yahusha of narsaeth aka jesus

Post on 13-Apr-2015






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Who is it that we are waiting for and will we recognize the coming Savior?





Matthew 27:37 Mark 15:26 Luke 23:38


“HE SHALL BE CALLED A NATSARENE” (Despised) Matthew 2:23 Psalm 22:6

Isaiah 53:3 John 1:45-46 ~~~~~~~~~


Acts 26:2-6 Especially 5 (Strictest Sect of Observance ~ Pharisee)

Acts 28:22 ~~~~~~~~~


WHO are You, Master? And YAHUSHA saying in the Hebrew Language,

I AM YAHUSHA, whom you persecute. ‘But rise up and stand on your feet,

For I have appeared to you for this purpose, To appoint you a servant and a witness both of what you saw

And of those which I shall reveal to you, Delivering you from “the people and the gentiles,”

To “whom” I now send you, To OPEN their eyes,

To TURN them from DARKNESS TO LIGHT, To TURN them from the authority of Satan

To TURN “them” To Elohim, IN ORDER for “them” to receive FORGIVENESS of sins

And AN INHERITANCE among those who are set-apart by belief in ME.’


Acts 26:24 To SPEAK words of TRUTH and SENSE!

And To TURN “them” from DARKNESS to LIGHT! ~~~~~~~~~


From DARKNESS to LIGHT? Isaiah 42:6-7

I, YAHUAH, have Called You in righteousness I Take hold of Your hand and I Guard You I Give You for a COVENANT to a people, I Give You for a LIGHT to “the gentiles”,

TO OPEN blind eyes, TO BRING OUT prisoners from the prison &

Those who sit in darkness from the prison house. I AM YAHUAH, that is MY NAME,

MY esteem I do not give to another or MY praise to idols. ~~~~~~~~~

Isaiah 60:1~3 & 19~22 “RISE and SHINE, for your LIGHT has come! The esteem of YAHUAH has risen upon you.

For LOOK! Darkness covers the earth & thick darkness covers the peoples. But I, YAHUAH arise over you & MY esteem is seen upon you.

(HIS ESTEEM ~ HIS NAME) The gentiles shall come to your LIGHT

And sovereigns shall come to the brightness of your rising.

No longer is the sun your LIGHT by day, Nor does the moon give LIGHT to you for brightness, I, YAHUAH shall be to you an everlasting LIGHT,

And your Elohim, your Comeliness.

No longer does your sun go down, Nor your moon withdraw itself, For I, YAHUAH shall be your everlasting LIGHT,

And the days of your morning shall be ended. And your people, ALL of “them” RIGHTEOUS,

Shall inherit THE EARTH forever ~ A branch of MY PLANTING and a work of MY HANDS,

To be adorned. ~~~~~~~~~

Revelation 12:22~24 The gentiles, of those who are saved,

Shall walk in THE LIGHT and the sovereigns of the earth Shall bring their esteem into it.

~~~~~~~~ Matthew 16: 27

For the Son of Adam is going to come in the ESTEEM/NAME of His Father With His messengers and then He shall reward each according to his works.




AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH And hwhy saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,

And that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And hwhy was sorry that He had made man on the earth

And He was grieved in His heart! hwhy said:

I am going to wipe off man whom I have created from the face of the earth, Both man and beast, creeping creature & birds of the heavens,

For I am sorry that I have made them.” Genesis ~ 1 Mosheh ~ Bereshith Chapter 6

~~~~~~~~~ Upon extensive research and exploring THE WAY walked by YAHUSHA, the Natsarene, historical evidence uncovered the ancient way of life taught since the time of Enoch and Noah. The historical authenticity of THIS WAY is validated by its total alignment with ancient teachings found in the Torah and the Talmud. Upon exploring the strong historical evidence it appears that YAHUSHA’s (Jesus’s) teachings are essentially the same as the Bet Hillel School of the Pharisees and the Essenes of that time. YAHUSHA (Jesus) was brought up not only as a Jew/Yahudim, but also in the Nazit-Essene or the Natsarim sect of the Essene branch of Judaism/Yahudim. Many of the Essenes at that time were forced to leave the sect because of the bitterness of the attacks by the Shammai Pharisees.


Most of us are not familiar with the teachings of the Essenes. THE WAY and it’s teachings include: Vegetarianism, negation of sacrifice/cruelty to animals, karma/reincarnation ~ immortality of the soul, love of neighbor as self, and the mission to share the ONE Master Creator with all nations. The ESSENES and followers of THIS WAY taught the ONE MASTER CREATOR to the nations not as conquerors forcing a particular religion on the population but rather as “TEACHERS” respecting the right of each nation and individual to develop their own personal WAY to come to know THE ONE without beginning or end. The historical evidence/accounting that has been revealed in these last days actually did not surprise me. The concept that YAHUSHA/Jesus also taught the importance of vegetarianism, non-cruelty to animals, love of neighbor as self, reincarnation and the MISSION to share these teachings with all the nations. The ESSENES went the farthest of any YAHUDIM/Jewish sect concerning the equality of men and women with the teaching of YAHUSHA/Jesus being significantly clearer and stronger.


Let us EXPLORE the LIFE and MESSAGE of the NASARIM to appreciate the universality of TRUTH/LIGHT. Let’s evaluate these historical statements of timeless TRUTHS that are critically important guides for us to LIVE BY in both the present and future age to come.

WALK THIS WAY! One of the most fascinating sections I have found

Is a new clarification of The Ancient/PALEO Commands/Our Creator’s DESIRE

As YAHUSHA is quoted to say: “Behold a new LAW I give to you, which is not new but OLD…

HEAR O ISREAL, The Master Creator, YAHUAH is ONE:

Many are My seers & My Prophets. In ME all LIVE and MOVE and HAVE subsistence.

1. You shall worship (obey) the ONE ETERNAL UNBEGOTTEN MASTER CREATOR, of who are all things made.

2. You shall NOT TAKE AWAY the LIFE of any creature, nor yet torment it.

3. You shall cherish and protect the weak, the oppressed, and all creatures That suffers wrong.

4. You shall NOT EAT THE FLESH or DRINK THE BLOOD of any Slaughtered creature, nor yet anything which brings disorder to Your health or senses.

5. You shall eat the fruits and herbs of the earth, and working in THE LAW, LIVE long in the land.

6. You shall NOT MAKE impure marriages where love and health are not, Nor yet corrupt yourselves or any creature.

7. You shall revere your fathers and mothers and ALL the teachers of Righteousness.

8. You shall NOT BEAR false witness against, nor willfully DECEIVE, any, NOR yet covet or steal their goods.

9. You shall purify yourselves daily and REST the seventh day.

10. You shall “NOT” do unto others, As you would that others should “NOT DO” unto you.


This is the ancient/PALEO WAY (Our CREATOR’s DESIRE) and it appears that YAHUSHA had a refreshed way of delivering these timeless teachings. He did bring a new understanding to The Scriptures on which so many of us have based our lives. It is significant that these teachings are NOW coming to LIGHT, as YAHUSHA/Jesus prophesied in His own words.

‘I have set you as the LIGHT of the WORLD, And as a city that cannot be hid.

But the time comes when darkness shall cover the Earth,

Gross darkness shall cover the people, And the enemies of TRUTH & RIGHTEOUSNESS

Shall rule in MY NAME & set up a kingdom of this world. They shall oppress the peoples & cause them to blaspheme,

Putting for MY DOCTRINES the opinions of a man and of men, And teaching in MY NAME that which I HAVE “NOT” TAUGHT,

And darkening much that I HAVE TAUGHT by their traditions.

BUT…. Be of good cheer, For the time will also come when THE TRUTH

“They have hidden” Shall be manifest, and THE LIGHT shall shine,

And the darkness shall pass away & the TRUE KINGDOM Shall be established which shall be in the world,

But not of it…”

This is what is happening … NOW! Many manuscripts have been recovered such as the Dead Sea Scrolls & the Gnostic Gospels. The mysteries of these religious traditions have begun to unravel themselves & many fragments have verified some of what has been “thought to be” the TRUTH. Other findings have provided revelations into the many paradoxes & “obvious oversights” generated in the attempt to fashion a historical thread to authenticate man’s fossilized customs.

BEING BORN OF THE SPIRIT (John 3:12 ~ The teachers of Yisra’el did NOT KNOW THIS)

‘Are you THE TEACHER of Yisra’el and you do NOT KNOW this? Truly, truly, I say to you,

We speak what We know and We witness what We have seen And you do NOT receive Our witness.

If you do NOT believe when I spoke to you about earthly matters, How are you going to believe,

When I speak to you about the heavenly matters?’



At this point in time, I believe that I have followed, to the best of my ability, THE ONE FROM NATSARITH. During this journey, my understanding and awareness of Scripture has increased. I believe that I have been forgiven of all my trespasses, known and unknown. I believe I have dramatically changed as I have turned from all of my sins and today I walk a NEW LIFE and in a much different WAY. I believe we all can be taught by YAHUAH, the LIVING Elohim through His LIVING WORD.

I believe that I have done my utmost to declare The NAME of OUR CREATOR to everyone, so ALL can be saved. I love our Father’s NAME and am love obedient to ALL HIS commandments. Our Creator “DESIRES” each one of us to be doers of HIS LAWS of LOVE. He does not “DESIRE” any of us to perish but to inherit EVERLATING LIFE.

Debarim/Deut has recorded the words of Moses for the world to read:

“Be PERFECT before hwhy”! “hwhy told (MOSES) that HE would raise up,

In “that day” ~ A Prophet like him (MOSES) Out of the midst of their brothers.

And HE would put HIS WORDS in HIS mouth & HE would speak all that HE (HWHY) commands HIM.

And it shall be, the man who does not listen To THE WORDS of hwhy

Which HE will speak in MY NAME, “I WILL REQUIRE “it” of him.”

(This is also repeated in the Book of Acts Chapter 3) YAHUSHA/Jesus also said:

BE PERFECT, as your Father in the heavens IS PERFECT! MattithYAHU 5:48


NOW, upon continuing my exploration & adventures, I am once more amazed at my findings & the amount of revelation that has been revealed not only to me but many others.


When I began my search for TRUTH & the great I AM, I heard these words:


As of TODAY, I have come full circle & I NOW understand THE MESSAGE!

“HIS WORDS” WILL NEVER PASS AWAY! The darkness passes away!!!!!! How cool!


If this is “THE TRUTH”,

NOW is the time for everyone of “US” to REPENT & To WORSHIP (obey) HIM in TRUTH & in SPIRIT

So darkness/ignorance will pass away! (As He said “it” would) The Book of Revelations further reveals that those

Doing “THE COMMANDS” Shall have authority unto The Tree of Life &

To enter through the gates into The City. ~~~~~~~~~


THIS BESORAH/MESSAGE/REPORT has been given to us Because of the URGENCY of the TIMES!

ALL 144,000 copies have been delivered and THE WORLD has been afforded An OPPORTUNITY to:


ALL who seek THE TRUTH/LIGHT shall find “IT”. In the process, each one of us will develop our own personal way

To come TO KNOW, THE ONE, Without beginning or end,

THE ONE, I know as, YAHUAH, THE ETERNAL I AM ~~~~~~~~~

YAHUAH’s EVERLASTING COVENANT of LOVE: Seems to encompass the earthy laws of nature & the spiritual laws of the cosmos.

There are new findings that will speedily connect each of us to The Eternal I AM, WHO has existed from the beginning of time.

HIS LAW & HIS WAY was re-introduced to the WORLD Through the enlightened teachings of YAHUSHA/Jesus.

HIS teachings can be used as a doorway that empowers ALL to LIVE THE SAME WAY opened by YAHUSHA of NATSARITH,



MASTER OF MASTERS. Revelation 19 The BESORAH Page 1316

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Revelation 14 The BESORAH Page 1312

And I saw another messenger flying in mid-heaven, Holding the EVERLASTING BESORAH

To ANNOUNCE to those dwelling on the earth, Saying: “FEAR YAHUAH & GIVE esteem to HIM,


Who made the heavens & the earth & sea & fountains of water.” VENGENCE is MINE! Says HWHY!

I SHALL JUDGE MY PEOPLE! It is FEARSOME to fall into the hands of the living Elohim!

~~~~~~~~~ For every MATTER there is an appointed time, Even a time for every pursuit under the heavens;

A time to be born, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to uproot;

A time to slay and a time to heal A time to break down And a time to dance

A time to seek And a time to laugh

A time to mourn And a time to embrace & a time to refrain from embracing

A time to seek and a time to lose A time to keep and a time to throw away

A time to tear and a time to sew A time to be silent and a time to speak

A time to love and a time to hate A time for battle and a time for peace!

ALL these MATTERS can be GOOD!

The Appointed TIME has COME!

REMEMBER your Creator in the days of your youth, BEFORE the evil days come! I sought to find out WORDS of delight & WORDS of TRUTH, rightly written.

The WORDS of the WISE are like goads & as nails driven by the masters of collections; They were given by ONE SHEPHERD. hwhy is my SHEPHERD!


And, I have learned that the making of many books has no end And much study is a wearying of my flesh. Here is the conclusion of the entire matter:

FEAR YAHUAH and GUARD HIS COMMANDS for this applies to ALL MANKIND! HWHY is going to bring every work into right ruling, Including all that is hidden, weather good or weather evil.



Consider these central teachings, which YAHUSHA OSwhy offered at all times and everywhere He went. Let me point out His pattern & priorities.

As I see it now, "Believing in Jesus" doesn't account for anything other than being a beginning!

The goal & challenge for ALL of us today is choosing & living “THE RIGHTEOUS LIFE”, the way YAHUSHA lived “HIS LIFE” while enduring extreme trials, suffering rejection every day, betrayals from close friends & constant attacks from adversaries at every turn!

YAHUSHA was selected to demonstrate, by first hand example for us, exactly what is possible with YAHUAH! Yahusha's life is a shinning example and THE standard of perfection so that we can know for sure what is possible; if we too would walk the path “THE WAY” YAHUSHA walked it! We are challenged to individually demonstrate the same things by our own example in our own lives to as many people as possible in this generation. To prepare ourselves for this commission, we are challenged to amend our ways & fast from the ways of this world!

DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA what central teachings YAHUSHA TAUGHT everywhere He went?

1. Demonstrating the ultimate LOVE for YAHUAH and ALL innocent Life by OVERCOMING one's own selfish, carnal desires & thereby BECOMING a true Son/Daughter of YAHUAH. Renouncing our life of carnality & materialism, while choosing instead a life of sacrifice of one's own carnal desires/will in LOVE obedience to YAHUAH's Will & His Dreams for us.

2. Renouncing ALL forms of Violence, Warfare, Torture & the Oppression of ALL the weak, poor & the innocents. Choose the Sanctification &Protection of ALL Innocent Life (The brotherhood of Life). Torturing, Killing & Consumption of animals IS self-destructive behavior which brings retribution in the form of disease, suffering & premature death. Hunting & Fishing are violent & consistent with the laws of the Jungle, "Kill or be killed"! We are meant to be Protectors NOT Destroyers.


3. Choose LIFE NOT Death! Choose LIVING FOOD NOT Dead Food! Consumption of Dead food brings only disease, torture, suffering and premature death!

YAHUSHA restored knowledge of correct diet & TAUGHT Prayer/Fasting as a remedy to break lifelong addictions to carnal behaviors & to break the power of the adversary in the body and spirit.

4. YAHUSHA explained the cycles of LIFE (Wheel of LIFE)! YAHUAH is the Master Potter & Master Goldsmith who lovingly PERFECTS our spirit over many physical incarnations into bodies of flesh. This is real MERCY! YAHUAH's merciful methodology is designed to PURIFY the Spirit with the ultimate goal being PERFECTION of the Spirit! PERFECTION of the Spirit is rewarded by the gift of ETERNAL LIFE with the direct presence of YAHUAH in Heaven, cloaked in magnificent Seven-fold LIGHT! ~~~~~~~~~

WOE! In the days of distress, we shall realize That we have inherited only falsehoods & futility from our fathers

And there is NO VALUE in them! YirmeYAHU 16 ~~~~~~~~~

“Let not your heart be troubled, BELIEVE/TRUST in hwhy

BELIEVE/TRUST in Me” John/YAHuchanon 14:1

“I and My Father are ONE.” John/YAHuchanon 10:30

“MY TEACHING is not MINE but HIS who sent ME.” John/YAHuchanon 7:16

< IN HIS OWN WORDS > 3:34,8:28, 8:40,12:49,14:24,17:8 ~~~~~~~~~

LAST WORD Let’s call on Our Father,

Who without partiality JUDGES according to each one’s work And pass the time we have left here in FEAR,

Knowing that we were redeemed from our futile way of life Inherited from our fathers,

NOT with corruptible silver or gold but With the precious blood of Messiah,

As of a LAMB unblemished & spotless, Foreknown, in deed, before the foundations of the world,

But manifested in these last times for our sakes.



To genuine brotherly LOVE With a CLEAN HEART and be BORN AGAIN

THIS TIME, not of corruptible seed But incorruptible seed ~ Through The LIVING WORD of Elohim

And “This SEED” remains FOREVER. Because “all flesh” is a grass & “the esteem of man” is as a flower of the grass.

The grass withers & its flower falls away But


And “That” Is “The Word” Announced

As “THE BESORAH” ~ “The GOOD NEWS” To This Wicked Generation!

“For hwhy has created what is NEW on Earth ~ A “WOMAN” encompasses a man!”

To encompass: To embrace with tender & unfailing LOVE. It has been accomplished!

YirmeYAHU 31:22

LOVE in ALL your Ways because LOVE WINS! Keep in mind: You must adhere to “HIS rules” in “this game” of LIFE

Because “The LOVERS of GOOD” win!

Let “The FUN” begin… Come on out … you all!

Revelation 18:4


Passover 2012 PWHS (WORDS unsealed) 7/4/12 2:22:47 AM ~ 3/11/13 2:51 PM

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