x jill fisher-summer initiative 2013

Post on 02-Nov-2014






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Southern Polytechnic State


Study Abroad Handbook

Career and Counseling Ctr. Student Center Suite #A-170

678-915-7391 www.spsu.edu/careerservices

Office of Int’l Programs Student Center Suite #A-160

678-915-3962 www.spsu.edu/officeintlprograms

A great way to enrich your college

experience is to have an

international experience by

studying abroad in a foreign

country. Our main words of

advice are to be FLEXIBLE and

OPEN-MINDED. Remember that

the host country is not the U.S.

You will be seen as ambassadors

for the U.S. and SPSU, so this is

your opportunity to be goodwill

ambassadors. A successful

international experience requires

much planning and preparation.

The Career & Counseling Center

and the Office of International

Programs staff are available to

assist you with making the most of

your work abroad experience.


You must have a valid passport to

enter any foreign county. Allow a

minimum of 6 weeks for

processing – up to 10 weeks

during the peak summer travel

season. Expedited processing is

available at extra cost. If the

country where you will be

studying requires you to have a

visa, you must have your passport

prior to the visa application

deadline. If you already have a

passport, be certain it is valid for

the duration of your visit and any

additional traveling you may plan

to do.

For complete information about

obtaining a U.S. passport, please

contact your local U.S. Post Office

or go to: U.S. PASSPORT

Parent Passports

We encourage you to discuss with

your parents or family members

how they would be able to assist

you in the event of an emergency

while you are abroad. One or both

of your parents or guardians may

wish to have a valid passport for

the period you are abroad, in the

event of an emergency that would

require them to travel to the

country in which you are staying.


Permissions from foreign

governments may be required for

you to enter their countries. You

must already have your passport

to apply.

Processing time varies from days

to two months depending on your

purpose for travel, your citizenship

and your destination. Every

country has different

requirements that are always

subject to change. If you will be

traveling to countries outside of

your country of work, you should

check on visa requirements for

these countries as well. We

recommend that you get a

multiple-entry visa for your

country of training.


The Family Educational Rights and

Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal

law that protects the privacy of

student education records. The

law applies to all schools that

receive funds under an applicable

program of the U.S. Department

of Education.

To waive FERPA so that an SPSU

Official can speak to your parents

in the event of an emergency, you

need to sign a FERPA Waiver.




You will be required to have a

medical checkup before

departure. Your doctor or nurse

can advise you on what special

precautions you may need to take

to take based on your medical

history and where you are

studying abroad in the country of

your choice. You may need to go

to a special travel health clinic to

get clear advice on medical care

abroad and what challenges you

may face.

The type of medical care available

will vary from country to country.

In some areas of the country of

your choice, medical care will

seem similar to the type of care

you find in the United States. In

others, finding an English–

speaking doctor or appropriate

medical facility might be difficult.

You should ask your program

sponsor whether he or she can

provide advice on available

medical care and support in the

country of your choice. It is also

important to find out about

medical care during group or

independent travel.


Medical insurance is extremely

important and SPSU requires that

all students have adequate

insurance while studying abroad.

Please call your medical coverage

plan customer service number to

fully understand your benefits and

services while abroad. If you

suffer from a chronic or serious

physical condition, you should

consult with your physician before

you make the decision to study

abroad. We cannot guarantee the

same level of care that you receive

here in the U.S. while you are


Be certain to talk to the Study

Abroad Coordinator for more



Other insurances to consider

purchasing in addition to Major

Medical are: Emergency

Evacuation, Legal

Assistance/Liability Insurance, Lost

Baggage/Property Insurance,

Motor Vehicle Coverage,

Kidnapping and Terrorism

Insurance, Repatriation of

Remains and Accidental Death and

Dismemberment/Life Insurance.


A Eurail pass is available from

most travel agencies and CANNOT

be purchased abroad. A Eurail

pass allows you to experience the

best of Europe if that is where you

will be staying. Comfortable trains

take you to the city center. For

more information, visit




You may not be allowed to enter

a country if you don’t have the

correct immunizations. You are

advised to check

with the Centers

for Disease

Control and

Prevention (CDC).

They provide information for

travelers, including health

information for specific

destinations and information on

outbreaks, vaccinations and safe

food and water.


You usually must have a round

trip ticket between the U.S. and

foreign destination. Make a

photocopy of your ticket (or e-

ticket). Keep backup copies

separate from the originals.


To avoid problems when passing

through customs, keep medicines

in their original, labeled

containers. Bring copies of your

prescriptions and the generic

names for the drugs. If a

medication is unusual or contains

narcotics, carry a letter from your

doctor attesting to your need to

take the drug. If you have any

doubt about the legality of

carrying a certain drug into a

country, consult the embassy or

consulate of that country before

you travel.


Bring one major credit card, an

ATM card and about $ 300 in cash

to be exchanged into the local

currency when you arrive.

Do not flash large amounts of

money when paying a bill. Make

sure your credit card is returned

to you after each transaction.

Deal only with authorized agents

when you exchange money, buy

airline tickets or purchase

souvenirs. Do not change money

on the black market.



Call your bank and credit card

company (s) before you depart

and notify them of the dates you

will be out of the country and

using your cards. Keep a list or a

copy of cards, account numbers,

PIN numbers, and emergency

replacement procedures.



All students working abroad must

register online with the nearest

U.S. Embassy or Consulate or their

home country embassy before

departure or in person upon

arrival. This allows the embassy to

contact you in case of an

emergency. If you are a U.S.

Citizen, please go to TRAVEL




The ISIC Association's main

product is the ISIC card, the only

internationally accepted proof of

full-time student status. It is

endorsed by organizations such as

UNESCO, the European Council on

Culture and the Andean

Community of Nations. The card is

recognized by universities,

academic institutions, student

organizations, national

governments and ministries of

education around the world.

The ISIC card is used by over 4.5

million full-time students in 120

countries every year. It gives

students access to tens of

thousands of student services and

benefits worldwide. To apply for

an ISIC card, go to isic.org and



Cultural understanding and

interaction is becoming more and

more a part of our everyday lives.

This is especially true of the

corporate world where

multinational companies are

becoming the norm.

While you are abroad, know how

to ask for help in the native

language of the country and

know local emergency telephone

numbers. It’s also greatly

appreciated and helpful for you to

learn greetings and a few

expressions while you are there.

Rosetta Stone is available in

SPSU’s language lab located in the

J Bldg. Take advantage of this to

begin learning some basic phrases

and vocabulary of your host



Mark all luggage inside and out

with your name and address.

Travel as lightly as possible. Use

covered luggage tags to avoid

casual observation of your

identity or nationality. If possible,

lock your luggage.

An internal frame backpack is the

easiest to carry. Any luggage

should have wheels.

DO NOT pack medications,

important documents or anything

that you could not do without in

your checked luggage!! Put them

in your carry-on bag.


People in other countries tend to

dress a bit more formally than we

do in the U.S. Plan to take a

limited amount of clothing –

maybe one week’s worth. Take

comfortable shoes, appropriate

clothing for class, going out on the

town, and the climate of the

country you are visiting as well as

one dressy outfit for special



The voltage of electricity and the

design of electrical outlets vary

from country to country. Here in

the U.S., it’s 110 volts with a two

prong outlet. In other countries it

can be 240 volts with a three

prong outlet. Some electrical

appliances you use in the U.S. may

not work in a different country.

This can include electric razors,

cell phone chargers, musical

devices, etc. Department stores,

travel agencies, and office supply

stores sell electricity converter kits

that will allow you to use your

110-volt appliance in another

country. For more information,

please visit rei.com


Be sure to pack a small first aid kit

with you and include anti-bacterial

cream, sunburn medication, cough

and cold remedies, aspirin,

antacid, Pepto-Bismol, Band Aids

insect repellant, a digital or

electronic thermometer (mercurial

ones cannot go through customs),

antacids and a mild laxative.

When you travel abroad, the odds

are you will have a safe and

incident-free trip. No one is better

able to tell you this than the U.S.

consular officers who work in

more than 250 U.S. embassies and

consulates around the globe.

Every day of the year, U.S.

embassies and consulates receive

calls from American citizens in

distress. To prevent this, consider

carrying the minimum number of


If you wear glasses, pack an extra

pair. Pack them and any medicines

you need in your carry-on luggage.

Make two photocopies of your

passport identification page,

airline tickets, driver's license and

the credit cards that you plan to

bring with you. Leave one

photocopy of this data with family

or friends at home; pack the other

in a place separate from where

you carry the originals.

Please go to Travel.state.gov for

detailed tips on safety on the

street, in your hotel, on public

Safety Abroad

transportation and when you




Not knowing the local laws can

get you into serious trouble. Be

aware of the drug and alcohol

laws of your host country. More

than one-third of U.S. citizens

incarcerated abroad are held on

drug charges. Some countries do

not distinguish between

possession and trafficking, and

many have mandatory sentences

– even for possession of a small

amount of marijuana or cocaine.

A number of Americans have been

arrested for possessing

prescription drugs, particularly

tranquilizers and amphetamines

that they purchased legally


Some students find that they are

of a legal drinking age in their host

country. Students who are of a

legal age and choose to consume

alcohol should do so with the

knowledge that, like at home, they

remain responsible for their

actions at all times and are

expected to drink responsibly.

Excessive and irresponsible

drinking leading to intoxication

and behavior that interferes with

the program or the rights of

others is subject to immediate

disciplinary action, and may result

in dismissal from the program.

Note that the health insurance

typically does not cover any

injuries that occur while you are

under the influence of alcohol,

intoxicants or any drug not

prescribed by a physician. In

addition, intoxication is

considered offensive in many

cultures and even illegal in some.

Please click on Students Abroad

link from the State Department

and thoroughly read the

recommendations given.


Ask permission when in doubt

before taking pictures!! In many

countries, it is ILLEGAL to

photograph government

buildings, police and military

personnel, border areas and

transportation facilities.


Students participating in a study

abroad program are bound by the

policies contained in the Student

Handbook pages 9-10. Be sure to

review this before you depart.


The "rules" of dating will vary from

culture to culture. Your behavior

in some situations may be viewed

differently than if you behaved the

exact same way at home. For

example, accepting a drink that

someone buys you in certain

countries may come with more

social obligations than it would in

America. In the United States

many people believe that it is

possible for a non-sexual

relationship (i.e. friendship,

companionship) to exist between

men and women. However in

many other cultures this belief can

be just the opposite; stated simply

it is difficult or impossible for non-

sexual relationships to exist

between men and women. It is

important that you be aware of

your behavior and inform yourself

as best as possible about how

dating and relationships generally

function in your host culture. This

knowledge will help you to better

identify and act in situations that

make you uncomfortable either

physically or psychologically.





Before traveling, create a

workable plan for managing your

mental health while abroad. The

availability and quality of mental

health services differ widely from

country to country. In many

countries, students will find it

difficult — and sometimes

impossible — to find treatment for

mental health conditions. With

your health services provider or

your school, put together a

workable mental health plan

before you go overseas.

If you have a medical or

psychological condition that may

require treatment while you are

abroad, discuss this ahead of time

with your doctor. A vacation or

work abroad is a great opportunity

to try new things but this is not

the time to experiment with not

taking your medicine or mixing

alcohol with medicine.

Research the social culture of your

destination to learn about how

mental illnesses are viewed.

Attitudes toward mental health

can greatly vary between


If you are studying abroad through

your university, talk to your

university about access to mental

health services at overseas

programs. Your work abroad office

can help you decide what program

would be best for you.

If currently receiving mental

health services — including

prescription medication — find

out if those services and/or

medication are available at your


Consider the support system you’ll

have in place while abroad. If

possible, know ahead of time who

you can consult with about your

mental health.



We do not recommend that

students drive when they are

abroad. It is estimated that more

than 200 U.S. citizens die each

year because of road accidents

abroad. We’re not trying to scare

you, but it is important to be

aware of the rules of the road in

the country you’re visiting.

If you choose to drive while

abroad, make sure you obtain an

International Driving Permit (IDP)

before you go. Many countries

don’t recognize U.S. Driver’s

licenses, but IDP’s are honored in

more than 150 countries outside

the U.S. An IDP is not intended to

replace a valid U.S. State license

and should only be used as a

supplement to a valid license.

Before departure you can obtain

An IDP at a local office of one of

two of the automobile

associations authorized by the U.S.

Department of State: the

American Automobile Association

and the American Automobile

Touring Alliance.




Your National Association or

Hostelling International (HI)

Membership card not only opens

the door to the world’s largest

network of safe, clean and

welcoming hostels, but in many HI

hostels, being a member now

gives you at least a 10% saving on

the cost of your accommodation -

just one of the great reasons to

become a member! In some

countries membership is

compulsory if you wish to stay in

HI hostels listed on this site.







When calling the United States

from another country, it is

necessary to dial U.S. Code 00 + 1

and then the area code and





Check with your cell phone

company before you leave to see

if your phone will work overseas

and what the cost is. Also, many,

many countries have call centers

which can be used to make

overseas calls - a lot cheaper than

using the regular cell phone signal.


Even though you will be abroad,

you are responsible for checking

your SPSU account email at all



You may also use Skype to make

international calls, but in some

countries the 3G/4G signal is not

such that it will work with SKYPE,

so it may still be necessary to use

a different method.



Consider bringing an international

calling card to make phone calls.

It is a convenient and inexpensive

way of keeping in touch. You can

even purchase one before you

depart and then call your loved

ones to let them know you arrived




Water - Drink lots of it- The

humidity on flights is literally

desert-like. Lack of proper

hydration is thought to contribute

to jet lag.

Less caffeine, fewer stimulants -

Going on the adage less is more,

keeping your body from getting

over-stimulated, or at times that

aren't in synchrony with the time

zone you are traveling to, may

help stave off the lag.

Less alcohol - Effects are stronger

in flight, which tends to


Eat lighter - Cabin pressure is set

at a higher altitude than most

locations on earth, so you may

feel more bloated from heavier

meals, or more lethargic. On

longer flights, try not to eat out of

boredom which is easy to do when

your flight is more than 6 hours


Sleep - Try and get a restful sleep

pre-flying. This is one I find hard to

follow, the blend of anxiety and

anticipation usually equal

insomnia for me.

Adjust your watch - Set your

watch to the time at your

destination after you get on

board, and get your mind set into

the time zone of your arrival.

Move it - Move around during the

flight to keep circulation going -

stretch, rotate your hands and

ankles. Even small amounts of

exercise are believed to lessen the

effects of jet lag.

Adjust your sleep / wake cycle - If

it is daytime at your destination

when you arrive, try and stay

awake until nighttime there and

then get a good night's sleep to

reset your clock. Try and follow

the time pattern of your

destination - if it is night there,

sleep, if not, stay awake.

Go outdoors - Get outside when

you arrive - It may help reset your

internal time clock faster if you

experience the time of day at your

destination as soon as possible.

Pace yourself - Give yourself time

to adjust and try not to plan

anything too strenuous on the day

you arrive.

Plan ahead - Start changing your

schedule a few days before you

travel to prep you for the time

changes to come. If your

destination is 8 hours ahead of

your usual time, try going to sleep

earlier several days before, and

also adjust your meal times. Again,

I find this one hard to follow, but

have heard of some success with



One of the most important things

you can do is get to know your

prospective host country. Learn as

much as you can. Read not only

travel guides, but also histories of

the country you'll be going to or

biographies of its prominent

citizens. Read some classics or

contemporary literature from your

destination. Look for English

language news sources from your

host country on-line. See some of

its most influential or recent

films. Find a cookbook and try

cooking the national dish! For

more tips on getting to know your

host country, click on: Host




Most people who move between

cultures (for study, work, tourism,

or to take up a new permanent

residence) experience a period of

adjustment as they establish

themselves in their new

environment. The adjustment

period may be accompanied by

dramatic manifestations of

symptoms such as anxiety,

headaches, digestive problems,

and sleep disorders, or may bring

less severe symptoms such as

discomfort and a more volatile

temperament. Research shows

that most people who travel

outside their home culture

experience cultural adjustment in

similar ways which, when charted,

have come to be known as The U

Curve of Cultural Adaptation. It is

called a "U Curve" because people

generally start at a high point,

then experience a decline, or

depression, before a leveling off

period, then go through a critical

"recovery" stage and end up more

or less balanced, where they


However, please remember

everyone is different!! Therefore

the symptoms and stages of

culture shock described below are

no way complete or universal.

Some people find cultural

differences interesting and

stimulating, and they want more!

Others, when experiencing

discomfort or confusion, have a

tendency to judge or evaluate

other people and to reach

negative conclusions. The

symptoms and stages of culture

shock are surely the first type of

person has the greater possibility

to gain the most benefit from his

or her stay in a host culture.



When working abroad, many

students are unprepared for the

experience of negative opinions

about Americans and their

government, history or culture.

Anti-Americanism is a reality in

many countries and has existed

since before the Cold War, but it

often takes students by surprise.

Most anti-American opinions are

just that: individual opinions

about American politics or

culture. These usually are based

on current events, stereotypes,

the media or experiences with

other Americans. Occasionally,

classmates or even total strangers

may deride all American people or

you personally, either for the

purpose of irritating you, or out of

prejudice or ignorance.

Regardless of the nature of a

person’s statements, understand

that anti-American attitudes are

not by themselves a threat to your

personal safety. Even a classroom

debate or anti-American campus

rally, both of which can be

understandably intimidating, are

considered legitimate components

of the learning process in many

countries and are not intended to

threaten you physically. Before

going abroad, brush up on

American political and cultural

history, and learn the reasons

behind U.S. foreign policies. This

kind of knowledge will allow you

to participate in conversations

and debates without feeling

helpless or personally attacked.


On Your Resume

Whatever you decide to do, don’t

forget to include your study

abroad experience on your

resumé. Study abroad is a sign of

intercultural competence that is

appealing to potential employers

and graduate schools alike in our

increasingly interdependent

society. When including study

abroad in your résumé, think

about the skills you gained and

what you learned while abroad.

Did you become proficient in a

language? Did you gain research

experience through conducting an

independent study project? Have

you become well versed in some

aspect of your host country’s

culture? Remember that you must

make the connection to the actual

skills you gained through the

experiences you had—it won’t

always be obvious to an employer.

In Your Cover Letter

Use your cover letter to tell the

employer more about you. You

can refer to your experiences

abroad to highlight specific traits

or skills. For example, if an

employer is seeking a candidate

who is flexible and able to work

with all types of people, use your

experience abroad to illustrate

these qualities. For example: “My

experience taking classes in

Germany has enhanced my ability

to communicate and interact

effectively with a population that

is different from here in U.S.” Call

upon your experience to provide

descriptive, yet brief examples to

illustrate your point.

There is more power behind

statements supported by an

example. It’s one thing to say that

you are flexible, but it has much

greater validity if you explain why

or how.


Living abroad will be a life

changing experience. Realize that

the educational culture in

another country is to a great

extent a reflection of the national

culture. You may experience

classroom culture that is different

in comparison with what you

would experience in the United

States. It may be more formal,

with students referring faculty as

Dr. or Professor only. The United

States is often viewed as casual

and informal. It is extremely

important to follow the local

customs and culture in your host


There will presumably be things

that you do not like about how a

different culture works. Note

these and note why you don’t like

them. But don’t forget also to

note aspects of this culture that

you do appreciate and would like

to implement in your career

moving forward

When talking with professors and

classmates, understand that

communication styles vary. In

some cultures (e.g., Asian), it’s

important not to confront others

too directly. Showing great

respect and allowing others to

“save face” are issues requiring


Get clear on the objectives and

training planned for the semester.

Be sure you understand how and

when your class work will be

evaluated. Beyond the necessary

technical, language, and

interpersonal skills that are

required for success, remember to

be flexible, patient, and open-

minded. Observe with some

detachment, don’t be reeled in by

unrealistic expectations, and try to

reflect on what you’re learning.


Studying abroad is an incredible

experience that will most likely be

a life changing event for your

student. As a parent, it is natural

to have apprehension about

sending your student across the

globe to go to school. But the

experience of studying abroad is

more than just studying; students

learn about:


-The culture of where they are staying

-Their own culture

-How to handle new situations

-Team work and adaptability

-The possibilities available to them

It is rare to find a student who

comes back after studying abroad

who has not been changed by

their experience, even more rare

to find a student who did not

enjoy their experience.

But studying abroad is not

something that can be done

quickly; it takes planning and time

to make it a reality. Students will

need to plan out their academics,

finances, and even make sure

their affairs are taken care of in

the US. It is very difficult for a

student to prepare for this life

changing experience if they do not

have the support of their family.

Parents are welcome to attend the

Study Abroad Orientation to have

their specific questions answered.



When Cultures Collide by Richard

D. Lewis, 3rd Edition





CDC Traveler’s Health

Rosetta Stone

U.S. Customs

CIA World Factbook

What’s Up with Culture www.pacific.edu/sis/culture Keep your hands to yourself www.getcustoms.com

Rick Steve’s Europe through the Back Door www.ricksteves.com

Insect repellen

Chargers for electronic



Music player/kindle


Favorite snacks

Small flashlight

Sewing kit

Luggage locks and tags



Power strip so you on-

ly have to purchase one

converter (if you plan to

bring several items that

require plug-in to an

electrical outlet)

Your advisor’s e-mail

address and cell #

Water bottle

Visor or brimmed hat


Flash drive/Memory


Small bungee cord

Pictures of family and

friends in the States for

your apt./room

Essentials and Documents


Plane/train tickets

Medical insurance card

(confirm your coverage be-

fore traveling abroad)

Student ID and ISIC

Photocopies of your pass-


Travel documents packed in

a different location from the

original documents

Emergency contact infor-


Hostel membership card

Money belt/neck wallet

$300 of local currency

Credit card/ATM card/debit


International phone cards

and access numbers usable

in host country

Backpack (with internal


Book bag

Camera, batteries/charger

and memory card

A small gift for your host

family, if applicable

Electricity converter and

adapter kit

Map of host city

Medicines and Toiletries

Keep in mind that toiletries

can be purchased overseas.

Prescription medications

Copies of prescriptions,

including eyeglass pre-




Dental floss




Fingernail clippers

Hair products

Shaving cream


Feminine hygiene


Cold medicine

Contact lens products

Diarrhea medicine



Antibiotic cream


Southern Polytechnic State University—Career Center

Study Abroad Packing List

Clothes and Accessories

Long pants

Women: skirts

Women: dress/dress


Swim suit


Business casual tops

Casual dress blouses/




Business suit (2)

Underwear and socks

for at least a week

Shoes (walking, dress,

flip flops, sandals, etc)

Bath towels/washcloths




























First Things First

What to Pack

Health and Safety

I’m Here, Now What?

Other Stuff

True or False?

You get the flu while abroad and need to see a doctor. Your health insurance benefits are the same overseas as they are here in the U.S., so

there is no problem.

False! You must call your health insurance provider before you depart to determine if you have coverage and if so, what it is while you are overseas. You may need to purchase additional insurance depending on your destination.

Name at least three things you need to know about your host country before you arrive.

Daily Double!

Subjective Culture

(Invisible to others)

1) Know which non–verbal behaviors are considered inappropriate/rude and which are commonly used (certain hand gestures, greeting by bowing, kissing or shaking hands, etc.).

2) Some current events as well as some history

3) Know the laws

4) What sites you REALLY want to see

5) What culture shock is

True or False? As long as you have your passport to prove your identity, you should have no problems using your ATM card or credit card overseas.

False You must call your bank and credit card companies before you leave the U.S. and notify them of your travel itinerary.

You plan to use your phone overseas to text friends and upload photos to What do you need to do first?


Call your cell phone carrier and ask about their international call plans AND the cost associated with each.


There is no need to know the language of

the country you are visiting. English is a

universal language.


At the very least, you should know how to ask for help, say you are sick, ask for someone who can speak English, etc.

Having a very basic command of the language will help YOU feel less isolated. Also, attempts to speak the language are usually met with much gratitude.

Since stealing passports is big

business overseas, what is the best way to safely carry your passport and your


A money belt.

Can be purchased at…

Name three items you will want to pack in your carry-on luggage.

Daily Double!

Passport Visa Tickets Money Returning plan tickets Prescription medication Glasses and contacts Other official documentation Anything else you cannot live


You want to experience night life in the country you are visiting. You head out to dinner wearing jeans and a polo. This should be okay.

Other countries tend to dress a bit more formally than we do in the U.S. Many restaurants will not allow you to dine in their restaurant if you are wearing jeans.

Name two reasons why it is important to pack lightly for your trip abroad.

1) So you will have room to pack things you will

buy (souvenirs, clothing and gifts, etc.) while abroad

2) You don’t want to have to carry heavy luggage with you

What is the electrical currency voltage in the U.S? a. 110 v b. 220 v c. 280 v d. 300 v

• 110 volts in the U.S.

• 220 volts in Europe

• You will need a currency converter and an adapter

• Some electronic devices have 110/220 voltage

• Can be purchased at…

True or False You are studying abroad in Spain and having a wonderful time. You happen to witness a crime and need to call the police. Calling 911 for help is universal.


Most countries have

their own emergency

contact number(s).

Program that number

into your cell phone

before you leave the


Spain – 112


-112 Ambulance

-110 is police

Kenya - 999


-120 ambulance

-119 fire

-110 police

-122 traffic accident

Daily Double!

International travel is stressful. Given the stressors of travel, preexisting psychiatric disorders can recur, and latent, undiagnosed problems can

become apparent for the first time. What are three elements of a workable plan to have in place before you depart?

1. If you have a psychological condition that may require treatment while you are abroad, discuss this ahead of time with your doctor. Study abroad is a great opportunity to try new things but this is not the time to experiment with not taking your medicine or mixing alcohol with medicine.

2. Research the social culture of your destination to learn about how mental illnesses are viewed. Attitudes toward mental health can greatly vary between countries.

3. If you are studying abroad through your university, talk to your university about access to mental health services at overseas programs.

4. If currently receiving mental health services — including prescription medication — find out if those services and/or medication are available at your destination.

5. Consider the support system you’ll have in place while abroad, if possible.

A person needs to pack their ADD meds and a pain killer that contains a narcotic. In addition to carrying the medications in their original containers, what else do they need to bring so they have no trouble going through Customs?

A letter from their doctor that stating that they need to

take the drugs. The letter must list

the brand name and generic name

of each drug.

You want to explore some night

clubs in you new country and

have read online about some that

look fun. Who else should you

ask for recommendations?

The staff at the hostel or place you are staying. Be sure to ask about the cost as well and for places that are student-oriented. The internet is a great resource but does not tell the whole story.

The concept of non-sexual male and female friendship is universal.

Daily Double!

No! That is predominately an American idea. Accepting a drink that someone buys you in certain countries may come with more social obligations than it would here. In some cultures, a woman allowing a man into her apartment or home is the same as allowing him “into her body.”

True or False Now that you are here in your host country, it’s a good time to decide how you will coordinate communicating with both your group and group leader

Now is the ideal time!

Emergency study abroad number Group leaders number Hotel number Others???

True or False? Because you are an American, breaking the law abroad isn’t a big deal.

You must know about alcohol consumption laws, public drunkenness, drug use, drug smuggling, etc.

A popular way to “journal” your study abroad

adventures is…

Studyabroad.com offers a free blogs for current study abroad students to share their adventures with other study abroad hopefuls who visit the site. Email blog@studyabroad.com

The name of the identification card that identifies you as a full-time student and

provides you with discounts on cultural attractions.

International Student Identity Card The ISIC is the only internationally accepted

proof of full-time student status. It is endorsed by organizations such as UNESCO. The ISIC is extremely popular and is used by more than 4.5 million full-time students in 120 countries every year. It gives students access to tens of thousands of student services and benefits worldwide. As a study abroad student, you will get discounts and services on flights and public transportation as well as discounts related to museums, shopping and entertainment. It may also save you money when booking trains, buses, shuttle services etc. as you travel throughout your study abroad trip.

True or False?

Your study abroad experience is

something of interest to a

potential employer

True! Include your study abroad experience(s) on your resume and meet with a Career Services staff member who understands the value of education abroad to have your resume critiqued.

Skills Gained from Study

Abroad •Independence/Self-reliance




•Ability to cope with stress and



•Awareness of lifestyle choices

and global consequences

•Adaptability to new environments

•Appreciation for diversity

•Ability to establish rapport



•Understanding and appreciation

of other perspectives

•Suspend judgment about people

and their actions

•Concern/knowledge of

international issues and politics

•Learn quickly

•Handle difficult situations

•Critical thinking skills

•Function with a high level of


•Achieve goals despite obstacles

•Take initiatives and risks

•Communicate despite barriers

•Learn through listening and


Name two ways to help you finance your study abroad experience

Raising $$$ for Study Abroad

• Write fundraising letters to family

• Part-time job

• Fundraising Party

• Financial Aid

• Scholarships

• Get a Piggy Bank

• Other Ideas

What would you do?

Scenario – Sick in Rome

You have lost your passport while you are overseas. What do you do?

Daily Double!

Contact or visit the local U.S. embassy or

consulate immediately and ask the American Citizens Services (ACS)

unit to report the loss/theft.

In other countries, the police have

the same powers as they do

here in the U.S.


In other countries the police are very powerful. They can impose a steep fine, send you directly to the airport to return to your home country or worse. Be certain to know and obey local laws at all times!

Now that you made your way back to American soil, the first thing you will probably want to do is relax after the long flight/s home. Once you've readjusted to the time zone and fought off the lingering effects of jetlag, you will likely be very eager to answer all of your friends and family's number one question: How will you tell your story?

Sharing Your Study Abroad Experience – High Tech and Low Tech Options

• Produce a movie: Upload all of your pictures while recording your voice to narrate the significance of each picture. This is a great way to sit your friends and family down to watch a fun video of the life you lived for time you were abroad!

• Create a scrapbook: Take a trip to your local arts and crafts store and pick up some crafty items for you to create a scrapbook of your trip abroad. Include pictures, objects that you brought home with your most memorable quotes from the trip. You can also create a scrapbook online by easily assembling your desired pictures without having to purchase any arts or crafts. This is a great way to let your book tell your story.

• Put together a photo album: When you buy a photo album you can place all of your pictures in chronological order from your first day abroad till the very last day before departure. Tell your story while you flip through the pictures so the listeners can really get a taste of your experience.

• Make a collage: Out of all of your photos, pick some of your favorites and assemble them in a large picture frame. Once your collage looks perfect it is time to hang your amazing frame for display!

• Develop a slideshow: A slideshow is a great way to put your pictures on a disc and explain to each listener what the significance of each picture means.

• Make a calendar: There are different applications on computers or you can download a free trial online to

make a calendar for yourself. This is a great way to document your trip and keep you most

memorable pictures as you flip through the pages of the year.

Jill F. Forest

Associate Director, Career Services

Southern Polytechnic State University

NAFSA Academy Class 10



Study Abroad Jeopardy Game

Currently our university only has a couple of short-term study abroad trips that are done

annually and until now there has been no orientation provided for students. This game, booklet

and packing list are the first orientation materials to be created for SPSU.

Students planning to go abroad will be required to read the study abroad booklet before

coming to the study abroad orientation. I designed it in a colorful, three-column format so

students will be more likely to read the material.

Students will be told that by reading in advance they will be able to correctly answer questions

and be eligible to win prizes related to their trip for correctly answered Daily Double questions.

Daily Double prizes will be; a money belt, an electrical currency converter, an international

calling card, a country guide and a gift card to a travel store such as Mori Luggage store. They

will win smaller prizes for other questions answered correctly like ear plugs, luggage tags, a

neck pillow, candy, etc.

Rules of the Game

The first student to stand may select any category or any dollar amount. If they answer

correctly, they will receive a prize. They may ask for help from their peers if they are stumped.

If they answer incorrectly, the next person to stand can attempt to answer the question and

will win the prize if correct.

The goal of the game is to review materials they have read and to have students interact with

the material so they will retain more information. Students will have a short break once half of

the questions are answered.

At the end of the game, students will be grouped into two’s and will have to do a short research

assignment together on the country they are visiting. Topics will include: foods, popular

phrases and greetings, recent history, taboo topics, local laws (driving, drinking, etc.) They will

present this information to their peers at the next orientation meeting which will be at a local


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