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The Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, founded by the Empire Rheumatism Council, has the supportof the following organizations: La Ligue Internationale contre le Rhumatisme, and the American,British, and European Branches of the Ligue; the American Rheumatism Association; and theCanadian Rheumatism Association; all of whom are represented on the Editorial Board.

It is hoped to publish in the Annals announcements of the activities of these bodies, and from timeto time accounts of their Proceedings. Members of these various organizations wishing to submitpapers for publication in the Annals should send them to their representative on the Editorial Board,who will be responsible for forwarding them to the Editors of the Annals, with whom the final decisionwill lie.

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decided to accept the invitation of the President ofthe Heberden Society to participate with the Britishgroup in a joint scientific session to be held atBuxton, England, in 1959. The annual business

meeting will, however, be held in June, 1959, inWashington, D.C., at the time of the Second Con-gress of the Pan-American League against Rheu-matism.


The first international awards in arthritis andheart disease, totalling $40,000, have been an-nounced, and medical scientists from England, theU.S.A., and Canada are included among the sevenrecipients.

Gairdner Foundation Award of Merit to Dr. AlfredBlalock and Dr. Helen B. Taussig (Johns HopkinsUniversity, Baltimore, Md) for their initial developmentof what is known to the public as the "blue-babyoperation".

Gairdner Foundation Annual Awards to Dr. Harry M.Rose and Dr. Charles Ragan (New York City) for theirdiscovery of the first practical laboratory test for thediagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis; to Prof. W. D. M.Paton and Prof. Eleanor Zaimis (London, England)for their discovery of the first drugs to be proven practicaland effective in the treatment of high blood pressure;to Dr. W. G. Bigelow (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) forhis development of the technique of hypothermia, or the"deep-freeze" operation for heart surgery.


Washington, D.C., and Bethesda, Md., U.S.A., 1959

In the years 1940 to 1942, when Dr. RalphPemberton, then President of the InternationalLeague against Rheumatism, was travelling in SouthAmerica, and Dr. Anibal Ruiz-Moreno, Presidentof the Argentine Society of Rheumatology, wasvisiting rheumatism centres in the United States,Dr. Ruiz-Moreno conceived the idea of organizingthe rheumatism societies of the two Americas intoa Pan-American League. His idea was greeted withenthusiasm, and by June, 1944, the organizationwas completed.The countries now belonging to the Pan-American

League against Rheumatism are: Argentina, Brazil,Canada, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru,Uruguay, U.S.A., and Venezuela.

In 1953, at the time of the X International Con-gress on Rheumatic Diseases, preparations werebegun for the First Pan-American Congress, whichwas held in Brazil in 1955 and was attended by 239representatives of sixteen countries. The scientificsessions were a signal success and the social aspectsof the programme were so delightful that all par-ticipants received a deep impression of the polishedculture and warm hospitality of their Brazilianhosts.

Arrangements for the Second CongressThe Pan-American Committee and local members

of the American Rheumatism Association are the

organizers of the II Pan-American Congress, whichwill open at Washington, D.C., on June 2, 1959, atthe Pan-American Union, and will be held in con-junction with the 23rd Annual Meeting of theAmerican Rheumatism Association.On June 3, our guests will be entertained at private

dinner parties in the homes of our Washington hosts. OnJune 4, a reception will be held at the Capitol, after whichmembers will be able to watch a baseball match or attenda horse race meeting. The official banquet preceded bya cocktail party will be held on June 5 at the MayflowerHotel. The formal closing ceremony will take placeon June 6. Many special events are also being plannedfor members' ladies and families, and there will be ampletime for sightseeing in and around historic Washington.The Mayflower Hotel, 1127 Connecticut Avenue,

N.W., Washington, D.C., will be official headquartersfor the Congress. Registration will be carried out herefor the scientific sessions and social events. An Informa-tion Bureau staffed with interpreters will be maintainedat all times at the hotel and also at the Clinical Centre,National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland,where some of the scientific sessions will be held.The official hotels for the Congress are:MAYFLOWER HOTEL (Headquarters),

1127 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.BLACKSTONE HOTEL,

1016 17th Street, N.W.BURLINGTON HOTEL,

1120 Vermont Avenue, N.W.YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION (Men only)

1736 G. Street, N.W.


INDEX TO VOLUME XVII, 1958* indicates that only the title of the article is given

ABELSON, P., *247Abscess, dental, and cortisone therapy of rheumatism, acute, 436Acid, acetylsalicylic, and occult faecal blood loss, 337

ascorbic, adrenal, effect of salicylates and steroids on, 109salicylic, action of, 108

dosage of, 104in gout, 6, 19, 20in osteo-arthritis, 99,and steroid therapy compared, 108

uric, in gout, 2, 6, 10, 328, 330Acqui Prizes: 1957, 1958, 341

Seventh Rheumatology Day, 341ACTH, intravenous, serological effects of, 184Acute rheumatism: see Rheumatism, acuteAddison's disease, fludrocortisone in, 145Adrenocortical function, steroid therapy and, 184Age at onset and course of arthritis, 359Agglutinating factor from Bentonite, *446AIR (Archives of Interamerican Rheuimatology), Brazil, 340ALEXANDER, W. R. M., *446

see Richmond, J. L., etc., 406Ammonium sulphate fraction preparation, 383Anaemia and iron deficiency, 94

in arthritis, rheumatoid, 406Ankylosing spondylitis: see Spondylitis, ankylosingAnkylosis of finger joints in arthritis, rheumatoid, 365ANSELL, B. M., 120

see Bywaters, E. G. L., etc., 169Anti-nuclear serum factor, 122Aorta, lesion of, in spondylitis, ankylosing, 122Argentina, 340Aristocort: see TriamcinoloneARLET, J., AND FICAT, P.: Osteo-arthritis of the sterno-clavicular

joint, 97Arteritis, temporal, *446Arthritis, chronic gouty, 18

colitis, ulcerative, and, 120, 169rheumatoid, anaemia of, 95, 406

ankylosis of finger joints in, 365attempt to isolate virus from biopsy material, 51chloroquine in, *446clinical trials of methyl steroid derivatives in, 376dermal barrier in, 417evaluation of, 101familial incidence of, 120genetic studies of, 160haemagglutination tests in, 80, 83, 252intravenous saccharated oxide of iron in, 406iron deficiency tests in, 89, 406

, juvenile: see Still's disease, 278knee joint in, 189lung lesions in, *446 bis

-lupus erythematosus and, 114, *446- , negative sheep cell agglutination test in, 252

,neuropathic changes in, *252numerical method of evaluating, 101osteo-arthrosis and, 393with pericarditis, *446plasma investigations in, 122prednisone in, 145

followed by subcutaneous haemorrhages, 76,radiosodium clearance from knee joint in, 189remission of, after electrocution, *252salicylates and, 110in South Wales, 263of spine, cervical, 120, 121, 303

,spontaneous fractures in, 338surveys of, 62triamcinolone in, 398variations in course of, 359in West Cornwall, 61 et seq.

tuberculous, 441"Articular Index" for evaluation of arthritis, rheumatoid, 105Aschoff bodies, 315Atophan: see CincophenAustralian Rheumatism Council, 249Awards: Gairdner Foundation, 445


BAILEY, D. M.: see Jeffrey, M. R., etc., 52BALL, J., 121

see Lawrence, J. S., etc., 160see Miall, W. E., etc., 263

BALLABIO, C. B.: see Villa, L., 9BANERJEE, S. K.: see Harris, R., etc., 189BARFORD, L. J., *446Barium test meals in patients taking triamcinolone, 401BARNETT, C. H.: Measurement and interpretation of synovial fluid

viscosities, 229BARTFELD, H., MAHOOD, E., AND HARTUNG, E. F.: Evaluation of

haemagglutination tests in the diagnosis of rheumatoidarthritis, 83

BATEMAN, M., MALINS, J. M., AND MEYNELL, M. J.: Rheumatoidarthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, 119

BENCZE, G., CSERHATI, S., KOVACS, J., AND TIBOLDI, T.: Productionof L.E. cells in vivo by transfusion of systemic lupus erythema-tosus plasma, 426

Benemid: see ProbenecidBentonite, sensitized, elution of rheumatoid agglutinating factor

from, *446Biopsy in arthritis, rheumatoid, 51Blood coagulation: see Haemagglutination

fats and steroid therapy, 150, 154, 158-loss, occult faecal, and acetylsalicylic acid, 337

peripheral, effect of salicylates and steroids on, 109studies in arthritis, rheumatoid, 122transfusion from donor with lupus erythematosus causingformation of L.E. cells in recipient, 427

BOLAND, E. W.: Clinical observations with 16a-methylcorticosteroidcompounds. Preliminary therapeutic trials with dexamethasonein patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 376

Bone deformity and osteo-arthrosis, 393lesions, extra-articular, in spondylitis, ankylosing, 215

in gout, 18marrow cytology, 92, 93

iron content of, 408B- -~KREVIE~s: deficiency as test for arthritis, rheumatoid, 89BOOK REVIEWS:XXXIe Congres Franqais de M6dicine, 1957: Les Collagenoses

(1957), 245GLYN, J. H.: Cortisone Therapy (1957), 119HOULI, J.: Osteo-Arthritis of the Knee (in Portuguese) (1956), 120

Manual of Rheumatology (in Portuguese) (1958), 444--: The Synovial Fluid (in Portuguese) (1958), 444MICHOTTE, L. J. (ed.): Rhumatologie europeenne, 1953-1956

(1957), 119MOLL, W.: Klinische Rheumatologie (1957), 245SEZE, S. DE, and Staff of the Viggo-Petersen Centre: Brevia re de

rhumatologie i l'usage du practicien (1958), 444SHORT, C. L., BAUER, W., AND REYNOLDS, W. E.: Rheumatoid

Arthritis (1957), 119VILASECA, J. M., AND BARCEL6, P.: Patologia de las Pequefias

Articulaciones Intervertebrales (2nd ed., 1958), 245Brazil, 340BREEMEN, J. VAN, 339BREMNER, J. M.: Tuberculous rheumatism, 441BROCHNER-MORTENSEN, K.: Heberden Oration, 1957. Gout, IBROWN, P. C., CONSDEN, R., AND GLYNN, L. E.: Observations on

the shrink temperature of collagen and its variations withage and disease, 196

BROWN, P. E., AND DUTHIE, J. J. R.: Variations in the course ofrheumatoid arthritis, 359

BUCHAN, J. F., *446BURLEY, D. M., 251, 252Butazolidin: see PhenylbutazoneBYWATERS, E. G. L., 120, 122

AND ANSELL, B. M.: Arthritis associated with ulcerativecolitis, 169,GLYNN, L. E., AND ZELDIS, A.: Subcutaneous nodules of Still'sdisease, 278see Wilkinson, M., etc., 209

CAC1OLO, C.: see Zuckner, J., etc., 398Calcium aurothiomalate in experimental animals, 55Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society, 248

INDEXCanadian Medical Association. Joint Meeting with B.M.A. (1959),

Rheumalology Session, 123Canadian Rheumatism Association, 445Capillary fragility in arthritis, rheumatoid, 78Carbohydrate metabolism, effect of salicylates and steroids on, 109Cardiovascular lesions in spondylitis, ankylosing, 224, 226Carditis, rheumatic, C-reactive protein in, 314

i, laboratory tests of, 319in rheumatism, acute, 295in rheumatoid disease, 121and spondylitis, 226

Children, recurrent acute rheumatism in, 293Chloroquine in arthritis, rheumatoid, *446Cholesterol, adrenal, effect of salicylates and steroids on, 109Chorea, 295Cinchophen in gout, 5, 19CLARKE, S. K. R.: Attempt to isolate a virus from biopsy material

in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, 51Colchicine in gout, 5, 19, 20Colectomy in colitis with arthritis, 180Colitis, ulcerative, arthritis and, 120, 169Collagen, chemistry of, 197

dermal, transformation to elastin, 23digestion by collagenase, 23fluorescence of, 207shrink temperature of, 196tissue from rheumatoid subjects, shrink temperature of, 204uterine, investigation of, 207

Collagenase and collagen reaction, 23COLTART, W. D., *247Congo red affinity and serum glycoprotein in arthritis, rheumatoid,


II Pan-American Congress on Rheumatic Diseases, 1959, 445IV European Congress, 1959, 123

Connective tissue disorders, dermal barrier in, 417CONSDEN, R.: see Brown, P. C., etc., 196COOK, E. R., 251

: see Kersley, G. D., etc., 326Coombs' test, 116Cornwall, West, survey of arthritis in, 62Corticotropin: see ACTHCortisone and dental infection, activation of, 436

structure of, 146CosTA-BERTANI, G., *245CosTE, F., *245, 341C-reactive protein in carditis, rheumatic, 314- in rheumatism, acute, 319Creatinine excretion in gout, 6, 12Crico-arytenoid joint, rheumatism of, 291CRUICKSHANK, B., 121CSERHATI, S.: see Bencze, G., etc., 426CSONKA, G. W.: Involvement of the nervous system in Reiter's

syndrome, 334-AND KAWERAU, E.: Electrophoretic analysis of serum protein

in Reiter's syndrome, 429Cushing's syndrome, 109

DAVISON, K.: see Eastham, R. D., etc., 314, 319DELBARRE, F., *245Deltacortril: see PrednisoneDental infection activated by cortisone, 436Dermatomyositis, dermal barrier in, 417Dexamethasone, adverse effects of, 376--, clinical trials of, 376, *446Diet in gout, 5, 20DINSDALE, R. C. W., AND HOLT, K. S.: Activation of dental infections

by cortisone. Studies in children with rheumatic fever, 436Disease activity, 410

, follow-up study of, 359duration and course of arthritis, 359

Disk, intervertebral, degeneration of, 388Diuresis in gout, 6, 10DIXON, A. ST. J., 252DONIACH, I., 122DREW, C. E., 121Drinking habits, gout and, 1, 16DUTHIE, J. J. R.: see Brown, P. E., etc., 359-: see Richmond, J. L., etc., 406

EASTHAM, R. D., SZEKELY, P., AND DAVISON, K.: C-reactive proteinin rheumatic heart disease, 314

,31 -, _: Comparison of the erythrocyte sedimentationrate, C-reactive protein, serum diphenylamine, and tetra-ammonium tests in rheumatic fever and rheumatic heartdisease, 319

EISEN, V., *247"Elastin" formation from collagen, 23Electrocution followed by remission of arthritis, *252Electron-microscopy of collagen, 23Electrophoresis in gout, 10

of serum protein in Reiter's syndrome, 429

471Empire Rheumatism Council: 21st Annual Report, 246Edci

_: Second Chair of Rheumatology, 123Endocrine dysfunction and arthritis, rheumatoid, 68Eosinophils, estimation of, 1 10

salicylates and, 108Epidemiology of arthritis, rheumatoid, in South Wales, 263

in West Cornwall, 62Erythema nodosum in colitis with arthritis, 177Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, dental abscess and, 438

follow-up study of, 359as index of disease, 79, 92, 103measurement of, 234in rheumatism, acute, 319salicylates and, 109in spondylitis, ankylosing, 220steroid therapy and, 109, 150, 154, 158

Euglobulin fraction preparation, 383

Familial incidence of arthritis, rheumatoid, 120, 160Fatigue as index of disease, 103FEROND, M., 341FICAT, P.: see Arlet, J., etc., 97Finger joints, ankylosis of, in arthritis, rheumatoid, 365-movements, functional anatomy of, 339FISCHMAN, A.: see WHILLANS, D., etc., 383Fludrocortisone, structure and potency of, 145Fractures, spontaneous, in arthritis, rheumatoid, 338FREUNDLICH, H. F.: see Jeffrey, M. R., etc., 52Functional capacity, 410

,follow-up study of, 359

G.27202, trial of, 251G.28315 in gout, 326Gairdner Charitable Foundation, 341, 445Gamma globulin estimation in haemagglutination tests, 383- test (F.II S.C.), 83GANTNER, G. E., JR. :see Zuckner, J., etc., 398GARDNER, D. L.: see Richmond, J. L., etc., 406Gastric analysis in triamcinolone therapy, 401Gastro-intestinal lesions in spondylitis, ankylosing, 222Genetic studies of arthritis, rheumatoid, 160GLYNN, L. E., *247

see Brown, P. C., etc., 196see Bywaters, E. G. L., etc., 278

Gold, radioactive, in experimental animals, 52therapy, 115

GOLDING, J. R., 252 bisGOLDSBOROUGH, D.: see Sharp, J., etc., 416GOOD, M. S., *446GOSLINGS, J., 337, 341Gout, phenylbutazone and derivatives in, 327

survey of, 1 et seq., 9 et seq.uricosuric agents in, 327

Granuloma pouches and radiogold in experimental animals, 59GREENBURY, D. L., *446GREPPI, E., *245GRESHAM, G. A., AND KELLAWAY, T. D.: Rheumatoid disease in the

larynx and lung, 286Grip strength as index of disease, 103Group A beta-haemolytic streptococci, L-forms of, ultra-structure

of, 339

Haemagglutination in arthritis, rheumatoid, 80, 83 et seq., 383Haematocrit and steroid therapy, 153, 155Haematology of spondylitis, ankylosing, 222Haemoglobin, follow-up study of, 359

levels, Ii6response to iron therapy, 408, 409tests, 90

Haemorrhages, subcutaneous, and prednisone therapy, 76Hallux valgus and osteo-arthrosis, 393HARGREAVES, E. R.: A survey of rheumatoid arthritis in West

Cornwall, 61*247

HARRIS, R., MILLARD, J. B., AND BANERJEE, S. K.: Radiosodiumclearance from the knee joint in rheumatoid arthritis, 189

HART, F. DUDLEY, 252HARTUNG, E. F.: see Bartfeld, H., etc., 83Heart involvement: see CarditisHeberden Oration, 1957, 1Heberden Round, Leyden, 1958, 337HEBERDEN SOCIETY:Annual Report, 1957, 249Clinical Meeting, December 13-14, 1957, 120

February 14, 1958, 251October, 1958, 446

Heberden's nodes and osteo-arthrosis, 393, 394, 395Heller modification of Rose test (S.S.C.), 83HENCH, P. S.: see WARD, L. E., etc., 145


ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASESHeredity of arthritis, rheumatoid, 67

of gout, 1, 45of spondylitis, ankylosing, 210

HESS, E., *247Hexadecadrol: see l6a-methyl 9a-fluoroprednisoloneHIJMANS, W., 339HILL, A. G. S., *446Hip, dislocation of, and osteo-arthrosis, 393

involvement in spondylitis, ankylosing, 213Histology of colitis, ulcerative, with arthritis, 174HITCHENS, R. A. N.: Recurrent attacks of acute rheumatism in

school children, 293HOLBOROW, E. J., 122HOLT, K. S.: see Dinsdale, R. C. W., etc., 436HOOFF, A. VAN DEN, 339HORLER, A. R., *446Hyaluronidase and intradermal spreading factor, 416

salicylates and steroids and, 109Hydrocortisone, structure of, 146

acetate, intra-articular, and knee-joint, 193in osteo-arthritis, 99

16a-methylated derivatives of, 376, 377

Ileostomy in colitis with arthritis, 180Intussusception, intestinal, spontaneous, in lupus erythematosus on

high-dosage prednisolone, *252Iron in bone marrow as test for arthritis, rheumatoid, 89

, saccharated oxide of, in arthritis, rheumatoid, 406

JEFFREY, M. R., FREUNDLICH, H. F., AND BAILEY, D. M.: Distribu-tion and excretion of radiogold in animals, 52

Joint, finger, ankylosis of, in arthritis, rheumatoid. 365involvement in gout, 17

pattern in osteo-arthrosis, 394lesions and colitis, ulcerative, 170shoulder, in spondylitis, ankylosing, 211size as index of disease, 106sterno-clavicular, osteo-arthritis of, 97

Joints, sacro-iliac, in spondylitis, ankylosing, 211

KAWERAU, E.: see CSONKA, G. W., etc., 429KEECH, M. K.: Transformation of collagen to "elastin" in dermal

collagens with varying sensitivity towards collagenase, 23*247

KELLAWAY, T. D.: see Gresham G. A., etc., 286KELLGREN, J. H., AND LAWRENCE, J. S.: Osteo-arthrosis and disk

degeneration in an urban population, 388see Miall, W. E., etc., 263

KERSLEY, G. D., 251COOK, E. R., AND TOVEY, D. C. J.: Value of uricosuric agentsand in particular of G.28315 in gout, 326

Kidney function and gold therapy, 59- in gout, 6, 12, 18

Knee joint, radiosodium clearance from, in arthritis, rheumatoid, 189KOVACS, J.: see Bencze, G., etc., 426KRUYFF, E., 338KRUSIus, F. E., AND OKA, M.: Effect of long-term treatment with

corticosteroids on adrenocortical function, 184

Laboratory tests in gout, 9LANDSMEER, J. M. F., 339LANSBURY, J.: Numerical method of evaluating the status of rheu-

matoid arthritis, 101LARSEN, B.: Relation between the affinity for congo red and the

glycoprotein content of serum in rheumatoid arthritis andrelated diseases, 240

Larynx, rheumatoid disease in, 286Latex-fixation test in diagnosis, 338

(F.II L.P.), 83LAWRENCE, J. S., 120 bis, *247

AND BALL, J.: Genetic studies on rheumatoid arthritis, 160see Kellgren, J. H., etc., 388see Sharp, J., etc., 303

L.E. cell phenomenon, 339, *446production in vivo, 426test, 115

Leukaemia and radiotherapy of spondylitis, ankylosing, 338LEVERNIEUX, J.: see Seze, S. de, etc., 15L-forms, streptococcal, ultra-structure of, 339Lipoproteins in gout, 13LIGUE EUROPEENNE CONTRE LE RHUMATISME:IV European Congress (1959, Istanbul), 123

LLOYD, A., *247LLOYD, H. E. D.: Estimation of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate

of capillary blood, 234LOEWI, G., *247Lung lesions and arthritis, rheumatoid, *446 bis-- and spondylitis, ankylosing, 222

Lung. rheumatoid disease in, 286Lupus erythematosus, and arthritis, rheumatoid, 114

, prednisolone in, and intussusception, intestinal, spon-taneous, *252

salicylates in, Ill

systemic, production of L.E. cells by transfusion ofplasma from, 426

Lymphogranuloma, salicylates in, 111

MCCREA, P. C.: Marrow iron examination in the diagnosis of irondeficiency in rheumatoid arthritis, 89

MACKENZIE, D. H., 252MALINS, J. M.: see Bateman, M., etc., 114MAHOOD, E.: see Bartfeld, H., etc., 83Marrow: see Bone marrowMARTEAU, R.: see Seze, S. de, etc., 15MASON H. L.: see Ward, L. E., etc., 145Menopause, 68Menstruation, 69Metachromatic reaction, 337Methyl substitution in steroid nucleus, 376MEYNELL, M. J.: see Bateman, M., etc., 114MIALL, W. E., BALL, J., AND KELLGREN, J. H.: Prevalence of

rheumatoid arthritis in urban and rural populations in SouthWales, 263

MILLARD, J. B.: see Harris, R., etc., 189Morbidity statistics, 62Morning stiffness as index of disease, 102Mortality from rheumatic diseases, 62Mos, C. A. DE, 338MUIR, I. H. M., *246Myocrysin: see Gold therapy

NASHELSKY, G. M., AND SMYTH, C. J.: Subcutaneous haemorrhagesin rheumatoid patients treated with prednisone, 76

Nervous system involvement in Reiter's syndrome, 334Neuropathy in arthritis, rheumatoid, *252Nodules in arthritis with lupus erythematosus, 115

rheumatoid, shrink temperature of, 203subcutaneous, in spondylitis with arthritis, 216

- in Still's disease, 278NORYMBERSKI, J. K., *246

Obesity and osteo-arthrosis and disk degeneration 390Occupation and osteo-arthrosis and disk degeneration, 390OKA, M.: see Krusius, F. E., etc., 184Osteo-arthritis of the sterno-clavicular joint, 97Osteo-arthrosis and disk degeneration in urbanipopulation, 388Osteophytosis in gout, 19OUDSTEN, S. A. DEN, 338

Paget's disease and osteo-arthrosis, 393Pan-American League against Rheumatism, 445Pericarditis in arthritis, rheumatoid, *446Peters' method of measuring erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 236Phenylbutazone analogue investigations (G.27202), 251- in gout 5, 19, 20, 327

in osteo-arthritis, 99in rheumatism, acute, 123

Plasma ascorbic acid levels, 122caeruloplasmin levels, 122

- dehydroascorbic acid levels, 122iron levels in arthritis, rheumatoid, 409, 410

- salicylate levels, 111

uric acid in gout, 6Pleural effusion in arthritis, rheumatoid, *446POLLEY, H. F.: see Ward, L. E., etc., 145POWER, M. H.: see Ward, L. E., etc., 145Prednisolone: see PrednisonePrednisone in arthritis, rheumatoid, 145-and Dexamethasone compared, 378

haemorrhage, subcutaneous, and, 76intramuscular, 272structure and potency of, 146and Triamcinolone compared, 400

Pregnancy, 69and spondylitis, ankylosing, 225

Probenecid in gout, 6, 20, 326, 329Psoriasis and spondylitis, ankylosing, 222, 227Purine metabolism in gout, 2, 12PURSER, D. W., 120

see Sharp, J., etc., 303Pyrazinamide in gout, 11

Radiogold, distribution and excretion of, in experimental animals, 52Radiology of cervical spine, 304

of colitis, ulcerative, with arthritis, 174in epidemiological surveys, 266


INDEXRadiology of finger joints in arthritis, rheumatoid, 365

of gout, 18of osteo-arthritis, 98of osteo-arthrosis and disk degeneration, 388

Radiosodium clearance from knee joint in arthritis, rheumatoid, 189Radiotherapy and leukaemia, 338-of spondylitis, ankylosing, 219, 220RAMSEY, R. H.: see Zuckner, J., etc., 398Reiter's spondylitis, 227

syndrome, *252nervous system involvement in, 334serum protein electrophoresis in, 429

Reticulocyte counts, 91Rheumatism, acute, and arthritis, rheumatoid, 69

in colitis with arthritis, 179dental infection activated by cortisone in, 436laboratory tests of, 319phenylbutazone in, 123recurrent, in school children, 293salicylates in, 111

tuberculous, 441RICHMOND, J. L., Roy, L. M. H., GARDNER, D. L., ALEXANDER,

W. R. M., AND DUTHIE, J. J. R.: Nature of anaemia in rheu-matoid arthritis. IV. Effects of the intravenous administrationof saccharated oxide of iron, 406

RIEGER, B. H., *248ROBECCHI, A.: see Villa, L., 9Rose test, 83Rose-Waaler test with rapidly prepared serum fraction, 383

of tuberculous rheumatism, 441Roy, L. M. H.: see Richmond, J. L., etc., 406RYCKEWAERT, A.: see Seze, S. de. etc., 15

Sacro-iliac joints in spondylitis, ankylosing, 211Salicylate therapy in gout, 326

and collagen, shrink temperature of, 199SCHUIT, H. R. E., 339Sclerosis, systemic, dermal barrier in, 416Serology of colitis, ulcerative, with arthritis, 176Serum, chemistry of, and steroid therapy, 149, 151, 152, 155, 156, 157

diphenylamine in rheumatism, acute, 319globulin levels, 93glycoprotein and congo red affinity in arthritis. rheumatoid, 240

-proteins, 116in arthritis, rheumatoid, 80electrophoresis in Reiter's syndrome, 429

uric acid in gout, 4. 6, 325, 330StZE, S. DE, RYCKEWAERT, A., LEVERNIEUX, J., AND MARTEAU, R.:

Physiopathology, clinical manifestations, and treatment ofgout. Part 2. Clinical and therapeutic studies, 15

SHARP, J., 120--AND GOLDSBOROUGH, D.: Dermal barrier n systemic sclerosis

and other rheumatic diseases, 416PURSER, D. W., AND LAWRENCE, J. S.: Rheumatoid arthritis ofthe cervical spine in the adult, 303

Sheep cell agglutination test, 116, 383in epidemiological survey 266

negative, 252in spondylitis, ankylosing, 220

Shoulder involvement in spondylitis, ankylosing, 213Skin collagen digestion by collagenase, 23

lesions in lupus erythematosus, 115reactions to hyaluronidase in systemic sclerosis, 416temperature and duration of blebs after intradermal injections,417

SLOCUMB, C. H.: see Ward, L. E., etc., 145SMYTH, C. J.: see NASHELSKY, G. M., etc., 76SOCIETIES:A.D.A.R. (Asociacion de Ayunda al Reumatico), Buenos Aires,

340American Rheumatism Association, 445Australian Rheumatism Council, 249Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society, 248

Medical Association, 123Rheumatism Association, 445

Empire Rheumatism Council, 123, 246European League against Rheumatism, 123Heberden Society, 120, 249, 251, 446New York Rheumatism Association, 340Pan-American League against Rheumatism, 445Society Italiana di Reumatologia, 341

Fifth Rome Rheumatology Day, 1958, 245Sodium, radioactive, intradermal injection of, in connective tissue

disorders,417SPEYER, B., 338Spine, cervical, arthritis of, 120, 121, 303

involvement in spondylitis, ankylosing, 212, 222Spondylitis, ankylosing, aortic lesion of, 122

clinical investigation of, 209laboratory tests in, 219dermal barrier in, 417

473Spondylitis, ankylosing, radiotherapy of, and leukaemia, 338

relief of thoracic rigidity in. 121without spinal symptoms *252

Spondylolisthesis and osteo-arthrosis, 393STECHER, R. M.: Ankylosis of the finger joints in rheumatoid

arthritis, 365Steroid analogues in treatment of arthritis, rheumatoid 376, 398

cortisone-like, investigation of, 145therapy in gout, 5, 19

laboratory investigations of, 148and salicylates compared, 108

urinary excretion of, 150, 154, 158Still's disease, subcutaneous nodules in, 278Streptococcal agglutination test in arthritis rheumatoid, 242Stress and arthritis, rheumatoid, 71

and gout, 16STUBBE, L. T. F. L., 337Surgery in osteo-arthritis, 99

in spondylitis, ankylosing, to relieve thoracic rigidity 121Survey of osteo-arthrosis and disk degeneration, 388Synovial fluid viscosity, measurement of, 229

membrane biopsy in gout, 14Synovium in colitis, ulcerative, with arthritis. 176"Systemic Index" for evaluating arthritis, rheumatoid, 101SZEKELY, P.: see Eastham, R. D., etc., 314, 319SZIRMAI, J. A., 337

Test, haemagglutination, 83 et seq.L.E. cell, 115tetrammonium, in rheumatism, acute, 319Thorn's, 1 10

THOMPSON, M., 122Thorn's test, 10iTHRIFT, C. B., AND TRAUT, E. F.: Effect of salicylates on the circu-

lating eosinophils and urinary 17-ketosteroids in man, 108TIBOLDI. T.: see Bencie, G., etc., 426Tophi in gout, 18TOVEY, D. C. I., 251

see Kersley, G. D., etc., 326"Transformation structure" in collagen reactions, 24Trauma, osteo-arthrosis and disk degeneration caused by, 390TRAUT, E. F.: see Thrift, C. B., etc., 108Triamcinolone, adverse effects of, 403

in arthritis, rheumatoid, clinical trial of, 398, *446structure and potency of, 145

Trypsin digestability of collagen. 207Tuberculosis and arthritis, rheumatoid, 71

and rheumatism, 441

Urethritis and spondylitis, ankylosing, 224, 227Uricosuria in gout, 6, 12, 326

,effect of salicylates and steroids on, 109Uveitis and spondylitis, ankylosing, 221

VALKENBERG, H. A., 338VILLA, L., ROBECCHI, A., AND BALLABIO, C. B.: Physiopathology,

clinical manifestations, and treatment of gout. Part 1.Physiopathology and pathogenesis, 9

Virus, unsuccessful attempt to isolate, in arthritis, rheumatoid, 51

WARD, L. E., POLLEY, H. F., POWER, M. H., MASON, H. L., SLO-CUMB, C. H., AND HENCH, P. S.: Prednisone in rheumatoidarthritis: Metabolic and clinical effects, 145

WEIR, D. M., 122WEST, H. F Use of the intramuscular route for prednisolone

acetate therapy, 273,*446

WHILLANS, D., AND FISCHMAN A.: Rose-Waaler test using a rapidlyprepared serum fraction, 383

WILKINSON, M., *247,AND BYWATERS, E. G. L.: Clinical features and course ofankylosing spondylitis, 209

WILL, G., 123Withdrawal phenomena, 108WITTKOWER, E. D., *247

ZELDIS, A.: see Bywaters, E. G. L., etc., 278ZUCKNER, J., RAMSEY, R. H., CACIOLO, C., AND GANTNER, E,. JR.:

Triamcinolone therapy in rheumatoid arthritis, 398

16a-hydroxyl 9a-fluoroprednisolone: see Triamcinolone16a-methyl 9a-fluoroprednisolone: see Dexamethasone16a-methylated derivatives of hydrocortisone, clinical trials of, 37617-corticosteroids, urinary, estimation of, 11017-ketosteroid, urinary excretion of, in gout, 12

-- salicylates and, 108


* indicates that only the title of the article is given

Abestosis and rheumatoid lung changes, *460Acetabulum, protrusion of, *457Acid, acetylsalicylic, and plasma corticoids, ACTH response, and

urinary steroid excretion, 468deoxyribonucleic, in complement fixation in lupus erythemato-sus, 465

mucopolysaccharide, urinary excretion of, in arthritis, rheuma-toid, 353

nucleic, in lupus erythematosus, 262uric, overproduction of, in gout, 261, 463

ACTH, acetylsalicylic acid and, 468in arthritis, experimental, 468-- rheumatoid, 344gel, intramuscular, and adrenocortical function, 144with nitrogen mustard *258

Acute rheumatism: see Rheumatism, acuteAdrenal corticosterones, androgens and oestrogens in biosynthesis

of, 357Adrenocortical function, anaesthesia and, 142

salicylates and, 468surgery and, 468test, 143, 144

Aetiology of arthritis, rheumatoid, *455of rheumatism, * 131

Amine oxidase in causation of arthritis, rheumatoid, *455of hypercortisonism, 344

Anaemia, aplastic, phenylbutazone and, *131in arthritis, rheumatoid, *142, *455

Anaesthesia and plasma 17-hydroxycorticoid levels, 142Antistreptolysin-O level in blood of children with rheumatism, acute,

#451Ireactions in diagnosis, *356 ter

Aponeuroses, innervation of, 260Arteritis, temporal, cortisone in, 137Arthritis, chronic, sympathectomy in, 456

dermato-, lipoid, * 131experimental, *142

ACTH and, 468protein changes in, *460

gouty: see Goutrheumatoid, *460

ACTH in, 344aetiology of, *455agglutination of collodion particles sensitized with gamma

globulin in, 465anaemia of, *455,-- radioactive iron metabolism of, *142arteriolar involvement in, 452benemid in, *455bentonite flocculation test for, 453

--, juvenile, cervical localization of, 454in children, 127, *129 bischloroquine in, 453, *455of crico-arytenoid joints, 127

--, emotional factors in, 257endocrine factors in, 257epidemiology of, *345evaluation of therapy in, *347extracellular phase in, *455fibrosis in, 141gold and hormones combined in, *129heart involvement in, *259, 454hydrocortisone in, 454hypercortisonism in, cause of, 344immunology of, 141iproniazid in, *455of joint, crico-arytenoid, 127

inferior radiocubital, *129kidney function in, *356latex-fixation test in, 140, *142, 257L.E., phenomenon in, 256, *259, *345, *455liver biopsy in, *345lung lesions in, *259macroglobulins in, 256manganese therapy and placebo, *259

Arthritis, rheumatoid, nervous system in, 451neuritis. peripheral, and, 452nitrogen mustard in, *258

.-, ocular changes in, 258 bispeptic ulceration in, 257phenylbutazone with prednisone in. *455polyneuritis and, *345prednisone in, 127, 128, 256, 258 bis. 343, 454prognosis of, *129prophylaxis of, *455psychological aspects of, 258psychosocial factors in, 451quinacrine in, 453

-, radiology of soft-tissue changes in, *259rehabilitation after, 452respiratory manifestations of, *259salicylates and glucocorticoids in, *259schizophrenia with, *259senile onset of, * 129serology of, *142 bis, *345 bis, 353, *356suppurative arthritis and, 452surgery of, *259

-, temporo-mandivular joint in, *259therapeutic trials in, *455thyroidectomy and, *455urinary excretion of acid mucopolysaccharide in, 353vascular lesions of, 141

,1 cortisone therapy and, 127water and electrolyte metabolism in, *356

an 4-aminoquinoline compounds in, 453and road accidents, *347suppurative, 452and urethritis, 458"venereal", 458

Aspirin in osteo-arthritis, *129

Benemid in arthritis, rheumatoid, *455Bentonite flocculation test for arthritis, rheumatoid, 45353-haemolytic streptococci, isolation of, 466Blood mucoprotein levels in rheumatism, acute, 126Bone, lead in, in rheumatism, * 130

marrow iron in rheumatism, acute, 447tissue change and steroid therapy, * 144

Calcification, pre-tibial subcutaneous, in osteo-arthritis, *457Caplan's syndrome, *460Caplan-Colinet syndrome: see Silico-ArthritisCardiovascular lesions in lupus erythematosus, *352Carditis, rheumatic: see HeartCarpal canal syndrome, *460Cartilage histochemistry amd gold therapy, *345Chemotherapy of rheumatism, acute, 459Children, arthritis, rheumatoid, in, 127, *127 bis

in, cervical localization of, 454and eye lesions in, 258 ter

blood antistreptolysin-O level in, with rheumatism, acute, *451bone marrow iron in with rheumatism, acute, 447

-, chorea in, 343psychosomatic study of, with Sydenham's chorea, 447recurrence rates of rheumatism, acute, in, 448rheumatism, acute in, 253, 254 bis, 255spondylitis in, 260systolic murmurs in, 255

Chloroquine, 128in arthritis, rheumatoid, 453, *455in hypersensitivity states, *358

-- in lupus erythematosus, 137, *138Chondroitin sulphate, antigenicity of, *467Chorea: see also Sydenham's chorea, 447

acute, in children, 343Circulation in arthritis, rheumatoid, 452Cogan's syndrome, 136- with polyarteritis nodosa, *352Colcemide in arthritis, gouty, 462, *463


INDEXColchicine, intravenous in gout, *463

mode of action of, *261therapy of gout, 349

Collagen abnormalities and lung tumour, *356-disease, *138 quater

- , blood chemistry in, 140eye lesions in * 138 quaterimmunology of, * 138of nervous system, *352

under polarizing microscope, 465tissue reactions, 135

Collodion particles, agglutination of, 465Connective tissue disorders, non-rheumatoid, *261Corticosteroid excretion and ACTH therapy, 344Cortisol, production rate of, in man, 467

sensitization of skeleton to vitamin A overdosage by, 469Cortisone, effects of, *467

and prednisone compared, 128in rheumatoid, acute, 255and surgery, 467in temporal arteritis, 137and vascular lesions in arthritis, rheumatoid, 127

C-reactive protein estimation in streptococcal infection, *451, immunology of, *142in rheumatism, acute, 125, 354test, *142

Crenotherapy of spondylitis, ankylosing, *130Cushing's syndrome * 144

Deacetylmethyl colchicine: see ColcemideDemecolcine: see ColcemideDeoxycortone acetate, effects of, *467Dermatomyositis, * 139 ter

muscle histology in, 350scleroderma and, *464serum glutamic oxaletic transaminase in, 463

Digitoxin, effects of, *467Dihydrotachysterin II, effects of, *467Disk, intervertebral, pain due to, 132- lesions, cervical, 461Diskography, cervical 461"Drawer sign" in rheumatic conditions, 458

Electrophoresis of C-reactive protein, *142of haemagglutinating factor, *467of synovial fluid in arthritis after intra-articular steroids *258

human, *466Environment and rheumatism, acute, 126Epidemiology of arthritis, rheumatoid, *345

, , psychosocial factors in, 451of rheumatism, acute, 450

Erythema annulare rheumaticum, * 131Erythrocyte factors and sedimentation rate, *466

sedimentation rate, anomalous results of, by Wintrobe method,355

fractional, mechanism of, 355high, unexplained, 346in rheumatism, acute, 253, 255

- and room temperature, 353survival studies, *142

Exophthalmos in periarteritis nodosa, * 138Extracellular fluid in arthritis, rheumatoid, *455Eye, corticosteroids in aqueous humour of, 144

lesions in arthritis, rheumatoid, juvenile, 258 ter, 455in collagen disease, * 138 quaterin rheumatism, 260

Fasciae, innervation of, 260Felty's syndrome, neutropenia, splenic, in, * 129Fibrin, human, staining of, *142Fibrinoid in collagen disease, *356 bis

and hyalin differentiation, * 142of nodules, subcutaneous, 353from smooth muscle, 140

Fibroblast response to streptococci in rheumatism, acute, 448Fibrositis, *352-, lumbosacral, herniation of fatty tissue and, *352Finger Joints, intra-articular hydrocortisone in, *345-, trigger, in rheumatism, *130Fluorescent antibodies in demonstration of interaction of nuclei and

globulin from lupus erythematosus, *356Fluoridation of water and musculo-skeletal disease, *460

Gastric ulcer, experimental, steroid therapy and, 357Gastritis, experimental, steroid therapy, and, 143Gastro-intestinal involvement in arthritis, rheumatoid, 256, 257

in lupus erythematosus, 135lesions in rheumatism, 346

Genito-urinary focus in rheumatism in the male, 459Glomerulonephritis, 354

475Glomerulonephritis, kidney biopsy in, 464

in Schonlein-Henoch purpura, *347Glomerulus, electron microscopy of, 354Glucocorticoids and salicylate in arthritis, rheumatoid, *259Glucose tolerance, steroids and, * 144Glucosuria, steroids and, 467Glycoprotein in arthritis, experimental, *460-, urinary, 139Gold therapy and cartilage histochemistry, *345- with hormones, * 129G , skin complications of, *455

Gout, acute, in women, *349colcemide in, 462, *463colchicine in, 349, *463diagnosis of, *133hyperuricaemia in, 261, 463kidney function in, 348medical treatment of, * 133phenylbutazone in, 133 bis

-, saturnine, *261- scapulo-humeral periarthritis and, *349

serology of, 133tophaceous, urocosuric therapy of, 462treatment of, 133 tervascular changes in, 348

Haemagglutinating factors, purification of, *356Haemagglutination test, *345Haemorrhage, gastric, salicylates and, 459Heart disease, rheumatic, in adults, 342 bis

ecological studies of, 466involvement in arthritis, rheumatoid, *259, 454

in Reiter's syndrome, 130in rheumatism, acute, 255, *256 bis, 449in spondylitis, ankylosing, *345

tissue response in rheumatism, acute, 448Heberden's nodes, *457Heredity of collagen disease, 135

of rheumatism, acute, 126Herniation of fatty tissue and lumbo-sacral fibrositis, *352Hip, osteo-arthritis of, *345 ter, *457 sext

and foveal osteophytosis, *259medical treatment of, *259orthopaedic treatment of, * 129radiology of, * 129

, surgery in, 456Hodgkin's disease, *131

- and steroid therapy, 144Hormone therapy with gold, * 129

- of rheumatism, acute, 125Hyaluronidase in scleroderma, * 139Hydrocortisone in arthritis, rheumatoid, 454-acetate, intra-articular, in finger joints, *345

and joint rigidity, * 131local, in osteo-arthritis, * 129

Hydrocortancyl: see PrednisoneHypercortisonism, 128, 143, 344Hypergammaglobulinaemia, familial, 351Hypersensitivity, cellular, tissue culture studies of, in rheumatism,

acute 448chloroquine in, *358

Hyperuricaemia in gout, 261due to pyrazinamide, 347 bis

Immunology of collagen diseases, * 138Incidence of rheumatism, * 131Intestines, inflammation of, and spondylitis, ankylosing, 345Iproniazid in arthritis, rheumatoid, *455Iron in bone marrow in rheumatism, acute, 447

, radioactive, metabolism of, in anaemia, *142

Joint, crico-arytenoid, arthritis of, 127finger: see Fingerencapsulated nerve endings in, *466hip: see Hip

,inferior radiocubital, arthritis of, *129knee: see Knee

,peripheral in spondylitis, ankylosing, *346shoulder: see Shouldertemporo-mandibular, in arthritis, rheumatoid, *259rigidity, hydrocortisone acetate in, *131

Kidney biopsy in lupus erythematosus, 137and glomerulonephritis, 464

function in arthritis, rheumatoid, *356in gout, 348in rheumatism, acute, *356

lesions in scleroderma, * 138Knee, abnormal mobility of 458

, osteo-arthritis of, *259, 455, 456

476 ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASESLatex-fixation test, 140, * 142, 257 Pain sciatic, 132, *133

-- with euglobulin fraction, 465 Pelvo-spondylitis, rheumatic: see Spondylitis, ankylosingLead in bones in rheumatism, *130 Penicillin blood levels in rheumatism, *142L.E. bodies, cytochemical study of, 262 - in prophylaxis of rheumatism, acute, 449 bix

cell phenomenon in arthritis, rheumatoid, 256, *259, *345, *455 , tandem oral, in prophylaxis of rheumatism, acute, and strepto-microscopy of, *464 coccal infection, 450and neutrophil leucocyte, antigenic properties of, *464 Periarteritis nodosa, 136, 137, *138significance of, 349 , cutaneous, *352

test, *142, 261 Periarthritis, humero-scapular, and gout, *349leucocyte disk method, 466 , radiotherapy of, *352 biswith increased sensitivity, 463 of shoulder and lung tumour, *131

Ledercort: see Triamcinolone Pharyngolaryngeal disturbance in spondylosis, cervical, 460Leucocyte disk method for L.E. cell test, 466 Phenylbutazone and anaemia, aplastic, *131

response to streptococci in rheumatism, acute, 448 in gout, 133 bisLeuco-precipitins in lupus erythematosus. *466 metabolites effects of, *460Leukaemia, *131 - with prednisone in arthritis, rheumatoid, *455

and steroid therapy, 144 in rheumatism, acute, 449Liver biopsy in arthritis, rheumatoid, *345 therapy, *131 bis, *132

function in rheumatism, * 130 Phosphorus acid soluble, *467in polyarteritis, * 138 Plasma corticoids, acetylsalicylic acid and, 468

Lugol's solution reaction in rheumatism, *460 Plethysmography in arthritis, rheumatoid, 452Lung tumour and collagen abnormalities, *356 Polyarteritis, aetiology of, 351

and periarthritis of shoulder, *131 nodosa with Cogan's syndrome, *352rheumatic symptoms of, *347 lung lesions in, 136 bisand polyarthritis, *131 , neuro-oto-ophthalmological lesions and, *352

lesions in arthritis, rheumatoid, *259 , steroid therapy of, *138in polyarteritis nodosa, 136 bis Polyarthritis and lung tumour, *131rheumatoid, with abestosis, 460 psoriatic, *347

Lupus erythematosus, 134 quoter, 135, 137 ter, * 1 38 octemn, * 139 bis, Polyneuritis in arthritis, rheumatoid, *345350 , infectious, as collagen disease of nervous system, *352

antimalarial drugs in, *352, *464 Polysaccharides, serology of, in arthritis, rheumatoid, 353cardiovascular lesions in, *352 Porter-Silber test, 143complement fixation with cell nuclei and deoxyribo- Prednisolone: see Prednisone

nucleic acid, 465 Prednisone in arthritis, rheumatoid, 127, 128, 258 bis, 343, 454familial hypergamma globulinaemia and, 351 - - , gastrointestinal involvement in, 256glomerulus in. 354 compared with cortisone 128incidence of, *464 effects of, *467kidney biopsy in, 464 in lupus erythematosus, *138leuco-precipitins in, *466 in osteo-arthritis, *129, *345 bi.slymph node lesions in, 464 with phenylbutazone in arthritis, rheumatoid, *455morbid anatomy and histology of, *464 in rheumatism, acute, 449neuro-oto-ophthalmological lesions and, *352 with salicylates, *131serum factor in, 261 bis in sciatica, *261and Sjogren's syndrome, *352 Proteins in lupus erythematosus, 262

Lymph node lesions in rheumatism, 464 Prostatitis and rheumatism, 459and spondylitis, ankylosing, 457

Pseudo-xanthoma elasticum and Still's disease, *129Macroglobulins in arthritis, rheumatoid, 256 Psoriasis, *347Manganese therapy and placebo in arthritis, rheumatoid, *259 and spondylitis, ankylosing, 259Mantoux reaction and steroid therapy, 356 Psychomatic study of children with Sydenham's chorea, 447Marsilid: see Iproniazid Pyrazinamide, hyperuricaemia due to, 347 bisMast cell degranulation studies, *142Mepacrine in lupus erythematosus, 137Meprobamate in rheumatism, *131 Quinacrine in arthritis, rheumatoid, 453Mesantoin in lupus erythematosus, *138Meticorten: see PrednisoneMexico, rheumatism, acute, in, 124 Radiology of hip joint, *129Microscopy, polarized, of collagen and reticulin, 465 of Reiter's syndrome, 458 bisMiltown: see Meprobamate - of soft-tissue changes in arthritis, rheumatoid, *259

Radiotherapy of arthritis, * 131-of periarthritis, humero-scapular, *352 bis

Nephrosis, glomerulus in. 354 of spondylitis, ankylosing, * 130Nerve endings, encapsulated, in joint morphology, *466 Rehabilitation, * 131, 358, 452Nervous system in arthritis, rheumatoid, 451 Reiter's syndrome, 260

collagen disease of, *352 - cardiac involvement in, 130Neuritis, peripheral, with arthritis, rheumatoid. 452 -- in females, *261, 346Neutropenia, splenic, in Felty's syndrome, *129 radiology of. 458 bisNitrogen mustard, intravenous, in arthritis, rheumatoid, *258 Reticulin under polarizing microscope, 465Nodule, experimental, in spondylitis, ankylosing, 139 Reticulohistiocytosis, * 131

subcutaneous, fibrinoid of, 353 Rheumatic fever: see Rheumatism, acuteRheumatism, acute, *343 quarter, *460

in the aged, 254Orchidectomy, experimental, and joint disease, 456 - antistreptococcal treatment of, 124Orthopaedic therapy of hip joint, * 129 ,-, blood antistreptolysin-O level in children with, *451Osteo-arthritis, aspirin in, *129 mucoprotein levels in, 126

diagnosis of, *345 , cardiac involvement in, 255, *256 bisexperimental, 457 , , in children, 253, 254 bisgenetics of, *259 , cortisone in 255of hip joint, *259 bis, *427 sext C-reactive protein in, 125

orthopaedic treatment of, *129 , decline of, 448surgery in, 456 . , ecological studies of, 466

hydrocortisone in, *129 . , environment and, 126of knee joint, *259, 456 , epidemiology of, in Mexico, 124- local injection of salicylate in, 455 , , erythrocyte sedimentation rate in, 253

- prednisone in, * 129, *345 bis , heredity in, 126pre-tibial subcutaneous calcification in, *457 , , histamine-fixing power of serum in, 126radiology of, *129 ,-, hormone therapy of, 125, 449and spondylosis, 259 , iron in bone marrow in 447

Osteophytosis, foveal, in osteo-arthritis of the hip, *259 , kidney function in, *356Osteoporosis and scurvy, 346 ,-, laboratory investigations of, 354Osteosclerosis, lumbar, hypertrophic, 132 phenolic compounds in chemotherapy of, 459Ovariecomy, experimental, and joint disease. 456 - , phenylbutazone in, 449

INDEXRheumatism, acute, prevalence of, *256

prophylaxis of, 253, *255, 447, 449 bispulmonary involvement in, *256relapse prophylaxis of, 125, *127salicylate therapy of, 449serum lipid levels in, 254

lipoproteins in, * 142steroid therapy of, 450and streptococcal infection in Air Force recruits, 450 bistissue culture studies of cellular hypersensitivity in, 448water and electrolyte metabolism in, *356

experimental, *347eye changes in, 260infective, *460psychogenic, *261

Rheumatoid arthritis: see Arthritis, rheumatoidfactor, isolation of, 352, 354

Rubella arthritis, *460

Sacro-iliitis in spondylitis, ankylosing, * 130Salicylates and adrenocortical function, 468

antiphlogistic activity of, *460and gastric haemorrhage, 459and glucocorticoids in arthritis, rheumatoid, *259local injection of, in osteo-arthritis of the knee, 455with prednisone, *131in rheumatism, acute, 449

Schizophrenia with arthritis, rheumatoid, *259Schonlein-Henoch syndrome, *347 ter

focal infection and, *130S radiology of gastro-intestinal symptoms in, * 131

Sciatica 132, *133prednisone in, *261

Scleroderma, *138 bis, *139and dermatomyositis, *464fixation of S35 in skin and, *352of gastro-intestinal tract, *464in gold miners, *464kidney involvement, in, 350regional manifestations of, *352visceral, *463

Sclerosis, progressive systemic, *463Scurvy and osteoporosis, 346Sero-diagnosis of lupus erythematosus, 134, 137, *356- of spondylitis, ankylosing, *356Serology of arthritis, rheunsatoid, *345 bis, *356 bis

of polysaccharides in arthritis, rheumatoid, 353of rheumatism, *131 bis, 139, 140, *142

Seromucoid in rheumatism, acute, 354Serum factor in lupus erythematosus, 261 bis

glutamic oxaletic transaminase in dermatomyositis, 463glycoprotein in rheumatism, acute, 354histamine-fixing power of, 126lipid levels in rheumatism, acute, 254lipoprotein estimation in rheumatism, acute, *142mucoproteins in rheumatism, *356protein in arthritis, experimental, *460

, rheumatoid, *142binding in kidney biopsies in lupus erythematosus and

glomerulonephritis, 464-in gout, 133rheumatoid factor in, 352salicylates, ultra-micro determination of, * 127

Sheep cell agglutination test: see HaemagglutinationShoulder, calcified tendinitis of ,* 130

, periarthritis of, and lung tumour, *131Silico-arthritis, * 129Sjogren's syndrome and lupus erythematosus, *352Skin tissue response in rheumatism, acute, 448Spine, cervical, anatomy of, 460-, -, disk lesions of, 461 bisSpondylitis, ankylosing, cervical, in females, *130

clinical picture of, *457-,cortisone in 130

crenotherapy of, *130experimental nodule in, 139

477Spondylitis, ankylosing, heart involvement in, *345

histopathology of, *260and intestinal inflammation, 345peripheral joint involvement and, *346prostatitis and, 457psoriatic, 259radiotherapy of, 130rest or movement in, *345sacro-iliitis in, * 130sero-diagnosis of, *356

infantile, 260Spondylo-arthrosis, cervical, *129Spondylosis, *129-, cervical, 132, 460 bis

ochronotic, * 130and osteo-arthritis, 259

Steroid pseudo-rheumatism: see Hypercortisonismtherapy *144

and gastro-intestinal symptoms, 143, 357and glucose tolerance, * 144hazards of. * 144 terintra-articular. and electrophoresis of synovial fluid, *258of lupus erythematosus, 138and Mantoux reaction, 356of polyarthritis nodosa. * 138of rheumatism, acute, 449, 450of Schonlein-Henoch purpura, *347of spondylitis, ankylosing, * 130and tuberculosis risk, 144

Still-Chauffard's syndrome, 258disease, eye changes in, 455

with pseudo-xanthoma elasticum, * 129Streptococcal antibodies in rheumatism, 464

infection in Air Force recruits, 450 bisand C-reactive protein, *451and rheumatism, acute, 253, 254, 343 bis

Surgery of arthritis, *131, *259of osteo-arthritis of hip, *345

Survey of rheumatism, *131Sympathectomy, extended, in arthritis chronic, 456Sydenham's chorea, psychosomatic study of, in children, 447Synovial fluid in arthritis, *356- electrophoresis of, *258

human, electrophoresis of, *466normal, hyaluronate in, *356

- potassium, *467, rheumatoid factor in, 352

Systolic murmur in rheumatism, acute, 255, *256

Tendinitis, calcified, of shoulder, *130Tenosynovitis, rheumatoid, 256Thrombosis in collagen disease, *356Thyroidectomy and arthritis, rheumatoid, *455Tissue culture studies in rheumatism, acute, 448Transaminase, serum glutamic oxalacetic, in dermatomyositis, 463Trauma in aetiology of rheumatism, *460Triamcinolone therapy, *358Tuberculin, old, response of leucocytes and fibroblasts to, 448Tuberculosis risk of steroid therapy, 144

Urethritis and arthritis, 458Urinary steroid excretion, acetylsalicylic acid and, 468Uveitis and rheumatism, *132

Vascular lesions in arthritis, rheumatoid, cortisone and, 127Vitamin-A overdosage, sensitization of skeleton to, by cortisol, 469Vitamin D3, effects of, *467

Waaler-Rose reaction, *356, *455Water and electrolyte metabolism in rheumatic disease, *356Wrist immobilization, * 131

4-aminoquinoline compounds in arthritis, rheumatoid, 453


* indicates that only the title of a paper or article is given

Acevedo, E., 348*Acker, M., 131Adams, R. A., 452*Adams, S. S., 460*Adamski, J., 131*Agresti, A., 356*Aguilera, Maruri, C., 138*Albano, 0., 463*Allanby, K. D., 144*Allgood, J. W., 138Andreani, D., 258Ansell, B., 346

*Arlet, J., 259Atdjian, M., 344, 453

Baccarini, V., 139*Bacher, E., 139Baczynska, K., 451Baggenstoss, A. H., 127Bagnall, A. W., 128

*Barraquer-Ferr6, L., 129*Bagneres, M., 130Balcazar, J., 124Ball, J., 452Balmforth, G. V., 343

*Banowitch, M. M., 463*Barbaso. E., 131*Barcel6, P., 130, 356*Barczyk W., 455Barnes, K. L., 452

*Baronchelli A 256Barr, J. H., 256

*Barrett, G. M., 460*Barroso-Moguel, R., 138*Bartoli, V., 135, 259*Bayles, J. F., 142*Behrend, T., 131*Belot, R., 457*Benjamin, P., 259Bennett, G., 137

*Bepler, C. R., 259*Bergna, L. J., 352*Bermes, E. W., 142Bernheim, M., 447Berros de la, L. R., 348

*Bertrand, A., 138*Bianchi, P. G., 144Birch, A. McA., 448

*Biressi, P. C., 260Black, A., 256Black, E., 467Black, R. L., 127, 350, 468Blair, A. E., 463Blatchley, R., 343

*Blau, J. N., 129*Blumberg, B. S., 356*Bogg, A., 455Boisvert, P. L., 352Bonard, E. C., 133Bonnet, H., 343Bonomo, E., 139Bonomo, L., 257Booth, E., 140

*Borda, J. M., 464*Bouland, -, 138Boyd, G. G., 136Bozicevich, J., 453Bradley, E. J., 358Bradshaw, P., 132

*Braunsteiner, H., 467Brewer, D. B., 465Brigden, W., 255

*Brodie, B. B., 460Brodie, S., 449

Bronsky, D., 256*Brooke, B. N., 144Brown, C. H., 135Buehler, E. V., *142, 257Bunim, J. J., 141, 144, 453, 468

*Burgess, T. W., 259*Burns, J. J., 460Burrell, R. G., 142, 257*Burtin, P., 142Bywaters, E. G. L., 346, 355

*Cadenat, H., 259*Cilinescu, J., 129*Campbell, J. A., 460Campo, C., 343

*Capello, A., 131*Cappio, M., 261Caramanian, M. K., 125

*Carcassi, U., 142Carlson, L. A., 354*Carpent, G., 138*Carpio, M. G., 352*Carter, Y., 142*Cartesegna, F., 256*Caruso, A. C., 129*Casa, G., 256Casellas, A., 124Castillo, P., 348

*Cavallo, A., 259Cawley, E. P., 135Cereghini, J. F., 357Cerretelli, P., 139

*Cerroni, R., 467Cesari, M., 451*Chamorro, G., 139Chang, I., 254Chapman, A. H., 447Chapman, L., 344Chaptal, J., 343Chargin, L., 134Charlin, V., 258

*Chegorianky, J., 129Cheng-Wei, L., 356Chevallier, J., 343, 449

*Christian, J. R., 142Christiansen, J. V., 137Christianson, H. B., 133Clark, G. M., 257Clarke, C. N., 459Clarke, N. E., 459Cloward, R. B., 461*Cobb, R., 460*Cobb, S., 451Coburn, A. F., 254, 255Cohen, A., 258

*Colsky, J., 463Comberg, U., 137

*Conitz, D., 129*Contardo, R., 138*Conte, A., 352Cope, C. L., 454, 467Copeman, W. S. C., 127, 344

*Cordasco, E. M., 138Cormier, B. M., 258Correa-Suarez, R., 124

*Coste, F., 259, 343, 347, 457 ter*Cowling, D. C., 142*Cozen, L., 259*Craig, J. M., 142*Crawford, W. J., 352Croft, C. R., 130*Cronberg, S., 142Cruickshank, B., 464Csonka, G. W., 130, 458

Cullen, J. H., 347Curtis, A. C., 139Curtzwiler, F. C., 132

Dagonet, Y., 125Dan6latos, C., 126*Daneo, V., 131, 144. 256Davis, P., 344Dawson, S. F., 451Debetz, J., 125*De Brux, J., 356 bis*De Courcy, J. L., 132De Filippis, V., 144De Forest, G. K., 352Deicher, H., 465Deitch, A. D., 262 bis*Delage, J. M., 131*Denko, C. W., 352*Detre, K. D., 356*Dettori, M., 256Diamond, E. F., 126*Di Carlo, F. C., 129Di Ferrante, N., 353Dineen, J. K., 464*Di Vittorio, S., 129, 259Dixon F. J., 141*Dobek, M., 131Domeij, B., 459Dominguez, A. R., 348Donoso, H., 139*D'Oria, R., 256*Drugan, A., 129Druzinina, K. V., 357Dubois, E. L., 261*Du Chatelier, G. G., 261Dunn, M. T., 466*Dupr6, A. L., 345*Durant. J., 345

*Edge, J. R., 259Edstrom, G., 127, 261*Edwards, W. R., 345*Egghart, F., 467Ehrenberg, A., 354

*Einaudi, G., 256Eisenbeis, C. H., 256*Ekelund, C., 455*Emerson, C. P., 142Engeset, A., 453Epstein, B. S., 259Epstein, J. A., 253, 259*Erasmus, L. D., 464*Erlendsson, F., 455*Etcheverry, R., 139*Evans, C. D., 131Evans, M., 124

*Everett, M. A., 139

Fairbrother, R. W., 452Fallet, G. H., 465Farquhar, M. G., 354Faulkner, J. B., 354Faure, A., 125Fearnley, G. F., 343

*Federico, O., 345Feinstein, A. R., 253Feldhake, C., 256

*Feldman, H. A., 345Fidelle, J., 125

*Filotico, M., 345*Finch, S. C., 142, 356Finney, W., 461Fiore, J. M., 347


Fischgrund, A., 449Fleisher, G. A.. 463

*Florio, L., 448*Fragasso V., 261Francalancia, L., 140

*France, S. O., 463*Francillon, M. R., 129*Francon, F., 129*Francon, J., 129, 457*Franger, W., 467*Franklin, E. C., 142Freeman, S., 468Freeman, V., 261

*Freinreich, E. J., 142*Frenger, W., 455Freund, J., 453Freyberg, R. H., 345, 454Friedman, I. A., 256*Friedman, M. S, 130Friedman, S., 253

*Friou, G. J., 356Froesch, E. R., 467

*Fuchs, G., 352*Fuld, H., 358Fyler, D. C., 343, 449

Gainza, E., 142Galindo, L., 142*Gamp, A., 133, 345*Gardner, D. E., 460Gavalov, S. M., 355Gedda, P. O., 127*Gerbeaux, C., 142Germain, D., 447Gibson, W. M., 254, 255Gibbons, M. J., 447Giertz, G., 459Gillies, A. J., 467

*Gitlin, D., 142Godman, G. C., 262 bis, 464*Godoy, A. M., 352Goebel, R., 449Gofton, J. P., 353*Gold, S. C., 129*Goldgraber, M. B. 464Goldman, J., 258Good, R. A., 143, 354

*Goslings, J., 345, 455*Gospodinoff, A., 139, 455, 460Goto, G., 456

*Gour, K. N., 131*Graber-Duveray, B., 349Graber-Duvernay, J., 130,V259, 349*Gray, J. W., 133Green, H., 144

*Greither, A., 131*Grimm, H., 455*Gros H., 130, 259Groulade, J., 132*Grubb, R., 356*Grunwald, L., 131Grusin, H., 346Gulotta, G. A., 450

*Gustafsson, B. E., 142*Gutman, A. B., 348, 460, 462*Guyton, J. S., 138*Guzman, C., 139

Haas, R. C., 253*Hall, A. P., 460*Halperin Pines, A. M., 455*Hamerman, D., 356, 466Hammond, J. H., 450

INDEX*Handel, J., 131Harris, T. N., 253Harrison, J. W., 344, 453Harrison, W., 450*Hartmann, F., 131Hartz, W. H., 256*Harvey, J. C., 256Haserick, J. R., 134, 135, 138Hazel, M. M. 449*Heimer, R., 345*Hellbaum, A. A., 259Helmreich, M. L., 142*Hermann, R. T., 131Herndon, R. F., 468Hertford, R. A., 456

*Hevia, P. H., 352*Hewitt, M., 131*Hill, L. C., 139Hilley, L., 463

*Hirsch, C., 345Hirschfeld, I., 253*Hodge, H. C., 460*Hofbauer, J., 352*Hogan, M. J., 132Holborow, E. J., 261Hollander, F., 357

*Holley, H. L., 258Holman, H. R., 142, 261, 465Holt, K. S., 254

*Holten, G., 144*Hotovy, R., 467*Hotz, G., 138Howard, N., 130*Hromada, J. 466Hsioh-Teh, C., 356*Hua-Ch'eng, W., 356Hyde, L., 347

Illingworth, R. S., 254, 255Irby, R., 131, 452Iserle, J., 258

Jacqueline, F., 133Janowitz, H. D., 357

*Jasinski, K., 356 bisJean, R., 343

*Jecklin, L., 130*Johansson, S., 139Johnson, G. D., 261*Johnson, R. E., 460*Johnsson, S., 138Jones, R. S., 142, 468Jornod, J., 133Joski, R. A., 137Jowett, G. H., 254, 255Judaev, N. A., 357

*Judet, J., 457*Judet, R., 457Junemann, B. C., 348

*Kalliola, H., 455*Kalliomaki, J. L., 455 bisKanenson, W. L., 258

*Kapff, J., 467Kaplan, M., 449 bis

*Katalinic, V., 139Katz, E. M., 256Keeler, K. C., 456Kelcec, L. C., 134Kellgren, J. H., 452

*Kelly, M., 131Kemper, J. W., 127Kern, F., 257*Kemohan, J. W., 144Kievits, J. H., 463*Kimura, S. J., 132King, S. H., 451

*Kirpila, J., 455*Kirsner, J. B., 464Kjorstad, H., 254

*Klas, J., 460*Klinger, J., 139*Koskinen, H. M., 455Kotlewski, M., 260

*Knights, E. M., 127Krehl, W. A., 352Kroman, H. S., 144*Kron, K. M., 131*Krzymien, H., 347*Kubacki, A., 356 bis

*Kulonen, E., 345, 467*Kulowski, J., 347Kunkel, H. G., * 142, 261, 465Kwapinski, J., 451*Kwasniewski, S., 131*Kytila, J., 129

*Laaksonen-Gierer, T., 467Laborde, C., 126Labesse, J. 125Lachaine, R. A., 466Lagrue, G., 126

*Laine, V. A. I., 455*Lamas, G. R., 352*Lambert, P., 460La Motta, E. P., 450Lange, H. F., 459Laskiewicz, A., 460

*Laurent, F., 457 quaterLazar, H. P., 450Le Baudour, J., *129, 454Le Coulant, P., 350Lee, R., 466Leftin, J. H., 143

*Leibovici, S., 131*Lemke, G., 457*Lenoch, F., 345Leonard, M. P., 143Leonhardt, T., *138, 351Leopold, I. H., *138, 144Leroy, J., 458Lessof, M., 255Lestina, F. A., 468Le Vine, M., 347Lewenfisz-Wojnarowska, T, 451Lewis, G. K., 448 bis

*Lindqvist, T., 138Lipscomb, W. R., 450Lorber, J., 254*Losada L, A., 463*Losada L, M., 139, 463*Ldvgren, O., 467Lowman, E. W., 452Lucchesi, M., 260Lucchesi, O., 260Lucherini, T., 256*Ludwig, G. D., 261Lukens, J. G., 257*Lundbaek, K.. 144Lupton, C. H., 135

Maas, G. I., 450 bis*McChesney, E. W., 464McCoy, F. W., *142, 257*McDonald, H. J., 142*MacDonald, R. P., 127MacKay, 1. R., 464*McKusick V. A., 256McManus, J. F. A., 135*Macrae, D., 352Magida, M. G., 342*Mdkinen, P., 345, 467*Manheimer, R. H., 131Manley, R. W., 353Marchal, G., 144Margolis, H. M., 256Markowitz, M., 254Marks, L. J., 142

*Marrazzi, G., 131*Marsikova, L., 460Mason, R M., 457Massel, B. F., *343, 449Massin, M., 260*Maumenee, A. E., 138Mautner, H., 449Mayer, J. H., 455Mayne, B. S., 468Mazeika, I., 466Medical Research Council, 128

*Meier, F., 129Melendez, E. O., 348Mendoza, F., 124

*Menzi, P., 347*Meredith, H. C., 138*Meszaros, W. T., 352*Michez, J., 455Michotte, L. J., 451

*Middlemiss, J. H., 131*Miescher, P., 464Miller, J. M., 449*Ming-Hsin, H., 356

*Mirapeix Del Cerro, J., 138*Moller, F., 139*Monateri, P. C., 129, 259*Montgomery, D. A. D., 258Montgomery, P. O'B., 140, *142Moore, J. E., 137Moragas, J. M. De, 463

*Morales, V. I., 352Moreno, A. R., 132, *349, *356,

*358Mosher, R. E., 459*Mou, T. W., 345Mouriquand, C., 447Movat, H. Z., 353Mozziconacci, P., 125 bis, 126 bis,

* 142Mucci, M. B., 352

*Mugler, A., 261Muirhead, E. E., 140, *142Muglev, A., 349Muller, A. F., 134Muller, R., 141

*Muller-Eberhard, H. J. 142Murray, R. S., 457, 458*Mussa, L., 260

*Nachod, F. C., 464Natale, P., 256*Neher, G. M., 460Neustadt, D. H., 462Nikolaeva, V. A., 346

*Nilsonne, H., 345*Nitescu, S., 131Nuffield Foundation, 128

Oates, J. K., 130, 457, 458Odom, G. L., 461Offret, G., 260

*Ogorrek, I., 345*Oka, M., 129O'Leary, P. A., 133Olhagen, B., 459Olsen, C. R., 465Olson, H., 448*Orabona, M. L., 130, 345, 463*O'Reilly, S., 352Otto, H., 138

*Paquet, E., 131Pargellis, P. P., 254

*Parr, L. J. A., 259Parrot, J. L., 126

*Pasquariello, G., 131*Paton, B. C., 460Payne, E. E., 460Payne, R. W., *259, 354, *460*Paz, M A.. 356*Peak, W. P., 131*P6rol, R., 457*Perrier-Gerbay, V., 457Perry, H. O., 463Peterson R. E., 468

*Phear, D., 466*Philips, V. K., 142*Pigman, W., 258Pilkey, L., 447

*Pilkington, T. L., 259*Pitzus, F., 142*Platt, D., 258*Ploompuu, J., 127Plotz, C M., 140

*Polacek, P., 466*Polakova, Z., 345Polley, H. F., 128Popert, A. J., 344Poske, R. M., 256Poulsen, H. E., 350Power, M. H., 133

*Price, C. H. G., 131Price, W. H., 466

*Quinn, R. W., 467

*Ragan, C., 347Rahman, S., 125, 126Ran, B., 451Rantz, L. A., 450 bis, 465

*Rasponi, L, 138*Raszeja-Wanic, B., 356 bis

479Ravault, P., 464Reeder, P. S., 256Refvem, O., *261, 346

*Rehtuarvi, K., 138Reiches, A. J., 134Rein, C. R., 134Rendle-Short, J., 254Renold, A. E., 467Reynolds, D. F., 458Rheins, M. S., *142, 257

*Rickards, A. G., 259, 460*Rifkind, R. A., 464*Rintala, A., 455*Risemberg, A., 130*Rizzi, D., 259*Robecchi, A., 129, 131 bis, 144, 256,

460Robbins, W. C., 465Robertson, J. D., 344Robinson, H. S., 353, 358Robinson. R. G., 454*Robinson, W. D., 133Rodnan, G. P., 350Rodriguez-Olleros, A., 142

*Rogers, F. B., 259Rogers, L. S., 451Romanus, R., 459Rose, G. A., 136, 351*Roseman, E., 352*Rosenthal, L., 129*Ross, J. F., 142Ross, K. A., 455

*Ross, R. S., 256*Roth, G., 455*Rothermich, N. O., 141, 142Rotstein, J., 143*Roy, S. B., 343*Ruggieri, E., 347*Ruggieri, F., 131*Ruiter, M., 352*Ruiz Moreno, A., 455Rusoff, J. H., 253

Saint-Martin, M., 139*Sairanen, E., 130Salazar Mallen, M., 124*Salonna, L., 130Samuel, E., 346*Sandson, J., 466*Sans Sola, L., 130*Saslaw, M. S., 343Savage, O., 344

*Scalabrino, R., 131, 144*Schaposnik, F., 352Schaub, I. G., 466

*Scheiffarth, F., 455, 467Scherbel, A. L., *258, 344, 453, 455

*Schiavetti, L., 455, 460*Schlegel, B., 131Schlossmann, K., 354Schnitker, M. T., 132

*Scholz, D. A., 144Schreiner, G. E., 350Schuit, H. R. E., 463

*Schuster, H., 356*Schwartz, B., 139*Schwartz, S., 131Sciagra, A., 452Scott, J. T., 137

*Seligmann, M., 466Selye, H., 468Serneri, G. G. N., 135, *259, 452

*Seze, S. de, 457Shaer, R. G., 357Shannon, F. T., 355Shapiro, M., 347Shepherd, M. M., 455

*Shetlar, C. L., 460Shetlar, M. R., *259, 354, 460

*Shipton, E. A., 259Shirey, E. K., 135Shulman, L. E., 137Sickley, J. F., 256

*Siegenthaler, W., 352Silberberg, M., 456 bisSilberberg, R., 456 bisSilverstein, E., 457Singer, J. M., 140

*Skirpan, P. J., 138*Slaney, G., 144Slocumb, C. H., 127, 128

480*Smarsz, C., 356 bisSmiley, W. K., 455

*Smith. F. A., 460*Smith, R. T., 352*Smith, W. W., 141*Soila, P., 259Sokoloff, L., 141, 457

*S6lvell, L., 464Spencer, H., 136Spillane, J. D., 460

*Sprague, R. G., 144*Staffeldt, I., 144Stancer, S. L., 449

*Steinberg, C. L., 460Steinberg, V. L., 345Stilwell, D. L., 260

*Stoia, I., 129*Stoia, V. 1., 131*Stoll, B. A., 131Stollerman, G. H., 253Stolzer, B. L., 256Storey G., 345

*Stoughton, R. B., 352Streifeld, F. H., 342Strenge, H. B., 354Stubbe, J. L., 137

*Stucchi, C., 138Sufczynska, M., 451

*§ulc, M., 460*Svanborg, A., 464Svartz, N., 256, 354

ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASESSverAk, J., 258*Swahn, B., 356*Swenson, C. B., 460

Taft, L. I., 464*Tainter, M. L., 464*Talbot, J. H., 261Tang, J., 253Taranta, A., 253*Taylor, A. L., 131Teilum G., 350*Telkka, A., 345Texier, L., 350*Thomas, I. D., 142Thomas, J. W., 353Thomasson, R., 456Thorn, G. W., 467*Thygeson, P., 132*Tichy, H., 356*Tidwell, R. A., 343*Tilling W., 347*Tiseyra, 0. C., 349Toone, E. C., * 131, 452*Trommer, P. R., 133Truelove, L. H., 356

*Truhlaif, P., 345, 346Turner, R. F., 258

*Turrell, R. C., 352

*Unnik, J. A. M. van, 464*Urquieta, T. B., 352

*Van Ordstrand, H. S., 138Vazquez, J. J., 141

*Vendrell, E. C., 129*Venning, G. R., 131Vernier, R. L., 354Vial, J., 464

*Viallefont, B., 138Vignon, G., *345, 464Virtue, R. W., 142

*Vojtisek, O., 460*Volejnik, J., 347*Vollmer, J., 132Volpi, U., 258

*Wadsworth, H., 345*Wallace, S., 463*Wallace, S. L., 347Wan Ngo Lim, 342, 448Ward, L. E., 128Ward, S. B., 453*Ward, W. H., 138*Warin, R. P., 131Warren, J. E., 450*Weber, M. R., 131Wechsler, R. L., 256Weinstein, V. A., 357Weir, D. M., 261

*Weiskittel, R., 132*Weiss, G., 448 bis*Welch, G. E., 129

*Werkgartner, F., 352Wheeler, C. E., 135Wheeler, J. X., 468*White, P. H. H., 259*Wiberg, G.. 345*Wiedermann. G., 467Wiles, P., 456*Willcox, A., 129*Williams, G. F., 129 345*Williams, G. T., 129*Williams, P. F., 457Wilson, M. G., 342, 448Winegard, A. I., 467Wittkower, E. D., 258Wood, H. F., 253, 447Woodhall, B., 461*Wright, V., 345Wyngaarden, J. B., 261, 463

Yielding, K. L. 127Young, A. C., 457, 458Young, I. I., 144Yu, T. F., 348, 460, 462

*Zajicek, M., 347Zavazal, V., 465

*Zietz, E., 138Ziff, M., 466*Zimmerman, L. E., 138*Zukel, W. J., 127



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