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Wide Format Services X.1 |

In this document, the term “Wide Format Service” is used in a broader sense to include all wide format-related services, such as substrate, framing, and wide format printer.

Organizing Wide Format ServicesYou can create a Wide Format Service in any Service Category as long as the type of the Category is “Other”.

Services Section | Service Settings | Add Category | Other

Samples for Organization of Wide Format Services:

Sample 1 – As a Department Sample 2 – As a Category type with Its Own Catagories “Other” in the “Digital” Department

Setting Up a Wide Format Service

What is Unique about a Wide Format Service Set Up?

Selection of one of the following options in the Quantity field defines a Wide Format service.

Creating a ServiCe Category of type “other” in the ServiCeS SeCtion.

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Wide Format Services

Services | Service Setup Window

How Does Printer’s Plan Calculate the Quantity of a Wide Format Service in an Item?

When an Item is created for a wide format job, Printer’s Plan calculates the Wide Format service quantity from the 1) dimensions entered in the Size (W x H) field, 2) Item quantity, and 3) number of Originals (Sheets). (See the figure in the example below.)

Item Width = Number preceding “x” in Size (W x H) fieldItem Height = Number following “x” in Size (W x H) fieldItem Perimeter = (Item Width + Item Height) * 2 Item Area = Item Width * Item Height


Total Width = Item Width * Item Quantity * Number of Originals (Sheets) Total Height = Item Height * Item Quantity * Number of Originals (Sheets) Total Perimeter = Item Perimeter * Item Quantity * Number of Originals (Sheets) Total Area = Item Area * Item Quantity * Number of Originals (Sheets)


Jobs | Item Specs Window

Based on the numbers in the figure above:

Item Width: 24 Total Width: 24 * 3 * 2 = 144 Item Height: 36 Total Height: 36 * 3 * 2 = 216 Item Perimeter: 120 [2(24+36)] Total Perimeter: 120 * 3 * 2 = 720 Item Area: 864 (24 * 36) Total Area: 864 * 3 * 2 = 5,184

CliCk the Quantity field

to See the optionS.

X.1 | Wide Format Services


Important: if the cost/price assigned to the Service is per inch or square inch, the dimensions entered in the Size field must be in inches. Similarly, if the cost is per foot or square foot, the dimensions must be in feet.

to find out how you can set up a Wide format service as cost/price per foot or square foot and enter the dimensions in inches, see “Sample Service 4” later in this section for directions.

Setup Samples for Wide Format Services

Sample 1 – Service Priced by Square Inches or Square Feet

ExamplEs: gloss stock, laminating , and foam Core Backing

notE: the Mat. Cost field can hold up to two decimal places. if the cost is a fraction of a cent (example: $0.0655), then enter the cost as dollar(s) per 1,000 units as shown below:

enter CoSt per Square inCh or Square foot, depending on Whether dimenSionS in item Size (W x H) field are entered in inCheS or feet.

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Wide Format Services

Sample 2 – Service Priced by Inches or Feet

ExamplE: framing

Sample 3 – Service Set Up to Include Waste

ExamplE: expensive stock, such as Canvas

Sometimes you may use an expensive stock, and the width of the final product is smaller than the width of the stock, but not small enough to print 2-up. In this situation, you will want to include the cost of the wasted stock in your price to the customer. The “Waste %” feature will help you recover that cost.

In the <or ask How many> field, enter the percentage sign (%) and a word, such as “waste”.

enter CoSt per inCh or foot, depending on Whether dimenSionS in item Size (W x H) field are entered in inCheS or feet.

add the tilde Sign, alSo, So the phraSe “% WaSte” Will not print on invoiCeS/quoteS When the option to print all ServiCeS of the item haS Been SeleCted.

X.1 | Wide Format Services


When this Service is selected in a job, Printer’s Plan asks for the “waste” percentage. Enter the percentage of waste. Printer’s Plan increases the quantity of this service by that percentage.


Jobs section | Item Specs Window

If the quantity of Canvas in this job is 1,152 sq. in. (or 8 sq. ft.), Printer’s Plan multiplies that quantity by 1.25.

1152 * 1.25 = 1,440 sq. in. (or 8 * 1.25 = 10 sq. ft.)

The price of Canvas is calculated based on 1,440 sq. in. (10 sq. ft.)

Sample 4 – Service Set Up as Cost Per Square Foot and Dimensions Entered in Inches

Sometimes you may want to assign the cost to a Wide Format Service as dollars per square foot or per foot, but you want to enter the dimensions of the job in inches. The following examples show how to do this.

Service set up as “Cost per Square Foot”:

printer’S plan aSkS for “WaSte” perCentage, and 25 iS entered.

dimenSionS are entered aS inCheS in the joB.

CoSt per Square foot1 Square foot = 144 Square inCheS

X.1 |


Wide Format Services

Service set up as “Cost per Foot”:

notE: after dividing by 144 or 12, printer’s plan will round the Service quantity up to the next whole number. the final price may be higher due to this rounding.

Sample 5 – Printer Priced by Time

ExamplE: Wide format printer

The following setup captures the time spent in printing a job and the cost of the printing.

notE: you can also set up the same printer a second time to use in jobs where you also cut the final product. just adjust the set up time and units/hour to accommodate the Cutting time.

CoSt per foot1 foot = 12 inCheS

Square inCheS per hour

X.1 | Wide Format Services


Sample 6 – Printer to Capture Time, But not Cost or Price

Sometimes you may want to include the cost of the printing process in the Cost/Unit of the stock and use the printer only to capture time for scheduling and time tracking purposes. See the example setup below:

1. In the Cost field, select “Time Cost only”, and enter 0 (zero) in the Cost/Hour field.

2. Enter the Printer setup time and run speed.

3. In the Cost field, change the selection to “--No Cost --- No Price--”. The Minutes and Units/Hour fields become disabled, but Printer’s Plan will still use these numbers to calculate the time.

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