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  • 8/12/2019 XPSsamplesubmission_andFAQs_v4


    Submitting Samples for XPS (ESCA) Analysis.XPS samples should be submittedwith this form. Samples can bebrought to the dessicator in the D21hallway, with this form.

    If shipping, mail by UPS or ed!"to# $onathan Shu, 1%2 SciencesDri&e, 'lar( )all D21, 'ornellUni&ersity, Ithaca, *+ 1%-.

    / ''0 'oral account is reuiredfor all users 3sign4up lin( below5.*on4'ornell users must also fa"purchase order to 67842--49-8

    *ame, e4mail# Date#

    Department 3Institution5# /d&isor#

    Do you ha&e a ''0 'oral account: +es *oIf *;, reuest one online &ia ''0 website.

    'oral account< to use 3if more thanone5#

    Date analysis isneeded by, if any#

    =ype of sample, film, powder, composition, etc.# /re the sample and substrateconducti&e: 3circle one5

    +es *o Don>t (nowPlease label samples 31,2,,%,?5. If samples cannot be clearly labeled, or certain regionsmust be analy@ed, describe them here or include a drawing#< of samples#

    15 /re these nanoparticle samples: 3A177 nm in two or three dimensions5. 3circle one5 +es *25 'an the sample be cut, modified, or bro(en:3circle one5 +es *o

    5 Do you need this sample bac(: 3circle one5 Samples must be pic(ed up within 1 month ormay be discarded

    +es *o /ll /s much as possible 0ail to#

    %5 ill in elements below. !ach element added will li(ely mean additional analysis. If you don>t (e"actly what you need, describe what information are you trying to determine with XPS. If you(now the energy ranges of interest, fill in below 3use another page if more description is neede)S means high count rate B low pea( width resolution, for atomicC determination) means low count rate B high resolution of pea( width, for possible chemical bonding information

  • 8/12/2019 XPSsamplesubmission_andFAQs_v4


    Survey/wide scan: (01200 eV unless noted)_______________________________

    HS (traceelements):________________________________________________________________

    HR (chemicalondin!):___________________________________________________________

  • 8/12/2019 XPSsamplesubmission_andFAQs_v4


    "#S/$S%& 'reuently &sed *uestions:/ll users must ha&e a ''0 'oral account 3reuest at http#www.ccmr.cornell.edufacilitiesreuest.php5

    Can users outside of Cornell have samples run?

    Users from other institutionscompanies may send samples. / 'oral account and purchase order number isreuired for wor( to be performed. See cost information below. /dd EF1- for return shipping.

    Do you offer XPS training?

    ull training is beneficial to freuent 3Gmonthly5 XPS users. Hess freuent users an still perform parts of theanalysis!which will reduce setup costs below. ully4trained users will learn how to independently preparesamples, run ultra4high &acuum euipment, transfer samples in &acuum, turn on "rays, set up analysis scans,e"port data, and analy@e data.

    X"ray si#e! sample si#e and $uantity?

    =ypical "4ray analysis spot is a 1"2 mm ellipse. / 1cm2sample is easy to analy@e, but samples can be smaller,and larger, up to 7mm diameter. Standard mounting can accept as many samples as will fit on an 7mmdiameter area. Some techniues may limit the number of samples that can be mounted on one sample holder.

    Analysis depth

    =ypically analysis depth is E-nm for metals and E17nm for polymers and is dependent on material andphotoemission angle. =he I0P =PP20 program pro&ides electron escape depths for &arious elements and can

    be downloaded for free at www.uases.com. Simplest emission angle is -- degrees 3- degree ta(e4off angle5./n analysis depth wor(sheet is at www.ccmr.cornell.edufacilitiesinde"2.php:id1for more calculations.

    %o& to prepare samples?

    15 Condutivity is good. If choosing a substrate, smooth, conducti&e substrates li(e doped silicon wafers3undoped is rare5 wor( well. 'onducti&e films on insulating substrates can be clamped or taped withdouble4sided carbon tape.

    25 'ransport.luoroware container with cur&ed bottom may protect a flat, face4down sample, as may aglass &ial.

    5 Po&der samples.Small glass &ials are good for transport. =ypically powders are pressed onto a smallsuare of double4stic( carbon tape. / &ery small amount 3A few mg5 is used for analysis.

    %5 abelsamples andor containers well.a. umber1,2,,%? Scratching a sampleID onto the bac(side of a substrate with a diamondscribe may wor( well. =ry to a&oid writing on the sample with mar(er or using Scotch tape asthese may outgas in &acuum.

    b. *ar+ings.If front and bac( loo( identical, ma(e sure you identify which surface is to beanaly@ed. If a certain spot on the wafer needs to be analy@ed, include a drawingpicture.

    c. Cleanlinessis of utmost importance. =ry not to touch the surface of your sample with anything3fingers, glo&es, twee@ers, breath, acetone, alcohol, etc.5.

    -5 i$uid Samples may be drop4cast onto silicon, gold film, or carbon tape depending on pea(s of interest

    %o& muh does XPS analysis ost?

    /cademic and corporate rates are posted online http#www.ccmr.cornell.edufacilitiesrates

    =ypically, a sur&ey scan or high resolution scan can ta(e 17467 minutes depending on sample uality, surfaceroughness, or surface contamination. In addition to actual "4ray beam time, there is a setup fee 31 hour5 formanager labor which includes sample mounting, pumpdown, and assistance with basic analysis. 0onitored runs3such as depth profiling5 and e"tensi&e analyses may be charged more labor depending on the wor( in&ol&ed.,or estimation of ost! one hour of mahine time per sample is a good starting point! but may be more or

    less depending on the types of sans re$uired. Users are encouraged to learn basic analysis methods, andother methods as needed 3high resolution, /XPS, etc5. 'asaXPS is used for data analysis and instructions anda registration code is a&ailable to all 'ornell users. *on4'ornell users can use the 'asaXPS demo &ersion withall capabilities e"cept for sa&ing and printing. See www.casa"ps.comfor licensing and other information.

    /ny uestions not co&ered here: $ust email or call,Jbs2%Kcornell.edu, 67842--49.


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