xxrr. ~igtorious a~ ea th e sho w-oh wi[ again · 1 c 1 wi g-l\·en a\vay a er conducting an...

Post on 19-Jun-2020






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YOLC:'llE xxrr. ~ 'u-:llBER 11

ms ~IGTORIOUS a~EA SAINTS ~~~~~ ~w~~~~ FANG NEOPHYTES T~u~&L~:~~?JJE "THE SHOW-OH" WI[ AGAIN IN TURKfr-OAr GRIDIRON GAM[ F0~;e~~b~~~~1~~!~~:~sn~r1~~~~ NAMEO ~T OANG[ . \ .s~0!·ff,:i <l~~0~0:i~an~~e~~~~ 8[ PRESENTED THIS [~[NING

Air-tight Bobcat Defense Lea\ es HilltoJ>pers on Short E nd of 21 to O Score. O'Leary, DeFrate and Long Register )farkers for ~lontana State

Entl·ring the.: .llamC' at otld!i even. the Bobcats pl:.t) ea one of their bes~ ganws thb season by <lef atin~ the .\fou11t Saint Chai e cle\ en and out­pla) in:: thun in ev~ry_ <le1'.ar.ment ?r the ganw. A,cu!"' a 01 bcmi:r erratic, the IJyl·hL·men dl·arly delllonstrated they <"an play the brand of football t.·xpectuJ of them all scason. .

~!on .una·:; li11e played con~1stentl) and the ba kfield ~l·l med to funl'tion mueh smoother than p· e\"iou~ly. Tht: failure of the vauutcd ~aint aerial at. tack a11d the suCCC':SS of lh.: Bnbl'<J.~ pa.ss:ni;r wa!" th..: bi~.l!est surprise ot the ganw. Tlw plunging utlack of the liottab Ji\"eJ up to all predictious

[h·Frc,t.e entered thC' game a~ quarter­back for the Bobcats. He 1.nokc away or a Ji-ya.ti gu. on his fir;;t attc·mpt

t the- Lall an<l of the n xt p:ay laid <Conti1 •wd •1n Page Four)

Ag Students Hold Mixer and Smoker

Large Attendance at Program Held Friday E'ening By \gri­cultural Club

and pr!J\ cJ to bt: Lhe nia1~i~~ay f~r :\lontan.1 on offt.11::,L'. The Salllt-" di.J J· in.nl! tc~ethl'r in a combination not show tne brand of football to be mixer and smoke> t.1l' agricultu1al t·xpectl!o from a team which held stmients met in th agricultural build-1 Hngham Young- L.:111\·ersity to a 1:3 to in!! la. t Friday evening. A very good lJ ·.ic. Sp111ncrs and mt:.ltiplt pa:;:;~ a ttndauce marked the affair and pla\::; b<•hmd the line uf ~nima~c were 1ilenty of entt-rtainmf'nt was furnbh.d. / their mo::;t cffcdi\"e methods of attack. Cards \\en: played, during the e\·en­'lhe Saint=- wu·e unable lo effectively ing- and icfn·:;hmcnts were ~crved at 1

n·ix their p.ays due to the failure of the clo~e of the session. The affair I their at rial a:ta~k <.Ipon which the.· proved to bP a sul·cc·~s in en·ry "ay, have d 1•endt'd :--o mucn this !:.Cason. ac.cor<ling- to the r pn·:-('ntaLvt-s of the 'I he liobtats pullcJ. the mo:--t sp~tac- ~\g- Club. which organization :-pon:-­ular pla:. s of tne gamt• about the ored the affair. middle of thl! fourth qua1 tE:r. A fake I Sui.:h gathe1 in.;?"~ of a sing-le branch SlJ~nncr by Kc~non and two batkward of students a? e both entertaining and pa"~e:: kft Defrati:. open to pa~s to valuable e<lucatbnally for topLs vi Lon!! who wu~ slancnn:;r out a:~ the one ~pec·ial hui-fit and U"lfulne~:; and ::.i<:c of the tieh.l unmolestEtl. Lo_ng I brought up for di~cus~ion which per­du, ke<l the :;afo.ty man a_nd \\3!' ta in to th~· particular l;ne of work ot tackkd just aero~:; the g-oal lme. ~lu~t tho~e present. before tht· final '-'un the same pla:.· --------------­ncttl'd a trood gain but Lon;! failed to eh.:<le !'afcly man and was tackled on ' lhe Saints


sc\·en-ynrd lint. The gun ended the ~ame before anotht..·r play cuuld be run.

Pia, n, Qunrters The Ilobl'at~ kicked off and r ... -

covercd a fumble but another fumble neutl aliwd this a ivantag-c. After suf-1 erin::: a 15 yard pcnalt:.· . the Saint_s kick-d. I;.. was a punting duel until


' ote to H ave Individual Pie- - - I ur dav of T his W eek tures in Ann ua l Carried 1\Hnty-one Freshmen Selected I ·

for )!e mbership in Service Or- Th Student B1anch of tho A. I. E. One huniire<l an.I forty-ei~ht fi. ::;t ganization E. of .'.\lontana ~tate Colle~e w11l g-ive

vear slUdents ea:::t. tht·ir ballots l<.1!'t an l'h:ctr1c:al :show anJ Uanl'e on Fi i-

Tormentors Production :llet "ith Great Success Last N ight at Emer>'on ,\uditorium. Expected to Play Before Full House Tonight

\\-l'dnesday to name their leaders for Twenty-one proud freshmen m·e day, lJcccmbu ,\ anJ an elcetril'al the lll!:iUil;I! ~chool year. The follow- now th~ Wt:<:lrer~ of the pleJge ribbon ~how on Saturdn). Dcccmbtr li, in th ·Tht.: ~how-OJf," which wa~ pre- s.·dcrc.d to bl' the j?n:>a~est <Ome<ly evl'r were the :-uL·<:e~sful L·andi<lates: llenr;. of the Intercullegiatt.: Knight". The:;e en~incering building and laboraLorit.s, ~l·n.t..·tl la:-t nii: t ·' thl' ElllH!SCin auJi- wri·ten bv an .-\mt..•1:4..'.an author. Fox won the presi<lencv of the rlas:;:; . nc\\ Fangs wc!·e spiked at the second the proceeds to go to the benefit fun(? to1ium by t e l nrcntor:-. and which G.ort::e Keiley, \\ho wrot~ it, i:s a well Ht..· i:;:; from Billing-.s and a J1l(·mbcr of anni..al I•anl! Pkclg-t dame last Satur- for \ inctnt :\lorgan, gra<lua~e of th will alsi> L ptC':;i;l'ntL•1l again tonight. known actor an:! play-w1ight anti ha:-; th Pi Kap1,a Alpha fraternity . Bob day. The :-;crvit·e org-,rnizntion selc..:- elt.ctlind dcpaitment in lH:iO, who wa~ was a grent sut·cc!'-.. This play is con- s1 ent most of hi:; life on the ~tagl' . P.dri~rof i(.'h~tu,:eai:1>e~!.i;ti. l~}1~~e{~ t~i tiot:; wereg B J :::~~~.u~:~·s iFJ~'.e<~~is ~n c;! 1t~-~ot ~~~~c~~~~~ {hh~~ 1fill~-~ l~a~~ 1 ,,~o0~11~c v~~~ro:;~~~~~i~~ K~~pa e~~i;h~~. For s;n~tar; Fred Gil1~~1i~utte~1abn~llas ~·~ccr'~\~n~locc~~~~~ in a " nu~he.J \·~rtebrate which requirtd PreSI.dent-Student tnmment-:. from some oi our wo1·ld Huh 1: wa: named. Ile is a ~hmm Chi Roy. Loui!-', 'Lewi~town; iu'le E<lwanl: an opt.ration that was pE:rformed by famous dramatic uitic:;:;. an<l is tro_i.n Salt ~ake C1ty. T~m l houtcau; Jl e 11 r:.. F' 0 x, Billings; Dr. Aila rd of Bill in)?~, without c-o:-;t. In this play you will partil'ularly :\lnr:o.hall, Sigma Chi .. cnHffj!(>d. \'J<:-1 I· rson Tuttle, 'Whitehall; \'intent :.Iorgan \\ 111 be in a plaster cast for Con"erence Today njoy Auclr y Piper. who is a char-0 wus abo\·e the long- list o~ nomme<:s Dt·mcrs. Huntky: John Bcnden . Glen- SC\'Ctal months and having had to 11 a 1 ter that ha~ been wr,nched from f1 fn•.h.l'C'n trea~urcr. Jhs home is di,.;c; Jlainld :Olunlo.h, Bozeman: wo.k hi:-; way throu~h college woulJ lie. Ile sets the pace an1l tht• story F illinl!~ :\Io1:t. Garlah Roherts-. Helena; )leldin be unable to ntE·et th. hospital 1t'es. fol.ow,- . G~urg~ Kellt·y himsdf, ~ :tid of The c:lass \Ot:.d to haYe individual ..-\Xl'!;J ... 1:n. Dixon ; Tom Crum. Knli- It will b1..7. some time after he has.lc_ft l·'tudent Propo~als Expected 1.'o him, '"Personallv l came to like pirtures in the l-Iontana by the major- t .sp II; ""Wayne \\'hi:hina<', Park City; ~~~o\~t'~~~i'.t.al bl'forc he will b tul1y Be Settled This .Afternoon. AL:1:rt·y before ·r had finished the . <'f :10 vot s for to :35 against. Gilb~rt. :Oloc. Lymon; Robert Honlcy, . 1 . . . . f 1 lay." He is a thorou~h liar. a com-Eozcmnn: Richard Peck, P;1rk City; !-'l n:ra or1 . .rnmzat1ons. c:on~1strng- o Results of Inves tigation to Be pit tc bragg-art, and an insolant ego-


Tl •ere \\ill be a Fa ng meeting tc ni~ht in Herrick hall at ;) :00 u·d ock.

...\rt Buckley. duke.


Plea~e gtt in nritten a pplica ­ticns lc r i:c i tions on \"ocationa l ( ( .. ngn.·ss sta ff at once.

D. Garrett & C. Conne ll.

New Group to Give Program

;\fale Double-Quartet Will Pre­sent Christmas Music No,·em­ber 10th

E.mmu~l Falkensten, Terry; Gordon :-:tudents . faculty and business rnen. ReYealed tist. but n Vl'rtheles!'l. likable. The part Husband. Harlowton; Joe Dawson. ~~;kec t~~~atb~~e~:~ i~h~~~· \"~~1~f <~~ncheel~ is pla,·e-! very ably by John C'oey, who :-:imms; Georg-~ Patke, Glasgow. su. CLSS. The ~Iontana Power comi)an\.' <loe~ some ven· fine dramatization in These men were s leded from the will set\"t! waffles and cotfe , and give The c·onferenee scheduled for yes- this play. . 1.ine sol·ial fratcrnL ie~ of the campus d . . h . 1 . 1 terday bf2'tween the prbident and' \\'hat ,,-ould you do if your dauJrhtcr and the independenb. The honor which t..'lll<;>ns~ration:-; int e u::w ot e ectnc~ studc•nt 1epresentati\·es \\as postponeJ shoul<l matry a man whom )-our 0\1-:n has been accorded to tlwm is a most ~f,P 1.i!tm·~~l ~r lh~ hon~. I ·~ ?~~1 t·~t nntil lh1~ afternoon at four o'clock. fam_1ly d~:->pises and then come home wo1 thy one and it was only after !3e\·- <.: la~ g" \\

1 1

~ ~13 • e t~.b e P CO\ n e~~ 1 The me<:ting this afternoon is to set- to In: .. with yo~'? If you h_ave not seen L ral we, k:-; of careful survey of the pen. e. am . 0 con tu ution ~o t <! tie the i~sue~ which the students re- the 'Show-Ort' come tomght and see f t..•shml'n clas:;:; that thl'y were c:hosen. f~rd. hE~h ti kl•t pt~·cha!-it.>cl will 1cn- L"ently Lniutrht up reg-arding their I just what :\lrs. ti~hcr does when her

Of all of the urJ?~rnizations of the col- i~ti~ \~-a~fl:ai~~~ t~n~l i.:a; 1~J~c.:~~i:n eerz~: ::;ocial re~ulatfons. Sinc.c the uprising dau_~htl·r places her in just such n leg-e perhap~ th~ Fang's play the mo~t 1 to h' 1 ·u b . P ft of the students the Pres1dc:nt has be(:'n prc .. 1came-nt. important part. 'fhdr value to the ~ rhw •1c 1 wi c g-l\·en a\vay a er conducting an im·estigation into the 1 . Th c~tRt for this play includes: s'honl in enforcing tra:iitions., uphold- t es. 02\. . p er T . ) I matter and the issues arc expected <Iara .i;isher · ··· .Loia Brown ing- school spirit and their j!eneral l ontmued on a~e \\O to be settled today. 'While President .Jhs.. FishL·r - .... Dorothy :Oiil~er ~e1 vice to the !'tucL nt body is one that I Atkinson ~ranted the different pro- A.my Brown ....... -··· ..... Kathr).·~ Smith cannot be underestimated. posals temporarily last week the lack Frank.Jlylank •··· Chester Huntley Well over 150 couples enjoyed <lane- lnventor Wi"ll of data concerning them necessitated :>Ir. Fisher Ray \'an Flce.t in~ to t he music of the Kampus Kings a final verdict being delayed . ..lr. R.og-e:s ····· Hemy Sc.ovil at the Fang dan~c last ~a t u relay and At an a:;scmbly a week ago ;\londay Joe F~sher .. Harold L. Gr- mer ·he official spiking or these pledges I L t LJ he college h,ad pointed out the evil .Jlr. Gill . .. - .... Dale Boha1t lent interest and color to the C\·,ning's ec ure nere resu,ts of the methods which the stJ- IAtdrey l'11>er-The Show-Off . tnte1tainmcnt. <lent~ employed in bringing up their .John Coey Th, fo1lowin}.! men hiwe performed i:;:si.:e:' but did not take up th, ('aU:'t! thei1· last official act in the order of G. E. Sheridan of B utte to Visit until later. On different ·ays clurini< SECTION OF THE Jnte1colle.e:iate Knig~ts and are now in College Next ::\londav. Dec- the l~tt(·_r part or the .w~k he tooi.;; the ranks of Alumr.1 members. These · · up tins s.1de of ~he qu.:;t1on thoroughly mtn de!', rve much honor and credit ember 8 and at a meeting- with the student fo-- the tine work they haYe dis.played l"o:mnitteP las Tm ~day afternoon the ANNUAL UNDER WAY A new g-roup of music makers has ''hik members of the organization. '.\II'. G. E. Shc•idan, of Butte, the co· tolleg-c h.ad de re('d that the new appear~d on the campus and will make Their servic~s ~hall not be forgotten : inn~ntor of the ~elective flotation pr>- rules would be obs<:n-cd until further it:_.; tir:-;t public appearance a week \\'< s'ey Funk. Ja,ne:.-; Loftu~, J~ck cess, by which the metab :::;ilver, gold, rl:'st:ar4..'.h could he made. from tomorr~\"\' night.. \V~dnes<lar. B~rtlett, Harold H .rnslm, .'.\Ioe 1:1ce, lead and copncr ma, be notitably L x­De~ember 10, 111 the engme:ermg- aum- D1C'k. Slattery,~ .Jo!m JIO\\:e. '\ ern t:a<:ted ftonl co'mpl~x 10 ;,._grade ·ore~

torium. , . . H~n.kms1 John Stahl. Carl '\'\ all. Jack' will si,eak at :\lontana State Collejre .Jlr:> .. Tooans~on . voc~l in:::tructor .at

1 Eik1la. .Jlonday evening- at o:OO o'do~k in the

College Life Section of Montanan to Be Sent to Engraver Soon

th. collet:~. seletted \\hat ~he lon:-;11!- chuni::.trv building under the ausµicl-'~

I< re.d th~ ~1g!1t best:_ m.ah.• voices. amo~g NATIONAL EURO'S of the ~ion Lana Section of the .Ameri-1 ~e1 pup1L. ~he ha:::> h .. ul these i_eheats· can Ch.mica! !:loc:icty .. A t<Or.;ial in-111g- all th1,,. quai~er anci "':'·ii~ ha.\".: Yitation is extended b\· the :--o.itt\· to th~m present a ree.1ta! ~~ms1st11"!r of all thost.: de~iting- to ·hear the nOted sc.e~tcd 1iu!11b.er> mdur.mg- qu1.e a I HOLD CONVENTION chemist •peak on tho topic ··::;el cti'e

ON DECEMBER 5-fi I Se\"eral pages of the college life ~·eclion of the ::\Iontanan are being­macle up and will b~ $ent to th en­l!raver t..arly in De~ember. It is be-1e E:d by the ~lontanan staff that this c tiCln is one of the most important

s.t<tions of the book, in that it is a truly representati\·e section . The

Art and Home Economics Clubs Will Sponsor Delightful Sales of Gifts and Foods

The annual Bazaar lhat is held cverv vear at ~fontana :State Collegt:! \\ill - b~ op~ n Dccembe:r 5 an<l G, at Hc1 rick hall. The art bazaar. spon:::­ored b~.- the Art Club . will inclurle 1110JC tinusi:.al things this year than e\·er bclore. Chinese crafts, cloiso1~nt:. lacquers, carved f>Oapstone, chrna! j<.;weln· crnbtoililrhs, java, batiks ano tapa ci~th, Japanese prints and crafts, Ame1Lan Indian jewelry, basketry and paintings anj ~ear Ea!:'lt R e. lief em­broideries aJ e among the many de­lightful articles for sale.

l n addition to the imported piece;;;. the Honn E::.:unomits Club will sponsor a :;all! of fruit cake , marmalade, cookies, and (!andy. .

The Bazaar "ill be open Fnd.ay mornint!" from 9 to 12 o'clock for m­spectioO and purcha:5-es may be made from 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 o'clock on Fri aY and all da\· Saturday. The Home. Ei.:Jnomics bazaar will be held on the :;:;(;'cond floor. the art bazaar on the third floor of Herrick hall.

I number Clf Christmas C':lrob. Ea~h of Flotation."' !hese me1_1 ha.-. had prc.v1ous expenence \\'ith :\Ir. George Griswold ).lr. m cho_ru:-._. qua1 tet or ot~er types of Sheridan holds patent::; Co\erini.r'sdet- I part srng-1ng-. Eal·h Olll: is al!s.o a solo tivc flotation. a. protl·ss "·hich ha~ art1:::;t .. Con!'~qi::rntly . the commg p_re- . .\.. lice \'andenhook, Delegate of be.n the lit>-~mver in some of the

I !-l~nt~tion w11l be one. ~f the le~dm~ 1 Jontana State Chapter, Elect- m~tallurgical industries and \\ h.ic~ is r: o.c. ams lo. be_ Pl e .. ented b~ an~ bcmg u::.ed for the re~ovc.:rv of m1ll10ns 1 mu~ Ila! organ1z~ticn thrn sea5on . ed Treasurer of doliais worth of preCious rne:als Those compmm1g- the ch>uble~quartct throu~hout the world. His <tiscussion

arc: E·i Fuller an~ Rob~rt Lyons, . l iss Alice Van enhook, president of here ~vill deal with the more interest-fi.r:-.: tenors; David Brewer and :\ational Eurodelphian Litaary Soci- inK phases of the prOl'ess of whith he LORA BROWX Rudol~h Joha_n~~on .. second tenors; t.ty 011 this campu~, has returned from is a master. lrntil the disco\'ery of this Who is pleasing her audience in Ben .Fro~t ano Cun!s l!owar f, b.~ua~ ;\lanhattan. Kansas. She attended the method. many of the leading in-'·The Show Off" tone~. and Paul K<i~htz .and ~II\ er national con\ l'ntion held at the Kansas dustrie~ cngaJ!eci in thl' recovery of .'.\lorgan, bas~es .. Armin II ill wlll ~tct State Collc)!'l' ovember L-1 and 15. Six metals by - the old methods were as actompan~Sl .for the groun. Each of collegu; were tepresented: Kalamaz,,o th rt at ned with closure on account SP.\RTA N IANS OUTLINE thcs• m~n will abo present solo num - Collqre, }Jichigan, Pur·lue University, of the increasing cost of p"ocluction. COl\l!NG PROGRAM hers .. \ anety will be add,ed b;· ''Ocal Jnuiana Washincton l:;tate College, \Vith the inwntion of th. flotation !'t>le~ :ion~ ~y ~Iar~.aret S~mders ~n~ Pa k:-; ('.olleg-e, ::\lis;;ouri. Kansas State pro1.:ess the indusn·ie~ took ~n n~w life J:ct~) ~l~n!"ha 111 accompamed by ::\l.n-1<.'olle~e, and .\1 intana State Colle:.rt: . ~n.l ot.hers w~re founded. ~o his. talk <,Ila Lttt.efield. 8he was elt>ded nat ional t reasurer of 1s cxpec·ted to covt r the romantic a~ Th sc p1;og-1am:=- ~re. open to all the ::.m:iety. well as the p1act ical :c:;ide of the students. >.:o adm1ss1on 1s l:har)':te.!, and :\ li ~s \ Undenhook is a s~ nior at ::\1. process. all are urgt'll to attend. ~- C. anJ is majoring in Applied Sci- The le.~urer. is a gra~uatc: of. the

l'HET Hl:::\TLEY

The Spartanians held their monthly m~cting- at 1he Blue anc Gold tea roo111 .\1011day, Dt..cember 1. A dainty lunch· eon was enjoyed, followed by a bu . .;.i­ness session . AmOIIJ! those attentlin~ were ::\Iis::. Pearl Kimball and )li:;c; Edith Swin.d , hono1 ary member s. . ' OTICE and has been very prominent in col- bachelor's degree in ~cic·nce . He '".a$ I "'ho plays an exl"ellent part as

ltn e. She is a member of Pi Beta P hi State Umv£r~1tr at lohssoma with n

leg-, aeti\'ities e:--1wcially in dramatics former!~· connected ",..~th the Clark m- Frank Hyland The.: nl'w insisrnia c hos~n by the or­ganization consi~t~ of a ~iher locket ::;.urmounted by .::\lertury·5 head in onvx.

i-'lan~ for the annual offL .. ers bure:i.u

... \11 women who ''on Bobcat and journalism . terests in :\Iontana. S1m·e lil28 he has S\\eaters or Blue and Gold S\\ im- eng-aged in independent re~earch and ming suits, and tho'e "ho \\ Oil in- MISSOULA PLAYERS at pre;ent is prt•,ident of the Flota- CLASS OF '32 ENTERTAINS di ' idual ;rnards for hiking, s " ·m- tion R.,earch Corporation. AT DAr>;CE "WED:"\ESDA Y

which i!-i sponsored by Spurtanians1

VAN HORN RETURNS under the direction of manager-at-laqre were completed for next qua1 ter.

The co-ed prom which is hel<l durinJ

ming, de., for J a~t year, be at the g ym Thur~da) noon and hil\ c

J;idum tak en fo r 'l ont ana n. PLEASE AUDIENCE! XOTICE 0 ' .\l .. Uub mee1~· ng nt:\.L \l onday

at the S .. \. E. house at 7:30 (>. m.

An unusually la·:!~ c.:row_ attended the junior dance whil-h was held at the Elk':\ hall C>n \\'tdnes,lar. :\o\emher 26. This was the traditional dnnce gi\·en for e\·er'" se-nior class.

XOTICE EURODELl'H IAXS FROM TOUR OF STATE I the winter quarter is always one of Dick Bruner. 1>res ident.

ii tor. Ft anklin Dewey 1 has announced hat this year·s ~nap shot di\'ision wiil

be the Jar~tst ever attempted. How­c\"er. in order to cmry out the plans anri make it truly rcpresenta:ive , it is s::tntial that the srnff ha'e the co-1 cratic.n of the entire stu ent body.

For th:s reason the editor has asked

I .:ill fra•.ernities, sororitiE.S, and other ct ·umzations to aid the staff by col­le tin!! ~nap shots fnm1 members of heir respecti\·e gToups. It is im-

1.0:-sible fur a few people- to collect pi tures and have th(>m as a repre­su1 ative a~ when everyon, is work­ino::. The suggestion ha.s been ma<le that each fratl rnity and sorority ap-11oi11t one of its ni- mbers to be re­~pun:>ible for turning in pictures.

in front of the ).lontanan office, whkh is located across from the libra1·y in ::\tontana hall, is a box in which pictun:s may ht..: dropped. It is hoped that many snap-shotR will be rec. ived bv De.ember 6 so that the work of moun'ing them wil not .be ndul~· :elaycd.

FORMER STUDENT HEAD TRANSFERRED TO UTAH the most enjoyable parties of the year.

___ Thi~ is spon:-:ond by the Spartanians. • f h 1 ne eco- Plan~ ate already under way for a

There \\ill be a m rc tfng of thC' Eurodel1>hians tomorrow evening at the ....\. 0. Pi house. Pledges are to come at 7 :00 o·rlock and actives at 7: 1:J . Plea~e note the cha nge in place.

I .. Juno and the Paycock" Ably Produced By U nivers it y Stud- :>. OT ICE .\ D \ EHTJSIXG T.\FF

The door prize a larg-L• turkcyt was :\-Ir. Bernard C. Brown, '30, ha$ been won bv John Flowe. rN·entl\' trnns(erre<l from Adnmana, .Jhss \an II<:>rn o t e loi I bi,irgtr and better prom. Addition en-

nomics n;.tens1011 dt:!partm.ent, re· tertainment has been procured for this turned Thursday from a tnp ~o ~he year and should prove to be an uclde<l e~s.tcrn part of th~ :;tate. wheie she 1 ;mluc:cmcnt and attraction . ns1tcd the home econo1mcs d< pal t-mcnts of ~everal hi:.rh 5-chools. .:\li"Ss \"nn Hoen has visited 4;j hii<h scho0·•1 EDUCATJONAl OPPORTLJNJT1ES ah ea<ly this year and hoasts ~f ~ total mileage_ of 4,olO miles nil w1t_hmthe DENIED NEGROES J w DAVIS boundanc s of )!ontana. lier \ 1s1b - - • • are for the purpose of holding conf~r-ences with the teachers and superm-tendlnls of home economic~ depa1t- \\'ashington, D. C., Der. 1. A pro-110 Southern Statrs the aY..iag-C' an­n ents. hc·lping to organize new de- test regarding th discrimination nual salary for whitl' teachers is $H8--1. partment~. lOtnpiling- referenc_es and against tht? colored ratl' in the matter and for ne.!.!10 teachers is . ·!78. The itcords, an:.i frequu1tly s11eaking be- of furnishing educ:ational opportunities, white teach<-rs an rage '.~2 pupil~ each~ fore high school as:o;emblies and wa~ made reL·entlv by ,John \\'. Davi~~· while the 1ll'gTo t(>ache:·s ag-rage -1 l. woman's c:lubs. to tell of the '.al_ue~ of pre~hLnt of the "'ett Virginia State I The. a:·er~:;t _c:_xpcnditure pH white home cconom1c:; courses. :\h:-,;s '\ an College. one of lh(• tolon:d member- pupil 1~ S30.1 ' · and for the negro Hor. n docs ~tate work of this typ~ un-1 :--hip of the HooH·r Commission uf pupil is SI0.24. Thl. an•ra!!e length of til the last of )lar1..h. She expec·ts: to E luration. In poinling out a few ex- tC'rm for whit 5: i!"" Hi2 clays .and for vistt at least ;;5 more hij!"h schools ht•- ampll':; of this cliscriminatio11 h I '.'\l'E!Toe~ 1311. fore that time this year. stated : "St'\'c.nteen land-j!"rant college~ for The !'COp:'.' of h0me economic:-; in •·The high sd100J l'nrollmu1t among- :\"cg-roe!'; in as many ~tates rec'< i\'C' an-".\lontana i~ !';teadily increa!"'ing. Ttn XeJiroes in the Southern ~tate~ is lc~s nually S:l:~\000 out of $1:1,000 .000 high schools have added the cour~e to than 10 per 1,000. while in th l'nited from Fede1al vrant~. Thi!' i:-;. about their curriculum this ,.N1r alone. ~lore States the m:mber of hil-!h s<'hool st11- one-fortieth of the total one-hnth of and more emphasis ~is being placed dent" per 1.000 is :HI. For evcrr 10,- tht: ropulation. It would requiri!- an­on home projects similar to those done 000 whites thPlC are ~t2 who atttnd nually about $2.5~0,000 more of Fed­by the home economics studl·nts here college in 17 . ·outh~rn States and the er al mone,· to bring- these ncgro col­so that the ~tupdents will l· arn the District of Columbfa, while in the Jege!'l. ~p to parity with the white c?l­do~e connection between school work ~nme territory 17 n gro students arc l.J.!cs m the s:ime ~tates. Th <.:!'l.C m ­an i praeticnl home application of it. c·nrolled in 'colleges out of every equalities hamper the ?\egro in eve .. y Any tL•acher of home economics in the 10 ,000. pha-.:e of life ." . . ,. ~~a t!!' ig priv·ili~ed to call upon :\1is:;:; ··rn 14 ~out~cr.n Sta·es t~erl:' wc>re Rt>gardkss of any inherent pr JU ice \ nn Horn at anv time for ad\'ice or in Hl29 onlv ~56 ~tnte-accre-hteci four- towards mf:'mben of the colored r ace in strurtions upori their courses. At year hhth 5chools for ~r!!roes. In n ot fai.r-minded , itizcns cnnn.ot ~enr the present there are 29 :\Iontana State I one of lH BouthC'rn Stat s ha~ any c~t!'tence Clf tl~P. duty to fur111::.l~ lhem v-raduate teaching home economics in J provision been ma !e for l!raduate or with opport_umties for the attnmment I Montana. professional training of ::\egroes. Jn (Continued on Page Two)

en ts Las t Tues day \l ceti ng \\'ednesda y even ing, at :; :00 p. m .. in the :\Iontanal\ office.

.\rmin J. Hill.

The committe in charge of the I Atizona, to Salt Lake City, Utah, by dance was as. followR: Larry Lyle, Eric the American ']\ h:pl~onc a.nd Tele-Blannon, .J nn Loftus. and Jack ~raph Company. of which he 1~ an em -

. Bartlett. ,.Joyee. ncc.:ording- to word recei"·ed


Last Tuesday c\·ening the i\lissoula :\Iasque1s g~we a splendid interpreta­tion of 1·Juno and the Pa:'cock" for Bozeman theatre-g-0€-rs. I t was a deep. and to say the least, ditficult play, but was mo::-t ably and competently handled. The :-;torr portraying the Jrnpeles~ne:o.s of thl life of Captain Boyle's typiu11ly I ri~h wife was a real- Paris (JP) \\'hen you mi~s Uw a derLy hat strutk hy an ky gnowball. i~tic tra£?edy of lri!'l.h tenement life- fender of your neighbor's tar by a OthC'rs think it mi.1?ht have eaused a nuel in· its. humor. 1t was gripping few inches you think nothini:r of i•, jar suffdent to break the c-arih into an<l intense an<l one lived just as but when a comet c:omes within five small pi.trs. ~l'nding- Chieag-o off to­thoroughly with the gay irresponsible million miles of the earth- headed ward )!ars. and ?\cw York in the cli ­captain a!' with his betrodden and straig-ht for us-that's somet hing to re<:tion of Planet X . wrongC'.i wife. talk about. ThC' Frenchmen point out that in thC' The atmosphere of the p1ay wa~ Frcm·h astronomers have jm~t re- past ft>\\' centurt.- onh· th··C'C' romcts moL t amusinj.?" as well as most sordid \'Pal .1 how close a call the earth had I hav comt.. dang-crousiv l'loH~ to the and drab . The Boyle's idea of wealth 1 this summer from being !'l.'.ruck amid- C'arth. LexC'll's tomet. t·ame neares! and its obligations was crude, even to ships by Schwas~mann-\Yachhmann, :"l missing the world hy onlv J. . .J.tQ,000 the laughing point, an<l ('xactly the re- rather small but speedy comet which mill'~ on Jul:· ], l 7i0, \vhile Pon!\­H·rse of cultl."'rC. It pro\•icled many \\ h1zzed mto our planetniy system \Yinnei.:ke passed by just :;,.tso mik~ I funny !'l.ituation~. whiC'h were laugh- along- last :\lay, and made a bee linC' on .lune 27. 1H2i. able evtn in the face of the impending- I for God's favorite star. As a ma"tter of fad, tht" late:.;t catastrophe. Th :;:;c ientists in si:;t that the uwth cornC't visitC1r is no larger than some

\Yilliam Brown tra\·e a very good had a narrower escape than the avl'r- n1 eteors whit·h ha,·e a t:rnl!y landc·d performance as Captain Boyle, and ag-e layman would like to bclie\·e. Had on this earth. It is hut ·HO yards in kC'pt the amHC'nce in uproars; and the littlc- comet come on at th_ sp('ed I qameter, the lnria-l nppearancc bein~ :\farian Hobbs g-aYP a snl:·ndid inter- ancl angle it clitl when it was disco\· - due to surroundin_!! gases. · p1·etation of hs down-trodden and long ered bv German astronomers last Th" meteors of that size whkh ha\·e suff<.'ring wife. . Jay. it would hm·e put quite a dent struck the earth ha\·e dorw littL dam-

in our ~lobe . and mig-ht C\'E'n ha\·e I age bPcau~e they arrived at muc-h less XOTICE kno~·kcd u:;:; galley west. speed, and u:mally landed in de~nlat

SomP :--;cientists are arguing- O\'C'T spot-..

here. Bernard will be w ll remembered by

'.\lontana ~tate College stu.~l'nts for his prominencl' in campus a th·ities. Last v~ar he ht'ld the hig-h~st honor that :i.ny )f. S. C. ~tudcnt <·an haYe. that or' pre~ident of the Associated ~'.1.;<lents. Brown l'dited th 1928-29 :Xlontanan. he was football mana.~cr, Duke of the Fant!::-, and held the presi­dencie!' of numerous ('Oll ge honorary org-anizations.

xmn1.1:-. er LB BRE.\KF.\ST

1 here n ill be a meEtin{! and hnakfa~t of th<" Xe'"' man Club immcdfateh· after the 1' :00 o'clock ma~ .... nC' t · 8unda~. lhc:. 7. at the h . of ('. hall. \II Catholic stu­dents on the cam1>us arC" in' ited to at fend.


An) ne'' facult) memhcrs "ho be Ion~ to Phi B. ta I-\appa are a~kcd to communicate '"'ith 'Iis...., Robut;o.;on. room :na. ~lontann Hall.

~OTICE ,\. \\'. S. COl"'\CTL Don't forj!<'t t he \rt Bn1aar and Food Sale at Herrick Hall December 5 and 6. !just what would have happened if the ThC' J!l:~o \'isitor was travelling !iO

visitor had landed heri . Some say it I fast that it ('Ot1 ld be seen to move with woul d ha,·e put a huge dent in us like the naked eye. I

,\ . W. S. Co~ncil. Thun.day nt 5:00 p. m., in Herrick hall.


Cb¢ W ¢ ~~.!~~.~xpon ¢n t I !....I ___ s_i\_l.\-TT--E-Rl_N_G_~N_'F_~_:Ji_~l-~~-1~_· ~-~-, _A_N_D_T_H_E_R_E __ _ COMMENTS BY

THE PRESIDENT Continuance of the lilonthly Exponent, Establi$hed 1895

PuLlished every Tuesday of the college year by the staff chosen from the Associated Students of Montana State College at Bozen1nn, 1\lontona I

Oui· )Ji~soula friends not only 1.:n_·dit~d th~mHhcs on the s.1a;.'"(', bul lill'ir

s(.1ci:ll polish was u:--tounding-. In fact. \YC w1:;..h they wuuld d:-;it u:; oftenel'. TruYeler..- who co1ne ti.' .\mt.•rila

from o,ht•r nlllntlie~ Ir quemly re

Wt> hear that .hihn C{iey is Jntt.f!'hing hi~ way to succ·o~s in the ~how-off. m~uk tha.t th~ ::ippfr:1 i·1ns t 1f ~i:fota·l• _____ lo the proLh:m:-- of dn.il.'. lH..:,_ mhl thL·

n:ry g.cm·ral u~t· nl 1\HH:h11wr~· ~o

Tht.• student~ at :.\l. S. C. had 1u:1ny thing:-; to bt> lhankful for this Thank::;- Jight~n tht• \)m·dl.'ns nf htho•·. h;n-1

Acceptance for mailing at spedal rate of postage pto\'ided for in Section 1103, g-i,·inJ!. among whirh was the fad that they did not ha\·c to strike for a made Amc1 il'o.l mon· i;um1onabh." l· ·" Act of October 3, 1927, authorized February 17J 1919 thev cannot :--tt> that p1..'opl~ han·

Subscript ion Rate : $2.00 per school year

vucntion. I tlw~·eby . tu.•1..•n nH\ rnol'c lwppy.

Telephone 147-Ask for E xponent. On i\londa1s A fter 12:00 noon-SO ----- It i'!'. ll'po1 ll d tha.t l'rinc:l' ll1~;in:in:k,

Spl"aking of sm·iul pofo:h. the fuot-hnll Leam is catching up on lost lime. one (\f lht• _g-ll'Ll:est slah':-.mcn (If tl.1.. I!_• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I: I I I I I' l I I I It I Ii I I 'i I I I I I j f I I I I I I I I

··---··-·······-~----~·Ai~e~·~r~~ .1Gr!f1~~; ~~~~ ~r~~~ ho{'j~~~uj'(;.~ 1~h\1~;11:~t'~itl ~~~\·~~:1~ Ed itor -in-Chief .... Business Manager

News Staff Managing Editor ----····· .... l\licheal Decvy Assistant EdiLor -···- ...................... . ................. Annin Hill Associate EdiLor ·········· ······-············-··· ...... Alice \'andenhook Associate Editor ....... -·-······-·- ---·----···· \Vesley Fw1k

Sports Editor ··-···- ··---···-·-·--···--·····--···· ....... . . . ..... \Vallace Harrity Assistants-Chet Hunlley, Clarence Connell, Ralph \.Yilson, Peck l\lc-

Farland1 John Peterson, Donald Faris.

Fea t ure Editor ··-·-·-·····--·- .... ···-····-····--·· ............ Mary Hakala Assistants-Helen Olh·er, Kathryn Kellett.

,,. omens Sports ····-·--·-············-·-·-···-·-··-···················-·· Assistants-illargaret Kunkel and SaTah Barringer.

.... Dorothy Garrett

Society Editor . -·····-··············-···· ....... Helen Souders

Assistants-Lucile \.Vest.over, Betty '\\'"esch, l\lila 'fanner, Josephine Micklich, Nancy Smith, Gretchen Lehrkind, Mildred Nevin, Virginia


The ~- .-\_ E.'~ nrl' al lc..'a~t oriJ!"in<ll in thc·i1· chbeling- methnd!i u:-:ed on lh<' had 2.1 hlrnr~ uf happint"~~." This great


The k:1ding man in the Sho\\-Off ;-;eC'ms LO lw rohbing the i:radll'.

l'ardul Kotherine he\, an t·n.cra~rd man.

... ta'.L'~mu1 had enjoyed s:~ ~,·:ns or w('a!th. l'atl'll', honor. powi:r, influ. n. r...',

prosplrily and triumph, had held an lk· empire in hi:-: ti11R"c1s. hut har{ nu1 had

one d~n· or l l 1al ha11p;11c~-:. In :::.iH akin·~ u:· happinc:-::~. William

\"an· what, hav('n't ym1 leatnc1I the> Third Ac.:t yet'? L learned mine Ge•,r:r• .lnnlnn. in one .. ( hi~ hooi•:-:: of short e:..say~. ~a,\·:-;;

thrl?c> weeks Ug"f'I .

not >liller I\o wondl'r. you diNi in the Set·oncl Ad.

'·J1a11pims.~ ;~ the J!T tll1•::;t pal'a 1ox in :'\atllrl.3. 1: can lfl"O\\ in any ~oil, live under anv cun,Jition:-:, lt dt:fi e<;:. t'll­

' ito11mu1t. i· l"omc-,., from within: it is th'. rc\clatinn of th~ depth:; of 'hC'

Th(! nl'\\' Fangs. are imkl"d an example of quality and not quantity tJ~~f·\~i1~e 1~~:1 ,!~::.~~h~l1 \~ 1 1t1h~~· p~·~~I~:~~,;~ \\"inning- oul. IIappine:'i~ c< · H~ii.:ts 111 t of h:w:n 1 .... bu'

of hdnir; not of po:-:sf ~~ill!'.t, hut of

The Torm1mtors always gl't thl" break::;. They ncYer dn an~-thing and still t•njoying-." 1 ·11 "1hl11pil1l:-o~ i~ lht' \'Oil'l· of optnni~m.

the,\· get lo ,·i:;.it uur nei~hborx on.'!" the \l · of faith. of simplt>, st ndfa. t Ion~. :-\n


You will he tklighted with our beauti(nl

Christmas Cards W~ inl'ite you to 8eC them

Place your order now for Per~onal Greeting Card8 fo1 dclh·ery by December 17

HAIJSEMAN & McCALL Phone 107 I East ~lai n

Reporters---·-···-·----·····-··-·Bruce Garlinghouse, Margaret Bowman, Dare Boulter Virgil Hurlburt, Glenn Frisbie, Helen Eagle, Stewart Wagner, Phil

Roberts, Sam Eagle, J-forry Adams, Bruce Mull, :!\Iargaret Gar~-. l',\"nic n•· pC':-:simist t·an b(I really }wpn), ) l I I a I I I l I t J ~ I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1-j1

Sockty note: Light r~fr~·~hmeut:,; \HT~ scrvl"d al the Pi Kap hou~e aftH · \ (·\·nir i::. a nwn who is m11Ta'\ • n('ai ·

lhe ,Junior Dance . hul len gnllons or t"idl'r sin1ply doesn'l go far. ~idlted and hr<.ll!.~ a1wu1 it. !Jr St'(.'S th<.> C'Yil ·in his own ht'Hl"l, nnd think::. w.-.w......_..._...,,,._.,._.._.._..._._.._.._...._ .. _,._.._.._ .. ,... •• _._ .. _ .. _.._._-..,._.._......_ .. ,..._ ........ -.. .. _.. ............. .._............_.._ h,· ~e.s the \\·01 ld. Ik lt~t" .a mutt~ in ~ ~

Proof Reader .. ·······-··················-·-······-········-·-·-··--·-······ .... Edward McPherson Typists ________ ·-··-······-·······--···-·-····· .............. Caroline Cochrane, Ruth Lowe

Billie Henkel, Grace Cresap, Elsa Hendrickson, Dorothy Hannah, l\lary

Jane Roberts, Edna Selman, Marian Erickson, Lawrence l\Ialmberg,

Harriet Lewis. ) I \ his OH c li1.s• the"·'"· .\n incurabl ~ Photographs £or Chri"stmas ·~· CAT T..\ JLS <'~n t. ls. nn rnch I ual \\ho s 1H1l'l I 11 nc \

fur dl·.lth-fcn hie um not h11mt hm1 \

!.----------------' ~-------------- happine .... ~. lk~tth 111ig-ht. The ke\not I ~ COMI~G OR GOIKG'?

The television apparatu:j at :\l. S . C. I of Bismark'~ btl..'!~ of hnppin1..--s wns I An>~ F'raternity or Sorority member 'dshing photos for \

rel:cnllv rec:.:ordcJ the ~ilhouette of ~t lus p1t1found d1<.:.t11.1 1. nf hunv1 l'hristmas n1ay haxe lht1ir pictures lake11 now, '.

..... Jack Erkkila cal, w·hich was disµhiycd on m;tny natuic.' :Jlld aprlr the d~po.sit for the :\lontanan ~

~l=~~s r~~~;.h~~~e::ui~11~1~1~~litt~t\;~~· \:s.l~;= -- - 011 the cost oi the pictures ~ Business St.a ff

l irculation l\lanager __ _ Assistants-Rudolph Stokan, Edwar<l Huestis

Adver tising Manager _ ---·-----·-··-··--·--·· ··-···········-·-····· Frank Ceserani Assistants-Richard Slattery, Robert Crossthwaite, Thomas Farris,

Ralph Hosig, Alan Pri\"ette, Parham 1Iacker1 Cynthitl Hopkins

ni~ed it as being Electra. his family I / \ ~

:~~c~:-::1fo~::L::i-~1~::.itmu;i~~·'. 1~~1d ~;s;: "Gimm ~;,::::!: .::~,? ~ot it.' J ..... -.-..-.- _ ._..,... _ --·-· ._.._. _. ~ _! _N_._. f_ .. !.i.~ .... ~ ----·.-- __ _ ___ J_ Courier P r int <V~ Bozeman, Mont. awaiting- him was p~acefull)• ~lumber- :-;0 spokt· a dirl), rni.;gecl 11t\\::;lH .. 1r a· --- -- • ·---·...--.--.. • -·~·-,,;- ----

ing on a group ot high tension l'On- lw re.: he] up to a,. JUntcr hi.dwr than den$er:s. Sudde:nly ~ome one threw the hi::. 11l·ad and put <l,1wn a coppcl' ent. S\Yilch. \Yith e~)L.al sud :ennez:.::; J)UOl' Tl · j" Cl · l ~ J · h f t I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I f f I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lo

ElecLrn dcvelopLd a tremendous ac~ I ~e1~} ~1

,~·li~ 0 r 1 \1 ~u'+rn~·hc\~\ t~~~1 ~n~il~~if': ELECTRICAL SHOW

celeration and deparltd for parLs un- wa:-: takin.c; om•-tenlh of all who died

. ext Friday and Saturday the student b1:anch of the A. I. E. E. l~~1~:\n. oa(~t ,j~~rsbe of10t~~·~1c:};~i:· ;~:b from dbrn> in th,· rnited Stat,•s.

1s sponsoru1g an electric show and dance for a \'ery wort.h-v{h1le ila\::·,.,.-·111 .. 0 been ,-,pa·rre<l.) ~ow :2.; n•n1,., latt r tiH· l l .. lth t;:"l'

~ .. from T. B. lrn.;; b~en lllL'l"l' :han tu in I cause. Anyone should be more than glad to assist the unfor-,. The iece]ltian of the silhouette by half and o\'er l·lll.IJO Ji,·« are h,m.

tunate. Vi~cent l\Iorgan, well kno\\ll l\I. S. C. student, was \·ery ~~~~J·~~ioha\~as0}he11~;st"\~~~( ;~·~:i~~s~;: :-:a,· ti Pach yea!' throug-h th1..· pro~·t.~• .~ popular and held in high esteen1 bv all who knew hhn. His recent Elech-a, a~ until 1·ec:ently he -wa::: un· [}~~1 (~~~;h ~~~~1 ~' l~t:~1:1nr~~t 0:)~tnlrf.!~~~

n1isfortune is deeply regretted b;- the entire student body, and ab~~lt.e t\;:tl~bto~\a"'t~r,l~isdoc~1~ ••. tluy1 e1u~~ \\»·· 11,.,,, liei-., li'ttle htalth ful' million~ ha"' lwc.'n promo·1.~d

... " "'" austinoshonw throu.irh educational ("ampai!.!n::- put .. 11

we know that eYerrone "·ill be willing to help him in any way brolun heaacJ O\'cr the h»s of the p<·t (hep) ddiate. by th. :\ational T. n. .h<oci,ltion.

po s "ble Tl e Exponent ,· h · to com d tl ElectTlc Cl b's and his family a~e near brcaktlo\\"n \\.ht'n ~till a Yen· YOUllJ.! ch:!' in whieh is ju~t bt.·ginnin,y it~·annun\ Seal

FIRST 0:\' THE X'\l .\ S L IST

Whiteman' s Chocolates

THE BUNfi ALOW S 1 · 1 · "'

15 es men

1e LI from g-l'ief. In an attem1)t to amt·lior- short pants untl lo.nir. bre.aths, o~::;y ~cilc for 1w:o. It 1,_ hop1..'d ·h:-it e\·e.y

undertaking, and feels sure that it will haYe the whole-hearted ate their suffering- lhe Ele~trk Cluh is heard the ~nll of the >lukus and man. woman un:l ('hilll in Bozemnn .............., 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 r · 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a

COOperatiOll Of the students. cba1t1!telfi1l·):ti11nglUtsol J<oic.ale(1Clllt.lJl1lcC ',··,·J'1eftoJ11\··1~1itnJ11~ packed his }rnndkt rchief, foul' ties will bu\- at least one o·· the~e ''buJl, b

"Where Quality Reigns''

'" two :,:hirt~. thns.e t·ute little f:l't..."'(111 in the ·hmtl. against the \\"Ot«t foe'" cat is sti~l goine- or if it is rettnning- :->t'. iped l•njamas. anU a bnd case of ano wi11 mail no Je~ter llr l~atka::::f' not heme of .is own accord. . . the <.>ag-er:-:. und moved in on the insti- tll·corate ! with thc~C' bc:-t of ('!n-i~t- .\PPHl'('L\TIOX thout:htfuJI_..,. hl·lpl'' U1e!11 luring th

THE SHOW-OFF For this_ 1ca:;.on, a prize will be tution. ma::; "'Ymbol:"- of good will toward men

I awm·c_led tor the best an~\~·er to the J Osborne i:" qui le AonH" football

Of a ll collegiate activities there is probabh· no other that 9ucstion: "Is Electra c~mrng .o." go- player and is noted for his long nms

fllla E1.:-ilon fr<HC'I nit:y de'.'=i!'e::: to :ime of and :i!ter tht. ti ·1..· in it. t'i:rnk all of tht• s ndcms who ~o lhtipter house.

• . • ' • • • • • . • 111.~. ! A~~d wh>~ do you thmk so;' !'he ffoslly in hb socks, anJ to ")t~ixk':-: fu1 m hes so much genume ente1 tamment to the app1cciatn e and I p11ze "11! h awardc•d _the_ last .. 111.oht C'hili parlor. lfe pa>«es well, but 110• j has so much real educational Yalue to the participants as dram- of. the Benefit l_':Je,u·ic Show next in hi> >tudi<s. Down in Xcb1aska they

. . . . . Frida~ and Satun ay me-ht~. Dl•cemht'r t"all him ~abi:-:c:i b!.!cau:-:e he ~mt n attcs. Last mght 1t was our pleasure lo 1ntness the Tormentors 5 and G. The actual award will he at wafer a touchdown.

production, "The Show Off." "'e certainly em·y not only the 18 11· m .. Sat"rday. Phat i>_ "';•!!;-a s~_cial hon, and nw'\

abtl1ty of t h ese student actors but also appreciate their long hours ~;0~~d st,::;:~ ;~~~,.i~~'.11h;:,~~- ~h,"~l1~1

of work and training "·hich make such a showing possible. To · immio:m·ion to l\la>sachusetts how-

the cast howe1·er, should not go all of the credit. Director :\Ir I •"er._ he_ has abolished thi> old habit ' • • i of Ins 1n o• tier to w1 ltl' letters lo

Bert Hansen certamly desenes much praise for the efficient )Jisrnula.

manner in which he has handled the play. Also the management _Ossy is_ shown here Oashin!' around

of stage, properties, and so forth come m for the!l' share of com- llis poise is wonderful but it hap11er" • :

1 • , I 1' 1 t end ior a .~O~yard lo!".s no g-am.

mendat10n . to be mosth· a\·01rdupo1s. an.I 1~ ts a wLll knO\vn fal·t that. he is mentally a::::


Montana S tate students ha1·e been ,·erv fortunate lo be able

to see t he exhibits of American paintings and sculptures that

have been brought to the campus under the auspices of American

F ederation of Art. This presentation of Amer ican Art was

brought about by the redistribution of the student activity ticket

which entitled the students to see the exhibit on their acti1·ily

ticket. This h as been a great step toward gh·ing the students

at Montana State College a cultural background that should be

pa r t of every student's college education . The students ~hould tak e advan tage of the e wonderful opportunities and visit all the Art E xh ibits.

To Hold Benefit S how and Dance

(Continued from Page One) Students in the art department, un­

di;:r the direction an<l supervision of l\lrs. Olga Hannon . have volunteered. their services to make posters and show cards for publicity in downtov·m store windows. The Fangs and Spurs have offered lo aid in ushu·ing during the show. f ... aculty and business men have taken an interest in the eau~e and are \'i,.illing to contribute and hdp in any way possible.

Pt ofessor Thaler, head of the elec­trical engineering department, has b:en very instrumental in arranging the show and dance committe~::; ha\"­ing all details carried out in


their proper manner. Being very intimate with the senio1· elccldcaJs, Professor Thaler lakes much pride in the gradu­ates of the electrical department and thertfore is taking a i.;reat deal of in­terest in the Morgan benefit ~how. The M. S. C. and Gallatin high school bands will pla)• at the electrit· !"'how. I

Morgan ts a .inaduate of local schools and is well known in the vicin-

ity of Boz.nrnn. Townspeople and hig·h school students are backing- the elec­t1 iC' show an! are anxious Lo volcnteer their h<;lp. Local orchestras ha\e do­nated llu ir s_ rvic:es to furnish thl' musi~· for the dance and a lar,!!e crowd will be?- on hand io heln in the finan­cial aid for this worth while c·ause. The dance will be heln in ihL colkge gymnasium.

E ducat iona l Opportuni ties Deni ed Negroes-J . W . Da\' is

(Continued from Page One) of a higher type of citizenship. The establishment of a nntional D~part­mcnt of Edm·ation would gi·eatly aid j~ bringing- abOUl. equality Of L:iUUl­

t10naJ opportt:nities for all c:ilizens tif this country.

:\'OTlCE \\ r rk rn the r ifle tea m ha.s he­

gu11. Sn far, onb aLc-ut 20 of t ht• ~·~ enrolled. ha,·e t ur ned ou t ror µrncti C'<' . Will th r.·'ic inLtrcstc rl 1 lrnse rerwrt to the f? a rracks?


PERSONAL STATIONERY I ·w ith you r name and address S ~


PHILLIPS BOOK STORE I =::um:=n::111:::u1:m.-:m:uu11:u::u::u:1:unmm==1m:::uul!

J hssically flatfooted. .\u::;tin is till' authol' of a unique. plan to redcce the

I U'am's tnnl'iling- t..:::q)ensc:s. He ~ay$, ~f~11~~.~~~- ,?f Laking- thr passenger takC'


Eurodcl11hians art.• to meet to· nwrrn" l'H~ni n :r at the .\ . 0. Pi 11011.se in ... tt'nd of th<:! fi rC"placC' n.:om of If rrick hilll as formerh annount·<.··<1. ·


Clip this ad and

llALE BOJIAHT I One of the "Show Off's'' lending slc1rs

lea\'C it lying around where the farnilv is sure to see it ·

__________ I



Play Bi lliards a nd P ocke t


On New Cus hi oned

Ta bles


"For Lhc Idle H our"


1 11.11 1!11° 11 111 1111 I 1 11 1111 1 11 1 11 111111 11 1 11 I I I ll

The Park-SO~l ETHING :C:EW

Pool Golf

Come in and t ry our U C\\

N ine Ilole Course.

''I haltl to put my toil1..'L articles in those fussv. loony toilet rolls. Am·wa~'. lots of lhings I ltk(' tt; tnke \\ ith nw lHl a trip \\ on't l'11op<'ratl· with t.ht• loops in a 1·nll. This solicl~ll'utlwl'

JlamlC'y Kit appeals to ml:'. •,Ju:-:t toss \•Ill in,' is llu.:•ir ~1og-un. You know me! ~ext timP you give me ::-011wthing-, plea~e mukc• it n


They'rt~ al

Alexander -.- : 1

". '"'"'"":., .. ~:,~~"'~~ '~'~' " '"" " ' " ' "" "~ / ._ __ A __ r_t __ s_t_o __ r_e ___ .:


6-ton reels of cable distributed ' vith the speed of perishable food

A carload of telephone poles laid down a thou­

s:11hi miles :111av 11 ithin 36 hours after o-ettin"

the order! Rush calls of this sort mt~t fre': quenrh- lie handled br \\'estern Electric, dis­

t1·iliutors for the Bell Sl'stern.

Bur L'\'cn more remarkable is the regular day

h1 d:t1 tlo11 of telephone supplies. The Chicago

warehouse-one of 32 in the national system -

handlesl,400ordersaday. In l9~9morethan

- 400,000, 000 11·orth of equipment and material~

was ddi1·ered to the telephone companies.

Distribution on so vast n scale presents manv

interesting problems to Bell S)·stem men. The

solutions theY \\'Ork out mean much in keep·

ing this industn· in step 11irh the times.

Tl1d opporr1111i(1' is rhcre !


\\'ith mid-wintc:r fast apprnachinl! thl' c·olle,l!iate sodal life ha~ taken an . drlt·cl impetus. Several o ·g-anization!" hdd their. fad parties the past. w_c:ck

nd other:- ar<: to fl<J so this w d::-cnil. Th"' .Jumor danc~ at the Elk~ Club and the I' anu pdd~i: dann• at the Playmor drew larf!e numbers of stu?~n.t!'. S<·hool \HJ.S di~mi ...... 1:1' Thurs<lay for Thank--.g-ivinJ? and !locial act1nt1l·S tiaturally n·ntcrcil ar mnd the occasion. . ..

).fany of the tudl·nt:-. have tak<·n ad\ antage of the uleal conditions for \\ inter ports und uf lat<_. have hHn l·njnying "'uch divC!r!'\ions as skiing-. katir1g, ancl tohoJ?JIUHinl.!'.


SOC L\L C.\l. E:\D.\ R

1da •. lJ, ·. 5-Elcl:t, <"11.1 > dan c; A . G. R. ance.

Satuulay, Dec. 1)- Am ..:-o party; 0. B. i:a ty, ~- A. E. I arty; P. K. A. party.

)Ion "ay, DE:c. b -Am 0 ril·an Chemical or1 y m <::ting at chemistry

b ii ng, i:.;o p. m.

1-!hoda Harris i.:f Dutt" wc1e guests at th Chi OmeJ?a hou:-12- the J1ast \\'eek E'nu.

D o hy Dout!h1s wa~ a Sunda~· din-111 r ,..UC!'\t a: the Chi Ome:..:a house.

.Jan<.· Thal.n of :\lis.-:ou:a. wa. a j: U<'""t al the Chi Ome'..!a hou~e Tues­ay an \\"edne~day ol last w .. ek.

lf;.i ic .e L-l'wis. Fa~c ('ollins aml D t:->y .Ja<'kc:on :-:pl·nt Th}rnk g-i\ ing- at 1cm£• . Harr· tte :'\Iinckl~r was Bet!-'\-'g ;.!'J<'sl at 11 r home in Anaconda. ~

l' lt P<'la P hi.

ram il t<. n Jr.all.

lanha Kimb.ill of :Jl1:;.soula. wa=- a ho~ gue-..t at the l'i Ceta Phi hou:-e on )I ·Hday and Tu~s<lay.


L ui~P i..:c·i 1l•tl :-;om~ na<lin~ for the :\l;'.~~ 1~~0:~\. !~r~fb£sth!r ~;~~~~~~' ~~;-~ J.!"irls. dinner gu<'~~s 1,n Tuesday evenin)!".

I illian \\'illcon1b •. nd :\larion G,J. h .st had .Jane: Ti11 lan as their din­('!' J:!Ue!'l, Tul·~day c•vcning.

.\Jarjolic Ho<lmt· was the Friday \Ye.inc ... (lay dima:r guc::ts were Dean ,, :lPl' g lbt of Iola Palmer. DOROTHY :\1ILLER anll ;,Jr Hamilton anj Irene Faxo. lfAflOLD GREI :\ER Tt'd Ra2sdale and Don l·aris were Who has a respon..;ihl~ part in the .\lild1l I Blal·kfonl cf )li:-:soula , \\"as Popular :\1. ::-;, <'. actor "ho pll·a~cs




I>oroth_y ).Jill1 r \\il" th \\"cdne:-:day n in.L!' J?Ut: t of )Ion ana \'e.eas.

,Ju:-q,hinl' ).Iikli h had \~irJ?inia ;\ e:lsc,n f.,r he:r Ginn<'r g-u1 t. Tue~,.iay


th Thank:s,Jdving dinner g-u('sts uf Tonne tors production :1 J!Ul·~t at ·he Pi Brta Phi house dur-1 thC'ater fans in the ''Show Off'' 011H..1 Berven and Katherinl· \\'illard. ing thl?' latter part of thl wrck. ~ P.ltty Patten was the <linncr gue~t St:mlay clinrn:r gue t of ;.\lis:-. :\lilb. . Pi Bl.'ta Phi enlenaincd on s~;iday 'l ha.nk~.t!n·ing- guests of Dl'lta Lambda. I M<:H:ft>!:l*M.:>¢HXH:><:Hl-Mi:H:HX:l*M.:>¢HXH><:Hl-M®f0 of .-\nna Lee Johns, \Ve rnesrlay C\'C- ~\liss Litllt ticld played n:any piano att rnoon a' an open hou:-e for ~tg-ma l l!.:nrv II Hand vbited thl' ehapter nin!!'. p;(l"l'"' hc.-twu.n c·oursl·s and after din- .\lpha Ep~ilon . ITue ... da~· ::mo \Y1: lncsdav E R J c K s 0 N ' s 1 h ., rority pn ~Jdents, )lr. Brev.;cr, Miss B l\\'l'J. urnl l\lr. Tallman were liuner J:'Ul' t , WNincstlay evening.

;\larjc rie \\"i!liam.:: had Audrey :-:c1fc r ... a ... Ii r r1 mwr i.;:u ~:. Sunday · rternoo11.

lta1n t :\linc·klcr spent the week nEr. Lucik Rohrer wa' a dinner ~est · · · ' I c:rn in Anaeonda. at t~e Pi B.ta Phi house on Saturday Omega U.eta. ..\\.cut 1:-1 o~ the i:ritb ~pent Thanks-

1 f\a1~pa Della. (•\·cnrn~. 1 (hne.<?a Bt ta entertain<. I the .Alr 11a I C- 1 \!'-1~ .. a 0t~e~~· ~om~r· .. s Clow :\li~s :\trs. El~ie Hawks, )[i:-;:; Ca;,dcrman.; .. Ga ms a:_ open house F1 iclay en•ning. \ nus A ' D TAXI SERYICE

FOR . I. - ( ug:.a.. . 1·. • : . )L~" .Sig11a Lonner .Joe Lonner of Si gm a .\l 1~ ha Eps ilon. Fu· Con 1 11 a HI r1n t \.lyers Batms and ~lis:-: Bellamy were dinner But.le and :\lr. Gl·Jrg~ :\[a1ki11 ol Roy. Albeit. Eri~kson . Ed A~t l e , \\"m. ~pent1;f1rn.nk'-~lving 1

in ,:~iri.ri~ia· ('ilv. Dorothy Poind<;xter ha<l Louise "1dma i,!'f: il"' hH ~IJJlt.<1.)' din ]Cl' j!Ue~t .

gu~j"'t: ~':1~11rl~:.liaaf\~~·t~o~t?· 1 d wa..: thi· :\I1 ntana: . Wl'fl !innc·r gue ts for I> own, Rowe .:'l lorrcll and Cha rles ~ ~-- _ · - . h • Thar k"'gl\'lll(;. J~Iols:rnm were din11er gou~~ts at ~he Be ta E psilon. Prompt, Reliable Service - Careful, Courteous Drivers !------------------------------ lJoroth\· lord ancl :\llldrcd E1b were s._ ..\. _E. on Tue:-:day cv mng )[arion Be:a EJl'•:ilon annuume~ the pie !g-dinner !.!U·e~t$ for Sunday. G~kh11i.:t, D~roth y Dou~las, Bet.ty in.!.! of Ruy Hamn.Hind ancl l·~cl :\iorrow, PHONE 3·1-4-W

\rd !' , :md 0 11ma11-1!0 1.1•1, . h-on -t ickl ers <Ju it 1.;, e tlwn:-l'l' <'Ord th 1 -·f:roa 1i " a ~ 1-c1w for \ :ct or ,,ith thei ,. O\\ n HIO>l Hntlc r " taud­iu p; hand.

::'lol e ]i,; t Jwl ow. I:aeh i• a mea ty "allop­uu1t<. ~.! ... ,-,s of i :s hituL' i{·tot· rccortl;o; \\hat you \· :1 t- ~·· '." 1 ••• :. .ul the g rca ie-< t on: hes· tra~ aw l arti,t•, from j azz lo "~ mphouy, r ceo1·il for\ iclor-exdu.,in>/y!

J:,' ,,, ~23.38-·· 1 •..:OT -HllY1'11 .\i ... am!

•· E.\lllB \CL\111 E \ O l ., .A nlr•u & Olmttrn Orr h.

22~12-·-\\· 11.1 . "\·01 · H l::HLllllEll \· 1.:~ . ·.\·· a w l

, .I UHi l. \LO\ E . ()'\c; ··

Leo U.t•i <; 11uw & Onh.

'.'3010-""PE:"i.\l.T"\" 01' J.O\"E"" ,,,,,/ ··1.0\ I'\" ) ()I., Tll E \\ \ \ I no··

Rubbt•r Riley & /Ii.~ Jlih•a .ut• .lfo/.-,•r ...

23015-"":ll'l.' :l l .\~ 11110'.'ll C\1101.l :"iE"" a nd

'' [ Lll· E A Lrrn .E GIRT. J.JKL TH \1 ·• J oe 1 ·,·m11i & Tl is On·lt.

Tiu .... :\lnsit• , .ou ,,·ant lt./u•11 , . ., .. \\"ant II •• • on

Vieto1· Reeo1•d

\\ <.::-. h and ::'lhlclrecl Blat•kford of ) 11<:,- both of Twin Bt idg-c:'>. ~P~~~lTh~·~~:~V\·~~n~l i~1:k1~·:t~ . Rithm·t!s ~oula were Thanksg-h·in~ guests at the ;;;<:><:H:H:H:Hl-ll<>® HXH:8:Hl-<H:l®ft>!:Hl-M®HXH:8:Hl-<H:l®ft>!XHM®HXH:><ll;!-M®f0 S . .-\. E. house: . v Arlone Crane and I t·cna Carls, h1.:r .r\l'nold Quammen of Glcndi\C, was n p·ue~t, spent Thank~gi\·ing- in \\'h1te- ruest on Saturday. hall.

All oi thC' pledg'l':-:, atti\ c:-: and alumni \\Cre i1wited to a huffet $Upper 1 hanksg-i\·ing t'YC'ning-.

D<)rothy l~ng- rs was :aouse J,?uest durin(!' the for 1 er pa1t of the week. )Jiss Roger~ wa:-: Oil<' of the leads in ".funo uncl the Payeoek."

"~ii la \Jay 0':\cil vi,ited \"c·nl Ann O'Xcil Friday.

Ruth and IlC'len R1 a 'bury attended a family rcuni11n in Billing-s on Thank--.1:h·in1!" day.

\mip:o. D1 UCl Garling-house spent T hanks­

;.:.1dn_g- and the week end in Simm!'>, .\lcn:ana.

'" .a:on Carr ::.pent Thank~):;d\'ing­'.\ i h hi:-; folks in Gr eat F a ll s .

Cl1e~tcr F unk and R al ph Hosig s1 ent Thanks;.dving- and the week end :n Pnwt~ll , \Yyoming.

lk lta Ta u. Gcral11 Pcssman , ex- ':W. has been a

vi:-itor at thl"' Delta Tau house the .\I r.· ha Omicron Pi. -- past week.

Boh Erb was t he Thursday dinntr Roy Proud was a. D !ta T<J.u dinner l, nll('l' g st of the Alpha Omicron Pi v e~1 :\lnnday evenrni.r.

Eliz:ilie h Griffith, J<~dith J ohnson, hai; pa S ig ma. ::O(l10l"it\-. --- I Beth Popl.'. Pl·arl Hirsh and )I a··!?aret . ~.Ir. E.ason of B~~a Ep~ilon cha ptt'r. \\"inter~ ~T~l'lll the wrek en i in Butt Lnl\·ers1ty of \\ 1s<::onsin , and ~Ir. G'atly~ Elliot ~pent tht· week end in \\'e}sh of Della Eta chapter. l.J'ni\·er­Livinit:-iton. ~·ity of Southern California were

:.\Ir. and .\l'rs. C'. Boulcwnre and 1laughtl:'r Ad. lien. nwtore<l from Butte to ~pc nd .Sunclay w"th their rlauvhter, \"idenne.

~Iar ella .Sdmidcr and :\lary "'.\I illis were vh:.ito· s at the Alpha 0. housr Sunday.

~~.,._ ................................. ~ .... .,,..J"'wl"....,._._ .. _.._...,,.._._...,._._._,._.._... ............. ~ ~ ~ CLASSIC BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP ~ ~ Fine Hair Cut ting is Our Business ~

The Sun ·ay dinner gu st of the 1 Alnha Om icron Pi sorority was Dexter I :\I osrr. ! ~

KATHRYX S31ITH EVERYTHING IN BEAUTY WORK ~ I Tale nted ~ oung actress a:" Amy Fisher I ~ I m "Show Off " , i\Irs. Francis Baker, Operator ~ \l oha Gam ma De lta.

Huniet Tullock spent the week end at her home in Lomba1·d .

Lill!an Tubb and :\largucritt• Rosroe spent Thanksg-iving- and th \Hek end at :uargunite's home in Billing-~ .

) !rs . Dan O''\'c>il ,·isittci her ·daugh­ter \ "i1ginia, th past wtek.

Onita BcrYen was a dinner )!U :-:t of Alpha Gamma Delta \\'e<lnes ay u·P­nin.i:r.

Alice )lae < an and )htrg-.n et l 'r~st spent T hanksgiving- day in Li\ ing.;ton.

Sunday dinner gu. sis of Al pha Gamma Dllta were :\ 01 ma 0-.wald, Lyle llou::c. Glen Hansen .. John )le~ Carten . Arthur Peterson and Everett Petl r ::-o n.

Ch" Om ega. Kathleen Bil'd. Ru 1 h Penham. an1I

,J.\C'K COEY Who has a leading role in the

"Show Off"




ROY \ '.-\:'\ FLEET Pflpular Bf>zcman ac tor is bet t er t ha n

ever in the ··Show Off"


i First Class Work-All Styles 11

Whe n Needing Bar ber and Bl'auty 'Work Gi,·c Us a Trial


Pho ne 1033 11 t E. Main

~!:>~ I



§§§~=~-§=~ 1...,........................................................................... .... ............... ....,.... ... . . ...

;0,~;t~:~ !~::; l'~U0~:~~~ :i~s~~~ 1

~~~~Bo"'z~EM.,.A~N-,.,,,.M-ESA_T_M_A_RSK-ESST""s~~ Do you r eal ize that, nine cases out of ten, the sight in both

eye> is different, and con- We Specia lize in the Best of Dressed Meats. Poultry I sequemly coned glasses cannot and Fish be bou1?ht Hke a pair of shoes or a ne<'k t ic. Drop in a nd see us

Leslie E. Gage We Cater to Fraternities aP.d Sororities J e weler and Optician I

Broken Lenses Replaced the I ~ Phone 167 435 E. Main Same D3y ~ 20 S. Black .\Y e . Phone ~2;; \ "'':_"""'-~'--....~"'"'-~'-~'-~~Sl<SS3'SSSSU

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~..-.~- ---' ' Ellen Theatre


Today, Wednesday. and Thursday

"SE.\ GOD""

\\'ith Ri t hard Arlen, F ay \Yray

Frida~· and Sa turday


Story of North American Indians

Coming Sunday- 3 days


\\' it h Gary Cooper and a ll star cast


I'. P•;,~ ~d K•lwmfo• I! ~ Phone 1 2 26 W. Main

! ~~-~~~~~~~~~~------

1 /~~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllll For Dry Cleaning



GALLA TIN LAUNDRY "Expert Dry Cleaners"

1111111111 c1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ltl

~ THE MODERN I ,...----------- CLEANERS I

You'll Never Lose You r Lipstick Now

A BRA~D·1"EW combination liP"" st ick·compa cl by Yardlc)'. A &quare compact with fulJ. :; izcd lipstick nlt:tched.

11 Ii I I I I I I I I I I a I I I ; I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I



40 W. Main



Hats Cleaned a nd Blocked

Excl u h·e Agen ts for PHONE 77 VICTOR l\IERCH ANDISE IN BOZEMAN §

l. 11111IllI11111I11 I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I II I 1111 II II I Ill 1~1

It comes \\ ith two lipsticks-a natural one for dny, a brilliant one for c,·cning- the sm :u test vogue in lip rouge. And they're int~ rchnn geo bl e ! In a beautilul 1iher c:ii;e, $3.50.


I ~ ;



Y l. Tnrklt .. ~ '.\kDonttld. Ptah; Ca ts Yictorious O'er Sain t s StcphC'n~. l. T. l , HirhariL-nn, n. Y Jn T ur he)· -Day Gr id iro n (; a me r.; E. Srnrbud~. C. l'.: Uolt·n. l'olo-r:1 o L. (;;:an!., i..:l'lT, c'. \. < .; Shidds, B. Y. l. l cnt1·r:-:. Hurrt•ll tl'ont.muc<l from Pa~c One) '1im''; W nni..:·:--g-anl, n. Y. l·. Quurtt1 r- the ball on the ~aint thn.•t.-~ard line.

Sports Writers Ghc Choices. ha<k:-:- " 'hitt·, l' .. \ . t .: \"ac!l1 n , ll. Y O'Ll·t1ry made abuut a ):U~i by hittin~

?\ot Official .\11 -s tnr Team. l".: For~ht•q.~. l'tuh l". Ilaltli<\t'k::- thL· Jim. and Dl'l•1atl' \n•nt throug-h on Ea+ ... <.:o orado .\lirit.~: lfoovf'r, R. Y. th. nc~L play to :-:.1.011.•. \ \'orthinl!,tvn 1·.; DarnC'!'. \\'\'(rn1in~: Thr. \\-\"l1m111g: 1 lat'l'·h.lc:kcd the extra point. The ltob-Exponent Selection GiYen Gil!c-s111r., lT S .. \, l'.; S l•lJl."r , :\ t on - L'll ~ a)!ain kh:ked otf and an t•X hanJ!l'

A ~ \\'llS the custom innaU,..:-C'nttcd itv to th" more notablt· of the sl,.'k .. - ann St~l'.·'. Fullhn.,..k'.'- Pom .. :niy. l. uL punts follow(.• I. J'hl.' Hol.H:.ll 111ally ln~t year tht> spotts writt•r::. of t~e tiOns aln.•zlllY umf..:r publit• s1.:JUti11y C. : aYu 1rh:rn . <... A l ; I· 1. hl•r. ".t •- l .,... tht• ba1! after llcl· r~itt• had 1u·1 college pnpcr~ in the Rtll~ky mountain The few H!'j1 ds 1n whit·h it tlot•::; nf- cm ~tall' 1:1• i..: a ~aint punt to the 4.J-yanl lim:. confortncc ~dct·l('<i an all-confetcnl'e ft·r ~hould not d:1~s ou:· t•mhavors :\s E' 1101unt' ... 1•ick 1 \\o passE·:-. h('lpcd tbt• Cat. to makl·

conda . \\t.•nt to ihrow nnsscs for the .Saint~ . "I hl' fir::.: l .1 s \\as i11t ''mp1 E',

l.iut he wa~ on tht: l'('<"l'i,·ing t:ll t of next ht.'a\-t'. ma.il• hy l~nullicr, at d JHvdu~·ed a ~a.n ot ab .. iut ;, yard:-:. ::'a1llt.r c.imt• in t • int n·C'pt the ncx. Ins .... in the c• nh':"' or the tiC'ltl ;.rn1l h{· ran t baC'k to the ::-;:iint 4:>~ nrd l 1u· be or(' bcin!!' downC'<L .\ft r O'l ·itr had gained 1 ynrds th1·ou~h the lin :0-:1a1ll•r r:1s..-ed to T Png- , w'10 wa hiwmd nn his own 7-y:ir,: lim The>

...::amc ('lld-.d nn lhc OC'Xt pl:i.y. Th<· Bohl'at~ tnul 11n'.) lQ r i·8"' ('

1n the C'llfin~ ·~ullL' :ind nnnph l,I c If th1. m ror :t ).:<lin or s.I yards. In ~idtlHion t]a·~- intl'l'l' pled th1-c:•t• ~·ant ht•nH·s. St. (hark~ tritd a !1.•tnl f l; JMS:<;f's, but could compkte 011!~· tlJl'c or a g-ain of 'X ;.·arcb .

The !i1wup: \I. ;;. ('. \\.ort.,inJ.!"ton !l: 11('1". 11<-lZ .. ll e.auer. ]l}('r :\It I ('a:•

Pw-1.r: LT Lei


honor tcum again thi~ vcur. Frt..>d ~1. compet:tin• \\llh lhO:-t' aln.:au\ rt'<-'Og'- F. I' ii s \ \'urthingtnn. :\I. S. l.: ):1rfa.!c. The IL t from U"lea1y tu Ol iver sports 1.·c.htor Qr thl' L'tah n1zC>rL Far bt• it from coll.g-.. ~tudl·nt \\'atkin:~. l t:ih. lu· .. ·nan for H )dl.f~ and tht• :--l"'lOll<I Wagner. Rt· t n<; Chronidt? whil'h Jlr!pl'r ~ponsorl' this to vie with pt'l'fls.;;h)nal :-pt)rts writt·rs Tal'kl ,.; .. lohn.:;:on. l'rnh : Brinley, frtim l•l·i·r:lle to Wo1lhinf.!ton fur :!1 ".\it·n ·t•r. Ball RT sekcrion has the iollowing' to ~ay ... .::Jr public :H·knt)Wlt•(h!°t'llll'llt o( his C'f- R. Y. l. ;.arns, o:- 11?:-.t d(lwn on th :>-yarJ \kFu,.Jan(l Rf>: about its personnd : fo~s . \\'t• :ire met\ ly candid i1~ our _Guard~ Ly1 bcrt. l"tnh; h.idd " 'yo- line. ~n' 'C'r. n Fia't' Qll

"This !'.~a~on, as in t)thcrs . n few op1111?n tt::n th. :lppc·arnncc <,l our n ·n.l!'. A H'll( .... u.1. hnc bu1 s by o·L .. •aty J•1ngo Hll c ,11.:1~ ""tm l\ll-confcrcnce tt_·:1ms haYc alrt1ady np-'rn)·thu:al tl'am t•:u:h ~lar \\ill find a l'cn'l'v- .101 .. 1~. l"tah. /put thl· kdl l'H!I vn th(' fourth do\\11 Ilav1J:,,T\ peared bl.'forc the public C')'c and more 1~\an~ in the min<_!~. or l'Ol!t.•g-iatc ,!!'rhl Q:..ult•!halk ll t·l·'rat<' :\1 S. C .• \\ot1hm1!lL111 u).!.llll plun· k1 kl'd !ht· "' na:1 l..11 R(l\lllif'rl m a \· Yft he rl'll'a~cd. Thl'~~ should not lan:s that htn•tolorl' hus bt'l'll uno.- Tlalthark.; :\l1tldle1P1 ... t, <. oloiado l .; cxtla pornt. O'T..t.'ar~· l'B Gtlh:iuscn vili·r~: in tlw J,>a~t thl• validit\' of the <.:t1pit·1l. Th'" \'l'r:lt'llY or this <lSSl'l'- ~ llC£. t•t,\h l" Thl. ll'lllUtnd~r of tl.t: :-e~ond pl't'lod ~l'Ol't' hy prriPds· coll..:.gia :(' choiei:s ag pr<'~<'nt .. ~<l here. tion l·:111 bt• att('stt•i by the sudd~n f·ullb.tll~ Chri .... tt•n.,.on, l'ta h r I "~I~ a punt mg' dud bthH'('n Cdhr.ti-.t•n \lont<rnfl Stutl! 11 '7 :.?1 1 The sports editors' nnnu:il s('l dion is ~tri{ks this fraturl' has aln•:uly taktn - o! tht> .Su1t.i... :ind \\ 1>1Lh1ng'lon uf the ~t. ('harlt•s O 0-- O

designed primarily ~or collej?'inlC' fans ~i~Lp _its inaU!.!Ul'ai()n a yt•ar _a~o . HANDBALL TOURNEY HobuHs \\Ith holl<'l'S ~1bout t'\ en l '\- 'Iontana !'tl:lh' <.;t•n:in Tnu hdown, nnd to 3U~ur that ns y('arly nppl'a1·- L1ktwIH'. tht· fad th_at tolk!!y sa1hes. tl'Jlt once \\lHn tht• hnll tlu1kd tht th l·'-at . ()'(,(•ar:.-. I.tina. F"tra point a nl·e will be lookt•d forward to with throU!!h a t·o-op<•Jativt synda·:i.tl'. an· S.11nt .. aft•i\ man .lnd r illc1 to thi.: ~- \\' 11 thirLt ,11 ; 1pl:tlt'llll'" l. I authoritati\'t.~ int._: rt st nntl enthusfo.!"m able to choo:ot' till' i. t•ntil-al ~tar fll'r-1 ON JNTRAMU A ) a d 111.c bl·fotc it \\a~ do\\ 11cd 01T11 rnl<:; ~lcri 1.,. ( ~<'<lt ll•} t C'r t·; by do~e follow('rs of the colle~e g-~id fo~n.1ers fo .. eonf~'l'tlll'l' r.l'O niti .. m th~t R L PLAN 1 l'lw !->amt:s \H•nt mto :n lion 1mmccl-1111~ k 1 han .i....). u111p1H, l na1 c j.!'ame wou ld not b(' O\'erstnting- its d:11ly $-port~ wrtt~rs do, JH'O\'l''~ tlu1r · iat •Y attcr th1:-. k.1tl.,, Htrnl1 l .1ml !~ tl:ia h:ii. hC'ud [1rw mar popu larity. ability to idC'ntiiy n poli~hcd J.!'rid Pl'!°- -- C1j iau:st'Jl J'l'llduced a lir:--t tlo\\n 1rn

Co l!('fr!ate . e lect ion Real Feature fornwr t~ h_<' on a J?ar with that or the Thi;;; Yt•ar ·l \1 a:- tn'1. ikd to ll<-t\' u t 1c :!i)-) ard lint• ,,n two p~a~'.'-. .\ 'OTl( E TO 'I Jt \ (" h. SCH \I)

Co-mctdl·ntly, the pcr~onnel _of.our comm,t_rt•ia.1zul .. s(.TJ\l'1ll'r'.. lint amural t-.:rndhnll Iea~Ut• with ('~wli pmnu play by lnc.oppo ma.It• a1.l1ll:. .\'\I) Tt: \('h: .\SP I R \'\TS 1930 honor roll. bears a dot:e ~mular- Th <' \11-~ftnf~~( n et~ ft-am~ fratl'rr.ity <nt('J"ing ll'n n•en. tlw p.!1'\; li ):lI\.s more a111, un oil lllL' l'l':1a1t~

l• 1r ... t, ~('a m R to be tht.: dot:blc~ form . The~ 11('dul~ ~-1\1.' the ~alllts au •thC'r llr:-.t du\\ll "I \\:n·t to st·(', infh\l 11n :.·, ,111 o

The Willson Company The Store of Qualit) :\lerchandi,.,e

·If ii c·ome. fro m The WilJ,on ( om pan) il "ill mean more ..

~la) e r I (..... _ .. ch<'K!l anti :.t·.:'..m:-:- a1't' J.."in·n as follow!;: AiL. r tW•..1 !me pla)I:$ haJ 11 tkd aliou tht• ml!r li:--t(>d Le •\\' r:,rrv' nn \\ith

l,;ttt'.: left l'ntl l tnh l :-;_ .\. E. llal<'''- 'k.\rthur. n yn1ti Roullil.:r hean·J tht: hall to ~Ht .l p w'101 ~ for tra. k s~1 ui I be .:om>? -:i•maaaammam•••l!!llmma•m::z:m;•m••••••.;

.Tohn'·-·'n l·t.ah r Pi K .. \. \\'y1~Jl, Hawks. Smith, ~a int 1..'lld, 01' a Oout J~I )~l~d c l'tL' ninJ.!' \\O' k 'lO\\' YJu ilJ ...- tlw ~

B. E.- Cummin~. :\Iih·lwll and ~1nothcr hr t do\\ll on the ~10· a 1 i11cor1' from ll(JW ur:•il th tma!\

Give a Kodak for All-Year Pleasure

Next year and in year~ that follow, jo~· " ·ithout end will come from this season's gift of a Kodak. Joy to youngsters and grO\\·n-ups alike. for eYer~·body can share the pleasure and thrills that will alwavs abide in pictures . ·


11 Jonas

I I Bugt"r

IL. Starbuck II

" ·afldns

D. T. \\\•nans, Portt•t'. )·:1rd lrnl'. RoulLt·r a .lit.I a t:••UP.l' t·i. \"U<n' on I w 11 lwJp ) u w _h yo1 left tackle nah U Jn'·- :'\Ii~, vi" 'Iunzl·nrit. r-. ya1 J,.; throu.,::h the li11C' hut an 111com· :-ope .altiL'S. <·nm ar:d ~ .. t• 1e a soon

l·tah t·. K. S.- -B,1wmun, .·\lll'n. piet pa~:. l'lldul the pu1od awl th as pns iblc nnd I will give ro1..1. -11- ·rur

. .\mi!!O Snnntug-, 'kElliot. :--aim dti\'c. tion ... for followin,:T a lraining' ,.;chNiulC'. }C'ft .1.!'U31'd

CC'lllCr Colorntlo U.

;·ig-ht j!Ullr\1 Colorado Collq?('

8. X.-\\':tnl, Garlow. Gclhaust·n made a nitc 1tturn of tile \frn 11la:\'i11~ \at;;.ity lJn~kt·'balJ a1T, or Uulcat kickoff wh1 h opened till' ~cl·· l'Olll'Sl~. t'':1.:u.-e.J nLl aftl·r t w bns-

SCH Enl 1.1~ OF P OSTPO:\E D ond half but Wt\:.> downlJ on !us own j, :b:1ll ~C'ason."

rizht tack!(' \ 'OLI.B Y B \l.L G \'IES --lll-)a1d ll?ll'. Cal'iuppu made a til.-t Frnm last )l'ar's ~qnnd :

l'tah r . dCJ\\ll llll a fa~t pla:. but two dn\l'S h) l-lf1l t. Ye:a~C'r, l'Ot'\', \V, o<lward, 'Ion .. DC'c. 1 7:UO K. S, '\'. n. E.: (_;c\1.aust:n, with ;ltl llll'Olnplctc p;t"S Bttllll'I'. R1.nr . nrazich, c·1 •. c:sman,

:\lidcllemist right end Colorn 1lo r · Z.:~~~-1' X. \'~ .. \. G. R.; ~:~W O. B. 1 ~~.t;~;-.l·~!~~~ .. :a~:~1~ t~o ~~~·~,.~totthh~1.·rh~~ ~~'~;~t ;~b~r g-~)~~1;~~~ ; 11 n~~·~~~~;m}i/~~~:

Chrish>Jlg('?l QunrtC'rback C' hr \Y('d .. Die. ·i. ';':l)O s .. \. E . \~.Pi K. rollin;: O\,r the ..... n, lir1l'. Ball. K••(>nan. :\"aJ.,?. Popl1am, .'.\lt>nccr

,\no.· ('_L DY Alw <Y> Fresh

c \:\TE HBl mn-. JOH. ·so:xs. A:.'\D SOCIETY

The :'llonlana's :'\los t Beautiful Confectionery

""e han' a la rge assort­ment of Ea"tman - made cameras for your inspec­tion. ""e·ct like to assist you in maki ng your Christ­mas gift selec tions.


·3 · .\ .; 7:-t"l B. E. , . ..:. A. G. R.; S;10 S. I ~~lter thl: llol> ·.its had kii..:klti to the Fre~hmcn~ ldt h:tli!~~~~ado Tc.a h('rs X. \'.!'. n. T . ::'alllt 4:-.-:,arcl lmC', <..;e1hau--<'11 l1•St l.-i OH 1. I \'-t1Hll". Gill, p·ucc . Ronn -

1. ght halfback Thur .. Dt•c. --1- 7:00 Ind. \'S, Pih. A. ; ~arlb on l\\O cun c- uti\C p.a)., H -I \\~il.h: , Hosh.i1 . Bur:?"t:s. Smitt>. B. ~_,.._....,,..,,_._.._.. ................ .._.._._ • ...._ .. _.._,.._.._ .... -..-..-...._ .... -.. -..-.-................ ...._ ........... .._ ............ w..l"\i!'J

l"tnh r 7:-l:J 0. B. '"· K. s.: s ... o S. \ E 1 ~\'t•nt lack to take lw ball a .1lll ~.111j I~::~. T~o~a:", Sch J•z •. ,< ha1 1('r( \

\·s. A.G. R. it appear 1 LO bl~ a pa..::~, but G..:ol- (1il1w, Snu·h -. 'lcBr11 <' 1 a n \ ~a~ .. Dec. tl l::O 11. T. \'i', Pih ... \.; hau~ ... n rnn an!l maut· hat•k about.> !'•:t)lll'. Ilubl'I". :\otf-;in:;!'PI': D:t\\'" ,_ · \~

Pr'< (('1

I ;~llback Ql".\LITY S EEl\:ERS BUY FRO:\! THE :!:I.l ~- .\ E.. \'~. 1\:. E.: .i:llO fl. E. yanl;;. l>dort· hl• \\as downltl. \\'c1 .. a. Trit.>p .... l\ut man, '.\I .n

• tnt(' \s .. \mii;:-ll. An cxd1an;::.c> 01 pt11.l!\ follow('tl ~ind \llt>1. T (w,,,., l\·rry, Tu•t'('. \Y nt •rs. • S('('ond T t'a m

l'Yorthing-ton :\lontann

r. :\Ion., DPt,. s 'i:OO n. E. \S. Pi K .. \ .: th(• Saint~ launtht>tl anuth .. ·r d1he for Dawt~. Pt•tri. \ 7-.t;) S .• \ . E. \-~. Ami;?oi ~:30 F. X. 1 th Blibcat -t.J-yar•I line. S11innc1~ and ia h ·\dam:--. .~

!cf· end Cannon nenYC"I' WEST SIDE fiROCERY

\'s. Pi K. A. qua·tc·rhack ~nt"aks J!<Wc tht•m a fir"'t 1 left tnt·kle Da~trup B. Y. u

ROECHER DRUG CO. l<'ft g-ua1d down on tht• :::>-)a: d li1.c. fwo mon· :'\OTJ ('F.. .Jl .. \'IO H~ \ plays, with SnyiL.:r ancl ( 'acioppo \ Staple and Fancy Groceries

TH t G~TI s M tOW t•anyin~ lfw lrnll. 111..ttl•d li ~anl~. On \n) Jun ior pict u n• t lw t htt"' not ~

L'tah r thl' 1l'Xt play Gl'ihnlb II pa~~l'll. h N n t:ih.t 11 hy ~;lturd;iY, Dn-. fi. \ rioht l!Uard f..erna 1 ,ntl'rn•;>te<I ai:d 1lw ll<>bt·at> wi ll ht· kf t ou t of tht' 1!1'.lJ \I on· •

Drn\<'r l" '1l'kld out of <iatlg'('l' as .:.kllL'l'I' 1e- t ana.11 . .~

nuw('r u. B1·ownlee

Prescriptions a Specialty Croft PRICES RIGHT Phone 2(i6 110 W. Curtis

ri.Nht tal'kl<· '" H•tl the punt :1ftf•r it had :-.truck a F ran! Jin ne\\l'y, t"d i rt~r. ' " t <'I I .._..._-...._...,, ................ .,....._..._ .... .._...,,.._ ................ .._ ............ .._._.._-.,w .. -..-....._ ..... ..._......_ ............... -.........,,.._......,._.,,,., J1C'l1\"('r r I Tht:• Bohl:.tls .an· Jlt:l)'t•d ~1.''\{'1<11 • a 11 lal~ ('~ ma!1. . ________________________________ .....:...:....::.::.::...:...::..::.:..:.:.::.::...:...::..::.:..:.:.::.::..:..::.:i l


! I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I _

Tuxedos Our price on a Tuxedo

starts at

$22.50 Fashion Park Tuxedo


• Thorn

.. Da\'i~

- RemunO

- LouC"ks


• Kidd

- Yrane!;

rid1t C'nd _!:"Cd ga111c!'. th .YtaJ", hut tlw)a:-.t on . :-->:1,~1ts Sta r t Drnc , . 2\Iontana ~tatC' was a rt al ot1.l· 1ht• :!1-0 duhh111g thl'Y · s :\loi_e 1: n11ng. foll, 1l.\\ed ·'~. tht"

lJUarterhark hand(d the !::'atnb \\a::; as pretty an . a_mts c~t; tunl)) dff "'ti ·~11 , otl.1~r n. Y. l,". exhibit on 0 r foi1t 1lall as any 011 ~ could dr1\e. _lh y t~1rtul C'n thr1r ow11 v~-

w :-.h to set-. ,1rd drn an l made two fir~t down" l'tah r. n a ro\\. with {'elhauHn and Roullicr

right halfback Th game> \\a~ playe1l on thl.' Til'\\" domg rnos ... or t \(• br.ll c·arryirlJ:. 1n1t· rtnh ..\gc-il·~ Grca'" Fall~ gtiditon nnd was wit- Un~ tht> b.11 1 ht· Bohu1t :t6-ya:d

fu~lbn('k n..::-:Sl·d bv a thC.'l'I'\' nudicnn· or four lillt'. Two n Oll' plU)'S 't'll'ltl•tl ;l yard. T hi rd T ea m t 1ou~and


fans. ~ai1lt Charle:' was \·('ry "w orl' tht• !1l·riod (ndcd. . 1 Cnl1 rn ~o l' \\ell rt:pll"·( ntC't! as n !'.}) l ial tt mn On t.)C' fir t play or the .as,t quarter

left lncl Iran f1om ]lt·hnn u1rly in thl" d;:n·. n pas ... ft-011 Ruulhu· h) (Jelhauscn f'oloiado r __ . pr11t!m·t·d onl) n )aitt and Gelhau:-:cn

k·ft tacklP \ ll'1ous t.tck!ini: t'OJl~litutt~tl Lht· pla) ''a" dou.nl•d tin h1~ own :~~~-y:1nl line 'Y\om:ng r of the t•ntlll' Bob(:a4- "'<tllatl . Till ten a .... the ~nmt ... Jo-.t JlOSSCSS-1011 of tht.·

kft guard · men ''ho \\ere playing- thl•Jr Ia .... t .)!3!ll(' hall un ~lo'\ ns l tnh ..\L,"'f:ie~ for lht.: ~cbool suJ·<'I~ did thcm~d\e~I ~.11e S.t•nt ... fl'('C'l\td a B{) at punt

and ~lontana State JU~tice. a itt math"' another fint do\\ n on tll<'i

l f halfback


• " ' e also ha,·e a line of )kGrory nght 1rn~~,1,orado rollrgc

Tuxedo for rent- a ll new • "·au:i1,, t C\ P:ih 1· .:\h:nct•r. I.fall. ~tntl Brun r ltiokecl

J!ooj in the micl~oll• of tiw lint• , wh:le \ \', 1rthington untl . le Farland tc1 min­ate<l six yc:1r of playiul!' to.I! tlwr with out~tnnding pC'rfo1 manl'(•s.

11\\ n :3:)-yarc1 lin<". hut () ' [..e:n:i.· intl'r­c ptetl a I a~s by Roullicr. The long-c ... t )ll i:a1ly of he game. ::!.) yards. fol"

lippi11.:.:, wns inllfrtl•d a short timl' • Tux rii:cht tn Klc • Fries . . .. Colnrado College

right end • Specken Dem· 0 r li

quartC'rback I Lonu played his bc'"t J!ame of the ('olora<lo Ag~ C" )'l'~u· in the ha(ktil"'ltl. coring om·

halfbac-k tot:ch<lown. If was ha ·king u:i. tht: line The Men's Store Day

Kin,!! " "yominJ.!' U. at a!l times and his hard tackling was • ;11 C. k B . • . halfbat·k I no little fa.tor in kl'l'Jlilll! the ~nint< .. .... c iac en lOS. "' I ramph(')J D<'tl\"l'I' l~. whu·e tht•Y belonged. • • fulll•n· k ---' • •'••••••a 1' • 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 i . Honorah ~c ~I rnfion _ Th~!·nburg a!1d ~mith ns lilw~nwn. =====,---------...:.....:E::.n;::rl:::":..· ....:;Hc:;t.::le::,:1c:." ..:.C .:..· _;('-'i;...!R~o.!.!h.!.!11.!.!".!.!o.!.!n.:.. _;B~. an I G1lhausen in thf• hac-kfi Id ~howC'd

latl•r un 'loritaaa ~tatt• unrl t ht• Bob­c:i.ts were foreetl tu kkk from thC'ir own <lO-yard bw. .\ J!'nin the Saint::; t1 o "for a first down, thi:-:. time on the 11-y;:ird Ill, but th1.·rl' thl'Y \H'IC' s.op­Pt·d and werC" f rt·t·d ltl kt('k. llt•i''ra' • took the bali on his own 1~-yard lml~ and st.art d clown the fit'ltl. lfo canictl thl' ball bac.·k to th1.' -1 ~-yard liiw h1.·­fore ht' wa"' finalh· fott'l'•.1 out or bounds. Till fl' was Onh· 01w man t t> C'\0 ade hnd ht• het•n abi, to :-;ta\' in

111111111111111111111111111111 l I I I I I I I I I I l I 11111111111


C:ca.~~ T Modern and

Exceptionally Nice

bounds. -A l:l-yard prnalty on St. Chnrlcs

up thl' hl·st for thl" Sa in ts.

l'tah t• «crt:11nlv must have' had was follmn•d hy lwo lint• plays whkh ·ome font hall team. ·Thc•y pl:u·ed eiglH plat·1·d Uu· lm11 on th Saint :?ti-vanl m ·n on Pn~~ Parson's ~tll-Ro{·ky lint'. The- •ripl pa with l.<\n..:. 0111 .\ ountain el1 nn. tht> re<'l':vino:l' l'llli follo,w•d nnd anotht r

. . - t.~uc·hd?W'l \•ac:. s ~lrt•l ~or tlw Rolwats. j \\ O"thm~1011 and J)pJ·'1.H(' L'a h got I'' c:lrthin~t"n BJ.:!1111 k1ckt·d thl' (•X rn

a plac·e on the tlJ: 11tl all-cunfrrenl'l' 10,nl fr n1 •hH·r>m nt g-i\rn~ 1im a tu1m. while "':urnt·r and Brmwr n·- ra·rr(•ct r1 cord for th(' clay. vt·i\· d honornbl(' mrntion. T p· Pa!" ... t•s

' Xuiiem, ~uh~ti tutin~ for S11ydt~r.

( oach Dy('h<' l'l'l'tainh will 11ot su!- madl' :l l!t101l r('t u rn of th .. , Rohra~ f{"r frnm !lll'k of spirit amon~ h i!" kickotT. but tl1e ~aint,,.; 1:0\.il<l 1:ot gain prospC<'t~ for the coming- yNtr in an1l \.C'lhaust'n k i k ,J out of houn,ls ha~k{ thall. ~ixtr a~pirants turiwd out I on thr\ R1lhent 17-·yard Jinr. Th<.: C·tts

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I , · .. "111· thC' fir:-t pruclit'l' whkh was hC'ld punted :int] Pavichwn. who USC'11 to bP la~t F 1iday. a JPood ha~kt•tha ll plny .. ·r for Ana-


< ·apt. Worth;ngton, Ray and Ed Bunetti. Ario, IT om m <' \Yc·ndt I\.c>('nan, :wd BrPPdC'n ·ar u;l' C'XJWl'i~ C'nccd m('n out n\.,"nin while lTuhC'r, F1Jo!h :ind Fn t•r :1n' outstundi1ur .among- th< n1 \\"Comers.

I\I\\'.\NL\;'\S E'\'TERT\l'\' l\1. S. C'. GRIDlRO'\' PL.\ '\~ EltS

Th Hohlat football t<>am memher Wl·rl' :.!"U(·St ... (If h1mo1 of tht' RozC'­man Kh,ani!\ rluh vest1 nla\· at lu1wh­t' ' i11 tht' ll oll·I B:ixtt•1· hnrlqut·' room.

c_ ouch Dyc·hC' intrrn]Ul't•d tlw mPm­t11 1 ~ of tlw s11uad and ~I ft•w shu1 t ta'ks rr undPil out thl"' pro~rnm.

~·00-IX>JXH:>O-CH:H:>!X>JXH:>O-CH:H:><:H>IX>JX><:>OO g : '" '";~~·~~;~·I~:\·!~·(:;~' ' ' ' NOTIGE! SEE US FOR \NYTHING TX THE ELECTRICAL LINE

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11 12 E. Main


This Little Tube Measures Stars

Centuries of Light Years Distant G7). '\ :\11 A. ·s of a nc'I\' ' acuum rube ollcJ a low-griJ_-currcnt Plio­

d-J tron tubL, astronomers uo g-Jtht:r the f.Kts ot stdbr new

with greater spcnl anJ .iccuraL')·. In conjunction wi th a phoroelectric

tube, it \\ill hdp render information on the .1mount of light r.1du tion

and position of stars centuries of light y '.lfS :nn y. It is further

ap['licabk ro such J:ibor.1ron uses as J cnun<l the most delicate

measurement of electric current.

So sensitive is th i · rube. tlu t it L.ln me.1sur( 0.000,000,000,000,000.01

of rm ampere, or, one hundredth of a mi lionth ot a billionth of an

ampere. T his amount of rnrrcnt, comp.ired \\'1th th.it of a 50-watt

incandescent lamp, is as two <lrops ot w.ltcr comp,1rcd with the entire

YOlume of w:Hcr spillc<l on·r ~ 'i.1p:.!r.1 F.11ls in .1 r e:1 r.

G,11,r.t! F!tttric kadcnhip ii: :le .If: ,, f11:<1:: ~/ 1.11 1111 1111.s hr.s /,1rg.(1 /n1, m.tint,ril,·c./ b;· ((1/.'t.~t·lr. i11uf fl.l'IJ, jJIJ/ uS cr.!ks,e t1::h:<./ ll/ftJ .nc·

/.11x•6 mpomiU for th m.prn.1:1, f' ·1.1s r, .. 1 .. 1• lJ G<1I<'r.:. F/1(fri< m

o!l>tt Jid.ls of re 1it1rch '111.I t1t:nu r11:~~·

)t 11' l .,l, tiff( ~S R\l. l: J:t .IC l'ROt,RA\I, llRO IX\ ff\ \ S\1lR \\ F.\F.\ '\• 0:\ .\ :\.\ 10:\·W'DF S, .t·. '\


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