletal systems: The Pt’s height was 5’7”, weight 170 lbs, and her BMI 26.6 kg/m2. Range of motion test: All measurements were taken by the same therapist utilizing goniometric

measurements in the supine position.

Table 1: Initial AROM/PROM of the shoulder ROM Active range of motion Passive range of motion Flexion 70º with elbow bend 10º 75º with elbow bend 8 Abduction 65º 70º External rotation -10 ºto neutral 45º abducted -5 º at 45 º abducted shoulder Internal rotation 25 º shoulder at 45 º abducted 30º shoulder at 45 º abducted Reliability of tests for the shoulder joint ROM has yet to be determined. Shoulder goniometric

measurement of external rotation range of motion (ROM) is frequently performed during shoulder

evaluation. Intra-therapist ICCs (0.88 and 0.93) and inter-therapist ICCs (0.85 and 0.80) were high.

These findings suggest that reliable measures of passive external rotation ROM of the shoulder

can be obtained from patients with shoulder pathology using standard goniometry and by placing

the patient in a supine position .32

Manual muscle testing: Physical therapists require an accurate, reliable method for measuring

muscle strength. They often use manual muscle testing (MMT) or hand-held dynamometric

muscle testing (DMT). Few studies documented the reliability of MMT ( .35 ) and showed the

Intra-rater reliability of MMT and DMT. The test-retest reliability coefficients for the MMT

ranged from .63 to .98 and were statistically significant (p < .05) for the shoulder abduction test.

Muscle strength testing was done on the pt as charted below.

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Table 2: Initial MMT and grip strength

Muscle strength test Left shoulder in sitting position Flexion in available range 65 º 2+/5 Abduction in available range 60 º 2+/5 pain External rotation 2+/5 pain in availbale range Internal rotation 3+/5 in available range Hand grip strength left 20 ft/lbs Hand grip strength right 65 ft/lbs Hand grip test: # 2 grip test with Jamar calibrated on 1-5-2013. Validity of Jamar and

Rolyan dynamometers have acceptable concurrent validity with known weights ( correlation

coefficients were r ≥ 0.9994), excellent inter-instrument reliability (intra-class correlation

coefficients ranged from 0.90 to 0.97) and strong concurrent validity . Jamar and Rolyan

dynamometers measure grip strength equivalently and can be used interchangeably V 34 ) .

Communication, Affect Cognition, Learning: Pt’s communication was normal, her emotional

state and behavior was normal. She was very concerned about her shoulder pain, and the

functional outcome.

Objective Examination Observation: Left clavicular fracture was healed with a ½ inch bump on the lateral 1/3rd of the clavicle bone

close to the acromio- clavicular joint (A/C joint).There was minimal edema at the sub acromial

bursa. She had a forward head posture and decreased cervical curvature.

Pain and Behavior of symptoms: Aggravating Factors: Raising her arm with forward elevation, sideways or in external rotation or

reaching back with internal rotation were limited and painful. Pt could not lie on her left side and

she had to put a pillow under left arm and wear the sling during sleep.

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Easing Factors: Rest, ice, medication, massage, occasional heat or shower gave her pain relief for

a few hours.

The Numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) (Childs at el 2005) is a self reported measurement tool

used to indicate average pain experience. The scale is anchored at two opposing extremes “0”

indicating “no pain” and “10” indicating “most extreme pain”. Based on NPRS, left shoulder pain

level was at 2/10 while she was at rest, 8/10 at worst, and 5-6/10 during midday. She could not

roll at night, could not sleep on left side and her sleep was interrupted 4-6 times during the night.

Left shoulder pain increased with work and daily activities. She experienced more pain as the

evening progressed, and had to take oxycodone to relieve the deep aching pain at left shoulder.

Test and measures Palpation: Tender sub acromial bursa, biceps tendon, A/C joint and superior scapular border of

supraspinatus and Infraspinatus, pectoralis minor, upper traps, cervical occipital and scalenius


Postural Assessment: Patient presented with decreased cervical lordosis, forward head posture but thoracic and lumbar curve were normal. Left humeral head position was anterior compared to

right shoulder, and scapular winging 2 inches lateral compared to left scapular inferior angle to

spine distance position.

GHJ mobility test: Anterior /posterior and inferior glides were very poor. There was no sulcus

sign in any direction. Pt had hypo mobility in all directions at GHJ and left humerus head position

anterior compared to right shoulder. Left shoulder was higher than right shoulder in sitting and

standing posture.

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Neurological test: Reflexes were normal Cervical 4-8 motor. There was no numbness or sensory deficit. Sensation

was intact to light touch and deep touch.

Preferred Practice Pattern: This Pt’s preferred practice pattern for the left shoulder was Musculoskeletal Pattern 4D -

Impaired joint mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Performance and Range of Motion Associated

with Connective tissue dysfunction. The ICD 9 code for SAC is 726.0.

The Pt’s preferred practice pattern for the cervical dysfunction was Musculoskeletal - Pattern F:

Impaired Joint Mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Performance, Range of Motion, and Reflex

Integrity Associated with Spinal Disorders. The ICD 9 Code for Cervical Spondylosis is 723.1.

Differentials diagnosis: A significant number of patients present with both neck and shoulder pain. This Pt had

cervical spine pathology and left SAC. Four different cervical spine tests that were utilized for

Pt’s treatment were the Compression test, distraction test, Spurling test, and Valsalva test, all of

which were negative and had no effect on shoulder pain. Distraction test relieved the neck pain but

had no effect on the shoulder pain. Findings concluded that the Pt had cervical spondylosis with

limited AROM and PROM of cervical spine. She had poor segmental mobility cervical spine

dysfunction. Cervical dysfunction was chronic and did not cause referred pain to the left shoulder.

There are no specific special tests for adhesive capsulitis.20 SAC is marked by loss of AROM and

PROM. The definition and classification defined by Lundberg was shoulder joint elevation of

<135 º, with restricted motion localized in GHJ. History, clinical and radiological examination

showed normal alignment, no pathology of the bone structure and joint space in GHJ. 17

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The shoulder special tests may be used to rule in or rule out other pathologies. This Pt had

tenderness over the long biceps tendon, and Speed and Yergason tests confirmed the biceps

pathology. The empty can test, drop arm test were negative, and ruled out Supraspinatus tear.

Infraspinatus test was negative, which indicated no tear in the posterior rotator cuff muscles..

Hawkins and Neer’s impingement tests were also positive for acromioclavicular pathology.

Some examples for sensitivity and specificity percentages are listed in table format below:

TEST sensitivity specificity Empty can/drop arm test 44.1% 89.5 % Infraspinatus test 41.6 % 90.1% Hawkins-Kennedy test 71.5% 66.3% Neer impingement test 68.0% 68.7% Table 3: is provided from Journal of Physical Therapy May 2012 page 744 Commonly used treatment options for SAC:

Non operative treatment of SAC in general showed 90% success rate per Levine W N et al 21 over

an average of 4 months therapy, which included oral non steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs

(NSAID). It has been suggested that “gentle” therapy (pain free pendulum and active exercises) is

better than “intensive” therapy (passive stretching and manipulation up to and beyond the pain

threshold). Patients with SAC often maintain some deficiencies in the range of motion even after

“successful” therapy. 22

There are controlled studies regarding the effectiveness of the end range mobilization techniques

in the treatment of SAC that show they are warranted 4 . Jewell 38 suggested in a Meta- Analysis

of physical therapy intervention for SAC treatment, that joint mobilization and exercises were the

most effective intervention. Physical therapy intervention used in the treatment of SAC frequently

includes modalities, manual therapy techniques and therapeutic exercises.

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Modalities The goal of modality usage in the treatment of SAC include relieving pain and affecting scar

tissue (collagen) formation. However, the use of ultrasound, massage, iontophoresis and

phonophoresis has not been proven to be beneficial in the treatment of the SAC 23

Heat modalities Ultrasound is the application of heat through sound waves to deep tissue of the body. It is used to reduce pain, relax tight muscles and reduce muscle spasm. Ultrasound is shown to have an

analgesic effect from the vasodilatation that it causes, which may help remove the byproducts of

the injured tissue, that often stimulates the pain fibers. 25 Muscle temperature is reported to rise

1-2 Centigrade (Cº) in 20 to 30 seconds, as mentioned by Drez 24 Ultrasound is also shown to

relieve muscle spasms by decreasing receptor activity and sensitivity to stretching

Transcutaneous electric stimulation (TENS): In conjunction with exercises and manipulation,

TENS has been shown to significantly increase range of motion more than heat. 26 There are

two theories of why TENS is effective in pain relief: The first theory “the gate control theory of

pain” states that if the fibers transmitting touch and proprioception sensations are over stimulated,

they may “flood” the pathways to the brain, preventing the pain signals from reaching the brain. 27

The second theory postulates that “the electrical stimulation of nerve fibers causes the release of

body’s own “natural opiates”, thereby decreasing pain. The pain relief is directly proportional to

the TENS parameters of frequency and amplitude. As both frequency and amplitude increase, pain

relief also increases 16.

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Soft tissue mobilization (STM): Soft tissue mobilization and deep friction massage may have

benefits in the treatment of SAC. Deep friction massage using the Cyriax Method is shown to be

superior to superficial heat and diathermy treatment of SAC. Utilizing the Cyriax method, STM

directed at the specific limitation of the periarticular structures in combination with a simple home

exercise program appeared to be an effective treatment in patients with SAC stage II, as measured

by improved ROM of the subjects. 28

Passive motion: SAC involves fibrotic changes to capsular ligamentous structures. Continuous passive range of motion (CPM) or dynamic splinting are used to help elongate collagen fibers. CPM was compared to conventional PT in 57 patients with SAC. Both groups improved after 4 weeks of therapy, however, patients with stage II 29 noted better outcomes when physical therapy

was combined with the Dynamic splint protocol although there was no statistically significant

difference between standard physical therapy or dynamic splint Protocol alone.

Manual therapy techniques: Joint mobilization to the GHJ is an effective intervention for SAC. Several studies showed that posterior glides to the humeral head were more effective than anterior

glides to improve external rotation ROM in the patient with SAC 30. Johnson and colleagues

randomly assigned 20 patients with SAC to physical therapy intervention including grade III

stretch mobilization and distraction at the end range of abduction and external rotation. After 3

sessions, the posterior mobilization group had significantly improved their external rotation by 31

degrees versus only 3 degrees in the anterior mobilization group. In addition, high-grade joint

mobilization techniques were more effective than low-grade mobilization in improving GHJ

mobility and reducing disability of patients with SAC.

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Therapeutic exercises: Most commonly used exercises for patients with SAC are active-assistive range of motion (AAROM) exercises and passive ROM. Pt uses the uninvolved arm, or

equipment such as the rope and pulley, wand/ T bar or exercise balls. Generally, these exercises

are performed for flexion, abduction and external and internal rotation range of motions, which are

most limited. Griggs, et al.31 found that physical therapy including 4 self stretches ( passive

flexion , horizontal adduction, internal rotation behind the back with the unaffective arm, and

external rotation at 0º using a cane ) performed twice a day produced a satisfactory outcome in

90% of stage II SAC. These patients significantly improved in pain, ROM, and shoulder function.

However, the study did not compare the intervention to other types of therapy. Griggs suggests

that more aggressive therapy such as manipulation is rarely necessary.

Resistive exercises typically include strengthening of the scapular stabilizers, rotator cuff, and

lower trapezium muscles. As the range of motion improves, shoulder strengthening is appropriate

intervention as long as the therapist stimulates normal movement pattern without substitution of

scapular movements over GHJ mobility.

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF): PNF is the application of specific stimuli to elicit and improve motor activity . Emphasis is placed on a pattern of movement performed

from the proximal to distal portion of the extremity. The goal behind the creation of PNF was to

develop a hands-on treatment approach that enables clinicians to analyze and assess patient’s

movement. PNF is not a treatment approach; it is a tool that allows for simultaneous assessment

and treatment of neuromuscular dysfunction 39.

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Hold-relax and contract-relax techniques are used frequently in the management of SAC.

During this technique, the patient will relax the antagonist muscles, and then the physical therapist

will move the limb through the available range to the point that soft tissue limitation is felt to gain

further ROM.

End range isometric exercises are used for anterior deltoid muscles in the end range

of forward flexion in supine after passive stretch to train the deltoid muscles to contract

isometrically for 3-5 seconds. The patient can improve strength in the gained range during therapy

sessions and maintain this range of motion. These techniques, when used effectively, can improve

the patient outcome.

The home program designed in the first treatment session by the physical therapist is

individualized and patient specific. Includes, self ROM and strengthening exercises for rotator

cuff and scapular stabilization.

Internal rotation, arm behind the back stretch starts with shoulder extension in the sagittal plane, a

move towards the other hip with the elbow bent, and a move towards the spine from the dorsal

side of the affected arm toward the space between the shoulder blades . This prevents shoulder

shrug and elevation of the humerus head and stretches the anterior shoulder without compromising

the biceps and creating tendon irritation. Exercise intensity and repetition needs to be adjusted for

each patient. Maitland irritability rules are applied. Patient’s presentation of signs and symptoms,

patient’s complaint and objective finding of severity, irritability, nature, stage and stability are

assessed and reassessed on a continuous basis, to determine the patient’s progress and response to


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Interventions used in this case The intervention for this Pt started with patient education and patient advice to continue using her

left upper extremity during daily living (ADL) and instrumental daily activities (IADL) Pt was

advised to perform a daily walking, strengthening and conditioning program to improve the fitness

and wellness of her upper and lower extremities. She was treated 3 times a week for the first 4

weeks with 6 minute therapeutic ultrasound at 1.5w/cm2, frequency to the anterior GHJ to deliver

deep heat to the shoulder capsular structures, biceps tendon, sub acromial bursa and rotator cuff

soft tissues. Soft tissue mobilization to deltoids, rotator cuff muscles, biceps tendon and upper

trapezius musculature for 6 minutes was followed by Maitland joint mobilization. For the initial

phase of SAC, Grade 1 to 2 anterior posterior (AP) joint mobilizations, inferior glides (IG) to GHJ,

were used, to relieve pain and muscle spasm for this patient’s left shoulder. Treatment was

followed with passive stretching exercises in supine position in anatomical planes.

When acute pain was not present and stiffness was the major issue, grade 3 and 4 Maitland

mobilization were utilized, to improve GHJ mobility. Refer to Table 4 for patient treatment

during 0 to 12 weeks intervention.


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Table 5: Patient’s expected AAROM, AROM were: AROM 1-2 WEEKS 3-4 WEEKS 5-6 WEEKS 7-12 WEEKS FLEXION 90 º IN SUPINE 120º IN SUPINE 140º IN SUPINE 155 º SUP/SIT. ABDUCTION 80º IN SUPINE 100º 130º IN SUPINE 150º SUP/SIT. EXTERNAL.ROT 20º AB 45º SUP 45º AB 60º SUP 75º AB 90º SUP 80 º AB 90º

SUP/SITTING INTERNAL ROT 30 AB 45º SUP 45º AB 60º SUP 50º AB 90º SUP 60º AB 90º SUP

/SITTING EXTENSION 10 º STANDING 30º STANDING 60º STANDING 75º STANDING Therapeutic exercises are the most commonly used and prescribed exercises for adhesive

capsulitis. Initially, in this case active-assistive range of motion (AAROM) and PROM was used.

In the later part of the treatment, Maitland mobilization, PNF and end range stretch and

strengthening exercises were utilized. For her home exercise program, the Pt used her uninvolved

arm, or utilized equipments such as PVC pipe for wand exercises in supine, rope and pulley, and

T-bar or golf club and exercise ball for AAROM and PROM. All exercises performed in the clinic

were 2 sets of 10, 2 to 3 sets for active and AAROM. Passive end range stretching performed by

the physical therapist were done with 5 to 10 sec hold in end range for 1 or 2 sets of 10 repetition.

Pt also used the same principle for stretching at home and in the office.

Outcomes Disability, pain and function were measured for this patient using the Shoulder pain disability

index (SPADI) and the Disabilities of the Shoulder and Hand (DASH). Using the SPADI, which

has a disability and pain component, the means of the two scales are averaged to produce a total

score ranging from 0 (best) to 100 (worst). The minimum detectable change (90% confidence) for

the SPADI is 13 points. The DASH was chosen as an outcome tool to assess functional

improvement. 32 The minimum clinically important difference (MCID) of the DASH was 15

points; this represented the change in score needed to be considered clinically significant.

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Pt reported resolution of pain during the day and at night and she was very happy with her

progress and functional outcome. Occasional left shoulder aching at the end of the day depended

on the activity level. Left shoulder pain ranged from about 0 to 2/10 but the pain resolved quickly

with 20 to 30 minutes of exercises. She had been doing exercises religiously at home. She worked

in short intervals and watched her postural correction, moving around every 20 to 30 minutes

instead of sitting all day in front of the computer. On her last visit, the pt showed positive

Hawkins and Neer test A/C joint impingement test at left shoulder. However she was satisfied

with the progress and wanted to continue with home and gym exercises at that point. The patient

was followed up by phone call on 3-7-2013. She reported that she was doing great and she had

joined the gym and continued with her program 2 times a day for 30-40 minutes. She lost 6

pounds since she started the therapy. Her current height: 5’7” weight was 164 lbs BMI: 25.7

kg/m2. She was still in the overweight category but she was determined to return to normal weight.

Her progress is summarized in table 6, 7 and 8 below: Table 6: Left shoulder AROM progress and improvement AROM 11-02-2012 12-03-2012 01-04-2013 02-15-2013 Flexion 70 º 140 º 155 º 176 º Abduction 65 º 130 º 145 º 165 º External rotation -10 º /45 º abd 55 º 75 º 87º Internal rotation 20º sup 45 ºabd 35º 60º 62º Extension 20º 40º 60º 80 º Internal rot aib Right hip L1 level T12 level T 6 level Abd (abduction) arm in the back (aib), L1 lumbar first vertebra, T 12 (Thoracic 12 th) vertebra level; T6 (Thoracic 6’ th) vertebra level.

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Table 7: Left shoulder muscle strength progress and improvement. MMT 11-02-2012 12-03-2012 01-04-2013 02-15-2013 Flexion 2+/5 3/5 3+/5 4+/5 Abduction 2/5 with pain 2+/5 3+/5 4/5 External rotation 2+/5 with pain 2+/5 less pain 3+/5 4/5 Internal rotation 3+/5 3+/5 4/5 4+/5 Biceps 3/5 3+/5 4/5 5/5 Left hand grip strength

20 ft/lbs N/T 46 ft/lbs 60ft/lbs

Right hand grip strength

65 ft/lbs N/T 72 ft/lbs 75 ft/lbs

Table 8: Initial, mid-treatment, and final NPRS, SPADI, DASH, and Global Rating Score Left shoulder 11-02-2012 01-04-2013 02-15-2013 Numeric pain level NPRS

2 to 8/10 2 to 3/10 0 to 1/10

SPADI total pain score

70 % 12% 4%

SPADI total disability score

90 % 20% 1.25%

DASH 77.5 Not tested 16.5

Global rating of change score

Not tested Not tested 6 out of 7 great deal better than started

Discussion: This case report shows that a combination of modalities, manual therapy, and patient-specific

goal oriented progressive end-range stretching and strengthening exercises, along with a

consistently monitored home exercise program improved the outcome of the patient with SAC.

Patient-specific Maitland mobilization techniques along with exercises achieved excellent

results for this patient. In this case, Pt was treated with ultrasound/electric stimulation and soft

tissue mobilization prior to Maitland mobilizations and end range stretching and strengthening

exercises. Pt achieved her goals of returning to independent function and decreasing her pain with

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this combination of modalities, exercises and manual intervention. The use of modalities in the

treatment of SAC was effective in this case; however, the efficacy of Ultrasound as an

intervention for SAC is still controversial. In the study by Robertson 37 it was reported that there

was little evidence that therapeutic ultrasound is more effective than placebo ultrasound for

treating people with pain of musculoskeletal injuries or promoting soft tissue healing. On the

contrary, in agreement with the findings of this case, the study by Durmus 36 concluded that

Ultrasound and ES were effective methods to reduce pain.

Team work between the doctor, physical therapist and insurance company, as well as other health

care professionals was essential in achieving the desired level of progress.

In this case report, the team approach was effective to help the patient reduce pain and ROM

impairment, and improve functional limitation and disability. The patient significantly improved

in terms of pain, range of motion, and shoulder function and she was able to return to her previous

activity level prior to injury.. Treatment lasted approximately three months with successful

management and avoidance of further, costly tests or surgical procedures. According to the

literature, if untreated, SAC might go unresolved for 12 to 18 months or longer sometimes up to

30 months. 10

Shoulder joint ROM impairment and functional limitation causes a tremendous burden to patients.

This study showed that patients with SAC can be treated successfully with an experienced

physical therapist. It is a lengthy process and there are a lot of obstacles to achieve full use of a

frozen shoulder.

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Conclusion: This single case report has shown that SAC treated with a combination of modalities, joint and

soft tissue mobilization, and exercise, along with a consistent home program, resulted in excellent

outcome. Physical therapy interventions were initiated as soon as a diagnosis was made to prevent

further impairment, functional limitation and disability. The Pt significantly improved in pain,

range of motion and shoulder function and was able to resume her daily activities without

limitation. Utilizing best evidence, clinical expertise and patient combined efforts, in therapy and

at home, provided a successful outcome.

Since there is no gold standard for treatment of SAC, high-quality, larger randomized control

studies are needed to define the key elements for the best intervention and management for SAC.

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Acknowledgment This case report is part of Rehab essential of USF tDPT program.

I would like to thank my adviser in this project Barbra Koczan PT, DPT, CHT for assisting me

to make it happen.

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