x- ....

Post on 02-Oct-2020






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■ T w i n F a l l s . I d a l

G o o d M O Rr

W h a i h k r

Today; 1 and do

'*_ and col‘i’ tonight

31, low


SH H W oi


StoiF t l H H e^

marL J ^ I .ing:

a p pa H i

“ “ Cha documentary Sunday.

M o n e y

Market shift: Jerome I branch prepares to ch: hands as TVeasure Vall er exits scene.

C k n t i -:n n i a l

Readers g e t talking: Communitywide read! ect starts discussions c literature, history.


____ D ij : i:d q q r s _

S p o r 'i s

_ Regional rivals: H ie “R High boys picked up awin at Jerome Wednes

I— O p i n i o n

Limits for taxes: Idaho makers need to consid tax p ^er bill of right f< limits, to d ^ s editorial

. - iS o M iN c ; IIIOri the screen

Hnd out what new mo__ playing in the M age V

this w e^end.Friday In

• Tiie Times-New!

-------- f e o E X --------------------

'CCTtennial . .04 Money•Classified .E3-10 MoviesComics___ A4 NationCommunity .El Obituarif

•Comunidad .E2 Opinion .Crossword. '.E3. Outdoor•OoarAbtv . .E3 Sports•Horoscope .E3 Wealiiei

I LM. Boyd . .E3 W est. .!_____M ^\felley .C l. World..

. V ibpttcnncydM l P tesam cydslla

l ^ g on t o ...

: : C l a s s if ie

' H T i i e T i m e s -»MN.m^fivallou.o

..rfo r.on ilne ciasslfli

—4 ^ 733-0931orinOuHcy

: 677 .4042

i a h o / 9 9 t h y e a r . N o .


ly rtju n n y dry. C le a r

I'fs" Idahi_.,PageA 2 __

. , ____ 1— —Tlme»iiewsLKY ------------Vorld War IIiberation: stray cicctItory of awarded nley b u m SihD ism ct nan’s dar-

said that.n g r a i d _ --------a w a rd is aip p e a r s m ivvin FallsH is to ry record for

Channel eases in diay. journalist v

P age C l

le bank S * WchangeGalley play-

P a g e C 4 r ~ P T


ading proj- IS on local


on^ater: c s itudentsentureRto snoW'hoeingjid cross*ountiykiing.

P a g e D l

i TWin Falls p anesday.

Page B l

iho law- sider a it for fiscal rial says.

Page A6

[ j j ) The Assoclai

, - n BOSTONLegislature

m ov ies a r e ro m p ro n i^ c V aU ey d ia t sought

------------- bu tbansan ie ring a setb w anted to i

0WS sive issue h(n i e defei

_ m eans tiiatto th e S tate

ey C4 sider e ither . m arriage or

stitudonreu 3 n . .A 3 .C 8 . TTie joint jaries . .C2 s>on adjom . . . .ft about 8:30

h o u iso fd e l loors . .D l T h e bipa1 S ____B l crafted byl h e r . . .A 2 ' wished to c


WASfflN( ea t m ore thi

i F D should but dI t L / sium .anim b

blood pressii

S 'N C T ^ 'S rc p o rr /rc io" the Institu te

ly.ocrn the nation's. i a « j levels o f key{Ifled H e a r t sp<

new salt re» 1 ------------ food m anul

unrealistic . 1^2 A m ericans’

f h'. 4 3 , . ■ ■

^mrjtio Po.wer hegBaldwin ................. ....

iw» w riter — —

FM X S - A local dairy th a t its cows were harmed by

ectrical currents has been [ nearly S17.5 million by a rict C ourt jury, cad atto rney for d ie dairy at. to h is knowledge, th c i ainong the largest-ever-in— ills County and is also a or so<alled “stray voltage”

die U nited.S tates. A n d .a .: t w h o h a s follow ed th c is su e 10 c o u n tiy says th e v e rd ic t

ray in

Vlassachuselated Preag ' de

wl)N - T h e Massadiusetts fitUB narrowly rejected a 10 lisc p roposd Wednesday;ht to legalize dvil unions . miarae-scx marriages, deliv- -a uetback to lawmakers \vho M:;o avoid taking die divi- ' th': head-on. bejfeat of the compromise aplat lawmakers will return coitehoitse on today to con- wier an outright ban on gay an: o r le tting the stated con- un rem ain House and Senate ses- UiQumed fo r the evening .m i30 p.m. after about six wldebate. - . n iipartisan proposal w as-> tui\jy Sena te leaders who frt 0 overturn a high court

less salt, 1 ort urges lericans ;ilatod Prosa________ ___ ^

s[NGTON - Am ericans than t^vice d ie salt they It don’t ge t enough potas- * m balancc tha t fuels high ssuro. 3a long-awaited nutrition

eleased Wednesday by j te of M edidne, diat sets s n's recom m ended intake (cy nutrients.sp e d a lis ts praised th c ' recom m endation while

nufacm rers deem ed it ' ic. Three-quarters . o f ' is’ d a ily sa lt in take :: *

Please seo SALT, Page A3 sc

i i____________ ^ ' n u i r ^ ^

M viijgligence sic]

-iviirdraw lia tio l ia l attiTmi

m em ber ju ry l\iesday an tiquated Idaho Power m ent causcd cows at owned liy M ike and Susar become sick and rcdiicci duction over a period years.

The jury calculated coi;----- dam ages-at-S7.49- millii

punitive dam ages ac SIO t dairy had so u ^ it $8 mill pensatoiy dam ages and million in puniticc dan Ken Peterson, a

larrii■f- 1

^ a \ Y '

setts lawndedsion legalizing gay man wliile still extending equal I fits to gay couples. It w as reji 104-94.

The compromise would m ade Vermont-stylc d v il ui

-au tom atically--------legal- -Massachusetts in N ovem ber: thc earliest an am endm ent c be placed on a ballot for ' approval. At tha t dm c, any couples m arried in M a ^ c l iu would be stripped df th e ir lict and considered part o f a union.

Massadiusetts was dirust d ie epicenter of die nationa! m arriage deb a te in Novcr when thc Supreme J u d id a l C niled 4-3 that d iat it was uncc tudonal to bar samc-sc.x coi from marriage.

Tlie court definitively

A taste for saltA nutrilion fopoft s u g g e s ts tfi dally sa lt in take shou ld b e loworod lo 1 .500 milligrams. T avorago porson co n su m es ob<4.000 mllllgraips po r day.

Avorogo dally s a lt Intnko, by

Mon I 1 W om on

5.000 finftgrnms pW dflyCurrant (odoi

rocorrmondoi. ;. "T 2,400 mg

4.000 f; y

3,(XKJ .f.' !' J; i:;|

. i ... 4 - : - J . i j . - . j . .

=■“ » I : | :

1.000 ' I J | | [ R

n ~7 ~~l Wl ~1 10-30 31-60 , 61-70..............A go; ■ •

SOURCE: Insttute ot MoOKIno

M^ , l ' \ ; b m a r y J 2 , 2 0 M

as-$-]:kened cows,ritioriV “ wlioreprest

/ found th a t percent at I e r Co. equip- dairy, while It th e dairy cent of dn lanV ierstra to dairy, ced m ilk pro. “■nia’t's hi d of several fonner rep

(Wis.) Tribii :om pensatory winning serllion-and-sct------ voltagtioiuVOmiIIion.7Tic “It's going illion in com- dirou^iouc id. up . to 340 I h i s will de amage.^, said s a s a ttorney


m -

nakers rejianriage- firmed thc-dccisi1 Ijcnc- dearing die way fosjected recognized gay mi

history to start laki1 have Rep. Philip lYa\unions whosponsorcd die— - in gay marriage, sair 2006, mise proposal \wit could voters to dedde onr voter conflicting initiati'ny gay gay marriage andhusetts o f dvil unions - wiicenses . “Itgocsbe>'ond>a civil wish to Vote on,” T

almost Uke otferis t into question. IIow d o ;ia l gay voting yes or no at iem ber Peopio from acr1 Court were confronted wiconsti- ty and a throng of irouples lawmakers entere

nadonal debate ovi’ rcaf- Impromptu rallii

“ Greerthat

But he wa danger in

. The W ashington Poi

a.,.I ^^WASinNGTON laiion: Reserve Chau

Greenspan said W the economy has t n e r and is now e.xp ly, w hidi should fu hiring “before lonj

Greenspan, app th e House Finar Comnuttee,signal< is likely to hold in very low levels in c

u H l despite such.grow falling inflation, weaknc.'U and co

___ _ nomic uncertaintyTTie Fed diairm

les-[)4 _ .

ms, juiy sayscsen tcd th e Vierstriis iii l l i c '■lifi P n w r fnnnfl tn h<. __at fault for damages to die lile the ju ry placed IS per- thc responsibility on die

5 huge,” said Cliris H ardic,a reporter for th e LiiCrosse ibune who \m>tc an a;v^rd- series of articles al)0iil stray iiuWisconsin tlatrics in 2000— ng la send som e ripples lUt th e electrical industry. definiiely caitse utilities to _

Please se e DAIRY. Page A2


o l

ject comp:dsion last week, .side the/ for the first state- and hutmarriages in U.S. sides of

iikiiig placc in May. ivaviiigVavis, a Democrat from pathe original ban on ’Ilic isaid the compro- neouslyu-ould have asked diestrcion t\N'o potentially ho ho 'atives - a ban on Othersid thc legalization not Adwith one vote. signs t

id what d ie iHrople Sitting i"TVnvis said. “ It is Stateering a tnic-faLsc crowds:Jo you respond by began [at the biiUot box?" one groacross the countiy flag acr1 with liglu securi- began <of reporters iis die Womanered the volatile Momenover gay r i^ n s . . inarriag

lilies en ip ted om- “Eqiiah

nspanrEcvams o fn defic its F yPost

)N Federal • lairm an A la n 'I W ednesday thatIS tu m ed th e cor- | ^ ^ |

rfue l a pickup inong.” appearsipiwaring before don froilancia l Services su b p a rlaled lha t d ie Fed to one <1 in terest ra les a t sion,” Gin coming m onths u p b e a t;•oMh b ^ i i s c o f ___my in min, labor-m arket Aftercontinuing eco- recovery

ity he said,rm an also called for susta

' f - ' ’ u. v .',:i I. r-'.'.,sn


’■ Local dairy opera tors Mike a - — verdict In their law suit again

voltage' a t the ir dairy southi

te hei— ^ B H B - B r a d ----------k ' R elchardof

left, holds a

response to ^ a m essage

a td by

■ Phanord,

Woburn, M ass. th o tw o were a ttend ing a

^W ednesday

« k ', '- Ir S tatehouse\ In Boston.

s -

3romisethe tw(M:cntuiy-oId building,

hundreds of jwople lined botli s of d ie sircel, holding signs, ing flags and elidting honks 1 passing cars. •1C dian ts broke out sponta- isly in [wckeis up and dow n- itrcct,and included, “ lley hey, lo honiophol)ia's got to go.” ;rs dian ted , “Adam and'-Cve, A dam and Steve.” or held s th a t read “Civil Unions ng on the Back of the a te police had lo sepaniie two 'ds inside the S iatehouse who Ul pusliing and shoving after group unhided an American across from die d ian iber and in dian ting "One Man. One lan. Let the People Vole." len ts later, a contingent of gay "iiige backen; arrived shouting lalily Now.”

^onomy tlto reduce the b u rg e o n in g federal budg-

ed ioing earli- cr com nicnts in w hich hc has urged s|>endiiig a n s before

nO ™ „,p .n i ' - ^ r y c a rars to have marked a transi- from an c.\tcnded period of ia r economic perform ance 1C of more vigorous cxpan- ’ G reenspan said in his most a t assessment of th e ccopo-1 m ore than a year....... . _ic r several years of halting ^ ry from the 2001 recession, lid, “Tlie prosjkjcts a re good ista incd expansion."

•■ |-H av Q '. V , |.

.:iL‘i-,i !,



) and Susan VIerstra won a S17.5 linst Idaho Power Co. stemming I thwest of Twin Falls.

atsu]Idaho Ho

-~votes53--l ' for a ban

The Tim es N ew s and"0 The A ssoclatod P re s s

_______nOISE-A.m cona lly b a n gay in a rr ia g e s pi

' > Idaho House 53-17 Wc a f ie r 20 m in u ie s oi c lea rin g th e f irs t o f thr h u rd le s need- e d tu d ia n g e ih e h e a r t o f t h e .Slate's ff- . law s. r . f l c -i

1 The bill ? " j would diange

, th e Idaho- C o n s titu tio n

. . to say d ia n h c —> only marriage H ^

recognized by 'd ie s ta te_____Tim Rwould be R'-Shcbetw een one _______man and one - i woman, even though lhat already is pre- scnbun in sta te law and would give it no furili standing.

Four R epublicans jo Democniis against th e : induding Rep. Tim Rid Shoshone, and Rep. Doi R-Filer. Both said they h

‘ for the statute in 1996 b :i constitutional aniendi i, unnecessary, s “Tliis m eans all the

pass now could b e pu I- Constitution.” R id inger s1------ Tliree Dem ocnits sidct'• Republicans tu pass it.’ l l ie floor discussion v

pecicdly short, considc J nature of d ie bill. ’Ilie d s lo diange th c Consdiii

five minuies sh o rte r tha J Wednesday to review r } procedures governing ih r of Occupational^ 1 Debate in favor of iIk I m ent was led by Uepubli -• ' Henry Kulczyk of Ka

.R epub lican F loor L aw roncc D ennev o f Mi

Please see MARRIAG

nm s cornStocks and b onds ralliei

chairm an’s com m en ts I his bullish forecast for \ras combined \vith a.ssi

. th a t Fed policy-makei rem ain “p a tie n t” in d w hen to raise th e ir tar ovcmiglit in terest rotes I 45-ycar low of 1 iKsreer ra te stimulates cconnmic by helping hold down^od rowing costs for housthn businesses.

The Dow Jones indusiri age popped u p about 7U while Greenspan ^vas sj) and closed at 10,737.70, u]: points, or 1.17 perccni, day The N asdaq composit

__gained_14.33,_or..0.69,i:dosing a t 2,089.66, and df S tandard & Poor’s 50 indax rose 12.22, o r 1.07 j to finish at 1,157.76.

5 0■SO (.'cuts .

" d

n ;<ui.

17.5 million Ingjiom’sUay -

I P ^ouse47____Q

coiisiituuon-______ :L‘S piissed ihe i

\Vediicsday rs of delnile,

three main

fS mIm Ridinger V-SKMhTiio

A isliitoe

I S —un h e r legal

< joined h e ineasuic,Ridinger, R- Doiig Jones.

L’V had voied5(3 bill diill a ..‘ndineiii is

the laws we pm in llic

•er said.i idcd willi f .d -------------it.JII M'ilS 11IK'.\. sideling ilii' le distiissiimidimioii w;is______ Ithan il look j

w niles ami tg die Ihiiv;iii uses.1 die aiiK 'iui-______lublican Ko]v

Kagle and ir I.eadi'r ■f Midv'.ile.

lAGE. PctCC '\2

nerlilted on the ts because for growih«ninces

akers can 1 deciding

tarfiel for .es from iis reeni- ’lliat- mic {'.nnvih 1 other bor- I>h«lds and

islrial .iver- t 70 |K)inis s siwaking,O.up 123.85 :nt, for the K)sitc index•9, ih; rcent,_______d die broad

500-siock 07 peirenf.

Todoy: Sunn/ I-

TonlglH :C ii;:i' sm i" '. i I !h,: luv.rr l - - 'fT om orrow : I’e '^ 'i l ; . ul ’n,; Ir'.Vcr !(( fllrJcUl' no

m sm mT oday : Sunnv skK?:; ni .10sTonight: CiiMf snos. <

III tti.' i;pi;<;r ;;rii(

Tomorrow: Moi.ily ;;ui ' III Itie mi;ic1li' 13(— (H3IEBB3i!

S U N VPlo.isanimounuiin

^ .lerf.c£Tod.


----- -— -

B o M o u n ta ln Homi ^ * B ^ ^ ( V 2 0

Ymtcrdsy't SUtto EwcBthof k#y: su-sunnj

___________ uuiiiuniicisioims.stusriov

E v e r y T h u r s d

[ c ^

D airy__Continued from Al take a look at tiic law: a nd w hat th e - circu were.”

Idaho Powor indicati intends to appeal the vc

________ ‘‘We’re. certainly .dis:by the decision in tht case and surprised by verdict," company spol- A nnc Alonskis said W “W e're sunirised becai

cians, we investigated pany’s facilities th a t issue ... and through thi ligations found th e c facilities to be w ithit

_______ o peraiinu .standards.!l.Peterson said W edn

was pleased with th e v< th inks th e aw ard woi been larger “if we hai few th ings d iffe ren declined to specify would do differently, b i he lean ied things from th a t could .be app lied .stray voltage lawsuits.

“l l i is in an im portant issue, because th e utili not taken care of th e r like they should," Petei “Tliey’re antic|uated, th'

— -------d a ted —thcy-havp-n in lloads on them, and the; a trem endous th reat tn cultunil community, '11 they niise un all kind: stock is ju st unbelievab farm ers have gone b r they don’t know th a t's tl why," * -

^The"dalry’s'case’Ilie concept o f stray v

farm s where an im als a is not new. It has b een in as a problem for dairy stock herds for about

C’ircuiacion________Uunlcl Wulock. circuludot

Circiiluiiim iilionc line buiwL'cn 7 iiiicl 10 a.m. onl nm rcccivc your paper l>y the iiitmber for your .ire:!; Biirlvv-Rupuri-I'aiil-Oakley ...................INvin nilh.ind other areas .............

S u b sc rip tio n ra te sH»mc il(;ti\cr>:djily nnd Si

|x-f ucek: S;ituiJj)r ;iiiJ Suiidu; jvr week. Mjil vubvcripiii'ii' i 111 advance uIkI jic .is.iii.itilc ili'livcry iv not iiinini;iinc.l M. Iil,iln) rales: ilaily jiiU Siiiid.i >*tek, daily only W.()(l per uc .ind Sunday iinl) $3.IK) per «

T i m c s - N

Circulation (Daniel Wali----------- Clas.siflcd A dvertising (1

N e w s...............................Retail Advertls-ing (Miki Ag Weekly (Janet Goffii l»ublL<ihcr Stephen Hart M anaging E ditor Clark

A-2 TImcs-Nows, Twin F a l l s , '

I'Cjni * 1110!; ,iiKl ;U!a;;'iii,it)ly r xp'fC lctl lutlay Hiqliu in !iio Ic

iMiin .viruls niicl i^tnlly

ul ;utM:.tiin«j .jncl luilit w inds 1■ HOs .. ■

niHl dry cnnditiotir- Mitjlis in ;

)S. o.itm .vifiOr. .me! dully .touipc srii()l(.‘ (iKiits,

sunny sk ies <incl so a so n a l temp■ Jds .

^ V A L L E Y , S U R R O U N D IN (;ani Winior conditions will bo lound iiains lo<}ay and Fridny. Tho sunshn1 so romombor io bting iho sungins: ors will rolurn by tho wookond. odayHlBhV 21 to 27~Tdnlel>t'i La 3 0 I S E Cfoal travel conditions a

today and Fiidny. Skios k sunny ond winds will bo

Clouds nnd lighi ram or ^ B L sMowois will tjo cxpocloi

woekond.Todty Klg>i«/Lo«t37to

N O R T H E FPeriods ot sur

R l ' ' winds and dryaro oxpoaod i Friday, Cloud: this wookond.

otoExlramos: ianiLoM)0 lxp**:-SfllS unny, pe^p.nii/ douOy. ire-mosiiy eloutJy, snowUfS.rT.un. !.n,5now. tl-Hiimm, w-win

- s d a y I n T h o T lm o s - N o w s

n un idac

Cows, in p a rawsuit iliere most sensiiircum stances electric ity ,.;

Tlie Viersira:a ted th a t it Power’s tran; verdict. ou tda ted , vdisappointed groundingth e V ierstra stream ed ui

by the ju ry ’s dairy southvpokeswoman ' T he Vien

Wednesday. dairj- in tljcause along Septem berid en re iccm :----- changed-aned the com- near the 1,la t w ere in afterward ththose inves- im m ediatelj

} com pany’s cantly impithin norm al said. 'Ilicy-.s

______ asking for hi:dnesday he tiy hefore tl;2 verdict but 'vere resolve w ould have ting thein fo i had done a - in sp ite of

•enily.” Hc a policy that y w h a t he , pany to infor ; b u t hc said potential stn ■om th e trial 'Ilio Viers icd in o tljcr Power of del s. , its policies o ;ani national Peterson crei itilities have ry in part t o ' e niral lines we discove ;terson said. Power tha t \s , they’re out- A lenskiss; u n b a la n c e d — not conceal ■hey p resen t from the Vi

to the agri- company at i 'llie havoc cy that callet

nd.'i of live- .to be informi vable. Many voltage prob broke, and were moasu

's th e reason threshold, tl mid-'9()s“de( current guidt Department

i f S sagsi,Ik- i.iics: d.iily

.iiid Suiiilay only $ ll..fS arc- "«I"M i" >" >1” 'only.HySilli, »'>l l« ltJ h u

•I)y7a,m,.c..ll . . . . . „rea: M uil in fo n t

llicTimc^-New . - . . f.I7-40.J2 i.Nlicd daily ai 1.-J2'

ll) PuhliiMliit , , , ,7J3-0W1 |..„tccpfives.

I'ctiiHlic.ih pnii! r.mcs.Newt. Oft

id Sunday $4 1*1 nc^'P^'Pcr pur^uai

■"'“f n- ;r;;;SK»''”l -'II ....... i„ir.

nul.iy U,m pc, N„|,3 r wcel, .Saturday er ucek. Oui of

■News telep hon e diniValock, Circulation Director) . lg (D el^ Joluison, M anager) -

-like Smit, Advenising Directc)ffin. G eneral M anager) ___[a r tg e n .......................................irk W alworth ............................

ills, Idaho Thursd^iy, February 1 2 ,2 0


mam mm■i|M'r,iliifL-S . ,

, Hi()h:;in


in Itio lower '

High 31

CMirnporatuw s T e m p

^ Yoitwdsy't Low Norm«tHtgt»/l^

ING MTS. S Z 'md in mo TomB'iMtuiishinowillbo . |i«,lassos. Snow

(7,_ _ r. Lowi .1216 5 'vIS oro oxDCCtoU . . Feb, 1 3 , ...F « l lOS will bo U i l Qtr. New

; ? r C Mclod this

City HM o42/M to25 IERN UTAH ouri«y - asunshine, bfcozy !dry conditions piko^NV * 3 odinrough __ E uoan^on .5 luds will incic.iso CaxJino 3nd. Graea, Z

H ^ m a n 3-^ lojho Fnlls 2'

iJ B illf ira - Katiuwn. MT 3, ■ C , ‘’S m a Jotomu 3;

_____ LoyrtJion______41■ ■ ■ ■ p H Mnua City

iMisaouu. hrr - i Pocaiollo 21PortlBnd;ORs- Rupoii 3RdxBuro', . 2\ RichlAHd. WA 31 Roooracn' 3 Salmon 2soxtjuanM ursi

- SpOtuino.WASun Valtoy 31

fllSl.inJ<jy Y»H0Wll8n«:.MT 2u(}y, C'Cioua/, winrt. ni'friiKrno

WS CafI T odayd 733-0931 iOR C

677-4042 i

jarticular, are said to b e ries sitive to low levels o f sho /.. som e studies jhow . . foui tras alleged that Idaho as ransmission lines w ere thoi , which led to p oo r the; g of current.s th a t Vie

unnoticed onto th e ir stei ihwest of 1\vin Falls. meiierstras opened th e ir

th e early 1990s. In A Ii •r 2000, Idaho Power ^-an -aged -transfo rm ci------- j r r ,

1,000-cow dairy, a n d . th e health of the herd

ely began to signifi* ' V®. nprove, the V ierstros r"®’ y-.said they had b een ‘•’S. : he lp from the compa-

th e voltage problems Ived but were not get- iformation they needed . of Idaho Power having liat callcd for the com- form dairy operators of stray voltage problems. jrs tra s accu.scd Idaho Jeliberatcly concealing s on stray voltage, and ^th :redited the court victo- to “ internal docum ents ivered within Id ah o Wee t w ere concealed.” s.saidIdahoPow er“ didea l in ternal p o l i c i e s ------Vierstras," Wliile th e <iid

at one time had a poli- lied for dairy operators “ He rm ed of potential stray oblem s when current.s j»st isurcd over a certa in Bm

th e company in th e jury decided to follow m ore tl*cj lidelines” from the U.S, A: n t o f Agriculture th a t coui •om th e “outdated'’ pol- Pett id. • vert ow er attorneys argued Idal Vierstras were basing m et ges bn outdated theo- “I _____________________ . uph^ Tc m I iiav«'ly per ,,ly$5.(Klpctucck,S,.iucdayly J3.51)|<rvicek.S,ik-Ma\V 'ifmve raic<. A $1. iKicharjtc R a f cir all rciiirticd tlicvU. ,\V

juryr m a t io n hop-*w»(UI’Sft.ll.llK(Jhspub- .■>2 TllildSl. W., Twin I'alh, iitiitns Inc., a Mil<iidi,iry of -------

paid al T«,in l-alh hy Tlie TOfficial cily and ciiuniy »uan( in .Scclion fiC-IOS nf

Tliurvlay is Iicichy Jevig- Mirihevs(ekoiiutiii.'ti legal published.

please semi change of i; IVO. H<u MS,T»in I-all>,


lircctoryr ) . . . 733-0931, Ext. 1) ........* ............JLxu.1_____..........................Ext. 3

ctor) ...............Ext. 4......... ................Ext. 5 ------......................Ext.249 ■

......................735-325S ■

,2 0 0 4 TF


jay Tonight

ind dry Cloor, cnim andcold

31 L o w 1 2

mperature Pret»<lah 23 Y M ti^ a7oii-------------n --------- Uofnh"lg Dit«/Low 40 / 23 ' ■ Avo.MortthtB

63ln1971 W>t«fYo«rto •1tn1983 Avg.WitM Y«

itaturo It PioCipitnlion vnlid thiouQli SpmM o o n P h a s e s

F#b, 20____F«b. 28 Mar. 6Hvh Moon Fint QU. Full Moon

Today Tomorrow SaturdayHI Lo W HI Lo W HI Lo W30 22 W 41 29 »U 44 31 th

r 30 21 ku 38 25 pc 37 27 sh31 0 «U 35 17 «U 37 32 n 10 5 su 33 13 5u 20 17 II

9 40 23 (U 30 77 po 30.29 th30 3 50 33 14 pc 38 10 mc .63 34 »u 47 40' r 53 40 mC33 fJ so 3S 19 eu -II 25 an 22 -2 tu 20 0 tu 33 10 tl34 11 4U 30 17 5u 42 23 sn 20 -1 »u 37 • 0 pe 35 fit n24 ? 5U 31 7 5u 33 16 (I 34 14 Wl ae 10 »U 36 23 II32 0 su 40 10 PC 38 22 fl 42 30 «U ’ 47 32 pe 40 33 th

“ 26‘ T t-6u -33 -io -iir-3 (ri7 -ir— 20 6 tu -3 2 14 w 34.19 ft25 -1 JU 20 12 PC 31 16 II

. 33 Id tu aS’21 «U 37 26 Tl25 3 au 32 14 su 35 2 t II 64 37 IU. 48-3J) mc-'52'40 me31 tl su 35 19 5U 37 24 II 20 2 tU 'B 9:r.e tU -30 14 n 38 30 5U 41 33 mc 42 34 II

. 31 13 tuT33n0 tu 39 2S th 25 G 5U 35 14 su 30 10 «

r r 26-14 au .'35 20-8U—*3 86 mo 37 24 9U 39 27 pc 37 29 SH 20 -12 to i30-'.1 ;*U -.-31L. 9. n 30-10 su 34 t su 35 II II

rr 23 • -B tu -;31:r.i #U- 2ff .'

n03BEIHBTo<lsy Tomonw*

City Kl Lo W HI Lo WCaJflajy ' . 43?25--«T- 41 W -ia :CinnO'OOK 33 13 su 34 17 suEOnoMon :.4ff’2 ir:iu ' 36'Zi'Oe.’:Kolown.1 41 21 pc 3G 21 pcLtmtMUQO ' 44 2S: IU '.. 30 ’Z1:P0'T:noQm.1 IB 10 C 32 12 pc

ries uf the 1980s. R ecen t stut show tha t stray voltage a t lc found on the V ien tra da iry is as dangerous a s scien tists I thought earlier, they said. J they tried to show th a t V ierstras’ h e rd probU stem m ed from poor mana ment.

A lengthy trial_ lh e_ x ria l» _ p resid cd _ o v er. D istrict Judge M onte Carl: began in early Decem ber. ' V ierstras' a tto rneys p re sen the ir case o re r eight w eeks, c ing about 15 w itnesses, wl Idaho Power a tto rneys took weeks to p re sen t ih e i r a Peterson said.

The complex case included cimony on veterinary medici nutritional science, d a iry op< tions, principles of physics j electricity, and electrical dis bution and grounding system:

Among the ju ro rs ivas reti 3th District- Ju d g e Dar [lu ribu tt, who co u ldn ’t rcachcd fo r comm Wednesday. H urlbutt w as cho: i)y ju ro rs to ac t a s th spokesman, Peterson said.— M y-im prossion -was th a t Jid not in any way try to us le a v y hand ,” P e te rson si ‘He's a very fair m an, I th ink eputation precedes him , and iust calls them as he sec s tht 3ut it was a team effort by t ury, and I th ink they belii hey m ade tho right decision.’

As for th e prospect o f furt] :ou rt proceedings on appc ’eterson said he’s c o n f id e n t; rerdict wMl stan d u p agai daho Power a tto rn ey s’ ar nents.

“I 'th in k they’ll have quite iph ill 'b a ttle ,” he said. “I di lave any fear of re try ing it, ell you that.”

lanilflcatlonsW hat will be th e im pact of i

ury’s verdict? Peterson said lopes it will b ring m ore att

The Tim es-News^

735-Ski, Lottery a n d V

In form ation i just a ph o n e call

■ ” sk i IInform ation

- Press ; i

. . .o r check o ut o u rw


v .j . Sunny, diy and

colm ,

3 3 / 1 8

eclpllatlon Hu, T iK t Yo«»rddyH lato 073' ' " ¥8sfo«8ybitoD sta' dsA '. Todoy»FbntoDslo 3.19" Toda/#FcflYwrtoData 4JSS* Awate'ryM3myo5lOf0.iy


---------- — Today----- MoonrtMiFriday MoonHac:

’ Stturdiy UoortrtM:

iCMmSHBty Today TomorriiV Clly HI Lo W Kl Loh Aisana 41 3S n 65 33h An.vil«C<V 42 20 rne 45 25

Battnors 42 ?0 mo 4B 26tMtfKTl 42 25 tu 4C 27

h Bffrrtogham 40 34 mc S4 331C Dottem • 34 21) mc 42 2710 S2 37 r 60 30 n Cnvwan. vw 4? :a n J 4 20

Cncaoo 2S 14 pe 33 .24 1n Oflvotano 34 22 mc 33 25 |

Danw . 27 tO ’tu - 40 22 1 OmMotm - 15-11 mc 36 20 | DMioB 35 20 me 33 23 IEl Ptuo 47 25 PC 42 20 1

1 FBtttorM. .21 3 «U 27 3-----roioo----------- 10“1 (T pe~33~ 4 '

HonoUu 62 67 au 62 70 <Houi-.lon 54 33 mc 43 33 1 inckrMpoaa 36 .20 mo 36-24 1jMkiMTKUn 70 49 in 04 46 I

IC Kwwaczy '^25.12,me 41.24.| so 34 su 57 3C i

’UMflOdl :-4l;22 mo 47.27--IL 0 9 A n ^ 71 47 Su 72 40 i

> MampNt. "^'42 97 me ’44.31,iUom BS C7 PC 02 {!Q |

« MTMaitoa -•••.S7.-11 mo 33'83-|1 MaifvOo 41 27 II 45 27 i

HM'Oriaan* :'8& 46 me 63'4S iN<r«’iWi 30 32 mc 44 32 I

« »W>omaCW.'29114.po-46L2atlOmnwi /• 10 10 mc 30 10 |

w Today TomocitN City HI Lo W HI Loa:::6fttk*iocft'-‘'se 2T o . -..•37 r7-i u Toconlo 2B 21 II 30 10 I e.'CVarwovwVW. SO tu -V 62 37:u c V-:I0II.1 M 37 su 27 10 ! C-Tr.Wlru«0*fl-• »--4 C .• 21. .0 I

;udies tion to th e issue of levels and livestock, whicl is no t sub jec t o f debati s had country., And In a lawsuit filci t th e Soutliem Califomii Diems tors in U tah and ( nage- seeking SIOO mill

In te rm oun ta in Pc The dairies say tl being harm ed by

hv e lec trica l' . t r J i ------lines:--------------------

“It’sa n im p o rta nsm pd ' “"■'“S'-I> na , cance," Peterson si’.’.,i.;t« ion is tha t nationwi k twoease farm ers and the ag

’ a result of the dar ,1 been done. It's ju i idno « h a f s happened .

we’ll get som eone’s 5 and Alenskis said Ida ,,i • no plans to reassess

’ the verdict, w heth 'tired from its faciliti■ . , livestock operation:

. “ Because o u r fjm ent constructed, i

m aintained in acc th e ir • re levant safet:

industry standar<i I t ho an tic ipa te tak ing

- — action a r th is time,’ . I And Idaho Powi

ik hh stockholders (id he w ony about a big f hem company, Alt■ “ In the event i ,li ■ unsuccessful, wc ir■ „ recovery from our i

riherfull amount of an

it theainst under the term s of i arcu- policy- should not

® ' rial adverse impaci t e a n consolidati,t. position.”

As for th e Vierst said he has instrui not comment pub

;‘ casc.“Tliey’ve h ad e:

if th e ----- from this thing,” -hiid hc need to go back to t ttten- ness.”

^ ^ I n f o r m a t i o n L

-3 3 5 0 ^ .W e a th e r ^

1 are . \11 a w ay ! '

L o tte ry WIn fo rm a tio n In fo

w e b s ite : w w vv.m agicva


Saturday S

Mosily Cloudy, a Isolrain or snow , sn<


3 9 / 2 4

HumiditylyHoh ■ ' . 100% .6 pmYo«on

FbraoMtHcH 60% : .FoTDCoa Lew 45XyMt tuna from Oci.1 loS«pt.30

Moonrlse id MoonsetMl 13;irAU Moo«a«t:-10;81AM _ ac: l;34AM Moonael; 11:22AM m : . 2:81 AM HooriMb 12.-00 PM

orrow Today ToirLo W Clly HI Lo W HI33 tu Oriwdo 63 SO mc 7425 pe Phtvxxpftti 40 30 mc 4626 au PTMMji 63 40 su 6327 lu F^lvW.ME 20 17 pc 37 33 au ' FUWcn 30 20 tn 65 27 PC Rnpd&fy 33 13 pe 40 30 au neno 46 10 tu 60 20 tu S,»OTw«o 00 39 PC 5824 pe SLlCUS . 32 17.-me- 4325 PC StPnU 10 It mc 3022 po SaKLakaCr/ 28 14 tu 3S JO PC 5anO#oo 70 44 (u Ei)23 pe SonFiviclteo 60 46 pc 66 ?0 mc So.™ 03 30 su 403 m e.iuacn . 6t 33 «u 66

'4 'p e —ivasnn(jt0fl:Kr44-3i-me-30-

B CEnZESs s •

PC i S H B R R s p ^?7 su l l>2 ma- '32 pe

10 pc , c

ocTWr L ^ pLo W'27-pe, — Lr10 n Valid to 5 p.m. today

- VaatMjJay’a NaUonal ExUerr0 me. HiBh: 83 m Opa Locw, Fla.

Low: -10nlCokcvJl«,Wyo.

Mi: o f Stray voltage ContlilUfilich has been th e ^u lc2 )ate across th e needs ti

sta te a{iled 'la s t y ea r in ■nia, dairy opera- whered California are ru led tlillion from th e are protPow er Agency. s ite se:th e ir cows a re sta te’s c

ay stray voltage _ “In lii1 transm ission in Mas*

tan t issue in th is sex mar national signifi- couples 1 said. “My opin* going ti iw idc, billions of married en lost by da iry ' the ir hi ag com m unity as su it in lam age th a t has - comc t ju s t devastating Kulczyk:d. M aybe now R cpule’s a tten tion .” Nampa,Idaho.Power has voted zess, as a resu lt of notjngIth e r stray volt- alreadylities is harm ing “Idahons. Ring sai

facilities have i ja h o Sd, inspected and i„g « isiccordance w ith movingfety codes a n d electedards, w e d o n ’t gpy“8 , any M ct M assadle," shc said. “We’rDwer ratepayers to f5 don’t need to exist ” F g financial blow M cnskisso id .t an appea l is j. in tend to se e k “^^ued ir insurance car-‘We believe th e , any final judg .3c recoverab le ‘of our insurance „ not have a m ate- ac t on the com- la ted finaneial

:rstras, Peterson * iructcd them to ®*"' m blicly on th e

m aneuvenough stress

■-hc-said.-“n i c y --------Df.nn«o th e dairy busi- he did v

the Hot • Commit

b e r s to j------------------------1 “If wc

L i n e our stru is chaos,

W eatheriform ation

^ P r e s s i ---------

isialley.cQm B 5 S

Sunday Mond

Isotalod rain or Mostly clousnow showors ' brooz

3 9 / 2 6 ____________ 4 2 / :

■ometric 'W U essure»«ord«y 303Bln Today ft

• SaturtfiV. 8i Sunday 8i MdrxUy »

U .VLow Mo

1 AI Tho htQhoi

M (H a iTomorrow TodayHI Lo W City HI Lo W74 63 me Aetffico ' 00 70 ce46 20 pe Alhnns 5-1 4t pc63 41 tu AixMind: - 76 64 ah37 19 me &v<ol<ok 91 72 su65 30 tu e a m v 46 33 PC 40 to >u Oo>Itf> 30 27 II 60 20 pe t3ueno«AI>M03'.70. PC 58 4t. wc C.VO M 54 pc 43 26 IU Dtianran 76 62 tu 30 12 pc Cvrwvn 41 34 II 36 20 tu HonoKono 70 65 tu cn 40 su Jonnalom 55 50 sh.66 47 mo JcM«na«Cug76 66 tu 49 30 mc Ku^Ciry 75 54 gu 66 32 tu Lutttn 62 41-pe

•30-31-tu----- MeticoCitv— 70-50-mc-

0 ‘


larriageInued from A ljlczyk a rgued th a t Idaho is th e m easure to pro tect the : against jud icial activism in :s such as M assachuse tts, re th e Suprem e C ourt has d th a t sam e sex m arriages protected equally w ith oppo- sex m arriag e u n d e r th a t

j’s constitution, n light o f w hat h a s happened lassachusetts, I fid ly expect •when they d o in s ti tu te same- n arriage, we a re go ing to seo lies from across th e nation g to M assachusetts, getting ried an d th en com ing back to • hom e s ta te and b r in in g in th a t s ta te .to . t r y to over- e th e laws of th a t sta te ,” zyk said.-•publican Bob R ing of ipa, a re tire d physician , d against th e am endm ent, tig th a t gay m a rr ia g e is idy against s ta te law.Jaho is n o t M assachusetts,”; said. “T lie 'p robability of the0 Suprem e C ourt overtum - t is a s likely a s B arney Frank ing to Sun Valley a n d being :ed to Congress.” F rank is a

congressm an fromsachusctts. ........................fc’re spending taxpayer doi- to fix a p roblem th a t doesn’t ,” Ring said.;m ocra tic f lo o r le a d e r dy Ja q u c t o f K etchum _also ed a g a in s t th e m easu re , lg it “ c rea te s a scco n d class itizens.” S he also feared it Id lead to a b i t te r cam paign on th is su m m er a n d fall w ould rip d ie s ta te a p a r t if C onstitu tional am en d m en t1 to pass th e S e n a te and

ap p ea r on th e N ovem ber)t.his is the an tith esis o f y h a t :ountry was founded upon,” let said . “I t ’s a political euver to req u ire a litm us for the com ing election .

;nney-doscd tlic -d cb a te , as id w hen th e m easure passed House Judiciary a n d Rules m ittee , adm onish ing mcm- lO-VQte.for m oral behavior.— ' we le t everyone do w hat is

in th e ir own eyes, w e lose itructure, an d w h a t we have aos,” D enney said, p. Leon Sm ith, R-TWin Falls,

W B V W*do*>d.y.F«6.1tS It » M U p s f . 4

T jj g; 4

s 11 n 23 nILDCABOi Klngctetub*__________

%Hond*y, F«b. S fl • 9

, i

iday city HI8oU« - - - SiDuHoy 25 Ct«ma . • - 33Coour u-Alono 37lOaWFftlt*- - IB

“D Juromo 23Lo*4t»n ■ 43

• Lowoil 53 MaiadCUy' ' • 32

loudy and Mniu 25lozy Poeatailt) 21Roitxirg 20

aumon .34/2 4 Sinnlcy 31

Sunrise and SunBunriM: 7;3S’AM Simtte ' 6

SunrtM: 7:37 AM SuoMt:' ft 8un>l'a«; 7 JS AM Sunaet: 6 SunrlM: 7;UAU ' SunMU ..0:

V. IN D E X ^ . X ’“Modaralo Hlflh ^ U r , , .

" ■ s a s a a

hof ino induj Iho Ci>or<mi«.,1 pioiociton noodod ■___________

I Tomorrow Today W HI Lo W Clly Kl Lo W Be 66 70 me-MoMow- 3C 55 41 r Nanc< 79 55 pc Ih 73 67 pe Otlo • .26.:14 pe >u 01 73 su Pn>a 40 3G c JC 62 30-auM«agu« •. . -3 Z . aS .a • I 34 21 PC n«()«Jar>on01 72 Sh X 68164 f:;....Re™ ;_:--i6S-M -iU; TC CC 48 IU SinL,>OQ ea 63 t ■ lU 77 64 tu Seoul ..45 32-pO 1 52 30 PC SytVwy 01 70 pc lu 72 64 au •TWA-l* - : • « 69:ttt: ih .S7.4Q pc Tokyo 40 37 su lU 73 54 po viwina 41 26 II IU 73 54 PC Vl.w\w 30 10 11 * 48 41 C WtrlMO- - 9 -4 C- nc-60-52-me-Zunct.-------- 39-30-sn-

70 a 0 _ 9p 100

,0 How they vot‘C I I are Is th« roU call vd ^ 1 1 1 House Joint Rd«olutk-*:• I I which would chango tl w Constitution to say that the

riagcs recognizcd by the s t 0- thoso btstween ono man on It woman:

• Ropubdcaiu for (SO): Bai Barrett. Bauer, Bayer, Bedki

:t Block. Block, Bradrord, Corle------ Connon,-Clafk. Collins, Crov:e Denney, Qiorle. Edmunson, n Ellsworth. Eskridge. Field (1 lg (23). Gagner, Garrett, Katwi :o Kellogg. Kulczyk, Lake, Lsn{ lg McGeachln, McKague, Meyi r. Moyle, Nielsen; Raybould, B •• Rydalch, Sail, Schaerer, Shc

Shirley, Sklppen, Smith (24 ,f Snodgrass, Stovetwon, Will Newcomb,

t ’ • Domocrsts for (3): Anden is Cuddy, Shepherd.

• Ropubllcans ofalnst (4): Rldlnger, Ring, Troll.

e • Dembcrata afalnat (13): V Douglas. Henbost. Jaquot, k Langhorst, Martinez, Mitchc g Naccaratd, Pasley-Stuart. Ri a Robison. Sayler, Smith (30).n , ■>_________________

J voted for th e b ill, saying ij ling everyone who has c

him on th e issue have a i vote on it on th e Noveml

Q - th a t is if it passes th«, ------B ut h e said personally h;j like “ cobbling u j. Constitution w ith som et „ is no t o f a constitutional [J The am endm ent goe;

th e Senate . I t is expect scheduled for a hearin

J S ta te Affairs Committc is led by Sen. Sheila So m oderate Boise R cpub l is leaving th e Lcgislati

>. th is year.Sorensen said T\iesdaj

5 in tended to le t th e meas a hearing. If i t passes :

5 m ittee , i t will go to thi J . floor, w here tw o-thirds c J • m em ber body would be J. to pass it.----------If - tha t happens,-the-3 w ould be p laced e Novem ber ballot, w herc y b e approved by a sim ple

vote o f th e e lectorate.

Booster club sells beanies, scarees

'Riesday'S n ew spaper ci incorii!ct in form ation Bull! Booster Q u b sale.

Th e d u b is selling bca scan tjs. Pitwce'ds go to B School athletics. To p u rd

. ■ call D ebra Laing or M aiy 5434351.

Tlie TimcS'Ncws rcgi error.

HI Lo Prep .■ 39 33 OJMk

25 15 O.ife- 33,-9 O.ifi

37 23 0 « J •; iB--7 Trll»

23 t7 O.J?.43'86 0.00'53 34 0 00- 32 13 O OO.' ,25 to 0.00*.21 14 o .ur 20 -2 T>nc«34 12-O.OCT.31 ‘-s o.otr

unset■ 8.-05 PM',”.';

fcoePMvsii- 6:09 PM



o, Wyomng , . Miam«'cem

lay Tomorrow!9 W HI LO-W* t o . iB - ia r iJ '5 pc‘82 54 PC I pe 32 -16 PC.3 c 45 30 'i£5 .a pB

[ j ; j L 2 A _____) > 88 64 >u t.pO 41.:Z7 pe

r su 54 30^«v ) n 33 21 n» 11 25 16.fl}e.; c- « t i 'r tc}-an-41-20-pc----- —

Fronte . . .

Cold" w rWonii

S tationary .


/otedl lv o ts h , - ." ' JutloiiS ,'Ige the Idaho ,I th e only mai;' le state will inandone'!'^,'*

: Ban^ciougli,'

, Compbeli, i.,Crow, D eg ,’; , ; - —son. V ;i ld (1 8 ) ,F l4 "<atwood,,'...^; Longford.!;,"*,Meyer. Miller:, lid, Robects,' iShcphertj,. •I (24). Smyfio;:, Wills, wofttj^:



13): Boo,-Jot. .•itchell, rt. Ringo, " '(30). _

/in ghe iS 'le t- - " las contacted c a chance to em ber ballot 1 the Senate.Jy h ed o csh ^ t--------

-up ' 'th e m etliing lhat onal leycl.” ' goes no \v 'ib pected to B); aring in tTi'e : littec, whicli '1 Sorensen, a ■ lublican wlio slaturc af^or

>day tha t she icasxmi have •;es her con^- I the Senate d s of the 1 be reqitiried

che-metjsure d on '.IhV le re i t c o t ^ iple m a jd r i^ e. .

» :i

e r conta& i^3n aboui.' Ji ,fe-beam esa iid _ to Buhl u rd iasc « i]a laiyKuUVttl

regrets ’thfi [


: | sJA T10N

I n fa nW o m e n p o s tp o n i i

m o th e r h o o d b r in j

itP E rease, a n a ly s ts

ATLANTA (AP) - U.S, ' m ortality has clim bcd for l

_____ ainly bccause of compli associated w ith o lder woir ting off m otherhood an having m ultiple babies vi£ ty drugs, th e govemmei Wednesday.

A t th e -sam e tim e, U e ^ c c ta n c y reached an i h i ^ of 77.4 years in 20 Centers for Disease Cont Prevention said. Life exp< in 2001 was 77.2 years.

T h e nation’s in fant m

I i n m i g r

i l l e g a l s s a y fa m ilk

c o u ld s ti l l b e to m

i[w S in U G T O N (A P ) - I a T i i ld care w orker inTexa illegal immigrant who hi feared being deported and to leave h e r ch ildren t

posal is aim ed a t helping like her, b u t it hasn’t < Dolores’ concerns.- •

U n d er the Bush plan, I and nuUions of others li

_____ ^coiiId.tempprariIy.wprkj_c{this countiy. But oncc that up, sh e ’d have to leave. An D olores says, would break family.

“F o r 17 years I’ve wante' ab le to walk on the street out fear,” said Dolores, a i of th ree , originally from P w ho lives in E l Paso. She th a t h e r last nam e n o f be C

B ush has proposed a l im m igrants already workij gaily in tlie country to get

: te rm legal s ta tus w hJe par ; ing in a worker program. Tl ; gram also would bc open i i p ie from overseas..I Q nce their jobs end, tem ! w orkers would have to lea ; country to apply for legal ] ; n e iit residence. Those > en te red illegally m ay not I : to r e tu rn for years.

T h a t leaves Gjngress witJ ; tioriS os it considers the ; plan . Wliat will i t do about

— ;-um bnted im m igrants like l ; wjioso children arc U.S. d i O r whose spouses are leg ; m an en t residents? ShouJ : tenux)rary workers still be ; to rcUve?

- . . . 1— w e liave the appetite 1 ■ ing parents of U.S. dtizi • leave?” asked Muzaffar C : director of New York Uni

: White House: WASHINGTON (AP); W liite - H ouse . la te Wedi ; released a copy of a dental I : don Presideni Dush had I N ational Guard in Alabair ; ing tlie Vietnam War to reb I gesrions made by Democra ' have questioned w hether th

jd e p t .C T cr_ s^ w d up fo •there.. A copy of the dental cx •tipn ;done on Jan. 6, 1973 n icn ts the president serv

____ .DannellyAirNatipnal.GHar.^ l i id i is south of Montg Ala., W hite House press sei 'S cott McClcUan said in a ,m ehl. Earlier in the day.Md .liaitlencd its defense of '■Guiu^ scrvice, saying critic ^J'lrpUing for trash” for p gilin.

■■; l iu sh com pleted most 'N alional Guard training in ’biir in 1972 was allowed t<


f e f Wr1 1 ^ . FINE ' P Valentine'

L U N C H •

® ’837 Poleline

^ B B S OPEN 7 c

n t m o ]n i h a ra te clim bed f

1^000 live bir deaths per 1,0

‘“ 5 ^ CDC analy

its say.“ We w ere si

LJ.S. in fant has been decli for the first for m ore than IT dccades. Joyce M artin, nplications th e CDC. romen put- “ You’re a and then w hen an imp<

: via fcrtili- public health i m ent said The 2002 ri

tim e blip, sine . U.S. l i f e - -2003 is expeci in all-time lim inary revie- 2002, th e / cates,

ontrol and T he rise in ir jxpectancy re f le c t th e li

A m erican wot m ortality ing m othcrhoo

; r a n t _ p l ^

■lie's .-n apart-D olores,'cxas, is a n a f f lS C T w l

has long ^ 9ind having1 beh ind . ^ A

Jig people allayed

n, Dolores r j : like h e r R |:j_egallyjn____E ;^iiat time is And that,

:ak up

nted to b e leets with-a m other ceclIla Munoz, a

» used.--------- grant-famllles.-a llow ing - Law School’s

rking ille- Iiistitutcoffice.'^ get short- pared to, in c l

partidpat- largenum berof 1. The pro- sort of the moni cn to peo- ■ Bush’s plan g

in Congress on tem poraiy Sena te subcon leave the it. Tbylor Gros

»al perma* spokesm an, sai ose w ho willing to consii ot bc ab le improving his p

"hie former with qucs- N aturalization the Bush duties w ere trp ju t undoc^ to th re e a(ceD olores----- H om eland-Sec. d tizens? ca lcu la ted thi legal p^r* population to I loiUd th e last a r . There be forced million childrcr

zens and haveu iteforask- -ents, said Mich: itizens to im migration su r Chishti, lean ing U rban Unhrcrsity Congress has

e releases denfe’) - The and perform hijWednesday - so h e could wortai cvalua- ical c a m p a i^ .ad in th e Democrats' h;3ama dur- ing a o n e -^ a trebut su(^ Guard scrvicc tK iats who 1972, saying thT the pres- dence tha t Bu

for duty A labama. Sevei A labam a unit 1

examina- to have told Th973, docu- tha t they coulderv ing a t ing him.Hard B ase,_____ According tomtgomcry, the den ta l exaj; secretary roport for dutjn a state- exam , howeveiMcClellan N ovem ber 19!of Bush^ reports have saii tic s w ere Texas,r political Tlie W hite H

dental record,ist o f his m edical recordi: in Texas, from th e Air 1[1 to leave C enter in Dcnvi

f t f i a iE T H A I C U ISIN le's D o y Ham - i[ • DINNER • TAKEC

7 3 5 - 8 3 3 3In e R d . ,T F . (under the Ck>d 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM I IM

►rtalitjd from G.8 d ea ths per T j p births in 2001 to 7.0I,000 in 2002. ' alysts had cxpec ted i r b f d c d in e - th e l a s t |a r c le rose was in 1958. ,i surprised becausc itjclinitlg fairly steadily J®/ an four decades,” said ®in. lead sta tistician for______

always concerned nportant ind icator in th increases.”! rise may b e a one- ince the U.S. ro te for lected to drop, dew by th e CD C indi^

n infant m ortality may : long tren d am ong A-omon toward delay-lood, M artin said. jjjjgjj

i n d r a w s

t, a spokMwoman for th e National up, says Congress h as s tragg led w

I’s Migration Policy complaj.“Art;v,'emotallypn>- lies ireffect, also deport a gratio

rofUJS-dtizcnsPThat^ undotoral dilemma here.” gain ^n gets its first hearing had tcon ‘niursday, w hen a la te r tcommittee considers bersross, a W liite House Cecilisaid the president is th e Njnsider suggestions for - Hispais plan. Willer Im m i^ t io n and trolon Scrvicc, whose sodaltransferred la s t year d tizeragendes ■ in th e on sci

jecurity-Departm ent,------like vsth e undocum ented “O t0 be about 7 million debati>rc arc an estim ated 3 immijiron who a re U .S .'dti- live ir■e undocumented par- Ameri ichacl Fix, d irector of - mon 1studies a t the liberal- peopliin Institute. who alas struggled w ith the a rc he

tai record firom!his duties in Alabam a said ."]

vork bn a Senate polit- - by a s Tbbb,

s have been scrutiniz- physiicar period of Bush’s Bush’:M that begins in May perioi; they’ve seen ho evi- currciBush e\-er served in tha t Ewiral membenj of an “Thi t Bush was assigned fyingThe A ssodated Press • said, uldn’t recall ever see-

to the W hite House,!xam shows Dush did Q Tuty in Alabama. Tlic ^ iver, was done after 1972, w hen earlie r said Dush re tiuned to

: House obtained the | | | lII, along with o ther l l l l irds it did n ot release, | | | | ir Reserve Personnel f u n nvcr, Colo., M cClellan f | ( | |

Ij s

■ lODm %

tocklower) j W

^ n s Q ^ I

f r is e s■lealth care spendiWASHINGTON (AP) - Hea:

are spending in th e Unit tatcs grc^v to an estim ated S: illion it! 2003 - more th an S5,8 )r every American - b u t th e pa f growth was slow er than ’cent years.-H ealth -care -a lso -fo r-therfi imc .was projected to m ake lore than 15 p e rcen t o f t ational economy last year, I 3deral C enters for M edicare a led ica id Serv iccs

Women w h o -p u r o ff mothi 3od..undL.thcir_30s_oiL_4QS-a lorc likely to have babies w irtli defects or o ther po ten tia sadly complications.Also, older women are mc

kcly to use fertility, d rugs to g

> c o n c e r n

. i - • .

mal Council of La Raza, a HIspan id with the com plexities of Imml-

mplexides of im m igrant fam s in the past. The 1986 imm ation refonns allow ed m ar idocum ented im m igran ts t in legal status. But Congrc: d to pass another law four yeai e r to protect their fam ily men rs from ' depo rta tion , sai icilia Munoz, spokeswoman fc s Nadonal C oundl of La Raza, spanic advocacy group. - V^icn Congress has tried to coi ll im m igration by denyin aa l services, im m igrants’ U.{ izen children have m isscd ot services they a re en titled ti

e vaccinadons, Munoz said.— “O ur laws and o u r polic bate tend not to recognize th: m igrant communities do nc c in isolation from th e rest c nerica,” she said. “I t’s very con m for-fam ilies-to-have-som ople who arc d tizen s a n d som io are residents and som e wh i here w idiout papers.”

1 Bush’s serviccid. rccord ^ -as accompanit ’ a statem ent from Dr. R id ia rd ibb, the president’s currci iysidan;who stated tlia t h e re: ish’s rccords, which covered riod from 1968 to 1973, and co rrcd witli the doctors’ a.sserti( at Bush was “fil” for scrvice. “The records rcflect no d isqua ing medical information,” 'I\il id.


SUICKBOOKS: a l l U s a a t 7 3 7 - 0 0 8 7r R A i N i N G , S e t u p & S u p p o r t


ome and get your signed copy ol tin FaUs CenlurjMlWI-ZIW:

by Mary Inman! •

W ^ V 'M o r D t i^tniuauLnn*7»4m ^


s i n Uling jumps to $1.':a lth Wednesday,litcd G overnm ent sj:S1.7 Medicaid and Medic

>,800 last year, bu t m ore spacc 2002, help ing contaiin in cd overall incrcase

CMS said.;fin t---------T he-G M S-report;e up the Web sito of th e jc

th e Affairs, sa id tha t, th e .spending grew a j:an d pcrcent in 2003, dc:>aid pcrcent in 2002.

th e r - pregnant, arid such.a re ___ lcad_to_twins_tripl(w th m ultiple b irths. Mi ially carry a h igher risk

labor and low b irth norc ditions th a t c an end ) get ' lives.

U S alt__Continued fmm Al

— ^ comes from sodium 1 mon processed ar foods, such as froze

•V spaghetti saucc._____ .Wliile.factotssiidi

M exerdsc play a role, prcssurc go hand-in

^ 9 much, blood pressure it drops. Som e

^ Americans have hi£ HF su re -p u ttin g them a

nttack-s s t r o l l and I - and ano ther 45 m hypertensive.

Food labels today um consum ption •

4 a ligrams, the equivah

^ The new recomme most p co p k get ji ligrams a day.

Yet vomcn today c P,.„, twice th a t am ount, m

"We d on’t have ou anIc sand on th is oni nl* Lawrcjice Appel,.wh____ 1 _lthe,guidelinei!_fpr th

independen t scient mil- lion tha t advises tht imi- “We rcalize w here v any a d istance from whi

to be ... and th e re a r ress interests Uiat don’t jars happen.” cm- “People can cook iaid W cstem-style d ie ts t] for level” even, though

a , a work right now,” saic.......... fcssor - o f- m edicir:on- Hopkins University.

j fout

is m k ' “ f ■

,m e - — -

: e

nicd ■r d j .rent

d a U m B a m m : —con- - —tion





Gl . / sM. j i S

I ......................... i :


I . 645 Blue I Twin Fs

I *fUIiorani>r DKKI Cunnnt C4Di, lKipjn1» on the cjft w, (») i tnoof Youc«i<4nCTllt<cK*lioo«iO«D• auf5n»feC4lo<«I«»lBveT»ioic

KW ff Wiwcy « nXM. nruuxn Iwc «ipiwv IktKl Connxt mnuln. CWKI Cocvml tnd bsup Comn tiKrntm of ucn* iwtwcKk « _ rwiltuammuM.ITnnnmuiltw900m 10 r OOim br<

„ a t a i s s i K s r s s : !^ u(ttar?wvKnmm^^

.7 trillion

spend ing on - $ dicarc increased •V slowly than in ^ ^ tain tlic estim at- i . ' | ise -in spending,

)rt7 rc lcascd-on----------n - He journal H ealth at hea lth care J pro jected 7.8 down from 9.3

" ' ' Idal-ich "drugs often ■ —iplels_and ,o ther________M ultiple births sk of p rem aturc rthwciglit - con- W e h i ndanger l>abies’

m hidden in com- and restauran t

jzen dinners andV

idi_as w ig h t and__ _ ____le, salt and blood l in-hand: E a t too Vu r e r i s e s .E a t l ^ ' J1C 50 m illion /high blood prcs- m a t risk for heart id k idney disease i million a rc prc- i|.

lay set daily sodi-I a t 2,400 mil-ralent of a htJap- • I

mendation is diat ju st 1,500 mil- y

ly eat, on average, m en even more. ^ C

our heads in the ' “one,” sa id Dr. ^who co-authorcd • th e institu te , an

the government, e w e are is quite ivhere we should are com m erdal

n’t \vant th is to

x)k and prepare s tha t a rc a t that gh “ it will take a id Appel, a pro- c in e - a t Johns ...........I

r i




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------ —

_) U ^ j cxcnom


O P ie CA N 'T R E M g M ' WHERE HE B U R lg P H IS

____ HlandLoia

( c a l l i n g Te\E S U P E R lN T e h JP E N '


B \ r ; s 5 '« s (8 l,c

•The Wizard of Id ‘ '

li Hagar the Horrlblo

^ VoiJ'^/e TAHSf^ T w. OVER MY, 0

Beetle Bailey

(TSW, ROCK^TX• :< O ^ W H A T '5 I / ^ ^ v C J ON T V ? / A

---------Frank and Ernest----------------

iWThe Bom Loser

^[WWlTKTKevE£6LCFE:t. CO KPORM lONi HOW (Vfi- lO u R S E L F ? __________

■ f i

I O K A V .- .B > . V.RADE i N^OU PROf*\? § ; ; I r ^ K E r- E L

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P A T T te / I RANdTFF,WHAT J j p -

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7 W HA T A M I ? A i

) P R B A K IN ' T V S U I P E ? ./ ' T H E N E X T IP IO T W HO A S K S M E WILL 6ETTT1I6.1

, ' D ° o ' l ,

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\ftH O LffO fiB<■ p o o ^ .

: tS t .K '* ’ IM ^ N E N T I!

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dah o Thursday, Feb»uar|f 1 2 ,_ , .

----------------------------- I J !BUT ONLY i f ' t ){->lSE TO N OT ff C O v ■L OOK BAD. I S T O

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f / m i i y f e \ i I 0 /c:n i?K A R .Y \ -

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^ i f e f t / W HEK e \ jllfla, - 1 ' WER& IllH 1J I f e

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■ S , c S i y [UAU<£g 7.

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6/lANK^ '• P'c^^ 6 « f f C /

_____ f i e f f t« ) NO i ^ i

iTRCPRtHElUR! Tl ''OH...C■_________ WKOV-

I I I I I I i Tn '

B j y

By C harles M. SchuU

/ [ d o n ' t K N 0 U ) ^ „ ’ \ / , I MATE TO W A S T E ^ I) ' A V A L E N T IN E ON ^ SOMEONE I CAN ■•'-£■



-------------- :— B fS c o trA d a iif s "

O V ERTORY!!!r J O O - L _______■looHL

By Johnny Hart

\o PO Y'au S H o srOF CATAPULT- I

By Jim Davis

T H E P R g A P e P G L A S S E S -^ H E -F O R E H E A P S M N P R O M ^

___________ PA V fS Z -IZ

By Chance B ro w e

f 1 / y o L ) P i P M ' r ' P o - \ jx y o u f ? h o n \ e w o r k , /

c?ic? y o u ? y °

By Brant Parker & Johnny Hart

, ( 5 | A \ Y H < ? R S E r)

By Chtis Browne

e BBy M on Walker

I ' ( ■ a s k j V R o c K y J

f e n

. - By Bob Thaves


p l>!Nlp S j fCANCf< i~-

■ r o \x i s t j

By Art S an so m & Chip

I .. .C 0 O L D K T F IN D ^ N '^ O K C '' iO W O U LD r t lR C y o u , KUK ?


1: ' For B etter or For Worst “ 1 KoeTV]e.v_.wci'v&eu

S S Id 'w i’iftiM ve^?ftNO IT APPBAttSTHft

.------------ ----------------------------

-1 . l-mG£TTWSP5eC7V SPOM The MASTEi


t Pickles ~ M oPa l . w T uav/ e ____ - ^ 6 R £ A < F A * > r_ Y & r

^ < n 7 = :

p J' Dennis tho Menaco

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p 'HoNeSTVMAYgE'Tl □ SOMETIME reePlN’ ’I Roso Is Roso .

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E ■ _______ __Luann

P i c ' c u Y ^ ^ B HWASJt? VCU

t o 5TJV coN ^:ecT et)• • > - <

_ t o VCUR (3C€55— P ijjj.p

! - ^Strsngo Brew

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;t o n 5 )■ i I ( w-<7tisis 1 ^

a l i iHj e> N /e k I I

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- Z r e a u S T Xs r c I A R e v c c

V S O R E ^

By Hank Keichj

V ^ ( k 3 P I ^ * I !




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■ i v t L L . j M ^W fM i5 w i a P u t ; ^ ^ ^ aa; END t o -^ Y O O B lOlOtIC ; ^ e55^\FAAJtA5ie5 . I

3By John Oeerin,

r t e A R b T S i S ; ^ ^

HT*"*. f t t L t l

a s a n a sI 3U ST ftS5U M et» h ,

r J


' p ' C > n . P ^ v e e . t ' M 6 U R = \ ^ - — :; - L M A p e s t o a A e - W ? O P o « n v \ e A c . c ' y i R e M E M K

J ^- s O i ______ - r ^ t -

icham The Family Circus

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"Everybody — ^ he’s gonna i ',BU T---- -------------------- -n t e p . ' ' ......................................

i» T U A T I O t» /M I « la r ]

1 ^ 1

. YXNOW, SOMStl/.^. KOPiz ta

' ' . ” NICE t o t l/ T a O f ,KK5CH

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4PH£-W^N4„ Ltk? 1 O C & tH 'T F E tL I

Fo r CITN Lli


By Lynn Joh:

R t f T H irJ f l.?^ ^ p u r y e a ^


( IT 'S ASKING I /pssecTiONS ^

: PaOM ANOT>€Sj• ^ , WE© SITS f r - %

5By Brian


i By Bil Kei

\ i f e * ^ * 1 .

“'A /

'iy c o m e look! D a d d y si a p u t o n h is th in k in g c£

.■ - . . ■ B y P a ll

? i |

By Jim Borgman a n d Jetry

By Greg £

'51tne ■^^oo5M YtO/^|o[A^f


i u a ^ _ LCUT'oOT

LIFE.... ^

^ 3

iJo h n sto n ^ '

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M M : 'fian C rane , _ ,

A B E R S J I - • '

^ . T ^ y -

il K eane • >

X *____ \ _____ ______

/say s ) cap!” '

Pat Brady ■. ■ • .,- ..

Mci ■/■•.'-■

S ' - ' " 'a : ± l g ■ ; ' ; 'OKOIIKOIO .OI0100II01 ■• • , •

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By Wiley

1 ^ - - . Z~i I

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Republicans are exploring v have the votes to c u n a il spi than President Bush has prop ing tbcir desire to flash si{ responsibility in th is election

WhUe Bush used his 2005 week to propose holding m< programs lo growth of 0.5 p t below thc inO ation'ratc - ma

— Qvcs-wanc-to-go-furthGr^The] plans to hold such spending levels or make actual em s - ar

Scalia won’ apologize f( hunting tri)

WASHINGTON (AP) - Supi Court Justice Ahionin Sea l combative conservative know

__ his J q u g h _cajk on and offben^j, isn't bacld/ig doivh in face; of criticism th a t h e sh stay lou t of a case involving frierid and hunting partner.. President Dick Cheney.

Tl^e two m en w ent on a i huhking~trip~Iiist~m onthT t w ee ts after the cou rt agree

h e a r a W

g ' a case involprivate

S ca lia ’s Antcmln Scalia lia liiy in

case.Scalia told a g a th e r in j

Ahihtrst College bn Tbesday r tlien* was nothing im proper a thc ^ p and noth ing about case*-that m ade it a conflia him. ■

“It did not involve a Ia\' against Dick Cheney as a pri individual,” Scalia said resi»nse to a .question from audience of about 600 pe< "This was a governm ent issue acceptable practice to sod;

' wilh executive b ranch offii w hen there a re n o t pers claims against them . That's a l going to say fo^ now. Qu

-q u a c k .” -Cheney wants to keep pri

thc details of closed-door Hou^c stmtegy sessions tha t diicqd tlie adm inistration’s en p o lw .T he adm inistration is f ing ioawsuit brought by \vatd a n d ’environmental groups contbnd industiy executives have helped shape th e adm ini tion^energy policy.

Pm tagon: ‘D ir t j bw nb’ suspect cj no.w see a lawyei

WASHINGTON (A P) - American citizen h e ld incon nicado by thc m ilitary to r fi thad a year as an a lleged al-Q supiJoner will be allmved to s lawyer, the P entagon Wednesday.

Jose Padilla, who th e gov — mvm-says plotted to detona

radioactive d irty bom b in ‘U nited States, is be ing held U.S. Navy brig in C harleston, No meeting has b een schedule

In a statement, th e Pent: said J t had determ ined th a t vidirvg Padilla access to a n a ney ; would no t com pror national seairity o r in te r fe re ' e f fo r t to usc him a s 'a n ini gence source.

Still, the Pentagon m aintai it wds not required to le t spca\c with a lawyer.

“Such access is n o t requiret domestic or in ternational law should not be trea ted as a pr dent," the sta tem ent said.

- B U O D T H E - S H E U r E !

"Romeo, Romeo," wherefore art th o u a hom e for m e? I am 2 years old, a neutered male, lltterbox trained my shots are current, a»d I am a lover. Let me be your Valentine!

VrnfOlSMmALSHELTl■ 139 6 th Avenue West

736-2299wwvit.iiuflcliiik.coni/wcl>/(>ri«itiUiw ~ POIl.ull63.1VliiFin>K»03

^ O P e x ]• Congressional aggressiveg w hether they mammothspending more “W

roposed, reflect- Rep. Suesigns of fiscal leader, sai

ion year. restraint, ‘X15 budget last by doing imost domestic of people.'

> percent - well many consorva- behind chliey-are-wridng-----on-tho-dinng to last year’s in ^vriting-a n d to be more The me

l ’t_ I 'for Oip Diupreme , calia. a io\vn foroff th e____________________1 in the

should nng

a duck

''VVW liite I I

ppeulin ' I Jivolving

m eet- J ie vice l e n t ’s

task Critics

IC trip ques-

—about-------------------------------im par-.

A .A cq u ad iG ■ine a t « 2 .5 0 l7 a5 0 v sy niglit 2.6-oz. d<;r about out tlic fU a for

priru tclid v ' S'em thepeople.sue. It's ■ l Uodalizc I P H H)fficials I n j nersonal n lM M I> all Fm ■ 9 hH Quack,

private ■ While ia t pro- energy .

is fight-atdidog-------------------------------ps tliat 'es maylinistra- B. BONncw:

, Polo R alph Li173.50 value),

t y 3.^-oz. s iz o s i


_________ I f J O 'r more 1-Qaida Eo see a

said S S

govern- M |m a te a - hWin th e B f l

•Id at a h Kon, S.C. B ldoled. g |tntagonlat pro- B Hn attor- Toniisc :rc Avith iniclli-

ita ined c t him

ired byaw and -------- ---------- ■I prece-

’ o!i8.9*Aval

F E R !-------- - • Eboi

H T S‘ . ■ i i s

.line BON-MACY'Sg

:ploresive than Bush's goal of halving t oth federal deficit in five years, don 't th ink it goes far enoug

JC Myrick, R-N.C., a conservao said of Bush's p lan for spendi

It, “We’rc n ot going to harm diir lg a freeze. T liat's not asking mu lie.”c Republicans planned to ' m< dosed doors Wednesday to agi

dircctiontiiuy-would-(ako-tiii&-y( ng a budget,m eeting comcs with Republic

lONci f fIJC.N DI

ijo.rr..'. ()

IG lo 2 -P iece S e tiO valuel, 3 ,-i-oz. eau de loilctt . deodorant.

J:1 L auren B lue 3 -P iece S e t 55.' c).''«.2‘0z ..eau .d c loilcttc spra] !S of show er g e l and 2-in-l sh

ove_were edi

.99vallable in M int, R aspberry, M bony, M arionberry, Toffee Cru

RtguUr and/er orlglnil prkt> ir«

Sgifl card: th e easy choic

1 deepeag the law m akers feeling rs. W liite House's proj Du^i,” . d e fid t will soar to S vadve largest- ever in dolla inding T he session -also diings sions bet^vcen thc \ m udi conservauves over

has.grow n dram ati ' m eet administration. Tlic agree been ' fed by war, (

:&-yoar------ r«c«ssion .---------------Even sp, facing ca

blican to support popular \

g i ft 5. , ______ _ C . J ^ e n : s Atl

D ress Shirt: Sale 29.99, reg. 39.50, li M ens FurnI

D. BONonly: Internationa P rin t Tops 49.00Im ported. B Sportsw ear,

le tte spray

55.00 Ajray and ^I sham poo,

d i b l e . . ,

i6 u C hocolates

, M ango, Moka. Latte. Doubl > u n c h . Rum , H azelnul and

oice BONc

T spenng pressure from thc ■ojection tha t th is year's ) S521 billion - easily d ie liar reflects ongoing ten- e WTiite House and GOP ;r federal spending tliat itically during the Bush liose-expenditures "have ; domestic secm ity and

campaign-year pressures ir programs, Republicans

D One p

.Im ported . , • nlshlngs.

mal Concepts '


Ible Chocolate, id Coconut.

t rttulltd In tc lu it u l««. Fr.-igrince v<

Jcall: o rder by phone 1

iding cnarrowly controlling both Congress won’t find it easy t

.cal blueprints tha t limit doi ing increases to 0,5 pcrccnt i

Moderate Republicans sr • agree muslutwming federal

lawmakers m ust find ways i budget, savings .should be othor areas, These indude de ric seairity, benefit program:

—blocking-fiome-already-api tax cuts from taking effect.

“Everytliing should be o

Dlace. So

H. BONonly: 8 oz. FFGift-wrapped o r in (11.99To O rder C a in -Frangotnol av4llabl»al C*ip«r,

1 800 3^5 2661 .

cuts toIth cham bers of said to appro\-e fis- of Housedom estic .spend- ’Ilie prnt o r even more. eveiythir5 say w hile they and autiral d e f id ts m ean Sodal Seys to tighten the ne.xt yeaibe explored in overall Si

; defense, domes- “If anyam s a n d perhaps budget" I approved-f\ilu re— -progrdni*!ct. budgetin;e on th e table," s;iid,

D many cl"

iE. D onna K aran Cashm19 .50 with any Coshmei C ash m ere fragrance pu

KUMAMC*''''’'" LAUHl

P. Ralph L atiren Roman6 7 .50 196.00 voluol. 3.4- a n d 2.5-oz. s izes ol sh e

*C l K H 'O I .M 'l l S

FRANCO* Chocolates n Gift Bag


limiled lo ilack on hand Sale ends F«bi

BON ideas: fine

T h u f* d a y .F e !)n i8 0 1 2 , 2C

N a 'I'IOI

budge.•p. M idiael Castle, R-Dcl,ra lc; se moderates,programs Bush wants to restra ling but defense, domesdc sea utom atically pa id benefits Security - would total S386 bil sar. T liat is just 16 percent of S2.4 trillion budget, nyone thinks you can balance

by foaising on .savings from tl tiH r-^ihoy-jufit-don't-undenit in«. It’s just n o t possible," O


Im ere Mist T otelero Mist o r Black pu rchase of 39.00 o r more.

sS ■*' , i

_ ■ ■ ________

/.*oz. eau do parfum spray, low er gel and body lotion.


>bfu.vy16. 2Dat__________________

n d m ore a t bonm acys.ct

1 ^ ^ ..


efa leader

:strain - security its like 5 billion t of the

mce tlte im thoselerstand---------------" Oistle




; A -( .

^ E d i t o r ia

Time is — Taxpay(

D o n ’t helii Idiifu) ll w ho says r a . -a u p u ri vo te to rai

: goes too fa r in ctitnpinj m un i growili. ‘Hie in

’ m ay n o t go fa r unoiiglt. ;; Leuvmakci> in Boise i » in g g u n sh y o v e ra prnix

s t i I ll 1 1 0 n a I ___; a n ie n d m e n t th a t _' w ould rc (iu ire a U l

tu'o-ihird-s m ajori-■ ty v o te in tlie' L e g is la tu re , in ^gi ; o rd e r to ra ise , s ta le lax es o r lift PO

_____ ;_ sa les_ tax _ ex em p -_ 3 \/|

; T aking aw ay a VU : le g is la to r’s tax y./; a u th o rity is like " .'tak ing bu lle ts o u t fro “"o f a g u n . S u re . th e y h a v e le ss 3P ; a rtille ry . B m il

also p rev en ts lawmaki ; shoo ting th em selv es in J T h e a m e n d m e n t, p

-------- L b y —R e p — K e n —R obi'< D onnelly, h a s good ir r to-control s ta te spend ii ► leg isla tors rea lly w ant S governm en t grow th , ih S lo co n sid er a Taxpaye S Kight.s.; 'lax p ay e r Bill o f R i^ 3 la iion , o r T/VBOR as it “ m only know n naiiona 2 g row ing tre n d in s ta te 2 l l i e basic p rem ise Is■ g overnm en t g row th t J s ta te sp en d in g lo a foi - p o p u la t io n a n d i

.S g ro w th .T h e id ea m ay sounc

lionary, b u i i t ’s acu ia reasonable . S ia ie govi sp end ing w ou ld grow ir tion to th e a c tu a l grow sta te ., Colorado has d( for a decad e u n d e r a am en d m en t p assed i

---------- Ll'he— leg is la tio n —ha:praised rep ea ted ly by ‘ S ta v t Jounial a n d tl In stitu te for fiscal resp ty-■ Idaho R eps. L enore

----------- R =ehallisrand-JciA nir\R igby ha \’e a lread y p sim ilar legislation. U n t bill, s ta te ap p rop ria iio r be lim ited to th e p rev ie level - p lu s in fla tion .


Walworth ...^.M ana

'niemembersoftheeilit Hartgen. Clarit Walworth,

IV> fiL' Times News vrclcome , ■ [tom readers on subjcct:

M interest. Dccause ot S|M slimnts. please lirtiil Idlers to inciudu >our sicnaiurc. mailing and tclcDHone nurnOcr. WrilCff

A lc o h o l d i s t r i b u to r s

a l r e a d y p a y t h e i r sh i..................W iih.ruyard to the pro|

incrciisf in buer and wini have soiiiu facts and que:

As an alcohol producer 2003, wc paid Sl,'483 on s

' SG,800 to ihu s tate of (dal ; thefedcnilR ovcrnm cnt, \ • equals 2J5 jHircent. In add

sales, we have always gen donated sevenil cases of i


fTour... y ■

A L ■

5 ripe for] ^ervBillofelieve a n y p ercen tag e

leg is la to r tion.,'s requ iring , If s ta te re je rm a jo rity percen tage , raise tax es w ould go i

:)ing govern- rese r\-e fuitn iih is , it could be ta

igli. geiicy l)asis,se are grow- ty vole by il'ojxjsedcon- If revenue

Our view: Keeping Idaho's spending growth tied to inflation and population would avert budget deficits.— What do you think? We welcome viewpoints from our readers cn ttiis and otlier issues.

lakers from conservative; in d ie fool. c a n d id a te f, proposed tion. oberts ,_ R -,— ,— lK e_ Io u d i1 in tentions l)e th o se whid in g B ut if e m m e n t amant to lim it sp en d in g . '1, they n eed b in d in g t l ie :ayer Bill of will s tick tli

(juagm ire sl:U^iLs legi.s- b u d g e t s tanis it is com- B ut th a tanally, is a slick. By capate politics. ge t’s abililyIs to lim it w ould drasi

1 by ly in g c l ia n c e s o fbform ula of a lack of but

in fla tio n le s s lim e Legislature,

und revolu- W iiiioui litxtally very m e n t has tl’ovem m ent b ey o n d taxw in proper- • fu n d it. l l i e•owth of th e grow n from: done well 1989, to S l . lr a T / \B O R ' u p to ju s t od in 1993. 2 0 0 4 .'H iai’sh a s - b e e n ------r a te of-alwuiby'nw Wall O v er that

th e C a to In fla tion hasesponsibill- c en t annual

has grown <)re B arrett, . c e n t, a c a:iT:WoodrR=------ r ts s n d a n jr f r/ p roposed I l’s tim e IiJn d e r th e ir sp e n d in g r tlions w ould tro lled growivious y ea r’s o f r ighu; woi>n and th e to do it.

Times-NtplKn Hoftgen ................. PutjllshorfanagiRg «Uto ____ Mlko Smit . . . .

eilitorial boart! anti writers of edii rth, Steve Crump, Oaviti Cooper ai

Write to usomeslelicrs lellers wilM falserijccts ol DuUirc nvnliy barreO frorrI SMce cor»- may Oe bfouehi lots to JOO words. olfice: martcO to friling address ID 83303: ra«ed i■itcfs v*iio si{vi mailed to /etiivsci

TS -------- p ro d u c rto ad. causes throng

s n a r e n te Boys andjropo-sed______ .Valley Hospitvine lax, I Edwards Cat!luestions. H ouse, T\vin Ficerin Foundational)n sales o f Legion BasebIdaiio and a few, Wlien vIt, wliich a rc still resjjoiddition to production angenerously ’Ilieso donattcof our ’ additional ftir


P te r o K AI M/STAKST'

f l ® \

• I

' \


Idaho’s . F4Hghts-:;iu chan g e in popula-

revenne exceed s th a t ie . tlie e x tra m o n ey his ) in to th r e e v a r io u s cerfunds. T h o se fu n d s __tap p ed on a n em or- r"

:iis, a n d w ith a m a jo ri- ^.•the L eg is la tu re . wlue falls sh o rt o f th e fi

. cap , a n d h ig h e rtaxes a re n e e d e d Vfor se rv ices , th e 'j

. L eg is la tu re can " [)ass th em w itii a

tw o-thirds m a jo ri- Lty v o le in b o th C o lo rado K'ls

___ p asse d .a d d ilio n a l____J>!l!. ia .\es for schoo ls Jjrji ? in 2001 usin g th is

sam e m e th o d . fj S A s a S late w iihS a sm all, b u t r a p id - ..,i„

Iy grow ing pop u - iin-la tion , a n d v o te rs Hitw ho a re f isca lly inn

ive, Idalio is a p e r fe c t ans; fo r T/VBOR leg isla- con

id es t_ u p p o n en ti_ \v ill-------^w ho w ant b igger gov- an d no lim its to s ta te . 'llieyT l a rg u e th a t le s ta te ’s lax a u tiio rity i tlie L eg isla tu re in a ,vas sim ila r to last y e a r’s Cot

andoff. - the;It a rg u m e n t d o e sn ’t 199 :apping th e s ta te b ud- h ty to grow, law m akers Vie a s t ic ^ ly red u ce th e f b u d g e t deficits. A n d ju d g e i d efic its m e a n s le s p e n t in th e

. mciI hm jts, s ta te govern- . th e pow er to g row t ax p ay ers’ a b ility to Bus l ie g e n e n d fu n d h a s ' ■ the im S699.2 m illion In cal l . l b illion in 1994, a n d Gee I o\’e r S2.0 billion ih _ I’s a n average a n n u a l Ioui-7.3 r« rcen i;------------------^[lat p e rio d o f tim e , las b e e n aro u n d 3 p e r- - lally a n d p o p u la tio n n n a n n u a lly a t 2 p er- c cord ing- to t h e diett 'l to p a y e n ro M d a h o :------- parti Id ah o ’s g o v e rn m en t dnii re f le c te d th a t con-

)w ih. A tax p ay e rs b ill vould b e th e b e s t w ay


fe v s • "i‘hor 1}-; '' ........ Advertmnedroctof . . ,„ j

Editorials are Stephen

randSheileyRidenour. • sidir------ our


se names wril be nefin.i- himIrom oublicaiion, Lellers '11It lo our Twin Falls or Burley ihisto SO, Do» 5*18. Um Falls, ed 10 (2081 73.15538; of e- o 'l i vsc>'nM/;rc».)«qxwri.

adults-ofrcharirabic— - tion:nigliout Twin Falls. we ;nd Girls club, M agic Ifpital Foundation, S t........... torsatliolic School. Valley alcon Falls Library . shot1 and A merican -------nonicball. just to m ention mucn we donate wine, we ers,iponsible for w inery ourand e.vcise taxes. tiiin

itioiis, ill turn, c rea te tliatfunds through auc- thes

UNa se m re


O p i_ ' r i u i r s d a \

Bush iP resident Bush's app ea r

ance on Sunday's •‘Mci the Press" dfsconcerte

‘som c'of-his'siipportcrsrw riti for ihu online edition o f 'i l ie Wall S treet joiirnal.'I’eggy. Noonan labe led his show ing impressive."

Aiul yet unniveliiig som e t Ilis answers is likely to discoi cert those supporters even n

J j M i i ; . s I >

P l N K I - R H


Let’s consider two questior that a re obviously difficult fc Bush to answ er First, d id he fully discharge his duty to th Texas~AlTNatiimarCiiiird fro I9G8 to 1973? And second, w he right w hen hc said th a t Ir alleged weapons o f m ass destruction posed a th re a t of “uniriue urgency” that requii tile United S lates to go to wa 'Ilie questions are interestinf; intertw ined, and Bush’s logic answering is both faulty and coiiinidictory.

'Hie issue of Bush’s m ilitarj sen ice is importan t because goes right to llie tie^rt ol tii^ credibility - does he tell th c truth? A fter all, if som eone iie about sm all things, h e can be tn isted on big things; th a t was the argum ent m ade by Congressional R epublicans a they im peached Bill C lin ton i 1999.

In Bush's case, the issue of Vietnam-era Guard service dredges up the notion of “ chi enliawks" - the nasty label applied to those who support the Viet narn War yet inveigle their w-ay o u t of m ilitary invo ment. Can such mon now be trusted as w ar leaders?

Tlie fu rth e r accusation aga Bush is tha t, having g o tten in Ihe Guard by virtue o f h is po cal connections - his father, George H.W. Bush, was a m er


A remarkable dietary trai formation has gripped i country. It is not tliat dieters have shifted their preot pntloiis from faus to carlxihy- dnites. H ere’s what is remarkal We have demonsinited, inadve tently, that w e conlrol tlie food supply.

In a very short span, simply Ix.'caiLSe millions of as have ad< ed Io»'<arbohydTate diets, tlie market is being flooded w itli It carboliydraie foods.

Now. let’s piU tliis in context, recent ABC television speci;il t ihe nation how tlie govemmen :md food industo ' are engaged jinirtices tha t fuel the olKsity < Jeniic. Tliere are eovem jnent s adies for'ihe piuauction o f cor aur prem ier source of d ieap sugar, and for feed animals. 'Dii iirc no companible subsidies fo FruiLs o r vegetables in tended fc Iiuman cons’umption. -

'Ilie take-aw-ay;ige from ihis program, atui from many .‘.vposes on what author Kric schlosser has called our “Fast rood Nation,’’ is that forces liirj

— —

ions-and-rafflcsrlnothcr w or ve already do our share.

If you need 10 of th e 12 insj ors for m eth abuse in stead of licohol, m aybe that is w here j iliould collect your money. Wl: lo rm akc m eth producers pay nudi as b ee r and wine p r ^ u i >rs, or is th e fact that we cond )ur business legally got some- liing to do with that? I thougl hat all personal property o f hese m eth producers could bi

By G arry T ru d e a u

^TOOLam. JpqZ/N ■ ■ ' IV foei-,Ui2^ ^ I---- -WS r

[NICly . I'‘c h r u a r y 12 . 2 0 0 -

blowsar- j I '

iXCDt M-tW’!, K S S S

0 q g a g

lg "nor •

.‘ Of:on-more.

O S m M

onsfor _ __

K B . " - - ------------I 'P - P E F

Ira(|'s ' —ber of Congress at

of d idn 't even fill out jired the G uard from M; ivar? October 1973, A ttt ngly records fo r h is uni ic in . dence of h is being id the personnel chie

K enneth Lott, told »ry. never saw th c mar>e it______the man.”________IS If these allcgaiioc then how could Bu■ 'vill good conscience, oi an ’t Navy c arrie r in a fl a t he w ere a com bat i

tha t sm ack o f hypo : as fjo w onder NBC’n in asked Bush about t

controversy, whidi 3f his erode his p e rso n a ;

shooting command :hick- Surprisingly, Bush 1

say in response. “Tl irted no evidence, but 1 1 Jed erwise I w ouldn’t It volve- or^bly discharged,” e volunteering anyth

One w ould assur gainst W hite H ouse couk into ed up testim onials joliti- G uardsm en on thc

Bush could have m em- the ir n am es to Ru<

stfoodferaius- j

D a v i d L ,

iOCCU- I----------------------------than \ve have corru]

<able: supply, and forces h vor- qre n eeded to fix it. 3d Not so fast. We m

il ourselves, y • And it m ay be cnidopt- because litigation a ■e arc polari2dng and cI loiv- opdons. The food in

d ined to b e sued or xt. A governed, and is pn 1 told ■ resist. Many individ 2nt resent tlie notion tli jd in m ent will take mort y epi- their personal dioicts u b -__ l)c hearing from thcom , CivU L iberties Unic

Americans h aw an m ere rigju to ea t trans fai for dioosc.1 for Personally. I thin).

a te for th e govemm >fTi action. I h ave been • ’ the Food a n d Drug,

in recent m ontlis or i* initiativcjs th a t migl'i*^er (ate w ig h t control.

.ETIER —ords;— —confiscated-and-sol

On Feb. 4 , 1 was i ispec- very re liab le sourcio f - __ _ Twin Falls Juvenile; you C enter ^vas only us Vliy beds. N ot th e p icni ay as- Bill Brockman, luc- . Also, how could j aduct believe th a t if beer e- prices h ave increas iglii in 33 years th a t ta.\ : Five p ercen t to 6 p<be tax is c erta in ly an i

IU Mallard Fiiir

1 E S a■J


1 0 4 ________________

s chanll>;/>m«C£> fVa?fcC*33aftNii.r , * r-1-,a g e — “


E S i r - m i '7 - - m i N & , - w j

; at th c tim e - h e of cour□ut his servicc in can corMay 1972 to But v

attendance tha t hi;init show no evi- provesing there. Indeed , ly?hief, one - Thc fold Newsivcek: “I m any “lan , I never m et a matt<____________________ venleniilions are true, 'Ilia t is,Bush show up, in fa th er -;, on th e deck of a helpeda flight suit as if Guard, at ace? Doesn’t . helpedprpocrisy? 'The sIC’s 'Him Russert tha t Bui t this growing of h is Cd l th reatens to th a t’s tlra as a straight- of Opeiinder-in-chief. regardsh had h ttle to th e “ou“Tliere m ay b e d iarge)[ I d id report; oth- (five ye't have b een hon- Guard).:d,” hc said, not Bycoything fu r th e r no outpsume th a t tlie arsenaluld have round- tion forals from fellow are onl;:hc topic, so th a t------- finding; m entioned sources^u-ssert. U nless, Guard,

adisn’ttfavor ba

T f^ A 'T V from sd

-------------------------1 problenT upicdourfood -------- resitles-:s larger than we Manycit. low-carlt miglit, in fact, fix with sot

spondeicrudal to do so, dcvorioi n and le^sla tion epiphar ,d contentious Lo\v-carI industry is disin- loss go I I o r excessively 'They ha prepared to . gone, wviduals, too, mindedI d iat the govern- condua lore control over and life! loices. We m ay yet smgle-n the American W h ^n i o n ' t l i a t .......... -d ie ta ryan inalienable us more fat if they so Snackw

O fco u rlink it is appropri- ' weiglit.nm<%ntmfnlr» SamC,^L-n working ,>viUi facturetLig Administration ries in li: on food labeling fa t packlight help facili- tim e be:rol. I strongly and kee

sold.------- ------------- th e taxIS inform ed by a re ta il v:ircc th a t t h e . Maybliic D eten tion . iusing 15 of 22 spend v

cnire p a in ted by M aybe i on t h e /

Id anyone ing woucer an d w ine sta rt bucased five tim es of goodtaxes have not? certain} percent sales County,m increase an d dollar


- t o I l l s

/* A— yfsoyi©' At«?t-K O S

A e o u r

_______ .Opiiiioii li/Hlon

ice for


ourse, there aren’t any who corroborate h is story, ut what about th e assertion : his honorable d isdiarge /es tha t he served complete-

ic first response is that ly “honorables” a rc issued as a lte r of adm inistrative con­ic ncc ;^ r j5 o lit ic a ^ lo u r^ ^ t is, the sam e powerful e r - George H.W. Bush - who >ed young Bush g et into thc rd, safply, m ight well have led him get out, smoothly.1C second response is to note Bush's argum ent in defense

is Guard d u ^ u ses logic ’s the opposite o f h is defense iperation Iraqi FWiedom. In ird to th e G uard, Bush says “output” (his honorable dis- •ge) vouches for th e “ input”• years’ s teady scrvicc in the rd).I contrast, on Iraq, therc are u tputs (findings of WMD nals) to point to as justifica- for thc w ar Instead, there

only inputs (intelligence ingrfronrth trG IA -and-odier t:es). So w hereas on thc rd . Bush w ants to,focus on .

theonly-r banning soda and junk food I'much of thc soludon to the ilem of epidemic obesity Ic iaInadyin.our.o\viLhands,_ any of you’may be tlevoiees of :arb dieting and may share some of my harslier corre-

idents an almost religious ition to this seeming hany. But epiphany it is not. -carbohydrate diets for weight go back more than 100 years,! have come before - and ;, widi good reason. A single- led focus on carbs is no more ludve to lasting good health lifdong weiglit control dian a le-minded focus on d ietaiy fat. h^n we fooised solely on ity fat,'the food Industry ga\-e lore calories in the form of Jewell cookies and thc like. □urse,we kept gaining Jit. We are now inviting those 2, «gw -to-pleasc ft)od manu- irers to serve up excess calo- in low-carb ra ther than low- ackages. I t is just a 'm attcr of before wc can cut our carbs

keep thc calorics, too. So

ax is p aid on the current-------1 value.aybe we n eed to look closer )w m udi and on w hat we ,d w hat ^vc already have, be thc S5,000 down payment ic Anderson Lum ber build- vould n o t only b e a good but a much n eeded display

>od faith. I have heard of a lin sheriff in M aricopa Ity, Ariz., who can s tre td i a ir w ith fan tastic results.

IS iMis f&p IA l

> K iseP lM s-, ' ^

U S H Q U E S I ib r te m - S T U F F I . m t t K H 3 W ,

T h e 'I ' i m c . s

r clarii

i s i i 1 ^ *7

o u tp u ts a s a way of pro\ input.s, on Iraq , Bush sui th a t th c inpu ts m ust prt th c o u tpu ts a rc th ere so w here - even if th e Unii S ta te s h asn ’t found ther O bservers m igh t th ink c

s G roud io M arx’s line: “V you going to believe - a

____ you r own two eyes?”In terestingly, un3er p

D Bush has acceded to an gation of the intclligcnc th a t w ent in to th e Iraq t sion. yVlthougJi, of coursi

2 h a s his way, th c finding: ! b e available u n til four n

a f te r th e N ovem ber elcc e th e m eantim e, h c insist;

o u tp u t - thc w ar - was a idea. A s for th e Guard, I h is story, and h e ’s stickii

In h e r J ou rna l piece, I adv ised Bush to do more es, few er interview s. Tli; advice, b ecausc un til he persuasive answ ers to ol q uestions, h e’s b e lte r of w ar-them ed p e p talks lo ing , unquestion ing audl<

James PinA-erto;i isaNi columnist.

alternatilong, w eight loss.

E ating well m atters. Pc control and calories m att

■ should indeed cu t sugar i____ refined ca rbohydra tes ,^f also should e a t niorc corr

bohydrates from whole g len tils and beans. We sho cu t saturated a nd trans fi few er processed foods, le m ore fruits and vegetabli

t Why n ot redirect consi: power toward d ietary qu; toward lifelong healtli an control? P re v ^ in g eauni in th e U nited S tates hav< d iild ren on a trajectory t sho rie r life expectancy tl 'The food industiy m ay rc e m m en t regulators, bu£l

: - - fool d ia t gets bet^reen a 1 paren t a n d th e >vclfarc ol

Should wc tru ly carc tc footl supply, a ll we need i dem and better.

David Kac: is assodaic i professor of pubUc health c cine at Yale Univcrsi^i; Sc/i Malidne and author of "1 to Eat."

----------AIso,'Why-is-it-that-ev<in th e “sen tencing ’.’ sect: th e paper, w hich most ci

. , ..d ru g re la ted , a ll o f d ie s is suspended? l l i e p robl

t n u t m oney b u t lack o f ac b ility by th e crim inals, li backbone by th c c o u rts: m ost o f all, lack of discit th c h om e and sd iools wl of th is s ta rts.


By B ru c e Ti

M lG H T V g I / r \ W y ^ ' ; g 5 %

A ^ iA t A A P P M e R

^ / r o F s e i - T m r ,

j J o g '

i c s - N cvys


^ :t e s b d -' - -

T H E . ■

proving the 1 suggests : prove tha t e some- 'Unitedthem yet. !n k o f;: “Wlio arc - m e or

ur pressure,I an investi; jcncc Inputs •aq w ar doci- mrse, if h e ' lings won’t u r m onths election. In sists Uiat th e fas a good ' rd, he has icking to i tr ce, Noonan' nore speedi- .Tliat’s good ,l he can give | :o obvious r off giving cs to ador-"' ludlenccs/.*'

a Newsday.

tives. P o r tio n ,• natter. We,., gar and:s,_^ tw e . ; ____complex tiar- lie g ra in s ,. r should also | n s fa t ,e a t. 's, less m eat, ; tables. Ionsumer .' quality, - h and weiglit 3Ung habits have oiu- )ry tmvardu cy than ours- ly resist gov- 3u£l pity th e n a loving?' ^ rc of a d iild. rc to fb c th e :ed d o ls .

ate clinicoi.Ith and m ^i- I Sdiool of ■. j f 'n c w o i f

:-every w eek--------scction of ; st cases arc- lie sen tence roblem is ]f accounla-;Is, lack o f i irts and, ; ~ isciplinc in ■,s w here all^

! I

3 T insley :

e T t e r l e s ; ® 5 n . . ■

i F e e u ■ t o ^ ~ . I

: g 6-t : s r w y - . " ' : w Y :

’ p - i

EdwardsJ ohn Mitclicll's famoiLs

“W atdi wliat we do. n we Kiy,” applies rioiiv’ t Edwards. The senaldr

_ 'N’orth Carolina probably h "-paigned his way onto th e

Democratic lickct, and the ; ■ t» n is how hard ho will fig

gajn tlio No. 1 spot, which bc^Im ost in tlie grasp of J Keny., By w inning SoutJi Caroli

; ing dose in Oklalioma anti ' ing second to K eny in low I Virginia and Tennessee, E<

------- I'h ardem onstrated an appc; dally in his home region, t. ' s trongcrihananyooeelse ! 'field b ut Kerry.; One can argue tha t th e I : following of Sen. Bob Grah

_ ; Florida m ight put that pot' ' 'swing s ta te into the Demo< 1 column comc November. B ! Graham bowed out early ii

Democratic presidential ra W hen I went down to N

- Carolina last year to do an i profile of Edwards, w hat I : among his friends and felli ; Tarheels was a d ee p ^ a te c ; d ia t tliis was a man who cc ' his way into any goal he se

------- r h im s e lf . '------- -----------; taw j-ers spoke of d ie ini : of his p ttparadon for the c

— l a C in which he m ad ea fo n • a plaintiffs’ attomey, suing

____ !_tors, insurers_and_corr«rati; They recounted how other ; ters ^vould fill tlie courtroo

w^tch Edwards’ dosing arg to th e jury.

Vetenui Democrats sudi m er Gov. Jim Hunt recount s a ^ of Edwards’ improbab paign for the Senate in 199 campaign that saw him cvc from an awbvard novice, d

S u p e r B ow l h a lf tlm e s l

S h a m a l s o v io la te d th e.The half-time Super Bov

“en terta inm ent” was offer njore ways than one.„ *1 was saddened by tlie ei

" ta in te r-^ rfo m ie r who was draped in a n American fla designed poncho. I perceiv

disrespect for ou r flag a . an abuse o f ou r freedom ol

Speech and expression. -VDOROTIIV CAVENER

■ • 'P au l '

A re a p o l ic e c a r s a r e a!

r u n n in g t h e s to p s ig n sI thought the recent artii

turing Sheriff Jim Weaver Jerom e County concerning pie r u n i ^ g stop s i^ is was ^ ^ g as there have b een i

..........acd d en ts in th e last fcyears causcd by this proble

I was rem inded of this oi Sunday, Feb. 8, while sittinj living room in K imberly an watching a Kimberly polic« n m th e stop sign in front o

_____house n ot once, b u t tw ice i■ ■ hour. Apparently some law

enforcem ent agendes don’ th is problem as seriously a Sheriff Weaver.•• Hopefully, diis m essage

strike home, as it could bc my family involved in an a( a t this comer.• BRYANT EASTON -K im berly

H av e c h ild s a f e ty s e a t<

in s p e c t e d by te c h n lc la iJ - . : F e b .> i4 J s C M d Passcni

------ Safety Awareness W eek, anal observance that rakes pli around Valentine^ Day to r us all about tho ones we Io\ most - ou r childron. Sadly c year, m otor vehide-related alt! th(rNo.-l killer o f diildj

Children cannot take car them selves in vehides. Nor they have th e dioice of whi to go in a particular vehide not. They depend on adults

3 d

“Cdiss uj> 1- - ----------------------------a t


UON-fni tO:

Is must plaOILS advice,' ' ^0. not what nv-to Johntor from j g Blyha-vcam-

th e qucs-.I figlit to ich seems toof John ■

mg a stxunbhn m lina,com . U ic slep so fth onillinKli. quarters, CO a! Imra; capable of ™ r1, Ed^vards Afncan-/ppcal.-espe------- tobacco fannen, d iat is . in that race to Im in the Republican in

Edwards a© he personal self a strong fi Iraham in presidcnual cc p o te n t i i end of tJiemocratic----------helped by an trr.But a lin T h e D e sIly in the Nc'v Hampshi a racc. later states, ex0 Nordi share of d ian early * higher than hi

It I found Virginia on Till fellow among those vIted belief decision undi ]0 could talk Edwards came J set for - age points of r------ ^ ------------Thissuggestintensity time to cam pa

le dvil tri- counoy. Etlwai fortune as m agnet form a ing doc- Ali th is enJurations._______ Edwards’ appele rb a n is . n ^ g m a l c ' l room to M assachusete aigum ents yoaish tsscm o

steadfasdy msi ad i as for. diought is wini lun teddie - a posture tha bable cam- anjtine w h o w 1998 a senouslybyth.evolve ingprim aries.Q,deUvcr- n icopcrativ

----------------------- L E ]

1 s h o w sure the;

t h e f la gBowl p a r e n t - o r anjffcnsive in ports children,

things you can c enter- kids in your ca ivas • H ave yourflag- inspected by a

:eive d iis senger safety s ig and as . There a re seve n o f child safety se:

throughout the R indud ing tlic I

TWin F a ll; PoU< and th e Safe K

i a l s o Falls. Call andfnc

• Don’t u s e r ir t id c fe a - TWs is a safety /e r of to p rotect youriin g p e < ^ - - a u sh .U s in g a i vas mter* tlie sam e as re< in quite a down d o d ie s a t fcw don’t know if d)blem. been used by ss o n w as in a v e h id i;ong m my scat is o n recal 'm d facturer.Theb:tlice car purchased a t a It o f my garage sale o r i :e m o n e friend’s friend

price of your d on t ta k e • Idaho’s chil y “ tion laws a re ra

.„ d ie 50 sta tes. S ge^viU every s ta te legibe m e o r concerned aboi n a cd d en t port occupant i

tha t leave no d nerable to the«

' of m otor vehid rely on w h atJd

3 t S • protect your chj ia n I ,> cngcr^ V ^ I I E P I , an annu- > Iplace

to rem ind ' ■ — ■: love the ily cach ed deathslildren. 3 2 0 M acare of!^or do T w I lwheUierid e o r • • 7 3 4lits to


' m r . o u t m i s

' M s n S e s

teys orF r i . - S a L - M o n .

J y o u r ■ w a r d r o b e . .

2 n c f - s a v e m m e y ,

^ b l e C r e eC • I. • O • T ■ »-l • I ■ C


ay his card1 ‘ va

D a v id s . Tart

B r o d e r Scam

- ins: fron t o a

)hng announcem ent on B, ■ the Democradc head- I a skillful campaigner firm ing votes from swirn.Am oricam and white " „ hmers. He d o sed strong-------to defeat a its g

[incumbent. tiv-c,again has shown him- ' onii ? finisher'ih tiiK year’s tivo 1 contests. H e soared a t i Jic Iowa caucuses, thin;in endorsem ent editori....... - •- j jJS Moines Register. In tiro shire and m ost of the togi , exit polls showed that how d ie la ten leddcrs was he v

1 his overall s tanding In isn> Tliesday, for example, g^ i e who delayed dieir upsc dl prinjaiy day, lo s t: m e within 6 percent- Rca, )f m atching Keny. nian;ests that-given en o u g h ----- asKipaign duDughout thewards m ight become a a las many m ore voters- fordihances th e 50-year-old his c ipeal as a p o tcndal ’ cye{te'for d ie--------------------------^onvtts senator, who is 10 ^vas i nior. But Edwards H,insists th a t h is only jo/inning th e presidency diat is dem anded from he n: > wants to b c taken tory.the voters in upcom- _1

. Dcm v e q u e so o n -th e t/icV

i ' n E R S - ^ =

hey arc s a fe \vhen out v Pa

n t, caregiver, grand- rese:anyone w ho trans- soil ien, there a re m any childa n do to h e lp protect and 1car. c a r s

lurchUd’s safety seat makiy a certified child pas- a r e sy seat ted m id an . they*nreral p erm anen t Wseat check sites l^vth e M a^ c Valley, (Ei ic Buhl, G ooding andtilice D epartm ents, Kids2 Kids office in TVvin---------Regio id m ake a n appoint- -------

;e recyded c a r seats, ety device designed }ur child in a car ; a used c a r seat is not receiving hand-me- s a n d b lankets. You if the c a r sea t has y som eone e lse who id e crash o r if the call from th e manu- : bargain c a r seat you t a second-hand store, or received from a id is not \vonh the r ch ild l safety, iiild o ccupant protcc- : ranked d ead last ih i. Safe K ids calls upon cgislator a n d anyone bout children to sup- I t p rotecdon laws } child p assenger vul- ie devastating effects lid e o a sh c s . Don’t Jd a h b law says to child iri y ou r car, find

Subsidiary ofrca & A ttoe laU s, CPAs

l a i n A v e . N .

/ i n F a l l s

1 4 - 8 4 1 5

X H E E S . , , 1

m & e lilly9e ...

/ r t o a ' ”

, . Fit

e b ■ - ■^ ' ovalu.

:;n . auo y

— -------------

dscarefull;^vatdl what we do, not w hat wi a y ” test - is how Edwards deal tvidi Kerry in W isconsin dils wc pardcularly in th e ir Sunday evening television d ebate in Milwaukee. P oliddans outside I am paign are alm ost unanimou Jl saying diat Edivards has to c( :ront Reny on his record if he i :o catdi him. •

But when I intervie^Mjd Edwards in ^ u t h Carolina, he ihowed no inclination to comc i winging. In early Januaiy, he s; ‘when it looked like nothing w: .rarki^g.^vhc^I'was^n■singlc•di ts eveiywhere a nd n o t comped ivc, diere was enorm ous pressu >n m e to change, to bo more ne, ivo and more attack-oriented. I : believed I was do ing d ie riglit hing. and stayed w ith what I ar “That is aji honorable imd a ltr

ITO resolve. But it leaves Edwai0 grapple with th e question of low many sccond-place finishe: le wants to endure. Tlie situatic s reminiscent of w h a t d ie first Jeorge Bush faced in 1980. He ipsct Ronald R eagan in Iowa, b ost in New Ham pshire and saw leag w gradually take a com- nanding lead in delegates - jus is K eny is doing no^v. WJjcn Bu ran Midiigan, h e w anted to waj1 last-ditdi fight against Reagar or the nomination. B ut Jim Bak lis campaign m anager, with an ye on a possible No. 2 spot, fin; onvinced a re luctan t candidate Viis time to concede.

The rest, as they say, is history John Edwards w ill not be easi

lersuaded to se ttle for No. 2. Bu 1C might want lo ta k e note of hioty- _________________

David Bmdcr is a columnist for he Wasiiiijgion ftjst.'

u t what is safest fo r your child Parents love th e ir diild ren . bl

2seardi shmvs ih a t m any parer dll incorrecdy b elieve that all [lildren are safe in a scat belt nd have outgrown th e need foi or seat or booster seat. Please lake the time to b c sure our ki re safely restra ined ^vhe^ever ley’re riding.KYIA KELLY IWin FaUs(Editor note: Kyja Kelly is the

inxtor of the Magic Valley Safe '.ids Coalition ac Masic Valles cgional Mcdical Center.)

S e n :


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mes.m b hS T E n i s c m SS E R V I C E K 3rem anufactured einj It calipersd isc p a d s Vc

c to r s 2S rel b e a r in g s chdm, ^ ehnJ* Jf«als (except FWDl pndj s t en tire sy stem ® T E D R U MS E R V I C E ie"c

, , d n nrake s h o e s mo<ru m sdow n brnilOS. .. . ^orli lc y lin d e rs i p r c g brake |ast en tire sy stem i oh o


r a

m M 0 / a a a ^ e

M ajor B ra n ii ValuniE Sa¥ings Sehwab Warranty.tfy a u n B E iliWMIb th a y la i

t T IR E S ^

n O n lo t RlOe A m t\ c o m e s w n n T ha\N o £ x tr a C tta r tje j

JV TIRES ^% 3 5 i :

I'lllKE j

f a l f a a t a r B t t ' iX 5,nn r/aB anil Is , J

I o a y s e e m o n y o u r v o h i e l l o r c i m p o r t n n e e h t o n y o t r n k o B y a e o m . P r o p e r s o t e l u d Q B o t t e n t l o n C o c h o M T t R E S Y S T E I V I . r o c j u l r

r n i n o d , q u n l i f i a d e e e h n i e V q u s e a , y o u r b r n k o a y a

n i y n s r o l l n b i c n u e H o o m p o n o n c a l e c o n s i a e a i i - i e r o ' a n i o t : m o r e c o b r n k i ^ n n j u s e s h o a H o r p n d s . : ■« e n n y C o a n o w h o n a h o n d o n r o r o n d y f o r r o p l n e t u e w h n t t ^ b o u e c h o r o a c i y a e o m ? H y d r n u l i e o m p o n o n e a , a p r l n s a , d r i 3 l : o r a , u w o n t h o b r n k o f l u a o l f , n r o n u b l n c e c o C h o n m n g l n g o f f n e c n o f h o n t l O i a C u r n , w h i c h o c c u r d c o r m n i d r i v i n q - S o w h n n y o u r v o h i c i o n u r * n k o a , y o u c < i n r o l y o n u h . o o a n 'C m n k o a o n H O C o a r t r i o o a t h n n C O I V I P I - E T E R O F E S S I O N A U B R A K I V S T E t V I S E P V I C E . A c 3 0 S c h w n b , w o w o n C t n J ■ ) o r t c u t a w i t h y o u r a n f o

W Parts B labor Wai(N an<Com m ercial A pplica


If Simi nesB P ram d0SEasBa Hail gs/allbaekBiinn ' m Y ’B E G l ' tires, aun’i i s t J t ’s a T B l

P I U S | b = " I I r

^ ^ : s i• e c o H o m c A L \


J coHSTnucnoH

^F R E E BEEF i. lesturlng sn anrusslte c ; Belleil econom ranlat an

a smooin rider

P i U S [ F l R

A l

. • Q U I E T H m \ s ^

• s m m B ^


. r e e b e e f Bm m r e r r m s i m s Hs i f B t i s r s i m m m i i B is m r n m m c i e w i s

G B We 1

l i c lo i a^ o u rs o r v i c o .

u l r l n gM H i

i l e ln n n .> y a c o m la

Ba n n d ■nkoaa . S u r o . I HH o o a o r ■i c u m o n e , « J T r T T [ « W s e o f e h o

d r u m a S f lu id

>nt & d u r i n n

n i? iidHL iH .le juue L H V O / ya n c c in ~TBG.

‘KEe n k o

. 4FreeltarraatyIca tio n s '^ ^ ^ N O T S i

W K M akmm Oualitjf Uals at Huge writing liy tliE les OING FAST! ’t miss thism m m s i« E E B E


r rfes/fffl tor excellent tractlo. irotlaes year-rouna pertorn

» E E B E



m M n K i m i B i , c m mm m i t m i r l t e a l H i lI s l l n l s a s t B a l e l i t l c B h

We Bo tt R a a It Comfi

B l

Inspections vjN O C A S H VALUE



IUs\ llt I I

•S 'K 'lS ;

[_______________s ileal!\ pj|mUE! M

m702] 1


H i * «■tion. IMS steel I ii r m n c e with ^

= , fiOI F q i

A ! / ^ ► i rl A l S X T

m n a i i r t i e , I g U J n e k a r '■ m rm . I W M

Biant, Th plete!



: fn< m

I I T ___

fgslTTT— ' I m i

I H UI 'X ' ” 'II Ran

V ■ ■ Sen



iN e tliiiip itiii

gjfT ifes^


P € iB !F O JI|{

OjRi E jm iS ]q i j C A R S a X RI N C R E A S E D

l O O a ’B o f b l e l n g i g r i p o n l o e CS s n a d r a s t i c a l l y r e d u o i e n h a n o o d w b « a u

■ M P F i a V E D EM o r e t r s c C l o n m o n w e t , d r y , e r l e

I N C R E A S E DS l p a d t i r e s r u n d I n m a s t a p p l l o a t l

A iM a S T A 'M Y l

i’A 'H lO M Q F H a M P I

W les Siw mU[[wmrmEiirtfi [fp Tn SZUL laabiB SBrvicBSn e c noio n u mt f t t ■ HOU


MFllllS-MigC A S H C RIT'S EASY TO F ? 8 i


SZEtial began over 40 yei w as a way lo supparl irinwesl farm ers an i tncliers. Is new an An anillan - All aver les in wan Country, Fetirui sans fR l l BUf.- see stare lor nelalli

KYQI^ b ^ I i^ I b s


f i T R i l f J Ki lU C K S 3 T R A C T I O NI e d g e a p r o v i d e e x t p l e w . " S q e a g e e '* a e t i i c a a h y d r o p l a n i n g , f o u r f a e a p a t ^ o r m a n e e

B R A K I N GT i e a i i a b e t t e r b r a k i n l e y s u r f a c e s

1 T I R E L I F Eb o o l e r & l e a t l o n g e r

t l o n a

l l H E i S E R I i a T S )

P E H F D B i W M C e S i p i f


m m

1 • m m m ■ n n m'AIIOKS ■ MU CHICKS

)RES TO SERVE YO. CAUFORNIA, NEVADA, ond MOKTA»h:M.*,|giVZg;Htl:|ll:lH'n.W.g!

^lTKTc h t II# s ^ 'I j ^

years HHHA n n u a l H

r u a r y H

|| £

( t r a s t i e n ' f o r -

l e e

' ^ 1


- ► Coming• Fifty years ago, (

; scored 100 point;

I T l i c _ T i m c s - N c w s

M o r n i n g l i

- S portsQuote-

— ij:-----It’s bcttcr-that4 ; having things iz thrown at you

I ..........^z l -VS.SoarrFffktjC prrsidaiiBoliCorUi^• Z eiftrrMcdcansocm> • cium!ed''OSi>• Osanui!" in r erv.

___ a t-Q (iai(i la u ierO i

C- (Tin Ijuht afkrMj: elimmakxitheAnie.

' team fwm 01; V coiitaifion Tm

; ;Today’s schedul ; iiHIgh sc iioo l g ir ls b a sk i; •; SA Region Fom^Fiv'c^ix ; ; ; Highland a t TWin Fall « second-place

. {;• 3A Sawtooth Conference ; a t Wood Rhiir H igh Schc

___: tl Dedo_vi.GoodiD«.-7_pj; ';ond-pIace• ; ; Canyon C onference c \ ;!onship; •! Glenns Feny a t Valley, 7: -iHIgh sch o o l b o y s b a s k

• N o rth s id e C o n i• /Ibunuunent I ; ' seestory: ^ RegularSeason ; •; C a^cford a t Oakley, 6 p. ; ; ; Wood Hirer a t K im ber v /p.ra.; Buhl a t Dedo, 6 p.m.

Hagennan a t M urtaugh, L i^ th o u se C hris tian a

•I*;River,6p,m,Filer a t Gooding, 6 p jn .

i ^H Igh sc h o o l w r e s t l in g; J; W a ide linW leya tE ler,6


i iiGoodIng man ca - i iiflrst hole In one

: ■* G OODING-TedPierson \ >:his first carccr hole in one ;. ;;6-iron on the 172-yard Hole • .:« t Sky Mountain G olf Coi• •^Vashington.Utah.: Witnesses were Tbm Fai : -3Cent Siefcrt and G ooding i : jflVoyVitek.

: liJerome kld3 wrestll : iicamp set for Marc^; 1; JEROME - The Jerom t

— : ;.SAool wrestling team w ill v ; i a m p in March for child ; ;!grade k indergarten tl' ; ;sixth. Sign-ups an d practi : :;the wrestlers up to grad ; :;Monday, March 1 a t 3 :30 p.• ••older Wds sign .up. an d . p: ’ starting 'n icsday .M archZ a

F or more in fo rm atio r . coach Des Case a t 324^13

-ilte lles a t 308-6474 o r Albei :;at 731-9635.

: ijAssoclatlon names i Academic champior| ; f BOISE - Vdloy H igh I |:» v a s named as the G a s s 2y• ;>bBSketball state academ ic I ;Ipions ^ the Idaho H igh I S ‘{Activities Assodation w ith ; -Igrade point average.; t;' A full Ust o fa ll th e aca ' champs follow:

M Bm 10. 3 U M

i;i:Boys and girls hoop i:>camp.’wlll be held

TWIN FALLS - ''M in i': ^ !M adness” basketball cam

held Monday n igh ts in i theTWin Falls H igh Scho<

j S ^ r boys and girls g rades 1-; Boys ploy from 5:45 to 6:4

• . J w h ile girls go.from 7-8 p, I jM a r c h l .S a n d IS.> : The camp's cost is S20 w .^Jjroceeds going to th e TWir ^ ^ g h girls basketball prc « h e event will be ru n Ixy 3 > ^ b a d coach Joe D. Shepai •*«3aching staff and players.

Registration form s a rc r—^ jS b le at-Donnelley S ports ir

V g y is . Parents can also r t ^ « ^ ^ t ^ t h e door from 5-5:3i

CompOad from f ts f l I

l g Friday0 , one NCAA player .

w s

^ No:By Eric Larsen

l a n — --------1 ^ 5 ^ ^

SHOSHONI Ig ^ conferenced f

gam es on T OU. team s wUl cor

tonight to fi( ' J championship

- ' ' —- ....... lA s ta te boysment.

Wimidia n o ™ ■he <. th a t no one

yrrrjans im portant gan'Osumi! Carey’s Pant

femur tor O sanu i____I__rAfraro ■\niaicau % OfyupicTuesday. •----

B r u m s ule the Ti^s k e tb a l l By John Doitgjjj Times-News wi

’ ^3'’ JEROM E - early lead , bui

' - r n T o i iTpoin ters in th(

; diam pl- J '™ ™, ence b a s k e ts

y,7p.m. nasium Thursisk e tb a lllonfcrem c Graham Si!

com bined for po in u .

“We have n igh t w hen we

berly, 4:15 happens it bri: team ," said S

, .,G p m. IV in FaUs I “ « R aft Jerom e d e d i

C onrad L ee i gam e.

I g M itch Sm it:r, 6 p jn . po in ters as th<- . — five, b u t th e

’’ m om entum , d________ Chance Cra

' D rew Vance c

cards '■ th e first penoc---------------- t e a m - h i ^ l l 'I

Todd C o o k . son scored convert a fast )ne w ith a Falls took ad \ [ole No. 12 turnovers for Coursc in one.

The B ruins c Faulkner, from th e outsi

ng CC pro p n d trey of the m atched h is bi to 10.

A stifling fu by th e Bruins

r c h offense an d mjm e High across half cou v iU holda - tu rn o v e rs , mo lildren in quarters.

through O n th e o f f e i acdce forrade 3 Is f ' i ' ” "'*

2a t3 :3 0 . “ “ “ 5 ‘“>' io n , call P 'T " * il3 7 ,Jo se

“ jtro m e rr in ^ 14 early in the answei;ed w ith

58 grew to 34 as

I o n sSchool th is was an in

s 2A boys team , nic cham- pi.;h Sdiool

Amei. ByStophonWII.

_ A ssoc la tod PtM

LONDON- 1 watching thc ba

A n e th e net.F irst came

I ■ Sou ham ptonM anchesterU n

d e red a thre< in March Everton before ihoolgym-.- _ H v e -g o a k ^ , cVc „ q u a rte r of the s< 6.45 p.m. Howard, who ha

I p,m. on P rem ier Lcagu

J ^ t h ^ ^ t ^ d l o s t R o f th e w o rld \! t(

prognun. sxispendedjy B n u m a fte r missing a ( parcJ, his ju st a n

Howard said d t ^ w ith The Assos m ^ - - t o o k us a while £

register gelw ithR io .N o 5:30 p jn . a l i t t I e b i t ,to o -

too long.” tafl r»pofti “n io 24-yeor:


INE - Fresh off th e ■ i final regular.season

T\iesday, N orthside ' converge on Shoshone :fight- fo r-th e league

lip and a place in the sys basketball toum a-— "'6'3'

No.:season overtim e guj

nd upsecs w ere th c ic conference, showing le is a lock in these ^{amcs. "" withanthers e n te r the tour- , ^

F. tei s l f i w f p a s r ^ l ig e r s , 7 3 - 5 0r Iwriter__________________ • [

; - Jerom e grabbed th e Ibut then it s ta r ted ra in ing I:own for the Bruins. IUs H igh, b eh in d six ^ I'th e fiH t'RafTdism antlea'^ I-50 in boy,s non-confer- Itball action a t T iger gym- Iarsday night. The victory IFalls a season siveep over I

S tan ley and M ike Sm ith . I o r five 3-pointers a n d 32 I

e been w aiting for th e Iwe w ere bo th on. W hen i t Ibrings good things fo r th e Id Stanley, who scored 16 - I

;s led by th ree early, b u t I d it w ith a 3-po in ter by e two m inutes in to th e •

ciith and S tanley h i t 3* th e Bruins jum ped u p by ’ | h e Tigers rega ined th e ^, d ia rgm g to th e lead .'ra ig h it a 3 -pointer and 3 connected on th c long Jerom e led 1543 la te in iod . Craig finished w ith a. 1-points:------------------------------ik cam e off th e bench to ist b reak lay-up and TWin advantage of & ree T iger * o r th e 19-15 lead a fte r

IS continued to shoot well tside. S tan ley h it h is see­the gam e and M ike Sm ith : b ro ther as th e lead grew

fuU-court trapp ing p ress ns took Jerom e o u t o f its I m ade it d ifficult to get :ourt.TSvin Falls forced 20 most in the first th ree

Tensive end, M ike Sm ith ’ w ent back to back from arc for th e 34*19 Bruin

iv they would com e out _ la rd . W c 'ju s t n e e d to ' game and we w ere going t the end," M ike Sm ith

im m ed thc B ruins le ad to th e third, b u t th e B niins ith on 11-0 run. T he lead as th e reserves took the fourth.s coach M att H a rr said im portan t gam e fo r his

Please see BRUINS. Pago B2

irican goattl/llson j-------re ts wrttar . ______

- Tim Howard keeps ball whiz by him into

1C a 3-2 w in overn in w hich ^ D jUnited yvasted a two-len th c Reels squan* H | |Hree-goal lead overire winning.4-3." in two games - a e season total against has 10 shutouts in 24

iguc games. W hat’s

t Rio Ferdinand, one s top defenders, who ed for eight months ;adrugtC 3L- MandiI m atte r of gelling,” during an interview

ssoda ted Press. " I t le a t the beginning ro— Bruns' Now it’s going to take • M ond o-b iit,hopefuU y,not d ea l 1

Leaguiloraold from N orth inunc(

Si3T h u r s d a y ,

le boysB o y s N o r th s id e

C o n la te n b e -T o u rn a m e n ta t S h o ih o n s High School

Thurtday'k gamasNo, 1 seed Carey, byeNo. 5 Oletricri vs. No. 4 CamasCounty. 5 p.m.

No. 3 Shoshone vs. No. 6 Rictifield 6:30 p.m.

No. 2 Community School vs. No, 7 BHss. 8 p.m.

ament as th e d e a r< u t favori nth a 12-0 conference record,

overall. C oach Dick Simps



Twin Falls High school dofendt Jsromo High School guard Cha

(keeper pla

_____ ______ • " ’. a

m chatter U nltad goalkeapar 1 im If agaln it Ju v e n tu s during th e Ch unday, July .3 1 , In E ast Ruthaiforiinswidc,------- N;J.i------- joinciinchester U n ite d in a four-yea al last su m m e r from M ajo ague-Soccer^ M ctroStais. H m ediately re p la c e d France'

DKYFctiruary 12, 2004

5 touriimay only su it up si> game, but they arc

n t------- ^players-----------—“It seems like thi

good n i ^ t s every Community School

• Wade said.Senior Ty Simmo

I ented scoring leade’--------Pantlier attack, whil

y Tadd Green and TV vide added punch.

‘‘We’rc going to-------' tough defense and ,irites fouls down,” Cook s; J. 17- The Panthers ha' ipsori track to the diam pi



H i

__ _________- IIder Luc Martin, 44, reaches for hance Craig, 13, watches during

ays at topi

im Howard directs hli team durii Champions World Sarles friendly rord, NJ.le d — Fabien Barthez as the e a r laid d a im to being a ijor cessor to form er U: H e Peter Schmcichel.*:e ’s Please see QOAIXEE

4 ,

tiamensix players each with a fii rc six very good ing th e___________________ County.vth e ir guys have ‘i t ’d h

;ry night,” The Simmon: 3ol coach Mike big targe

a good mons is the tal- team s bi id e r of a steady spccial tlhile sophom ores------- KetchiTyler Cook pro- C utthroc 1. chancesto have to play up se t c id just keep our C utthroa < said. test in ahave tho inside "I hopi npionship game, them ag

^ e rc

f ' ..........1 : ; %

1 3 —


For a rebound along with teamms ring their game In Jerome Wedne

level Bar canThe Assoc

BOULD . B arnett

| J ^ H p | | | | ^ Colorado ' . years ago,

d iscipline S n H b j U era of loc

and re tu r ' j A * promineni

Now thiI S M R p ^ of th e sch

decadus, i Am id a

round of i school p ra

tfiM. gang rape uilnslhB lIn t sity invest

w hen a s the s ta rte r and ~ hc reguloi J a worthy sue- perform ; U n ited great The m ost

w ere book tEEPEH. Page 04 a fte r th e r


_________S/>orts lu / i f o n J o e M c

it stariI first-round bj-e before play- h e w inner of the Cam as iy .v s J 5 ie tr id L g a m e _ _ _ l_ _ d be nice to w n district.” ons said. “But we’ve got a rg e t on us. We’ve always had )d program here, so wheni bea t Carey ifs kind of oII thing.”chum ’s-Community-School iroats may have th e bust e s of pulling u post-season

of th e Panthers. Tlie roats gave Carey its stiffest 1 a 72-69 overtime loss, lopc wc get a chance to play again,” Wade said. “ We’ve



nmate David Deleon while dnesday.

irnett the ( n’t avoid bisocioted Press__________ _

rLDER, Colo. - Vhen Gary :t was hired to coach d o ’s football team five Igo, he \vas em braced a s a inarian who would e n d an loose recruiting practices

tu rn tlie team to national ience,th e coadi is at the cen te r

school’s biggest scandal in IS, perhaps ever.J accusations that a boozy of rccniiting visits by h i ^ p raspects in 2001 ended in ipc, B arnett faces a univer* rcstigauon that was a ll b u t d by Colorado's governor, la test blow came this w cqk a striptease operator said J a r iy s c n d s lap^lanccrs to n for Colorado ath le tes, lost recent perform ances ooked two weeks ago - well 10 rape allegations b ccam e


I n s i d eLocal s p o n s ...............

7J5-3J39. (/hm:.'zJ


tstodaplayed .them close und it** an honor to play th e top

— —the-statci;______________TTie C utthroats aa -led b

of four seniors, John Jimmy Fairchild, Lite \ and D ylan McIIhentiy. whorp can p in together game on any given niglit.

------“/Ml o f-them can scorc iioutside,” W ade said. "Bee; have four guys tliai cai we’re a tough team t against,”

The C utthroats will p Bliss Bears in the first ruun

■ Please see NORTHSIDE,

RichjHe] heads t

I NampaW in o v e r Rc R i v e r c a t a p i

. T i g e r s to s taBy Eric LarsenTlmes-Nowa writer________

M URTA U G H -A ll gco<i must come to an end.

;\nd they did \ \ ’ednest Raft River, as t^\tt point* Brenda Darrington lay-up ’ the Lady TYojans could niu tho first half in tlieir Disnii state play-in game against tii Tigers of Richfield. Malta’: IVojans came out flat and c recover from I the 16-point l Ah a l f t i m e . n k t r I H defidt, faUing 43-24. N o r th /S

interne." said «-R aft R iver " “ '2 4 »

coach Jerem y ^- -G uallsr—"W e- -DieUiclul6.

weren’t in the OaWeyJl, game until the .second half Snoshond mentally.” 31

R i c h f i e l d /came out 'w ith an effective and a be tte r effort on the ofl boards to m ake up for .in eai

- -o f-accu ra tc • shoodng.-W iiLady Tiger perim eter player gled, senior post Michelle Si tallied 12 first-half poinis i strong post p lay

“M idielle had a fabuloi half,” said Richfield coucli

- -K en t-"S he-% vas-rcn lIy -«haid.”

Raft R iver came out in tii quarter and gained grou Richfield, ouL<:coring the Tigers 8-7 in th e quarter, thi large p a n to junior post 1 Darrir^on'S six poinis.

"Pm proud of the effort tl forth in the sccond half," said. "That sh m « that thej haw heart. TTiey pla>«d h. j-ear and they don't quit,"

W hile R a ft R iver in! strong show ing in th c 5 half, scoring 22 of th e ir 24 after the break , it wasn’i e to overcome the bole the Trojans dug them selvc:

Please see RICHHELO. F


T ^ public ai:

B arnett - V ised to

^ t|j down if K 's A f h ^ shown hi

I hadanytl

i!°/ behilrior'

d . ,B .m .t t

To top it off, a fonner atl offidal said B arnett seemed tant to crack down on e n t ing recruits becausc it coui an advantage to o ther sdiw

Barnett d all, tcllii Associated P re ss hc wi dearcd by th e investigatic disputes accu-sations in a f law suit'that th c Boulder c is a hostile p lace for womer

Thc coadi b lam es thc { Please see BARNErt.f

►P>. . . .B2

jccion B

ay'j it's ahvays - top team in

ed Ijy a core ■hn Hayes, c McCann, ny. any of ther a hig •Jit.ire inside or — Because »vi;

can score n to play

11 play tlie ■uundoftlie IIDE, Page B-J

eld-toaRaftp u ltsta le _____

jco<i .things

nesday for 3ints on a •up \v-as all ___ 1 muster in isnirt Foiu- i st tiie Lady' alta’s Lady nd couldn't


T ict IV

i/S o u th

lyo ffsay',tId 43, Raft 24 roser


mo 44, n 3 l

ctivc press e offensive learlvlack-W iile-the--------------avers strug- Je Sduuidi nts off her

luIoiLS fint oacli Steve y -w rk in g --------------

in tiie thini ground onthe I.iuly--------------

r. thanks in DSt Brenda

irt the>' put lU," Qualls these gills d hard ai!

m ade .i ic secoiul j r24])oinis i n’t eiiou^;li the l-aiiv I

■Ives imo'10. Page 02

ianJs '•c and just

after ett prom-

to step , if it was n his staff nything to n th

caHed w d -r 'y - - vior : bv e n i - a t h -

r adiletics mcd rcluc- cntertain- could give di'ools. id ling The

will be ’ation and 1 a federal cr campus ■men. . fic playersTT,Pakfl4

S t o r i i s

G a n i

in w iSALT L .\K E c r

Kt'viii ( ia rnm i scoret iitul pulled down 12 r liis l4ih straiglit dotib

_______ lf.n l tlic M innesota Tii jx n r

77-f)(i' n iiJu .

r A W nearly V \ 1 in the

. . I _ * ^ ter. fi. I k ^ 24 p

v H seven ■ Minne;

■ 1 ^ m■ I w ith I

V cals in at

November, has un NB/ doubl<Mloubles this sc just th e second tim

----------- F e b n ia n r - g a n r o n h a iscorc30 points.

M d re i Kirilenko lia nine rebounds and fi\ lead th e Jazz.

Nets 105, CavalieiCLEVELAND -

Frank now shares an N not bad for a k id w: even m ake h is liigh sd ball team.

Frank im proved to 9 ing o re r as New Jers< coach and th e N ets wo straight gam e Wedne lOS-85 ov e r th e Cavaliers.

---------------- F tankra'fresh-facedwho doesn’t look m ud; some ballboys, tied mark for th e best stan shared by K urt R a Angeles Lakers, 191 Buddy Je a n n e tte Bullets, 1947^8).

— K eny K ittles scored poinis in tlie second 1 Nets, who probably hat the All-Star b reak arri’


Iverson « o re d 25 poir........ Philadelphia 7Gers ga

coach C hris Ford a debut W ednesday ni{ 113-88. v ictory ( Washington Wizards.

n ie S t te r s fired Ran Monday ju st 52 gami first season a f te r takii Hall of Fam e coach Li

________ ,who_noi¥_coaches_tlPistons.

Juan Dixon scorcd and Jerry S tackhouse Washington, which ha straight.

Glenn R obinson Salmons scored 15, a Zendon H am ilton hac

-------------high-14-poim s- and-Kfor Philadelphia.

Heat 111, Magic 9ORLANDO, F la . •

Wade scored 27 poi________ Alston added a seas

a n d 'th e M iaim i'H eat five-game losing strc. 111-98 w in over th<

Richneld’s p r a Brooke Norman SSBEB

'looks for a b M B passing Ians around Raft ,

River’s Halllo Ramsey during * 1 1 ^ 4

W ednesday's t f j n District 4 lA H l f l

gitls p1ay-ln ^ H j l gam e In

Murtaugh.Norman and J i H

the Lady Tigers are

________ headed .to .the------------sta te toum a-'

ment after.......... beating the

Lady Trojans •43-24. ■

RichfieldContinued from B lbefore the h a l f . -------

Schmidt led all score points, while freshmai Cassie Wood tallied 11 t Lady IVojans scoring e River was led by Darrii point effort. W hile the y ■ftDjans must now look tc it is an exciting timie for his Lady "ngers.

‘T m vciy excited for Kent said. “It^ the first long time Richfield ha state, and w e ll prtibab youngest team a t state.”

R idtfield w ill see f action a t th e lA s ta te to Wednesday. Meanwhile, •

B-2 T l r t m ^ e w t . Twin Fall

i i e t t sh i

i n o v e rCITY (AP) - Magic on V

jred 17 poinis Uim ar i,2 relKJund.s fiir n ine rebo)iiblc doublc to Brian Gnir:i Tiiiibcrwolves ■ ■ Rasual Buit iluT U tairjaS w i iF I I)(» Wednc-silay Orlando,lit. ,. s tr^g lit,am Cassell, McGrady’srly ejected Lite rebounds.;he third quar- points, am

fiiiished_with off the hen points and

en assists for KIngS 9 6

S e j e c t c d

- - -I t ■ SF:■ J B ,v S in E « C'ssooson.Itw iis Soiakov


Ilers 85 SnS™.i«- Lawrence eigh t and

nNB<\Tecord- road. BradI who couldn’t and 15 rcb(I school basket- Richard 1

th e Pistons :o 9-0 sincc tak- S ta r brea!' ersey’s interim five-game I won their 10thIncsdny njelil, H o m efS J c Cleveland

:=d-33.y,!a™ld— uch oldor than

f a r t t a ' c SR am bis (L o s '

! (Baltimore

S Sh a ^ t o t h c ^ c

w ith 29 p.

.rds88 S t " ”; - Allen who were

Mints and tlie road gomegave interim ' ' head into tla successful two-game lc

night with aover the GrlZZlleS

L d , A , e . , o „

ise had 15 for J * h a d w o „ „ ,o « S c o a

L ^ a S ™ E S SM O - r e b o u n d s - j ; ! ? ! ! ; ! ™

left._ QO 3 ‘Iri^ foUowcd byI. - D^vyane M iller p u t t points, Rafer The Mem cason-high ^ owed a 24-; !at snapped a ' foim ance 1 ;treak m th a h ad to pick the Orlando Angeles.

Id -— = =■ River player

---------------- — reason for iorers witli 15 ' / abbut his dei man forward “Personal!II to help the having my g effort. Raft Qualls said.* urington^ 14- often in:e young Lady going to hai k to next year, gamecxperii for Kent and ly come out

dence.”for my riris.’’ tOeUkim tiiie in ahas been at 2 S 2 S 3 ,M ,i

bably be thec. ' - -wntTBiw /e first-round c tournament- Je, eveiy Raft

- : - ■

F a llt. Idaho n itirvSay. F eb n u fy 1 2 . :

l in e s

r J a z z ’i;

inV\’'ediiesdayii[nlil. ^r Odom had IH jioiiu.s. I :bounds and si.s assisis. 'rant added 1(> piiiius, and i-Butler tied his season hi^h •', ------ J,

do, which lost its seventh • ^:, was led . by Tracy kly’s 24 po in is and si.v i'Is. Jius'an Howard had 22 Ii and Drew Gooden camelench to a d d Hi. ''<•

96, Pistons 94 ‘JUN IIILI.S. Midi. - I’cja vic's ju n ip e r with 0,4 sec- ., ft lifted th e Sacramento |;0 a 96-94 win over the P istons on Wedriesday

12,<ovic connected from thei 'i l i e j f l e r j a d e Blvjic_____[ him .'I p a ss for his U th etroii's Bob Sum missed a foot shot a l the buzzer. J,

Bibby scored 2fi and [j .ric had 25 points for the1 Conference-leading ,vho have won seven ofnd five straight on t h e a i ad M iller a dded 18 poinis « ebounds. f 'rd Hamilton scored 27 for ins, who h ead into the All- eak with a season-high j ;e losuig streak. I

s 106, Knicks 98ORLEANS - Baron Davispoints a n d a career-hidi____'s W ednesday niglu, lead- y 'lew O rleans H ornets to a J ' ictory over th e New York

11 A rm strong scoa-d all lis poinis o n 3-pointers in « rth quarte r, and Jam al ] m scored W fo r New i which h ad lost’five o f its ' I

; six games. "Dn MarbtU7 lod New York

points a n d 10 assists. ^ •lardaway cam e off the ^ I score 19 for the Knicks, J ‘ re playing iheir second me in t^vo nights. They0 the A ll-Star break on a c losing skid.

s 110, Clippers 102’HIS, Tenn. - Pau Gasol in •oints and eigju rebounds t}] Jay night, sending th e j s Grizzlies to a 110-102 sii over th e Los Angeles----------------------------------------- g

ilayers scored in double 3r the surprising Grizzlies ,vho increased their fran- _ ord for w ins. Lhis led by double digits th e gam e, until a fourth- rally got th e Clippers as 100-95 w hen M au Bames Bj r of fre^th"ro\vs witir2r42 TIi

drive by Jason Williams, a 3-pointer from Mike Li

It the g am e out of readi, niem phis victory overshad- C« >4-point. 15-rebourid per- _ I \1 by b h o n iir;ind, ivlio ov ick up th e slack for Los G;

1;r - T T T - g - ^ JL


' j - f l So ' - S ' H ' I’"

------------------ I -------------------1^

Mr - '4 JM:-- •> i i ■“

~ ----------------. fei-------------------------- -------- — im

. ■ su;rtir will re turn next y e a r - asir Q ualls-to-be-excite<l ba developing program. lally Fm e.\cited alwutiy whole team back,” 'vid. “You can’t say tliat too mti^ schoo la th ledcs. We’re _have girls witli a lot of ferienct* tha t will hopeful- JL out witli a lot of confi-

^ Coi :ttWd43.RV«Rlyif24:S 1 we

•MMttiHBS njJfK»Alpi»ilUJ>1cn yt;;It tWIWIt tim3<t>a-rmt FoM ■’

L 2 .2 0 0 4 ^


M in icoTho Tfmes-Ncws__________

RUPI-UT - The ^ S])iirtiins iKed a 24-p6int (lliarlel- to finish off ihe S (Jrizzlies in Wednesday i Region l-'our-I'ivc'Si.v home

With the f>2-50 win. Mini, islies (iff its conference scl at i '7 anti inijiroves to 7-12

■~nlirSeninrpiTnrd-Swffor«i G .s tep p e d up to ihe line

knocked d()wn lfl-oM2 tlnows iu ihc final period n his team to th e victor>‘.

•■'niey had 10 foul us and \ a nice job at the line," ^ coach Mike G raefe said.‘‘Wt M of-H) as a team in the 1 (liianer,"

{iillettc led all scorers w jioinis, while junior post Bingham added for Sparians, For Graefe an \ean i, the confcrcnce win is confidence builder headini conference toum ainent timi

------^ I - th in k —wcW e-provcnselves," G raefe said, "We cat anybody in th is league. We’ll to overcome ‘I\vin I'alls som thougli.''

'Hie S p.irlans host Rigby it confercnce aciion Friday.

Mlnleo e2.SI<)llii«50Si-|4n>Un® i : i l i j » - c5xn^Ellfil

f . : 0.’ :,TlC0? AllMlOO,

Cujo getDETROIT (iVP) - :

Yzerman scored tw ee, liftir ~ D crro irR cd 'W ings"pasr-th i

Jose S harks 4-2 Wednesday in wliat could be a costly vie

G oaltender Curtis Jt

• sprained riglit ankle was replac* Manny L(

--lo-sturt-lh« ond period S h a r i J 0 n a I 1

Cheedioo tripped and fell Joseph’s legs in ihe first pi knodiing him to the icc.

Joseph had surgeiy on Au to remove bone d iips fror riglit ankle.

It \ras Detroit’s first game losing Dom inik Hasek foi rem ainder of the season wi injured groin. That made Jt the Rcd Wings’ unqucstione 1 goaltender, b ut now he cou sidelined again.

-Blue-Jackets-3rKings2COLUMBUS, Ohio - I

ShoshonBy D ustin Lapray

~ Tlmo»Now9~wrItor"

.MURTAUGH - ’n ie Shos Lady Indians proved theii' ( nance over th e Magic V Conference by taking the Di

_IV d iam pionship w th a 44-3: over Hahs'eTTWednesday a n Gymnasium in Murtaugh.

Tlie win gives Shoshone th 1 seed from th e district and li

<IIans1?fi the No. 2.D ietridi earned the No. 3

with hard-fouglit -JG-ll m n the O akley Uidy Hornets, fourth seed.

In th e fifth-place g Ridifield downed Raft Rive 24 to cam th e final state pl berth,

'Ilie lA s ta te tournament be held Feb. 18-21 in Na Games will be played at Nampa and Sky\'iew higli sd:

Dietricti 46, Oaltley 41MURTAUGH - A>

Sorensen scorcd four of hc points in tho final minute fo

-l;ady BIuc Devils to lead Die to the No. 3 seed from Distric

“Shc always comcs up Dietrich coadi Gene Shaw

Sources: FeSAN FR.VNCISCO (AP) -

federal government is prep; ■indicmichis against a ryitrit:

supplem ents lab and its fou: as w ell as th e [Xjrsonal train bascbalL-.star_Bany-Utinds, j\ssociated Press has learned.

A grand jury in San Fran will Ih; presented with the ir m enis by prosecutors Thut

Bruins ___Contlnuetl from Bl

"We have been playing pi well th e lasl two weeks and never w ant to tak e a step b: hc said.

T»vin Falls hosts Pocarcll arguably its biggest game ol year.

A twin and th e Bmins arc

9 boys]: Local

Minico __________ •t fourthSkyline 5!^ '® ., - . . . j-js n ig lu’s b

le tm- ‘■ivrcrx.i fojWcM-SsN

Hlllcrest68,lG dlette--------- ID A H O TA Ll

lie and Knights used a — < |uarter to ni;l lo help B „r|ey Robcali

night's non-con d w cd id W hile the Bobc

Minico going into, l l lf I INcwcre la te Kiiiglits run L* fourth B u riev to h an d h

■ r,8-58:with 24 ..-lUiit w-as OUI it Kody cooci, Jack Bas or th e it, w<ind Ius e ig h t, they ho IS a big there.”

mg into H illcrest’s 1^1 sco rers w ith 2

;ii_ o u r------- B u rlcy jun io rA i:aiif)cat ,1,^ Bobcats ;'ll have Randklcv w as h m etim e w hile p o in t

; in non- ' ^ l i e y really f • to shut down Sc

“And they ju s t 1 ball and d id n 't li

oo;c.rr- Tlic loss drop overall. T he Be

ts hurt hiSteve Vybomy scored

ting the tim e. The loss sri thc’San.— scason-besrsevc ly night streak.■ictory. Columbus, uniJoseph its last eigh t ga

his Angeles, also b< d e and overrime tlie las iced by m et in C olum bu Legacc Los M g e le s gi;he-sec-------Cechmanek- ^vaiDd. The pass the puck a'

k s ’ ■ his net. V ybom j t h a n sto le it, ciu-ledar ell im o a n d .f l ip p e d in a period.

Rangers 3, De' “ 6- J ? ' EAST R u r r a

Mike D unham li . d ie R angers ea rr

1C a fte r ularion w n ovc alm ost Uiree y ea

Dcfensem enT. Mironov scored

• an d D an LaCou: ould be - second-perioa

against M artin B9 n r -------t h e i 6 igcni.iinls^ ^ I lar-season win (3 D avid Jersey since 199:

le beats ]“She'S a good pl;

-----------------ior.“ She’s o u r 1<needed i t she go(

■oshone Ali C ranney dr [' domi- ' 3-pointer of thi Valley Oakley a 40-39 le

District to play, it’s first -31 win quarter.n iu ls e --------- “ W c-gavc'Crat

out front lh a t we the No, have given he I hands “ Wltcn they’re p

' ' inside they’ll get 3 .seed tliere sonielimes.

in over O akley post V; ts. the th e H ornets \vitli

Sorensen grab gam e, had an assist an

ver 4. - ihro\vs to give I playoff hade for good in i

O akley opened nt m il w ith a 10-point ru 'lampa, -a t 29 ,1 both ..71,e th ird qi idiools. cam e out an d thi

defense a n d L turnovers," H onAyleen Graham said. "Wi her 10 ‘>nd some fast bn for the Despite th e 0 lie trid i Devils kept f o a t rict IV. the tliird ciuarter ) big," run of the ir own. ,v said. “ We don't give

eds prepari- l l i e m oming. accordii

;paring enforcem ent souritional Wednesday night)undcr, condition o f anoniner of Grand ju ro rs h;ls,_Ilie____m o n th s-p ro b in g•d. Laboratory C6-0;incisco founder,Victor Ccindict- get o f the grand jiursday sonal tra iner Gref

top .seed in th e pretty sc rie s of tiebreal

id you th so e sam e tie back.” them down lo th<

Jerom e coach jllo in ^aid his te am he of th e b u t couldn’t mail

' “We had a pi ire th e quarte r. We lost

pull.....^ , , ranki

:al sports 'Conf1\ies(

« utw good.wJr. v™" ‘ befbl

namti, Burley 58U L S ^ l-h c ilillc re s t—1 a 2G-point fourth- m ake it past th e:ais in W ednesday mass onferencc m eeting. ibcats held the lead ,e third quarter, the -un\s-js too much for d le .l l ie Bobcats fell

our demise,” Bobcat i j y . . Jaglcy said. “Beforewe were do\\-n' by IWhad a quick ru n a^vai

downly ie r Rowe led aU Wood, 27 points, w hile ‘ Frida

: w ith 15. Scott s held to 11 points,It guard S teve cr»*«' m agcd only three. y focused on tryingScott,” Bagley said. m 21$.ist denied Steve th e '* 't let him touch it." rops Burley to 5-12Bobcats face tup- DE

tl Red Wired 1:58 into over- Th«; snapped the K ings’ win arvcn-garae u nbeaten------ 2(H)l7

goalsunbeaten (7-0-1-G) in losses gam es against Losbeat the Kings in Q fac

last tim e ihe teams

s goaltender R omanivahed too long -to ------^ ^c a;vay from behind j m y sneaked in andaround the left post w

I a badehandcr.

Devils 1’IIERFORD, N.J. - th rou1 had 26 saves and Chicaam ed their first reg- * four jover the Devils in Dci'ears. scorci1 Tom Poti and Boris . have:d firs.t-period goals allowouiure scorcd on a span.1 . " w raparound CliiI Brodeur. That gave stoppniy their third rogu- -VotI (3-21-13) over New shots997. Chris

Hansen,player She’s a sen-____“Wc,’r

■ leader. When we ing hsgot the job done.” senioidrained her sccond from ]th e night to ^ v e OaJ) lead w ih a m inyte th e fitirst since the first and

Home:ranney-a-fcw shors-------" '‘W«,ve wish we wouldn’t the n iher,” Shaw said. ll; pounding it down short > get a good look out ies.” . . . atv.: Valerie Bedke led 0^ ^ , ,itil 11 poinis. A ^scl tabbed two steals, and hit 4-of-6 free

i D ietridi the leadin the fourth. oS^ ift led the sccond halfL ruii to tic the gam e oilOS

MUquarter, the girls Lady :

they goi after it on crown1 got a lot o f over (o m ct coach B rett 44-31.'Wc got some scores “Yobrcaks after that.” stateOakley rush, th e and tl

OLsed and finished ;fo r uter with a five-point Chapr/n. more 13ve up,” Shaw said. Kati

re indictme]-ding to federal law Thelourccs, who spoke m entght. with the AP on w hatlonymity, se^ekin; have spent several has b< n g -th o -B a y -A re a -— tions c ^Operative and its • impre]Conte. Another tar- Con

d ju ty has been per- letcs vIreg Anderson. . Tlic

1C region due lo a and nteakers, A loss and Jerotieb reakers d rop firstth e No. 5 seed. Confech Houston Finn Tiicsd; h ad a good s ta rt,

la in ta in it. p r e t ty good t i n t

ist th e momcftium caruinic

ivay froiink e d B on n e v ille in a non-coi :rcn c e m a tc h b e fo r e fac in ‘ro m c in G r e a t B asi o n fe rcn c e p o s ts e a s o n p lay 0 uesday,“ It’s o u r s e n io r n ig h t a n d

>od niglit to g iv e u s a good le; s fo re w c go in to th e reg io n to ii im en t,” B ag ley sa id .

HlUcrtlt SS. BuT>«r 58Jt ____________ iju i j i j - ja _______H£Y(H)»! J J S C*'?.M I En.mor,'11: 3 va> ,2 ?} « «»S12ll T3Cia».i2MioisiasiT IX.-M M&T327 4129 UTtn r &0? Cka 4 5SSI! IJirr2?2J Iai(»23l»aM • >rt;:xi-aiVr n>tm> Ctm) Firi«IMI-eaHT2< HJonll) iKh-cHtMi-rcr*

lt»»J - Prti M \VKtl n.fOOM.’J w w U : Q ; r

l / r e s t l l n g

food River 52, Buhl 29H A IL E Y - W ood R iv er too Iv an ta g e o f s o m e f o rfe i ts l )w n B uh l 5 2 -29 W ed n e sd a ; 'ood R iver (12-3) c o m p e te s i id a y a t G ooding .______ Wo«lRh*f.52.BuW 29_______pw w - f* ir WMJ KCB. W AO! .S»«ry. 1t2-S4i'iXKn.HMlVi«f pmOMinhMI i9 II

13-RusnifoiTcim MnutoCu-jsiS-i iM-OWrSirj-jrOLrt.Kn

>M iJS-axWbM tiO*CKM«fMii.(V/<eiK tnw w n n w la-RC

X 0/1 SK RMiWcnMnM KO-B'MWSM. WMin-SiagliCKi MMAw. •cn rk

2ii>DruOw»ri iuxn9nM>.>c«r,iyM rrs-Outv«• ViM Rifi «9l tr >XM

imberiy 55, Declo 17D E C L O -N o re p o r t .

%gs winT h e R a tig e rs ’ la s t re g u la tio in w as 4-3 h e r e o n M arch 31 K )lrN c ^ v ~ J e rsc y -h a s -o n ly 't^ v lals in its la s t th r e e g a n ies , a: sscs.

laohhawks 5, Predators iC H ICA G O - S t e v e S u lliv a r lex Z ham nov a n d B ry a n B c ra r ,ch_had a g o a l.hnd_an_assis t_a e C hicago B la c k h a w k s tle fea i1 th e N ash v ille P re d a to r s 5-2 o: e d n esd a y n ig h t.M a rk B e ll a n d R ya i in d enB ussche a lso s c o rc d . fo c B lackhaw ks, w h o c h a se d A I a r go a lieT o m as V o k o u n m idwa; ro u g h th e s c c o n d p e rio d licago h a s w o n th r e e o f its las u r gam es.D en is A rk h ip o v a n d A d am H al o red fo r t h e P r e d a to r s , w hi ive lo s t t h r e e s t r a ig h t am low ed 14 g o a ls d u r in g th a a n . •C hicago g o a lie C ra ig A ndersd i ip p e d 25 sh o ts .V okoun a llo w ed five goo ls .c n 1< o ts be fo re b e in g r e p la c e d b; ir is M ason a t 8 :14 o f th e sccon i

r, clahns (Tc,’re sc ra p p e rs . W e k e e p p la j

j h a rd .1 V e h a v e ”g0fS0nie~g0'0( l io r s a n d th e y u s u a l ly k e e p s u im ge ttin g f lu s te rc d .”O aldey b u il t a 1 0 -p o in t le a d ii : f irs t ha lf w ith th e i r s e t offensi d d e fe n s iv e in ie n s i ty . T hi im c is s tru g g le d .“W c h a d a lo t o f sh o ts ro llin ’ of2 rim ,” G ra h am sa id , “ T h e e ffo r IS th e re w e j u s t c a m e u p on thi o rt end.”

. DIttilch 46.0»W«y 413< l9109l2-4«

. -----nSans<nJ}»l).M M A<tw2»2<.K ojVlM 3M i

£;r»2l2) Uoi(M4 2-9l» 200i t 1*WmrrtftKO.SviiAmujsoa uwtI ^ 4 0 c« lP«MfKn224S W*ntDl>»«4j-31l 7otMlfM41 iMsM'htxnSatnMntOuwr Orrr;; roiA- tUtkWilS Fo*i)cM-t*r» tKfoeM-nw

losiione 44, Hansen 31VfURTAUGH - T h e Shoshon t dy In d ian s to o k th e D is tr ic t I \ iw n m th a t lo m in a tin g vic tor] ; r th e H a n se n L ad y H u sk ies 31.‘You alw ays \v a n t to g o in to th t tc to u m a m c n i on a n up-nott d th is is d e f in i te ly a n up-not< ■ u s,” S h o s h o n e - c o a c h - T in a p m an sa id . “ I t j u s t gives u; ire con fidence .” iCatie S t iu n k le d t h e Ind ian :

ents of lab-frh e tivo fe d e ra l la w e n fo rce :nt so iu re s w o u ld n o l d ivulg( a t c h arges p ro s e c u to r s w ere sking from th e g n m d ju iy , w h id 5 b e e n p ro b in g p o ss ib le v io la n s o f ta x la w s a n d th o a lloged lj p ro p er d is t r ib u t io n o f stero ids. Zonte h a s d e n ie d su p p ly in g a th DS w ith b a n n e d su b s ta n c es , f lic law e n fo rc e m e n t source;

J n e v e r go t i t b a c k ,” F in n sa id , le rom e tr a v e ls to B u r le y i n a 5t r o u n d G r e a t B a s in n f e r c n c c t o u r n a m e n t g a m e isd a y a t 7 p .m .

Twin Fklli 73,i*rom« SO <h~ 'i ia2 2 io -n• i s i i w- uFAU9(n>iJwlio. 2 6« t, tMd Ce* 21-J «. CKlftOT awry J 2 2

mSkyll:on. Bonneville 36, Mil ;'si® Hlllorest 40, Mlnl(

on BONNEVILLE - M dropped two dual me

J a cluiic th e regular sea lest ’ to Bonneville 36-34 an 3iir- 40-33.

“It w as a rough nig said S partans ' co:

------ — Cooper.—-Bui'w e-hod, , , w in i t a t th e end i ■ Bonneville),”

M inico 140-poum A nderson hu rt his ne<

3 to a H illcrest opponci, j ; j __b e av a ilab le for rej

Idaho’ Falls H igh ' Se W ednesday. Tlie matt a t 11 a.m.

BoniieTlll«36,Mlnlci193 (&n:i - ir^ffJi F««. I)OT»rf*. pm , Il2-|i«vnKJef Ur«9

OOK c>tnUrca.<i«:r«rPiu»2 • n b>n«EUm4>^^3 ftv

lay. tuiiciscuiM i4a.ft’ff,K.xi,itow.3« IS2-Sf4i«iKj-JWU««o.t»MCi

(k<TWrf« prr»3 Oil* Slill^ .U fKO ie»-p * * Caw<'*«. DttjOm O J 215-

Hllleriil 40. Mlnleoi03fesre4.Vi-J(^F<«i t»*>«u«cVi(

Ujgj Knxnon U«KS. lH-etrwe ltdCiui I2B

hi,. S<UMir»2 tJO-Trr,Wiet.Hlontpr •J, 35} iJl-B»iWe<t»M»aMeo(

l>4 tU-B'J-'iAVIjl HAsn ptTMUd • C l U / U n a . pnW xM Bern SnjMKu-jM> Una 1U-IWfcinl prr«ijD»'«Sj|Vi44< tfl-C hr

(MMRr<i«(H>in3<t 2<S-GiMCn. jsMUjn 13? 27J*ern»Coi» «f*o pm

over Shaion period. Mason m ade 1< 31, D espite losing, the

------rem aincdtied-w ith-S tall e igh th place and the fi

spot in th e Western Co

; 2 Stars 4, islandersan , DALLAS - Bill Gue ard w ith 6.2 seconds left in :_as as the Dallas S tars strc ;at> unbea ten streak to ci on with a 4-4 rie with ihc

Islanders on Wednesda /an Rookie IVcnt Huntc for Islanders a 4-3 edge (UI- rem ain ing on his 2 vay H u n te r scored on a od. rebound off a shot last Kvasha, who had a goa

assists.fall But Guerin poked a /ho past goaltender Garth md tim e winding doivn in hat for his 23rd of tlie sea

revieiv upheld the goal son Is lan d e rs (iontcndee

kicked it in.i l 8 ___P ie rre_ 'I\irgeon’s ^ |by goal w ith 5:18 left in

ind had pu lled the Stars ini

district t,ay- do^vn low w ith 15 p )'od Kallic-Axelson'held hci us behind the arc, drainir

po inters for nm e point: 1 in Shoshone senior ise H ubsm ith scored 10 pt Tie draw ing th e rcspons

guarding Hansen stand' off Freestone, o rt Freestone led all scor the points. Jam ie Lapp at

for H ansen in tlie loss.“We knew what we I

Chapm an said. “Bonnie is probablj^ going tc pdinis, wc just needet

00 sure n o one else did."A fter a light first qi

fl* Lady Indians led 7-6;tl U . pulled away, outscorin{

Husleics in every quartt “They played bettei

did,” said Hansen co '2 ° Dowd. “ I have to give

tlicy cam e out and gave

cs, Sh»tti0fl«'44.Han«MSrevm ' 7i3i<io-<H»Mn < siios«cr4(4 i)__

stc iDtanilHM.• HWfStlKJI)tm - -•O.te.rtmsri.lMlfcrri.rwoweUS Sutv>0222.J>n<m3:2IMBa1h

JportM oM n-JlnavC Fitntn.SroUms ! s a ^ : a r ' " " ”

founder, trace- said no indictments [ge sought now against any }rc ' A parade of top athlei ich least five sports, rani ila- Bonds to Olympic t ily -— M ario n -Jo n cs-to -b o x [s. Mosley, appeared before th- ju ry probing ’ BAL

Anderson from late C res mid-Dc*cember.

id 11 r,ie<iTian« 1M 2. On«dOrt«>i 11-2 lII.U<iSmei«22t«.rarraHiltt«lK . a 5moi20fl5,li»»r«'®n«'MMI'«V»t

Uinn2M4.UKi.liRn2M4.J>u«hit(■*n II.J47Jn e ilttiEW)

Orti M1} 2 a. CovU IH11 2 4. Sm WCWc»CiK4Mll.T>CT7t*WI»0 J.Ji 4 J«>dUM;2'llt1.0mVtK*2M4 J t o n p i n - J [«»ai SiWi Sun Coc4|.Mran«4|lM C'm2 WatTwtmr>iiir.j«ot>4 2l l9Miai-nn

_ A _ _________

lineMinico 34 linico 33- M inico (9-4) m eets to 'con- season, losing

4 and H illcrest

. night fo r us,"' coach B rad h o d -a -sh o t- to — en d (a g a in s t

Dunder K urt i neck in a loss onent b u t may_reg iq n a ls a t ___I School next ■Hatches begin

Minico 34Mpn^lAS*. ur<4M »1&rl31S 1l9-tu3S4» Rwcnl«.KG»ai8en'tvfl«.M{n,

p<w<} Rn•«Mant«9<3U lU-

J2 »7t-Pi«i» SIH-OrUUer«|y.) 2n-(V|t«CM.I,r<ic<s

llnleo 33BKJWMUN5-4 112- l-bsttnOoaai. Hiata

Una MC Jem ’ intprr»lRse*<l\Meortt«« naSjoTMH lnMiscn I7i Its fDcrmen439 1S2- 1U-EtcUffewl 1-Chi»Nettr4n,H*ml SXnMsrSM Hflom ICn.Uno.pcr«B«n s pmMB<MnUdt224

arksJe 14 saves;.Ihe P red a to rs

h 'S trL ou is-fo t------tie final playoff n Conference.

irs 4Guerin scorcd ft in regu la tion stre tched th e ir___0 eight gam es ihe N ew York .

esday n ight.Linter gave th e dge w ith 1:47 is 20 th goal. '1 a b ackhand ihot by O leg • goal a n d th ree

:d a loose pitck irdj Snow w ith 1 in re g u la tio n ., ,: season. V ideo goal, vhile th e ided G u e rin

’s^ppw er;play__: in regu lation ^ into a 3*3 ric.

title5 po in ts and*1 her ONvn from lining th re e 3- }inis.nior S a rah0 points w hile ponsibility of andout Bonnie'

scorers w ilh 16 p added eigh tOSS.we had to do,” • nnic Fireestone 5 to g e t h e r eded to m ake i."5t quarter, the -6; then slowly )ring th e Lady lartcr.Btter th a n w e1 coach Terry live it to them gave it to us.”


'.V!:Si'2lUMJb«acn3»09 IS. S»»HI«WBn4l2

«sa»»Mll'IWi*----:-------ualKr»IO<]2 TW ». SroiWrx. KiMHn .>ir>«nl2 Po4«JW-

•ainerIS w ere being any ath letes, diletes from a t ranging from ic trade s ta r -b o x cr-S h an e— — :fore th e grand 3ALC0 and :e O ctober to


MhitOMi Tcua:r

.smwoijJMS,->e!M4 IKMiriMr»nsurtniuitsmmr


■■ '___ B / \S K E 1 'B A L LNBA


tSMcDMkMw L Pa 00

hnHnrt Jl .■« Wl •

P u S ttfti y ] t 4 ^ *01* ^ n B « ? 10$W»fn?»> 1» J< » ) » 5

. OafOJ • 13 <1 :«i t»S CvMDnwcn '

W L Pd OB _____ W 4 » II TM - __________

JJ 21 etl « i , r iw O w , JS }t u j tos

UMUn 2J J* in <1 T om J5 H JCO U S ' l> .fU « » M 377 It iuiu 11 B W Jl tx*p t< 3i « » J« i


W L ftS 00IK ^ruu---- ]? i r 7 I J “ ----------S4<iArt3V) 35 la MO J5Cl4Ut 33 19 US <U r W 30 n 577 7

, n n Ul liOr^r 30 n 5M 75 .UU-. « JI 491 115

htftOM U*W L Pa OB

Sjcr»TM! 37 13 7« ■I* U>« 31 11 SU 55Ptrtinj M « « 13SM.-M J« J7 471 135CMJm Siw » » <40 15L»OtW-» n n *31 155

n 3» n i Jl

iL»mii.Owt»jM >;«.:«V tl05.0.M n9U FT.»S.in4113 Wttf«v»'M SK>»nruH 0«*te«M U « W 110. L* C W 11«Un-.*eu77,U».1M lA u u t u w u a i i M PTe*M«tk«nSa». U!»

T h M r’iO v w6c»enitC>K*3D.6XpnTo.!r»«S.«a. Oen O rW B P c rtw llp n


iM ainnKftM MSonki^Otnw

' U S u ib T « « in > /V ^ > P »

NBA BoxesN«til05,C*Till«neS

NEW««Y|I0S)J^r*nM}JJI7,U»fvi7-l3e-lOJ1,AW l4f

• * .»13m 4J4.t3H I4.K o«11.1Jl.JJ7, _____ ^A99m 3.10I.U'.P-jm i c 1.2U 1H u s U M

. 4 ,5aaerr»OJOaO*m iirefglJM J.OM . 1002 T<xn4I U i» :3 l05

OEVOWOTO(H & rae-U M K . BMM'i-ISOia.BjatfU: 5 -I IO S IllM m )4.9 ;;i0 .iinnM 35 '59 . IlwU# 1100 e. OU 03 M 1. W»7»> HO M' Cke 3-J1-3 7, Kipw J-3 00 4 , OJ 00 0,

. R 6o«1-30aJ.7c(«J>B1}-H»5• N f fJn rr 18«J»J«-'e6

a i i » J i - «}Piv4 aaMin J«wr M7 lUSn 4 s. Ui>v I I. JtVNAM . HO) rs . HtnO-l.PianrcOt. Acqn03l O rn M J 'U (Wi^w 1'J. E.Witf. 1-5. !VrwO'l.;is«0-1,K Bw"0'1.UelTii0

' .H.fsJ»dCU-«sn« B«Mi«>-N*»J.i»f;5a (UiiW 91. CUnUm S5 17)>iin Jl IWSI Jl. ClMttW J3 UOimi!

• Jnrrcsa«FrviL«-l5.0’4(JOia)HwtUl.Mi(l«98

' UUtfdllt • • ••>»ii«J-13M «,0*mH3»8llG>«r<M 300

' IS.WM .tM J7.9J7.AI«W M 1MaRR«> 5-7041J.iU«iM042.HM¥iiJ'JMr.Tcuii

. 0AUUC0 IK1' &9 RiJ->OOS.Kmn)fr1tM JJ .P * tfa iO J

,1J 1. ucG>ur 10J5 <« J4. u» 4-5 0 0 10. Ooca• M HIJ,5tnaittlJ-«CH34.6»o*H03-314. , •.h i»il.lOOJ.G*«»«0’I.OOOI««57'77JO;

I M 7 7 rS J « -) l l' } Pwa Osm-Ucn t-14 (Atten M n &ett

■ Js"»i1-5.0»>aO'11.0rHfK»4lJlU»JJ.Bo9«M .& o au-ic «d ii '» l,uc & «ar0!| FeuW owHin R «nnJ»J*i«»i5(C urtiaO w »... .'X lO oxJlollM M O ^law niC ttneieM in*

-.]l(>k&*it.l«»vdtl Taulcu»4kinl9. Oun« 17 fK T n tfh ^ tn csacfl VM dMr. Cam &-JW3 O tiw w T>m Stam *-i J.7W (17JM) . , ____

7S«nll3,'WUaRti88'"''•Vtfit«OTOH(«lS!ct.-aM fro J J IS. B rni J-3 J41. litTKOj J

1 7 9 II. > n ^ J-4 00 4. A m t M9 S-7 7, U «» J 3 JJ< .& tU ]«00(.0»(n7-1J(4Jl.ttf i« t }.llOJ«.Jt«<W>S011 Th u 31-<7:(.}4U

• PW /OUHAnifl, • B*rtcn 7111.11 S. lU>OTW * 4 1 • J ». OMt-M

•l-41.J5.$flj.44JJtO ,h«»onll-JlJlJ5,. UcCtiUJJ004.Sim ni7>l004l5.eucM >l

S J J 4. «4 ( t 14. U M J4 00 4. (>Mii M O -lllU rw l-lO O J TiUk4»U lO JI 113 . W a M ^ I0 22J4MB raaa-in

• J Port Oo«»-WjjWflai }• 1S (SucUruM 1-J.■ [X.»lS.B«UO-l,lUr«M.*^M-

PhUAtfti 10 iStm ra l-l. K9n«01, U m cn' »r.N«wnOJ.lfcK«04iroiMa«-Ha'«

____ nxaRa-wtiw«ai4JiBmin.FTilMMA:4S. (KTKm»t.H4j«9ilO)Ai»«!»-W«tfirgBnlS ■ . \{Jik*Sj.fNM K^I7(»«nen7|1a«

• J»*-W»WiS».JJ.PhWKftiJJA-17,J77 IM.U<I

K!ne« 96. P lito flt 94 uowcxrom

- 'SCMtM>113-<JS UCM(.igj-}ia.Dr»Cl-4 " Ij4.crrau<-7j-jl1,0(»|l0'im;«.

----- • -U BUrO/JW M J.SovH J-JIJS.PM iB O-OO 0, sme. J J 00 4,0 WUm 00 00 0 Tem. 3)7»lM4 9eceTBoriw)Kvnl-JOOJ.aWtM 7.153-4l7.f><C>K*}S: . '4 g ,n iM a M O i9 ( -7 J '.u « « iio o i .

, WiUff*»l4-«JJI0.»ai144-4OJI0.Pt»Cl4.»(' 8 e, C*IW« J-4 00 4 .5a» 1-5 001. u * * 1 J 0 OJ TfCU3»«ll4Jl»4s « w « & i7 :a iM 0

' [Mtl JOXSJt-Ot }?ort&iM>&io»Mn]11»|Q «nS 'li. Seiikwc 41 OraM I-J, Ui« OJ. Pww OJl

. ,'D«o«4.l01»artJJ.RH*««iMJ.aAt.U Stfi03).'M M o>-Hn nM > M -S iar« r« 41 (Ufi>> 1SLOWM54 Itlwtlac* 19)

• Am»-5«H.T«re3H>r»:11|.0«(rMJ4|B*« » ku»-Stt«M re 2J. DWM14 iKmeM-W&inKA rUfyt kWfW tncn CucUU-'HatKBcn ntoitt A-jjoi6rao>j| . .

H0fi)«u 106, Kflick* 9a Kwnwwi_____ VuilK<nfc'1}«n9»3-5>4».U£i!b:ISM S. Ut.tu(y IOJi;-tJ9. AnanOI4.1l M { H4.-a«« H4 0019. Oe<MC I I 00 J. F W*4iT« 1 J M 7. J S 00 4 tjoB S$-7a 1»J4 MUuNwn »17 0319. P D>c«i 4-7 4-41 J. lU jon

------ M 0W 1J,0m UJ4»4JS,1,«»iJ.S »J7 ,.-Ar»«»5 M 00 », AujTO a 1-J 9. ^3 J je.SnaOOOOO.WMlM 00 J T«M40«}I7-

■ JlIM««.Ytrt , 77 77 1 1 » «Hm O W i a>4MJ}>l08}Pcav Oua-Nt. TM 7.IS [HDiinrt Vw . I«5n J4, U»tuy J J. F W4H<fa 01, « « n cn 0 Jl. H«>C>w>ion(OM4.tO.Ammrg}«. ircti ] .) UaKunOI) FoM U-41*9M )l«oirt*-Mw»6n49(V»’ »i>n> l3lH«0"M r»

. < 4 4(U 4^ ii |A tM »J< t> rm a(U »(tfr i^. N w O w nJU O m T) ToUla«-)M>Yni7, '(M uOWnlS T«mai>-U<iUr,.Ua0cn.

■ Mi.eM(i7joei— ;------ ortaifM n o ; cnpp*f» 102—

. •lACUPPtMdO)< ,e«MtS-73.313.IVin]»JI».IO;4.XiRMnS-ll

. * MriJ.J*n;4tOM1I.Haji«7.1»45l9.0oolfg ' J7fr7IOOw iO OOOO.W lauJ5IJ7,

CM rutlJO OJ Tc(M3^8}31-30101 UCVKSlllOIPc»»r?5JJ7,(i*i»H 10-1127, WV4*-II 4-5 11. w a rn S'l J i 515, U te S'1J 1-J 1S, h a * > « 0 0 1 SWI S 5 J J 1 J. W*h 4-11 Ofl I WMWi »■ u 1. Ckia. J-31-J S. 0 JOW. 00 oofl ra n . 3#.

L A .c y n 'J U g l ' - J B 7 RM SoMHA CK(«i* 1-7 lIMM l-S. J n 01. CtnM 0-11. U « r ^ »JI (IU« 4-7. bOK » . Pom M.wewiO-i.waiO-iiFftM eil-M n n« aM M A C W n U |9«1] lS|.U«tht47(WV<10l A w tH A O n m ie p aM a u > rc n .Jo iw a m iio i Toaifcu»-LA c^p« t JJ. u«T«ra J t t«mai»-wa»<. Vrrv*. MM.WAA-11.1MII9.CD0)

T1mb«wolrM77.J4a6e IMCWTArTTI «S(iTMl 4.115-S11 CrtM 7-11M 17. C Jcfracn 1-100 2. C<wt 7-15 >013 J4. tloMl J-4 00 4.

S(^ W H A T

| | Q Auto Racli• NASCAR. Gusch Series, pfai

for Hershey's Kisses 300. SPEED, 7:30 ajn. and 2 p

• N«CAR. Craftsman TrucJ(S prartlce for Rorida Dodge

----------- Dealers 250:SP£ED,'3;30•HASCAR.Craffsman Trucks

final practice for Florida Dc Dealers 250, SPEED, 5 pj

______ B a s k e tb :

• Wake Forest at Clemson, ESPK2,5 pjn.

•W„Kentuckyai Denver, . FSNW, 6 pjn.

U«r.|.3003.lU .<l$JJ4.M ot»jJ- TM 00 000. Uilun 0100 0 Tom »UTMim

_ _____W tr»4 7-fJiSJ1.Pj!r2«e«4.0l!KI r. AfW HO 0 011 S M nw }• 151JJ4JJ7 .C cW J4M 5.W *»^010flI-3JJ4.UW.OOOOO.PMMOOOOJiM U IS MM n M I4I72JM ?IMi l$ l7 IIIM t 3 Port GM »4ifr«ai W M I 11. Uufl 4 9 (UrtWa M Amrs M, 6«41 W om O l) FoMcU-Hm RiCoMH SJ|G«fTi«in.liufi4l iM wUl] Aus»44rrMCMl<lCB>a71.IM<l< iS im « n Ut»j3l Ia«fc><MKT«u

- ;< T«tfrw Un-«Ka[>.»»i»wT»w5 G>mt9.C4u«(.AiO)iJ C|ia«MR0)0 A 119.91!)

Tuesday's Late NBA Bo Jia86,TnODttt*nei

irrwm>U*K»S 7-1J « M. BuJflOJ OOO. OBMJl,Sl»rtf«<'ft90flIJ.ll«r«S-l"9-ICJ.71-JS.W »r»04J4J.C«*»JSl-JA7 0<». Uoo.t W 00*. P*.*»«Ofl 0 0 1r r o j i J S Mpo*niAW(ii)lun9-i4l-Ji».R«tt«nt-lS44il.[>r

J J M ____ 04.<jW w i S-13 10.U Jl^StuU-rt H0„ , , P4SnerrMi.J3,SW4f«OJOOO;C«(

0.w oosoflooo icoBj»«;j»?4ei. UH I l 1 9 a » «

Jt17IIH41 JPort0a»l»-Wtii1-5(Wr*3l-l,Arj)i

s o o n in«>o-i.M on.Pc<M M iis>M *?i ■ MO /WrWil-S.P.arierO'll FoiHeU-Ot

49 (Krtrwl). PoSM 30 iRrasW l) A u s trtw JJ l*Ttw 51. Po iSM M m 7) ToWtMHMi H, Pwsanj

lifV>l- Ttitfinli t r i ^ T T r w ^ r t r l 7 0-1. I’9.t001

M ip I tL M fllO l.S D M d 'M rO«KTO)10l|>«»« C*rt.tlJJSM!9.U*<lft»«HS»-l1J4.« » « • 51 J.J 8, AW*«r» J< M 7, P m r IMS 0

Cu<TMOflJ.P«oo!-4l.11B4iWt-3 m&IMw iVri^osoflll Aflf*4BOOOOO T«ie'

JJtOi •PHOOOMlU « i 7.17 0014. H H -J a5-l3$-7IS.&«t»M>SOOlJJi«cr>»

•1300 1».J»*«ntM 2.JJ.H in«rlJOOJ.U BA><MOOOOOTaM30t3l7>0» T(us T o m 2t t i a a - i o i

Rnvd Jtaaa44 } P tn GiM»-Tara 7-tl |P « n x 7-11. A

AlOJ »1,CM<M.tAriTM.M4rMI04|.«ti OocM l}|IU«>uJLCairr]}.JJcn«c>il-4.J >-]i4. o i .u im M ) F o M A t^ b o m 77J075. R>ttu«-taa«5J|U>nMlli).FTCM

lUiranlOl At»U»-TcRn9:0(C«weLP’ |U4Rn<l T<MloJ.-TaaioJl.Ptnnill A-ll,l38lU4ai

W « rk w l0 6 .S « t» r5 « o lc * iOOy>0<8TATt(lOI) a«ulS-107.g jan:Ciniaie-1JH1LI

, — )-7J-J(.CIuen7-l3MI7,lkt>tMn»' ^ J7.C7Mr«y4.lQO41[U*ny4.7OOI0

J m c n 1-4 I-I 1. ro)« 00 000 T{(M »

_____ . KAIH£(I7} ........ .............• •C '* iil-1 0 0 £ l« m 7 .;iO ,P a ic » r»

M 17. Abn e-19 001 s. D n tt > S 7-4 ». I__ __ >e I J 19. f U » w « J4 l.J 6. J!

S « ^ 1-100 J. J .1W 0 1 1J t. tcUB 37.)

O M n t a nil38I7-lMa«d> a a a j M ?}PtrtCo4W5«*<iS.i.«.lcii««aiJ

5 ^ iXrtM*rMC4<»mi-i),S4W.i-i9iui «*nJ-7,hnMi|.1,(U»M«M|.J,fidY lA/t.702iraMa>4tmn*vdH9o Sin4j|OKf.«r}|.SMSt49(lM9l AaB»-&k)nSlMj3lQuMeLSM9.; 51 T»<taii-C«piSai.15>S«3.JJ A 117.077)

M en College Basketball

________ __ * 't S “IS uIiF7 WT6n/««ifliS ,At*^.NT41

CniHttHMilU F*rtrt]&S.R>]H40S«>;i W nroM n . F «*m U'i«<,Cnueo.ect!M49USA71.0W-MSS

r , ” ut,r»,nlU«M.H»»Hifft»ht.41PrmjralCC.VAiMnN

»” ’• irweJ.FwaSSu i4.«0- V ^J7 ,5 » » .rl!« * M

soymBawCc4.9.74.U in7l0T0M mr«71W«im|Uir,UD i^nV oruT SCtorgtUacTH.ViCcmmMnSI

■“ K S S i l S K ,, OU(tomon7l,jMU*l>yiS7

R«M04.leng>Mtl1.rrMMN.(Ai>iluU - T^77,Haaaie3 uUM.SajMmltnU

^ V»SrMll1.C*>M39nrS, ---------4 9 ? ' ' “ W OTMnn4J.U4rT>|Cn>|44

e o ^ Q m n tl.O h s 7 l....... CRiraea.SanFi»4t7.... . .. .

>«.&><>»>».«]I7- C»P»,<70.S«>lcu.U

0nM74.v>T9<sieaCm«««7>.anoaSl4« w-pi«-»t»a ei.nd-Pi» fl w*i»»s9

«< K««aSttak>iSCS» - nOJI. H«5l7».W Uij7S i r» i u m M o u e i .u o ^ 7 i

HIM«4.SWU«MISIS0 ■ ttn H'tTmiKTi tn. PmlnTI rlE^ 5DM>itO.I>««7a >■'- TcaM9eB.K.Bnaall

H IW 4M 77.W Sl«t W kM ia<7,M <niati

______ Vito)iiii4.k«a .......KWTWlOT

iS-ii iM » iu n .T « u iA iu n «Orq CUnrae3.TmiT«n44

Wonwi114-5 Abtr-^NYeaBiV-W 57,07

ATvcMUSO.Nnril M3S. Av,C .UI«)«aS5

B ^ C o ^ G » 1M S a Bo«<U.5t.UU0C40 ft<mi;>so

,* in , C »n«tQ lB. $)»«»• 3»H.

8«i] UjMtl,IM«HnM50w i l l Ik m x tiH J 7l,aFwB>,NfSl•-LA lM 0n73lC rM 7O

hwi 0«smo9i74.WArtSr«4, W C rtfUjaAw-Kf-nSied

Scores aniT ’ S O N - T . V .. • Louisville at Chailottc,

“ " 9 .. • ESPM2,7pjn. ' '• 'IJCIA at Ariwra Stale.

^ FSNW, 8:30 pjn.2 D m • G0'®82 at San Francisco

ckL ris.

-------- ^ © - C o l f —

'European PGA Tour, AN2 . • Championship, first roum

'P-"- . TGC.7ajn.

b a l l H o c k e y

'• • PGA Tour, Buick Invitation;first round, t>SA,l pjn.

• Avalanche at Blues.ESPN, 5:30 pjn.

»JJ-5 JJ10r t J M a jJ J l UO«ST

SiI«>tXllua/iS9 6o^Cnr<7<.CraSS

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s r s , ? — s s s s a r ; ;jW ,lOli.Scm M ,

Jh « 0 U 3 D n » t Basketn u u iO M lU iM tJ ) dinner


m bnrr Smao baSKCtDJ

ECHL«7i - i 6T basketb;THcowtP&ct cvcryoiKr r S c F O A t h a r ^ ^ '

12.2 ro lao tj3 fo rih c ir“ ir»~uni4’”»----------- Best-Pro

IS s 57 IK t ts S w c n s c rS J i S I S S Paul, Co 73 s 43 12; 14 Stiinpy’s2« I H 119 itl

ifamCMwnI r Pfc tf GA ,IS' S iS IM I ts I--------------irj m ................ -

ii! i ii ii Buhls i i i i is sig"-

»<ctmAOicc BUIOF M ga rte i

(4 6 M lai 137 wrestiIt I to ISS I3J a t 6 p.” J J* ]" jf! cost i:« 4 4 i» i” k ids

--------------I T pfc OF w Feb. 114 5 S3 149IJ3 i n f o m

I V i x csiF

URio .tMvt]>rMb T w i, 4 . 0 » . “ f Soi

Praeni O ut, a

fS b e r pa1 gym>w].so Saturcl w . g » . CaU

. o r Jini n«/io«TiM obtains s . t " " '_____________________ loday.ISACTIONS . . Picj;iasebau.-------------- ■ niomii-wiMOJi Chiis-v-Jiofcn^xf-ii'p giblevecn«u^ siderei

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j u e s i i a n t f M N K M a nd can f

MnfrtoeWn-eaNranw CmJoTsw iB A tr ing bairWlKnduFKulThemuta OUtlr.bMUengllMKUF m g aftwSrtuSG<«p.D/Y*i any paut»jFC4M«(s»wen dren uiKMC<nxnO«ra)E»M

, T W inl S S S SK : wrest]E‘YlW JF& »ttni(i«U. ■SrwSCUKlljMWwidQ I w lMTOll ■ Jj'"" '

CcntuiS9»3Wlft»R9Wi«iJl9 po in t t

m ee t i . - sdiedu

cancclj«R$-fl»„»,Faiv«. up,sail

Andy IG£BSJn»»aOi.-«.J.™n>rChica

OOCtvJiJSSiJFaiD g a m eCHU

JWOWBlOClrtlttmtav alloWCii e M u iu r r .o in .u 4 a T ^ g a m e sMnKmeMntttTMB tO 30 pl».*nanMF|}U)Stt9» anS 5 ^ r » i8 w » -9Mrwv4NMtMA ' ' CouncifM 40S U lrt«ThM M lMn t h i s y enguuOtvniBAIwo 200^-0«hr.,WRDOO«-n>rP>i«nOSJ>TinSa!ira apprOV

ThelOCKEY sions

3l£-fW«CJ«»H4»if. Q K M fcjM .J4.fW UM I

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z iz VfiVqiisbMnftaMio , - ' E$-5jf««)«Fji-n_____ ' _ •

MtyUMMtf^AI*./IU 4fcatnlO K M irrcntcnAi9«uk<F ', \v w \^ . ,

;-iMr«3FSAnniur»>fcM-^C9«9FU«rP.M<)IS-VtwiMd F JMR- ■. -,JmftVwHodranMvi .'• f ‘. ' / 3lfcc»»7ll^>MC0tMS>*«MO

I s T IOCCER ■;a jo s if lt^ u»Mr«n/ai]COuw ^laireoilnlnudimt

BirtWdOIUQE•d M V|«t nmf ;ni»


■ 733-0931 0 132 3rd SI

iDiMhMriMnMkw Twin Rill

— Sportsketball fund-raising er was liuge successicore Minico High School boys,' nball team recently held a j r to raise funds for their nball prognim. O n behalf of ' tJHe involved w c w ant to < d ie following businesses leir contributions: N ature’sProdiice-IncTrKruft-Foods,------isen's Magic Market.s Inc. of Costco, McDonald’s, ■?y’s Ga.s'And G rub, and

— Sportsih! kids wrestling »n-ups will take placeJU in . - The Buhl kinder- rten th ro u g h g rade G estling sign-ups are Thursday 5 p.m. a t the h ig li school. The ;t is SIO p e r wrestler. The Is p racticc Tuesdays and ursdays-ut-S-p.m .T-startinR - 5.16. Call 543-8292 fo r more0 rmation.

II Parents Night Out Istration ends today

™ n f a l l s - T he CollcecS outhern Id a h o volleyball Igram will host P aren ts Night t, a children’s all-night shim- • p arty a t th e G olden Eagles n s ta r tin g a t 5:30 p,m. urday, Feb. 14.^11 Bcn S troud ac 732-6478 Jing HugWey a t 732-6492 to a in a reg istra tion form. The m and p aym en t a re due:ay.__________________‘ickup is 9 a.m . th e next ming;'hildren in g rad es 1-6 are eli- le with som e exceptions con- ered. The cost is S20 per Id and $10 fo r c a d i addition- child p e r family^ The fee ludes free adm ission to that ht's CSI b aske tba ll gamesi ta from P apa Johns, movies1 games."he chaperones aitj the CSI leyball te a m mem bers. Jdrcn need to bring a sleep- bag, pillow a n d pajamas,

lutback S teakhouse is offer- a free Bloom in’ Onion to

’ parents who s ign their diil- n up for th e event.

In l^lls High School :st]lng meet Is cancelled•WIN FALLS - The flu and j r ie s have d e p le te d the itu ry w restling team to the n t tha t th e scheduled dual et against IW in Falls High eduled fo r W ednesday was ccUed and w ill not be made said B ruins a th le tic director iy Barron Wednesday.

Icago OKs more night nes for Wrigley Field:raC A G O -T he Cubs will be iwed to increase the ir night ie s a t W rigley Field from 18 10 per season by 2006 u n d e r ,

o rd inance approved dnesday by t lie Chicago City mcil.h e limit will increase to 22 ; year, 2G in 2005 and 30 in '6 un d e r th e ordinance, iroved by a 42-0 vote, h e p lan also includes provi- is requ iring th e Cubs to nd more m oney to address


' ' iT ^ ?r i^

E a T h e r „M k ■ •

, T hu riday , F e b n a ry J

S p o

5XETIER^-Frank & Mary Charlton,

Special thanks lo ih e \ Higli Sdiool cooks a nd cu and to all the paren ts whi helped m ake the evening cess.

Our dinner w is a wond success nnd we appreciati everyone who p u rd iased i and came our to support i Spartans,


INBRIEF-confie-stlon, litte r an d

. game-related problem s ii residential neighborhood

r- surround the ballpark , ' G opened in 1914. y The Cubs are th e last i e league team to play th e m e ty of their fil hom e gam d th e afternoon. L ights wi B— added-to -W rig lcy-F ie id e 1988.

The Cubs had been pu for more niglu games, s they would generate mon enue.

But many residents it lj a p a rtm e n t buildings• hom es directly across t h e : t from th e ballpark and n<

fought it, saying m ore : s .g am es would mean more• fic, congestion, rowdy beh a n d littering.

; Crowd Jeers U,S. teai: with'chants Of‘Osam

GUADAUJARA ,-M e*i T he boos, nearly drownec

"T he Star-Spangled Ban and a few dozen fans cha “ Osama! Osama!" as

United States was elim ir by Mexico in Olympic r

• soccer qualifjrfng.A loud anti-American c

: hollered as Mexico beat ’ U nited States 4-01\iesday I . in th e under-23 toum an

claim ing a berth in th e At ; Olympics.

As U.S. players le ft th e s um for the ir bus, several fi

■ som e clutching beers - cha “ Osama! Osama!” in refer to al-Qaeda leader Osama Laden.

Police in riot gear he ld th e crowd and urged peop

I calm down.

! Judge refuses stay for I I Clarett will enter the drI NEW YORK - A (ec . judge refused to suspend ! ru ling tha t Maurice C la a 1 eligible to play in the NFL

his lawyer said Wednesday Ohio State running back e n te r the draft.

U.S. District Ju d g e S Scheind lin ruled th e

J would not suffer irrep a i [ h a rm if C larett a n d o I underclassmen are allowe . , p artic ipa te in April’s draft. I S cheindlin re jec ted ' a rgum ents th a r s h e must

pen d th e effect of last w< ' ru ling in whidi she condi I th a t a n NFL rule barring I , b ility to Clarett and u

you n g ath le tes viol -an titru st laws. -------


" W " : . 'V :


Bi:VTh a T S w ^ .;M

imes^fevvs .le v a lU y .c o m Overi(igkvall^ .com Bime

y 1 2 .2 0 0 4 T l m e ^ m , Twin FaIIs , I

^O R ^rs

Dn,le Minico

wholing a .sue-

underful ciated w d tickcts ort the

tIOOL-— -----------HEAD - :FE .\N D

id o th e r IS in the lOod lhat k, which

is t m ajor le majori- gam es in > weren'teld- imril---------------

1 pushing s, saying n ore rev-

s in the i’s and :he s treet d nearbyre n ight ■lore traf- ib eha \io r

earnamal’lexico--------- ----------m ed out Banner,” chan ted a s th e

im m ated ic m en’s

in crowd 3cat thelay night '•nament,2 A thens

he stadi- al fans - chanted eference am a bin

eld back leople to

or NFl;B draft

federa l end her :ian.‘tt is JFL, and sday the ack will

e S hira le NFL jparable i o th e r owed to raft.d NFL lUSt sus- t week's )nduded ing eligi- d o th e r violates

viite reports


f e ; : - . ■

f t

7-4042 - fverland Ave Bmiey

Ills, Idaho & 3

S p o r t s ^

NorthsidContinued from Bl tournam ent. While Bli M 2 . M 7 ih tjie regu W ade says they aren 't be taken lightly.

“ If they ’re on. they’ ous," W ade , saicl. “TTi chance to beat somi have to m ake sure it’s i

The Shoshone Indi (he tournam ent as (he w ith a 6-6 confereni

________ AihlcticseniocTonyJBcleader of an Indians will play tough on its h

T he late-se.ison at sophom ore Greg Sci been a boost for Shosh Indians no longer have

__ _____ big scoring games fromorder to win.

Shoshone faccs 7-13 in th e first round .T lie l4-8 in conference play. I a dangerous scoring di om orc V ictor Vasquez ; C harlie Amy. Vasquez r gam es th is season, bui 18 points per game gam es h e played.

------------- W h ile -R ich fie ld e(oum am ent as (he Ni

-------------they-can't-bti-countcd-• tournam ent by any me;

“It’s so Jiard to cal those th rc c team s Dictricii a n d Camas al potential to m n,” Wade N orthside CT ournam ent has a Ion, ued trad ition of upsets.

R ounding out thc to th c D ie trich Blue D F a irfie ld ’s Camas M ushcrs w ill m eet in : action. D ietrich is led t ior d iio o f 6-foot-3 Vane5-9 guard Shawn Divin

_ ■ ■ worked_his_w av_baclicarly-scason injury t( 13.5 po in ts in his final lar season games.

“ H e hyperextendcd ' ing elbow th e first gai

son,” Blue Devil coadi said. “But he's doing b His shot is coming bad<

B oth t h T ^ l t « ^ ^ M ushcrs share S 7 regu records, a n d the two ti th e ir two previous Camas C ounty is led by Steve Vouch, and has $ ju n io r tr io of 6*3 Ti Gelder, W M ark Wilso Kyle M cnck.

“I expec t that (the { be a lo t like before,” “They have more size.V

________ ly quick.. If.o u r kids.slplay wc should be fint sure they’d say the sam

Barnett.. Continued from Bl

and studen ts for th e 1 2001 p arty tha t led to a llega tions and says w a t^ players and re hours a day.

“No coach or any ic my staff h a d anything I th a t night,’' he said. "A did any coach take p a rt ing, c rea tin g or encoi party of any son. You

A t 57i B arne tt has led to a Big 12 Conference I BCS bowl gam e in his sotis os h e a d coach (hi: runs th rough 2006): Whe over from Rick NeuI J an u a iy 1999, his form*

___at N orthw estern said> 'as g e tting a new sheril

"Coach B arnett is sue ler,’’ receiver D.J. H ad “H e’s really sn ict on t

• stuff.’'Still, Bamt^tt had his

ing head coach at Colon H e led Northwestern

of Big 10 titles and a R b erth a fte r the 1995 sc was also th e re during i scandal in which four players w ere ind ict acp ised of lying about | and point-shaving activii

T heir coach was not cd. B arnett la ter called, dal a “ trem endous beti

- • the players. • ’ •B arne tt was also v

Colorado program as an coach d u ring some if it: days. Between 1986 ai

„ players w ere accused c ranging from drunken d serial rape, and th e sd featured in a Sports II cover s^ory tha( still b rir m emories.. B a rn e tt him self was: cized d u ring that moss, w n ished th c tenure of he; Bill M cC artney b u t die thc Buffs from winning a cham pionship in 1990.

Since th e n , thc prog been s lap p ed with two NCAA probation for v th a t o ccu rred mostly Ncuheisel. 1716 problem ed illegal contact with and excessive reimburse rec ru its’ trave l and ci m ent expenses. B arnett v for two m inor violations.

& 4 TliTW»ltow>, TM n u r t

___ Goa, Cofrtlnuod fr

i n p ......................."Jf *-------- w hen 1 ca:e x c e p tio n s

Bliss finished a goalkeejjgu lar season. , he said. “m'l a team (o doing it. r

fin ished p iw 'rc d anger . fully, geitii•HiW have a . H o ^ irdoiuobody. Ho , 1,^ | 35, „ tsn o iu s .Indians cmcr - ..i„eviial rhe third stcd

o 's t o f a s - S c;ave to rely onrom Perieni in } p j ^ ]

M 3 Richfield } H H , I loTigcmvent | WITH ay, but feature I A y i ; duo in soph- I f ^ n R I ez and senior _ Iez m issed five b u t averaged le in (he IS

: en te rs th e —No. 7 seed. because / ^ B j m

IS Richfield,; all have thc id c said. “The

Conference long and val- ^ B H |

: tournament,Devils and

as County ^ l |in first-round ^id by (he sen-<ince Dill and iivine.D iUhas 1 ^ 0 - 1a c k _ f r o m _ a n _ _ ,______ ./ to average 1nal four regu- ' '

e d his shoot- gam e of sea- d l Wayne Dillg b e t te r now. U M B B | | jlack^ _____ ____D e v ils and . egular season0 te a m s sp lit IS m e e t i n g .1_by 6-1 senior _______as size in thc ^ I S O K '

Travis Van • " •ilson, and 6-4

le game) will — e,” Dill said. c .W c are fair-s show up to . ...xBRSEBBfine, and Fm - f lS S S S S;amc thing.” . i." ■' — '

HITACHI' ---------------- PROORESS


IC Decem ber o io ita l ao 1 to the rape tS lys he can’t


f m e m b e r oflg to do with I l u n l i . “A t no timea rt in arrang- \icouiaging a A k bu just don't

led Coloradoce t itle a n d a---------his five sea- Toia i fA(his contract(Vhen he tookleuheisel inrm er players 1dd Colorado .

such a stick- ___ . . r,la c k e tt sa id .>n rules and

his share of fore becom-lorado. ^ C * .}m to a pair IHa Rose Bowl .I season. Hc lg a bettingo u r fo o tb a ll <l ic te d a n d l | H B M u t g a m b lin g 2dv itie s . l B a B &lo t im p lica t- p io n e e r eoo< e d th e scan - *vaTEM witi- je tr a y a l" b y PL ua°suaw o

- . PRO LOOIC tt/) With the a n a s s is ta n t — • • f i t s d a rk e s t ': and 1988, ; ^ | M | d of crimes n driving to school was

s n iu stia ted tM m B w3finiu h itte r flHARP 200-V anngs o itter ayaTBM wit

o ia rrA L t u n

w hich tar* p>tMU • aui< h e a d coach d id n ’t s to p . .

lg a n a tio n a l) SH A RP 20" ,L - j . u WITH BUILTrogram has t u n e r , ito wo yeare of - " ^ 2 ^ 5 ? " ' r violations iUy luidtrems uidud- uont> ith rratatsiscment for -------------------

c n tm a in .Mwtiscitcd ■ iiiiiiiMiiiiHiiiii ins.

u r t , Idaho T f u w ln . F * t)fU (y 1 2 .2

alkeepef__d from Blw as a good .goalkcepcr cam c here, I need to be onal,” Howard said. . . ry ing to be tte r myself as e e p c r across the board.” ® . “I 'm in the process of t. no question. I’m not a I p roduct yet bu t, hope- ^ (ting there.” c'rd is determ ined to prove,

two games were anom- ' jj

ilab ly as a goalkeeper, no •iviio you are, what league, g,ge, you’re going (o go ^- th a t;’’-h e -3 a id - ’‘ You-re--------I have highs and lows.The ]j!Ipo rtan t.(h ing is staying Mn(. You ju st hope you’re . hilat d ip for (oo long." n;


T2 SMOOTHS WKmSSsEn ___________ ,



ZOOM A 3.S’ (.CD MCIm . C«mpKt D*tlgn • OJg-W

S i i P P l l ^ ^ c N v oiarrALt* hai

-— HrrACHH4l*oiPl^ji^CAyCORDMW/OI

^ l |


lO-WATT TOTAL POWER AUDIO VrrH »-CD CHANOBR, AM/PM . UNER. DUAL C A S S IE , 2-WAY 8YBTEM AND REUOTBl<iyb»ck • PifSM egu«lu«< • 4».8l*llon M»ffl Aulo Progiun SMiCti 8y»Um. •CO-KPJ300

0" AQUOS'o LCD TV *■ ■ j nILT-IN CABLE TV M d *I70*/170«VIEWINO L L & AANO 600:1 C v B a t BT RATIOiu^r Vl^

UlS. coxnucronstm r f S n IjCAU.i^-rji>.ni, ■ u a l J ^ E g i

2 .2 0 0 4

Howard, who has 14 shi in 30 gam es w ith U nited ii ing c u p play, re tu rns to“ ; W ednesday n ight af M iddlesbrough, followet Saturday’s FA Cup gam e a) crosstown rival Manchester In te rc ity “d e rb ie s" are affairs in England, akin to downs bet^veen.the Bostbr Sox and- New York Yankees.

:"Tlie fans go crazy fo Hoivard said.

“No m a tte r who’s strug who’s do ing well, both tean going to be up for it. It sIiol a p ressu re cooker."

— A ddlnff-Tcnhtrm ix-w ll-b likely ap p ea ran ce in M an d ieste r City lineup of fielder Claudio R c j^ a , the national team cap(ain.

• Not Applicable lo Prior Salo * Only One Coupon

PorPurchate > Wnile Supplies Last EX PIR E^2«9/04__

iHuai^ntt'UMeltiiOOcilseli M «nciunl AwK»tf ai M am e/n mrmm «/m n«um« nwNiv




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l i C - r

iai E m si i - '■ -


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HANDYCAM*THOIorTAL----------- TOSHIBA-i;Ux OPTICAL/ W/BILINQUJ£ rc ‘»tfo«.To» ^* K .T lt5 5Mt SUMIIUtlon • V-Chlp • PionIxrMMad«<USB

T08HIBA 18*■ TV/VCI.C0M1

oiPlMl MJnlOVD w/DioiTAL s n a OTS I STORESitnuPH O Tos ^ i j V C i^ c S i lC O ^ JVC 4-HEAI W^JOVMFor. STEREO VC


ClKVeMalm*a( • Pio-Cl»on ie< tueouaon. •Muill.LingudCAA/ Inpult • 1 M



lUBii____-.a SMiuiu gpMUun A lofrvck • 10 InMli A Ovtsut* • ISAM/MFi Acoutue PreeaiwK > B«« A

po w erf ' u l s -_ 2-WAY SPEAKER


K W y jT T O f l f f U N V J

............... ‘

ihutouts Howard and R IJ^ncJud- six Americans p » action in England's top agains( by goalkeepers e d by (Tottenham ) an( against (B lackburn), dc

ier C ity Bocanegra jujd .• rab id M cBride (both Ft :o show- M anchester Ui bn Red won eight of the L*s. ( itles , is twofor it." u n b ea ten Arsen;

faces Portugal's I iiggling. in th e next i ams are E uropean Chamj: ould be “Success is rc;

by how much silvI'be 'the------ arthis-club,^'-Hm'n th c Thc recent del of mid- a t Manchester I he U.S. . m th a bitter of

betw een managei

I Sm f,m

SUNDAY 12 ■ DAILY 10««-9™ I

/n>my M;rnM> «> mMi Mmn «/rw »H mwTf Ownotf v m < «Brwn «r


R/CD/WRW/MPS VIDEO PROORESSIVE SCAN CONTROL:efflpontnl Vld*o Out« 8-VM«0 >ck.4.Z<»om.




Sp?s::' I & l i I

•13"-TVWCR COMBO------- TRUAL OSD. SLEEP/ 8TMER AND REMOTE 2-1I A/V Inpuli • Aulo Rtp«il IA Isni Pin«l Httdphen* J»ek. • J.l

5-.0........................^ 1 7 9 I


AD H i ^ i ^ ^ y ® ^ '1/CR WITH wrrs<, SUPER VHS QUASI :K AND REMOTE fgjte Micron Wioin EP H*«Oi ^ftl Color On*9Cf9«n M«nu * Front I Monltua Evinl Tiniar.

■ P " i “


>A Y l a P M - 6 P M • D fl

I .1 ac,™ j ft

1 4 1 4 P o I e l l n o Roi 2 0 8 .7 3 5 .8 6 1

I Reyna a re am ong a n d t > playing regularly e rs, Ii top league, jo ined Magii LTS K asey K elle r Am and B rad -F ried e l ny is d e fe n d e r Carlos from

jd forw ard B rian H e 1 Fulham).United, w hich has

the last 11 league f l ^ S 0 p o in ts b eh ind I S g enal. U n ited also H I 's Porto th is m onth ^ H J I : round of th e H a i < mpions Cup. really deteiTniried silvenvare you win Vfm rard sa id :--------------defensive troubles r U niicd coincide ' off-the-field - feud

Iger A lex Ferguson

HD MONrroR PROJECTIOH TV WTTM SPLIT SCREEN 2.TUNER PIP, StEREO/9AP WITH db**, 8RS* WOW « ILLUMINATED UNIVERSAL REMOTE• Spin CaWnat 0*Mn • CiyaUlSesn HOSC* >TniVI«»'* •Thcataffln*" HO 8up«r Pin* Pitch Sctmh.

^ A




3 A H .V a o j u n -■ 9 P M

cross From lagle Valley Mall

t o a d E a s t 1 6 0 3

id the club’s m ajor shareliolc s. Irish race horse owners Joh agnler and J.P. McMaiuis., Among the deals under scrut is Howard’s S3.6 million mov

)m the M etroStars.H oward will jo in th e U.S



maviovALS. «or bus;.i■ PHILIPS 30" R

tf- _ TV WITH »

^ ^ tT u ¥ '"-'““Ti^ ~ • Wld»»eroen Vlawl

^ . 1 PANASONIC 83" 16:Ga ;:tl • w it h h ig h OEFJNm


• 8BE9 Hlca ^ W i l T I * OoubI ^ f i W ^ InpuUOol

i Mis o N Y . i ( J

ir ' ' SONY 81” 18:9 WIDE SCI •LIT HMCAN 10e0i~ PROJEi



w™ •30Dloltil*Co/rtF*?«‘"'*VCPocul'* Auto A Manuil Conxrgi


^ 5 7 9

^ 9 9




M l I K . Haadllqhl • Ou'abla P» >< M Haro snill Datlen • 25 Fl. Po». r Cord • Micro-

0*1? 00% Wo«1 Al"*

| B 3 E £ |


£ . ; s

II V k | i . i | | | i p s g ' j ]


)ld- national team for an )hn gam e a t the Netherla:

Iti. His perform ances uti- have established him OVC • co n ten d er to beat c

and Keller- as A m er I.S. . goalkeeper


jsJMsses • scf srone rou oerAiis • £xpiREAL FLAT”* 10:9 WIDE SC

I HIGH DEFINITION CAPABIL IBLE SURROUND™ 8, UNIVE TE CONTROLLERI Comb Flltor • Eye Fldatlty’'* • Active Component Inputs (10BOi;480p) • 0 iWino Mode* Plui Auto.

HILIP8 34“ HDTV.....................


XDaflnlllon Sound • Enhanced Prc • Component Vldao Inpul* • AIV >ulput JBCka. •PT-S3WX42

Jm.-----------HITACHI 48"-18;9-V

• SCREEN PROJECTI ICREEN WITH HlOH DEFINF ^CTION CAPABtLmr, MTS TION STEREO/SAP WfTH HP«'~ SRS* SURROUND tn To Amplinar Locki • Olow-ln.|h».Oaik I )• FU>n Ramot*. VinuaiHD'- Olgli rganea. eaiaing.

PORTABLE fl ~ ' CaLDRTVUEO COLOR TV OPERATION. TRILINGUAL ON-SCREEN CREEN DISPLAY,- DI8PLAY ANI P TIMER. AA/ . DC Plue For Cr s A REMOTE Liahlar. 1S1 Cr d Caption Oltplay Hon • Two HaaO ilalConliol. ^SlatgTlmaf

,7 77 7 :...* 14 9


Clo»«T<S??pa*m*nl’o?«Mh.*i,M'lsi°SJIth. »13521

f g P " -

frioidai20.S CU. I

iio a ir e electric REFRIOE lOE W/4.1 cu . FT. FREEZER F-CLEANINO OVEN OALLON LECTRONIC OVEN STORAGI ITROLS .2 ana/no some Ourner Pam • 9tnr. Whiia Crlap.Xawtr • Htqh Walt Coll Oalt Drawer■ ra • Larae Window In Ooor • Nava. »FEF35lCW daniar. «Fn




' a n exhibition irlan d s on Feb. ices for U nited lim as a strong / I t o u t Friedel Tierica's No. 1

‘ r i “i ' T i p a r

T T j f r j p j i

RRANTY (UtMlly I tOFPimCHASE ;tLeONlYOHirtUS ' Offers IS for* I •expiMSjJWn J



® 1 4 9 9 - - - - - - - -;CTION TV SCREEN

tROUNOd Preorattlve■AAf

lO.WlDE---------------'CTION TV 'INITfON TS .rrH db>t*,ID ft2>TUNER PIP

s s :



^ 6 9

Shewn Net ' ' u l inciuata


A ltjr TVa-TwO

S " 3 r i . r

‘ i »

IDAIRB :u . FT. lOERATOR.ZER wrrH ON DOOR AGEIng Shalvaa *2 Zrlapata • Claar awer • Clajr Dairy Navar-Cla-in Con- . «FnT2tCSAW

8. MP3 PLAYER.ILE FACE. CARO • bOTa.rSr ,* ;r« X .S !a

n i m i n H H H«fl i‘,j JI ifviiTMM 1/

Green light: Twicx: I ” • number o f snowmol:

[ will soon b e allowed - Yellowstone.

' M

T h c T i m c s - N c w s

A r OUN]


Glascock wants r ^ in county cle■ TWIN F A L L S -T V ^ Fal Clerk K ristina G lascock a >Vcdnosday lh a t sh e ’ll retain her job com c Nove:

'Glascock, form erly ^ ^ d a l D istrict D eputy ( apiiointcd to h e r cu rrcn t i Ju ly by th e TWin Fall: R epublican C en tra l O a^d county commissionc ing thc resignation of ]

. R o u g h ly llin d iv id u a lsh a for the appoin tm ent. .

In a p re ss release______ Wednesday, G lascock _sai<

a p p rtd a ted (he su p p o rt ( offidals, em ployees and c TWin Falls d u rin g th e i betM'ccn h e r a n d Fort. Tl teUnty d c rk is serving a pHson scn tcncc for using i $5^000 of th e county’s-n ^ ^ b l in g ."G la sco ^ will be n m n

f^ur-year te rm a s coim ty c > T h e cand ida te filing j

March 8 to 19. The election is M ay 25, a nd th elccdon is Nov. 2.

Judge sets tentath date In murder cas

B U R L E Y -A ten tative for TVoy Alonzo, w ho is cha iQurder, rape, kidnapping of a deadly w eapon, is set 8.

t h e date vras se t by Ju Hohnhorst a t A lonzo’s W arraignm ent in S lh D istria C issia C ounty. Alonzo iiinoccni to a ll o f th c char arnugm ncnt.

•Alonzo is ch a rg ed v December 1999 m urder Ray. Hc rem ains in custo Mini-Cassia C rim inal Center. H e can’t be reli bond because h e is servi ycars-to-life sen ten ce in t S tate Peniten tiary stem m i 2000 conviction in Powci

------ fo ra ttc m p te d ra p e rH c V iing a 10-year p rison term glaiy, for w hicli h e was cor Power County in 2000.

Board extends Hag principal’s contrac!

HAGERMAN - H School B oard m em bei approved a con trac t exte; Mark Kress, th e ir h igh s d

' dpal.Kress was h ired for thc

school y ear on a two-year Following h is a n n u i l ev Kress’ contract was cxtei another year.

“M ark is mo Superintendent L ee M itd

- - “H e does a g rea t job .”In o ther b u s in ess thi

^ p o l Board m em bers : kh'ool d istrict poli<y.

“We arc sp en d in g ho h o u n of tim e u p da ting Mitchell said. “W e’re m ak minor changes.”

' In January , th e Schoc reviewed personnel polic m onth s tu d e n t policy i in d u d ed th c s tu d e n t h:

. harassm ent, ju v e n ile ol school clim ate, a ttendance den t health. In M arch boa bbrs will review th c po lid lished for s tu d e n t disdp! extracurricidar activities.

Hagerm an a d o p te d it book written by th e Boise ^ r h a r t c r , M aki a nd 'Hipp i ^ ta c n ta t iv e s fo r appro

!-------^ d a h o s c h o o ld is t r ic ts .—j ' > B ic next m e e t^ g of tli I will be a t 7 p.m.. Mi

....... ^ e l e m c n t a r y s ^ o o l

- ■ ' J l : Com piled from sfa

'SnozvpaqkWoterjhod %olAvg* Uppor Snako Basin 96% Salmon Falls 119%Salmon 95%Oakloy 118%Bis Wood S8%LIttIo Wood 95%Honrys Forkn-oton 110% Bla Lost 94%Uttio Lost 85%


^A<o"’PS't*on of bMln snowpt ttu* day. witli a 3 0 ^ r «vmg«

^An Indicator of basin anowpac •W snttra snow aaaaon. wfikh I

c c d i c " I

lo b iicR

e d in


w s

V cIs toileikjotr HeybiFalls County .

k announced S t O r V ti ’ll seek to •'nvcml»n ^ti^ O i l d O (

ty Clerk, was ^n t position in . ByBfandonR■alls County 'nmesitewsvi

Committcconers follow- HEYBUR)f Bob Fort. A llied .fore; had lobbied across the P:

More thailase issued w ar w ere said she h a s_ _Ph iIipp inesr to f e lc n e d occupied twid d tizens in M ost ofle transition A m erican cr.-The former a n d nursesg a one-year escape, butng more than “ 8?:,’s-raoney for got

trench hadmning for a before a tty d c rk . H e y b ^ r e :lg period is 80, who w a Ih e primaryl th c general Division.

Jap an ese w them all wit

itlve triali g g g worst beCau

ive trial date ' ‘,hgy“ ' ' i „ s t 'charged With Philippines,ling and use a r« c u e >set for June nating air, k

culm inatingJudge John- successful bi

; Wednesday dons duringtnct Court m H urst - mzo p leaded 34 years andharges a t h is' recounted

Wednesday.1 w ith th e duced by hiler of Kacy Sunday on Tstody a t the Although ta l Ju stice 60 years agereleased on bring tears tierving a 25- “ One of tlin the Idaho is hell,’ butuningfrom a diat,” h e saiciwcr County_____ p c ^ i t c j h!5’s'also serv- dockvvbrk pisrm for bur- bly low casuiconvicted in . 2,147 prison

was overshad to n e event t

lagerm ana c t th e b a td e foi

H a c c m a n However, 1, b J S " g d ue to get Mcnsion forschool orin- two-hour dot

pnn o p c ^ H o n ethe 200203 D ™ ;T h e L

:a r contract. .evaluation. «

xtendcd for

S o u ' S ’ R c p i

th i r w e e k , T H « A .» 5 lii;rs reviewotl

houts and multimillion^ing policy,” D irkK em pthtaking some « ■“ > W 'd n

u n m et dem ;hool Board olides. Hiisy reviewed “You d idnl

handbook, ■*;“offenders there a re

ncc and stu. board mcm-ilicics estab- * a in i ia n ofdpU ne and PoIiW “ mmi

spending con■ 'its policy The presen oisc firm of

M S Salmc\ c School

B O IS E -I*- ---------- -asking fanner

Staff reports the Bureau ol m eets Its goal

_ in th e Snake 1>]/• migradon.

'■ ^ e l s %i«Bon O ther w a te r i t i

vg pook” fe d e ra l a g e m» % M % a c re f e e t be lo i19% ^ a c r c f c b to fw cJ5% 64% “T h c w a te r18% 85% b e tte r , a n d s•c{8% 62% in te re s t f ro m i>5% 64% w a te r th is yeai10% 76% a b u r e a u sp o kM% 61% Id a h o R iver15% 55% th rc o g ro u p s ia of Fob. 11 fe d e ra l governiwpack, on o p e ra tio n s on■sg*. Id a h o a re illcf■pack lor c o m p a n ie s a ilehpaakaln g ro u p s sa y d

g ro u p s w in , th. a g r i r u r a l cc

Id aho . B illS ed iv y ,!

H H H I e x c c u d v e d inx

eteranbumman’s^ll> appears Ioeumenta^ InRala I3 writer________________ H

JRN - It was 1945 and Hsrccs werc advancing Hi P a d fic Hh a n 2,000 prisoners of ■c being held in th e Hes near the Japanese- Ht(»vn o f Los B anos.' ' H of th c POWs w ere1 civilians - nuns, p riests H>es. One m anaged to • H lUt had a chilling mes-

ot word th a t a la rge H ad been dug th c day3t th e camp,” said Hresident Harold Hurst, Hwas a combat infantry Hst in the 11th A irborne H “We vvcrc WTDrned the

w ere going tb shoot ^|,q, with machinc guns and1 in the trench.” _ , :an troops fea red theau se the Japanese had Bold

s t control o f the- nH

:c was organized coordi- Hland and sea forces - H

ng in one of th c most ■I b u t least-known opera- ■ng World W arn . ■ ’ mayor of H eybum forUld a former e d ucato r - Hi th c m ission Hly. A documentary pro- H

his grcat-nephcw airs H11 h c History C hannel. ■ ^ the war ended almostago, thc m emories still Hs to Hurst's eyes. Hf the generals said *war H)ut it was worse than Elaid. t s

th c prison libe radon 's___ _: p re d a o n and incredi-sualty rate - none o f the , wners were k illed - it ladowed by ano th e r his-It th a t occurred oh th c ,- t h c raising of th e U S . ^ lount Suribachi during fo rlw o jim a.r, th c prison liberation ^5c t more attention. The „ ^ lhannel airs Sunday a documentary abou t the

called “R cscu e at} Los Banos Raid.” S )cum cntary w as pro-

Hurst^ great-nephe>v,

mblicanspated Press four

hcai• Key lawmakers poked camDn-doUar holes in Gov. befcjd iom e’s 2004-05 budg- Hotdnesday, singling o u t pan<:m ands in educa tio n , dralalth , natural resources new: safety. gemIn 't tell us w here to g et bud]/, b u t you le t u s know fiscissues out there,” H ouse begi tions Chairman M a n n eerome said a f te r th e Kiof House and S en a te stanim ittees laid o u t th e ir gcn(:oncems. quaiM:ntadons w rapped up optii

ion advocatessd Press • suinc

427,0Idaho Rivers U nited is Soiners to lease w a te r to • more1 of R cdam ation so h watei>al for increasing flows ownece River lo a id salm on Murp

ing pdie bureau has leased fqrmii feet o f water. W th econ(' it already controls, th e “Inency is only 100,000 onec;low its goal of 427,000 velopwater. nidcse r situation looks a lot Ihi

s•e’ e sensing a lot o f ‘ acresm irrigatore in leasing are i’ear,” said Diana Cross, fromokcswoman. dozervers U nited is one of canjtJS tha t have sued th e pricezm m ent daim ing dam fromon th c Snake R iver in If t[legal. Idaho irrigation ' long

an d other in d u s tiy operath a t if the salm on and c

, they could dry u p th e water; economy of soud iem “It

soludy, Idaho Rivers U n ited and irector, said d ie groups .-diven

GIG' i ’h u r s d a y ,

1 reca

Above, tears still come to Harold cue mission In the Philippines du Raid,' was created by Hurst's Below, Hurst received many medi

Ryan Hurst,-24,-ofT\icson, Ariz “I was in Idaho visiting fan

and I h ea rd about d ie rescue fr my great-unde," Ryan Hurst si “The story got my attention. I \ really in trigued bccausc it was spectacular an d Pd never hei about it before.”

At the tim e, Ryan was a studi at San F randsco S tate Univers He wrote- a paper about the i cue for a history d ass. Tlie paj ivas w ell received, and R j dedded to m ake a documentai

Following graduation, R> u»c! contacts m ade while \>-o ing a t Param ount P ic tiu ts a

point out 1f o 'u r w e c k s ~ 6 r | | |^ ^ ^ B B fiearings and :amc th c day before th eI louse-S ena te j g Mpanel beg insira fting th c I K v y h * lew $2 billion general, tax

for Uic yea r tha t

J c g in s ju ly l. |„ „ |„ ,B e ll

K cm pthom e’s proposal is i itarting poin t for lawmakers jeneraliy believe it is both ina luatc in critical areas and ove jptim isuc in its total spend

es ask farmeling w U n o i demand more thji 27,000 acre feet tliis year.Some farm ers would like to sc

lore opponunities to lease the a te r long term . George Gran ivner of Falcon Butte Farms i lurphy, said expanding die lea lg program could put money I irmers’ pockets and aid thc ru r :onomy. . .“In o u r vie^v, programs like th

le can b e very good for the red. jlopment o f rural Idaho commi ities,” G rant said.There a re as many as 100,OC

from Uic Buhl area west Uii :x5 irrigated liy w ater pumpc om the Snake River and lifte Mens of feet to fields above th mj-on. G rant said. H ere Uie risir rice of c lec trid ty keeps farmei om getting ahead.If they could lease their watt ng term , they could shift the aerations to livestock fccdin id other activities lh a t use lej ater, hc said.“It’s im portant to sta rt findin ilutions tiia t help boUi .formci id fish an d support a mor verse economy,” Grant said.

;Va[ 'ebruary-12, 2004

ills di

Did Hurst's eyes when he talks : during World War II. A documon great-flephew, Ryaii Hurst, and: edals and honors for his military

riz.--------- D rcum w orks-to-piiamily m cn ta iy to TIic Hisfrom I h e proposal wassaicl. su iiu n er arid RyanI was fo r G reystone P rras so rcscarch director foileard R y a n interview!

paratro< ->crs and prident “ I struck■rsity. o f th e prisoners, c\’(L* res- a ll th e se years," hejaper th e paratroopers juRyan off, saying they hadtaiy, A fte r about sLx nRyan w ork resu lted in diei«rk- u m en tary that will j

and “I l was a fun ex

million-dim . comfnitmcnr.— ■

T lie governor anc H e rcpea tcd ly defendi

sions a s rosponsiblc H still sluggish econ

fact th a t last year' tux 'increasc expire

H s tripp ing S180 mil , cash th a t will be

fin a n d n g the 2005-< I h c chairm en ol

„ com m ittees calledKem pUiom e’s prop

5 Uie SSOO.OOO from the ! who \va te r rights adjudit nade- program s in the Wa tverly D epartm ent, iding 'Iliey \vam cd Uii

ers to lease \han-- - N orm Scmuiiko, ]

th e Idaho Water Coa see rep resen ts irrigation,

heir an d indu-strial interc s ta te has been able

5 427,000-acn.-foot obli yea r cxccpt Uie last

ural am ong the n- d rought years in hist

d rying u p fanns to gje- w ate r fo r salmon as a mu- ru ra l economy.

“ i f you have no int ,000 ing th c w ater stay in i diat irrigation and die ecc ped ports, then j-ou wou fted free m arke t for wate the said. “Then whoever I

^” 8 m oney would take ^ers M aybe Las Vegas w

build a pipeline ar

he?^ Scdivy said leaving Snake R iver benefit: ju s t fish and pardd)

ling ers. H igher flows im icrs quality an d ollmv Idal lore to p r ^ u c e more el


\L U14


K i

ks about Feb. 23,1945, when h< nontary about that day, ‘Rescue Id airs on The History Channel S :ary scrvice, Including two Bronz

and g o t : from thc

Ryan project pursue a ry from

-“Ryan Harold : roally ha

Ilarolc . tion is gc

tor d ie I

t , ^ i 0 y fic o f se

was d ra-p itd i-d ie 'd o cu -----Albion IHistory Channel. been liv as accepted last asaj>ara an w en t to 'work 23 para« P roductions as w ar and • for th e project. The cwed surviving planned I prisoners. of an im]

th c gratitude “Gene c\’cn tociay after" about thi he said. “A lot of • get them just shnigged it n m m ad b een lucky.” included K montlis, Ryan's Filipino die two-hour doc- oiis ta n k ill a ir Siindoy. experience,” he

loUar bud----------------- --------- su p p o rt

and h is staff have e ffo r t inded their deci- 150,000ble in light of the ' through:onomy and die sta ll thc;ar’s penny sales in onlytiros in iiiid-200S, tion. I t imillion from the adjudicibe available for ry, a lre i05-OG budget. costing I, of tlic resource I h e d2d for reversal of S en a teroposul to siphon urged L[he Snake River thegoveidicaiion to other cnicial :W ater Resources tance ai

den ts VUiat inadeciuatc

water W(), president of Coalition, whidi on, agriciultural y T 1 ercsts, said Uib

rC d o T c ie ^M * tt» ,w i ,ic h ; m ore severe n?pnA listoiy. H e sees to lease, mon:

s a t lm ia t to lh e

. , to words in terest n, hav. m th c basin foreconomy It Slip- arouni.ould back t^ie sp,.;,i<,"vater,’ Semanko n n . j,er has Uie most commentkc th e water. ijm e m(ivould like to . Cham berand sh ip Uie was joim

Idaho Stting w ater in the D epartmifits m ore Uian Idaho Pid p a tin g farm- orgaruzatimprove \vatcr disciusioidaho Power Co. abti-w.electridty, he M ethai

know n I


EY[ raid

COST H T t» /n « T lw » limn he was part of a historic res- :ue at Dawn: The Los Banos }| Sunday at 6 and 10 p.m. onze Stars.

“ I m et fascinating people :ot a huge amount of support ' th e veterans.’'an enjoyed researching the c t so mudi he decided to le a m aster's degree in histo- m thc University of Arizona, y an deser\'es a lot of credit,”Id H u n t said. "H e worked ' hard on it.’'rold Hurst is glad Uie opera- s getting more a ttention, but ic paratroopers who p arnd - 1 in the liberation it was just f several daring missions,

treadles for battlerst was 21 years old w hen hc dra fted out of college a t n Normal School.- H e had living in Dedo. H e irained

iaratroopcr,m alanga total of jrad iu te jumps during the n d one combat jump.; Los Banos raid was icd a fte r Allies heard reports im pending massacre.:;ncral MacAnhur found out th c prisoners and ivanted to

,em out of there,” H urst said. ■! mccinilously planned raid dcd U.S. paratroopers, no guerrillas and amphibi- inks. .

Please see HERO, Page C3

dget holes'o r t-c o u ld slow down the t to prioritize more than )00 w ater righ t claims ighout most of the sta te and th e process that is now with- ily several years of comple- I t is the largest w ater fi^ its dication in the nation’s iiisto- Iready taking 17 years and ng moro than SGO million, c chairmen of th c H ouse and to education com m ittees J budget w t c r s to ignore ovem or’s plan in a t least rvyo a l areas - tedinology assis- ; and tutoring help for stu- s who fail th e soon-to-be-

Pleaso see BUDGET. Page C3

f^eaver: M Tectsneig:le Thomas Reale ■Nevra cofTCspondent

lOMK - Jim W eaver says borhoods are becoming thc is of dnig abusers, l Uiere’s a sense of urgency rds of Jerome County’s top iforcement official, rg la is are burglarizing hous- und the neiglilwrhood as \vc ,” Weaver s;iid Wednesday.

Jerom e County sheriff’s cnLs came during a liindi- m eeting a t the Je ro m e

b e r of Oimmerce. W eaver Dined by offidals w ith the S tate ftilice, Jerom e Policc

tm e n t and th e Sou thern P artners Againsi D rugs

Ization. Their main topic of sion was metham phctam inc

ham phctam ine also 1 by the street nam es

comI n s i d e

Obituaries.................. C:Money ....................... 0Idaho/West .................

ir .C J u u lH ( ilth :u i, lA .i - O 'lU , i

S c c t

Noh pusl P&Zfir€

I analysis 1By Julle Pence Times-News writer___

---------BOISE - Wlicn Ihihl FiM ark Grimes heard a been inirodiiccd to requi n ing and zoning coiniiii^ assess w ildland fire before g ran ting pern builders, lie d ieered .

“G reai," G rim es Wednesday. “I have to m eet ^ ^ 9 with a develop-e r tom orro ivnc -------ta lk with him •%

I about just dial I issue."I But unless I the bill passes ^ I th e Idaho I L e g i s l a t u r e , ^ ^ ' I that developer I only has- to vol- Laird I unteer to coop- j erate with G rim es' sug

for fire suppression. An certainly won’t bo anyone him lo carry through.

On W ednesday, Sen. La R-Kimberly in troduced a would force p lanning anc

____ commissioQs.io_analyzeJTliey are already recjiiire th a t with hazardous areas faults, flood p lains or mu Tliey are already reijiiired lyze transponatioii i.ssues ing developments.

Fires and resulting inui across the nation have dev communities lha t were 1 areas with heavy trees t brush. And it's rapidly, be a problem in Idaho, Noh s

GrimesI • .-------1 ticuhirly

i ' ce rned hom es hundred: ihousanci

« dollars tl located theCanyon

- id a n o

L eg is la liire I ire is no

2 0 0 4 i ' ” : r t h a 'I_____________I ly can I

fined toarea," Grimes said. “A w fire moves tlirougli an ai consumes everything in i Vou can't gel in front and i off. I h e fire doesn 't care sees is fuel."

Sen. Fred Kenned Mountain Home, seesrtli' 1cm all over iiis District 22.

I h is d istrict includes : I Couniy, w here th e remote

of A danta almost burnt , ^ u n d nvo years ago,■ ■■ ' “Peoplehad to b e evacii

helicopter," K ennedy saiti I Therc aren 't very many

who live in A tlan ta , he a ' edged. There arc ,"h o w 1 growing num ber of secont ' in the AUanta-Feathervi . forest area, m any o f whidi * to Magic and Wood Kivei , residents, he said. Plus, ht

-cially worried abou t a 20 subdivision betw een Idal and Boise, 'Ihose hom es a

’ so that liomeowners can 't next home through th e tn they are roofed w ith nott

3 P leaso s e e FIRES.

leth use ^borhooi

“speed,” “crank,” “crystii “ice” - can be snortetl, iiijc inhaled. It is m ade from a of dangerous dieinicals,

W eaver told ih e grou m etham pheiam ine use is h disastrous effect on comm

■ contributing to crim e in nc hoods.

M eth use rs^ca ii font groups, W eawr said, anti m alls w ith shopping lists c to steid for th e day’s b; drugs.

Dnig aistom ers scout nc hoods when they go to i d n ig buy Tliey look for doors that a re op en or ridii mmvers that Uiey can st( sell for m oney to buy Weaver said.

A meth addict ivill ste; friends and strangers ali sheriff Siiid. Tliey will ste

Please see METH,

h:. .C2-3 . .C46. ,. , . .C 7 -----------------

{/. Ext. J .U

i c c i o n C

shesrerMll—ll Fire Chief

a hill has equire plan- imis.siuns tu re hazards lerm its to

ies said

Laird Koh

suggestions And there

yone forcing

. Laird Noh. id a hill i It;i[ and ;'oiiing |

z e J i r e . r i 5 k . _________;uired to do 'reas sndi as mud slides

lired (o ana- aies regard-

inud slides deviisiaied re biiih in es or sage- /.becoming uh suid. mes is par- irly con- id about :s costing reds of iands of rs tliiu are ed above Inake River on and the river.

wildland s not like a L* fire in lhat usual-

in be con- to a small

A wildland n area and in its-ray,

md pinch it care. All it

■nedy. I)- >: the pmb- t 22.I-iirtof ;s Ivlinoie :iote village im t to tile

/acu;iledby“said.lany p e o i i l c ___le acknowl- liowevoiv 'H------------:ond homes erville-l’ine liidi Iwliing Uver Valley s. he's espe- 1 200-house Idaho City cs are built |an'i see the L‘ trees, and notoriously

IES. Page C3

odsystal" and injected or m a \iirietys,;rou|) tha t : is luiviiig a mniiinitie.s, n neiglibor-

form d m g and go to

sts of iiems • s batdi ot

It ndghlwr- to make a for ganige riding lawn 1 steM arid 3iiy drags,

steal from alike, the

steid from •TH,PagoC3 ■

M a c k : V ai

For obituary ratos and inforrr day. To vlow or submit oblti

SheriSliL-ri Uiiiiac

Hrookshicr vvciii to i am is of iiLT (IraiiiljKi. licavt'ni)ii.IaM..<U20l)

Sheri v«is Imni in________ Idalui. on I'd). 3. J

hccariiiT die sccond i join tlic family of hci

’ paicnis. Dr. I’iim(Jack anti Harold (Vanda) S lif a ttended Twin Fa and ^radiiatvd from

......... IlijJ i Sdiool in i m SI[() a tten d the Collcjjco: Idaho w hen: she reccii cation as a Niirsinn As.s a lsu g radnaied fi Hmergoncj- Medical 1 I’rojirani. •

S h e ri m arried Sic' W ip ia ll on Dcc. 1«. 19 th a t union w-as Iwni a little princess. Alc.xis I

------------ IS n 6 w 1 ' l/2 yeahi-orjr.' be sending her mijini

love a n d kisses every d; en. S heri coniiniicd ic Ale.'cis. and. divorce, .she foiind the I life, h e r friend and her in J im Brookshier

Tlicy were married 2003. Tlieir greatest , Iiiy, blc-ssed their imio th e liglit of his parent h e %vill continue to be t his daddy's life as \%c j this da rk time.

S he was preceded ir h e r b ir th parents, Billie and N athan Horn

________ Hall,__Ida lio u -lic r—;M ariah Holloway of M ont.; her grandpa, Johnson of Twin Falls, 1 iie r father-in-law, Brookshier o f l \« n Fall

Slie is survived by band , Jim ; her stcf Jen n a and Derek Broo ofTwin Falls; her mothi Holloway and her si "D ad” Jack, who has ceaseless support and th e p ast 17 years; oJii H aro ld Johnson; stt

R .

R. Douglas “Doug” N loving father, entered nal pcace on Fcb._8, Nlissio'n Viejo, Calif., ir ence of hi.s devoted fan

- D ad w-as bom July iSalt U k e City, Utah, Joseph and Lorett^Jaji

'D a d w a s the sixth of s dren raised in Salt Laki

A fter graduating frc M emorial Catholic Hi} lie en listed in the Arm> diiring World War 0 ai as a s ta ff sergeant in th depanm en t.

Dad m arried the lo life, o u r mother, M ^ u ( G andiaga, on April 16 St. Edward's Catholic ( 'IW n Falls. After their they m oved to Bois M aggie worked a t i R ehabilitation Center

______ • ow ned and operatecbrive-In.

A fter the ir first son, 1' born th e y moved to 1 wh e re they lived out th der of the ir lives.

Tliey liiid five chiidn Neville, Mark (Becky)

-------------Dan (Shannon) Nevill'Neville and Jillie Cleit M aureen (Steve) I-ouc had been married for w lien Mom' passed i M ardi 17,2003.

In 19S7 Dad becan: insu rance agent with Benefit Life, his broil being the genenil agen L ike City.

He was comfortable decision and loved bcin the community even t. a ver,' con.servative Dad w-as a leader in thi for m any years.

...............H e was a member...............Million-Dollar Roundtab

-sistent memlier uf the Pr .Club and a leader Roundtable with Mutua U fe.

H e left Mutual Iknefi

AluA lvah “ Ray" Galyen

Robinsville, N. C.. and : of F iler, Idaho, died Feb at Sw ain County Hospit

H e was hom July 12, M issouri. Hc joined the (he age of 17 and sc year.s. H e moved t B edford, Mass., whi worked in a sewing mac tory.

He th en moved to File and w orked for M anufacturing for 20 yi

. re tired from there. He W illetta H undley in Aug and they w ere la ter divo

c -2 Tim cs-N ow*. TwInValls. Id.

■v l i. k y / I d a i i o

formation, catl 73S-3278 Monday obituaries onlino. or to placo a me

ri R a i i a e J o h r i s o i

'Johnson10 luving

Pocatello,>. 1972. She id minicle toher adoptive •

iick) Holloway da) Johnson.'

Falls sdiools H B : m ’I\vin Falls f l u l.Shcw enL on. . *-"1;e of Southern ^ B j i ^ ceived certifi- Assistant and

from th e ;il Tedinician '

Sieve (Lynn) Vanda; and h. 1999, and to \« is very clos11 a beauriful from the tin ;is Dawn, who tiny, tried to rd. /VIe.xis vnll e r" to her li jmmy lots of very special r y day to heav- • S he is also j 10 love an d .sister, Bobliei id. a fte r h e r Fort Hall, Idii he love of h e r er. Fern John her soul m a te p a ren ts . Lie

Johnson, all cried Sept. 9. Bobbetteaist joy, TVson ly discovereiinion. Hc w-as w ere beginnent's life and family bond;be the light o f s tepb ro ther, vc go tlirougli ■ :Robinspn;- s

Holloway; and in death by ters. Shelly ais. E rnestine as h e r m oth[onenaofFort h e r b ro theni^ s tep s is te r ,___D eanJrooksf

of Billings, angel.Travis.Ipa, Howard well as manyIs. Idaho; and cousins,w, Jim m y Finally, hiFalls.' babies, Alexiby her hus- Fay, who art

stepchildren , legacy that Sirookshier. all family so thaiIther, Di-. Pam vive her.r s tepfather, A funeral vlas given h e r 2 p.m. today,and love for 2004, a t t;d ie r father. Com m unitystepm other, G randview I

R . D o u g l a s ‘ D o u g


in the pres- 5, 1924, in 'tah, to John • —J ane Neville.__of seven chil-^ k e City. -■'■i

from Judge £Higli School / I

rmy A ir C^rp 1 and served n the finance

I love of his •guerite R uth

16, 1955, in I-------------- J kiie Chureli in 1984 and liecleir m arriage en t broker wioise w here eth ic and a diIt the E lks m ent tha t conter and Dad days. i te d _ Doug’s

” Edward's Catn, Frank, w is th e Kniglit.s of0 1\vin Falls 5 0 years.H ew t the remain- catholic schoc

d ren’s s d io o l;ildren, Frank several of oujJ{y) Neville, b;dl and footbville, Eileen 1 Ie enjoyed llemons, and— w as^n"avid-s/jucks. ‘Iliey D am e ath letfor 47 years looked forwaid a;vay on m eerings \vith

H e was an :came a life R o tary Club I:i t h M utual years oijd seirotlier, J im , R o tary commigent in Salt In the lattc

D ad faced uni)Ie with h is m any medicalicing part o f ing th e loss ofn thougli it Because of Itive m arket, fa ith , and tht1 the agency from family an

ta in ed a ver> ber of th e ' and was a n insItable, a con- kn e^v h im .;i President’s Being a de<ler in th e D ad always itual Benefit quality lim e v

a n d Mom 1nefit Life in Neville family

U v a h ‘R a y ’ G a i y e i

yen, 77. o f th e n moved tond form erly H e is survivFeb. 9 ,2004, te rs . Lynnettespital,- 'IV in Falls, Idi12, 1926, in o f ApplevalUthe Navy a t Davis of Kim

served 11 L eo n a ’ Jo (II to New Robinsville. Nw here h e Rex (Carol) Inadiinefac* Idaho ; 17 gi

grea t-g randchFiler, Idaho, sis te r. Lois (3r A cm e Texas.0 years and H e was prec[Ie m arried his pafen ts; oi\ugust 1970 a n d two sonlivorced. H c H undley a nd F

s. Idaho Thursday , F cb tu a ry 1 2 .2 0 0

3 ’

day through Saturday. Ooadlino Is 4 i mossago In on Individual onlino guo

on Brookshier - T\.Dale

' f< Park

__ivm erIrom

- and al9 i m othi" ” • . te r co

____ . . . . . . a n d j. helpe

grand patier

~ lovingher h i

Thed her sister. Dawii. who expre.* :Iose to Sheri and who, the 'I\\ time when they were and tl: to be a “second moth- Twin

r iin le " s is to irm v a !m — D epar al relationship. bers cIso survived by h er half Seard Iieite Plentywounds of ing th Idaho; her grandmotli- effort ihnson; and h e r grand- The Lloyd and M arjorie dents i ill of Twin Falls, Idaho. Idaho e and Sheri ju s t recent- fund fi ired eudi o th e r and tion, inning to form close coordi nds. In addition, her anySti er, "Scott (M elissa)■ stepb ro ihcr~ K ev ln------ Iglvand her two stepsis- k e e p -

f and Shannon; as well I an hher-in-law, I^ is ; and sleep lers-in-Iaw. J. J . and I anksh ien an d h e tsp ec ia l__ blow,_i.s. also survive h en as I an any aunts, uncles and snow,

her two beautifu l grain,exis Dawn and IVscin I amare the treasure and Whct Sheri has given her. ing’s h ' hat \ve may go on, s u r- ' 1 am

O fqll will be conducted a t I amlay, Thursday. Feb. 12, ni^U..

the Rock C reek Do n;y Church. 131 la m/ Drive, w ith Pastor da^m.

ig’ Neville - Tuvin Itogeth<to

__wonde:; Dad

Irishm: iriarshi

o-ijf-—~ J .11- ^— w H — march(-V *■ "lC\ in the

M • S , ' - I

o n h is '

J•!’ instille SSA’’’ ' connec

S i & l t e - ' - ' -J Robert

• 'X I d iildreliecame an. independ- Amber' whh a strong work NevilleI drive to avoid retire- Nevillerondnued until his last K athle

, ^ . Hanser; a mem ber of .S a in t_ __Jatholic C hurd i and i of Columbus for over B was, ded icated to the hool during his diil- ol years and co ad ied ' ^our baseball, basket- ,Dtball teams.ed playing tennis and his sist d -supporter of Notre four b iletics. Dad always Jam es i ward to his I\iesduy Rosa i th his Cursillo group. Friday. 1 active mem ber of Funera b International for 40 to cele served on numerous ' held at imhtees. 2004. iliter |ian o t Iiis life, churcli and trium phed over Sunset

SSof Ilis strong will and 111. coiisMm p n iy m’ and friends, he m ain- ^ery iwsitive a ttitu d e susgesi inspiration to aU that............... M emordevoted family m an. Mems efljoyed spending funerale with his family. H e Reynoli

hosted num erous Addisoily reunions bringing Idaho, i

en - Robinsville, nI to Robinsville, N. C. ^vived by four daugh- tte(B ill) G oertzen of Idaho; Rita H undley lliey, Minn.; I ^ u r a . i i i imberiy, Idaho; and

(Kevin) G uffy of ~ . N. C.; nnd one son,) Hundley of Boise.

grandchildren ; 22 ■ ' Ichildren; a n d o ne ji (Tink) M ajors of i mJ i

receded in d ea th by : one si.ster, Sammy;:ons, Lloyd Jam es |R s c 3 l d Ricky Hundley. . M H S

2004 •

= ^ O B rs 4 p.m. for noxt-day publication. ‘ guestbook, go to www.maelcvallo

Twin Fallslie Metzger offidating, Buria II follow at Sunset Memoria rk in Twin Falls. The familj i t e s all who knew the ligh i t was our Sheri to come anc n em b er a life that was'stoler irh het^ husb 'and riicr bablei d all o f us way too soon, a lien \vas a Io\ing and carini )ther, a daughter whose laugh ' could liglit the room, a sistei 10 could bring botli fnistratior d joy,_a .gninddauglucr. whc Iped care for h e r e lderlj in d m o th er ^sith love anc tience, and a young wife whose in g a rm s a re sorely missed by r husband. Jim . rhe family would also like tc their e te rna l gratitude tc ; T\vin Falls Policc Departmeni d the ir affiliated agencies; the in Falls County Sheriff’s partmcnrpcrsonnel-andTiiem- ■s of the TWin Falls (bounty ird i and R escue for volunteer- i the ir .selfless hours of time, □rt and dcdicadon. rhe Surgical Technology stu- Its a l tlie College of Southern iho have set up a memorial id for Sheri. For more informa­nt p lease con tact program ird ina to r J a n e t Milligan or I Surgical Technology student.

"Native Anicrican Pmycr” give 'you 'ih i.T onenhoughrto

•P~am wilh you still, I do not

L-pam a thousand ivinds that

w,_________________________am the diamond glints on

IW,am the sunlight on ripened

in,am t lie genlle autumn rain. Vhen you awaken in the m om ­’s th e swift, uplifting rush )f q u ie t bird-s in c irded fliglit. am th e soft stars that shine at Iu ..,)o not th ink o f m e as gone, am w itli you still, in each new m.

I Fallsether the en tire Neville d a n elive old memories and crcateiderfu l new_ones.___________)ad was a very proud hm an. He served as the grand rshal in th e -S a in t Patrick’s / parade in lV in Falls and also rdiedAvheeled several times th e S alt L ake City Saint rick’s parade.Ie proudly flew the Irish flag lis w heeldiair. Because of the mg family values that Dad illed in us, we will be forever nected to one another, lad is survived by his brother, )ert (Rosalie) Neville; his five dren and 10 ^andchildren , ber, Jacob and Caitlyn i l ie ; M atthew - and Anna 'ilie; G arre tt R inehart, h leen , Cody and C urtis isen; and Steven C. Loucks; — grea t-g randson ,— Ostyn i l ie ; num erous nieces, hews and cousins; and more nds than a t whom you could kc a shillelagh, e w as preceded in death by wife; his m other and father; sister, Noramary Stowe; and : b ro thers. Charies, John, ies and William Neville, osary will b e recited a t 7 p.m. lay. Feb, 13,2004, a t Reynolds erol Chapel. A funeral Mass :e lebrate Dad's life will be 1 a t noon Saturday, Feb. 14. 4. a t St. Edward's Catholic irch. Burial will follow a i se t M emtftial Park. Friends ’ call from 3 p.m. until the ; of tlie rosary on Friday a t nolds Chapel.t lieu of flowers, the family jes ts m em orials to St. card's Building Fund or Judge norial Catholic School. . em orials may be left with the :ral chapci staff o r m ailed to nolds Funeral Chapel. 246() iison Ave. E ., Twin Falls, 10,83301.


rruARiES^i. Tho 'frmall addross for obltunrli and click on 'Obltuorto!

-jiil Bobby G. \VhitlFall.s, Idaho, an d c

lily- Sunday, Feb.;ht SunBridge •nd Rehabilitation Oen ‘-’tl by his loving f;ies----------------H c-\s 'a s 'b o n rI

Salinas, Calif., th ng andV cra Jones Wjh- en ts moved exter[er w-as young so hion Idaho, Cilalifomia;ho ......... com pleted h is.sdrly Falls,nd H e married LiiISC A ug 31. 1957, inby they were later d l

ried P a trida 0 ’C:o to on March 4 ,1981.1to ■ La. Bobby worked

:nt Co. in TWin Fallsh e and la te r was rrf ’s______ H aney S eed PI;

F eny trom l974't( ‘ty He la te r was m-f- Spuds in Glennsle, - --- stan ing gates fori

a lime in Phoenb a t Amalgamated S

. • T\vin Falls, workei Mining Co. in Car years until 2000:1 2003 he worked struction in Califo


to ---------- ~

otRonald Lee M

service ac 11 a.n — . • Payne-M emorial-i

' M ain St., Burley. F „ from 10 to 10:45

M onuSry before ll

R ichard 0 . 'Di Burley, funeral a t th e Rasmussen I 1350 E. IGth.St..

‘t- m ay call before th(at

Avis Onita Lova of C hristian Burl

w today a t St. ]Confessor Catho

. TWin Falls. (Pa Home)

in Darrell W. Parkete funeral a t 10 a.m .t_ _____ Funera l ^ h a p e l ,id -Ave., in Buhl."id

• Ross M. R andle 50 service a t 1 p.m. I

Monuary. Intermei ■ TWin Falls C^mete

call from 10a.m -u service F riday a t V

C. H. Boss (Bui memorial service

2*" M onday a t Dem:Chapel.

'e Eliza C ordelian, Burley, funeral a t 1'n a t Tlie Churdi o f ,la L a tte r-day -S u in tst.

Court order on ownershi

■p BOISE (AP) -d Suprem e Court o r

ordered a trial ti ly w hether a tentli of a _ to Garfield Bay in noi

Pend O reille is " public.

The liigli coun spi in throwing out a lo' ing that tiie access

Is lakeshorc subdivisio s land and not the proF ii owners on e ither sidt

The court majorit ’ wlule the m ap of tl Home Site labeled tl!. pute as lake acce& ^ spedfically d ed arc t

cated to public use t It for land dedicated

highways.y ,____________e - - .RartyJi

a piont g A m u s e m e r

w e r e s i m i

larlos Is C ries."

Bobby G. Vlitlock, 64. of T\vin . .d Carlin, Nev,, died . 8, 2004, a t

C are------- and- - - . - J pCenter, .surround-

i; family. K v ; 'r rD e c n r l9 3 9 .- ir r— ' th e son. o f Jam es

; Whitlock. H « p a r - , tensively while he. J B *

he had lived iri ia and Nev:ida. but V .' schoolinfi in T\vin P ;

Linda Clifford on J L in TWin Falls, and ] P “>, divorced. H e mar-

C^nnorThompson 11. in New Orlean.s, e d for H aney Seed ^Us for many yearx ncscn^e<

m anager of tlie 10 years. P lan t in G lenns Bobby4'to‘198i:---------------- desrsno;m anager of Redi cani. ra d

IS Feny. H e built anythmg□r horse racing for He wasnix, Ariz.. worked ic, capabd Sugar Factory in 'vas a n:ked for Newmoni C hurdi, I:a r lin .N c v ,.fo r l2 1182, BFy. From 2000 until and the2d in heavy con- Local Noifom ia. Bobby

- S erviceM orris of M alta. Stake O

a.m. today a t th e Burley. R a l-eh ap e lr2 2 1 -W ;-8 -p .m ^ o /. Friends may call M ortuar; 45 a.m. a t ^ y n e Burley at e th e funeral. before th

the d iurc’Dick’ G arv in of a t 1 p,m. today a t M erl C I Funeral Hom e, graveside t.. Burley. Frientls a t tlie F th e funeral today, (^m eterj

Funeral Itvass Wasko, Mass iurial a t 11 a.m. Jolm V

Edw ard’s Tlie Paul resi holic Church in Friday Parke’s F u n era l Burley (

FViendsn the servic

rker of Castleford. n. today, a t Farm er Willlaii

J 3 0 _ N ._N m t_h_Rupert,_ Saturday Methodis

l ie of Idaho Falls, g recffrie I. Friday a t W hite service a n en t will follow in M onuary 2tery. Friends may I . until the tim e of Edna T t W hite M onuary. service ai

AmericarButl) o f WendeU, Idaho. (R< cc a t 2 p.m. on imaroy’s W endell G ilbert

Falls; s e n the TWin

la Nye Shaw of 1631 Gra It 11 a.m. Monday Falls. Vic af Jesus Christ o f Iwfore th' tits B urley-W eat—(Wliite M

: r s t r i a l S

h u p a c c e s s “ 7

- The Idaho on W ednesday

to d e te rm ine j T ' ’ if an acre access -s-:northern Id ah o i ^r Ls owned by the

split four to one lower court ml- L S ^ U .

ess area in tho sion was public |TOi»rtyoftheIot I f l

jrity noted that F tlie I^mderosa- 1 tlie area in dis- ress, it did not I c the land dedi* c th e way il did d to roads and

J ik e L ___\ il e e r ^ants^ R ^ l e . . . The■ \ , , 'youIlk! V ik u ' Wat


A s c

y°S i

n . Oooth notlcos aio a froo sorvlcc

Whitlock - Twin

lile residing in Glenns F en y rved as a city coundlm an for ars.jby loved riding motorcy- 5^o^vmobi^c^. itbuilding-old"” radng cars, drag n idng and ing to do ivith cars, was an exceptional median* pable of fixing anytliing. Hc J m em ber of the Catholic :h, th e TWin Falls Lodge No. BPOE, the Moose Lodge

th e O perating Engineers No. 3.iby is survived by liis wife.

ES . ----C enter, 2420 Parke Ave., FHends may call from 6 to

i:-on-Sunday-ut-ihe-Payne— iary. 221 W. Main S t. in / and from 10 to 10:45 a.m.: th e funeral on Monday a t lurch. .

rl C. H a n w lI of TWin Falls, ride service at 11 a.m. Friday 2 Fielding Memorial I*ark tery in Idaho Falls. (Parke’s a l Home)

I W endall Terry, a form er •esident, service a t 11 a.m./ a t H ansen M ortuary f C hapel. 321 E. M ain, is m ay caU one hour before rvice.

liam “B ill” Ncwcomb of■t»_sp.rvice a t 11 _ a ^ . __lay a t ilic~Rupen U nited idist Church. The family \vill friends onc-hourbcfore-the— c a t llie church. (H ansen ^ R upert Cliapel)

a McGown of TWin FaUs,5 a t 1 p.m..Monday a t the can Legion HaU in Challis, (Reynolds Funeral Chapel)

« r t L. Humberger of 'I\vin ;ervice a t 2 p.m. Monday a t : on Falls Reformed Chuxdi. Grandview Drive N., T\vin Viewing from 1 to 2 p.rn.

th e service at the diurch.; M ortuary)— ----- ----

C la ss if ie d s7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1

l il in C T iiro iw

I s ^ B e t t o H e M a i c o A ' l

H E A R IN G A ID C E N T E R , IN C .

Public Heating

-Washington Street N orth

— IMi J c I I I —

Tho City of Twin Fatia valuos your c you lo altond a public hoaiing to di: yVashington Stroot North Projoci.

Tho hoarlng is boing hold to provldi on Iho doclgn ospocts of tho third p botwoon Filor Avonuo and Falls Avi

^ sot o> hoarlng planshcots a s vrall aroporty ocqulsltton procoas ond y£ Dro ovoiiobio at our olfico on or afio and will bo avoilabio ot iho mooting

II you havo quostions or'com m ents MntoctAoronW ortot;

RIodosol &> 202 Falls A\ Twin Foils. I (208) 733-2.

M tf***ddr»%*iinlCh6n»ivTtwf 4hON««l •(

. 4

Ico and can bo placod until 4 p.m.

1 FallsPatricia, o f Carlin, Nev,; four dren. Denise (Doug) King of Hill, Idaho, Bobby G, “Bi (Sheo'l) W h itlo ^ J r of T\sin:

, S tephanie Nab of Gooding, I and M aureen (Steve) Mile Doisei seven gtWdcliili Jam ie (M att) Springer, Ric King n , Amanda King, Jen King. C arlie Assel, Stepli M cConkic, Bobbie Jean; great-grandchild, Taylor Mc

- -Springer; his best fticnds. Nelson and Keith Huntley; two dogs, Sandy and Chanel.

He was preceded in deat his paren ts and one brother.

A funeicil scrvice wiU be ducted a t 1 p.m. Monday a t V M onuary, “Chapci by the f Friends m ay call from 4 to 8 Sunday a t W hite Morti

— E ntom bm ent— sviil—follow Sunset M emorial M ausoleum.

The family suggests memo to S pecial Olympics, 842( Fairview Ave.. Boise, Id 83704; CarUn Nevada Hun Sodety, RO. Bo.’C 969, Carlin, 1 89822; o r d ty of Elko An Shelter, 1751 College Ave., 1 Nev.. 89801.

^ STay bn t o ^ f investments v the IVIoney pac

Financial Direci


----------- . . . b y p l a n n i n g t h

y ou can by jusi “ “ malffiig m ore inoi

News Vou Ca/j UseMan.iglng opportunity co your f e c s t shoncut to v -Jcarus R. Lavc

For Fiimdal & Reiirment Pi

PROFESSIONAL ECONOMIC SERVICES344 Blue Lakes Blvd. NonhTelephone 734-4545fora convenient appointment

" Jame$.FLLove.CFPCI-P and Ccrtifini Financial T

arc ccnification marks of iInicmacjonal Board oiSandai

Practiccs for Ccnificd Finoi ------------PlanncTS.-Inc.-(IUCFP).

________ *nVFRTIRFMFHT__

earing Starts Toda;T w in Falls • 733*73

155 Main Avenue Wc

Buricy • 678-3467 o r 678 ________ 1301 Eist I6th Stree

ir opinion. T hat's why wo want ,d iscuss Iho proposodct.

-Ido on opporiunlty for public input 1 phaso of tho pra|oct. locatcd Wonuo.

oil a s inrormatlon rolotcd to Iho your rights o s n proporty owner ■flor Wodnosday. February llih , ng.

its prior lo Iho hearing, ploaso

& A ssodatos Avonuo i. ID 63301 -2440

». •u<MK*.o>t>i*M'p>'U<v>n>cc«>*nraM)>i

p.m. ovory

four chil- ' [ ' gof King ■ ' • “Butdi” '

Wn Falls. • ; / ; ng. Idalio , ;Miley of . cliil'drenT” ■ Richard J e n n i f e r ‘ •

tephanic an; one Morgan . . , .

ids. Gary -------tley; and . rnel.ileath by •. her. ..I be con- a t Wliite • le lW k .” to 8 p .m .: •. • lortuary .. ^


emorials .8426 W.

Idaho, ' ' Humane " _'Iin, Nev., . ' ‘ Animal .

?e., EUco,..

i)f your ■5 w i t h l ; i

)ag es;;



j t h a n ----------------

j u s t

n o n e y .

Usey cost is . to wealth-.


CES, INCh545 •31t

:f p • "cial Planner sof die indards and Financial■ mT._________





“ Woman faceTWIN F A L L S '- A pa

.tickct agent a t Grcyhoui Company has been diarge embezzling nearly S28,00< tlie company,

Adrienne S u zan n e .C an o f ‘I\vin Falls, faces-one ct grand theft, a feJony.

Ciirver b egan w orking as - - e i agent in A ugust 2001 ,;

ing to a n ' affidavit writi Dcicctivc David Hcidcmi

____ lhii.1\s.-in-Fnll<! Pnlifr» DopnrI’art of h er d u ties w ere to s tickets and colIcct mon ihose purchases. ■*

During a rou tine audit, tl sales m anager discoverei manual tickeis were, not issued in sequence a nd tha numbers of tickets w ere countcd for, th e affidavit s;

Further investigation re u loss of 527,784 from mor 287 missing b us tickets.

] Carver has not en te red ; Her prelim inary hearing v for Feb. 20.

—Hero^zzContinued from C l

“I went in on foot the l>efore and slept in thc b i Hurst said. “That m orning ' involved in th e conflict.”

llu rst \vas part o f a recc

figliters, one of the first gro move into position. The p hid- near th e cam p’s peri waiting to attack.:• "Die a ttack ivould begin a t

4 'vhen the Japanese g uard ■ performing calisthenics anc

without guns - w ith a con ^ ^ d and air assault.

- T^lembers oFllie reconnat platoon lit a smoke signs bfliore 7 a.m. - and th e raid ed. Ground forccs attackc( paratroopers jum ped o ut o f : “All of the Japanese sc were disposed of by the tin paratroopers lan d ed ” H urst . American ground forces the Japanese by com plete su and killed nearly all o f ^ fo re th e paratroopers ever ed, he said.

i i S i

------ ;— Sarah'ArPowcll,-aBe'4:; aw ay inS pokane,W :^ .,c

i She was bom in Spo ; Jan. 21,1963, and gradua : Lewis and Clark High Scl ; honors. She a tten d ed ] College, th e U niver ! '■ Washington and the S< ! She becam e in terested ; .while a t the l^ c e e Agr ; Macon-Davaye in F tance.

• She re tu rned to th e j S ta te s to s t u ^ a t th e U; I of California^ Davis, \vli I received a degree in ferm I sdence in 1988. She worki

w ine-m dustry -in -S ou th ; Australia and New Zealx ; ‘as assistant wine m aker i iHogue Cellars in Prosser,

J hi 1991 slie becam e t 1 m aker for ForisVineyardi ' • in Cave Junction, Ore., wl ji»remained for 10 years, jj^tinany honors and awards, i^ ^ tc d \^gneron Consulting I j jn o te best v iticu lture-p

grape growers. In 2

5 ' Ver" - Vernon L ark in Shaff

passed away Feb. 10, 2 •; Orem, U tah, o f natural

He was bom Ju ly 11, 1 - Acoma, Lincoln Co., Nev., I • est of 11 children to tl

- • Larkin R ichard and DoraShaffer.

He m arried h is swec : Lucile G am , Oct. 14,1931

----- , S a lt-L ake-T em ple .-S he-; away on S ept. 18,1981. A ; ceding him in d ea th is a

----- 1 .ter,-D ora..W lieat;-th rec• Vera W estergard, Carmen : and Lenna Oyler; and a I• Ned C. Shaffer.

Hc \vas educated a t M i ; East in G arland , U ta l ' a ttended B ear R iver

Sdiool. H c worked as a t ; pher for th e railroad, a car

farmer and m aste r whittleHe was an active men-

; The Church of Jesus Ch ; Latter-day Sain ts, servi : many caUings in d u d in g : Sunday school, bishopric : council an d hom e teach ; also served as a tem ple wo ; the Logan Temple.

He m oved h is family ■ Utah to G annet^ Idaho, ii : taking up farm ing. H e I : beautifu l hom e o f lava ' which is s till standin. ; worked for the church, bi ' and renovating chapels i : Valley, Hailey, R upert ! Lewiston, Idaho; E urck . Fortuna, Calif., Sea ttle ,

:es charges inpart-tim e '

ound Bus A ro u n d irged with ; _____________

T w i n F a l l s ]

:arvcr, 32, T O U tln e 6 V a

TW W FA IX ! . ■, tirw M agistrate Cot

as a tick. duct a routiiie H onorable R an

™ . Falls County m; cniann ot----- to the-commissi

to sell bus .v a lu a tio n fo loney for W right, THal C

in th e Theron t, th e area Building, 427 £ jre d tha t by calling 7 3W lo t being A ll evaluatio; th a t large and m ust b e si| ere unac- to W right b y 5 j ,t says. P u rsu an t to

revealed Court M ag ist no re than Rules, a ll magi

factorily com p ;d a plea. p robationary g was set M agistrate Con

duct a t least ot

the night Rescuebushes,"

ig w e g o t Acfocumentaryi from 6 to 8 p.m

• e c o n n ^ On Fob. 23 ,194guerrilla amphibious tanl

groups to sacfe by their Jii platoon Thatw»^urdo<lenm eter, and one of the I

1 a t 7 a.m. “We go t'a lot a h ig h c rp o w e ri

POW s '■ombined am phibious taxi n e a r ^ - id a n d . -

J<ed, and stre tcher^ h e s; o f C47s. The m ission it soldiers success a n d nottim e the loUed, H urst sai<

irs t said. “I t was a m inices took was killed,” h e si surprise . full o f automatico f them F orm er Arm:■ven land- Colin Powell h;

. l h a t any a irbom

— OBmSarah A. Powellc '4 l7 p a ssc d ~ |. ,> h., on Feb. 3,

Spokane on lua ted from School with :d Pomona re rs iw of

Sorbonne. cd in wine \gricoIe dc ice.'J ie United ; Univeisityw here she .

irmentadonsrk cd in th c ^uth-A frica,— ------ '---4-.2aland, and _________Iter for The becam c ctMJwnc xavWash. for a new bus e tho \yine . Winery, b u ilt uiJsW ineiy HiUcrest Orch; , w here she Oro. rs, winning In 2003 ^ e d s . She ere- ' keting h e r owr d ng to pro- un d e r th c lab 1 ■ practices Wines u n til she n 2002 she by cancer in l

ernon Larkin Sh:taffcr, 96, f“ -------------, 2004, in ^il causes.. 1907, in '!V., the old- > th e late o ra Woods

931, in the lic-passed—. AIm prb- s a daugh- : c sisters,. nen Gleed a brother,

MiUord &Itah, ande r High Corvallis, Ore., a telegra- C anada, a n d carpenter, Alaska, ttler. L a te r h e wa:lem ber of inspector over tl Christ of re tirem ent in 1!

2rv ing in sw ee theart, wcing . MIA, Nauvoo, Dl., to rirics, high Mack Sm ith Hoiachcr. H c and b eau tify th e w orker in In 1978 h c sc

G annett a n d bol ily from M alad, Idaho , y5, in 1946, un til h e h a de built a November-1998, ava rock, M any know hiJ ing . H e tier". W hittling v, building he loved andIs in Sun many years. HeKsrt and show and dcm oireka and for m any organizc. Wash., thc Boy Scouts i

1 Greyhound emagi:

nd the valley * befor_________________ • mont

s ju d g e will g e t ,y,a, v a lu a tio nJ - S - n i e Sth D istrict Commission will con- j ic evaluation of thc ;an d y j. Stoker, a.TWin m agistrate. ■ ■

runents may be given - ission by obtaining an— 1= ^ - form frotn Lintla

I Court administrator, on W. Ward Ju d id a l 11° , ^ 7 Shoshone St. N., o r ‘ of /q,. W 085. • • TeJtions a re confidential nu coi signed and returned (o $q S p .m .Fcb .27 . cnforto Idaho Suprem e In ten

is tra tc Commission isterii ag istra ies must satis- Elli n p le tc an 18-month sexua f period. The femal tommission must con- lapini o ne appraisal of thc

i & a t D a w n : T h e L

ry about ono of the most successful }.m. and 10 p.m. to midnight Sunda] L94S, a combined force of U.S. para' :anks liberated more than 2 .000 P0\ r Japanese captors, docum entm y Includes four soldiers ^e liberated prisoners.

lot o f help, there was will q\ er there,” H urst s a id Banos > w ere loaded into hook onks and taken to a ^^ges a I Uur>OWs wero able toIn 't n eed crutches ore s a i in was a tremendous D edolo t one prisoner was Norm:Kud- educaiu ra d e none of them H e 1c said. “The aroa was from tItic weapons fire.” • return ■my C hief of S taff , counsc

h as said, “I doubt becomim e unit in the world H i ^ S

TJARDES—II - Spokane, Was

careen S ing on

; Rivers,

Siskij^L , cd wise

and su;

" f b e .William

. Leona I'r ~ ' sister, A

------^ J l H m .; tw oS eattle Spokane ncr,M ik

She V

------------- A m e rvner and wine m aker a t3 p .m jusincss, Roxy Ann Uro'taria It in . ,th e .h is to ric ,. Spokant •chard a t M edford, memori:

to sendle commenced mar- Project, rwn premium brand Junction label Sarah Powell .local af ihe was struck down Public 1 tlic prim e of her dioice.

Iiaffer - Orem, Ut■> ■ I “Festival

' in Logan as well a;

• \ r “T llis ls l

h- ' - • V •J ;• Y show his throughc artists.

H H f t Becaus__lyehiy. sj

Sivcn ihe A rt Awa also tour 'vas a go his door

I | H | H ^ hE ^ P Vemor Bob G. of L of Mil

2., Dawson Creek, te rs , C 1 K odiak Island, Overgaai

and Ruthvas m ade building and R ub r th is region. After th ree bi

1972, h c and his Ja sp e r 0 w e re ' called to and Don 0 restore d ie Lucy th ree sist 3om e and to d e a r L a^e C' i i e tem ple lot. Riverside so ld th e fann in ? , f

b ought a home in 1, w here hc Uved ^7 ^ r ^ ( ad a stroke in S ran‘‘‘* ‘ Jg great gnuhim as d ie “whit-

g w as a hobby d idt <>”d perfec ted over Fielding 1H c was asked to a viewinQonstiatc his work 12:30 p.tinizations induding Condolents of Am erica and a t www.rt

embezzlemenagistrate ju d g e ’s pcrform an jfore completion of the ir first onths in office.

lan g e t s p ro b a tio n in twd c o n d u c t c h a rg e .™ n f a l l s - a m an who plulty (0 one count of lewd cc ret with a m inor has been sc need lo probation.Jam es B. Elliott, 57, of Buhl, w ntcnced Feb. 2 to 10 yea ipnsonm ent, w ith two years m: lum. T h a t sen ten ce , hahdi iwn by Sill D istrict Judge Jol ohnhorst, was suspended in fav four years’ p robation.Terms of his probation indU'I contact with th e victim , conse

search and seizure by I;iforcement, not using tl tem et for pornography and rt ering as a sex offender.Elliott ^vas d ia rg ed witli havii xual contact w ith a youi male girl in th e 1980s and vide ping the victim y ears later.

^ compiled from staff rcpoi

Los Banos Raidisful a ir tu m e ra id s o f all tim e airs nday on The H isto ry Channel, )aratroopers , Filipino guerrillas and POWs who fa ce d a p o ten tia l mas*

lers wfio took p a r t in th e rescue

II ever be ab le to rival the Lc nos prison raid. I t is the te.x Dk airborne operation for a JS and all armies.”-Ju rst didn't suffe r any serioi urics in the war, b u t did catc Jaria and h ad fungus growin his feet.Vfter the war, H urst returned t d o and graduated from Albio rmal School w ith a degree i jcation.Ie then got a m aste r’s degre m the University of Idaho an um ed to w ork a s a h igh schoc mselor in D edo. H c w ent on t :om e principal o f H eybur jh Sdiool.

ash.en Slie greatly”enjoyed k a ^ - “ on the Rogue a n d Illinois rs, and d im b ing and tele- k skiing in h e r beloved iyou M ountains. She' promot- ase use of n a tiu a l resources supported ecological aware-

le is survived by h e r fatlier, lam J. Powell; stepm other, la Dater, both of Spokane; a r, Amy Erixon o f Evanston, wo brothers, D avid Powell of tie and D aniel’ Powell of an e ; and h e r beloved port- \tike Invin o f Carm el, C ^ . e was predeceased by her ier, Aim Powell. — • - memorial service w U be held rm , on M ardi 13,2004, a t die arian Universolisc Church in . :ane,'niose who wish to'make lorial contributions are urged 2nd them to T hc Siskiyou Hrt, 9335 Takilma R oad, Care don, Ore., 97523 o r to the

affiliate of th e National ic R ad io -s ta tio n of your :e.

Jtahival of I'he A m erican West” gan, U tah, for m any years,11 as the redcdication o f thc Is The P lace” m onum ent in ,

.^ke City. H c was asked to hisw hitd ing in m any towns ghout Idaho w ith o th e r s:ause of his expertise and / sp e d a l i^ d skiU,_he w is_ the “Idaho GovctTior's F olk ' iward" in 1986. H is work oured the M iddle E;ist. He I good S am aritan to m any,. >or was open to all. non is survived by t^vo sons,!. of 1\vin Falls, Idaho; Steve M inden, Nev.; four daugh-

C onnie P a rrack of ;aard, Ariz., M aty Drake ;uth Em ang o f O rem , U tah, tuby of TWin Falls, Idaho;

b ro th e rs ,^ K en n e th and r o f East G arland, Utali; Jon of North Logan, Utah; sisters, Effic W ilde of Salt

City; Iva G odfrey o f « de , U tah; a n d —JoA nn 2II of Brigham City, Utah; randchildren; 102- groat- children; an d , 24 g rea t­grandchildren, m cral will be h e ld a t 1 p.m. rurday, Feb. 14,2004, a t thc ng U tah S take C cn te r with iving from 10:30 to p.m., before th e funeral,

•lences may be expressed

nt Judge reance BOISE (A P )-S a y st 18 radon of churdi ai

served the nadon v than 200 years, a fed

1 W ednesday rejected • ' keep a Ten Comman

u m e n tin a c ity p a rk pigd “ Undeniably, thi fQP. many th a t disagree

conclu.';ion,” U,S. Ji Lodge ^vroIe. “Tliis ci

.was over, is not one die [•ars’ coun but the fouimfni------who‘in'th{!ir;visdon'ided a democracy that sc John . • em m en t from religio 'aror The lawsuit was

Keep th c Con ludc Coalition, and was isent -• "lawth e ______________________reg.

By Tho A ssoclalgd P n

Completes for We Introduced In Hou

H1S&18 (ApproprTOtion itf5ifcy-C6trLiclwrfrom“fn

----- h.-Uiiriloas wnsic l)c dcjGvnenil Fiuid.

! I HB649 (Uovcnuf iini I Exempts m.iniifnctiircd

propeny liut-iiion during i occiipajicy .uicl dcd.ires ar

rs ■ HB650 (Rw cnuc am Rt^uires maniLiiory saJc

iPjj sure for rc.1l estate tiaiu coimty a«cswr,

HB651 {RL-\cnuc .me Rctroactivcly extendi new catlit of Sl.OOO to emplc v.-oriu.TS p.iiil more Ihan J

___ I and nru eligible for emj. health cmxTase.

irof.52 (Local Gmxmra. e.Xt- approi’al of ihu Slat all C^mmrKion bcfoa- siatiies

older than 25 ycm may be ;qus_____ iniGS3(ABriiniJmre)-R

‘i £ l «h« D ^ o n of L in u j'to d ^ 8 subject to regulaiian-

t{0654 (IhmsiMirtacion; J to Penniu low! eiectiotn to lion way districts.• in HBGSSnVnnspon.ntion:

s F ir e s _lOOl1 to Continued from C l

com bustible wooden said.

“And thero's only ( and one road out,” Ker c d o u t.

Kenricdy is all in fa bill, w h id i follows ( Nation Fire Plan thi

_____ p a ^ d two years_ag<(• ^ v e s 'direction-fiTim’ s level o n up td the fedc

w hat governm ent endi d to m itigate fircs, Co I- provided m ore m om s h g liu n g and s > C urrontly 34 out of

counties have already r, firc risk assessmi r, required by th e fire a M ag ^c Mahoney, who I, th e Idaho A ssodadon < if M ahoney said her f hasn 't taken a look a t I ;- ic bill b u t th a t die ^ 1

th c concept.

L D e a t i - N o n eJ Phyllis M. Burkhi

; JEROM E - PI: ' Burkhalter, 74, of Jei

Wednesday, Jan, 14, Jerome.

A m em orial service \ a t 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. the Jerom e Presbyteri with thc Rev. Jeff Pon ing. A m m gem ents are direction of th c Hove Funeral Chapel in Jc family s u ^ c s t s memoi Presbyterian C hurdi an be sent to th e church funeral d iapel.

Anna KHIinger<TGl------------SANTA-CRUZ,-Gili

kiUingor-Toledo,57;ofS Calif, d ied, Saturday, F

- - a t her home in Santa 0 A servicc will be

Saturday, Feb. 14, 200: Momiary, “Chapel by Burial will follow 1 Memorial Park. Friends thc m ortuary one hoiu- service on Saturday,

Zane G. HarrisonB U S S -Z a n e G. H ar

resident of Bliss, died \ Feb. 11, 2004,- a t thc County M em orial H Gooding.

Arrangem ents will b Demaroy Funeral S Gooding.

Virginia Susan “G Bossard

TWIN FA L L S-W tK “Gina” Bossard, 91, o f ' died Wednesday, Feb. A rrangem ents will be W hite Mortuaiy, "Cha] Park.”

ejects g r o u p ’ ;

saying thc sepa- th c city’sand s ta te has pasto r h

1 well for m ore - p lace-anFederal judge o n • Ju lia i)avled a retjuest to The Rtlandm ents mon- he had cu-k, monumeithere w ill b e religiousee with today’s y ears aiJudge Edward Wyoming

is ded-sion, how- Shepard,dictated by th e ' not denybunding fathers already 1 lom constructod''— nionuniei

separated gov- Commanigion.” To blocis filed by th e Coundl v'om m andm ents Ten Comas triggered by th e Frali

----- L E G IS ]Press_________ I--------------

V e d n e sd a y

o u s e .. J | ^Iiont) - RL-<{iiirL"i j W l ^ Denlitit$”lh iil" jjnn~ 'depotilvil lo iliv

iinJ Taxation) - T J Lcd tioiKinK from 1(13111og the first of y i„ ,s an eraerseno- L B g lS la tand Taxiition) - A / \ / \ iales price disdo- mnMctioiis to the

.ind Tiixatioif) - IIKRSH ( n w tmploytf tax Est.iblitlies 1 upIo)vr$ who hhv J’annersliipl tn SI5.50 an hour pttitfMsvofI emplujxT-providcd .HI1G59 (

Hemou-s pli nj7ieni)-Rc-quia-s ments for < Slate Historical mirv> spcdal lies ur monuments' n.-(dsivred nu fbctvmmxHL . HC660 (I-Requirvsdomes- (Vllows librar LTS 10 resist cr wiih wttfiTdajio's'i Indujoics and be ty,

tIB6Gl (Rlon and Defense) t solution of a . to diuflhv hiuli- HBGG2 (!

/VUowstiinb! on and Defense) - idate wilh st

____ MelContinued f

cn shakes, h e th e ir pai employers

y one road in anything v iCennedy point- Howeve

suspects d favor o f Noh’s a methar

s the federa l should tep that Congress «Do no^8?- H ie_P ian____m e th la b lm th e c o i in ly u ,e group, eileral level on nd tie sm u std o ,Congress also „oney for fire.

suppression. of Idaho’s 44 ,Idy com pleted ^

said Idahoire plan, said* 0 lobbies for f c K ino fC association 'n g the d. I t Noh’s specif- motliampli ^ u p supports

lii^ily tox

m The mL\ is a laboratc Once a lab premises r

^■ p-i decontamiThe cun

furniture 1

khaitepPhyllis M. ¥ > , _ J Jerome, d ied i B l i n 14, 2004, in

. Continued fri :c w li be held , .eb. 14,2004, a t 'J ian tooW lerian C hurth i j i i , , >oner offidat- Kenipth ire under th c ‘‘“I! ■' « e Robertson noling to s Jctome. n i e P“ l 10 ?•.'

norials to the ? th c r tedii ianJthc7 may ‘" ' ‘“ t c ' id i or to the S'*™'®,

H ow ard s rem edial e

rcledoiilirT -^A nna-:-----— H ou^e~ 'o fS a itaC ra r, ja c k Barra f, Feb, 7,200}, said scalingI Cruz, Calif. ......... signal thate at 2 p,m,, as intcrcsti 004, at Wliite „ a s before, by the Park.” Both Bai r at Sunset E ducation idsmayCaUat Schroeder, )ur before d ie ,h a t puUin

m iglit caus< A lbertson !

a n its S35 millarrison, 83, a com puterii d W ednesd^ n^ont systei th e Gooding W hile J H ospital in Senate con

do lla r amc I be m ade by Barradougl

Service in to allocate for technoli canon.

•G in n ' Schroedeano th e r S: pendent vs

Irginia Susan S tandards of 1\vin Fhlls, would be c 2b. 11, 2004. d ie sta te a be m ade by ing the test h ap d by the a tion . Oth

failed to fv


. M a g i c

j’s efforts to hty’s actions after a Kansas r last y ea r dem anded to -an anti-gay monument in Dayjs_Park.

Rev. I'red Phelps claimed :d every right to erect bis ment. w hich justified on lus grounds the murder five

ago of University of ling g.iy student Matthew ird. He said the city could .•ny his recjuest sincc it had ly endorsed one religious ‘ menl w ith the Ten landments..)lock Phelps, the Boise City il voted to re tun i ihe stone Commandments iniirker to ralem al Order of Kajdes.

SLAIWE LO------------ 1 Ineri'as».-svi-tiideli:IeL fi-cN l>y SIO lo prwideI iiUmi 55 tnillit)n for a

newly ae.iled I.0C 1I HiKliway InveMment

D l '1 Hlir.^f. .

^ 9 l g | Repe.d^ licentinK H iW lil ntiuiremenis for |us-

I lor.ilcotinwlorrLa n o (He.illh

and Welfare)l i a iu r s Reiiiiircs- licensed1 / \ A professional niirsc-s lo 1 ^ ^ ' lumisli jol>re!ated

history to licensing------------1 Itoinl.H (lte.i]th and Wvif.irc) - ies ihe Idalio Look Term Cia- liip I'ronnim to encoui^ineprir.ile ! of long.term caru insuronce.9 (Health and Welfare) - 1 pliysidiui siiiKTvision ru)nia>. or certified midtvives, clinical cdalists, nursv pniciiiiunm mid d nurse Anesthetist's.D (Rcs’cniie and Taxation) - braty districts to atian Icsy ratc-s !io‘5“aly libnir>- lei’y raic .liiilion-

1 (Re\'emie .indTiu}-Aliiiws di.s- ofa hospital district.2 (Rcii'enue and T.ixation) - iiablislied d ty libraries lu consol- :h S(,’parate lilmr>’ districts that

ethed from C l ;parents, relatives, their (Tirs o r anyone else who has ng worth stealing, ever. Weaver said, if an>-one ts they know the location of ham phetam irie lab they repon it to authorities, not tty to investigate a

lb by yourself.’lWeaver.told___lUp.Idition to dangerous chemi- meth labs, th e “cooks in the .T2 armed a t all times and rotea the ir turf,” Weaver

lamplietamine laboratories rated all across the state, aho S tate Police Detccdvc opkins, who showed tlic er audiencc a video oudin- ; dangers assodated with nplietaminc laboratories in process creates toxic fuipcs and poisons.

ratory even can ^ l o d c . lab has b een identified the L‘S must be d eaned up and aminiited.mrtains, nig.s, dothing and re all m ust be desuvyed.)s pro-writ health ri.sks

dget—id from C l Iory h i ^ sdiool gradua- t.ithom c e lim inated SS mil­it the s ta te had been fun-10 sdiool districts for the years for computers and

.‘d in o lo ^ and dedincd to : SS m illion th a t S tate

Superintendent Marilyn 1 said \vns needed for11 education. There would S3.4 million a\’ullable for ogy,cvE ducadonT C hairm an— " irradougli, R-Idalio Falls, ling back “ tends to send ahut the L e^sla tu ie is n o t.......e s ted in tedinology as it

Barradou(d) and Senate ion C hairm an Gary ler,'R -M oscow , warned lling back state supi>on ause tlic J.A. and K athpii an Foundation to rethink million commitment to a erized school manage- stem.i S d iro e d e r said the' com m ittcc did not put a imount on either issue,)ugh urged budget writers ate up to 54 million each nology an d remedial edu-

eder said tha t money and • $250,000 for an inde- L validation of the Idaho ■ds Achievem ent Test IC cash w ell spent to give c a solid defense of mak- test m andatory forgradu- Dther s ta te s tha t have3 ftilly justify mandatoty

TF Thundajr, F ebm ary 12,

C VA i.LI-Y /iD A I

keep m onumwhidi hud e rected il in l ‘)(

Keep th e Cumtnani Coalition. conii>rised o f a g local religious organi/^^itioi the law suit lo kee;) tl

. G jm m andm eius m arker in M embers tl.iim cd inovi

monument tiireatencd tiu gious belicf.s hy re|iliiciii( witli "anoihcT reliwoii; il gion of nontlieistic bclicrs.'

One coaliiion nieinhcr, Swindell, pnirii'ised UVdiit.- appeal, anTI said the tnin: would not be t.ikeii out park in the nicaiiiiiiii.'

“We'll have iicopk- om il m ake sure it woti'l he move said,

3G—il<) not ^li.uc;i mnliui'ii'

Hlif.f.:i (Ri’v.n.u- .iiul 1,1-1,1 Cl.irifies will'll MY tn\isi Ik' p.iiil < land .

HCRJO (I’nviiciinu’i.i,,! Afl KncuiiniM"- M,i)ici rc.uliiiis 10 rv.w-,iiia-i«>J..-l..,.i,.-l„.|.l-t.,i andcli-circinic w.isie.

IICK-ll ( ik ’.ilth arul Wdt lte(|imi"> illl- Id.ilin Dcp.irltrienl i>l iind UVIf.iii’ lu ifiiplcrneni ;i sy> nu-dif.ll. di-velupnioiiiai and lieailh c.iji,. ri-inibiirM'ineni r.i Miiiic.iid pnis'iders. ,

IIJ.M17 lUe.i!ih and UVIf i’iicoiirjKt’» CoilWL-iS lo dclea- I tW J .1 the deadline for iippt siaii-icf lonR-tcrtn care pannm iii Introduced in Senaio

SJMlOf. (Commerce and Resources) - Ur^es Coiipess lo li Males iis the sole reKuI.lIoj nf miu

SCR122 (lleidth .ind Wd i.iii-j - reguliitions on the opi’riitiuii ,\{edicaid pro^iin .

SB1299 (Uealth and Wdt aarifies those Rimi imitiutiiiy for

SBI300 (Commurte iind Resources) - Ca-iites ;i iiiensint: for iiiiiiiriipiiihic

SKi:)OI (Heidlh andWelfiire)- filinK rwniiremcnis fur indiKcut care c<nx'ni|:e.

to neiglibors.Tlie lab s-p ro d u ce haza

waste that c a n ' adversely , tiie land, a ir and w:iter. Clc costs can nm ge anJ^vhere between S3,000 and5150.(X>l

A meth lab can be locatei house, garage, motel, shed, st facility, boat, trailer, suitcase

— e ro r ju st about any c;oniainc smell assodated u ith the cu process resem bles a conibii of cat urine, dirty gym sock; tone and paint thinner all r together, Hopkins said.

Cham ber P resident Pohanka said that Southern Partners A gainst Drugs fonned bccause th c metlian amine problem exists all ovi state.

“People can't say ii is not to happen to us bcxause already happening," Poll said.

Detention of convicted piLShers, users and cotiks is 1« ing e.vpeiisive. Weaver Taxpayers must pay to I them, feed tiiem, treat their ical und dental needs und fit the coun process the addict go tiirougli, tlie sheriff said.

tests have paid millions o f d in legal costs defending against p.ironts whose d ii have failed to pass, he .said.

“We don’t have that kii money to throw away,” he “ Ever>' dollar we have is ii tant.” .

Republican Sen. Skip Bi the Kooskia conservative heads the H ealth and Wi Committee, urged th e bi panel to find another S5 m for community m en tal h

~ su m c e s thnrcQuld be a n alt tive to more e.vpensive incai tion..

- Senate Judiciary- Chai: D enton D arring ton . R-L {Minted to needs for addit probatiun and paro le off S tate Police tn>opcrs and p to coordinate s ta te and c< juvenile corrections progi altiibugh he .said they could ably wait for a no ther yeat^

But the s ta te ’s financial ; tion only worsens a year fron of th e loss of th e te rary sales tax revenue a n d e tadons for just a m oderate

Brandi also told budget w thcy shoidd not focus the ir si for extra cash on social set unless they w ant to d im entire programs.

"If you w n t to cu t cmploj'ccs from th e departi it's going to g e t down to Uie of cu tting e n tire progn Brandt said. “We have come t condusion th a t d ie departmi running as lean a s it Can ai time.”

1 2 .2 0 0 4 T lm evN 8»» . Twin F alls, Id


ment1 'landnient.s Fa g roup of . itions, filed I tile Ten ;r in place, noving tin-

tiieir reli- iciiig them 1; th e reli­efs.")cr, HrandidiK-idiij:.lo_______iniHmment >111 of (lie

III liiere lo loved." she

'l.ll.lllOIII •Mid on l.iri-.t

Aff.iitsi -

W df.ile) - .•nli.ilie.dlli I svMu’in fur >nd nu-iii.ii

Wdf.IlL-) - Iele .\I.iy M. ' l>y Ier>iiip|il.iti' !

nd liuni.inli> k’.ivellie

■ insurance ii-l-Rujecls :ji>ll of tliL'

Welfare) - y for usinK .1

id iliiin.iii sint: schenii'

re)-R itiM -s Kent tii'.illli

lazarUous .•Iy affecr

Cleanup ere fmm J.(XH),' rated in u d. storage :ase, cool-a iner-llie -----------e cooking iibinatipn ;ock.s, ace- all mixed

t M ike ■ em Idaho ugs was ham phet- I over the

not going use it is Pohanka

led d rug is becom -. e r Siiid 10 hotisc . tieir med- d finance ' diet must lid, .

o f dollars ng them d iild ren

lid. kind of he s;iid.

is impor-

) Bnindi.;ive w ho

Welfare : budgei 5 million I hea lth 1 altem a-. ncareeni-

ihairm anR-Declo.dditionalo fficers.

J county rogram s. uld p rob ­ityial situa- from now e tempo- id e.'cpcc- ra te cco-

jt w riters ;ir sea rd i

seivices ‘lim inate

ut m ore lartm ent,Uie point ogram s," me to the rtm en t is - ,n a t th is '

!s, Idaho C -3

Notes on rteconomy

. Job market

Local omployois inpliiccd only blif.tniy mo paDOf iicJu loot'iric fof

!(um tfiey Oicl .1 yi'iif earlier.--------- Lnst- monlh,-ofuployefS

rKiit'siVCkvs’ ci.ibbiliL'd nd hoclion ftOdCtit 1,17*1 cm( ,icJs. Tiial's 2 ot'fC(.‘ni more :,153 olacud in Janunry 20C I,Ills sliofl ol ii'f L196 ad j.iiiuafv 2002.

"It appears thnt Iho lO( r.fbseii are Jioldmi’ iheir hii iriiriitiium.’ sard Tno Timt ciiissilic'd and online manag

----- -;ol^n50nr*ni;remnioymcnri,iii‘ still tlown. The lorm oger si.irlini; to post llieirjob opci

• -- ii't* and summer seas The Idaho D epartm ont <

\vill release its January jobli (otecasts on Feb. 27,

B riefly

IN M o n e

CSI plans rural f for small busine;

ALMO-Tlie Idalio Sniall Dcvclopnient Center at tlit of Soiithem Idaho m il hole Rural Community Small fonim from l i o 4 p.m. F eb .: cultural ball at the Air Chutdi.

' Sherry Rast. ISBDC tra ia dinator. .s;iid the ruraJ fon help mwters of small busine those wiio would like lo o' nesses in southern Idalio^ n mimitie.s,

Si>ccific needs of rural owners will (>c addres.<%d include business p lannir Small Business Admini financing;, programs for d taged businesses, and resources available to busin ers. Time \yill l)c availabic 1 tions and ansiwrs from a e.vpcns.

- Wendy Giles, coordin. Shoshone Art in the Pork, wi guest s{>cakcr. She will have tion on marketing and m:u cnifting basiness for cra/ti attend the/Mmo fonim.

Cost is S15 per person. c< set of ljusiness paruiers.

Jani.s Durfcf, coordihator Almo fonim, can Ix.* rcadiec .1536.

To prcregister or for more i tion. contact RiLst at 732-1 snist(“,

AG w a rn s a b o u t risi iin ah c ia l e-m ail s e a l

BOISE - Attorney ' La;ven;ncc Wasden i.«ued a

. warning in resimn-se to ri.sin, scams lhat could lead to theft.

Legiumate looking e-mail ingly fnim familiar compan llie. recipient for jwrsonal infonnation like credit card 1 account numl>ers,

‘•'niis is an illegal a lte obtain prirate fimmdal info: and to steal j-niir identity als< as phishing.” Wasden “I.x.‘gitimate companies do n e-mails a-(]uesting jwrsonal f: infonnation.”

1 le s;iid not to reply to thes messjiges.

B u rg er King p reside i re s ig n s w ith o u t w an

MIAMI - Burger King Coq ident has resigned amid d<. siiles for the struggling fii dtain, the second largest U.S. company Ix-ltintl McDonald’s

In a voicemail to company t ecs this week, diief execntiv Dliim announced ilob Nilscn'

' nation “»\ith mi,\ed emotions. "Going fon«ird. we .otII

njientlessly focused to re;di; cess." Illurn s;ii<! in the voii according to the iMiami-bascd Blum s;iid he would tmnoimc this week tlie company’s “ne\v tioas leadership stnicture.”

Burger King spokesmar Douglity had no further coi Wetlnesday on the resignador

Blum, who had hin.'d Niisci his second-in-command a after joining the duiin in J 2003, did not e.xplain tlie re a NiLsen’s abnipt resignadon.

Niisen, former chief operatii cer of Taco Bell,stii»rvised tli' ations of all fnindtise and co restaurant.s.

Compiled fro and w ir e :

i ' ; i s c ( : - 4

^ M .By Megan Hir

_ Tlm cfrN ew sw i

t jl-R O M Ein Ja n u ary b a se d b a n km ore news- M agic V alle jfor w orkers b a n k w ill iie r. p re.sence in ■ e r s - i n - r / i o - If n il goca d v en ls in e 1-alIs-based

em ploym ent w ill a c q u irejr e th a n the „ f N am pa-b.2 0 0 3 , Bul It S av ings a n d

ad tota! of ^^pril, b a n k

.p e n in f i s to V allc.v I lank e a s o n s ,- - - Jissets o f and I t o f L abor


Tlio A sso c ia te !

E Y n e w y o r :____________g ia n t C om ca;

b u y W alt DisiI forum

l a s s e s

la ll Biusiness tc m s o p e ra titlie College E is n e r h a d r»io ld il-s firvt e r th is w ee k ,d l B usiness C o m c a s t’s ;2b. 27 in th e f e n d in g o ffA lm o L D S m e m b e rs R o

W alt D isney,a im n g coor- p e rfo rm a n c efo n im s ivill D isn e y ’s d tiilinesscs im d sp o k e s m a n f<3 o \yn biisi- c o m m e n t on^ ro ira lco m - " T h is is a v

. , . . c h ie f e x e c u tii d biLsmess f e r e n c e c a lls e d . lo p iM R o b e r ts sa idititng , U .S. o n e o f th e 1r im is ira tio n j j^ d c o m m u ir d isH lra n . i ,d i e „ e , rcsicin d o th e r n e n c e a n d thl a m s s o im - “ n , o b a ll’slie to r qiics- D isn e y ’s b

a p .lne l o f s ta te m e n i la, r e c e iv e d Cotr

d in a to r o f ■ jy i.iv i l l b e l l ic a c t io n fo r sliaive in fom ta- j-gj jTOinaging a ' n isn e y . w ha / t e r s ivho C o m c a s t , wl

, P h i la d e lp h ia1, c o u p le o r | , „ a $45 billi,

. , W a rn e r Inc.’s K a r m a d c i t

h e d a t 82-t- c o m m u n ic a ti t■ r In .a n e w s c<

" “ i l l - ' h o p e ,

ising Mac:am s

G e n e n d

£ = !nails st.en i. m d e B n m p sl p a n ie s iLSk e m m e n i s i i i i ,a l f in a n c e n^El'lal.ons 10rd o r h a n k '

im h a p jn ’

,t t e m p t to - “ “ .Y ' n fo rm atio n C a ttle m e n s B. a ls o k n o ir a d isp iile over e n ' sa id m a rk e tin g an t :o n o t se n d V - fa l fim m cial p o te n t ia l to

d ia n g e s a n d s h c s i , .™ a il i r a d in e p a i tn c

“1 i ltm k ih t aw ay fro m th e

J e n t S ' r S ' c o l

a rn ln g «>j™8. d o n e IS b a d , bl

.o q i.sp a - s . a lv o ic e th a tn j:'“:aJ,S. b u r g e r ____ ^ ^ 1

If/cSSISy- C h O 'litive B rad icn 's rgsig-)ns." O n its face, Iill r e m a in to l>e s im ple .•;dize sue- n o tic e , a n d k vo icem ail, d „ o r Hut it c 5c d ch ain . c o m p lic a te d . • u n c e la te r Q u es t io n ; “ OTVopcni.

„ , a b o u t t l i re e ye e.-cperienceun ,

c o m m en t

Ise n to b ea m o n th w i> li« ro n g ‘en 1 J a n u a ry m y su p e rv is iir i re a so n for " ' “ " 'h s on th e

on m y resu m e , ^ u n g offi- I' a n sw e r que; I t l ie ope r- s h o r t- te r m ei

c o m p an y p ro b le m is thi th e re is ve ry rc o f w o rk I w an t

, _ h ifild ig lits m y s from s ta ff A nsv.-en K a

Ire rep o r ts | d e n t a n d ch ief

[.V. BaHinds to3 writer bai:---- ---------------------------- -

IE - A Treasure Valley- are:ik will mox-e out of th e “ faley. while a hom egrown ValI increase its business Brtin th e area. I ■ocs - H S - plunned. -IWin - I-o::d Magic Valley Bank theire the Jerom e branch lac:;i-based Home Fedend barnd Loan Association in Satnk officials said th is ret;

Ileral Deposit Insurance paiit approve Magic Valley 20C:>plication for acquisi- the:----------------------------------------Tretlte (ninsaccion. Magic Su{ink would acqu ire the MaUld assum e (hc liab ility . ant:

» m cast (a ted P re s s_________ __________

)R K - In a stunn ing m ove.cabit icast Corp. p roposed W ednesdi )isney Co. for stock valued a i al J. T he Disney board said it wi •offer, w hich would c rca te

t ,-lh c -n a tio n ii-b ig g csu cab Ic - rator, said Disney chief Mic 1 rebuffed its request to la lk e 2k,i’s proposal w as m ade as Eisn< iff c ritic ism from form er b( Roy E. Disney, nephew of four ey, and S tan ley E. Gold about ICC and lack o f a succession pla :hief e.xecutive. M ichael Citi I for Disney and Gold, decljrie 3n Comcast’s proposal, a very exciting m om ent,” Com utive Brian R oberts said in a all w ith investors and anal^ lid th e com bination "wotdd cn e world’s p rem ier en te rta in n nunications com panies, and , istore th e D isney brand to pn th e com pany to growth.”

Il’s in Disney’s court,” R oberts s : board of d irec to rs re lease

la te r W ednesday saying it Comcast’s o ffe r a nd would "cart

it. "In th e m eiintim e, th e re i ihareholders to take,” th e d irec

which owns ABC and ESPN, whose b u s in esse s include

lia Flyers hockey leam . togel illion in revenues lasl year. T c.’s S39.6 b illion in revenues

il th e world’s largest m edia itions company, s conference in New York, Rob ped to m ake th e deal “as frier

id cow COII te d P re s s “ I

.................... i t ," li. Wash. - A fter m ad Tl e hit the United States. irac«

industry’s dom inant Nati :) stood Iwhind die gov- Beef inandate for stric te r Natito ensure food safety. Boar

n on the farm , some proc undiers arc breaking undtJin - the N ational ^\fi Beef A sstraation in a bers:r mandatory fees for Stodiind labeling to dLstin- IcavtDcef. TTie d a sh has the 2001to slow regulatory meeid strain relations with randtner^. Gro\'the NCBA ha.s veered last 1 [he grass-roots cow<alfsaid Ted Wishon. 43, a th e (

-olville. Wash. ‘T m nol ness,yihing the NCBA has agric. but we need a nation- Univt represents jusrca ttle - pene


nosing to:e, leiiving a jo b ought — . lie enough. You give: later \valk o u t the ? jt ciin be m u d i more t.V i . ’: “I’ve rectuitly fin-rate sdiool, and had H kyears of professional V I

under my belt p rio r to * » -ol. But I recen tly ,om a new position, , -encouragem eni from ,o r to do so, a f te r a few f ”the job. Do I p u t this 'ne. and if yes. how do O'’ “ ' uestions about such

em ploym ent?. Tlie ^oithat the work I did worki

' rcflcctive of tlie kind moreant to find and really coverly skills.” worstK aren .Usher, presi- “Yclief executive of TPO what

M e

'I 'h u r s d a y ,

uikex]to pay deposits of th e J e r bank, which is (n th e Jerom e ’ M art Supercenter. 'I'he are worth iibout S2 million “ fairly sm all tninsaction.” 4M Valley Bank P residen t Pl: B ratton .said.

H om e Federal Siivings Ixian officials decidcd-to-U the Jerom e market based on lack of growth potential for bank in Magic Valley, said L Sander, .senior vice presiden retail banking for I lonie Fedt

Home Federal entered ini pa rtn e rsh ip with Wal-Mart 2000, 'Iliat partnership allo' th e bank to open bnindic;Trcai^urc----- Vailoy .■.Wal•^Supercen tcrs. its weli a s \ M arts in Chubbuck, BlackI and Jerom e.

o f fe r s tableT V r

to ^IIabou t t would .U e W

Vlidiael Ik earli-

'ounderlOUt his r .. p lan as ^Citrick,


lomcast 1 a con- nalysts.

wepromi- I '

-ts said. A customer walks piased a Ave. Comcast, the ti

:a re f ilkre is no ' and am icable a sp[rectors but he also noted

don the proposedN, an d walked away frole th e goes on,” R obertsjge thcr Paul Kim, senio:r. Time Asiel S ecurities, sies last for Disney was noilia and “It’s going for t:

using this vu lnen(oberts hand,” ,riendly Kini also said C

mid wide“For me, jwrsonally. they’re i

t,” he said, ;.Tlie roots of ilie dispute Ciin

raced to the 1996 merger of t latiomd Cattlemen’s Assodati< 5cef Industry Council imd l National Livestock and M( loard. w hidi brouglit ciittlem< irocessors and me;it pack< mder one umbrella.

M tc r >«ars of discontent, mo ers of th e South Dak< tockgrowets Associittion voted ;ave th e national assodation 001. saying the group no lon^ icets llic needs of smiiU cat inchcrs. Tlie New Me.xico Cat iro\rers’ Association followed .si ist Decemlxir.“You’re seeing b itterness abc

ie economics of large-scale bu es^” said Chris Hurt, profcs.sor griculturol economics a t Purd Iniversity. “But w hat hiis hr ened to most people in tliat .sii tion is they have left the fann

rleaTea j

(1^ O n 'I'I IK^ Joi>

Kenneth V T v f l Bredemeler

ic.. a M cl^an , VA., humj sources outsourcing finn, sa le not only does not see a pro m in listing the s'hon-lived j< I a resum e, but tliinks it wise ) s o . ''To omit the job, U sher said, il orker “nm s the risk of raisir o re qucstioris than not if it's di ivered. Tlien it makes it loc arse th an whpi really happenCi "You don’t explain on a resun rtat happened/’ she said, “ bi

3NEl - 'c b r i ia ry ;i2 , 2 0 0 4

;pand$cronie T lie 'C hubbuck c Wal- b ranches c tts e d iposus 2002?'llie \^ F M a r iri - a side T reasure Vail Miigic the Jerom e bram P h ilip rem ote from th e

operations in Nam i a n d adequate growth, I c i iv e - - She .said Magic Val

in th e have to pay Ilonii 3r th e thing to take ovt Lynn branch,

en t of Besides th e Jci deral. Home F edera l into a b ra n c h e s -a ll inT in in - and plans to opi low ed Eagle next year. ICS in “We’re definite!•M art------growing,’’. .S an d e r

Wal- ju st focjising on Tr Jcfoot On th e o th e r

Vidley Bank h as b

to b u y

past a Mickey anti Minnie Mou t nation's biggest cable system: anil to assume $11.9 billion In

; pos.sible; iis fast as p ossible, jd th a t he was ready to ab a r ;d m erger if need be. “Wo’v rom big things before. L if ts r m edia analyst a t T raditioi .s a id tha t while R oberts’ bii lot surprising, the tin .u ig wa? • th e jugular." hc said. “ H c i .‘rub le tim e to force D isney'

Com cast is basically a cabl<

m split ir,* not the last SO years.”............. Tensions were hei|in be tiie U.S. D cpif tlie AgriailtuFc iinnouncidon. that a Wa.shington st

th e - hild tested posilivil le a t spongiform encep lmen. mad cow dLseasu.Jeers Dozens of countric

m arkets to U.S. b*nem- induding Japan amko ta of America's biggest2d to A lot Ls at stake foim in Last year, foreign tranger itn estimated 53.2 1a td e .nre down since lasta ttle higlis, iind some sc£1 -suit industry now face si

tions intended to ensbout of the meat supplybusi- Hoping to reopeior of kets, many ran d ie rrdiie push for m andatory ihap- gin kilieling tha t w.sini-— the Amorican imm in Caniida. w here t

jol) can]ra ther in an interv ie then not in cxcnici “You say, Tt looked li when I got tha t job . ]

“Be very professio: she said. “Say, ‘H ere

. wc agreed to p a n .’^ two of those (short-L___ your resume over a 1

not a problem. T lier . reasons today why

short stints on th e ir i Despite the confi

-1®“ boss, Usher said tlii; ^ offer to provide reft

thiit job. altliough -‘Don’t provide b u d substantial reference

dis- c r manager, one invi ook projcct you worked led . with knowledge o f yt im e Usher said th a t if ‘b u t asked why she is le

r - -

4 ■

s to Je:k and Blackfoot expand*d in D ecem ber time, Brla r i lociitionsout------- fcnllyH'alley - including and Gotanch - were too “We sIC bank’s base of a growiiam pa to m aintain ’Hie Jth . Sander said. uled toValley Bank won’t rc-opcnim e Federal any- ownersiover the Jerom e Tlte ba

employtJerom e location. two tell,1 ope ra te s 14 allow Mn T reasure Valley anotheropen a b randi in acceptii: Brattonitely going to be . ---------Ict-said-JiW 'cIre______TimtuTreasure Viilluy." Mef^an j•c hand . M agic 735-323,; b een looking to

W a l tE

I w-

louse display Inside the Disney si sms operator. has offered to buy i In Disney debt.

lie,”. compa'ny, and might i jari- it can chew. "I think 2’ve complexity of being Life company," h e said.

Comcast released tion indicating th a t Eisne b id ed Robert.s’ offer to vas. cussions earlier in th c is called E isner’s refusa ey’s “Given this, the onl

is to m ake a public j ible and your board,” the

n cattle iiWashingt'

leightenod when Congressupam nen t of 2002, buniiicod on Dec. 23 Tlic be1 s ta te dairy cow packers si live for bovine unworkab .•phalopathy, or voluntai^

instead.iries dosed their “'niere'

bee f products, minded pin d Me.’dco, t^vo try, and <‘St customers. opinion tfor tlie industry. Lyons.NCtrad e was w onh cattle pr2 billion. Prices Kan.“Om ast fall’s rccord to deal v segmcnLs of ilic ment inv • stricter regula- your basil ‘n.sun}thcsajfety Historit /. have \vani pen those mar- as produc icrs renewed a prices dii ty country-of-ori- somo tum \vould distance greater n in dustry—from my mind,

th e infected began."

^ tT o m pview,” and even shc can situciating detail. te roppond like a good fit If the cob. I t wasn’t.’ p an in asional aljout it,” Usher .sai<“re ’s the reason or ot 't.' Even having jt.U v ed jo b sjo n „ j „ j a ,o i3a long carcer IS „„,binB t

i " « nffict with UieJiis irarker can B"' eforences from ih U sher said, o '" '™P !uddies. Give a liyoffenni ic e from anotli- specific -nvolved with a should ha\;d on, someone haps that! your work." no fcedba: if a worker is done cons leaving a job. - sionally, nc

/ifM/ZKU EdiliiriVir^

erbmemd in to 'Jerom e for some ', B ratton said .T lie bank cur­ly lia^l^mch■Us■ulT^vin FaIIs“ Gooding.Ve see th e Jerom e market as iwing m arket," Bratton said.IC Jerom o branch is sched- to close April 2 and should

>un underM agicV alley Bank - jrship April 3. Bratton said, bank cu rren tly has three

loyees - a b an k m anager and tellers. 'Fhc acquisition will V Magic Valley Bank to hire her teller, and the bank is pting ap p lica tio n s now. ton said.

__ b u s in e ss__ uititO L .m Hinds can be rcachcd at i23S or tnhin(is@magicvaU im.

O isney

V|Maly Store on New York’s Rfth luy Disney for stock valued a t -

;ht be b itin g o ff rnorc than nk they u nderestim ate the ing a broad-based media a le t te r sen t to Eisner sner h ad personally reject* to e n te r in to m erger dis-

I the w eek. R oberts’ le tte r usal "u n fo rtuna te .”only way for u s to proceed ic proposal d irectly to you he le t te r s ta ted .

industryngton H olstein \vas bom. css apprm ed su d i a plan in._ jut delayed its sta rt b s t year, beef associarion and meat

ts say the c u m n t proposal is

raiy • labe ling program d.ore’s always been strong- d people in thcT:attle indus- id certainly, differences of n are no t new,” said Jan NCBA president-elect and a producer in M anhattan,

One of tliose differences hasII witli how m udi govem- involvement you want in

usincss.”orically, c a ttle ranchers k ilted little, Lyons said. But iducers struggled \vith low

dirce to four years ago, um ed to th e government for r regidation, she said. “In ind. th a t^ w here the split

plicated1 simply say, “ I’ve got a bct- wminiiy.”u company asks h er to take 1 a form al exit interview, .said th e w orker can do so

t in terv iew s a re never toiy," U sher said. “Tliere's g of any value for the

(in d o in g th e interview) than to blow off some which I don’t recommend, irybody likes to think they mge things and maybe you Ip your form er co-workers ring advice. You have to be c - w h a t th e m anager have done differendy, ^ r - lat th ere \vas no direction, dback. But tliis must be :onstructivcly and profes-

not emotionally.”

yjn'utS. Hurdhis.l.U-O'JM, i

T h e 'I ' im c s - :

; S t a t e w a i t s

r e s i d e n t s t o

: c l a i m p r o p t=* BURLEY - T he state

guarding tinda im ed prop * hundreds of people and b

cs whose last known at a re in Magic i----------------

! M U n c I it --------Tlie Idaho-- S ta te Tax J Commission 1 is looking I for those

folks, and hoping ihey’U s claim the property., It's stuff for w hid i Ida!

nesses have been unnbhi ' th e rigluful owners, sudi

roll chccks, con ten ts , d c |» s it boxes, tax refunc dividends, w orker’s cor

tion benefits a n d llie like.The Ttmcs-Ncws on Th

prin ts names of a samp unclaim cd-propcrty whoso last known addrc< in Magic V alley comm Today's list is from T\vii Burley, Rupert and Wend tax commission said each or business listed today - person's heir - owns un( p ropcny worth SIOO or mi

Watch for o th e r to^vns ing weeks,

Twin FallsMiriL-irAnuid.i C. S. D onau CadcsicCirl Scouts Hnrir]uc Camarillo Gilt>cnoA. Cantu Ife m ta Ciysial SpriiiR? 'IVtm Cliorlvncli. Dims Luclla Hawkins Tracy S. Jacobs Mary Jensen Donald Jt-nscn Tony A. Kirk Jen y Lanphear Cindy LAtanhaU I.ori L MiUcr SpcncL-r Mooa*Angela A r a ^Ro>-al Wcsi Amuscmi'nts Ine. John D, RimcU Simon S.indm Annette B.TVbo Efrcn AL Villegas Western D.iys Committee

-Burley- -------Marion E Boright Ben E, Brady

RupertSaul AneagaE hisaA ncagaDennis BoiJcrtJames CorrLadonna CunninRhamCfintnn GenzmerJnckic GrantSterling HanksAmado HueriguIntennounuuii IniRationlne.Kenneth JarvisRogerio NtaldonadoMount Harrison ChapterLinda I’liiUipsTomas J. RodrirjuesMary SerranoTcny SmiiltLuellaThiirber

- Wendell ------------Roland Altamirano ■n)m iVmlirosc Alwcalyptic Music Edivin Baer Kcnni-tli Belnr Rol>en’I.BItiL-tli MarKarettc E. BrDUr'Jitun Keith V.Buclii U nda M. Burklialter Keitii Crawford Sarah Decs Jody Dille John A. Fera-ira Jow Gardapocoa Jeremy Gerber David Morales Ix.'ona NidiolsNanhui'st Tlieatre Er|iii|imen M.-udnc Pinki'non Professional Tr^inslatars Lard Baltoza Salinas Magdalena Sandoval T rade Scott Antonio Sili’ciru Antonie Silveria JocG.Soares ..Agustin J.'Hipia (k-no\x%-a ETinoco Wost I’oint Stahli*

. Stuv-cnaw iiiio -----------------M.iiy Williams

What to doSoe your name on Idaho's unclaimcd-propcrty owners Ifs claim your property, do one o these:

• Call 1-600-972-7660. Ext. < or ExL 7627.• Write lo the Idaho Stote Taj Commission, Unclaimed Prop Scction, P.C'. Box 36 . Boise, I 83722-0410.• Send oflu ll to- losiandfounasnax.stato.ldMS.

• Log on to mvw2.stfl(o,W,t/s, and click on 'Unclolmed Prop for Instructions and claim fon tha t can be printed and malle tho commission. The slto alsi vidcs e search link for olher nam es and a link to other ste unclalmcd{>ro{>crty listings.

) / . / • :« i - tP ^

: s - N c w s , *

t s f o r

t o

p c r t ya te is safe-'- ' properpr for ' •' nd business- 1 addresses - •

nclaimed ■ • Property

ey’U caU ttS

Idaho b u s i - • ablfj to find : ludi as pay- ■, • ts o f safe - - ■ funds, stock com pensa-


am pling of -: ow ners

dresses are ' m m unities.T\vin Falls, . • 'e n d e l l .T h e .: : :ach person : •; ay - o r tho’ - * unclaim ed .' •

ir more. _ m s in com- - •!'


; Ine. - - .


Inc. ^


lo :»rs list? To . •; ’■ neof ■ ■

■A. 7623 .. •

e Tax , - • Property ''Ise, ID ; .

tf.t;s. ' , . " l ' : ' ' Property' ;1 forms nailed to I also pro- - herr states' •5S.

" M o n e y

611 Chg JJ,• **l.Uirtu»l*; iT'Sf,'" 1?

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AfUC 38ti»40.T0 .18 CffSOTACCO ... 1801 ..72s r ’■" f>S :ii S PASAUd .00a UM .74 DnnortniAUT .»S t»97 .09 OTEAHWrti ...lilliO .2$ D»lfCAUOWion .1*f I3« -24 DiMCpAtfUB 08 44 DO ..SO 0«ViyAMcFu ,. 2737 .04 OwnfUJl

< ActgKLito .. 2289 .09 Dnn------------AMO------- .„ 1571 . 17 0«U«»

A«lna 04 7teO *45 0»CA>A«oit .. 382 - 08 0<UMA»itD ... 309 -01 0«U}9

- - A(fS««----- — ST.tO .03 D»»u«Agneog .03 t3 91 .47 0«t£2tiV>/>iD 11 14.77 .59 DdlAfaTlui - tl.74 «.M DI«n«YABW. ... J7J5 .38 0«*^AtwAsn .70 23S2 .31 OomnMAlcan .00 *64$.195 DmlUOW:AKaM ... 10.M .58 Deoi.»nnAUO* .U 37Jt»1M DmCmti

. , . b 3 ? .S ; .^ S XAlianEgy rOOuTOJO . I t 0<A<n>ir AkinlTcfi .. 5738-137 OuqUghl AltfW«tU - 1101-tJJ 0)«en<AJn<fn ...'niTJl .54 DlMj/* AJsuiD 1.t;iu47.M .40 ETi»MASM 148 M43 .10 EUCCpAUWoi .St. r»0 •J} EKoUkAJIiia 2.73 54«3 -25 EcebStAmrtn 254 4«.9l ..11 EdaonlmA£P 1 40 3349 .10 AOEiS>afAmEj0 40uU7l .80 tVueC«AmlntCp .M«74 35 . 85 EJWAmTowvf ... 1100 ..19 ^03

. AmwloSt _ 1194 •,»e En«ft£l</nwBO>g .10 57M .38 EnuEPIn»«<« .56 51.78 .55 En«^ AnalogDw.04* 4999.122Anhousr .80 St.88 . 00 EHSCO

’ Anirwn ... 8285-1.17 E««ajysAcnCOfp .00 2937.43 tnwjyAfkKhat .24 3983 .73 tnnO«S S ’i l l »fcchOan 10 90 ..13 EiTJ UdA«hsnSm1.721 2788 . 31 EmW :Atxjranin ... 2425 .10 EnonUM

.56W44 54 .62 FaCoA«1o2t«, ... 9123.159 F 4 « ^A.jya . ..utB.19 -17 EanOk

' Amsra .30 18 10 -04' F<ntUa« : A«n .1.121 68 57 . 63 F«l£.CoOrt WO, ::: 'a :tiQUCSn 2038 .U F-rKOaUBPPIC 1.73* 47.92 .37 fw awB4k;»(u 40 3546 . 60 ^ l£ ndjnujij 130)u432«.t,74 FVataanliOn. I00iu52.«.1 14 FotflH0»o(Am 320 81.99 * 37 FwWiBCUNY ,73 31.67 .. Fonun*!!!OaintW ..OJ374 .57 fo^jaOaitckO 22 2135 .65 FmJUac04.1.. .50« 30 70 . 25 ™C0D«arSl 30u(7.0SU.t( FitMnamBKIftk . C0U4986.180K , r ' s i ! £ . : s S PI W , ... eoo -.05 Oaws®■UilVCo 1.241 30 19 ..12 Cw .lUxUin C0uC07l .1.13 Gamaii DMKUntr .0* 17.39.1,410 ^ “ .Ww I tS CW!1«

1.12 3003 . 48 OwOrM)BionFA, 8Ct 4980 -05 OiP>c<lB.:nic .60 3396 .15 CJrtt

----------CION* 132 54 23 -07 CUttS^lOGKAll. 284 296 . 03 ClcOae *CUPIflC .40 31.40 . 20 CoUftU ,Cin<Cl>ln23« 1763 .81 Cclilcrpg .CPI 64 22.23 . 03 Col*«nSCVSCp .Ml 3013 . 29CiDMANy ...u20M .69 &W«F»tCiJwK, .. 10.11 .01 0 ^ C4i&5» 20 16M -Ol [ 5 ^

S i s sC«.Jf>U«i .12 6575.1 14 i»TMFn 1 Cii*<T*n« ..U2922 . 52 '«“»0a s , :S I S iC*™«« .07p 2323 . 20 '®“9'

, S i « « o S tJS S T ssk “ SS:S ISi.. ’ E » , :i; s sCh.vtnT«2.92 87.37.103 ' ‘'" J " ' .

■ OilnaLhn _ KlM.IJS KoipPl i 1 ew 38 34 1M '

^ 7 n a .20 [J22J’

:S S K ■ K “ i'S S S :S .Cocaa S8 31 80 -37 kanOnSM C«aCE . ;i0u23*7 .23 «W •CtljP- .90 5507 . 07

K s » . 'ConCJ 2 201 4363 .47 CwnMCAl 141 40 12 . 33 InrnFln CU>0 1496 .48C««0 a2uM23 .53 ■ ■ ■

- a . i f S ” !

I 28 92 . 30 CuCCSl 19 01 .18 tnuOi*1 846 .08 C<iEG>Sl 134] .14 Utn^l.> 37J4 .27 CIPCKI 6906 .56 Mcofa n 99 43 . 15 CohtntSIMiC «-TCeA n 85 41 . 58 RT,5-i,j 59 59 .S ' SfrCcC ^27 95 . » CBbmOlaCUMA: S-rW

1331 .09 l^*n,A 794 .08 i£l'«ApiMtA: - TiEAp 13 84 .06 Tkwi,

9B9 *.11 ColumtiaaiiiD: TciRtn491 .02 Am.111 23 18.15 En1«ipi:

12 51 . o CWomSlaCHiiZ; 'CpAct-2531 .23 Aco-nZ 2407 . 10 0««Vi2 63 Atwnlnti 24 20 . 114 52.01 MCpClW 20 14 .07 Enlr D9 40 .08 CalombliFund*: GCFnO

24 34 . 28 0»Une»Z 2102 .21 GrtS<D489 HTU2 878 . 01, C«iXl)

Con,«efdOrp: C^^Ol1897 . 23 E5TyY -1134 .14 MYDdO

_1U9-..10, -F„lne*(>-10M~W. -WCiS23 49 . 20 HiYUA p 8 52 • 02 KiJ'Cq

J004 . 09 MAp** 380 .07

if‘und»A: C^ipMklFdt*®^'•8° ~ 1185.14 Tetnvi,I 2509 >23 LgVji 1041 . 12 Cnitrsil

1791 .13 DavllFun4tA: C«s»p(136J.-05 .W m A 28 56-..2S .EiMyC

> 40 15 .32 D«l» Fundi 0: EqIncC ip3154.3J l<YV«nO 27 78 . 24 C.Sk i3 31 93 .37 Ot*i»FundiC4Y; CilneC

2992 . 33 riYV.nY 2927 .25 C*’'>C 13?; .04 NYV.nC 2790 .2325'4 *17 0«lawtf» lnv«*( A: IntC^I7M *?4 SmCVAp3544 .30

• « ?mCVoV33*89'’.'2929 92 .25 nimtfiileulFdf: S.nCGC1976 ..1? lnlSmVan1307 . 09 SmV#C

- " ‘J r s W pVu ^ I I ooU5SmVa 24 77 . 23 Enltrpd Fiidn 1027 * 01 C«uiY

, S U ” s s :

U m DotfJtiCoi; VICr.m

FW95 .37 ^ r i M C s t w E-^-0j4lFdt: Domini $M Inv' Atf al«,45.13 .89 s«IEq 28 48 . 29 LgCoCA

' » ■2048 . 22 OaMMn 13 73 . 13 EvtfjiM27 94 . 31 OtJtSlP 24.13 .26 CO'Wl

Oloblnvi o«p 3124 .41 Aiirums “ - '“ K t , r a , S ! S : S t S l19 99 . 16 Gilnen 15 00 . 17 V«jn«uiVm . 06 M ? ^ 'f l 9 9 '0 4 V«w"‘» ^ . j 4 O w ^ P f ^ r . M-Int

kFtfiniit: INtfCnA 8.19 109 F«dnit»973 .02 El1»flVinc«ClA; CAMjfu

MFdr inOatA 6J0.01 G*EA1125 5T.J0 Ealeo V»nc» CI D: KauiSCJ13233 .19 l aiiUOl 1043 .02 MuOct>Aindt; TMC11I 20 33 . 22 SiVOrW. : ; r ” ?K 'rss7 ;7 "S i''>29 12 . 28 DeapValplOOl ..12 CacIncA, s s ; s l S S i S , S : S S f S^ 2 8 . 00 c J S a p 12 80^03 ISIeoi^1073 ... QilncAp 3181 *32 CMVaU

undf: GalMp 1638 . 23 GISIA15.70 .,13 HYOdAp 981 .01 G-Si.atA

Wiyt .. 4091-140 JwnJn 96 546! Con ... 34 03 - 60 J^minCCi 90 593!

h " , ! a l i i s s5»m ... 2220 .36 1.78 385!

Kjvoug ... 7CC.94 2031 -.14 Kwjwn 128 768{

,7i*C 1 61* 47.93 . 53 KneKim .. 371C K9 .48lu2231 -39\W»» 33 10 .,12 UDfBCh _ 11.08^ M WJO *3.40 LMpFiog . 27.011M» _ull.05 .J6 UaiCoiS .60 6560n> .26 10 63 ..14 ImPul 5C 24 ClUU ... 9 79 ..16 UhmO> .64(088.89133 2 03 1890 . 29 iMViaiAt SO 44 73It 148 400T.S8 UBfrMA— — 1103A 1.91 2545 . 03 L*,E» 1 421 74 70

SOiCB.Tl ... Umn«d .40 T890«v J1U27.60^2 IncfUl 1 401 4675Jo .14 23.10 . 09 Utduy .20 24MAm 2.58 63 67 . 17 UTuMst .26 2618ltOW2i3« 2835 .,15 LOOIIMM .88 4930ItynniM 29 22 .37 IMSCOI .12 57(6

1J4i>«63.1.43 luwnl ... 436 M 1.40 44 80 ..30

IM 33M -25 WWA .4*lu2835t.00u1930 . 11 MOUl «8 23 78

«. ... 2504 -.79 U£UC ... 9907/* ... 4.4« -02 Uagnalg 130 8123M ... 14.77 .54 Uanufg 84lu36 76Cp ... 14.11 ..12 UaihlA . .M 4460lak 30m 2937 -08 UvihM 1 24 4832lS» 321 27.94 . 03 USl«ft ... 1190mlm SO 21 89 -03 Masco .04 27.17;i).afi»04 37 33 .37 UauCp 1.44s 22 82seCe .16 689 .31 UUW 401 1880

M 2080 '08 M..1O3 . .MU3521s .! :s s s - ;s s f t s s ; ;)*fl .74 42 67 - 09 J*K«4Wi 24 2810S( 104IU2389 .44 IMcclOfl ... 37»X .10 30 09 ..18 .29 4738*tft ... 4 70 . 13 M«>c« ).48t) 48 82ay 180-5943 *03 U»«U(tp—.— 090&a .. 1900 ..14 Mt-nRyn 64uM9lnn 52 u990 >0} MttLO* .23IU3S30IPT 200 28.70 -.14 MchSU 40 4807Ud 1.73 29.70 * 13 MUtCrOn 118<1 220( 68 15 ... WNYGp .45 3( 13OJW 1.00i>41.92 . 83 MowtWal ..,.1755:« 2.40 0320 .57 UorgSUAl.OO( 59.88ms ... 2628 - 28 Uolorelt .18u1744>, .34! 37C8 -22 IManj .12( 2404,Ua«20(ll 7929.1.75 NCnCp ..i>4582■Co 24( 6981 .121 HjoOy 128u3530

30 4909 *32 Nisj? .Vj)32}(« 1.40 4469 ..10 IMoM k . 17C5In ...Ul5» .48 ri»«ani« 84 2432

04 40.70 . 74 (ItwMU .20 45434 40 14 64 . 23 IM*n» . 464 Hat) ... 73 90 . 63 NmC<xp 06« 38H

120 71 43 .77 HnitCoA.1»«u3166m . 3102 .03 N&igrt. 97 21 45tae 104 0357 .98 (MMwp . 39731 M 4I.73<M3 NsAOCp 30ou227lI I I L— NartASo .32 22:0

IMntNo 808; 80m 2330 .13 NoOodi 320 4043,ap ... 17.50 . 30 H«toO 1.60U103 93

09 20 38 . 31 IhnlNO 130 3IJ5•ay .. 460 - 06 rio<oN« '74« 4533nwn ... 9793 .48 32( 1920K ',s S S ; s S i , , s ; ; sLSI 1.10 44.» -07 OncDpI ... 17 170 200 49110.103 Oun«I>> .45 2435 S33nl36 3132“*40 O'VUCCm—B0'B3rC, ?n -ri8u33 92 - 01S * 50 29p.1M (’GiECo . u27.90SWnlj4* 43.15 -.07- PPtC«p-lil-43J0-Of* a)u287S .47 Pa Ulan- .70 5740.lU ,19< 1350 . 23 Ptnnty .30 x2823-pg .18a 14.43 .21 PtopEn 2.1Ct 4335unS 10OU107.09.4 9 PtOXllOkl 100 u20 80rMT - 196 -.98 PtwCo .64 31 10(lFt120(u480S .9 P*nEkn .26 2131nl 32 6248.1.9 P^elSp .. 1435V 52( 4389 -1 PttrWt 1.19eu23 80n 50U31 04 . 08 Pfi;t< 68t 38151 i w ' l t ” ' Fn *J0 pW

' 3*:Si675 ’ .M ^ ' 0 .10.1785I .06 2298 -22 1 40 30BJiM»t _ 2131-4.13 PtAjfll 20 00 ;o^ ... 6 73 ..14 PonOaS 700 2014

too 1831 .41 Pitoantj ... 23.12cP J7 23 64 !28 PreietG 1 62 10320Dp 28 3063 ..71 Pr^tCn2 30( 45 95rwi .73 38 10 . 48 PiDtSSIn .33 3 27’? 2.88 43 73 . 90 PnmUn . 13 73e 132 3998 . 30 Pn<Mnl 30<vtC70.»E) ... 1769 . 01 PuJtlCnjylOO 22ilU ... 2168 - 33 P(jatl<m> 10 4035.U J2« 18J0 -.90 OvinuS« .. 920tih .08u2123.lW Outuai 82 3370

2.79(»4096 ... 0»*«Cm- . 439p 120U3Z03 ..'2 njIW i' 360 5970(ISM .18 12.04 ».6S RPU 30 1685

.. 37.90.1 68 rtayVi*sn 80 3(0564 . 99 96 . 35 (WnaCiCO . . 22UM 3731 -12 rwanni 828

100 4332.100 Ttanan ?«C2OK - 1706 -II IliCa-ti 52 41 Urt 05U45 32 . 73 n<r,<t« 195. 48 15n 28 3080 . 00 notCoo .. 9.72

gC»130u4027 .79 S0CC«n<12i( :5.90 rt 35«i>43 03 . 90 I SlUCpi J J 40 80

lOiAp 1392 .07 ltlnft]’« 00: .01 Cmiinjd* 681 .05 Iw'Ukja .11*1 .07 Gnm.tSlA 1 /r ’?2 16 17 *2 c'’"inCcO^20« .04 In'iiM '«t6-o! C.0 :rAiloel 10 29 . 10 lnrS"<* 24SJ ! M Gn,L:i1cApl435 .C5 KV--AS 1IJ.04 Gci.lcriBf, 10 10 .M liCcC»P D05.H G.Utintnp 10 54 . 03 urmA 1103 * 02 GioAitipiiMCID:. lIlW 993.01 0-Ai->AC0'0p28 15 .J3 WltOpAp 1302 .04 II.YU'«pVtlp 9 90 .l WIN 11 57 .04 H.Y;(rj- Dp 3 78 .C8 MnSiAap 1068 .00 Op 23 93 . 32 MuSk* 1091 <04 IxTlSFnOp 740 .0 UjfkU'Jl 203 InlinelS<Dp 1278 *0 IJYMiM lOtt .04 hiliKliXOp 30C5 .33 HCWxA 113J .04 InlMi •ir>Op 1351 - 22 PAU.jt JI91.04.'DdOp 900. 0: uiSUn IKI IMDiiCiaB-ij2t.>o;- -;itfUBJc.ift92..Ai. -uxoinodOp OCO .05 StilncA 474 .01 l.iriO;rAcQail1 07 . 03 USG.IA 792 . C? In.OiCcDp 70(.I2 <.<aiCiCcC[)c20 92 . 04 AlJiOl 24 03 * 37 l-UiC>Va'[)B 97S .08 l)e«JO 9:4.02 UlCalACol 10 17 . 10 C*tl.3o 11 11 .04 lln<Chnff 988.09 C«<kU24KI.33 UJAI:m-jis 10 54 .04 CaptxU 712.03 (.IcdJtrpilMCIC: Eqli'til IC’9 . 1: >.’!bF,S«pCp28!)6 .34 Cu'EsS I l4j . l i i.i: F,K-lyCp 5.79...ce .FjTtflP .. iU.iCi .MgnlIntCl 2409 .3: GtiVlOl 14J<, . ;'0 SMir»Skp 12.78 . 04 GiniOl 9 09 . 03 3mMineCp 30 68 . 32 G/SI VU 25 89 . 32 5Mr>cnCl 1573 .23 Hlneai OOI 5mm,D-lCl 9 80 . 02 InlCcApI BtO.I? !)Wk

C^r) 1338 .07 inlXqO 1481 .19 TRtG^ p 084 .05 IniMO hcC -01 TPCC51A4P 11 07 . 03 IniSrrCB 23 05 * 32 IciPt^c's2702 '« '310 *M w”';iV*Cp 9 99 * 07 Kji.^knpl5 14 t22 WSfi'■nvi'l 10 54 ’ w klli&o'’ 179? *05 F* '"trpdMClY; MuO;:U 9 HO. 0.1 HiCaW 1708 . 24 IIjSkUI 1091 .04 7«;MDdY 981 <01 PAHlOo 1193 . 04 FIdelililTiu«1G«il««: Skim 1835 . 18 EnCil :n-Sr '39 33-rW -SlTtmB” '873" TdtRti'Qi 10to .03 Trni-iUp(o« .03 fjC'i

X 14 16.07 USG<gi 792 .02 Umi9 60 . 01 FtOtriltdC: Fidtlll

,r.m 12 21 .10 ALSrC 24 03 .37 D4taJ>'S T ''\z7 .08 g S c r ' i S SS K ',oGto* 507 .04 CacKC 711.03 tciinTflaltA 955 .01 EolnC 16«p". 17 G-OkklGAI 045 *09 FcTcnCp 544 .06 HlnA<

g f f i , s s r . ; s ,

ruitl 0 35 .01 UwEcC 14 01.19 FF2o:8 09 . 11 IniSnCC 2302 . 32 FF?03

IcCcI 1393 .17 Kaufnt l 5 10 .03 Intomjiol 25 71 .3<. Kji/SCo 19 14 .23 Fl9«lil<iliisrFunili: UcCpCC 7.77 .10 Anq.Cn«sun37 43 .47 MklOctC 12 95 . 05 Aktn>Fundi: ).taiCcCp23 35 . 2!> Al.ig><mn 35 04 . 41 IAn.<{CB 1407. • 11 Balan.Fundt; SuBMCl 10 51 . 18 (ywCifC 1130 . SLIncC B74 .01 CajAi«n 2831 .27 tvRilUp '002 .03 CDincItlltOA; . USC.C 752 .02 ConlfjMjftA t i l l .04 FtdcriUdF: Cn>ScEAI 10.T7.I2 AmldF 23 98 . 37 [)«*.||r!5CApl921 .23 ttenjF 026 .03 DtslllDcvA 986 >03 CapI.'V 7.11 .03 D-sCa}rx3 1880.18 EfllncF 1682 ..17 DnimiL0iA-n99V37 OlSir--- ail'iOJ' -&K1II>)A 9 22 . 02 LldMu-F 993 .01 Cqlnc,lncA 7.12.04 MvnOw 986 .03 EdllnlAW 24 82 .34 OH«un 11 72 . 04 Euiop. cAp 5 02 . 00 SI>I«F 8 72 . 01v>p 16U.17 FtOcraUdlntll: GNMAInk 1221.11 AtfimSclS 960 .01 Gcvlln3VatA 14 61 .26 Atf,(llIcS5 0.60 . 01 CioCoIA 017.03 C«nAE«IS 10 04 . 09 Groln(liatA 2792 .34 CcnA''*j5l1093 . 09 H hln

m B tm m54 65 .22 S(gaSc| _ 9.23 -.77 H» » . » Sa>».ay . 21.79 .11 ■M?0 l a '5 " - 2 ' M(5006 . 38 SiPiuCOT 1.16 4203 -OUJ85S .15 SalmSOF .13. 1?57 . 06 ^£2

75 21 52 . 02 Dim,7088.i'32 - '0*^ Non.4839 .94 fenw 75 C347 .01 (.UCO13 IS .16 Seh.4B 00 1 7 80 . 47 a'tt

M M 34 72 .77 Ago,low III11.08 *.91 S«aga»T :«( 10 94 . 40 I J7.0I-139 S«. 92 46M .345580 ..90 BnvaEnieO 3152 .23 IJSHlMm U m S.t«Cp 8 90 .(1 SkueW73.1«l 5«“' ' '<-!« «52 *3' G*-'''"1103--05 SM0«i- «!u5S9l .50 -Aljlo[12 ShJP*® 1443 . 19 0.3m (675 8'2 •«!4M -,1S SUcnCph _ ul.80 ..40 »!8 .16 SUchtri -UI1.47.I.T71786 157 72u396«.1.16 fjsm,

“ ” " s “SMnnCo 1 40 79 42 . 02

!835-.62 s«u*«i O’ 14U ia990 ’m S»"»nS5 241 3fiS2 .01, '•“•"'P'K29 .M SP-mfON 50 18 49 . 48 G»«l 1070 . 67 SprKPCS . 9 63 .4414 60 - 07 Sp<tt1«n 1.71U10.6S ..56[®“ *®J aaxpF 70- M91 -09 Adv.1i7." '.n J2 50 82 . 84 Docl.1282 .30 StanWV 104 3 7 08 . » Unctl8M -W SwCaa 230 24 59 . 10 ToUl

84 30 58 . 34 flil .19 >3 00 .02'705 -27 Swrnn Mul333 .33 VDlUflV £ •£! ••'2 ■-------738 I u ^ * ^ '’04 03 ,.>7 S</>Oaii) u3I 49 .97 W^M 090 - 05 SVVa 5.'tu3«05 .670^.271 JECO 7« 14« . « I

• '! JJX 14 »35 .05 ------ -118 lio ,,1098-05(.13-74 Ta, . 28W1 05 .35

4 04 -M M 4 00 .M i '" 562 . 87 T*lWa 1 11« 35 12 . 19

•«' • 'I'n 1248 .13 ' ' ‘5 ! ! ! . ; ; '«*■948 .(48 2 01 .67 il'^o 765 -37 Trxn 1012 .32

is - ; . ; : ; : r8H .H ^ inoEl . .'850 .42 360 . 40 OUCoc 1.441 S140 .15015 'SI '' AUkWISI ’ 71 Ics • "9 99 - 01 Traniocn 12ii2900 .Ul AllintilT ::o .,11 Tix.iA 32 11130 AmoiCi

?„“ : s : r533 .45 UlCI . (365 . 10on Im CINoiDiUne«Pae 129-Mt5 .40 ConAgr 717 .47 U«r» 14 51 .55 Costco435 -30 _U^n__1 14 1917 .19 Dwboldirc.ITT ,IS 543 .. DuKtFli:

UPSi) in 717? .73 AG.Ed !? T !7 V5l.a«.p*. :»03.,8 369.104 US51... .M 35 04.1.73 iDfl _____ , , Hflinl ^^ • 1 ^ UwT^ IM't,l44^"*r )» I,” uivvnofl 37.10 . 70 )80 . 26 UrvnPinv .30 I4B4 .40

W l ■ ■ c c q z i H180 . 30 ValM«Pr> 31 22 20 -05115 .2.1 VilwcEn 4«u5i39.1 11 ----104U2J va»ay>! 32 '1 l i . 35 N#mi

•'* VAfiai 7> 4nfo .W, I'''"'®•” I * VKtr.ft I t’« 24 77 •. 06 ' 137 .37 V.r«t«Cn.IM J820 .M:«5 . « V-on^ 2. 4117 .07 LMt:^ VuoCp 3C 25 34 .IJ Chg:114 I j j vob'on* 3lt .’4(19 - J9 _ . 1.12 .5C Vo.«p 2 64.„iV40 . 30|« *W wGiitou i;e 28 57 « 'l ;.1; Wacft3«a lWi>4750 . 15 iSBl 127 .01 WaAUrt 30 5707 .46>73 . 07 WWJrn .ir 34S7 .11 StockiTo.ira wAiw 16(1 45CO .55

120 .31 2 341.4 907 -01 buiMil,70 . 80 W.hF-90 180'i870 .63 -l*Wi

,J5 • M>v41 .. 1075 •X05 .23 'M 6393 . :« B» y» '12 .00 WrmCOT 04 1019 -22 «!<*'•

” OS, ^

.77 -37 \vt«ih K «4u ..14 ‘'JJ?,''H m X»IiVr 75 1745 .16 ' ,56 .Qj >g>9. 1503 .in #0 5.1 VinO<J> 33 71 .53 L _ _ l

Cmi-llS .1133 .01 Irvwr'"' 16 82 . 17 Gimn5.1l33.0l InllWn 10 75 . 04 Gcvl.JI 1077 .01 NGin 2550 . 25C.o.'2-51 1?59lo4 nwV I 25Go»2.55 11 59 . 04 \o,l'tn 3077 . JflGci.Utln 199 lAdC.Vin 22(2*. 22G.UnSSp 199 WgSocn 11 J? .04G.0APIOSL 1224 .15 H.«"n 3218 .23li.YklUdi 1178 .. Ov'uan 3295 .27l-iTiS lOM.O) l lW n ‘254oIo9I'V;!!! 10M.03 SlUfn 907 .01lnil,w;l 10 40 . 01 5inr.CoSPnl8 20. 19hni>cSSpl04a .03 SlutliKn 10 58 . 05

lldDiGS 9 74 .01 FiMli(yS.i»<la: UxOiJ5^a42 aOI. . ‘nl'!^olI>a'’874 I 01 T i u n «50 I t2Vla.C-icI 23 4J .25 Foodn 4J 40 . 29 I.U1C.10G2343 .26 Coyin 2919.72 UilC.ip >997 .18 ll.a:>nn 124 74 . I>U■AJAIiolS 1185 I 12 T«c'hn 6387 1 65 l,lcdAi:eSL1183 .12 Ul.-Crn 34 29 *32 l.’IoFdSS pig 18 .03 FlOtllly Sptnan: i.i: Fdi& 1018.03 CAUunn 12 70 *04MgnULAo.tOi__ Eakijn 4l.tfl...45SMIncl 853 .01 500ln>n 79QD .87SmMunI 1044 .01 InlT.Mun 1031 .03SMncSSc 8 53 . 01 InvGilUn 10 62 . 04SniMilSSp10 44 *01 l(AMunrM240 . 04DwkTi 35 67 .55 l.liin,l~:n 13D5 .05Tnco'sspViw Im Siwu"? !o55102IcinmiW 10 92 . 03 TolMiiM n31 32 • 32TimUJS 10 92 . 03 Fli»IAn»«»F«»A;UliaSM 1E9 N'>p 10 64 . 08UnSdlUd IC9 . FiiftAmtrFdtO'StMlyAdvFocT: InllOl 919 .07F-'S»«T 23t5.3l IgCpVall 1723 . 23hiCart 19(6.14 Fl»$lAm«rFund»C;7«;nT ICM.18 l«,C> 1024 . 08IdelKvAtJ.liorD; Flr»1 Am«( Fa* YrEnGlUn 449} .49 CCrtIM 1143*04

idtRtyAmriiflrr------Eirnm—hm- .h -EjC'In 49J7.3J faW.lp 7I77..VUlnin ,27 35 .32 IniOd 10 33 .04IdtlllyAdvltoiT: Inn 10 75 * 08BatancT 1630 - 16 MCpOiOo 40 37 . 44[>>GrTp 1(75 . 14 Flit>Eagl«:EoG-Tp 4735 .S2 CW 34 42 . tSCcjInT 2705 . 31 &.oit.a»A18 95 . 11j<OBST 2965 . 34 FUtihiiMFunSt:>tln4<jTp B5» .02 TtcnltMlBOC ..18MCpTs 23 31 .33 Fiink/TtmpFinkA:Idtlay Fr»«dom; AGEAp 7.10-01rrTOOOn (1 99 . 08 DaJInvp 4931 - 41=F2010n 1338 . 09 CailniAp 1280 .03 i=F2020n 13 50 -.12 CallFAp 731 .02: ?030n 13 47 ..J3 WTFA JJ03.W Iia«lilyln>ttl: FIiCcGjA 34.76 . 41 J^tfr.fl1576 . 19 Iliuji'cln 1482 I.I4 Cwl'l>Ao3174 I 34ialancn 1746 .16 HYTFA p 10 75 . 02 IyMCnGrn41 44 . 42 InecrnAp 243 .01:«iApn 2569.38 InjTFAp 1258 .03 Irpincin 811.01 MITFAp 1255 .03:onlian 5120.4 NYTFAp i: 08 *.03 ,;n,5cn 2095 ..I Sl.ICtCrA31.78 . irV.ll 1774 . 1 USG»Ap0T7.0b>-sCan 2367 I 29 Frank/TtmpFink D:y.lmin 540 .24 txom.01 242 .01)iKlllurT8E0“ 34' riank/TtmpFinkC.----:qlnen 1M.68 CapOiC 1028 . 10IQIIn 2335 ‘W EqIncCi (972 .23IIXPIM 2070 . 25 licSfflCl 244 .01;i»«n 2928 . 30 FitnH/TtmpUilA(B;i«‘.1lnc"n 10 33 Io4 t>,sSk J ti? I.»iioCon 52 53 .34 Siute:A 7(45 .10i-olneo 3700 . 39 FankAtmp(.IIIC;l^hlncfn 898 .01 SH*'«C>7f29 .10

Mo s t A ctive ($i on »om) Mo s

Nama Vol (00) La»t Chg Niim» Diwoy 1121720 27.60 *3.52 NasdIO NOflOlNw 5J9377 . 0,08 ♦ 25 SPDR Luconi 471797 4.36 *01 EogloBI ATTWrls 4G4620 11,00 * 25 SomiHl A^oro 2BS794 3.62 -.00 HniXon

G ainers (S2 on tMu| G /Name La»l Chg %Chn NameSkuehors 11,47 *1.77 *18.2 BkjrKlTGantw 15.94 *2,14 V15.5 P.ilhlNlAlttom 2.00 *.37 *15.2 P«nOnlDrsnoy 27.60 *3.52 *14 6 1G1Flovlon 3 54. . 40 .12,7 CoQontC

L oser s (M on uMit) LcName La»l Chg NCho NameUitacron 3.1G, -.50 -137 DiookoCStfldSc. , 5.23 -.77 -12 8 Dn-CpRiHoaimNul 28.31 -4.13 -12.7 EacelMLo.ipRog 27.01 -3 39 -11.2 VinoMpIjOOOyaa( 8.9C -.9C -9 7 HovtHok


Wvarwod 2.202 Advanc«Joclinod' 375 DoeJjnecJncnangod 185 UnchanfroUIISJUOS 3,442 Total iJSiVow High} 438 NowH^JiwLows 5 Nov*Ltw/olume________ 2,185,010,000 Voiumo

52-WcekHigh Low Name

10,705.18 7,41GC4 OowJonojInduslnal3,090.07 1,918.12 OowJooojTranspoi.274.22 18650 OowJonesOliMlos6.G01.05 4,4in02 NYSECompoaioI.235.67 003.35 Amojindox 2.153.83 1.25322 Na3d.iqCompoiilu 1.155.30 700.90,SSP500

601.50 343.06 nuS30ll2000II.281.02 • 7.503.16 W-l5niru5000

im#______ DIv PE U«t ChaMWlsn .76 14 23 €2 *31umtEgy 1.00 15 2629 . 11i3tilTch ts 57.30 -137wiCas ... 15 27.11 .09flCoin .60 13 25.37 ..45aiSlnSm 1 721 13 27 88 *3«JiatdPw ... 11,82 ..10olAm 320 11 01.99 * 37.50C .60 „. 33 54 . 73Joruy 1.801 15 30 34 * 60

inAgta 1.04 18 20.23 *.12iSteo ... 25 39 15 -.26.'bold 60 22 5300 - 39Ktnity. 1.04 -, -za' M .4o:~;2s::J. EcSviuflS .64 24 37.35 * 37itonal .30 4S . 49.90 .20tiCP 3 34t 29 56.75 *.35 'ini'- 1.08 20 36.31 *.41VrlflllP------- -.32— 29“ 23.B4~-2fl-

^oro o>o Uw 52s moal octtvo slocks on ir laodaq No»o(Ul Martists and tOO moot 1,115 Inrposi. Sioda In boW cfuuxKid 5 tx 4smo: Slocks aio litiod alohabotiuJly by Kinios nindo up ol Initials appear al Iho b« 3lv; Curroni annual OMdond rale paki on mfosi oUiormise'loolnoiod.M t: Piico siockwaatrad'xioalvrfwaoicl am: L003 0( pain Iw ma day. No chnnne I

•und Name: Namo ol mutual lund and lan Mil: Not 08MI voJuo. or phco at wtilch lun ;hff DaJy n«l chanpe In tlw NAV,

llock rottnttm: a - PG gnoigr inw> M. <M • IMMnO tn Can»dMn S. S(cdi price In US.S. n - 1 Had ( - S|M o> (locx tfvWwid ol 23 Mfit rrc

iN hM FootnotM: * - AUo •<tn o> uvta. I Wctaml or pM h prec«*no 12 mo*. ( - Arrutl ih iM<v> er M4.1 - PU) mt yM>. awU««f «MU » y«a/. aounulafn luu* w«l (MdtnK h am lisia kriimn.r-OacU'«dorp*i8kip'«wIrg a e«ah v«iua wi ex Jvidend or SMfftuoan dai*. 4l*j In >m .f-bl barAnjiiicy p> i«=*Kf«i\nipe< I yauenegnparwi.(.Iml iKi.'>«iMiat«v*nMtMMcrtnS1 antfi tulual Fund FoMnott*: * - E«apUloar« dm wd 10 pay cMsictnan cam 1 - n*avv«n im pK. I - Uon p and r. a - El-cuh OvUana


17 Fr«nk/r«mpTtmpA; GnTmlJdn 215M MJ.lAp 1S90 . 17 5CVIn>!nl22s .:5 Fc.5nAp 11.19 -00 5CVIn,r12l2.>3 Groin* p 71 72 . 19 5p«Eanl142.15 V/orUAp 1794 . 13 I.onr.n 37 72 .!fl Fi.nyr.rrpIr..B V.niwr. 5218 .:2 GtainCs 21 32 . 18 Janut Alixn Inill>4 CEEKunSAS D.Ja«^l03 50 .u sjs!!S « S t 1st :l9 tr“ ‘i; mJ? '.V\ 1!? ^ - ” 3.19 E s 'a V ^ i i

'J, 1J« 'W ■^iwfei:'’w ”',OUOTr (IV: * j. Jo nOtvdM 2 |8 Gat>«ilirun<li: ,

3 'S ' K ” ,...LV 1,'IH S Hgil-A 431J .12 C«,C,Fa.O: ■ •

S ' H --i

3 u r *4 ®S^9'!;*9''I‘oi5 “ m "" M'‘3l!'.n8 ' ‘?i2 H.rtK)c Fundi: 0?Sj-tVm4 « .

8 i i i i7 'wI!iA*B V5 2b . 13 lonjI.alParlntrt:3 ce*poAp3034 .31 •

t>,CmADl7 72 * 17 1;2* •8 lUlCpAp22 51 .21 •4 cVa'otbp‘!cb53.2} •

4 HiUfortHLSIA;’ *4 ^ p p 4716 1 ^ U.tCpAp1968l

Kid. low .18J Atf wn 23 22 ..19 'J ‘ •1 S'act 45(,s .<7 OdOtOp 811 .

i r ^ 3o5« .3* UrdWhtHC:) UoCao 25 70 *24 ^OjCp BU .

HanlordHLSIO: UFSFund.A:1 A»,,wt»o23 7'J * 19 'CIJ.I CJP»C0P 4700 .49 “iCAp 1189.» H»»niandFBi; CapOpp 1256 ■

Vii« 53 09 . 43 E;^*P 30 14 .. I lfcrUjne.fl20 52 . 22I iCOIIFdi' kluQdA not .1I ConD,K (4 00 . 20 je 4 .;

: M l - s r ^ " : :i JlnSk;BI73W .■•5 En Dl 2815.: I IIIQf nd.ClA' MiCD 1095 .) ImVaMp 1002 .20 *

> C««.l»n 3270 .34 1561 • FtdTEn 7^0 .02 UamStay Fundt A: Fiilncn 9 08 .04 ><-YUDA 6 36 .1■ 'Fitfdn “ 73 93“ '0«' UalnSlayFli-i.Br I ClLrl.5c,«16a7.12 CjpAxiU 1 27 52 .: 1 CITacnn 11 16 .10 KVicUSl 635 .(

G'incn 79 01 .77 Uairt i Pow«>i H.YVJn 969 .02 Gtp-m 63 18.-

: s » " , s 5 : 5 ' s ? r s " , r . ,I OVT«irt n?7 (9 .26 klaitleo Fundi;Orwin 0 2 7 . 03 Foewp (502 .1 I Ov’M43n 21 83 . 04 2ISICnlp 1000 * 1

Most Ale Vol (00) U»t CtiQ Name i1100Ti910705 37.57 *.30 Comcsp !n 420337116.07 *1,22 CiJCO 1oBtindl355I4 1,91 -.14 Coiricast ' iHTr 127092 42.95 *,73 SliiusSon 78857 t.14 -.01 SunMioo 1

Gainers (S3 OR Koi<() • Gainee tj»t Chg SChg Name JT 4,to *50 *139 NvllWrls INln 640 *65 *11.3 VC.impj3nl-----6.70'- t.60 ••*11,1 SpoodUj

2 07 *,20 *10.7 ViiUMod tntC 2.20 *.21 *10.1 LrxJco/p

Losers (S3 on MOfti) Losee La»t Chg SChg NamekoCpn 1886 -3.39 -152 nomocpn«s 3.45 -.36 -9.4 PhysmlrrIM 6 29 -.61 -8 8 ImpsriSgrwlIpfO 2600 -2.50 -8 0 Paclnlmal■Cokl 4 53 -.37 -7.6 SiMlCklud

Diary 'need 621 Advancednod • 294 Doclinodangod 70 Unchon odl45u«3 985 Tolal«wi5H^hj 127 N(jwH.ghsLrwtJ 5 Now lowsno 379,900,970 Volume

Kei_____________Ual Chfl ClInals 10,737.70 *12305 .1,poiwiion ■ 2,951.33’ *3007 .11 IS 272.7t *.45 .

- • 6,751.05 *74.01 .1. .1,24C?0 .10 53 .,

lu 2.083.66 *1433 .'1,157.76 .12 22 .1'

59707 *4.24 *. 11,293,42 *111.90 *l.i

YTDSChg Name______ Olv PE 1

I *4.3 HomoOp 28 21I *S6 ld.-icoip 1.20 25 ’ -.7 iniuiMndrs I *108 Koyeorp 1.241 15 i *6 0 LooEm .72 25I -.4 LongvF ...........1 -.1 MoonT ............' *1,9 RocKTon .34 15 1 *2.1 SconPw I43fl ...I -1.2 Sens«ni .60 12 ’ -.6 SkyWesI .08 17i .5 3 Taradyn ...........) -1.0 Tyspwio___ 00 24i l l . -*7.7.- USBmop— -.Ml- - 14; - ' .3 1 Vttlhi 24 47 ) .5 WjIMart 36 28 i *11.7 WasnFed 601) 14 I -3 WellsFroo *00 16 1---- '.3B' TkwBcp------1.?0 IC ■

3 ino New Y0(k Siock Exchange, the 40C 33t actlvo on Amoncan SloOt E;ichanfl(> twrcenl w nw o In prtco.__________by Iho company's luH ume {nei iis ofi

I b lnnlng ol uacn leitom' bat. on 5l«k. based on laiesi cuancrty or a<i

ichongo doMd lot tho day.3B Inaicaledbv... mat*.___________

lamDy,lund couU be eoKL

fWiUt'tf p«> mItU qrc* kl (ail U Orv tMM otfi OaM sl w>U

a. b - Annual lUs plu> Ucek «<«3w<d. c - U wtl UK, knoMMd on laai otdanKon. I - 0*di noal. Oal«r«<l O'no acbcn tat«n *1M m.««l ifTtan. m-Annu*liil«.r*OuCBdanlaaOic!an»igt7m0*p»i>*«w<*ffl«wd t-P»ia»inoi3ii a*. 1 - Ea-Ovk>»nd a y - Ei'dnUvn01 bt(^ r«)coanlt*d.uni,ivr m* M.ndealiWfctoM<i.S2.dntiCuian t-F>rcviou>Otrii]uo<«.n*N»bu (M w eotnrowti dWeitM lalx K>ad miy aqvy

■UTC«; Tho A»tocJatwl Prm. Satw flgt

■>5 Utllon Fundi: OpprMwltrwr26.21 IgCpOik 933.12 6 ‘K0p37 12 .21 I.Urgo>Fd 1541 -01 CctfSl 5142 . 07 Unidian Fu«d»: MnSlfcfl 13 72 . 39 Vii,. 3994 - 46 Cl.mcDj 4 18 .42 UttiiiiLynenA; * Opp*nhtiTi.r14.14 UaviAp 31 06 . 43 UfiSiFiJC 13 ln»U. FoCiAp 16 88 *;-9 OpptnNttmO50.15 CiAtAp 15 56 . 1> liwa 17 62 . 00 Utfiiii Lynch0: GOjB 17 45 . 24 Ow;Ol 3141 .42 OOctrr* 32 84 .09 Eu-cDl I3I7-.11 QVi«*et9 ItnA: FrwKJUl 1561 *>9 Opp.nMm..t C2 .13 ClAiUi 1577 * 10 3 83 -01 UtrnU Lynch 1; 1743 .07 OjCapI '2725 -25 "eU-jB ”s " . ! s « , :S! w rS m S K '» ; i 3 : s ™ " : i vU —14. U-*ttlOrl»(il-..-3«- -inACcPll.m BO. 29 U ,,Z s ia n l„D :'

S 5 , ? M S : S ; ™ r . . , r . i s s : ! ; 3 - ,!

M .03 USG.1U 929 *03 j®41 .09 CrP?fl"-.IMl\"!d3 ;»77 .48 IrJEqn 20 21 *29 « » p .04 Uuluil S«rl.t; '0i?di‘: liS

S s l i ' ! K S j !SI MiiJoniFundtlnvB: TpnSi lo M .19 HiHo"n"iVu"a«PMA: 'rnn-D^^m’■ S l« m,PA*'l'o46*S PIWOf-»ii*

:.’r.:^“ S * p 2 -^ 2 i5 i5 ’2,2 lo2 g « e ^ 3“ :.l? i: jfrtOargtrlOtim P,ppFund»:

i i l f l 'S i p«wW'®'10.21 C ^ J UM .0310-03 P».*rM> 75'.1 .59 PiydinruniJt;

i 107 cV“ ;r'M *cr.'^5iiKMiai C'Oup; UjCVAe: !

II .03 t(MMa.i InvJaloIa”1.03 II^MnCin^”, .1C o.'i’; i ; i i u ^ d r p ' 3 V „ ^ ;:9.13 Wh,1.0> p,«w„'m1 / 6-11 Oikma>KFundil: pStn j.5 i « P,??''"'■< .04 n i l U l4 .20 Sai^t 3209 . 51n 'M . . J159 .21 Ff>ctAl«1l 17 24 .21 r.i,v« x i0 .18 13 0'5 .W ^jEuIn 11 91 . II Cto.mfi 233 5 .12 EaifVJjIn 26 40 . 29 CiJl'in 226 5 . " lr<lWI 805.02 UY-kIn 702 i “ & 1 5 2 5 I ? ?‘ •17 !;fecv;inI709 I.!5 I S ” ' • A; IVC'In 2247 . 21 UDOcnSflllC O-'iL «3«<.l._10.0;_..03. .V0Cjan.4ii! »B, OppcnhaimtrA: UC«Vii«H> :S. . . .. ' . : 2 I.w S^SanM®

LTGvAp 1031 . 02 SrnC«n 31.1 2.16 MnSiFiM 34 20 . 30 SpKCrnl55 3 . '3 SlilnAp 4 20 . 01 Sp*<hn 119

Ham* n .

T Active (St on uont) awt«vol (00) Las. Chfl

p 925620 30.10 -2.04 aiPiumi .059901 24.24 -.54 ■

!t 734521 31.23 -2.70 AcTtsIr ■' 702713 3.01 -.01 Ac»mnt

.0 696936 S.74 * 20 ^

llNEHS(«onuoM) J^FoIiLa>t Cho SChg. ;

; 16.76 *4.17 *33.1 A« Sn1 2 01 *66 *30.7 *w pif« _3 3 .l5 -* 6 5 -* 2 6 0 - . - d 201 *.39 *24.1

3G4 ,.65 *21.7 AWiiSmn .AltcaCp

}SERS(t2on«ont) _Laat Chg SChg AmCapSu28oi( 780 -2.50 -24,9 Og,

» 236 -.71 -23.1 ASc.1 24jrwl 2,10 -.40 -t8.0 An»<C« _ 01 T0.3S i1.70 -14.1,ud 2.40 -.35 -12.7 i X r :

D iary ^ 2 !^>d 1,921 aUlfJcp II 1,277 'PMOO .. .

C .Vrl •UVS 3,469 AUCC►i* 267 ttvUehc " t<S 2 AnadP


S YTD •52-wk. c » i % c h i i s c « a.1.17 *2,71 *38.41 *ic««.103- -1.83 *40.52 ' ,..17 *2.10 *43.37 •

.'.11 .*4.03 *45,19 OindV. 1 .flS *6.19 *54,64 1X’9»'«:.63 .431 *63,39

.107 ,4.12 *41,42 *72 .721 »68.01 OwJtCm

*1.00 .4 57 *45.30 OUgUa :4fL___________________ OianOt,


YTD CanSoPl £ U si Chg SChg •1 36 03 *70 *3 0 CmraSt S 3205 ..12 *7 1 CwMn

4 59 -.09 -29 7 Ctpftt.15 31 85 *40 .06 5 '^ '^ •.5 45.75 *.47 .4 8 ..... 1360 *.36 *10 1.. 16 20 -.01 *20 3 a -w5 15.70 *10 -9.0 c,ruCp.. 2725 *27 *3 2912 20.90 * 21 *5.7 Cr«7 t930 -100 .6 8 Cnco.. 2701 *07 *6.1 C«u5,J 1945 * 63 *12.2,4:-2eD3 ...ta____ ».s —7 13 77 -02 -0.0 ■■8 57.07 - 40 *7.64 26.23 -.11 *1.76 58.20 .03 -1.2 C orw i5 ■50.a8“'*Ba-----^.0" Com«.i "

ConcurTc. CencCm . Contsan Cwnci

400 most actlvo on iho c«v«cp inga Mutual lunds oro Cojico• Ot,VK-----------------:--------- Ci*35o9 oBbruviallon). Compnn) Owtv

CuaCWnIf aomlannual dodofation

Warn* D»Y AMAjPac 42 I


-lW*lalingBK«*rKl.- 03.1-D*d*r«jo>pwtsR*rttodi Ca(r«iag .. M«g k-D«UrK]o>paiO C>*-SCng ..K!aralian.p-ln4dr«,*nnu- CanyenAt* _ 1iidvnd and uM n (u.11 - CogtnlC _' Ad. M McutM la tim o Cotkng

Cfyitil.g DtOlmJ, .

-kudlin) p-Fund*taM [UlA0>ini1ft4Mi iqvy » -^ n M d tn o e r DWtMe ..

D«v«nE » I fl9ur««»,^»ncmcUI. | “ W I

«ltT»fO: Tflncn 1016 .03 :«<riA)p3744 .27 Vaii n 2084 . 23 ' Tcl><*tI 5121 .48 Prov Inv CouKMl: UGC.-:,Ifl 1319 .33 S-rCapI 1668 . 11 Studd.tiTiarViU CAt*A^“"^t9' 03 Ct''°AC 1322 . 35 C.pAprp 1689 * 13 Cici'r«:ttmOuttl: D.<in*pi IOOO -64 .<'-nCi

1722 . Ifl CgiMp 1621 . >6 h!iF,i;17 12 . 16 G«)Ap 1748 . 14 Li;C(.C

* 32 99.32 Gi'dRip 21 04 * 20 L9C0V*01993 . 15 GiBCsfyp 783 . 07 IJgeW.4m.*tn»<n. GrInAp 1847 . 24 Tcntrv>P 1788 *04 HY a” *8*7 * ^ SCudd<I 1787 .04 InliEqp 2170.14 Scudd«iyT i'm 1 ‘" 'a" ' ’ 1?67 ’ nundl- «io8Ap 39 78 . 40 n 1883 . 19 ruVa'Ap 1633 .2> S*liBm ■ll-iaOQ_____ !lrt.A0_3Cl-..CJ.WrwnPlUS: TiE.Ap 8 98 -03 s«u-,' ) 1083 .0) USGvAcil327 i»..IPlUS:- VSUAB 849 . C8

975.02 Vi^Ap 1C52.I7l ? :? i ? l « ^ r ‘3o“\ i5

'' 1 J « * “ nihui I 'w l s s.r;]"'

■ i s - s S , - l s . i i s■i.M,A. VoyOl 14 55 . 14

9 75 .C2 Pulnitn Fundi M: Kr,M

' l i i i I r t : ; ; H

s f ; i s : s S J *“" 9*75 . 0’ RSFundi '^ '’ '"CCC,I 1028 .01 nSEmGsJ0C3 .24:i 2293 .26 FtoyetFundi; IfCsG:pl1 46 .03 L»PiS:>f 1498 . 11 S<i‘-™t5 ^ 10 83 .03" 2030.13 To°nil'r'11 1C Io7 SlaleSi?'2l'30Tl5' -o!*E5's-''40M-.-4ajndt; IniiSacS 55 63 .W

1095 . 12 Ou4niEa53591 . 44 SirongiFundi A: RyMiCCtait: CmSt..,1268 -03 JuncCpnl976 . 15 Ge.S«P 24 43 *31 Rydai Oynjoile: CrvrtHlr03941 .49 fjrcl£00sn48 06 - UC«(F«n«Q,* Rya«iln.tilor; ufof".

1213*05 Ai.tojn 24 50 -23 SunArm^ndiC Xova 25 02 * 44 Ud'AiA

I224 .C6 OTCn 10 26 * 11 DaJA:aSAFECO Fundi; ■ ulUcn

idi: C«>t£aAol7 35 . IC OiCnCi1118 98 * 17 G>inOpp 25 93 *23 Qu«Cn

29 68.33 MiCpCiln 21 99 . 15 FWJIC'1 1805 . 15 Mun,Od 1462 . C5 GWA,2130.23 SmCpVal 1992 . 18 GUMAl

25 19 .29 SEIPofKolloi: GNt'Ain3172 .34 Co-«F.Anl06r .03 C'Ol'-cA

979 .02 IntEaAn 985 .0 ' G'cI'kD25 35 . 20 l0CG-eAnl785 .21 G-SI,xll2269 .31 lgCValAn19 82 . 26 G'DppA7 08 SmCGiAnl7 30 . 13 C.OctU

mo 44 . 06 TiU]LCm0 64 . 13 GioOpcI2818 .30 SSgA Fundi; H.VUlWi1211 .1? SP300 1915 .21 HiYitftW,

. SllCtaiile: W!;EaA[flllCO .04 CaBAcBTn12C9.10 IwtsUil.4iI!9-..*3 .ScftwiaFunai: l«;Ealllin2142.2t D'.EaS«ln1l77 . 10 N«.C«nAr<27 95 . 36 1000ln>irv33 00 .35 Ni.Co'iO126 38 . 27 1000S»ln3299 .35 5"IU*

914*03 SiPlnvn 17y .20 SirlUUl1945.21 S8PS<ln174l . 19 TEInaAi4 83 YWPH5I 9 73 U5G«A

n2938.l6 Scuddar Fundi A: USGvOl31.13*21 DtHiHA 39 77 .40 USGvSH1194 Io4 M3iIUi;nip 9 43 Io3 5«lCijr»

n> ljut Chg

Dndiocfl , 1399 - 09■■ inon i i OghSgM . 2713 - 14

Ofliai 9M *02•*? OoOaonCn _ 7.40 *.»

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14 30 - 04 Cnffdm 018 -02395 .00 Cnieg'Ti 1222 . 33

I dO 00 C/ilnj«l _ 334 *.43.. 23 24 . 36 Er«nTI . u29 77 .85_ U.60 .,#1 tSoMd _ M.83-115.. 47.14 .1 33 CjpiJli* .10 3987 -81

280(ull.15 .90 £.lnd5r» 574 -01. 2100 .13 CilH«. .. 647 . 18

08. 24.17 .32 EiullW 624 . 1324 7.75 .05 Faaw.ll 30 49 98 .20- :s ja - u 4 FiRnTF»d i.ic ieoo .01

1693 *53 FndWMt 1711 -19-. 05 54 . 07 Fimtar ' 3 75 . 01.. 1716 .02 FslKanGp . 1904 -01

21 42 -07 Fm -v . 3931 .1097 37 -00 FWiim .. 19 31 .54

.. 1824 . 58 Fonai 134 *04 .1*29 05 - 77 Fon^Ml .. u6 45 .28

U7870.1 5C FemiFacn .. 19.60*1.03. 23 00 . 87 Feun*y . 2303 - 45

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* " lmwv«J . 463' 1 2 ,

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1900 . 18 KLATnc . 5659 -0012 34 . 16 KVHInd ,„. 1S.«3-1,18

. 534 .*4 Kan>an 44 1420 . 01. 081 -05 KngMTrd 1459 . 20

239 -03 LT* ' 16 79 1 *0. 39 15 -26 UMIPh -. 195 .JO

8 17 - 16 laTRKn 2760 . 50 1346 . 13 U'TUlA U40 3 7.1 85 2475 -21 U»r»cp ..,u:i.OO*l,TO4239 I k ’503 Io417.17 -.01 La.xW 1440 - 23

»» u«l ta<g CagMbnd ... l.»i -1442 ,<io< M EVlldOn 161 1917 .01

£ I m EkJoiCUg 318 -10•• 0»3!»gn I u l« r «

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31 ■S'Malatia.lO. 066 .02 270 ..10 iSWfcJtO 21* 1937 .13

94.UI07 30.121 ISASPSOOI OAaulTo 12.1 25.. 1,05 -,0« iShCr-Mn.81tt?4 17.JM. U7J0 *.30 iSn20TH 458. 8780 .fS.X 54.10 -01 iSfll-3TB131t 62 63 . 13_ 3.IS ^ ir iSnEAFC1.37tul430O.1CO_ .IS -0* iSnn>0MVI.11*uMI63 .70

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B Usanoo - 1624*1,34 S^nl“ L«.u7cn 32» 42 73 . 76’i i lmu«I«ll _ 3.4t *40 5<4-'>:1

LccSman . (62_.02 1!o2 S.C't^n

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WtllirnAiMl:Cc<«Pk;> lObl .0)Cft 1172 .04 WiniimDlalr N. if’GtnH 1949 -23

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To re s e rv e yo in fo rm a tio n a c o n tr a c ts , ca l B a rb a ra a t 73

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tm p m ^ to a im . ■ J ^m m i V. '

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P B B E ^ L A VIZOOa/nOOO. ftegemsents.

Unlaue styling (WJ iuepts a vj/iei; J'CinlerliMets. AaZtile notetut)m-pl^M 26 x22-. lV7iit#d

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fastest growing mark< and inform ation tab l

s m a ile d m o n th ly to a ll s ro m c , M in id o k a a n d C a ss

m m u n ity b u s in e s s h ig h lig l: m u n ity p ro f ile s , m a rk e t tr< id m u ch m ore.

p'our a d sp a c e , o r fo r 1 a b o u t a d v e r tis in g a ll k J735-3210. V

■ ''•J . . ' ' ^ 9 2 3 2 6 ^

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r j MS.-flfl-S.flO • Sunday 9:00-be rcJdiiy avaitible at all locations, ivo Itmugh Fcbiuary IB. 2004.

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r d . . .laho’s ■ rke ting - abloid. ..

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ye r UEMBLYxtion. Time and, UnuilovetiiOe. '■ Btyekorntiile. uded)

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§ . — — —

Depart]Park Service is rules allowing more machinesK night RIddof N ew s Sorvlt

. CHICAGO - A day Wyoming federal • judge

:_______greenJi^t-iQ -nearly_dcnum ber of sno^vmobiles in YcUowstone and Gni N ational Parks,' th

. D epartm ent of Justi Wednesday that it would the ruling,

_ _____Justice D epartm entsaid there would b c no o; to ■Riesday’s temporary ing order iha t blocked i administration plan redt

Kempthome frip confirms support o f^l

J O I S E . (AP) - Go K em pthom e wrapped u djiy v isit to Baght Wednesday, unswayed in port for th e Bush adr tion’s policy in Iraq.: In a telephone intervi y h e A ssociated Pres Am m an, Jordan* Kem Mid a brief conversation Iraqi citizen brought h< im portance of the Unitei Intervention.■ “As one of the Iraqis mc, ’In person, Saddam

---------- is a weapon of mass desiH e has gassed hundreds sands of ou r fellow cit was ju s t a m atte r of tim e becam e a S talin o r a Hid

K em pthom e and th e o: govemors on the surpr ip e n t W ednesday night ii before the ir d ep artu re y n i te d S ta te s Thursd group was scheduled i w ith President Bush oh I iiiscuss th d r impressions • K em pthom e said secu: cem s continued to disr orig inal p lans for th Concern about an insure in th e area prevented <

j uled visit to a m ass gra Baghdad. P lans to travel ( cm Iraq w ere abandone w eather m ade a ir travel

; i)Ic and ground travel wa: kired unsafe, h e said. « '; The re tu m of th e gc Jrom the ir overnight acco ;tions in Jordan to Bag]

j ^Wednesday m orning c a b o u t the sam e tim e thi igents carried out a suicid Sng only a few blocks fi J ieadquaners of th e U.S, Sstration. A t least 47 Irat f i l le d .I A day earlier, a truck 1 j h e southern p a n of I 4<illed over SO people less J iour before th e govemon Sn th e country. I^ ^ e m p th o m c said the i

even closer to h o m e ' j i ig h f o n thc ir“returh‘ f ^Jordan.• “The flight ou t last ni; o la n c we w erc in was fii

' S hc^ovem or recalled. Th ^ u scd flares and chaff a j?ive m aneuvers. So il ’s J^ough placc. Security re

‘ yery, very liglit."


t PI Pt(i '' Just In Ti


:• , 160EA5TIANODR.i . (208)734'

” * <

tmentw(IQ Q IIP Q num ber of si Ib b U C b J,

_ ■ - for good, ao5 ment spokesi

L ist Decei l6 S m n te r seaso

. District Judg ''Vice Washington,

Bush adm ir lay a f te r a raised the nu dge gave a allowed in th-d o u b le-tlie— ^ c d - th e - C I iiles allowed Tbesday, Ujr a n d Teton • Clarence Bri

th e U,S. blockcd SuUijstic c sa id . As a rcsululd n o t fight National Pari

porary rules:nt law yers ber o f machi0 opposition per day in Ye iry restrain- Grand Teion ;d a C linton days of th e w •educing th e . Only a poi

le sa y s ' nshls

d up a two- g hdad

sup-adm inistra-


ion w ith

iqis s a id to am H usseinJestruction .— I H j H f l H B 2ds of thou- citizcns.' It m c u n til heHitler.”’ n j B H a c o th e r five rp risc tour It in Jo rd anure to th e ___________rsday. T he

BiUmi;“"urity con. deadloil is n ip t th e

wolf p i

lol to south . “ ‘‘=1 oncd w henrel im possi. saiilWctlncsd;r a s consid.. m easure ado, • governm ent’s

govem ors m anagem entccommoda- , ‘7 ’,''^ag lidad on I w i l lb n n g a l- cam e a t Jl’e f e d c r ^ p .th a t insur- Baker, R-Thei

icide bom b- A ssociated Is from th e m eeting betwJ.S. adm in- com m ittee aifraqis w erc W ddhfe Serv

W'lUiams.dc bom b in B aker said 1f Baglidad bill in an attc.ess th a n a n jam over th e 5lors lan d ed age. wolves

rem oved fr<le v io lence E ndangered Sn e lb c s d a y D elistingn n ig h t tp Wyoming, M<

w ill not occuin igh t, th e D e p a rtm en t

! fired on.” W yoming’s pi:.T h e p ilo ts a 'V iable wolf[f and eva- s ta te . 'i l ’s sdU a Friday is th' rem ain ed introduction ii

tive b udget sc

'★★★★ 3oNfOf THfMonaiofir jMtlWAMOlHO CWUDfH Of t«Ot-


W *P- ^ lO '. l flAS MtT

u f l l I K

•eM oliUliir-ilav ni

Time For ValentineZ AMUSEMENTS CENTURY (1 CINEMA 4MEASTS( DR. TWIN FAUS. ID BURLE 1734.2400 (208)675

CiMtftMtM-foriAowtlnMt. .

on’t fighif snowmobiles tlii.s win- bill1 before banning them moaccording to a d e p a r t- . qui

cesman. ha\icember, ju s t before the op<ason was to open , U,S, Ijdge Em m et Sullivan in Wa)n, D.C., h ad set as ide a ' la»nin istra tion p lan th a t latjnum ber of snowm obiles em1 the parks and reinstat- prc C linton-cra—plan .—On ■■ • - - - 1

U.S. D istric t Ju d g e lefiBrimmer in C heyenne abluUivan’s order. bcisuit, on W ednesday, the ne;^ r k Scrvicc issued tem- hc<les increasing llic num- *'ichincs from 493 to 780 ait;Yellowstone and 140 for timon for the rcm ain ing 33 lhac w in te r^ a so n . Co;portion of th e snowmor cha


light break ock over 3roposalW E ,W y o .(A P )- In a n defuse a s im m erin g iding s ta le law m aker sd ay he w ill sponso r a idoptin^ th e fed e ra l It’s s tan ce on w olf nt in Wyoming, dc a com m itm ent th a t a bill th a t w ill y ie ld to 1 position,” R ep. M ike herm opolis, to ld The I P ress follow ing a 2twcen his leg islative

and U.S. F ish and ;rvice D irector S teve

id h e is sponsoring th e ttem pl to b reak a log­ic s ta te ’s p lan to m an ­es oncc th ey a re from th e f e d e r a l '

d Species List.’ th e _ w o lf in M ontana*-and Id ah o cur u n til th e In te r io r I t ap p ro v esplan for m a in ta in in g

olf p opu la tion in th e

the deadline fo r bill n in this yea r’s Icgisla- session.

Vi ^

[ ■niiiUMi.v


ies DayIY CINEMA 5;T$Oi NORTH RLEY. ID |G78-7t42

it snowirbiles are required to Iw ni models th a t proponents say quieter and pollute less. All have to be part of guided operated by private companic

In a report filed wilh SuUiw Washington, Justice Departr la^'^ers said the temporary t lations “will protect visitor employee heaJth and safety protect p ark resources.”

— But-w ith-only-alw uc-a-m i left in the sea.son, it is qucs able w hether increasing th e r ber of m adiincs m il help 1 nesses outside the park that heavily on snowmobilers.

“There’s an increased oppi nity, b u t w heiher a t this poii time wc have an ability to al that, I don’t know,” said Marj Costello, executive director ol cham ber of commcrce for 1

.EcnoNS IN Ro;m m .

P v ? - ' - - '


aobOerunew er Yellowsidne, Mon

ay are entrance to Ycllov J l will Park.1 trips LukcAntoniicci, lies. "Rvo Top Snov<lnc ivan in West Vcllowsione rtm ent point in the seasor / rcgu- i('s donlilc. But tl )r and time to develop su ty and year.”

Antonucci saidm onth------Ing-ha.s-dovastatestion- economy. "1 have :n u m - in th e media of ) busi; down 3 0 percen t.: at rely know of people

into foreclosure a iportu- they can’t pay th e oint in — hurting.^’- - affect Environmentali*

irySue ists expressed c of the and anger a t the

• West Justice Depariiner


M f l i

uling Be^ont., a t the main low.stone National

rc i.anem ployeeo f»nobile R ental in ^INCne. said, “At this o / "ebison, I don’t know if U ‘

thi.s will Rive us s tra teg ies for next - ''yview

^ ihnt tillid Sullivan’s n il- P W 'ta ie d - th e - to w n ’fi------ve se e n estim ates "'t-‘ek.s 3f business being 1It. I t ’s a lot more. I Cattlen e w ho aro going ,I a lread y because sion by h e b ills. We are all o* App

.................... ....................produoalist.s and natural- per hca

d isappo in tm en t United le dcci.sion by the , le n t. • ' >-‘=

educati Sinci

ers hav-------- — tory fe^ U nitedg _Off|C0f8 b f th e _ J 'n o n e y S New Mexico -J Depatlmrat ol

Public up witlSaloly's W hat’sMotor 'll 'e

.. Transportation

■f S ot . refected In ^ prog

the emer- tional r ..gency light of infringi

^ a patrol carWednesday ^ U l during a train- »Arch/iic Ing session In *'no'own r„sw. ii, n;m .

T im o tl1120 M<.

H 1^A ni

________________ To I

S j J j u

jj liT lT l

1 I I M I K

s s ®M i l l

leef cheeko eads to Su]INCOLN. Neb. (AP) - A group’ Nebraska cattle producers and U,S. Justice D epartm ent will the nation's hi(^icst court to

ew an appeals court ruling [ the national.'beef checkoff [;ram is unconstitutional, he appeal will he filed this lie. said Greg Ruehie, executive : p residen t of Nebniska tiemen. • •he case stem s from a July deci- I by the 8 lh U.S, Circuit Court Appeals tha t American beef Jucers do not have to jiay a SI- head fee on cattle sold in the ted States.loney raised from the checkoff sed to help fu/id advertising, cation and research programs, ince 1985, livestock produc- have had to pay the manda- ' fee on c a ttle sold in the ted S ta te s . H alf of that ley goes to th e Cattlem en’s f 'P rom oiion^an 'd 'R e 'S e 'a rd r rd and half to (lualified state f councils. T lie groups camc with th e popu lar “Beef: It’s It’s for D inner” slogan.:ie appeals court affirmed a Z decision by U,S. District ge Charles K ornm ann of rdeen, S.D., tha t the mandato- irogrom violates the consdtu- al riglit.s of c a ttle ranchers by inging on th e ir First

i/llMlPjin ‘ Toe/Joint Pain own Toenails • Toenail Problems is/Callusos » Other Pool Ptoblcms

lo thy G .T o m lin s o n , DPMMtimaiu'* 0<»ullnn •

- S h a t to r o d G la s s—* Tod«r4:>0-T.»a-HI ''**“•Annual Forolgn Film Foatlval

Ulya 4-Evor Todny «.4»To B< »r>cl To Hava fowy T:»i____

u 1 1 i M L n


F u n . B i g

E xit 8 0 o ff Inti n o r th o f P o t

1-eO (M 97

Thuftdoy. February

off ruling ipreme Coip‘ /\m endm ent riglit to freid ' The case began whill South D akota ranch10 Livestock M arketing A: Ig an d others su e d 't ff D epartm ent of- Agricul

th e Cattlemen's B eef Iis____ an(LRe'U;iiich_Bj)iird,_a•e th e department,:a l l ie y argued th a t ad>

■ through the program :i- beef in general and not rt raised in the . U nited i 'A effect, they don'i w m t tc I-— m arketing cam paign m le they don't agree.

R uehie said the .Supre ff appeal will partly be l>; S’, 2000 decision by th e hig! s, a Wisconsin case. In tli c- th e high court said a- schools can subsidize le groups w ith m oney colic- It m andatoo’ student fee; ’s violating the riglits ofh------v ,-I lo 'f in d 's« n n ro rth me objectionable.

:t jtnticffly i;fftc( .111 7;1H).>f> - '>il5

,, <:.iK)Hll..LKi<l--. ^IS-'y M..Mcr /CotmtMiKlcf.i'ir,;

I iM.mcL/.Cummi'Oflet i""

[ 'OuLLH&LSi'miir.ii (Ml 7.ju:iI CliaciEJaJlicJJi.’/c n ircr-I C«li:iiOi''.C'fl-ii'i::'i).■ iilLC'JI.So/.'.KlI 111(7:51).a yj.iiclU H r,i.,'.,.i..i11 S”t!iciJiinj:j.G,iJit,LCivc nn li


yiuJIisliii'i Cjh-Ii •Hui Kid <rci, T:W

1 1 I I * I

| H

U N O '

ig W i n n e r ^ l ^ ^ li t e r s t a t e l So c a te l lo , l d a h 6 _ ^ j a |^ ^ H 97-4231

ary 12,2004 Times-News. Twin Falli

. I damoAVW e s t '

ourt) free speedi.

when three inchers, the K Association I th e U.S. riculture and ef Promotion d. a n arm of______

ads ])aid for am prom ote not ju st beef

.•d States, In lit to pay fora 1 with w h ich --------

ipreme Court c based on a higli coun in

1 that ruling, lid sta te-run . iize cam pus ollecied from fees without of students

those groups


irf;rT:«OT»w- ----------


!i,i.,7«)H, 7:45







Fall}, Idaho C-J .


' N a t i o n /V

B u s hPresident says n countries sinouid possess capabili

w a s iiin (;t o n (-------— I’rusiilcm Huslu- poinl

Ijliick inarkci wtMpons It'ii t)v (lie I'aitiuT of

------------ m tclw r-bom b.—lluit no new tm ituries sh lilt.' ab ility . (0 enrich o luick'.ir m aterial.

Me ar^iieil that inC( efforts lo cunjbat the . weapons of mass destrui

'b een 'ne ither broad nor cnoiif’li a:id require action frotn all nations,

'•'Hte g reatest th rei .hiinuiniiy lotlay is the j of secret and sudden at chemical o r b iotopcal ot i a l or tmclear -wcapoi said,

"We must confront tl with open eyes ancl u

Powell SiLos Angoles Times

\VASriINGTON - Sec Slate Colin L. Powell Wednesday that the aii tion miglu delay plans sovereignty lo Iracjis b telling a congressional panel tha t violence con vex U,S. and Iraqi officii

In his first appcanini . Congress to explain l

------------D ep a ru u cn t_ b u d g e t_ f2005. Powell said Uie ac tion is "looking fonvard ferring au thority a t thi June, if all goes well.”

Hut he added tliat “w clifficulr secu rity pro i Iraq., as evidenced by i bombing' in B a ^ c Wednesday tha t killed a

. people and came only a another blast near the L

U.S. law decency

WASHINGTON (AP) Jackson’s exposed breast of Capitol HUI on Wedne: lawmakers and reguJato it’s the la test exam ple of wrong iv ith lV and shooli the impetus for govemmi Kuigit witJi broadcasters.

Al a pair of hearinss, ers e.\coriaied M el K president of Viacom Inc. ])aiiy om is CBS, which I tlie rjuncliy Super Bowl sliow ilint included Jacki

.Members of the Telecommunications Cc spent m ore th a n , tw grilling Karmazin, who a( ogized for d ie show thi wilh singer Ju s tin Tir tearing off pa rt o f Jack and exposing her right 90 million TV ^e^vers, •

“You knew w hai yi doing," said Rep. Heathe R-N,M., her \-oice cracki wanted us to be alJ abuc

• your pockets.”Karmazin in.sisted that

NO'V did not know about rip off Jackson’s top, crottli-gRibbing dance si were also included in the show. He said none c actions took placc reliuarsals,

'‘Hveiyone a t Viacom ai one at CBS and everyone was shocked and appal cmbamisscd at w hat h pened." Kann:izin said.

To preveni a repeat, CHS will a ir live program a fiveininute delay, wh

_______ d'liie for ilie.Grammy.uw-

_____ - T a k e J t f r o m SP<

B A B B E L S C L E A ril (foKRojic Ro«l ut r«rnn?vir Htini; u» j !I the “old fricnib"

mit in \'i>ur cluict!

B A B B E LC L E A N E i

226 Shoshone St. Twin Foils, Idoho 83

7 3 3 - 2 2 5 8

C'8 Times-News, Twin Falls, I

W o r l d

I seeks; no new purpose,” hi

th e Nationa l U “I’ve m ade i

•of th is natii j j j f y perm it th e i

J ous regimesth e w orid’

.in line .0 aons .nenvork , .Df Pakistan’s " T , “J ” " ;;-Wcdni.sliay------a n d tc d in o lis should havi. andreprocc: ^ - ^ r o » s s,aiionaI

noroffcc.ivc- Q?rsirca . before ■ "S 'o 'N orth

ilortadioloe-,pons- Bush S o S S

. the daneor f c s

5ays U.S. ITSecretary of■ell signaled ' • v ^ )

administni* ^ins to reium5 by July 1. 1 ^ . ^ ial oversight continues to

ranee before

o°impow.i■ administra- U n ited N atitard lo trans- . d a te m ay

the end of S ecre ta ry D’ said la s t , wi"we have a “ never say m

iroblem" in d ead lin e and ;y u su idde— sion w a s -^ d a d on P re sid en t Bu d a t least 47 U.N. seerY a day after A nnan said 1ic Iraqi cupi- c e m e d part

vmakers c f m broad(VP) - Janet week. H c saii:ast was talk stations wouInesday, with m ent so lha t la ton saying program s wi3 of all that's delayed,ould serve as A nd h e sanment to get reviewing its;rs. m e rd a ls in r>SS, lajvmak- over a movie

Karmazin, film and Supnc. His com- a f la tu len t ht ± broadcast . ing dog.3wl halftime The halftinickson. CBS’ corpotuhe House m ore th an 2(Committee th e F ederatwo hours Commission.

0 again apol- tha t ended

Timberlake I V I /ackson’s top 1 ^ ^ ^iu breast to C j

you were ----------------ihor Wilson, MONDAYickins. "You lo m a Kir,m iz. It linos -

hat CBS and Conignmenli Iolout plans to t , 734-16

f s . o ^ ' t f a '[he halftime

■ o “ ' d S ^K rantz I

n and every- Tractors • Truionti at MTV Harvesting, G ipallcd andt had hap. ^J. WESTEMat, he said www.wosiramming onwhidi W s TUESDAY,a m lrd s tliis........... .. H ouseho ld

O u lro g o o u i



Orond Opttim

Antiquo Bottle A ntiqoo Fumiti


a n e r sOMnjjjpotj. :-------------------nJ5” bnEinK MONDAY,

Cowboy & W u

T c "To find o u t m

L R S on www,(

AUOIO183301 - -Jill Holi> 8 I E-moil: jhollo

ills.ldKho Thuradar.Febnwyl2.30

i halt to’ he said in a .speed i at 'mal Defense University. Kole clear to a ll the polic>’ whation: Am erica will not . de' le terrorists and danger- _ hipncs to th rea ten us wiih Ko•Id’s most dangerous nui” bui11 to pre;x*nt countries ' wcluiring the- equipm enl niliology-to,cnridi.uninium___ naiicess spent fuel for pluto- mo■en if the s ta ted intenl is inc:i\’ilian power facilities - ^’ to anger I r ^ and N orth criiJ the countries tha t have sesthem. lioi ir the first tim e publidy . oul*akistani sd en tis t Abdul in th a n ’s network of supply- onjn h Korea th e centrifuge nety tha t is needed to m ake mil:nriched u ran ium for iw'capons. The administni- proiously had said tha t it IKhan’s nenvork was sup- Paleapons technology to Murea, Libya a n d Iran but to taecified w hat. al j

may delay ttal k illed a l chaleast 53. don

^ Powell’s com- resim ents to th e DH o u s e del;

J I I n t e r n a t io n a l to eR e l a t i o n s tionC om m ittee on “W<

I M H the handover said| ^ H | d ead lin e foi- A

low s im ila r dov,, h ints by o th e r and____U.S.______ a n d _ a t J i

Itions o ffida ls tha t th e Ply c h a n g e .' D efense first

D onald H. R um sfeld chitweek that he would Dav

I never” on a lte rin g th e belim d noted th a t th e deci- desi J—ultim ately u p —to-- - -IraqBush. Powccreiary-general Kofi tiond last week th a t if con- <hatarties all w an ted to recc

call forIcasting ^said th e network-owned vould also buy equip- la t locally televised live would also be time-

said the netw ork was its standards for com-

n response to criddsmvie t ^ c r for a horror ■luper Bowl ads showing *■'; horse and a crotdi-bit- J

tim e shmv, produced by *.Jta ie cousin MTV, drew g1 200,000 com plaints to a i ,:ra l C om m unications g .m. S I

A U C T I O N ;

C A L E N D A RThrough Morch 1 | '

AY, FEB. 16, 6 :0 0 pm g(ing Estoh), Twin Foils §• I!S • Gfejjwoio • Fumituto §iToVenDciIy*Grond(^ning |•1635 *731-4567 , I .0 AUCTION BARN ■ V

Y,FEB. 17, 10 :3 0 am Itz Farms, Caldwell ■Trucks, Pickups • Plonling. I, Ground Wodting Equip, IWeekly M : 2-7 I

•R N A U C nO N C O . I' [|

W, FEB. 17, 5 :0 0 pm

>ld • Tools • Antiques ■ous Oddilios • Jeromo ^SAUCnONBARN ^Z'08-324-5521 J

FEB. 23 , 6 :0 0 pm Ining Confintjes, Twin Foils , Mttie Colloclion • Primitives I f l nitufo • fofs sTwiS Wen £b^1635 • 731-4567 i5A U CnO N BA RN J

^Y, MAR. 1, 6 :0 0 pm

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onukeTlie adm inistration and ^

Korea are locked in a d ispute w hether tlie K oreans are tryii develop nuclear weapons i highly enriched Uranium. ^ Korea has acknowledged buil n u d e a r w eapons using pluioi bu t denies it is trying to bu weapon wilh h i^ ly enriched nium - a key dispute as the

Jia tionslhcad ,in to_ talksjn tcr month w ith four o ther count indud ing China.

With the president still b criticizcd over w hether Iraq sessed ^vcapons of mass des lion, he also used the speec outline tiie role tha t good inteUigence has played in ongoing dism antlem ent of Kl net\vork, as well as Libya’s 1 m iim ent last D ecem ber to giv il.'> weapons of mass destruc programs.

H e gave m ud i of the credi Pakistan i P resident Pe M usharrars aciion against F to th e groundwork laid over s< al years by U.S. intelligence.

transfer ofchangc th e handover date, don’t th ink w c should be abli resist.”

Despite his suggestion tlia delay was possible, Powell sou to emphasize th a t the adminis tion wants to m eet the deadL “We are pressing to lhat end,’ said.

A substantial delay in the 1: clover could anger some In and expose Bush to political iatJiom ein ,an .electioa year.__

Powell’s ap pearance was first before Congress since fon :h ie f U.S. weapons inspec David Kay said publidy tJiat believed no. w eapons of m Jestniction >vould be found [raq.-Tlie hearing, was testy, v Powell encountering tough qi ions from House Democrats :hat issue and on Bush’s 1 ■ecord.

I Ifs Tima f'

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usingN onh


juild acdu ra- ^ ^lie t^vo 9cr_thi5___intrie.s,

iqestnic- ed i to d




dit forPorvoz P,,51,1,at Bush spea

sc™ ", Fort Lesley J, HcNal

f power inte, “ I ' Rep. Sherrod B ble to said Americans rcL

judgm ents about v ha t a since Bush “maj ought AWOL” during hi listra- National Guard dline. President Dick Cht d,” h e he h ad other priorii

tary service during ) han- “o th e r administra Iraqis d id not serve.” ll risk Powell shot bacJi_________Mr..Brown, I won’is h is com m ents about 1 jrm er because you don’ lector you’re talking abot at h e utes later, Powell s( m ass to an o th er Demo

id in m em ber, who v, w itli----- b ehind Brown-an<ques- head as Powell c iis on adm inistration’s v : w ar and weapons of i


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TOnnAye., B urley * 878-^

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NAK Israel - killed a

when L armore

Tho ..thiswir

the Ga


from at were ki

w w were la peaks Wednesday blew up ilense University a t ■>»?“ NalrlnWashlnstet,,

and hic


Brown, D Ohio, \vatdiiii relied on Powell’s streets, t war and peace, operatic nay have b een armed c his V ie tnam ^ra

a servicc, Vice :heney h ad “said Drt1If»o orities” th an mili- rOlll.B ing VIemam, and |n Sllin itration officials

1 u t- e II aiiacket ack: "F irst o f all. • ^)n’t-digm fy_your------ wtxinesIt the presiden t, on’t know w h at ^ 1 " ’ ,o u t."A few m in - 1 scolded a n Aide m ocratic H o u se ^

was s ta n d in g ’♦Sdead and shak ing h i s .I explaint^d th e uprising

views on Iraq «“ « « « I mass destruc- *nan a a



rreatil e ’s D a y |’ed ones [ ,# s Pizza. } il:rge P iz za !, t t iiary 28th g

436-3300 I

D \Z <]Ifje'i Day wKkend. Jcth chtftsh. I ▼m\n▼ ZGe

s today ^

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i ) I1-2554 .

sraeMx^2 PalestiiA K H A L 0 2 A R M Y BA SE, e l - ■Rveh-e P a le s tin ian s w ere 2d a n d m o re th a n 40 w ounded ierce g u n b a ttle s W ednesday in Israe li so ld iers in ta n k s a n d lored v e liid e s ra id e d a 'd e n s e ly ked G aza C ity ne ighbo rhood . h e _ o p e ra tio n ,J a u n c h c d _ fn )m - w indsw ept b a s e on th e ed g e o f G aza S trip , <vas .designed to ou t Islam ic m il ita n ts a cc u sed

iring ro ck e ts a n d m o rta rs in to c l a n d p la n tin g ' ro a d s id e lbs n e a r Je^vish se td e m e n ts , a rm y sa id . - - — - he p red a w n incu rs ion la s te d lughout th e m o m in g a s tro o p s ■ed in on a tw o-story house , a n d ked g u n m a n jo in e d dw vn firc 1 a d ja c e n t rooftops. 1\s'o m e n c k illed a t th e h o use a n d fou r c ta k e n prisoner. TVoops th e n V u p th e house .y stan ders tr a p p e d by h e av y f ire a n d ro c k e tp r o p e l le d la d es c ro u c h ed b e ^ d c a rs h id in doorw ays. P a le stin ian

lies sa id th e d e a d in d u d e d a t t s ix g u n m e n a n d a po licem an ,

th a t a t le a s t th re e o f th e n d ed w ere te e n a g e r s w ho w ere d ling th e a c t io n f ro m s id e Its . T h e c o m m a n d e r o f th e •ation s ^ d e v c iy o n e k illed w as cd o r p la c in g bo m b s to im p e d e invasion.

ce attack rebels lum of Haitian port city.ONATVES, H aiti - Police ± e d reb e ls h o le d lip in a slu m he p o r t d t y o f S t. M arc o n n e s iU y a n d - g u n m e n 'lo j^ 'T D " id e n t J e an -B c rtra n d A r t i d e le d hom es, k illin g tw o p e o p le o tin g ^ d rep r isa ls rag e d in a lia r r c ro lt th a t h a s le ft a t le a s t ead.j ts id e G q tia iyes , jv h e r e th e _ sing b e g a n la s t T hursday , w it- e s sa id p e o p le “ne ck la ce d ” a accused o f b e in g a n A ris tid e

‘They p u t tir e s on h im . p o u red

C(>o<llhtii /— - r

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idleayes^inians deii . ' ' - .% World In briel:d _____________ ;•y gasoline a n d burned himI old Patricia Joseph told a'y “E w ryone stood up and s

Ji— ~ W i th “ thc"H altian“ gO' locked 'in a deadly ba

J opponents, the White I ^ VVednesday issued a n1 Aristide’s government.

“Wc a rc extremely c about tlie w ave of violenc

. ing t ljro u ^ iH a id . Aild w ly deeply regret the los:

. said Scott McClellan, p r • tary to P resident Bush.

the governm ent to res IJ. rights, espedally human JJ the d tizens and residents

y Medical research chi <■ patents breastcance’ LONDON - A British

research d ia rity an W ednesday it had sc

’ Europe-wide patent on a that causes hereditary br cer, say ing cancer res

® across E urope would h ® access to th e cn id a l infor ^ • The m ove is part of a ® tie betw een researchers

fo r p u b lid y funded proj those in private compani< want to securc the patent: m erdal gain.

In th e U nited Sta biotechnology company

“ Genetics o f Salt Lake Ci™___ [iM paten ts on the gene^° The idea of patenting ^ contentious and some ; ^ believe th a t the smff o f ! ^ should n o t be exploited

m erdal interest. Publidj research groups say th e y ;

___ patents a s a- defensive-i•' p reem pt companies from 3 lizing DNA for profit to t2 ment of worid healtli.i - com piled from wir

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eadirle f

him.” 17->T)ar- )Id a rcjwrter. ind said it was

“ government b a td e with

te House on. a rebuke of concerned ilcnce sprcact- id we certain* ■ ■ loss of life,”

I, press secret h. “We call on

respect the nan rights, ents of Haiti."

c h a r i ty '

n c e r g e n eitish medical

announced secured a

in a key gene y breast can-

rescarchers d have free nformation. fa M d er bat- lers woddng projects and lanies. which lents for com-

S tates, the lany M yriad e City. Utah.nC;________ _____dng genes is ne sden tists■ of life itself ted for co'm^ ilidy funded- iiey apply for:ve-tactic,-td------rom monoj)^to th e detd;-

. wire reports



G ^ r . ,Ues y/

k e n t c f , tM ortib '-- —denA fpSe

in Charm s;

' V W

5 1al&'nd y

S a t . J

ff VM r - . - ' * —m d ls e T■ y v . y .

iiory : nesiic

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■ 'E hc 'r im c s-N cw s


GSI students ex :.their horizons il

— the,snowy-Sout0 y W illiam S tu d e b a k e r ' T f a e t - N e w t c o rre ip o n d e n t

M em bers o f College____ td ah o . O u td o o r Program-i

'A mbassadors broke the doi im d and school books anc The South Hills.

For th e itKonnaissance p ' Before w as full of sun and by the tim e th e full troop st h ad s e ttlea in and the sk y ' By la te a ftem o o n howe' re treated in to the douds, ViTonderland of snow and frost he ld u p by black asp came into focus.

It’s hard to resist breakin. o r m aking th e first sashc open meadow. And in the

........there a re a thousand opponth e first to leave tracks v

: haven't st<2ppcd o r glided.

Smooth tracks, JThosc who donned cross C?oT‘ th e first tim e saw snow : angles, headfirst, sidcway ; backwards. But with a lit• from th e experienced skii > Itrng until th e novice coul(• th e rhythm ic glide of the k I As they wove the ir way ; aspens, a b rush with a limi• much frost down it seemed■ ing. A track along the edge t colony proved to be a drier I When th e South Hills hi : dance of snow, and this y

— .th ey -p ro v id e good cross<o - fo r beg in n ers and advar 1 Among th c several challei la n d th e eas ies t to acc(

, I W ilstrom Hollow loops.good place to l^g in i

►jvalstrom Hollow road i ^$beek Road, a m ile and i :*61ow Magic M ountain ski i

th e b ig tubing hill. ¥. I W jps come together giving i >£frand a double journey if ! irfake h is day rigorous.; ' I t ’s possible to break aw

lower loop and drop dow• Hollow C reek u ntil it jo ins'■ A t the confluence, turn left

a short ja u n t back to the nu. a lte rnate rou te gets more dj . deeper th e snow.; It’S always necessary to• M ien t r a v ^ g in the b a d I td n te r it ’s particularly

• ■ 'tT b e re ^ th e possibility of; and th e snow may give way ; «]^r rhoy f ind himself in :

• • \mable to spIf-rescue. { _I '^ T V a v ^ g in pairs, or b ; fours, m oke it safer ti : alone. .

ijtoofiiigltr ; : ^ n t n i r y to the easy mo

>: From lo ft to r t th t , Janal Hardy. W endy Davla, P J

Z- K aufm an, and Ivan Smltl ^ i tro ll th ro u g h th a S ou th Hllli

,ln a a k iln i le i io n

B E S T A V A i m

ontennlal; Settler's

roving site b ca im c ing-dmc fam ily home.

Page D3


vire x p a n d H H

i i n . W ' .

i U t h - H i l l s - - | | | j

nt _________

2ge of S outhern B W o H tn -an d -S tu d en t— L | b S 0 doldrums of flot H H | I and headed for

X party, th e day ^ n | | nd b lue sky, b u tp showed up , fog H h | Sky was overcast. | B m Bwever, th e fog w h 9 | Bids, and a tru e H f l B j nd fragile hoar*

king a new trail, ishay across an the South Hills portunities to b e •s w here others

-oss^ountry skis ow from several ways, and b u tt

l ittle coaching skiers, it w asn^ ould se t s te p to e lead skier. way am ong the limp broughiMo . ned to be s n ^ - Ige o f a quaking *ier route.s have an abim - M | | | |R s s year they do, - s<ountiy-sk iing—Ivanced sk iers. dlenging rou tes iccess a re th e ^ H B j f

in is w here th e >•d m eets R ock ..i id a half o r so •. iki resort, across . : . ‘‘i 1. H ere th e two •*. - ng a skier choic* y;if he w ants to

away from th e '-tiiw ’ down W alstrom ins Third Creek. le ft and It’S jus? t m ain road,This e dangerous the

to be cautious jack country. In rly im portan t, o f avalanchcs,

my and th e trav* in a deep hole

r 'b e t te r th rees:r th an going it > LvAHry'

Tfia tu n bl

the bettem ovement a n d countiy &

. . . h

-H im i f !'■'

' L l

L A B L E C 0 1 » >


begtna t o b re a k a t t h a fo o t o f Wi

tteron-the-trail-thanoff of cros y skis, snowshoes provide stab!


»unT h u r s d a y , 1


r l

■■■. ■ f.

J — ^

fWiIUtom Hollow tii l l In tha SOI

Tossr access to d ifficult wi table Anyone who h a s '


D a, Fcbruar\' 12, 2004

'* Jmlwi

H H | | p ■.

W ^L Jik


South H int.

w inter terrain. th es “hoofed” it through dee

cruj , c u r

j M ShO'■ / ' ' A .«■; thei

‘' m \ v T' A o / ^ 8ss

fc . “f wei,

iM I ■ I ’R son'■ L .


— US'can


. 9 Rom left, Rich Drlck,^ an Intern for the CSI

Outdoors program, leads Blanca Vargas,.

K Erik Linn. Heldl n Phillips, and Afton W Hollingsworth step by H step In snowshoelng.

pmm »i wuuM iniMirUoi/ tlnTlMll.ll

iSil■ f.y> ■

h e snow and climbed out of ei leep step will gigrie with t l Tuising on snowshoes. The lu v e for m ost people who take hoeing is nearly straight up. h e re are a few tricks.

The new brand of shoe has a ng lh a t flexes. This allows a i tep naturalty from heel to to lecl is raised, th e shoe becom veightless, thus moving acros: if th e snow without exa notions and w ithout excess en

TTie old LongTbm’s and othe hoes traveled well, but sapp< o n ^ energy reserves.

In the. beginning however, as lis fee t u n d e r him, a few infla lelp get the feel for webbed f< h c fbp, flop rhythm is establu ;an m aneuver among the pines

Please see WINTE!


O u u lm s b'j/iior: /J

Hitsno’winThe Associ,

BOISE -................... .................

as thiirc is can be exc summer sf

Snowshc American pursuil thi vascular f used whilt the heart s

Accordii University Vprmoni, : between 1,000 caloi an hour.

W moving at• on packed

1 ^ ^ on a flatsnowshoer bum 510 Ci

» perSnowshoei powder a t ,

I ^ H ^ n an a route hills can

W g f r ^ ^ ■ more than W B S b 2 iw calorics.

As a con ____mph^bun

H ^ n | H ' L ^ - in tc an aerobic for all sp< cycling mu

a ^ K g | | 9 ings incre strength, w canoers ani

. Althougl rccrca.tiona

- who said t centIndustiy

9 | K 0 n Rccrcation for fitness 1 aro snowsh there is eve

Races ai races and courses ty (that’ 3 or

n ^ n S R dashes and

H Fe the

By Ray Gra: Deseret Mo

SALT U--------- Rick Greer

in questior Who in

intentional steeps chui and down r all as casut

Crazy? Not

about his p He tiave

^ ^ ^ ■ 1 200 days a . and mories

do es ... "I r ... and I lov

.............. “There’syour body

floating, w

f l• “Once y


--------- a i r a ta n y j— Greener’

also extror experience 18, are sk

, . , Universityif each knee* tu .


— ' SI toe. A s th e ^omes nearlyr o s s th e to p ops. Rick G exaggerated J f ; energy loss.Ither n ^ e s s s k ^ h a s

; as o ne feets ' facing, heifla ted steps lenges. Hed feet. O nce steepest niblished, one most chall<ines, tru s tin g tain andthnEH,PageD2 •

I n s id kAsk the o ffice r ............ DOutdoor briefs ...D 2 .DC entennial....................0

D rruW Q jo/M T-l.i.U m i, /-.


t the trails )wshoes fo! iterfitnessic la ted P r e s s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

i - I.«)oking for an altemiitivc runninf’ for a erobic traininn? . is snow on th e ground, snow

:xccllcnt cross-training for spri sports.hoeing m eets th e standards in College of Sports ML-diciii that enhances and maintaias

fitness. M ajor m usde grou iie snowshoeing, which helps i t strong and efficient, ding to s tu d ie s by Ball ty in Ind iana and th e Univt-i :, snowshooing can help folk

420 to ___________________

!° to™ Wintertime tIt 3 mph . Q,g551„ ,3 gfj

shed when you get V.a t t r a u , . carry drinking woiere rs c a n . ^ s e iip uaim ana suc a lo n e s screen to prevent but

. • Tell someone .■.hc/ele in g in yQu-,g g^i^g and wheiit 3 m p h plan to return so thatj t e w U i someitiing fiappens. I

m 1 OM

omparison, w-alking on flat ic ri im 335 calcme^i)cr hqur^____itehsity srio'wshocihg helps to ic base to improve fitness foim ;p6rt.s. Workouts on hills can nuscles. Using ski poles durir reases upper-body enduranc , which would bo helpful for ka; m d rafters.Igh it didn’t used to be a main: nal activity, th e num ber of 1 they snowshoe has growTi 3( :e 1997, according to the 0

of A m erica’s 2002 Oi

s has growii to th e point whert fshoe races across the countr !ven a national sno\v’shoo team are sim ilar to nm ning or w

,d are conducted on snow-c< typically 5 o r 10 kilom eter or 6 miles). T here are also 100 nd 100-mUe snowshoe races.

Please see SNOWSHOE. f


eeling free i; 3 chief appejra s sdoming Nows________________

L/\KE CITY (AP) It doesn’t lener th a t h is sanity is sometin on. He understand-s. n their righ t mind, after all. lally sk i off huge jumps, i

1 nearly im possible ski runs, ai ually a s if scrolling through a i

the least, said Greener, as he ; profession as an extreme skit vels th e world, skis bet\veen 1 a winter, ap p ears in botli maj

ies, and c a m s enough to pay tl ore than anything, he loves w I never get bored, I love the ot ove thc sensation of being fret ; ’s a sensation you feel in e\xTj’ ly - from th e tips of your toes tur head - as N'oa ski. It’s a fee w here gra%ity is either pui: you ... like a drop of falling ist there, r id ing the terrain, you g e t th e feeling o f froe

lg else ju s t falls into place. Tl eing ab le to leave the ground .

g iV enpoinris fun;” -------------: r ’s two b ro thers, Rob and-Ni em c skiers. G reener, 31, is th ced of th e three. Rob, 21, am skiing and going to school ty of U tah.iroe ski together, m ainly a t Sn , travel to gether and compete e r in ex trem e events, rceners grew up in Boise. At :o\s-ed his passion for skiing d0 the rwo resorts in U tah best u ll r , - l I •: • ’ ■ ' ■, extieniL le n a a i jiu ni... vhich resu lted in a barrage of : G reener’S picrore has apMare or ski publications, which inc of cover shots, and his advei IS been captim :d in countless i ng up, skiing Bogus Basin ai1 Idaho, w ithou t getting involve le went in search 'of ddfferer i e looked for rocks to jump t runs to se t tracks, He wnv' l f illenging n a tu ra l features on then skied them .

Please see B ^EM E,


/ . A V/,

C t io n I).

s in or5 *

tive H) bik- in? .-U loni; .. - lowsliot-'ing sprin;; aiui

irds »t' the iic iiiu .IS ;i lia s Ciiidio- lyoiips iire Ips lu k e ep

3a|] .State livei-siiy of . folks bum

le t lp s>ou can

'e t wafm. voter.Ifl sun- ll tjurns. hc/ewhen you that if

)ns. they

iem iin at


can buU d' luring out- -ancc and r kayakers,

lainstreain of people

n 300 per- J Outdoor

O utdoor owshoeing hero there imtr\-, and L’ walking iw-covered jte rs long 100 m eter !

OE. Page D2



sn't bother e tim esp u i'----- -

all, would s. through , over cliffs is, and do it h a mail,

3 he talked skier.

un 150 and m agazines

ly th e bills,.“s what he le outdoors f reo . '

•XTj'parrof • toes to the I feeling of pulling or ling w aterI,ree falling.

T he free- md and get

j-Nick, a r e - s the more , and Nick, ool a t the

t Snowbird c te against

A t age 21, lg difficult >est kno"'t’

e of photo- e o re d in a ll I include a dventureus ess movies, n an d Sun olved in ski e ren t chal- np and the

find the on a moun-

ME. Page D2


C S I o ffer snow shoe t r ip Satui

Ttic CSI O utdoors ] •- liosiing a one-day sn

excursion in one Sa(urday..Feb. 14. Th Joach the basic art of in^^Brinp-ypuc-own-lu and a friend.

Ail the sk ills neces — - out

Outdoor • newsjn brief .taug

---------------------— shoewinter ap p ro p ria te cl the basic a r t o f travclii Tliere will b e a pre-tr on Friday, Feb . 13 at • is S15, w ith S5 refunc return.

For m ore informatii outdoors p rogram a t 7

Hagerman visitor c hosts movie actlvK

Hagerm an Fossil B< Center w ill host a F Fossil Film Festival. F 20 for k id s and fan event w ill fea tu re th Age. Phil, th e park i gist, vill c onnec t the n betw een th e fi Hagerman’s fan tastic 1 Feel free to b rin g yoi blanket and ptllow.

The visitor c en te r al; fossil exliibits display! state fossil a n d nume: species from th e Plioci

_______ A _ ch ild ren .s_ co m erRanger Program , a s self-guided driving tc bookstore a re offert Visitor C enter.

W inter hou rs arc 9 p.m, Thursday throug to M emorial Day Wet center is loca ted a t - S tate S tree t in Hage infonnation call 837- 5224, o r v isit ww^.nps

Idaho Ordnance Iris will teach pistol co

Red’s T rad ing Post i ing two NRA Basic Pi cs, which w ill bc t

• Certified N RA Instruc Kinslow of Idalio Ordi first course w ill consi nights beginning Mon( from 6 to 9:30 p.m. ar ond coursc wiU be a course on S aturday Fe 9 a.m. to S p.m.

TTie courses will be h 5th'Ave. W est locatod i Old Towne TWin Falls. ( at the door o r S45 if yi Each class w ill be 1 eight studen ts. This coi

■^tate tra in in g requin obtain a C oncea led License. F o r m ore in please call Id ah o On 42(W1G3 o r R e d ’s Thid 733-3546

- com piled from st

S n o w sh oContinued from D l

Beingane^vercompet aspiring snovvshoe racer opportunity to m ake th team by placing in the t( in a regional event, n States Snowshoe Assod tions nine raccs throu \vintcr "niose raccs serv

I fiersforthcupcom ingfcal U.S. National Chami: March in California. Th

' ' region had qualifying races in B end, O re., in J

The na tiona l snowshi made up of m en and varying ages, from the to the mid-sixties. Mem from a m u ltitude of .sj grounds, including man

-------- -.-ners, nriathletes, Nordspeed skaters, bicyclist;

___ <vaikers. ____Although you’ve mi

— - qualifying race for th there is still p len ty of v to get yourself ready to next year. G et started I pating in spowshoe di

I tion days a t Nordit throughout th e state. M of snowshoes a rc availa and the fitness runni

W i n t e r _ContlniMd from D l the aM-esome support si give on powdery snow.

Cross-country skiing kick and g lid e motion rhythm, m otion , speed, ing the w rin k le s wqf warped by w in d and rocks and p la n ts . It's ab cling.

Snowshoeing is less ab ing than it is a b o u t “ bein moving s te a lth ily thro woods, keep ing a n eye

D-2 Tlmw^ewa. Tvirin Foll«

D R S _____________________

jrs) e , 1 ; ., „

u rd a yirs program is -

snowshoeing „ 7-e easy day,The trip will

: of snowshoe- n.lunch,-water-------- -

cessary to get -BIIBiIut and snow ' hoc on yourwn will be S Haught, sno'v__ |hoe ren tals, ' i clothing and u .''eling on snow. r.- c-trip m eeting at 4 p.m. Cost undable upon

iation call th e i! ‘ F f . at732-G697. ’ --C ■

>r center ivity.1 Beds Visitor 3 Fun Family I, Friday. Feb. families. The the film Icc

rk paleontolo- le relationship

film and tic fossil facts, your favorite

r also features 1laying Idaho.s . .1merous o th e r > J

n e r ,, . th e . .J r . ;. | «a slide show, ; A v > l ( tour, aiid afercd a t th e ' .- B H

c 9 a.m. to 5 v H m ough M onday .IVeekcnd. The a t -221 N o r th - - — agerman. For | H H337-4793 . ’ j | H |

Instructor J i S T courses

ist is sponsor* ',^v : Pistol cours- c taugiit by ructor George • .V; )rdnance.The insist of th ree V [onday Feb. 23 . and the sec- c an all day ' Feb. 28 from

3C held a t 253 cd in H istoric Is. Cost is 555 if yt3u prepay. 'V; e lim ited to | /'course m e e ts '

uirem ents to *'■ . ; ,ed W eapons ' ‘I informationOrdnance a t I______

radingPost a tAn Ice cllmbi

n staff reports

l o em odels are

ipetitivc sport, " purposes. 'icers have th e Fitness ii die national shoes can Ile top 10 spots specialty rc

The United -“We’w sc»da tion sane- ' Atlas runniiroughout th e said KevinKrve as quoli- and buyergfourthannu- Touring in 11unpionship ,in A variety. The westem ducc fimessing snowshoe • shoes, whidin January. and in somevshoe team is “'n icy arend women of n e r’s stride,iie late teens said R ay Jol[embers come salespersonf spon back- hinge tflndinarathon run* sh in tensionlordic 'sk ie rs ,.......... A tlas prolists and race tra il runnir

■ _ th e Dual-*rm issed’ th e" 'tu res the 'C rthe region, runs and fas

□f winter le ft also producy to com pete snowshoe tl;d by p a rd d - fram e and isi demonsua* 1\ibbs alrdic reso rts m ade spcdfi:. Many types th e if researclilable to tiy, all snowsho<nning/raring ’ have six fern

dccr, cats, ar t snowshoes rels. One maV. shoes as he ng with i ts snowshoeingion is about em bracing 1 ed, and rid- more,wqfted a n d Trekking,ind h idden physical excii about tiav- of hearts. T

qu ite like a \s about mov- A s th e stiwing there ," day in thehrough th e he lp s a wcceye out fo r pass quickly.

Fain. Idaho Thursday. Fobma/y 12,2


' • •

7-*' . ' »




■ -' ' ' i

tnber m a k e s h is way up Frankonsto

Iue best for cross-training Co

s running/racing snow* wl n be ordered from local fa( retail shops. mi

i sold a few pairs o f the do m ing snowshoes lately.” in Pavlis, a salesperson fie c r a t Idaho M ountain on n Boise. .stcIty of m anufacturers pro- ^ai ess rurm ing/radng sno»v- lich are shoner. lighter, m e cases asymmetrical. jn: are designed for tJie run- ie , not a walking stride," f , j Johnson, a w inter spons ( !on a t R.E.I. A fixed- id ing helps to decrease J(.q ion.produces two styles o f ..... tn ing, callcd ,i„ l-Trac. l\ib b s manufac- Criteriiihi snowshoes for ' fast walks in snow .lbbbs M luces a high-end ra d n g f e ; that has a tr ia n g ^ a r i is m ade of carlwn fiber, also sells snowshoes

dfically for women, after a rd i showed that half of hocrs are women. T h e y ' emale-friendly m odels.

, a nd b lack-tailed squir- may not travel a s fu r on he would on skis, but ing is a spccial way of I g less and m aking it . I

Ig. is its own reward: xciu^sion s tills th e h eart . T here’s no m edicinc a w in ter landscape, s tuden ts discovered, a ! le snowy South H ills [ vcck in th e classroom L_



f l

' ' ' ' I

nstcin Cliff In Harts Location, N.H

E x t r e m e _Continued from Dl

It’s“gbltc tr t'o”u'7)oihfiiow'w when he sees a steep mom face, he instandy imprints oi mind the most challenging r down. .

“'n ie re may b c a tight field, o r I may have to have ni entry or exit, o r there may I .steep section in the middle,' said. “There’s not inudi I won’ unless it’s too extreme and threatening. Sometimes Tm ing on the edge, but I won’ anything ridiculous. I’m alwa\ full c on trd of the situation.”

Ono of Ilis scariest moment: recalled, was jum ping out of a icopter over a peak in Car tlia t no one had cvcr skied bei

“Tlie only visual I had wa: the fliglit lip. I had to read the

Club news

7 'h o Tlm aS'N ow i wcIcork n n n o u nccm en ts and other Irom .otJtdoor clubs.

AcJclress your n ew s to 'O uldoo Editor.’ t l ic n m ail il to PO. Oo 5 4 8 . Twin Falls, ID 8 3 3 0 1 ; or m ail il to tw incw5@ micion.nei

. b ring il to ou r Burley or Twin F officc. Oc su re to includc a c ta c t n .im e a n d pfiono num ber

Share your adventurt

DO you hovo 0 portonol ttof a n oulcJoor adventurer so . The Timcs-A/etvs wouli

to print il a s p a r t o f our new *i From The W ild ' s e r ie s .We welcome re a d e rs ' tn ic storie a bou t hunlinQ. f ishing and olhc^ door acliv iK es.'P lease write your in tho first porson , keeping il um 5 0 0 words. P ho to s artTa plus. E su re to include your phono numt


i\ i - ■ ■ ■i , . ‘> - _______ ^

j t s ........


--------------- - 3

I.H., Saturd ay .

in a flash, d ien 01where to p 'th e rod ts "animtain everything,” he saion his “ But it’s ^ cal

’ route th ink of the sport . and tha t we’re a

t rock cannons. Every juian a ir a t the takeoff and

J? be a visualize th e lin e ,:ie,” h e But th ere is, alwin’t ski of his mind, a subd life- telling him to putm ski* and back awayin’t do “Il’s something Irays in th ink everyone do<” th e guy in the badnts, he bc quiet. I find if[ a hel* jum p w th a litde!anada w hat I’m doing cas j e f o r e . . t h e r e , looking ovcvas on 60-foot fall, it’s goie line m ore difficult,” he

A d d re ss your s to ry to E ditor.' Thon m a il it t(

Z Twin Falls. ID 8 3 3 0 1 :

00,5 o u r Duiley o r Twin Fal

Your best shot^ct: or . Id you bofi a bl|n Falls I 1 y ear? Did you ri

If you havo a truipaTim es N ew s would I lk

i r e a s p a r t of ou r new 'T r w jlcom e rea(

S liko fishing Of Olh.I 'C a lls s c e n e s .

Address your photo ,ries Editor.' Then m all il to

Twin R ills, ID 6 3 3 0 1 : 1 Dur stofy tw incw s® m indspring.c under to ou r Buiiey or Twin F .. Be su re lo in d u d e your m itnber. an d p hone number.

— Hal

■t;■ , ■ ■ t ■ (Jm

tremt ing 0

I all ov




Unfoi huntc o n ly :

cal a ; bird

roadwn i£

i»ere J side t

\ inesg* pcrsoi

dcfini HeritJ “ToAn

IM - rubbi!18*70; ing dl

I n t



descri a misc

- TTie • ‘. tion is: <• TTieft_____ ■ ___ field d

strc'an object e d th

. , ; a w y I

lii';! en tra i

m adel Odit

ond ar_________________ Clear

Lake 1 and sp

_________________ fish caCost

I once I gol to the ' 543-48- "and ice chanced is limit said. 1 —

calculated. People ort as a ftve-for-all |a b unch 'o f loose jum p I take I look nd landing. If I can — le, I can stick i t ” i lw y s , in the back . i ' aibconsdous voice ,? put the b r a k e ^ n

ig I ^vreslle wilh. I '" I have to tell ^ [»lack of my mind to »■ -.if I come into the v j^ j c

Je speed, i t m akes -easier. If you stand B S w )vcr th e edge a t a .going to bc a lot h t s Hh e explained. B B B f l

M O 'O u td o o r s ' it to RO. Box 5 48 ,) 1 : o r e-mail it to e t : o r bring it to Falls office.

OtI big buck this u reel in a whop-

a p sh o t . Thelike to publish it 'T ro p h ie s ' fea-

re a d o rs ’ ph o to s of o lh e r outdoor

loto to 'O u tdoo rs t to PO. Box 5 4 8 .1 : o r e m a il it toig .com : or bring llin Foils office. B e ■ hr namo, oad,OSS '

HLunters tfter groiQuestion: “L ast fall was smendous forest grouse hun g opener. There w ere huntei 1 over the un it 43/44 boundar I the Salt-Bounds Road. By carl ternoon nearly every strear id 'sp ring 'c rossing 'w as 'Iinerc ith bird carcasses, entrails, an athers where peop le had fiel essed their birds. Isn’t it agaiiu e law'to leave th e en trails alon Iter and rtiadways?”Ans>ven I was also in this are 1 th e opener and obstitved wha u described first-haru nfortunately I d id n 't see th inters dean in g th e ir birds, ily saw the m ess they left. Tw lues I will discuss aboul thi en t involve th e legal an d c th I aspects of h u n te rs leavin rd or animal en tra ils near adway or stream.The large num bers of birds tha fre field dressed along iheroac le and left n e a r stream cross JS generally m eets the averagi rson’s image of littering. A fined in th e America! iritage Dictionary, to litte r is b^make im tidy discardinj bbish carelessly.” Idaho Codi •7031 refers to th e .ac t a s “plac ; debris on pub lic or privati sperty.”[n this law, deb ris is defined a: per, litter, glass bottles, glass ils, lacks, hooks, cans, barbcc re, boahls, trash, garbage, light m aterial o r o th e r w aste sub

mces.[Jsing this u n derstand ing 0 ladng-debris-on-publirproper ’ o r littering, th e situation yoi scribed could'be prosecuted a: nisdemeanor u n d e r th is law. rhe ethical pa rt o f th is situa n is perhaps jnore notewonhy e fact tha t a g roup of h u n te r Id dressed som e grouse along t earn would never have beer jpctionablc if they h ad discard

th e carcasses a n d entrail; ay from the stream and out ol h t of the road.!^avirig the d ead birds anc trails ^ o n g the -roadway near cam crossings w as bad judg :nt and pro jected a poor image the hunting community, ixcept for th e sh ea r num ber ol

L iu iu ^ C lea i e rb y w ill b e^lear Lake Countiy Club will it its Fourth A nnual Fly-fishing rby on Feb. 21, from 9 a.m. to 1 i-l l ie event in d u d es an all-you- _ _ _ i _ _ ^ can e a t ~ b r ^ - f t . u j - fost a t 8 a.m,, auutdoor fish ing pass,

g r ^ d prize is a » i , Loomis GL3 fly rod custom deb y Tim Crist.) ther prizes will in d u d e scc- 1 and third place grand prizes; a r Lake* fishing passes, Clear <c Countiy Club golf passes, I special prizes for all tagged I caught.^ost is S25. R egister by calling 14849 before Feb. 15. The event imited to the first 100 anglers.

C la s s i f i e d


a t m ag ic^ S n o w R e p o r t s : <

a n d c r o s s -c o

0 5 -d a y S r

0 M o u n t a i n C a o r m o x in te d

R e s o r t P r o f i l e ax

. j ^ T c a U M a i

Subscribe to a freeemail ski report!

Information updated o i i n i m u m o / 3 timesperday

leave im mse opei

in s t -- --------------------------3ng birds, biologically spe

dead grouse pa rts rea stream bank are no m h a i significant than animr nd. na tu ra lly in ripari th e Scavengers generally r

I work of th e edible par [\vo I th ink th e issue boil Jiis lack of sen sitiv i^ or tW- sense.” I t ’s sim ilar t ing fish in th e lake. In r a quently used by peopli

lie boat ram ps and th hat niust pick up your fi; aij. and discard them in a ,ss. tainer. Leaving ihcm Ige bank a ttracts flies am ^ anim als and may post :an health risk. Sometime is: created can m ake pu

ing havens fo r yellow ja ,de nearly uninhabitable, ac. D iscard ing fish ei a te rem ote areas poses ni

and would seldom bc ] a s although areas once 1

ISS, rem ote m ay no longer ,e(j e ties expand.},t. The bird hunters c Lib. easily discarded their

away from the stream s of ways.

e n ---------W hile-the-hunters-c-ou been d te d for litte rir as the en trails along th e 1

really a reflection of p Lia* and judgm ent.T he hun hy. need to becom c more ers th e im pact of the ir a( g a_ how ^ in ^ s o m e ih in f e'li " "app rop ria te i ii 'o iie sc rd> out-of-linc in another, ils Reference Idaho Codof- --------------- ;-------------

Gary Hompland is a re n d scrwifion officer at the M sar Regional Office' of t Jg. Department of Fish a ge Contact him at (208)324

c-mail us at the Fish and of site at wwu/

i r L a k e s f is l e F e b r u a r y :>iu Jerome Ducks Unlln " f Chapter hosts banq)u- The Jerom e Chapter 3? U nlim ited is ' holding , a A nnual ' Couples Bar ss, Saturday, Feb. 28 a t tb b r Fairgrounds. Happy hou he 6 n.m. D inner follows at : a k ir t M artin from t] im R iver Grill will serve h

peach wood smokes pri ic* Alaskan k ing crab. js; ■ A silent auction, liv a r and raffles \vill take pla is, th e evenirig. Prizes in d cd decoys, p rin ts and more

e ts and o th e r informatit ng to support Ducks Unlir n t .324-3707. s. ------ -c o m p iled from sti

d s 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 d o w n h i l l , s n o w b o a r d lo u n t ry s k i r e p o r t s

Snow F o r e c a s t

iam s: d a i ly p i c t u r e s id c a m e r a im a g e s

a n d E v e n t I n f o r m a t io i

a p s a n d m o r e . . .

SpotuorGd by:

C k i u d c t tS PO R T S

1 5 8 5 F illm o re •1Wln Fall2 0 8 -7 3 3 -2 0 0 0

lessmerlS K T H E . . '

) I - r i C E R ' .


speaking, the •ts a long th e 10 m ore or less jimals th a t d ie “ “ :a r ia n arcas.Uy m ake quick pans.boils down to a ' or “commbn ar tp d ean in g In a reas fre*

:ople, like pub- i th e like, you r fish en trails in a w aste con- cm along the and n u iu n c e

pose a h iim a n ; im es th e odor : public areas I jacke ts and lie.I en tra ils in IS no problem b c prosecuted ce considered ger b e as s o a ­

rs could ' have leir b ird p a h s ams and road-

rs-could-have-------ering, leaving h e roadside is of poor etliics hunters really lo re aw are of r actions and hing m ay be c setting and

Code 18-7031.

a regional con- leMagic'VaUey 1/ the Idaho h and Game. 324-i350orby and Game uxb lus/fishgame.

sh in g1 ^ 2 1nllmltedanquetpter o f Duckslirig i ts 17th-------B anquet on It the Jerom e hour s tarts a t ^ so t7. • n th e Snake vc his famous i p rim e rib o r

, live auction •p lace during in d u d c guns, noro. F or tick* ia tion ()n how Inlimited, call

1 staff reports

31 :

■3 :•

i . .


i o n

» ■ '

F alls ID)

A neaBy Susan Spano

. Los Angelos Times

. BAKER,, C a l i f .S o m love th e desert. Tlicy love degrees w ith the AC off.' rusted ju n k , abandonei sand traps, rattlesnakes, < and d iy washes. You're pi

---------- theyYo to u ch ed xmtil-youwith them , a s I did in Oct( my brother, John. ..■ He’d b e e n wanting to < 130-mile O ld Mojave Roa rock and sand path acros

• National Preserve tha t pa; ■scapes y o u ”don1“g e f tc ■paved roads. It was the route from th e Colorado Barstow fo r Native An explorers, stagecoach dri

•the Army.. W hen th e railroad laid the south, th e old road w; forgotten u n til Dennis G. ' a Navy physicist from

•Calif., w ith a passion for d tory, dec id cd it should opened for recreadonal \u

In th e early 1980s, the F - 7 die • M o jave-R oad ,-fom

Casebier, mapped, repai erected s to n e cairns al desert rou te . But w ith the of th e 1.6-million-acre National P reserve in 1!

. Now C ^ b i e r has mow .tending a historic schc .museum in the Mojave hamlet o f Goffs and collec In to n e s ftt)m people w: lived in th e East Mojave .But hc still sometimes ch niailbox h is group instal]

■Kelbaker Road, w here rccord "their passage over road. C asebier estimates 1 eral thousand make th e ti ally.

If a d e se rt has somei teach, r w an t to leam . Hii like tagging along w ith . hiking a n d backcountry trips. H c h<^ the skills a although w hcn'cam ping h « a t p ro te in bars for br lunch and d inner if I didi along som e real food. Foi ■tion in th e wilderness, he t ■grandfather^ Worid War about a s deadly as a papic prop tn a n operetta. H e po maps before setting out a basically ignores them in th in ^ to give expeditions of discoveiy and adventun .•Jo h n to ld m c this wou veiy rough trip - two days ing and one n i ^ t of campi that I b e tte r not wimp out, I did a few years ago when him tu m back on th e apt rugged road tha t leads to tl D istrict o f U tah’s Cany

■National Park.. Irented 'a 'beigeTord 'Exj .mth four-wheel drive arti day ahead of John so I cou few sightsi'including Kels< The N ational Park Service J in ^ stages o f renovating tl ing as a n interpretive ccn

.museum, scheduled to o[ summer. I t ’s a good rc

^ .between visits lo the Cind__ .Lava Beds about 15 mile

.and Kelso D unes to the SOI ,Then I headed up Kel

■Road, w hich rounds th e soi of gently sloping, astoni sym m eoical Cima Dome

------- -.square-milc aroa of volcaniin the w ild h ea r t of d ie p

;'The two-lane highway, oft«■ as a sh o rtcu t between ' Springs and Los Vcga^ is. and Qat, paralleling railroai : before branching off acr , ^ ^ p a h Valley.-.'•T he sun was setting in f u d d le by th e tim e I r

. 1^ ip ton,onthcnorthcastsid preserve, w ith its bushy tar pint-sized h o te l and general chatted w ith th e clerk and < soda before heading for 1 Resort & Casino, on th e C Hivcr a b o u t midway b 3^oedles, Calif., and Laughl

TwinFalL ;rec spons( skating cl:

■ The Tlme»Naw8

- The d ty oflVvin Falls Pai Recreation D epartm ent ii ing two icc skating session:

• Sun Valley Ice Arena.. The cost is S45_ and ir

: transportation, instruction ' rental a n d adm ission fo ; Saturdays o f an individu• sion.■ Session 2 will be F e b .; : March 6.• Children ages' 6 to 8 m : accQmpanied by a parent, 1 ; years an d u p m ay-travd• R egistration deadline is I ^for Session 2.

Register a t 136 Maxwell call 73G-2265 for more in tion. .

jrly sue^m e people / ■! o v c ita tl lO # Hiff. They love Wmed m ines, ^ss, old bones c pretty sureyougo-therc----------- -------------Dctoberwith

to drive the Road, a dirt, lo ss Mojave p a s ^ la n d -

I to see 'o n '■ M L g lW io l the historic ido River t o .Americans,drivers

aid tracks to 1 was a ll but G. Casebier,)m Corona,)r desert his-' Above, deer kei .uld b e re. m io n a lP m ,, . e m i n d j o t H lE«,OldHoj.:otm ded-by- -1-------------------ipaired and I p a

along the the creation Spring and fal TC M ojave sons to drive I 1994, the Consult the N lim inished Preserve or *1 noved on to by Dennis G. ichoolhouse the Mojavo Ri ave D esert Essex. Calif.), llecting oral how to prepai : who once For mor® Infor lave D ese rt Mojave Notlor I checks the Headquarters ^ e d near - .Barstow, CA S ere people 8801, iver the old NPS Baker Inl ;es th a t sev- , 72157 Baker e trip annu- 92309; (760)

Mojove Detorl m ething to Association, C Then too, I 37198 Lanfol

th John on CA 92332; (7 ■try driving... www.MDHCA.i!s and gear, | _ l ________ig h e ^ i i l d

dezvoused wii i d n ’t b iw g Ycathexs Caft For protec-

cam povem igl far I saber, cominB 0

jS iso u th o ® !, Barstow and B

fn head back toI m order, I wore leaving J ^ a sense the pool, anot

pnd with B utw ew ere

layso fdnv- t o d a y s of c g e t u s ^ t h

lo n T “ PJ'

» yonInnds

conceivable m;

SSO filling o u tT h e u m t t

i n S Sniles north

KclschCima ■ | | | | | | | | Ht south side tonishingly .

ouiic uplift . e preserve. o iten used een Palm is straight

road tracks across the

a pink r e a p e d

tamarisks, eral store. I n d drank a or the e Colorado

betw een ghlin,Nev.

I I Ben RoseKranci l i S second waeken

sors ^'Incc WildJassP a i^ a n d

It is.o ffer- What: Wild ho ions a t the basis, now Ihr

bo two on noon 1 includes oftomoonfron ion , ska te chnroOdforei

Whcro:BLMh ’ dual ses- (4 milos south

b . 28 and ' Adopter RoquI hovo fadllUos 1

3 m ust be mlstreallng anint, wliile 9 BLM. Appllcoli vcsl F e b 23 Fornddlllonolis i-e o . .iJ 3S4^ 35Q.ofJ

-ellAve.or ! informa*


mS A akm

j-jifift' - f

keep their distance at the Mid Hill B ern .lojave Road at the Mail range In th

e arn m orefall a r e th e b e s t sea- ■ B

ive th e Old Mojave Road, ™le Mojavo N ational B a k y : )r 'M ojave Road Guide,*G. C aseb ier (Tales of .-•** 3 R oad Publishing Co.,Uf.). for in formalion on K« ipare for tho trip. •jform atlon , contact: ^ Uonal P raservo .;ers, 222 E. Main S t.,'

9 2 3 1 1 : (760) 255 - ' - i S £w.nps.g ov/m oia , o r ihe_______ °r Inlorm ation Center.k er Blvd., Baker, CA60) 7 3 3 4 0 4 0 . Slo r t K erita£o & Culturaln , G offs Schoolhouse,ifoir R oad . G-15. Essex. " H i?^ 7 » )7 3 W 4 8 2 ,

................... - t u r e -—:---------------------------- left,;x t m om ing I ron- do u iwith John a t the An's jum iiifc. Our plan was to birdsof the road that day, spiceught and finish the next A tg out a t Afton Canyon Coloiifln terstate 15 between distad Baker. Then we w u ld F t. 1to th e Avi, where we redoi

g John’s car, for a clip in 18S0:lod ier go a t the buffet Je d eith d e a n sheets. depcero in no hurry, because h a rbf driving ivould easily Comthe road, with time to Infaii

cplore such features as Jol<dce on the west side of Ame:e. A fter rainy weadier, bed v

a vast, tire-swamping and<W hen John saw the high,h& saidiuvaspiobably___ nanoto m ake it across the rclauhe cheered up when I sortitwas insured for every of thi

: mishap. swore}d-the-water,-food-and---------^Wihad brought, spent a 3,412ing the gas tank and set rouglim arked tum-off west Thelesert was about th irc Lanft


ince, 13. shot this four-polrat buck I kend of the deer season.

B L M Id H o r s e S *

3P II0N |||I horsos aro available for adopllon on IhrouQh March 14 a t Iho Bblso BLM 1

» n ond 6:00 pm MorKJay through Fri 'rom March 8 through March 14. A no rooch horao.

M horso comils, south of Bolso on PI< luth of tho Junction wiih Qovren Rood;

iquiromonts: Potontial odoptors must los consistent with BLM roqulromonts animals, and mu«! ha-za an adoption

Mlions may bo opprtrvod ot tho corm

nol InfomMtion, contnct Som M attisb. Df Joan Howard ot 304-3437.

I tr ip tl

a v e


Hills Campground In the Mojave

1 the Mojave National Preserve.

________ 4 — NEVADA

u a m .KAlwDOpOl ; Uo|4y* Kjtlenti __

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ictAnfti,, rliles n o rth of th e Avi; we foun< d th th e he lp of Casebic M ojave Road Q.uide,” annotai lile by mile.TTuit day was a pure d e se r t .

■om sta rt to finish. The tempe ire was about 80 d e g r ^ when :ft, an d th e sky was mounded w touds. A lop-eared jackrab im ped out of a nest of creoso irds tincred , the air smelled lik 3ice rack.A bou t 23 m iles west o f t

o lorado .R iver (using Cabbie [stance calculations), wc reach t. P iu te , one of the militi ‘doubts bu ilt on the road in t 360s. It sits in the shadow :d ed lah Sm idi Butte, abo spendable Piute Creek, and on arbored 18 enlisted men om pany . D of the 9 th U ifantiy.Jo h n w ent looking for Nad m erican petroglyphs in the cro 2d w hile I a te a packaged chee: id-cold-cut snack on the kni igh stone w alls that are the rc in ts-o f-thc-fo rt—Just-bcfore-1 Jaunched ou r Old Mojave Ro irtie, h e d id a saber dance in frc ■ th e Expedition with Grandp vord.-W ith-John-driving,-we-climb 412-foot P iu te P a ^ infamou: ugh in th e o ld wagon road d:r 1C view w est svrtwps ewer t in fair VaUey. where homeste:

ck In the Athlon area during the

I on a rtrst-como first-sonnj LM comils. Soloct yo'ur horso ‘I Friday until March S, ond ovory V non-compotillvo foo will bo

n P lossont Vailoy Road ood).

iust bo a l loast 18 yoors of ogo. ants, havorw hlslo ryo l tion applicalksn approved by ormi sito.

iw a t (20S) 87 M 9 7 9 o r

iroughers tr ied to mak bloom in the early ;

I range upon range c" tains, separated b

W estem geography FVom there, we tc

valley, so thick wit you would think i propagated. Here

— sa v n ild 's tu ff 's c a r A jM desert, induding a

bus th a t m ade mi Beades’ “Yellow Su

' T herc were al: o H j turnoffs lhat John :

to crystal meihamp M m H e likes to put m e c

asked if we needc routinely said Vitrw

We crossed paved a t Casebier mile t

m caught graded Ceda west to aVoid a mc stretch of the Old

«**«- alongWatsonWash. ^5 reached Governmer

one of the last gu West took place in 1 ty place in the Roun

* windmill ■ and~abai an d we considered

j! But it was starting tlV thare were no winc

- ■ tu rned south on 1 Road, heading fc Campground in aror

, . . . . pinyon p ine and jun und ’D iere wc claime

with th e preserved Cima Dome. A firc I

^ w ith wood, left by \ earlier camper, anc

nice flat place form: Q y u p his cot outside s>

/ th e stars. We had stc to r dinnei; taUced fc

" 'T ' then w en t to sleep. “!<*!' I slep t like a m

awakened in.time fc Cima Dome.

A no ther day in t JPy ensued, not quite a P ^ ' l a s t We lost our w:

unintended detour D eath Valley Mine c

3bbit lyjpt getting faintcj Finally, we read ie KelscvCima Road, w

. little convenience s of^ce ru n by tiny, \ Ausmus, who came w ith h e r husband in refused to sell 01 National Park Servic

It wasn’t hard to ‘’OVC Mojave Road again, V

h d p . In fact, the road \ , can be seen for mile U-S- west across Kelso Wa

th e Beale Mountair exp lorer Edward F tried to introduce c Mojave in 1857 but h th e experim ent b frightened the horse

--------- TheTriewsTiorth'tiand south to K dso I

front better. But ju st c Springs, John realiz

ib cd necessitating ar

)usly iayt.

A c t N o \

Join our E

I and receiv■ for Valent

while payin

EZPay I fl

/ ■1•f

Ith e ^lake th e M ojave ■ly 20th centuiy, to :e of d esen moun-1 by basins, in a >hy lesson.e tooled across the with Joshua trees • k they had b«en re and there w e 'ca tre tcd "o v crth e -----------------’ a wrecked school m e think of the Submarine.” also mysterious

m said could lead m phetamine labs. leonedge.W henI jded gasoline, hc rwere about to run

ved Ivanpah Road e m ark 41.7 and >_ . sdar Canyon Road more treacherous )ld Mojave Road ish. Eventually, we ncnt Holes, where gunfights in the

in 1925. It’s a pret- )undValley.witha bandoned corral,-— ed making camp. g to get d ^ y and | | | | | m indbreaks, so wc n Black Canyon 1 ^ - '

for Mid Hills iromatic forests of • site No. 25, — /c^ b est view of X p it was stocked dirty wo by some friendly gous ond there, was a ing, aftei ■my tent. John se t to K d b a c so hc could see - west, as steak and apples could dri

r fo r a"while aHff n s : p. Witht]sunken ship and ahead, ii2 for sunrise over the blow th e d ese rt In Bak

B as good as th e ScrviceL way, making an • ranger j

ur north tow ird Autumn le on a track th a t over the Iter and fainter. d e sh a d ± e d th e paved ly, langu [, w here there!s a rescue a: c store and post y, wizened Irene ne to the Mojave P H B in th e 1960s and out w hen th e

■vice arrived ,_______to find the Old R IF L I

n ,w th C a» b ie r i; Remim lad's ru tted route niles a s it pushesWash and ro u n d s ----------:ains, nam ed for R u a c r I P. Beale, w ho , , ,e camels to the It had to abandon R ugcr

bccausc. they .22 ^


ilized w c had a p a M H : an hour of hot,

w B m m S M

o w ! !

EZ Pay program bef 'ive a free $15 gift a ntine candy, flowers,

E n j o y r e c e i v i n g 1ang for your p a p e r the <

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w jth 12 monthly

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The Timcs-Ncws. 132 3rtISl.\V•No purctMM n*<wMry. Umit

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■•5. « - V

" 'i i

l i

M'ork m ounting the hum on ' ^ a re . There yras some cu iv ifter which we’ d c d d e d to get jlbakcr Road, about 20 miles . as soon as possible, so we 1 driro to th e town of B ^ r on

th the rigors of Soda D iy Lake cl, it seem ed prudent to get lown tire fixeci sp we’d have a

Baker, we stopped a t th e Park ce information office, w here a :r gave us more bad news, mn rains had m ade passage the playa dicey. S cv e ra vchi- lad gotten stuck there recent- nguishing for days awaiting e as the salt cru st o f th e dry

O ver 60 Different Shoti

FLESilngton 597 AutoHMR. syniheiic, blue , . . * 2 9 9 * *jimiaiio, tjJue ...........

ler 96/17M Lever Action17 HMR. . . . ...............» 2 6 9 * *

|cr 10/22 Auto22 W ig ........................ * 3 5 9 * *

|er-M77-Mark-ll---- :-------leiic, swinles orJ DIue. .Ill c.iiibers , , . .* 4 5 9 * *

lefore February 14, 2

: card from Smiths. L rrs, food for the perfg T h e T i m e s - N e w s i le simple, conven ien t wi

III?newspaper subscrip I, debit card or credit c ily paym ents o f only :

f $17.40 per year with no ch ks of The Times-News delivei

r h e T u n e s - N E ?

1. West. PO Box 548. TVin Falls. 1It gift u rd p«r houMhold. Not r lid for n«w EZ Pay atftom«r« only.

Thursday, Februu)« y 12 ,2004 Twin Fsili.

O u t d o

^ - I . ----------


^ * ■ v f:: w ^ B r

S J i iil

1' lake corroded their u 5- riages.:t ■ John wanted to risk it, s day \vas more d ian half go B a lunch of hummus, fried i 1 and {yros a t the Mad Gree

rant, i persuaded hun to a J head back to th e Avi. So t say we drove th e whole n 1 names don’t appear in tli

book at the Old Mojave Rc < box. which we bypassed in 1 to Baker:. But John plans to ren s conquer the playa. Mayb i- M th liim. Tm starting tc

stand why he W es the I Besides. Td like to sec hii I disliing Grandpa’s saber ag

ISIEBiSakDtguns and Rifles In StockI

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r undercar- ‘

k it, but the If gone. Over ied calamari J reek restau- Vo abortluici So wc can’t lc road. Our n tlie rccord e Road mail- d in our rush

retum and laybe Til go g to. iinder- the dcsen. e him bran- :r again.

i l•4**"

•199___ J5«9=^---------


'2 7 9 ”



fe ■-ORES

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Page P : i

Thil 1936 goihorinf hon( Main AvflRue In Twin Falli from the left In the aecon the fsvorttei of her dad, <

W W 7

'' -W -


Mareret Grant'Anderaon of poie* In about 1913 or’l9; diet. Margret loved awimm Finnegan of Twin Falla. FIm might have been taken at t

V o lu n te e j o f C e n te iThe T lm e» N ew > _______

TVVIN' '_ F A l i S ^ “ V( seh ’ed snacks,' coUecte arid supeivised gam es a t first b ig centennial ever

. Year’s Eve th e coming months,

asked to sell centennii register tournam ent gol undertake a host o f oth' for th e TWin Falls Ce Commission.

In its first new sletter f teers, th e commission wl call for help. The newsle list these volunteer oppoi

• Ongoing: Work a t thi cal gallery in Magic Val opem ted tjy downioxvn’s im provem ent district. \ shifts a re available.

• Feb. I W l : H elp s Centennial Commission's KMVTs Agri-Action evei College of Southcm Ida Center, selling merchant answering questions.'

•Feb^27-29: H elp staff

a g tc ^■X ^

I p I| k ^

lonored couplet from throughout Falli. Je iile DeKlott Olion of File icond row - ire her grandparsnti, Id, Qllbert DeKlotz.

l l ®NMt mm»t •< nwo mnboi •< !•« r*

1 Of TVrfn Flili, Mcond from left, 1914 wfth her iwlmming bud-

mmlng, lay i her daughter, Brook Finnegan layi the photograph at the Nat Soo Pah hot iprfngi.

e r s p o w e r c s n n ia l C o m_______ ** mission’s boo_______________ Home .and C

V olunteers CSI Expo Ccted“ d c te ts Involves selliis a i t h e d ty ^ answering quivent, a New • May 8, . M. u Collect tickeihs.ihcy 'U be or help rendin ial wares, drink at n BIgolfers and ceremony atJ

o ther du ties , ju n c 26: C e m c n „ i.I

er for volun-w iU issu ea • July 24:

v jle tte r will ti"". “ ‘-“ P . ' >!»rtunide!:: th e histoti- Golf TollmanVolley MaU municipal goln ’s business - O c t ^ : Ht. W eekend ified duties a

dose th c comp staff tbe of celebrationjn's booth a t To lend asvent a t tho these, ciIdaho Expo Commissionlan d iu and McDowell at.

th e commissaff the com- ^ o n d S t .W .

(E i


^ H H T ^ o en wedding WmBm >935

>ut Magic Valley who had been mai Filer lajfi ona couple - the man th nti, Frank and Anna DeKlotz. Olior

f i ®®'* p»

Tlili early 1920'i view of Tw reildent Marjorie Detera. ‘Lo

>• the line ol automobllei a t rlj

efforts J nmission ,

- fev(>ooth a t C lear C hannel’s S t^ i Garden S h o w .at the . ° ‘ 5

Center, "niis gig also P sUihg merchandise and gen questions. con

8 (ten ta tive da te ):J<ets, sell m erchandise ' endors serve food and Blessing of the W ater

ot Shoshone Falls.!6: Work at the centen- a t th e Magic Valley Air

1*4: H elp m th rcgistra- ^3, d eanup and general , fjjt}, ies a t the C en ten n ia l' ^ lam ent, at IWin F ^ 'golf course. of tl: ‘n ik eo n asy e tu n sp ec* ands ot an event th a t will Aommission’s 10 m onths Sar{ions. maca hand with any of Kancall C en ten n ia l hare

)n sta ffe r Jen n y swejat.73fr0800 or s top by thisiission office a t 184 wasW. El

m i' I ' h u r s d i i



i N G c i n a T H j H ^ H I

IDA p | H Q n H ^ P f l

married 50 years or more. They'i 1 third from the left In the lecon lion law miny movies at the Ro

elections from private photo c

'Twin Falls' Main Avenua East sf 'Look how wide the street was,'

t right.

P ro v e-uIf you have a bad case of c

fever, take a tip from R( Stafford. H e and Corirmc, his • of 57 years, ^■ent tJirough hund of prints and slides taken cK’er generations of family. With s com puter he lp ,- they prodt scrapbooks for cach membei their family, adding tex t \ names, dates and stories at each photo. ‘

Roger Stafford started with oldest photo in his possession: a tle/hog operation in Smith CCi Koa, owned and operated by p ^ d fa th e r , Albert D. Stafforc Jie . tu rn of the centuiy. Alb. lather had been killed in a t ivreck w hen A lbcn was only 12 i ta t ten d er age, hc bccame “i Df the ftunily,” caring for his moi m d a u n t

As a young man, he nmrried i Sargent. They lived in a sod ho nade from- tu rf cut from Kansas pm irie. The flooi-s \\-en lard packed earth whidi could w ept and even mopjwd. It wa h is little sod house tliat a I vas bom in 1888.

Eventually Albert-found h is '

: t wJay, l-'cbriiary U , 2(11

j p W o. I-......... ..........------------


ly're pictured In front of the Rox ond row from the front, and the Roxy, especially the cowboy moi

1 our read ers’ collections

shows people enjoying downtov 8,' she says. And notice the hor

up site I' cabin • I i . . i.jn~ R oger ;■.■« M';'.' is wife ■; ' v t idreds _ ' ^ a: four p rsome ^

duced D» r - o f

w ith » • it ^ • /I

about Idaho, settling ii th tht! hii

y ^ ^ S p S a SIbertv t«vn southeast of 1

train SO ccnts p er a< j 2 A t 525 per acre fc

arrived on his land i loA er sto n n widi his sole

wagon and a tean- dA da "bached” there in a louse, u p shack for two ye 1 th e Sundtiy, D

of ' G landonatchuidi.i lid be in the choir, and she vas in rest, as they say, is h ,Don,- •- On this same I

R oger Stafford was 5 way joined the Marines:

n w:o ()4

i k s -


I Timei

I I tinco ■nn

Inma ed in

,. cxeci^cnti

' j J


gcstci series

ll and > discu

ButrWJuiiiDDaotzoiM^^n- folks?oxy Theatre on localho woman fourih “" ‘{P Jiovloi m at wore

tions. get-to,

* SusVallej has a two c


about and al wide spring

(ec to

'**N S fo m open 1 rcadir time ’


to sigr coupoi an inc

, ' the lisi

the cal

itown, sayi current plam horse and buggy In comn

panel fngs. ana n

becomeP i o n e e r

P O R T R A I're ,Donna S cott

g in the IVvin Falls- his cousin, FVank

»;d 13 farm s ^ m

1909, and Don, 21 . B H ised 40 acrcs of his >f IWin Fhlls. Cost ; acre for the land, i for the water. H e'id in a driving rain- ElileQholc possessions - a at 21 In:am of horses. H e retum en ata ipaperp rove- McBethyears. His sDon m t t E lsie also boi

* . She vas singing by farmshew aspretty .The Phimis histoiy. and Rci land, their son ancestovas bom, grew up, lives ines in Worid W arn , ries to I


Re:s ta r t

Vlagic Valley ^eads! fosters liscusslon of ocal literaturey V irgin ia S . H u tch in s . m es-N ew » w rite r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

TWIN F/UXS - It’s not icrril: iconim on .in 'I\vin Falls tlic lys 10 h e a r readers compa leir progress iliiougli one of tl >AvIy released history books \ cal authors.R an d ie r R ex Williams polislu f thc last d iap te r of Mury m an’s book this w inter and siai 1 in on J im Gentry’s. ChamHi :ecutive K ent Just finished o entry’s book on vacaiion la :ck.B etter c a td i up.L ibrarians and their collabor rs in the tliird . annual Mag lliey Reads! p ro ject aim i istirc readers’ rcactioa<: to loc: e ra tu re get a good airing in tl:’XUtciimonths,______________Their community^vide rcadir oject, featuring about 20 sii; stcd titles this year, will hold ries of public events in Marc ,d April for presentations an scussions.But organizers are encouragin !ks to start talking now aboi :al poetry, history, joum alisi d p ioneer women - die four gei U categories of tlie ccntenni: ar’s Magic Valley Reads! selci ns - in all manner of inform: t-togethers.Susan, Ash, one of the Magi lley Reads! organizers, said sh s appointm ents this m onth a0 d u b s and a church to tal out th e suggested reading lis d about tlie formal communit] de even ts p lanned for thi ring.she invites anyone to call her u )TWin Falls Public Ubrary. 73: 54. to arrange for a m em ber o : Magic Valley Reads! commii ! to speak a t other small gathei

'Jext veek, Asji plans tojjpe:il one informal discussion that' 2n to up to 20 members of tin tding public. It’s set for hind le Wednesday, in an upstair im a t thc YOYO Cafe in 'I\viiJ - ,

llie cafe requests participant sign up in advance and o ffers; ipon for S l off lundi that day a incentive to attend; call 732

14. By early this week, th e cafi In’t yet have many people oi(list. • ---------------------‘We do have plcnty-of space,' : cafe’s M ichele Hodges said.

Coming In MarchA f atch this page on March f W 7 for details about the1 W third annual Magic Valley eadsl project's free public jtherings.anned for March and Apill, thcDmmunityvvidc events will feature 3nel discussions, poetry read- gs. talks, videos, a short film Id multimedia presentations.

e s a f a n

I QIandon Stafford, pictured at eg L In 1909, were married In Twin I m e d and m arried Corinnc teth.They still reside there, is sister, Joanne Smutny, was b om there and lives on a near- irm w ith h e r husbdnd, Alvin, •om.two perspectives, Joanne R oger wiU share hgiv their

;stors have iitflucnccd their : in a collcction of local'histo- to be published la ter this >-car.

ll/ h.t/iim: I ir_iv/i/rS. llufr/iius

• ' I ' h e ' I ' i m

saders : talking' Hit the b(

' How woll a re you progrei ^ your winter reading list?

Organlzors cf thc ^ tag ic ' ............ Twin Rills Centennial rCc

cussion projcct hope yoi 10 talk about som e of coirte spring,

* 0 Thoir sugg08l 0d reading ed into'four caicgories:

■ R o le o f Jo u rn a l is m

* "Idaho: Off tho B oataiJulie Fanselow. a local a former journalist.

;) .irc . “Animal Husbandry an Social G racos" by S te \e

’ - Suzanne H uxhold.- li e d * Uving" and ‘

y T D on't Toil" by Lorayne 0, retired reporter and local

i h c r * T ract." ao f f column se rie s from The ■

la s t by Jam es Vailcy, ;i local I

■ Poetry and poets c• 'E arthbound" and "01. local poe t Sudie'Hager.

o c a l * Various poom s by Collet h e Soutliern Idaho professo

_________ Irons. ___________i in g • "Short of a Good Promsiig-. "Travelers In a n AntiqueI d a CSI professor VMlllamSiii r d i • "CuKuro o f R eclam atioa n d integrating poetry. histoil(

and photographs. It Induy n g cal m aierials from the Twlo iu Public Library's Idaho Rocis m video is a work In progre:;c n - project of B oise S ta te Unn ia l Idaho S ta le University. Icc -inai I Women of early T.F

Ig ic * Bluebeard: th e Tls},(> of Lovo a n d M arriage, D<I a t Flypaper" by William C. Aa ll( The book Is a bout Twi’n Rl i s t Southard,i t y . • “We S ageb rush Folki":h is Pike G reenwood. Ifs aboi

ond farm life In the Twin fr u t • "Gently D own th e S tre i'33- local au thor Ethlyn Walkin r o f . about life in tho Twin ftillsn i t - • “Julio" by Helen Markle;ie r - .fiction oboul early Twin R)

; = ; ! ^ J . H l s t o r y . o f J . R ^

t h e - I n t J io M ld d lo a n d o n U i d i Tho Twin Falls Region of l i r s CSI professor Jim Gentry.vin_____ * "Sagob rush Emplro.'' a '

about early Twin f t l ls .• “Tribute t o tho P a s t; Le tho Futuro," a 1990 volur history of catly Twin Rills I c s . edited by D onna Scott

n !i * "S tea m b o a ts . Shoshool,' - - . Scoundrels and S uch: Sol ,. Tales oT th e W estem Ror ’ ■ Jam es Vailey.

• “Six D ecades B o c k ." a \'Ailgamott's historical sko early days in U>e Twin Folli• "TVHn R ills Centuryboof 2 0 0 4 : C olobratlng th e TVi Idaho. C entennlai" by Mai Inman, along with h er "Toi R ills ' c a sse tte .

• ‘On Holy Ground: The H c and Faith of S t. Edward t l

C onfessor R om an Cotholl by Patricia S antos M an»n journalist ond short-story i

nily hon

■ . ctov

I ' ■

u H H i & L Mnttm MMI« MOn ITW1

a g e 17 In 1909, a n d Oon S tafforc n Fa lls and fa rm e d l o u t h a a i t o f ti1C Did this tidbit catch i

est? A fuUer account o f th a s /linoT A along w ith stori* IT- local nsidents thm ughoi

ccnriirjA will be publish 1C Twin Falls ,C : i r Commission^ heritage c l ir - Tb subm it stories, conto o- Scott a t 536-27 ir. .w rro n d iO ftf in ^ f .c o m .

im t;s-N cw s

g —books

ogressing through list?agic Valley Reads! al reading-ancWis- ' ' ' « you'll be ready of these titles

iding list is divid- ■ies:

lism ln l.F . ;

oaten Path" byMl author and

ry and Dtherjte\e Crump and

and “ 0. Smith, a local author, t." a 2002-04 The Vmes-Ncws seal historian.

Its Of T.F.

I "aioanlngs" by2er.College of essor James

Promise* and ^Jque Land" by n Studcbakcr. nation." a video stoiical nanatfvo Includes histori- ie Tviin f^lls 5 Room. The ogress, a joint e University andty.


JwThie Story e. Death andC. Anderson,

nn Rills murder-

Jki’ byAnno about social 'win Falls area.Stream" by- alkington. It's Rills area.

arWey Milter. Ifs in Falls.

on tho Edge: fl of Idoho" by■ntry.'il; Legacy forvolume on the ^lls buslnoss- Scott:"^^ i ;i: Seldom Told iftontleruy .

C Charles I sketches of I Foils area, fbook,1904- « TWiD Falls,I Mary-J.■•Tour of Twin

Tw History, Art ird therthdlc Church" in»ntonlo, a tory writer.

m e

n g f l n

HtTWrDltOtftMarMfford, plotureil of your inter- of this familii^ tories of other ihout the past ilished by the

Centennial §e committee, ontact Donna 6-2788 or .

'Phc 'rim cs-N cw j’ rr .......... ■


_____ Ata.tecBnLmcfltIng.oLUiaJDean Gooding, who talked al founders of Gooding.

J e r o m e H h e a r s p o stMeedng takes place t" JEROM E - A t iis Ft mceiing. ih e Jerom e Hi Society will h e a r about ill ry b f tlie U.S. Postal Scrvic focus on tlic sta te of Ida city of Jerom e.

Postm aster Tony Sababa th e sp eak e r and mot Retired postal workers Jerom e service \viil be in t: and honored. Tlie meeting held a t 7:30 p.m. today Jeromo Civic Club Library

The public is invited t about early h istory in Jcro

K iWood Rivor Quilters mombors i HIgglnson, Lori Daniels, Ardelk fdogensen, Sharon Shupe, Phyl The next mooting will bo hold. Extension Offlco 441 room. A s qolttlng session. Guests are w« annually. The purpose of tho gi unfinished projects nnd enjoy t quilting sessions will bo held h InfonrntUon, call Ann Janson at

P ..G

Sawtooth Elementary School I ,foM drive whero 7,050 eans'c the school collected 5,325, wl


i : k " i i i

f o '

haJQtoma.HlstoiIcaLSeclely,.me id about his grandfather, Frank G

E fis to r ic a lS s ta i s e rv ic e;e tonight

F ebruary At a recerHistorica! Jerom e Histoi

t tlie histo- bers also welccrvice w ith a Dean GoodiniIdaho a n d ta lked about

F rank Goodinjaba will b e helped settlemoderator. m any of the Irs for th e still standing,introduced Dean Gootling will b e o\vner and malay a t th e breakfast, gav« rary . informative acd to le am and displayedcrome a nd sode ty memb<

=-Quilting- =

ers Includo. from left to right, stai della Relnke, Pat Nelson, Cheryl R Phyllis Kochort, Jenny Koskl; and old Qt 7 p.m.' Feb. 16 at the Good A short business meeting will bo

e welcomoio attend and Join tho 10 group Is to share the craft of qc loy the company of other quilters. lid from 7.9 p.m. March 22 and M fl at 93<M241 or Phyllis Kochort

Giving food -

I J n

)ol In Twin Falls reported a succ< ns'of food wore collected for tho ), which was an alklmo high for

_ Q

I F (___ • • T

■ Mu• : 7p .


I ..................................... — — sinj‘ • . Fric

A sin{ frot Asc

. Jen^ F

' ^ a i7

i ’ - A Afn . hoil

I .. Cro:12-G

■ Gyn



t a k

featal6 ;

PM. HIU jgnim e m b ers-w elco m ed_______ ZOO.k Gooding, one oftho ^


S o c ie ty e h i s to r y ™

*' m orounty. R efreshm en ts 435-' ■ed.cent m eeting of th e .Q bsscorical Society, mem- .ilcomed g uest speaker, lO 2ling of. G ooding, who Tl3Ut his g rand fa ther, Valliling, who founded and meeJc the town a n d built H en:e landm ark buildings T tig. Nierooding, Who is . th e Dunm anager o f a b ed and planlave an in te resting and Obs( account of liis family

/ed pictures o f them,nbers reported . ___

~ T l m

--------------------------------1 D ueOr

________________________ D udwoul

^ invol

S ^ . j" " -| p ^ :* Ever

f Mii comi

' -□ corpi

’ and ig gene

i^ i3 I chan


I n . " H K 9 ! A IU U j t a ^ K i ^ K b S i news».rt«,.(PHnUJMCI«WtH«OCWRI w h o .standing: Sandra espeiylReed,Maxlno utw rnd seated: Ann Jansen. • ^ ooding Countybo followed by an opon annu

Iho guild. Dues aro $10 Ameif quilting, comploto ing, c irs. Upcoming openI March 29. For moro ^o r ta t9 3 « 0 4 6 . ^ u:----------------------- ------- Tw

. ■ ■ ■ ' S u p i • c lo t l

: ' Provi■ ! -i": ,• oursi

th a t( id ay : p o rt; suppl

: . . : .. toys I

' Inc., I


•■■■:' - v l manyCdUS

tccessful Christmas tho needy. U s t year. ^ r k for the school. to m a ____________________ We

j m• 'I'luirsday,

T.F. M u s ic C lu b w ill m e e t

a n d h e a r - m u s lc p ro g ra m- -13VIN F > ^ - • n te 1\vin rMusic Club will have a meetin 7 p.m. Friday followed by a mi program presented by the Jo family of Buhl. Patrick .ind 1 Ann jones and their d iildren play a num ber of instnim ents sing several songs for tlie "Fre Fridjiy" program.

AnneU Croudi of Jerom e sing ivith Brother Selby Coffr from th e M onastery of Ascension, which is located n Jerome.

Fqr more information, caU 1 nt 73G-713G.

A m e ric a n R e d C ro s s w iii

f o ld b lo o d d r iv e In R u p e rRUPERT - l l i e American I

Cross will hold a blood drive fi 12-6 p.m. M onday a t the C: Sym, 624 F St., Rupert.

For m ore inform ation or schedule an appointm ent, i \n n a t 436-1344.

V alen tin e d in n e r sh o w

la k e s p l a c e o n S a tu rd a yBURLEY - The “ Uni

reliable” Valentino dinner sh eaturing Soft Touch will be h I t 6;30 p.m. Saturday a t the But funior High School auditorii?00.W.iGth.SLj3urley_______

Skip-N-Skool will also perfor Tlie m enu will indude ch id

:ordon b leu , hom em ade ro :alad, rice p ilaf and dessert.

Tlie cost is S17.S0 p er person >35 per couple. Tickets are av ible a t Goode Motor East M: iVhipple Law Office, Book Pli )r B lauer M edical Officc. 1 norc information, call Darla 136-65SG.

)b s e rv a to ry d ir e c to r s p e a :

0 a s tro n o m ic a i s o c ie tyTWIN FALLS - Tlic Ma,

/alley Astronomical Sodety v neei a t 7 p.m. Saturday a t i le rre tt Center.The society will h ea r B

Jiemeyer, director of the Brunc hm es Ob.servatory, talk ab< ilans for th e y ear a t tlie Brunc )bservatoty and his receni trip

- L e t t e r s'lm e7 e n e r g y g o e s 1 n to “

lu c i is U n lim ite d b a n q u e tOn behalf o f the 'I\vin Falls

>ud« U nlim ited Chapter, I roultl like to thank everyone ivolved in m aking the 16th nnual Couples Banquet held an. 31 a t th e R adio Rondevoo Ivent C enter a success.Many thanks to all o f the gre

ommittee m em bers who gave le ir tim e a n d energy and to oi orporate sponsors, businesses nd individual donors for the ir onerous donations of cash, mc liandise and services.Special thanks to Soran

atering for an outstanding bu ;t.A big thank you to the TV,

ewspaper and radio stations ho advertised our banquet an specially, the many people wh Itended.Thanks again for everyone’s

ipport of Ducks Unlimited! Your support helps fulfiU the

inual life c y d e needs of N onl m erican waterfowl by pro tect tg, enhancing, restoring and lanaging im ponan t wetlands. WAYLON KLUNDT Zone C hairm an Ducks U nlim ited Twin FalLs

u p p o r t h e lp s s u p p ly fo o d

lo th e s , t o y s t o E m i l ie sl l i e board o f th e E ast End rovider organization e x ten d s. ir sinccre app reda tion to thos a t contributed to ou r 2003 ho! ay season. Tlirougli their sup- m and generous donations, wi ipplied food, w arm clotlies ant ys to 220 fam ilies in our area. We trould like to acknowledg< rnib Weston, Amalgamated igar, Ridley’s, Interm ountain •an, Idaho TVout Co,, Keegan c.. Dr. Ken P atterson, Dr. Mike ingman and th e M unaugh. insen and Kimberly Sdiool stricts for the ir continued con' itm ent to o u r cause.We also acknowledge the iuiy churdi groups who assist-1 us by w rapping gifts, helping th food drives and preparing fant kiis. It tra ly takes a net- »rk of peo|)le w orking togetlie: m ake o u r drive successful.We are ablo to continue to ful

t l

v lU ?y , F e b r u a r y 1 2 . 2 0 0 4

— - Coive t th e M cDonald 0

Texas.” ‘ : In April the soc I Falls classes for the ing a t d b sen 'e r" at 6 p. music, Saturday of each Joncs H erre tt Center. Tlu I Lori ria ls is S25. n wiU For more inform IS a nd H afe r a t 420-8 reaky .'— G 734-1

K im berly E a g le I

"JSJ p la tfo rm s a t b a tn ea r , KIMBERLY -

G oodi, 18 year-old 1 Lori and Kevin Goodi ol

be awarded his Eag




I c a l l I - J c

M a tth ew Goochp

y built stage platfomFalls City Park B;

Infor- p ro ject took 124 ho show others assisting, he ld Gooch, is from “D

urley ilie lead of Harold rium , is in debate, quiz bc--------------sn o w b o o rd -d u b -aorm . Youth Group at’icken Chapel.rolls.

B u h l C o m m u n it)

o f f e r s c o u r s e s tlVlain, BUHL - Tlie Bul Plaza E ducation and , For A ssodation Inc. iso la a t spring dasses.

“ G raph ics/In ten Graphics for Adulti

*akS ^ 9 P-ni' Feb. 1!School, room 110. Tl

“Beginning F end lag ic ducc studen ts to ■ will F rend i foil, "nie d a c th e 6:30-7:30 p.m. stan i

six w eeks on Fri Bob Popplewell Elemeni

n cau cost is $13 and S5 f ibout rental, ncau “ In tcm icd la te F ■ip to advance students i

S OF THAN. The Lcttefs of Thanks

'* polish Icticfs of up tci fiom:___________ tO fg a n la tk m Uiank' tots or supwicfs.j * IndMduals thanking}Q cics and businesses ft

nary seivicc.; r e a t For moro WofmoUoo.)-e Ext. 283o u r l b express gmtltiidoo:

JS father than public nati:ir TimesNews Classifiedn e r - at 7330931, E«t, 270

)uf- fill o u r mission state helping those in our

, ties during Christmi : the goodwU of the iin d . Magic Valley trho M uch thanks. Best


Kimberlyfien h F u n d -ra is in g n o t (

“ ■ g o o n s a i c a t iibiS. Tlie 1\vin Falls Pul

Foundation has beet an am bitious projeci several months. New have been created tc Foundation Store loc

jrf lobby of the libraiy.' Pepsi-Cola of1\vin

vided a grant to und of tlie expenses for t

5. and R alph Lehrman ose tim e a nd talent to pl lol- th e cover and inside [>• pages, we ■ Five thousand carc ind prin ted , and the thre a. cards h ad to be asset Ige tied together with tw

ladies from the LDS 1 R elief S odety voluni 1 tim e to h elp with tlii kc are now enough p a d

pleted to begin sales raisirrg for the hbrarj

im- O ur h ean fe lt than: Pepsi-C olaof’I\vin Fc L ehrm an and the lad

:t- LDS 7 th Ward R elief ng couldn’t do this wiihi g JANET BEEKS

Projcct C hairman ie r IW in Falls Public I

Foundation ul- IS vinF alk

S f I TM

\4M U N IT Y IO b se ira to ry in . foil an .

p.m. onsocjety w jl| offer ' ■ the Popthe ' “H eem ning___ !nie_cl;ip.m. th e second and co

d l m onth at the ment re riie cost for mate- Equif

eight Frm ation , call Phil courses. 1-8719 o r Tom age 6 at4-4383. --------- ------For in

es. calle S c o u t b u ild s 0553.

. a n d s h e " Tw in F- M atthew L. •

tId son o f Colleen Ceieori 1 of Kimberly, wiU TWIN Jaglc Scout aiN-ard will celt 1 a t 7 p.m. today 2-5 p.m.

a t n h e First 'I\vin Fa J P r e s b y t e r i a n Ilube I C hurd i, 209 5th ■ ^

Avo. N., 1\vin FaUs.. G oodi, a sen- /

Iio r in Kimberly I H igh School, -Sr» c o m ple ted 28 '« m erit badges. 'For h is Eagle p ro jcc t, he

irm s for the lU-in Band Shell Tlic hours %vith seven Leonan

I TVoop 66 im der five chili lid W aggoner H e of Jeroi ; bowl, B ible club; Boise, L- a n d - th e -S e la h -----Boise,_Ja t th e Calvary T\vin F

H uber America

i ty E d u c a t io n i t h i s s p r in gQuhl Community UniverS id R ecreation s offering several lY iasier

TWINe m et/A d v an ced of Ida! ilt.s” wiU be held Gardene 1. 19 a t Buhl H i^ i and Rup I. The cost is 57. Tlie d n d n g ” wiU intro- 11:30 a.n to th e m odern atthe1\v d a ss m eets from . Officc; : in ing Feb. 20 for between F ridays in the Fairgroui en tary Gym. Tlie Coimty I 15 for equipm ent Classe

run tliro1 Fenc irig" will not meet s in th e Frcndi forsprinj

^ s - G(nks eoluniii will ' O l ^ptolSOwoids M i i

- . S c t o . -------------

semesteling public aeetv receivedIS for wtraofdi- _ GPA, ani

dents wiXI. call 7 3 30931 . H igh hOf

Swilorc.lo of a personal -............. jf'"'}'"".M»e.rallTl,e H i Z tfied dep.irtmeni,


. .\jniiUr.Jiili.I i'liiio.iiiii I

ocqmont of)ur communi- AiiiMin. m .m as'because ofIC p eo p le in the i S S i v j

;est w ishes forS,Hiumti..n

PFITH S.iiidr.A»i!lIVIiitrii-v .S< W1II.V Miciit),lll.l ■l'1UII

) t e c a r d s - " S S ;

ib r a r y I S i - S ;Public Library ueen w orking onect for th e p a s t . . ^ew. n o te ca rd s______ BOISEllo s e U in c l ie amloca ted in the n.imed tc7- ............. dean^listvin Falls pro- Highest hin d erw ritc most m qq gjg,ir th e p roject, ,an donated lus ihihioiiii I photographd e p a rd im e n t M « v ^ia j

HJcr Antiards w ere “ liSlin, hlirec-piece r,iiii.m.i ir.mise m b le d a n j < ■*»>twine. Eleven jnomc

)S 7th W ard iJiuMhtw un ieered theirtliis task . There Kupm: m adcetscom -Ies a nd fund- ctiri«inc iiaiyry. -UniiiMictuicank you to tiuJn'n^Wo I Falls, R alphlad ies o f Ute High hono;ief-Sodety. Wc (3 .7 M JSithout them !. DcUcw:1

Durity; Wi t'clifiuid

inc L ib rary



EV EN TS-m .T lie is from 7:30-8:30 on Fridays s tan in g Feb. 20jn Popplewell Elem entary Gym. .cl;iss_jnli.nin_/or_sL\_wecks_ cost 513 plus SS for etjuip- t rental.luipment is only provided for t people fo r both fencing ses. Adults and children over S are welcome.r infonnaiion on o tlie r cours- - :all Connie G lander a t 543-

n F a iis r e s id e n t wlii

ib ra te h is 8 0 t h b ir th d a yVIN F A L L S-L eonard Huber celebrate 80th birthday from '.m. Sunday a t 704 E. Ave. B. in1 Falls.iber was bom Feb. 12,1924 in

Reynolds, Neb. He m arried

T | U L a V e 1 d a T ® McMaster, and ^ they have lived

• in th e MagicI -I V alley ' for 50

- }A' years- Huber , J ' j . has been in llie

feed grinding and custom fram ing busi-

inard Huber ness.H u b er ' has

:hildrcn, Anita {Gary) B an d s urome, Susan Johnston of :, Linda (Roger) G raeic of j,-Jo h n -(L cen a)-H u b cr-.o £ _

Falls and Jam es (Kim) 2r of Colum bia, South rica; and 14 granddiildren. s children are hosting the t. ■ . ■

e r s i ty o f Id a h o o ffe rs

t e r G a rd e n e r t r a in in g™ FALLS T T he Univetsily daho is offering M aster ener training in 'Rvin Falls lupen.2 dass will m eet from 8:30-\iesdays andTliursdays

:T\nn Falls County Extension c; and 1-4 p.m. aUemating uen the M inidoka County rounds in R u p en and Cassia ty Evtcnsion Office in Burley, isses wiU begin Feb. 24 and hrougli'April 8. C la s s i will leet the week o f March 22-26 d n g break.

rooding H tmoimces)0DING - Tlie (kwding High ol has announced its first rster honor . roU. - Students ved honors witli a 3.0 to 3.5 and higli honors went to stu-

: with a 3.5 to 4.0 GPA.honor students were:lorcAiLim llc . .T,Ml--li .l lW:nm,t;r>M,d rr, It.ily li.imn.Alww i*‘lcr;nir i. Miirjatii cSiMii. Ji-rix-n. Jo%\ic.i I’ickiiiv .- Sjndcn. t-irux- f.illcllr, I iivri ihidl.ArM.!.tlk'lmimi.iUvn<l.uiAil.i.Ali, Icli-ill. Julia IrKiiini.tlic, l‘.iiil Sclkivti.ui,

iplicr ilMcp, M.iithc"' W.iiivii. .\nni.l Jiili.trw Ikiiilo, Sitol,. l Ikl Mill I'clici.iSmk-..nv- (HTr,tll. K.ilif 1 l.ifiiicr. Jill.m .1. S.imli 1‘iifvm. Sicok- Itivil, llr.ulk-%. M.inLii lliKlcr. Miiiiic.i C.iri'i.!, J.iclvn Sicliiil.« llUcf. Ten U-tir, C.iiK Caik-v I n«ri.-s Climiojilii-r Mclt.iii, Ijhivi ,IV)Ucy\VcllMuulJIIII),ilion.Immorw Kcnnclli McCV.ic, K,ilvnri , l-ul !t.iv. I).tiiiel Wi-Mciiliiif. AJilv m-U;i. Cli.iilw Kiiiixf, \Miiim-\' Slimi-. lu llumi>v IKi Sioi.->;A\i!Li.M.illi)ry rr.irriiiiuii, lii(,«ii i,V Scliurnmcr, Itniiaitii- Ti»iric. I(\',iii MicLwl Aikia>\ti. Slil<)i,inic Ikliiiiiin, l•l oll.C•.u .«nurt.Kl<l,|•lwl Millixi-hvli.. lUiilUirinKtonin.Imiitn: MorfMii Iknv. /.jcluin’ SjUiI;i. V.invn, A'Oik-y Nt;u!cr,i. IVIcr Wi.icv C.univi, t.llH.■« f j%-iii, I>.mii-l K.iii-illii.

!lU n a m e s hiSE -S ev era l local residenls — among the 2,188 students 1 to tlie fall semester 2003 list a t Boise S tate Universitj-.

it honorsgrado point average)>-ur. Cnrw'r*’ C. I).t\-i».0.itinxnT--V;cM-d.i. J.irni- DjIc (i)iil.l ruuJavniWiKftt,y. Aiiibr,! C. Itiiko. Mciiiw ll.uiih-;...An;.uuLi ilmily iLiniic\t Jiid JouiImii

w KrfT)-; McK.m I),iwn IV-iincr itnilinfcKriLic hllir.iliciJi lb»>-jnt. loaMiio'M.uK.url Hnicr. ic: JruicJ Kjic MocLml>cm', Krclr>'I (Wninv Jcrwny Miducl I’iiic ami :i IXtwnTiilnuii.cri)-;I)iJniiJ.Cnuic. --- . -rt: Mjitlmr Slcjilicri KnJdiiuiiciii ami .•idUximinHi;.Kallt: McOIc AtJicnbrcnvr. • lloiknun, llnidkA- Him nuikcit .-uul iclwMluidiiiv.-iclL .\l4itlww KiU lUIiuit and Aliraliam. -.. ctilcr.

DHOrSgrade point avorags)

........................r. WcnOy aiine Duilinfi. HiUiy AnnIJ<nhiui Piin>rlM<»rhy.nT w John Row.ntC Jmnj llniwatnnn:MeU».;VKivw.-;<nl«>ii.mvAmUruS H4iL.ImurIi.

Insii:Comunidad . . . Morning break .

'I’ I'jUfor. I'al M anmioiiio - /

0 ’Ihe classes xvil! covt n plants, vegctaj)les,_ Jiisc 1. . and more. Upon complet :s uaies p{.'rfonn 30 liaurs o »- nity sen ice tlirougli coun

sion educational progn ir diagnostic p lant clinics; g Registration materials r l)y Feb. 20 and can be oht

calling- the Jerom e V - Fj<tension office at 324-71 J-

B u t to n s a n d B o w ’s c

h o s t s V a le n tin e 's dar™ n f a u .s - r

' Bow's S(]iiare Dance Cr have a Valentine's Stjuarn Tlie dance will be tinn Square.s' anniversar\‘

dance.n Former Majyc Squares>. and friends are invited. J . should bring finger foia rounds s ta n at 7:30,1 at 8 p.m. Saturday at ili J Lodge, 835 Falls Ave. in T; c’ M in id o k a C o u n ty Boy

' S c o u t s p la n s e v e r a l e; BURLEY - The ^ 1 County Boy Scouts of

2005 Jam boree Rally \vill at 7:30 p.m. toniglit at th

s Seminary, 2210 Parke A\ e s There is a limit of 72 Ik f . and eiglit leaders from tl: f River Council. Boys mii___ com pleted tlic-sLtili.grade) least 12 years old. Everjoi 1 come and parents of in

Scouts a re encouraged to Scouts who want to

Camp Bradley near Stnr sum m er wiU meet for st:i views a t 5 p.m. Wednesd;! Scout Service Center in 'l\ Anyone age 14 and o ld e n

J ed to apply. Applications a r able a t the Scout Seivice < • l l i e annual Snake River

Recognition Dinner will b< 6:30p.m. Feb.28 at the hi

: 734 Falls Ave., Twin Fa I recipients of the Silver

Aw'ard %vill be presented. ’ is S22 a person,

I i l i e Varsity Rendezvoir held M a rd i '12-13 at Mir.

1 Springs in H agem ian Val I cost is 55 p o r person, i Scouts will l>e learning

primitive skills.

ligh Scho rhonor rc1 JiiMiii l.HviviKc Ik nr.i. S,iili; K.imnsltnrit.ilan. , .w , c .m.

i Honor students were:' Smlnts. S.ilo\lii Kutiiiiiu :

Slicil.1 I'clcrvm. J"liii Sili.-<llwr Slhckl.iml. Mi'lisvi C.uiilinI.i. I'li-iii T.irudcj Jjlura|Hirii|ill.ik. WiUi.iii Manila Amkivin. I'.tk Kiiii/. Ilrii

I Ari|;c!ic Miil(iii..ii, S,.nlr,i AiU.vli I • Dc^n. Jmhtia I'niimvr, Kilo- f

Mich(.-ti.-<liiiiv.iii.JimloCN: M.ilcric, ll.«ii. J.>sliii.

Aiula-»T Uivi-.. MikeMqwr. n.irvs SUol. k,iMiii,ili>, K<»r<n-. Mauli<-tv Mclc.ill. I.iiiirl Mci, i:ric R,.iuUlI. Aiimu lium iKiniL-J. lUvll Clii-ni->, Mi'liwi Mm i•Vill... AiuImiv . ....... 11.Cri'Kiir. Jill An.i ........U,iviiiivH-n.iiidniom,iNfliKli

Sipl>oRMin-v: C»riiN AiuIcivm. II l.iri'.i Mink, Amcli.i \Waio. K.uir ll.u.Mctkni O. JiMii.i Dnuui. Ikiiiu li »Hir\i.i, W. Iv!i-r I’icktnv SIt.nm- h- Mik.ivI.iHifTicr

Fi^inun:,i Aimll, Ik-ilLiiiy iLiiiin.iii, Sc.ui Kiiiu. Jcnlm Cau-j' Nclvm. L'.i".iiiiiili,i Aiidfi' Avil!.i.Sii-\vriOi)iic,' Ikiii.ii.i NictuU. rjl>iaii Nii»i, IJailo' lluiu Vallc, SiitlinK Murray,'K.ilniu S< JiinictJ*iiiiiiioiiv A0i1c-\ S'nvi.WliimCliri«i'>|>iK-r J<irics anil 0 l IV.ik-

lo n o r s tu d e i........ Jovinc: JftinifiT. Ann Mmk ,tiiil [',

Sio in.Kclriiiint lanura Am.i I'.iiki:. Klml>cfl)- I'kUliii N’oni<,>ii i'.kI

l4nilviyM.iric\Vatkir. ..Iliiprtl:Sc'i>:ioTclk/Atut>l.: .uidN

SiiKltLutl.TVrin KiJlc J<m i;.Axtnuiii,J.niJi.i

Jtiiiiifcr Ninilc IIoiIK-ik. Sli.ti«n.i Hn .\Liiitici« 1’. Krumni. Scan Ci«iiuir MikS. Mi>RcHM.-n, Kyl<- ................C.itldiTii Sniiitu llmilv I'.iiito.i Sii Jcn.-mvK«tlTiKkcf.


Honors(3 .5 0 -3 .7 4 grado point ave

ituhl llnimlcii .MIcIi.H'1 Cuicr. Iturlry; Ilbkc Ki.ic D.ivk-y, i

lr>limi l.irvui anil SIi-iik- I>.ivid>oiL lilfr IHtoi KcIK .Niiv.I^Uo-tJ^aA«lll{ll l.... .ILirticn; iiralt Ann Slicittll. llf><»*m;Ti«l i:.ul lViciv«i. Jcrortw; S.imiicl Si-iilii DiiLiii..

- Ctirj\liiieFiiIlnicT,Sl<-\vii\Vl'ullimiai lCii»cr.

----- KftrtnottJu'tin.'MlfTilVtcrMTn -IkiUo" Koini-ili Sir.iiivv t\.uL MattmS. lV-!n«ki anil IMiii.i

Monin.RidiflckL-\S’,T>'>K- A. Caiuk'U. RupcfC Chclx-.! 1>. IknsCTi, .M.UK

■ Kewntnli, ;\iui Pkntiif. JiX'l Salinai and .\ .Mario Sdn-nk. S<s) N'atky; tXui ALm Ncift-n.

. SIu<.i» .\tanc Ilill.ciJc'jn' ('mitw- t»i>Oiic IIiiill. Mcshann C. Marlin, Oi.iik-. M<iKcn%cn IU.MjiiIiw tniic Sniilli a KiiMcllTlKkcT. .


ik E3

I c t c i o n V. I

Icover lH)U-.t-iiisects. soils __pletioiiigr.i'd- LfS of CQlllini j - I :ounty exten- . | ogniins and cs; - I ia ls are due ' I ! obtained Iiy n e Coiintv J4-7578,-...............

's c iu b

d a n c eButtons and e Club will juare Dance.

the Magic sar\Vreunion

ares dancers led. Dancers

foods, l>ie- )-ni.. seiiuires1 ilie Moose in Twin I'alls,


a l e v e n ts' Minidokaof Amcricn ---------will be held It the Burley A\e.2 Boy Scouts m the Snake

must havecade.oc.bc.at___________■rj'one is wel- f interested ;1 to attend, to work at

Stnnley this r staff in ter-■ esday at then'lWiiiFall-s. __Jerareinvit" ms are avail- ice C enter iver Council ill bc held at je 'h irfC h ib . '

Falls, 'llie Iver Beaver ed, ’Hie cost

voiis will be M irade Hot . Valley 'Ilie ;oii. Varsity . -ing Anasay’i

lOOl' o i rX,illMnMcll,iii.__________ McMiiiilic,.'11i:cr. A..... .Dun V.. Minli,

.'llll.lilt Sclfcrl,', iltinii AI.Ml.1, k.<.vli, /.uh.iiyI,-- Ki'-ki mill-" •'

'M!kcVmHhu! ii,ili>, Aiithiim clM...rv.KiirtiN r.iimi, t-ii.ii,.M.civ Mnlvii li> ll.„;l,-., >.<li ....... Ilclru-.i

...1, iiaiii-v <;ai, ici;.iinii. K.1irn .•hull, Miiul.1 UU I11.U1. .lieII,- hv .1,11 .nr,I

!!,'l!i!ii.i I.iIVmn!'l .in. Ul...LiiU!..v,l'lkl.a

1.1 Stiii.-imi-u-i, I«iiii.i,%i).iii.Mi, :ik- . ,



....niJMl.vniU'.iv1.1 H, 11.V Him i.xhlliKii, Ml'lIV a SiciliiiK ,nul

[average), C'i<II.IIIInn hoiL.


iiLiiimui, An/.i ' ' ;

_ .......................... . .

iMilliK-N II.hIk-I

.\1.uiA' IU-iuk: [•fiX'l 'cnk.

l.ili,i;i<r, ■nil,iiiv *,!li.iik-xmill and Slumv

F or and aboi the Latino com m unity


{■ f$■ f t

_ i i iC ollege of Southern Idaho World C lass Technician h ig h e st honor given to Gh Sch w ari. CSI E xecutive V:

_ _____ tive sc tv lce p rofessor Gar

Thera(By C ary Darling Knig h t RIdder N ew s S erv

David Mnrtincz wa: aroim d ilio TV ciial .Sami'clay morning wliei iiiud acruiu Koinotliing out amid the c lattcr o and commercials: a feat Litinos.

Hill that wasn’t the m ent that impressed t furniture desijaier aboi Uitino,” the syndicate program sliiiwiiig off thi tured. niiihictihunil life ill the Uniicd S tates M aninez wis so e.\citi

' discoverj' of th e shov dashed off an e-inail to i er.

" It was just a ven imai-e for Ilispanics," ■•12.-says-|ioiv.-"Wc--havc

^ is li wilh about 40 Ilis lions ... Some of the sti rejiional. And some of that comes out of L itii

............... cari be ve'ry’ 'sev is trL itinoi" Ls more for tl who \Ntje bom here.”

That s e,\actly the reSj ducer and former Univi

Rol)ert Rose was I . :'our years apo when — .m other I’oniier Univis

Renzo Devia. decided n w ith Urban Latino t license lile name and si aim ed sijuarely at bilii Hn^Iish-<jnly I^iinos rai States. Since hitting tl 2002. "Urban I-itino" ht available in rouplily 50 keis and. accordinfj to seen hy I.:" million view

'ilie la«-line pitch prt

Former M exican fw orkers known a s Bib n c o ro s In straw ^

h a ts p ro test o utside of th o U.S; em bassy

__ _ Moi^day In M exicoCity, to recup erate pay th a t w as with-

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ held and never given. ^■ . • •; b ack afler l h e y ' -

retu rned to M cxico ;from th e U nited ^

S ta te s whore th e y | bw orked during a n d Ha fte r World War II. g

The bracGios co ntin- Hu ed to p rcss th e ir I

c a so for re stitu tio n , I Qa sg o v e rm n c n t« ffl- t Cc ia ls mulled over a B

resp o n se to a ro la t- Bed w eekend demon-- B■ s tra tlo n In which Ep ro te s te rs s to rm ed B

th o p re s id e n t's fam i- f lly ran ch . The sig n f l

refe rs to th e nam o f lof th e ir home tow n f l

of S an Luis Potosi e l f lA ltlplano. f l



^ — R ec

- - A - ' ^, :

1 /V

Salaho au to m o tiv e technology Instn n aw ard . Rodriguez b eco m es th e I GM S o rv lce T echnicians. Left to e Vice P re s id e n t Jerry B eck. Rod Gary H a s k e ll ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ice is on t(claims: ‘‘‘n i

lervlco ment. the T“U rban

was flipp ins glimpses ofal early one low-riders iirhen he stimi- makers andng tha t stood «f ii ciilturar of kid vids througli tlueature on gay media thesi

vast. unt.[he only ele- market whil;d the Dallas ers conten tibout “ Urban running afrated weekly grotip as: the m ultitcx- plioiis and 1life of Ltuinos geneous aslies. In fact, gnal o r Ei<cited by his speaking Lhow tha t he is doomed (to its produc- ure.

Ic doesn’tk’ery positive long to figu;s," Nhirtinez, in whichive”.rsa ie llite ----- RoSe'belongHispanic sta- “This w r stuff is very • huge marke

of the stuff was notiitin .-Vmerica addressed,"l s t r T ’U rl)a n ' s^;^. “WJTger those of us dreds of e-ir” week fromresponse pro- ond- andnivision e.vec- g e n e r a las looking for U tinos wholien, he and glad it’s outivision alum, ably-do .a. td to hook up viewers woii0 m agazine, • Rose is sd sell a show show^' aimeclilingual :md “ Kuliure- iraised in tlie Venezuelan

g the a ir in Blanquito, '” hasl>ecome singer of tin50 U.S. mar- and “Amerito Rose, is streetwise, i

iewers. on “ Urban Rose isn’t

p p w n' M E L R


<■ ^

H l i l l l

_ c ^

^CO G N ITIO N ------

Q i. ........................

s t r u c to r David Rodriquez was prosi :he fo u r th tec h n ic ia n In Idaho to re t tO 'rig h t a rc CSI Trade and Industi R odriguez, CSI Instructional Dean I

to capturel l i e cu lture , the move- try : ’I’V show.’’ bo1 L a tino" - w ith its the of D Js and designers, be: a nd I^ s I^bos, film- GO

nd food - is a t che heart Iat ural whirlw ind stonning Ur the world of Hispanic Ce lese days. Som e ogle a Hi: in tnpped .'hile oth-

- U r b a n L a th

w i t h i t s g l im p

. D J s a n d d e s i i

L atinos lo w - r i ( J e r s a nd CO fail- • .

L o b o s , f i lm i rin’t tak e , , , .gure out a n d f o o d - IS h carhp , „)niis:--------------- h e a i l - o f - a c u

rket th a t w h i r l w i n d s to

t h r o u g l i t h e '

o f H i s p a n ic r

. t h e s e d a ya t i o n ho a re sou t th ere . We could prob- 1 te rrib le job , and the g n ould still love us."I syndicating two other , led a t the sam e markei;

Shock." hosted by an-born New Yorker ), who’s also the lead the band King Change; lerican I-u ino ,” a less

m ore H eartland take n L itino.";n’t a lone tliese days in

= P r o t e s t i n g v

. FSlll


" V “ ...................

^ m ir

- ' I 'h i i r s t J a

iro sen ted with th o General Motor0 rec e iv e th o aw ard, which Is the lustry D ep artm e n t chairm an Todd an DeVere B urton and CSI autom

e urban Lcrying to tap into a m arket of bom Latinos that, accordin the m ost reccnt U.S. Census, i bers approximately 24 millio GO pcrcent o f thc‘ Hispanic p lation. Overall, according to U niversity of Georgia’s i C en ter for Economic Gro Hispanic buying power runs

Sr>00 billion, U tin F o rce .a

-Uinr»’ _ York-based suiting firm,

m p s e s o f

a n d L x ) S o v e r thedccadc, ot

n m a k e r s have chancisimilar path:

IS a t t h e • 1\vo years . , Telemundo,oi

c u l t u r a l -------- tlie— two— r

s t o r m i n g

le w o r l d wIC w u i i u ( p r o n o t t m r ' m p r l ln .M undos,ahc; C m e u i a . English-langi

cable channel young, UI Ilispanics). J coming i

m onth is a new cable cliar SiTV, for English-speal Uuinos.

• C utting-edge Spanish guage m agazines, sud i as ups( Miami-based lifestyle publicn I^ f t and street-s.iwy lA-bl rock-en-espanol-themed La Bj E lastica, have made concess to English. Loft now publish separate English edition w LUE condenses and transl


W Y. ' J


i ■ : J- - ------------

: -

mj.J j

unila y . l - 'c h c t i a r y IZ , ZQ(


•nVIN F A L I^- - ................Sou thern -Idahi. and M ulticuliI Sen-ices Officcf t Diversity Count* movie th a t c

I killings o f huni women in Juarez

"S en o riia E I^u rd es Portillo tal rapes and n 370 girls and woi appearance of-ai 'Hie movie is de; turbing p o rtra it c "the City of th c I of th e w o rld ’s cities.

• llie d irecto r gives voice to tl w in t the world tt daughters d id n fate,

l l i e m w ie^v il n..te>eji p.m. aiid T^p.111. F lQ,5 Sunday in the

lobby. A candleli *1® Student U nion cl

thc show on Sum )mo- Admission is fr

the general publi— :— F o n n o rc n n fo i

Latino mjjf U.S.- some stories into 1ing to • W iereas a .ps,num- tion of rock e n c spion, or only in Spanish, of: popu- linguistic pride, a ito thc as New York’s Ki

Selig Hip-Hop Hoodiosrowth. selves a L atinoIS near music collectiv1, and Plastilina Mosh, ai,aN ew n i Nino, w h id i has

con- on English-langua1, says -joyfully plays linLatino m atdi.counts • F ilm /rv pif th a t Morales is shoppi

in Holly^vood witl■ Piist in mind. O ne is a sothers form er Ilo u s to rted a Sliayla Rivera, thci: matic film, “ Last Lrs ago, polyglot M iami,one of “Traditionally,"m ain------m arketlng^vorld*Iguage recent immigra:r k s , income,” says DaviM u n 2 ’ L-ntin Force, th e :n e e d w’hose clients inchi^Hvily N’ik’er'N fckelb 'deig uage Fargo. “I’m secilel for Bolivian, sp eak E 3 college educatiiAlso, making m inim umnext Perez’s re.seardi

lannellak ine " ''1"*.“ " “"'•Sf!

pi;edominantly U.:, , dominant to bilinj

5h-lan- ouR clves 1>scale, tu ral, as A m ericcation Latino, as Latino-based We’rc not reachcBanda media alone. ...'Iluissiqns English-languageshes a m eaning for evciyw hile watching Engli-sh'l

islates hours a week for S

da<( ) 0 4 '

I shows ;umeirt$.5 - ’Ilie College of aho International :iiUural S tudenticc an d the CSI Tjncil will show a 1

docum ents the Aundreds of young 'prez. iMexicg, J l

Extraviada’’ by 'llo details the bni- ...I m urders of someivomen and the dis- “r a t least 350 more. T % Tde.scribcd as a dis- % Iit of Ciudad Juarez, V I1C Future” and one .L ^ ’ I’s largesi border

Kim ]ir says the movie kp rest I thc families who1 to know that their DanC(I not dcser\-e this ^

^ ill be shown a t 4____ JE RI. Friday and ? p.m. E d d iele S tudent Union Famibleliglu vigil in thc frorn 71 chapel will follow th e El •inday.5 free. Students and The*iblic are incited. 7

larket Tito English. / ^1. previous genera- I;spanol bands sang ' ^ .often as a point of, a ncw!wavc“ .sudi _ _Kins ChanBo and t oOS (who call them- *"-g_Wg no-Jewish urban:tive), Mexico’s LOS1, and New Jersey’s «lias nabbed airplay 6>ri rn:;uage rock siadons tr a ^ .L linguistic mbc-and-

producer David jping two projectsvith this audiencc p -a sitcom featuring 0*^1 ton comedienneth e other is a dra- " 'h o ‘1 :tLjiug{i,"setainid

idnradSdS____■rants and"° lowavid Perez, CEO of J" le marketing firm iclude Kraft Foods,aeoii—;ind“ Wells— M iam i lecond-generationEnglish finit, have neveration and I’m not ^°,?.rL-im wage.” r - •■dl .shows there arc C ristinlike him. a s I

generation Ladno, U.S.boni.Fnglish-linRual.... And we ' V aiuda:s by being bicul- s u a s orican as wc are familyino as Ainerican. wheiiCd ie d by Spanish U m vcrIliey’re consuming told hcgc media, 5-to-l, o u t o f ;ciy 15 hours spent afford;h'IV. there’s three brothcir Spanish IV." H er b n

w ould I

\ r f \ ' .‘J Con “com i

h r : - < Spani;

P a t Comu

| = =

i IH H \ I


smo>1esB fflS ic

ioticias^n Prcstwich a t 732-6293 or '

n e e t a k e s p la c e

El S o m b re ro S u n d a yEROME - A' dancc featiiring l i trG o n za lezy N an ira lan d L a nilia Mcxicana will be held n 7 p.m. to midnight Sunday at

E l Sombrero B anquet Hall, W. Main St. in Jerom e,

h e re will be a free taco bar n 7-9 p.m.h o costis.$lS-pcr-person-------

relevisiol Cuba isreresaWIItzW ash in g to n P o s t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

OS A N G ELES-'H iis is not a y of a poor little im m igrant

m ade good, Q uite th e con- y. In Cuba, before Fidel Castro < power, Cristina Saralegui’s ily \vas ridi. M ulti-millionaire . As she recounts in h e r 1996 noir, “Confidencias D c U na )ia” (“My Life A s a B londe”), itina’s grandfather, Francisco ilegu i y Arrizubieta, a Basque rd come over from Spain, lc his fortune in publishing, y called him “l l i c P aper r.”ut-tlic-rcvolu tion_m cant_an . to a life of privilege in Cuba.

960, when Cristina <vas 12, her ily fled to Key Biscayne, Fla.,

a life of exile. Like many :m i-ex ile s ,-sh e -n ev e r w ent k to Cuba, and swears tha t she e r ' will. Not un til C astro isc-rh is is my country,” says :tina, who describes h e r poli- a s liberal. "Cuba is m y roots.”I tim e, her family rebuilt its u n e here ,' pub lish ing id ad es and other Spanish-lan- g e publications. 'Then, the ily e.\perienced a dow nturn :n C ristina w-us a sen io r a t the versity of Miami. H e r fa ther

h e r lhat she’d have to drop of sdiool. He simply couldn’t rd to pay her tuition and her ihcr’s boarding sd ioo l fees, b ro ther would be a m an who Id one day be responsible for

Digame!'om un idad m eans im m unitv” in valley, arush and that s w hat .s page is all about. . ,>end your news m s, quinceaneras, Falls, I s and nocice-s to: _ _ . Or j ’a t Marcantonio, our Bumunidad editor at: 4042.

Local daily


latlaftlor. P at Maminlomo -

J which

F or tickcts, call_____ R o d rig u ez a t . 420-77!

S om brero a t 324-7231 also a re available a t thc

H is p a n ic C u ltu ra l C<

I d a h o g iv e s m u s ica lNAMPA - Tlie

C ultural C cnter of Idah -“A M usical Romantic 1 'IWo’’ from 7 p.m. to

. S a tu rd ay a t the cc: S tam pede Drive in Nair

A urora and Cirilo M ^ N am pa. Damian Rodri

Salvador Carranza of E or R ebeca Suarez of Boist

form.'The cost is S15 per

S25 p e r couple and ind 7-9 p.m . a buffet dirmcr 9 to m idnight entertain

ng dancing. H iere .ilso will - b S

Id For reservadons call a t 0823. ext. 107. tU. P roceeds Ijcnefit a :

exh ib it o f Claudio Bi a r photography of the IE

workers’ movement a t t ---------galle iy from-Mardi-to N

n star sa my root

re a r in g a family. Sh w om an, a fte r all, and cc

“ on o n e day having a ia ca re of her.

nt S h e didn’t think o f q in- it. S h e ju st went to worlro S40 a week filing dlppiii’s “m qrgutj” a t Vanidadre fa th e r had sold the pubi)(} then .) By this time, hela was b e tte r than h er Sp:’), d idn’t even know how ti:o Spanish, b ut she leam etic she bccam c the flambcn, re sp e c te d ed ito r ing. Cosm opolitan cn Espan2r A n d to this day, she

en jo y s b ea ting m enin____gam e. •______a. S h e m arriedrbriefiy ,er Iy, a n d then , ihrough hi5., G loria and Emilio Estefly sh o rt l ittle Cuban bass ]I t th e M iam i Sound Mate \vas h a te a t first sight: 1is y ears younger, he was sl

w as annoying. H e foi»s eq u a lly insufferable. N;li- ju s t like in thc movies

w hile , they fell into eaits arm s. H e moved in, tlg- m arried ,n- A fte r th e ir son wasle le ft M iam i Sound Mach71 cd a public relationsle and to o k on Cristina a; r p ro ject.ip I t w as Marcos Avila,i’t says, who pushed her.i2r from h e r desk, to mals. ap pearances, take on10 engagem ents. Televisioij r like a na tu ra l extension

'(Tell me!)mall: patm@magic- !y- com ^ ^ Brite : T lie Times- f l M ^,P.O.Box&48,’IWin | K ( g

Idalio 83303 H Q• callL 7 3 ^ ^ 8 8 or Burley office acG77.

y newspapers m

1% ofH ispan i

■ ■ ^ i ^ | i n a n y 7-day

^ weekririifirDiUiiirriiii

^ i t t ie ia C o rm a i m 735-32QIir 420-0! ^ t i i l i e i i i i i k i i l i i u i r s & l I l l l C l l l l l I l l

e t f i i i i f l i iM r t i iU tn i

G ^ m u n id a dJ Uj itm lCmn Jl l.g.


n c s-N cw s

l l ... ;.......1,

ngscall F reddy : ) -7757 .-o r;.E l— - I - 7238. T ickets [ the d o o r ; |

1 C e n te r o f |

Ical d in n e r iIC H ispan ic ! 'daho p resen ts tic D inner ifor

to m idnight ccn te r, 315

Nampa.0 M artinez of odrigucz and of Burley and Joise w ill per* :

[>er person! orin d u d es fij>m |incr a n d from |•tainment and !will b e a cosh |

rail (208) 442- |

a re tro ^ 'ec t ) B eaguerie’s2 1960s farmat th e cen te r I

to May.-----------------------

ays ’ its’

She was a d could count : a m an take

)f question ing jvork, ea rn ing ippings in the idades. (H er jublication b y ., her English Spanish. S he

)w to w rite in m cd. In tim e, m boyant and in ch ie f of panoj.she says, she len -at th e ir

)fiy, unhappi- h h e r friends Iste fan .m et a ass p layer for M achinc. It

ht: H e w as 11 as shorter, h c * fo iind h e r i. N aturally *- ries - a f te r a1 each o th e r’s 1 n, th e n they

« is b o m ; he ; Machine, start*)ns com pany la as h is pe t

Vila, C ristina ier .to get up m ake pub lic 1 on sp eak in g I ision seem ed sion. [

^ ^ ----------- 1 ’


■ IM arcantonio

-------- I



y '

ek.= ^ram. call I t a II

0-0506 l u i i n r i n


i in u ln



.ACROSS r ~ r :1 Wobborplay ____$ 'Basilica atoa . '9 Vanishod union — . ( boss

14 Hand-croam . — • ingrocJionl

' ISComlcM ort . H IIG Farmland units p l HJ7 Touch down ■" •iSTomtlcKol .

_ / 19 Shocks20 Nominal j r ‘

loadors23 Diamonds, to a 4j '

24 Bmracks bods25 Ovofjoys- - - ■ I 27 Pumps and '

. .30 Solilary sorts ' . 32 Summorshado '•* 33 Family cars ____' 36 Bar bills

39 Cosmo rival — . 41 John _ Gatnor '''

■ '■ '42 PooK-a-boo I— ^ — - - (ashlon foaluro •

. • 43 Conspiracy44 Dotroil nmo 4 Lo46 Polico blcliof 5 Sc

loners va:• 47 Rough 6 Hil. .49 flosinuiant 7 ’Li' ' roquost Vo

.. 51 Quick look 8 isri 53 Runny ctiooso 9 Ar

• • 55 Snllch inc ’■ 56 Groon hoartol 10 Th

Manhattan mc■;. 62 Farowoll in 11 Oc

Rooorr 12 Pu64 -Exodus' wriior stc

" 65 Wtiilo Houso 13 Nirollico shnpo 21 Su

.. 66 Casino array 22 Mc, 67 Act oHallh? pa.

■ 68 Trig ralio 26 Co 69 Pound piocos Go

" 70 Camera shop 27 Flii• purchase 28 W<71 Brink lov

29 AuDOWN fiin

’ ‘ 1 Juvenile Jorsoy 30 Ac2 Jal _ 31 Fo3 Chlnose'socjol 34 Mi

society 35 Ra

Corn hi for bein

\V hat^ the biggest a world? Some say rice, wheat. Experts com. why com is b iggest now huge dem and for com s to replace sugar.

• • A lot of wtat% called - reallj' “sodaj jade,” .say •-.'•■experts. ‘“Sodal jad e ’ i;

w hat ’rhinestone’ is to ‘d Iceland^ govcmmeni

. accomplished w riters, a• composers on salary.. : W here did we get tf •• sion, “So help me, H annj . [ w hat I asked. The sage '

•.,:''Cheek explains: In th e e s. in England, one H am .•..(1745-1833) wrote mui

: on m orals : ners. Bit of a snob, Haj characterized h e r auc “those who count." Inte

, . . guage came “Holy Harii variations.

------ 77— W ild lifenrsajr-sea-sp., Vdisanpearing even faster

Vywellers.. .V Ori^naily, ballet style; ■- In Russia, it was fore

sho^vy. In France, p retty rative. In the U nited Sti

. ' .getic and fast. But ballc N O nC E C F TR I

Tho lollowing doscribod pi •' -auclion to tho highest blddor

' tho United S ta le s . In th o c■ E scrow . 905 Shoshono St

63301. on 05/13/2004 a l 1.. 1imo).(of tho purpose of fore • TfusI roco rdod 0 7 /22 /199

‘ ■•-I999-O13054, and oxooulecl . " O ra n to r( s ) , in la v o r o l AF• ..-LENDER, QS B onollclory,

•BOISE. INC,, tho Current Tn following real property locote


Tho Trustee hos no knov ■ doscrlpllon of tho obovo role

! purpose o l complianco with |.> • Iho Trusloo has boon Informo ; 1302 8TH AVENUE EAST,' sometimos ossocialod with s ; , Bidders must be proparod i• •amount o l the bid a t Iho aol

;ca9hior‘o chock drawn on o‘ -siivlnos Institution. S a id s : ;oovonant or warranly, oxpros ■ '({pssosBlon or encum branci

iMcurod by and pursuant to 11- . • -tOQl cortoln Dood ol Trust._

: , Tho default for which this s.> Faiiuro to pay the monihly ( ' princlpol, Intorosl and Impoui - -monts duo thoroaftor; p lus: curronliy occruing ot 7.875%> subsequent sums advanced I Ihe lorms ond conditions ol ( ; supp lom on ta t m odllicotloi I ba lanco owing a s of th is c

$47,777.56, plus Intorost. cc ! Incurrod In onforcing tho ob ' this solo, toflolher with ony i

proporty taxes, and /or a ss (• Trustoos'foos and costs and; to proloct sold socurlty. o s o

nolo socurod by tho oloromoi ; Thoroforo. tho Bonoflciary• trust pfOMtw to t>o sold, lo si : NOTICE IS HEREBY QIV• ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT ! MATION OBTAINED WIL I PURPOSE,ANDTHATTHE; THE ABOVE GRANTORS / I WITH SECTION 4 5 -1506 ( ; REPRESENTATION IS MAI I ARE NOT. PRESENTLY R ; OBLIGATION.I Datod Jonuary 8.2004 I Namo and Addrssa ol tho Cu

-. . 1 STEWART TITLE OF BOISE ; 8196W o8lE m orald,Sulto10• Bolso. 10 83704

- : - PHONE: (800) 281^219 for I• S tow art T tllt ol Bolao, Inc. i I By: Bov Potorson, Sr. Trust C

1 PUBLISH: Januory 22, 29.


Wednesdi; Lead astray IdIa ItT^ ■ o l i Something of

valuo U - ' ■1 Hiking trails L lil 'llL L L Ji^ y■ 'Loaving Las lA l£ lJ 4 i i§ .P i

Vogas" actioss rsrTlAjMjp eI isle ol oxilo |H |j ||T T tT E ]I Annoying g U n lN k R

inconvonionco) ThanHsgiving f r n r n r U T r H

mo. in Ottawa 111I Oossonchoice i”^ ^ M £ i H l '.Pulupa

stockado [dI e a | n | s [ t I Ninnies

Supfomo Diana [a c n i l n : More tighily

packed ,c 1 Carnoy and

Garfunkol■ Flight unit 37 10-speod, e.( I Word attor 39 Load player

town or danco 40 School noar I Authentic Windsor Casi

filming site 45 Potting materI Aclross Jessica 49 Point a fingor

Formofly 50 Stretch outMain courso 51 Goto grip on

I Raisod platform 52 Soup server

las sweet i ng biggestI crop in the ■:e. Some say im. You knowio\v? Credit a ,n sM'cetenecs

le d “jade" issay the gem 1 1 ^ ^ ^ 2’ is to ‘jade’3 ‘d iam o n d .’" --------------------lent pu ts its travel a lot. T >, artists and R abbits d

great gusto.C th e expres- don’t kno^v. nnahl” 'n ia t^ M ilitary ge George C. designed to e early 1800s perfect eyesi annali More doesn’t deCi m uch-quoted diers. O r a t 1 Is and man- that is said i H annah. Shc designers coi aud ience as Tlircc thin Into the lan- its land, its arinah!” And Abraham Lir

W hatever'sp c d c .< n rc ------“FrenclrVaniIter than land it.

From a bu yles differed. can grow a forceful and ihat’s w hat tty and deco- bushel, o f po States, oner- • start from si

allot dancers • hom estead. TRUSTEE'S SALE d properly will bo sold at public Idor, payable in lawful monoy ol to oflico ol Twin Foils Tillo & iI S troot Norlh. Twin Falls, ID tII 11:30 am. (recognized local c foreclosing that certain Dood ol t 1999 a s Instrum ent N um bor { jtod by BETTY F BROWN, a s c I AMERICA'S WHOLESALE i 1 ^ , 10 STEWART TITLE O F L : Tfustoe of record, covoring tho F :oted In Twin Falls Couniy. s ta te r

: L O T 1 1 . 0 F B L 0 C K 4 . EO N. TWIN FALLS COUNTY, S) THE OFFICIAL PLATTHERE- /)0K 2 OF PLATS. PAGE 19. JLLS COUNTY. IDAHO. f:nowlodgo ol a moro particular prolerencod roal proporty. but lor cIth Idaho Code, Soctlon 60-113. frmed that ttio street address ol. L5T, TWIN FALLS, ID 83301 Is Fth said rool proporty, rod to londor the Irusloo tho lull Fsolo In ttio form ol cash, or o T

in a stole or fodorally insurod FId so lo will be mode w ithout hpross or Implied, regarding titio. Sin c o s to satisly tho obligation 1 to tho powor of salo conferrod In

is sole Ib to be mado is’: ' oliy paymonl due 09/01/2003 of soounds and subsequent Inslall- fIus lato chorgos, wilh inlorost a5% porflnnum:logoth8rwilhal!- -Ncod by bonelicla^ pursuant to ’ Eol sold Dood ol irusl, and any aItions th e re to . T ho 'principal CIs da lo on sa id obligation is TI. costs and oxponsos octuafly aobligations thoroundor and In s

ny unpaid ond/or accruing rool 2issossm onla , otlornoys' foos. uind ony othor omount advanced TIS outhorizod In Iho promissory cmontionod Dood of Trust. 0ary olocis to soli, or cause said T 0 satisfy said obllgallon.3IVEN THAT THIS FJRM IS 4•CT A DEBT AND ANY INFOR- »WILL BE USED FOR THAT o HE DEBT MAY BE DISPUTED.;S ARE NAMED TO COMPLY (i06 (4 )(o ) IDAHO CODE, NO nMAOE.THATTHEYARE. OR 0/R E S PO N SIB L E FOR THIS R

0 S

Curront Trusloo is (tISE, INC_______ ------ ----------- h>100 S

lor Information ■ ----------------- 5ic .Succosso r Trusloo . 7si Oflicor li

29. Fobruory 5 and 12,2004 P

■ ’--------m ~ ------- P ? mo

-------- M r . ----------------M hu:

--------------------Tci------------------ I' . asl

cia7 ^ :------------ J)e<___________ do.

................... 2/ t2/0-« . she>»<nyi Pualfl Solved thcro rp 'rA iL is i iA iD iE iL i cm l Alu i b l i l Tl c l A t p t ^ c le iF U l A l M t t l E i w r E ih l I


s l A l u l p n B o l o r N lS l- J

e.g. 53 V/iison ol tho or Boach Boys■ar . 54 Scraping tools the:astlo 57 Void s partner F naterial 58 Forest unit fgor ot 59 Enlhusiastic *?*',II 6tf Pnortod doion 61 Swiss painior by

■or 63 S more to

pel inc

reason s------------------------------------- wo

jtcrop d------- r - --------------- n stii

A rouW i bet

p f R e w p e d" L M . B o y d i

^ Ag

m ■ z

t. The styles are mixing.devour seaweed w th

to, Maybe it’s the salt,

y camouflage wasto deceive soldiers w ih■esight. Bui it reportedly ^Icceive color-blmd sol-it least, not as well. And,d to have surprised the Tribconsiderably.[lings make up a nation: _,is people and its laws. IOC Lincoln said that. **; e r it Is, if it’s labeled phc anillaf-irharcgg-j'oUcin-----

bushel of potatoes, you pig^ a ton. A client says

a t h e ’d i\’anc most, a po tatoes, if he w ere to . ^

I scratch on a S iberian •I*''' d.

NOTICE OFTRUSTEi C asoN o . 5041

On Juno 6. 2004, at tho hour oi soid day al Iho lobby ol Trustoo North. Twin Falls, Idoho, TITLEf corporation, as Trusloo will soil ol highest biddor. lor cash. In lawlut S ta te s , all payoblo at the timo c doscribod real proporty, situated i Polls, State ol Idaho, and doscribei Lot 3, Block 1, EAST AODISON Foils Couniy. Idaho, according 10 I rocordod in Book 6 of Plats, pagi Falls Couniy. Idaho,EXCEPTING THEREFROM TH SCRIBED PARCEL:A Strip ol land odjaconi to Addiso STP-M-7t22(lOO) Highway Sur\ plans Ihorool now on lile in tho ofli' portalion Oopartmont. Division ol I ol Idaho, doscribod a s follows:A parcel of land boinn tho Norlh lon Lot 3, Block 1, EAST AODISON Falls County, Idaho, according to 1 rocordod in Book 6 ol Plals. pogi Polls County. Idaho: said proporty Township 10 South, Ronge 17 East Polls Couniy. Idaho.Highway Slation Roloronco 14+41. Som otim es known a s : 1924 Ad< Twin Fails. Idaho 83301.

Saltf sale wilt bo modo without rogording lillo, possosslon or oncun obligation aocurod by and piirsi sale conlorrod in tho Dood of Trust ANO LAURINDA S. LEWIS, h u ib anco Tlllo & Escrow Corp., Truslc

’ -Murray and Margaret E. McMurra ■ Bonolldary. doiod Moy 3, 2002. rc

o s Inslrumoni No. 2002-009192, i County. Idaho: the bonollclal intoro Trust was partially osslgnod to Pn nnd Proportlos and Lozomlz Rool signm ont rocordod May 9, 200S 2002-009193. rocords of Twin Fall undor which TitloFact Inc.. Is app Trustoo by Rosignalion ond Appoi co rded F sbruary 2, 2004. o s tn 002248. and as Inslrumoni No. 201 TivIn Foljs County. Idaho.

Tho above Grantors oro nam ed t 45-1506(4)(a), Idaho Code. No re thot thoy are, or are not, prosenll obllgallon.

Dofoult lor which this salo Is to bo (o) Accumuiatod deficiency in poyi month, for iho monlhs ol NovomtMr and January ond February. 2004 months Is S1.973.64. The balance on tho oblloalion aocurod by s t S55.033.15, plus 8% Inlorost and fc (b) T^o second one-hall of tho 200:

-half of 2003 taxos, which aro dollnc S i ,040.43, plus penalty and Interos and 12904. rospoctivoly,.DATED this 4th day of Fobrnory. 2< TinEFACT. INC./s/R. Todd Blass, Vico Prosiddnl

PUBLISH: February 12 .1 9 .2 8 one

Full-figuDEAR ABBY: I would lil

reassure "Darlene in Dallas,' 12-ycar-old girl who is lookin \vays to m ake boys realize s more than her am ple busdi feel' h e r pain. I have been busted most of my life, b tg ir w ith a DD prior to high schoo continuing up from there.

. A san im ag eco n su ltan t.Ia ( my clients how to dress for a

■ tK u la fe rfc c uFirst, she should not

asham ed 6f h er figure. Shc is cial and beautiful - and not Jjecause she is well-endowed doesn’t need to w ear tents, shc should choosc tops tliat th e l)ody rather than tight or cut garm ents thut accentual* cleavage.

In teresting jewelry, h a ir cli head b an d s will d raw the up\^‘a^d to her face a n d takt em phasis a \-ay from h e r chc5

If she has shapely legs, should w ear sk ins a nd pants funky patterns. T lia t, too,

Birthday \IF FEBRU;\RY 12 IS Y

BIRTHDAY .„ you aro bub w ith enthusiasm, ready to tal the world and get things c Friends look to you to lead fresh ideas and innovative wa doing things. You a re chalie by the reactions of people cl to you and may find your pcndencc threatened by too t intimacy. Nevertheless, you i getically pursue your dreams are ab le to accomplish much i: world.-........... - - .................

ARIES (M ar 21-Apr. 19): tem pting to get sidctiackcd sudden.change of p lans o r a attraction, but trouble couli stiired up this week by ignt routines. You may w ish to w b e tte r stars to follow your dei as doing so now could spell trc in th e long nm,

TAURUS (Apr. 20-May A gitation all around you will r you long for the w eekend \ t h i n g s _ ^ calm dovm. Acn you reS^st stress b e tte r than : people. There may be surpris ca ree r and challenges to padence, but jt>u ride t out \vith serenity.

Nasty weaT ribune M ed ia S o fv lc e s ______

T o d a y“ Friends” - A blizzard ca

Phoebe and Mike’s wedding un i l 'o u r o fm i lfb l fu p t ig l i lT V r dsteps in as her friend’s w ed p lanner, then drives everj crazy, (CC) (TV14) NBC 7 p m

“TVu Calling” -IV u trie s to 1 her friends safe on St, V alent Day, w hile she finds and sto

JTEE’S S a"lE 50488j r ol 2:00 o 'clock p.m. of On}too, 163 Fourth Avonuo A.M.,lEFACT. INC.. on Idoho F lrs l,ill a l public auction, 10 tho -Twinwlul monoy ol Iho United F irs t,no of solo, Iho following Corptod in Iho County ol Twin auctioribed os follows to-wit: (cashON SUBDIVISION. Twin all pn<I to Iho olficial plat iherool 45-15page 22, rocords of Twin prope


Countdison Avonuo Project No. Thi:Survoy a s shown on tho payolioflico ol tho Idaho Trans- tho Tiol Highwoys ol Iho Stalo conco

lions <I ton fool (3.048 motors) ol biddoiON SUBDIVISION. Twin tho Bi: to the olllcial plat ihoroof purchpage 22. rocords ol Twin domaisrly localod in Soclion 15. Tht=asl. Boiso Meridian. Twin doscri

lor puf4 1 .4 8 1 10 14+59.766. Code,A d d ia o n A venue E aa t, tho Ci

StrM ilOul covonant or warranty sold riicum broncoslo solisly tho :u rsu o n t to Iho power o l worroiust Irom GARY C, LEWIS lo satiu ib a n d e n d wile, lo Alii- poworuBioo, and Mylan 0 . Me- FRANurray. husbond and wilo. FIRST2. rocordod May 9, 2002, an Idi92, rocords of Twin Falls bonofiitorosl undor said Deed of CORFI Prudonllol Idaho Homos 22, 2( looi Esiato by Partial As- Rocor :002, o s Inslrumont No. THE / Falls County,'Idoho; ond WITH appointod a s Successor REPR Dpolnlmoni of Trustee ro- ARE I s Inslrum ont No. 2004> OBLIC . 2004-002249. rocords of The

failureed to comply wllh Soclion month□ reprosonlolion is mado S525.<enliy responsible for this Novon

doteo) bo m ado is failure to pay: por orpoymonts of S488.41 por T he p:it>or and Docombor. 2003 obllgoi004, and oil subsoquont plusoinco owing OS of this doto om ouy sa id D ood of T rust la chargtKl foroclosure coats. monts2002 taxos. and first o n o - odvanillnquent In the amounl of- -foreclijrost. Recolpis No. 12617 cauao

obllgoi/.2 0 0 4 . - - - ............ Date: I


end March 4.2004 PUBLI

jred g irllike to ~

'ling fo r' ‘ ': she is ^ w fdine. I " S \,

full- ,j^ V «ynningool and Iv.

a d r i s e . d r a i v llie eye awa;• a par- line, _ _ _ _

Anti above a II3ot be to love herself. I w' is.spe- She is not'alone. lOt just:d. She NOIts, but DEAR DL\NE 1Jt skim lend ing your e-xpco r low- of readers respondato her w ith helpful .suggc

clips or DEAR ABBY: ’ le eye . som e “b in h contike the p a ir of unflatterilest. s top any boy deu;s. she M y sister got a ]ts n iih -scription glasses fi0, will so n . '

today? YoiYOUR --------------------------

?k“on H orqs fiinc. Jeraldine Sid w th _________________ivaysot G EM IN I (Moj

T h c re is a n o c g o tl ing under the su should keep on >

omtich avoid making cha J ener- qj. pursuing any : ms and miglu cause1 m the friends or ideas ci

. . .....p a h n e r nervous ai'): It IS CANCER Uunc J by a a re more able to ini a new methods today

uld be goals with a fresh p ^ o n n g creative flair.Stirrij vait for much can cause ci lesires, so it isn’t wise to a trouble by insisting on maj

. LEO Uuly y 20): D isruptions to >-ou il make challenging, and l< 1 when p e r can be detrim ctually, ing your aims. Pi n most offended by your rises in re a c t in tem per ) your D on’l push acqi1 these ha rd in your effoi


ather send----- TV Best

causes'O spi- ______Cril

5,V:5!! Investigation” - called to investig hom icide after ag t

' ■ be ry w ent astray;0 keep com e to term s nu n es From ansky’s .ictioi tops a CBS 8 p m .


3n Iho 13lh day of May, 2004, al i., ol said day, (rocognlzod local tir s( Amorlcon Title Com pany, 260: In Foils, in Iho Couniy ol Twin Ft it American Tillo Company ol Idr rporation. o s su c ce sso r Irusloo, Ition, to Iho highosi biddor, for casI sh oquivolont), in lawful monoy of aayable at tho limo ol sale in comp 1506(9) Idaho Codo, Ihe lollowi perty, siluotod in tho County of T ho, and doscribod os follows, lo-wi2 in Block 4 of ELM PARK ADC

jnly. Idaho, rocordod in Book 3 of I his Tiusloo's Salo Is subject io an 'Oil, reinstatomonl. or any other c Trusloo'is not awaro ol, and Ihs

icollalion ol this sa 'o . Further. II o IS exist, this sato may bo null ond vi dor's lunds shall bo rolurnod. and Bonoliciary shall nol bo hold libel

chasor(s) or bidders, at tho Trusi nagos,rho Tiustoo has no knowlodgo ol ;cription ol the obovo roloroncod purposes ol complianco with Soc Jo, Ihe Trustoo h a s boon inlormo< County A ssessors olfico, the oddr M t,Twln Falla, Idaho, is somotim1 rool properly.

Said s a le will bo m odo with ronly regarding lillo. possession latlsfy Ihe obligation socurod by a iQi ol sale conlorrod in the dood o %NK R MASCARI, an unmarried r ST AMERiCAN TITLE COMPANV Idaho C orporallon . a s successc ofit and security ol FIRST-H0RI2 RPORATION, a s bonoliciary. roc 2002. a s Instrum ent No. 20020

a rd s of Twin Falls County, Idaho.I ABOVE GRANTORS ARE NA rH SECTION 45-1506(4)(A). IC PRESENTATION IS MADE THA’ E NOT. PRESENTLY RESPON; .IGATION.110 deleull for which this sale is ire to pay whon duo, undor Dood ilhly p'ayments lor Principal, Intoroi 5.45. doo por month for Ihe monlhs ■ombor. 2003 and all subsoquont | ) ol solo or reinstatomonl, with Inter annum, ancS continuing lo occnjo I principal b o la n co owing os of Botlon secured by sold Dood of Ti I ocaulng Inlorost, exists ond odvor aunts ore now du o . togethor w rges nnd Intorost. unpold ond occn Its, irusloo'a loos, anornoy's foos. ancod to protec t tho socurliy as iclosuro and .lha t.Iho -bene fic la r ao tho Irual p ro p o rty lo bo sol jotlon.#:D oM m bor31.2003 ST AMERICAN TTTLE COMPANY lonind Colo. Trusi Offlcor

3LISH: Jonuory 2 2 .2 9 . Februaiy 5

I must dcI D h a r d e ,

M i i v Z ' ' "

Jeanne PhillipsD E /

"D arlc-------------------------- 1 m othera y from tltc-bust-___ het-to

b r a s s ii[I3h"trslioul3Teani speclfi I «-ish Iier my best. a worn a. neccsj

- - D L \N E I )„ and \ S’0RW 1CH,C0NN. shoulc IE D.: Bless >-ou for age. 11(pcnise. A n um ber ----- --Dnded lo th a t le tte r DE/ fU’estions. R ead on: gestioi

it.k: Tell h e r to buy ontrol glasses.” A DE/ ;ering p a s s e s will w ith y lead in h is tracks. o ldg ir a pair o f nonpre- forw h :s for lha t very rea- h e r bi

"im pn

au look at---------------------------1 VIR

D S C O IM -: ^ideas IJ Saunders • more :_________________ I houselay 21-June 20):of turbulence lurk- ® surface, and >-ou

n >TDur toes. .fMso, .(Jianges right nowly new attractions niay h ise problems. Ne^v s could m ake >-ours and insecure. ”nc 21-July 22): You " ^ " 8I implement innova- stood :day and tackle jwu- m entu hpe tspec ti\-eanda .iring up th e pot too SCOe conflict, ho^ve\-er, may Ix0 aggravate friends today najor changes. a t hon

23-Aug. 22): head .],-our routine can be encouid losing your tem- tigJit fir im entd to achiev- friend

P artners m ay bo SAC)ur am bitions and 21): Yoleram en ta l ways. are incquain tances too edge;ffon (0 gel to the attract

an a

ds ‘Friendi s t B e t s F r id a y-------------------------- “ Tli(C).(TV1>G) FOX 7 . Laci 1

Petersi'rin ie______ Scene____after—;

- The team is m urde itigate a m ultiple 'ITIE L1 grocery sto re rob- “Sav ay; Grissom must Washii n s w ith officer a t Mou lions. (CC) (TV14) distille


I, al Ihe hour of 10:00 ll timo). in lho Ollico ol 60 3rd A venue North,1 Fills. Slalo of-ldntio;-----------------Idaho, Inc.. nn Idaho •

oo, will soli al public On May:ash or cashicrs chock dny, in thiI of tho United States. N orlh, Ti)mplianco with Soclion A ttorney.owing doscribod roal auction teJf Twin Foils, Stalo of tho Unilo>-wit: following\DDITION, Twin Fnlls ol Twin Fol Plots, Pogo 2. to wit:

I any bankruptcy lihng, Lol 7 am or conditions of which BLUE t t that would cnuso Ihe Idaho, roII any ol thoso condi- This Tr id void. Tho successful payoll. a md tho Trusloo and/or tho Trusli libel lo any successful lion of Ihl rusiee's Salo. lor nny Ihis salo

. . lunds sh j0 of a moro particuJor clary shoi rod root proporty. but dam ages Soclion 60-113 Idoho Tho Ti mod Ihnl occordlng lo doscnptio iddress of 412 Walnut purposos jtimes nssocinlod wilh the Trusli

S tree t, T>rilhou l c o v o n a n t or sold roal | ion or encum brances ' Said si }y and pursuani to Iho regarding Id of trust oxoculod by Iho oblige )d m a n , a s grantor, to solo confc \NY-OF IDAHO, INC.. O .W ella. issor tru stoo . lor Iho Housohol iRIZON HOME LOAN der th e C rocordod N ovem ber Instrumor


Tho delis lo bo modo Is the ure to pO)

lod of Trust Nolo, the Note and orost ond Impounds ol undor as Ilhs of Augusi through S710.75fi ml poymonis until tho Ing to tho niorost accruing at 6% monihly p u e Irom July 1. 2003. gation soi1 of th is d a to on tho principal, if Taisl la 575,838.27. Ihia foreci ivonces. All aoiinquonl cla:y to pi r with a c c ru in g lote Ing o lthe Krulng taxes, a ssess - dollnquon iOs. and any amounts salo. a ssoclatod with Ihls Tho Ber

:lary o locla-lo sail or- -to tw sold sold to SQllafy sa id D ated tf

/8ff>aula F F o r Into

NY OF IDAHO. INC. T h e J u a t Free a t1 -

y S a n d 12 .2004 PUBLISH

ievelop fa-W ALLY1NAUSTI^

JEAR WALLY: Really? Mj liter used to say tliai meri whi I’t' make pusses ,ai girls wlic ar glasses are asses. Read on:

)EAR ABBY; Please tel arlene in Dallas" to .isk hei th e r o r ano ther adult to take •-to a lingerie sto re for a.pmpei issiere fitting, T liere are br.f ^cifically desrgnecriirinihiiiiizi ,’O m an's size. Good suppon i s ; ressity for- large-bre-asted girl: J women to prevent back lu lder and tissue/ner\'e dam

I know this from experience. -B E E N TIIERE, TOi

)EAR B.T.T.: W hat a great sug ;tion. I’m sorry I didn’t think o

)EAR ,\BBY: I must take issui h your response to the 12-year girl who i\‘an ts Ixiys to like hei who she is and not because o:

• big l>ust. You suggested shc ipress them w iih attribu tes shc

t world wit/IRCO (/yig. 23-Sept. 22): Yoi : brim m ing w ith intelligeni as to m ake th e workplace n ir re smoothly and are a power ise of activity. Tempers may be thing on the home firjnt, how T, so it isn’t a good idea to lei nands a t work interfere witli lily routines.J B R i\ (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Yoi y have th e urge to break from l in e and go off on a tangeni ay. You arc feeling attractive : innocent flirting w ith the ing person could be misundcr od and stir up animosity, not tc n tion cause tensions in an sting relationship.«:ORPIO (Oct. 23-N0V.21): You y be feeling down in the dump; ay and tomorrow as problems home seem to be coming to a td. Making alterations will onl> :ouroge m ore friction. Holti It for a few days and seek out a md for wise ad \ice. lAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec, : You a re a live wire loday. You in tlie mood for living on the

:e; new people and ideas are ■active, and you are ready for

adventure. Ill-considered

ds’ weddini a yTlie Perfect H usband: The ri Peterson S tory” - Scott enion proclaims his innocence jr-audiorities-accusct-liim -ol rdering his pregnant wife. (CC) E USA NETWORK G p.m. Save Our H isloo '” - George shiiigion's business enterprises -Iount Vemon included a liquoi .illery, fishing, and production

----------------- W ollBrAnthonyO.NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S S ;

May 20.2004, ol tho hour ol S'.OO o'( n tho lobby ol first Amorican Title, 2( I, Twin Falls. Idaho. CHARLES ( toy at Low. os Succossor Trusloo. >n to tho highest bidder, lor cash, in niled Statos, nil payable at Iho tii ing doscribod rooi proporty, situate in Falls. S tale of Idaho, and dosci

and the S outh ono-holf o l Lot 6• LAKES ADDITION WEST. Twin I, recorded In Book 3 o t Plots, po(s Trustoo's Solo is subjoct lo a bar I. a relnslatemont or any other con 'usloo is not awaro that would caui f this salo. Further, il any ol ihosai aio may bo null ond void, tho suci shall bo returned, nnd tho Trustoo

shall nol bo liable to tho succosslu gos.D Truslot) has no knowlodgo ol a iption ol Iho above roloroncod rooi | SOS ol complianco with Section 60-1 usloo has been Informed tho oddrc t. Twin Falla, ID. is somelimos assi oai proporty.d salo will bo mado wimout coven Jing lliio. possessions or encumbri jllgotlon socurod by end pu rsuant' onforrod in Ihe Dood ol Trust oxocul illa. alao know n a a Tony Wella, as ihold Finance Corporallon III a s tho 10 Deed ol Trusi recorded Augus mom No. 1999016119. in the recon y. Idaho. .■ ABOVE GRANTORS ARE NAME! SECTION 45-1S06(4)(o), IDAHO C:n t a t io n IS 'm a d e t h a t t h e y, P R E S E N T L Y R E S P O N S IB L 3ATI0N.doloutl for which this salo Is to bo r pay the amount duo undor ihe 'cer

ind Deed ol Trust, in tho amounts i OS follows; Monthly paymonls in

75 for Ihe months ol July 2003 thro the dole of solo, togethor with loi

ily paymonls accruing. Tho sum ow I seem ed by said Dood ol Trust Is jol, plus son/ico charges, oltomey'i ireclosuro. any ond oil lunds exper 0 protect Iholr security Interest, anc tho rote of 9.784*i from Juno 1,200 uont taxes plus penalties ond Inioro

Benellciory olects to soil or couso If'jold to satisfy said obligalion--------kJ this 121h doy of Jonuory, 2004. llo Peterson, Trust a fic o r for Chorfi Information concern ing th is a a lo : ua t Law O nica a t wwwijuatlawlda It1-e00-e23-9106.

ISH: January 22 .29 . February 5 an

Thursday, Fcbrua

- .1

M O I^ N IN C ; B

^hion sei'IN w ints them to notice^... Vly A 'I2-yearold wants ■ho ■ ■ Iw v i,'and ytui w.'int (- ■lio Healthier way tu du i; i: diologist who works wi

and adolescents, I havt ell hand th e devasiaiii ler quences of se.xual bi ike • those who a re so yoiini le r . . -sliould.focus on deu^lo ras , ests o ther titan iz e~ explore lier talent'-. s a ' in helping others throi iris leer work, partic ipate ck. siK-nd time w ith her j im- talk to her brother, fat. :e. or rabbi - anything ( DO . . wony aboul lieLter way. ug- Ik)vs.of -Ph.D .IN Y O R Ii

DKVR l ’h.D.: 1 agree;ue ly l)arlene should be ear- to focus Iter a tten tion ole r ing her lalenis and pof However, at 12 she IS

;he attention from lx)vs. ami:he to leam how to handk- i

thenthusis'ou actions could result in:nt however, so be carefun G\PRICORN (Dec. 2be You arc tom betw een diiw- ing your prowess in thrlet ways or sticking with thtith true, lltere a re some :

are unaware of tha t ccbu difficulties if you seekim turcs tliis week. Best tc;nt resoKx- e.'dsting relationve, AQU;\RIUS (Jan. 20-1h e ' ■ j'ou a c ro n new infonrer- may light a firc that <rito beneath the surface an

an later in unpredictable w to reach your goals by

bu quality hom e tim e nips detrim ental to your tms Making changes at thi> a \vill create difficulties,ily PISCES (Feb. 19-Ma])ld have a fresh sense of p it a are on \-our gam e rigJit

are ready, willing and j2C. on new ideas. Howevibu ment ancl aggression 1he the background could uire >tiur effons. Tread softor not discard courtesjcd through the n a \ i few da

ng into a s]of guns and sporting e (CC) (TVG) THE CHANNEL 6 p.m.

‘ , 'T h e G reat Ameriau: Spelling Bee” - Sixteen including: H an y Ariders

Cooper. B rett Duller Pastore, Eric Roberts,

" J Taylor and George Wend ’ in teams of four to test t

cries and \-ocabularies; 1 0 ’llurk..v.(CC)(lA’G ll-(

ADVERTIS• ______________________FOR-E

Tho Twin F; o -d ockP M olsaa K ' l ' ' : , : ; ? , 2B0 ThM Avonuo “ *

; C , JU S T . E S Q .}. Will sc ll01 public ' T;* ' „

Tw?nFnlsHigl timo ol sole, iho ->t i 5-Jtod in Iho County ' f 'sciboO oo follows

8 In Block » OT 7 " " “ '

s s o r s -uccosslul bidder's JO and tho Bonell. ,M b ia d . , lo ,« n ,

onont or warronty ^o'ondoblo) lo broncos to satisfy d u r i i c h . i ,

? o l .X S ° n S „ ° ;asGronlor(s)wlm Conilnuedi 10 Bonoliciary. un-

J S;Y ARE. OR ARE |--------------------BLE FO R TH IS

0 modo Is tho fail- BUY lertoln Promissory S E L L is called for thoio-In tho amounl of irough and Includ-lolo chargos nnd A T I M

owing on Iho obll-Is S82.396.60 as N t : \ .

jy's fees, costs of * e cwnded by Bonofi- O L A b Oind interest accnj- xaiu:003.toflolherwlth **'*■>rost lo the dote ol p |L ,L .

1 the Irusl properly NEE

irfoa C. Just. Esq.Ib p lu a e contact B U or Toll • 5 £ L L

and 12.2004 |_____________

'uary 12.2004 TImovNews. Twin Fal:

b r L \ k

enseinVs to iitn.Kt ‘ ■ -

s w ith diililrvn lave seen first-'[ating consc- 1 behavior in j»in«. 'Hiat giri ujlopin^i inii;i . .. .. .


hKiiuJr ;ol)iii laie in sport', e r girlfriendv., father, p;tstoi lg other than ways to a ttract


;ree lhat ideal- >e encouraged jn on develop- d iKTSonality..• IS n-’ceiving and she needs I

die it now.

iasm: in animosity, irefu l not to

^c. 22-Jan. I'J):;n demonstrat , thrill-seeking 1 the tried and n e issues ymi It could cause; eek fresh pas- st to wait aiui tionships now 20-Feb. 18): Ii ormation. you t will smolder .• and flare up leways-Trjing by sacrificing

e may prove ir tranciuiliiy this juncture

es, —Mar. 20): You if purpose and ig ju now; you tld able tu act ivever, resent- jn lurking in Id undenninc softly and do lesy to get V days.

spinlg equipment.E HISTORY

■icm Celebrity een celebritiesderson, Corbin_________frodie, Alice tier, Vincent ;rts, Meshacli 'endi. compete est their inem- ies; Host: John il FOX "p.m .

RTISEMENT3R.BIDS_________________in Fnlls Highw.iy 'ill be rocoiving ho repnii ol ttio )0 uniil 2 00 p.m.J Fob run ry IB. ho ollict? af tho Highway Disuici

I 1234 Highland :osl. Twin Falls.10 thnn on said icd Dublicly and

nsisisol inslalin- i ic fo -p ii in g to . msting concfClo looiMigr.itract uocuments xaminod nl tho EHM Engmoot--..>J. Collogc Ron'ii. ......... .win F.niis. Idnho 05 o ' t h e Dicj ■ a n d C o n trn c i o n i s m a y b e a t Iho ollico ol inoors. Inc wilh Dl S20 00 (Non- 0) lor oncn sot

H: J a n u n ry 29.-io n d 12.200-J

ued on ne«l p»fle

lOOS ojsmfljs nno rectory lo' mo rioio 10 ool your homu

JY m ;LL IT!

■|M?S-E \ , . ^



J Y I T !


- — ----- I

n Falls. Idaho E-3


On mo 27th d.iv ol Moy A M . ol SiiiO cJiiy, (locognizi

■ First Amoricon Tlllo Comp Twin Fnlls. m Iho Couniy c Pirsi I itio Comp. Corporation, n s r.uccosso .luctmri, to ihG hrgnosi CiOO

■ oquivnionl.i'.tiich IS lawlul IT

, ••S5-i506(9) lUaho Codo, II jnop.'rly, silumod in mo;.Cllu.irio.Miia iloicfibcil .u: loii' IlKit Ij,ut ot Lu! 1, MAHTIt Couniy. Idaho, iiccording r(.coitlecJ in Book 3 of PI,II Falls Couniy, ld,i^o. mor. loMowii

• bEGl,SNiNG.iiin,,.Normon: —^ THENCL Scuin ntongtllc E.

^T H E N C E WC51 pnMllclwilh

iH tNCE-Nonh p,vailQl will uislancf o' 75 fool,IHE^JCE Easl alorcilho No 0M2& lool 10 Iho HdlNTOF

Tii.r, fr„r,loo's Salo is sue pnycli. loinsialomonl. or ar me Iiiisieo is not aw.iro o canct'ii.nion ol this salo, Fl tiom-.o>i5l, liiis snio may bo Diddor s funds shall bo roiui tho Beiiclici,iry shall noi bo uiireiiaser(sl or Ciddors, at d.iFi.igos.

The Trusloo has no kno dosciiplian ol Iho abovo re lor DiJiposos ol compirancc Codo. Iho Trusloo has booi Iho Couniy Assessors ollici lond Drive. Twin Foils. Ida: Mill said rc’.il propcfl^’.

Sa id S.1I0 will bo m. v/arraniy rogardmg iillo. po lo saiisly .Iho obNg.inori soc powor ol sale conloriod in 11 LOIS J JEFFS, a singlo wi AMF.niCAN TITLE COMP la'iho Corporalion. as sUCC( and socurily ol O.L. E vans E od December 16.1999. as I and assigned lo-CHASE ^ CORPORAYlON.asbonolici Docombor 16, 1999, a s In Mortgage Rccoids ol Twin F THE AtJOVE GRANTORS . WITH SECTION .15-I506( REPRESENTATION IS MA ARE NOT. PRESENTLY F OBLIGATION.

The clelauli lor whicn ihi: lailuro 10 pay whon duo. um monlhly payments lor Pnncip

........ S366.8'l. duo permonltT flNovember, 2003 and all suC dato ol salo or jomsiatomoni accruing ai S17.0.1, uncolloc Iho amouni ol S82.55. w.lh por annum, and conlinoing t 2003. Tho principal balanco obligation socurod by said C plus accruing intorosi, c o s is ; am ounis nro now duo, lO' chargcs and inlorosl, unpaid rnonls. Irusloo’s loos, aiiorn' advancod to protect tho so loroclosuro and lhal iho b cau so Iho Irusl .proporty I obhgalion,Daio: J,inuary 26. 2004 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE CC .'&Monmo Colo. Trust Ollicor

PUBLISH; February 12, 19,2



— for ctiangos lo iho following' SON Couniy:

Right No.Piiorily 5/7/1987SourcQ GROUND WATER UsolRRlGATlON (-187 acros) Total Amount'- 0.21 CFS Poini(s) ol Diversion SENEN'

----------------- --------------------S31-108NENEN'SENEN\

Place ol Uso S l T07N R33<= S3G T08N R33E

' • Right No.:Pnoiily 11/23/1935 Souico GROUNDWATER UsolRRlGATlON (25.9 acros roialArriouniO,-l7CFS 82-i

• ■ l>oini(s) ot Diversion S31 TOG ni.icool Uso S36 TOaN R33E

Right No. 3

Sourco GROUND WATER U:;olRniGATION (25.9 acros Total Amouni 0.0-1 CF: I’otnKsI Ol Diversion S31 T08 Pl.icoolUso .. S3CT08

Right No.'■rtority 3/7yi947Source GROUNDWATER U'jfilHRIGATION (95 acros) toMIAmounll.goCFS 332 Poini(s)ol Diversion SENEN


Placo ol Uso .- S36T01

----------------------------------- iilghLNo..Ptiorily .1/14/1931Souico GROUND WATER Uso IRRIGATION (320 acros! AmounlG.40 CFS 1.12 Poini(sl ol Diversion SENEN\


Placo ol Uso S36T0E

- ......... ............. Right No;Prtorily 8/25/1954Sourco GROUND WATER Uso IRRIGATION (-147 acros)

STOCKWATER (Oncros) Toinl Amouni 1.79 CFS 302. Poini(s) ol Divorsicn SENENV


Placo ol Uso SI T07^S31 TOO S3G T08

Tho purpose ol Iho Iranslor I .ibovo nghts as lollows;

Tho applicant proposes to cl and to add a point ol divors change lo roHoci pivot irngalic sion aro NWNWNE Soc 36 Tfl T0NR34EandSWNENWSo< uso IS within Soc 36 T8N R: R33E.

Protests may bo submitted I 42-222. Idaho Codo.• Any prolesi against tho prop

.............w iih ih o O o p a flm o n to fW aRegion, 900 N Skylino Dr SK logoihor with a protest (oo ot 2

- - -o n o rb c lo fo F o b ru o ry 23.200^ sond a copy of iho prolost to tl KARL J DREHER. Director

PUBLISH: Fobruory 5 and 12.

E*l TImcs-News. Twin Fall:

: TRUSTEE'S SALE |-A-17200Moy. 2004. at mo tiour ol 10:00 jnizod local hmo). m the Ollici.' ol >mpony, 260 3rd Avonuo North. iiy ol Twin Falls. Slalo ol Idaho, impany ol Idaho, Inc., an Idaho ssor trustoo. will soil a t public bidder, tor coiiilied lunds. or ttio ul monoy ol ihe United Siaios. all saio in compliance wiih SocHon 0, the lollowing doscnbod roal

Couniy ol,Twm Falls. Stale ol : lollows, lo-wii.HTIN SUBDIVISION. Twin Falls ling to m o Qllicial plat thoroot Piais. p age 12. records ol Twiri noro panicularly doscnbod a s ,

itoasi cornor ol said Loi. [lc East lino ol said Lol n dislsnee-

wiih tho North Imo ol said Lot a

Wllh tho Easl imo ol said Lol a

■ North Imo ol said Lol a distanco OF BEGINNING. suDioct 10 any b.inkruplcy lilmg,

ir any othor conditions ol which0 ol. nnd would cause tho , Further, ll any ol meso condi- bo null and void. The successful oiu/nod. nnd Ihe Trusloo and/or1 bo held libel lo any succosstul ., at the Trustoo’s Salo, (or any

knowledge ol a more particular0 roloroncod roal properly, bui mco with Sociion 60-113 Idaho Doen inlormod thai according to- )llico. iho address ol 875 East- Idaho, IS somctimos associated

, possession or oncumbrancos 'secured by and pursuant to iho. iin Iho dood o( Irusl oicculed by I s w om an, a s grantor, to FIRSTMPANY O F IDAHO, INC-, a n ijccessor irusieo. (or the bonolit in s Bank, a s bonoliciary. record- ias Instrument No-1999021997. IE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE 'oliciary by assignment rocordod Is inslrumoni No. 1999021998. Iin Falls Couniy, Idaho. i=1S ARE NAMED TO COMPLY Ii06(4)(A). IDAHO CODE. NO I MADE THAT THEY ARE, Ofl


1 this salo IS 10 bo mado is iho i . undor Dood ol Trust Noto. Iho ncipal. intofosl and Impounds ot i in lo r itTo m on th ro l O cfobo rrsubsoquoni paymonis uniil Iho t

nont, with a monihly lato chargo}lIoctod lalo charges aro duo in i«lh inlorosl accruing at 7.875®'o fng to accrue Irom Soplember 1. iICO owing a s ol ihis dato on tno t.,d Dood o( Trust is S40,168.G4. (sis and advances. All delinquoni c, logo iho r with accruing la to (laid and accruing laxos, assess - (lornoy's loos, and ony amounts c} socunty associalod with Ihls (3 bonoliciary olocts to soli or vriy to bo so ld lo sa iis ly sa id E



t19,26 and March 4.2004 c

} CHANGE OF WATER RIGHT I:ER NO. 70956 iN. 856 E 2400'N , PO BOX 8, ^has lilod Appllcalion No, 70956 rmg w atornghls Wllhin JEFFER- J

N0.31-112B4 ^

'r pCPS »

IENW S36T08NR33E ‘•108N R34E---------------------------IENWS31T08NR34E ,ENWS31 T08NR34E *■53E 133E


:ros) 0 .47C F S 82.2AFA n 82.2 AFA ' fiTOON R34E a133E II

l(O.31-10392B 0

R L:r05) 0.04 CFS 8.4 AFA TCFS 6,4 AFA P T08N R34ET08N R33E p

11No. 31-2281 117 IfR ll)S) 1,90 CFS 332.5 AFA C332.5 AFA d JENWS36 TOBN R33ET08N R34E d

JENW S3fT08NR34E PIENWS31 T08NR3-1E ttVESWS31 T08NR34E v,T08NR33E U

Nq. 31-2246_____ -f«

R ' S. ;ros) G ,40CFS I.120-0AFA R1,120.0 AFA 0ENW S36 T08N R33E LT08N R34E dIENWS31 T0BNR3-1E aIENWS31 TOONR34E CgESW S31 T08NR34E ' TT08N R33E p.

N io.-SI-^lza...............---------------w

^ 2: ros) 1,70 CFS 297.5 AFA rr;ros) ir302.9 AFA C ENW S36 T08N R33ET08N R34E V\IENWS31 T08NR34E flENW S31 T08N R34E NgESW SSI T06NR34E 0 07N R33ETOON R34E Ul T08NR33E , N ler is lo chango a ponion o( tho ui

to chango his point ol diversion In /orslon, Tho placo ol uso will mjalion. Tho now poinis o( diver- flf5 T8N R34E. NENENW Soc 36 piSOC1T7NR33E, Tho placo ol mI fl33E and wilhin Soc 1 T7N -ci

Inod basod on Iho cniofiaol Soc to

proposed chango must bo lilod W ate r.f lo sou rcos. E as to rn . to

- Sto A. Idaho Falls ID 83402o( S25.00 for oach oppllcation Is.

>004. Tho protoslant must also ito tho applicant, Tlr Fc

12.2004 . ,■ PI

________ ' _____ >1

Falls, idnho Thursday. Fobruory '

J k i :ll ConBouedfromprevtooipnoo



[ lhat Iho Polilionor. has Mod _I herein a Poiilion lor Doler- IN 1

mmalion ol Teslacy.'a copy OFol which IS on lilo wilh Iho DIS

r 'Co'uFt:-------- -------------------------OF^ H carm g has boon sot

J NOTICE OF THUSTE On M onday. May 24,2004 o i l

, ollico ol FIRST AMERICAN TIT Nofin in Twin Falls, Id.iho^Cturlo

) Olson, Chartofod (a member o- Association), a s Succossor Trus ll auction. 10 iho highosi bidder, (c r ol Iho Uniiod States, an payablo1 lollowing doscnbod real proporty, , ol Twin Falls, Stalo ol Idaho, and i

r LOT 10 IN BLOCK 2 OF SOU!I TWIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO,) 2 OF PLATS. PAGE 18-)- Tho Trusloo has no knowlodg- doscnplion ol iho abovo-doscnbo i puiposos ol complianco wiih Idal

Trusieo has been m/ormed mat in• Sidney. Twin Falls. Idaho may soi 1 Wllh sa id roal proporty, FurthOi 1 obtainod by callmcj Firsl Amoric,

Idaho at (208) 73-J-2P05.This salo is to be mado wilhou

I regarding tillo, possession, or oni I Iho obligation secured by and pu• salo conlorred in iho Deed ol Tru , Roy, J r . and Yvonno Ray, m Grai : Tlllo Com pany, a s T ru s ted an I Finance, inc., aka Amorican a q ic

Inc.. a s Bonoliciary. whictrOoodv; ary 26. 2001 and rocordod on 0 Instrument Number 2001-001356

' Falls Couniy. Idaho.Tho abovo Grantors aro named

45-1506(4)(a). Idaho Codo. N or lhat they aro, or are not. proseni obligalion.

Tho dolaulls lor which ihis sale Ia) Iho broach and lailuro to make

- -S71£>:22-forovor(our(4)-montnrtho accrued mlojosi and into chai TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRE 52/100 DOLLARS (52,939.52). p payments, intorosi, properly taxes and olhor chargos alter Docomborb) Iho (alluro to insuio Iho propo. Dood o( Trusi;c) a socond Deed ol Trust m (avor Company ol Idaho dated July 30/: odness ol S21.895.56 and any oil on August 6, 2002 a s Instrument Grantor Jacob Ray. Jr, und Yvon wi(o. lo Trusloo Alliance Tiile S E Bonoliciary Bonoficiat Mortgage C<d) a ju d g m en t lien by Crediloi Aliornaiivos, inc.. against Jacob E Y vonno R ay . h u sb a n d and wil S1.339.73 rocordod Soplember 3 No, 2003023085 in Caso CV-03-0 0) tho real proporty laxos aro de 2000 Ihrough 2003 in the loial amc

Furinor, Iho Nolo socurod by : providing, iho Bonoliciary ol said D all sum s socuied by said Dood ol and payablo. and that Iho balancc said Dood dl Trust is SIXTY SEVI HUNDRED SEVENTY-FOUR A^ (S67.274.0l) ns o( Docombor 10,2i variabloconlraclratool 13.47porc day a llo r Docombor 10, 2003 a ptincipal amount at Iho rato ol S2 and ovory day until paid in lull; pl costs, and atto rno /s loos until paic DATED mis 7lh day ol January 201 /s/Charlos Johnson, Succossor Tri

PUBLISH: February 12.19, 26 anc


On Juno 2,2004. at tho hour ol 1C day. in Iho lobby ol Fitsi Amo'ncar nue Norih', .Twin Falls, Idaho, CHA Altornoy al Law. as Succossor Tru auclion lo Iho highest biddor, (or c<i Iho United Slatos, all payablo ol fotlowing doscribed real properly, i ol Twin Falls, Slalo ol Idaho, ond

Lot 5 o t Block 3 ol NORTH PARK Twin Fa lls Couniy, Idoho, roco Plots, pago 16.

This Trustoo's Salo is subject to payoll, a roinslalemenl or any olhi the Trusloo is noi awaro lhal woul lion o( this salo, Funher. il ony ol I Ihis salo may bo null and void, Ih lunds shall bo relurnod, and iho Tr ciary shall not bo liable to the suci damagos. •

Tho Trustoo has no knowledge descripiion ol iho above roloroncoc purposes o( compliance with Sociio tho Trusloo has been inlormed thoi woy Drivo, Twin Falls, ID, is somo tho said real propeny.

Said sale will be made without .rogaidmg uilo. possessions or one Iho obligation secured by and pun salo conlorrod in tho Dood ol Trus' R. A lexander ond Toni Aloxandoi os Grantor(s) wiih Royal Morlgago L.P. dfb/.VRMB Financial Son/icos i dor tho Deed o( Trust rocordod Api mont No, 1999008144, in iho rc Couniy, Idaho, Tho Bonelicial init Trust was suDsoquonily assigned t poralion. rocordod August 26. 19S 1999015909. Tho Bonelicial mtoros w as subsoquoniiy assigned to Mar ors Trust Company, Ono M & T Pla: 2399. Trustee (or Socuiitizalion S m ont da lod 6-01-99 rocordod J inslrum oni No, 2002000990, in County. —


Tho dolaull lor which this salo is i uro 10 pay the amouni duo undor II Nolo ond Dood ol Trust. In tho.amc undor a s lollows: Monlly paymer S1.312.95 (or Iho months o( Octob including tho a le o< sale, logeihor > monthly paymonis accruing. Tho si gotion socurod by snid Dood ol Ti principal, plus sen/ico chargos. atl( Ihis foroclosuro, any and all (unds

• ciary lo protect Jheir socunty inloro: Ing a l Iho raio o( 9-500“i (rom 5 togolhor with dolmquont laxos plu; osio to tho dalo ol sato,

Tho Bonoliciory elects to sell or ca to bo sold 10 saiisly said obligalion..

Dated this 26th day ol January. 2( /s/Paula Potorson. Trust Ollicer for

For information concerning this TTio J u s t Law Olfico a t www.juslli Froo at 1-800-923-9106.

PUBLISH: Fobnjary 5. 12.19 and 2

ry 12. 2004

r ^ l J , I I U K

upon said Polilien lor tho23rdd.nyol February, 2004, Caseat 2.00 p.m., al iho Court- ol Iho nbovo-oniiiled In IhiCouit localod at Twin Fails, ol: J(l(l,iho. — ; D'

DATED this 21si day o( N(January, 200.1. GIVECOLEMAN, RITCHIE & bOOrROBERTSON . r e p rAtiorneys lor Ilio Applicant abov/i'JohnR . Coioman All pi

agairPUBLISH: J a n u a r y 2 9 . o s laFotjriiarySand 12,2004 prose


THE COUNTY OF ---------------^ :------ foprc

ISTEE'S SALE belo\ ot 1:00 o'clock p.m. a t IhoTITLE, 260 Thud Avonuo ------

urlos-Johnson ol Johnson----------or ol Iho Idaho Sin to BarTrusloo, will sell, nl public o rir, (or cash in lawlul money A.M.,ble ot Iho limo ol salo, the pjrgi3rty, Situated m tho County jw inmd described as lollows, lo F„st


payntlodge ol a more particular 45. 1';nbcd roal property, t5ul lor pfoptIdaho Codo, §60-113. tho icj.iho

iiinestri!O ladd/esso( 191 i d 5i somoiimos bo associated jtjahothof inlormation m ay bo jhi;erican Title in Tiwn Falls, payoj

houl covenant or warranty cancc' encumbrances, lo saiisly nons 1I pursuant 10 Iho power o( biddoiTrusi oxoculod tjy J a c o b i^o B'

Gr.inlors, to First Amoncan pufchand Amoricaii G enera l dama

Jajioral Financial Sorvieos, Thi)od\pl Trust is daiod Janu- descrDn J b n j^ ry 29, 2001. a s (or p i356 in ihbNfocords ol Twin codo

^ tho Cnod lo comply wiih Sociion oiom>Jo foprosoniaiion 15 mado assoc sontly responsible lor this

ale is to bo mado aro 10 salilako monihly phymenls ol power iin rpno rto this-dalorplus- 'GILBIchargos, in ihe amount ol a m EFDRED THIRTY-NINE AND mahoI), plus nil luluro accruing and sixos. costs, attorney's (oos in c .,nber to. 2003; instruioporly a s required by tho pmis <

THE JivorolBonolicinlMorlgago, wiTH30/ 200 2 10 socuro indobt- r e p py other amounts rocordod a r e Ilont No. 2002015702 Irom q BLIC 'vonfio Ray, husband and The& Escrow Corporation lor (aiiufo0 Company ol Idaho; month lilo r R isk M an ag e m en t $583, ob Bonjamin Ray, Jr, and mroug

or 3. 2003 ns Instrument charqi3-01411-M;and 7,75o-) delinquent lor tho yoars 1 20Camouni ol 52.108,70. i t io oby said Dood ol Trusi so 552 5(lid Deed o( Trust, declared All delJ ol Trust immodialoly duo jng laii:mco duo and owing upon nsses5EVEN THOUSAND TWO amour1 AND 01/100 DOLLARS this fc 0,2003 plus Inlorosl a t tho cause jofcont lor each and every obligai >3 accumulatirig on sa id o a lo ', I S24,02 per day (or oach piRST II; plus accruing lato fees, /s/wor paid,'2004. PUBLI^Tfusleo________________ ,

and March 4.2004

Onoxandor AM. i>TEE'S SALE First t3l 10;00o'clockAM olsald Twin I■ican Tlllo, 260 Third Ave- First fi:HARLES C. j u s t . e s q . CorpoTrusloo. Will sell al public auclioi

It cash, in lawlul monoy o( (cash ■) ol Iho timo ol sale, Iho all payly , situated in Ihe County 45-151and doscnbod as lollows proper------------------------- T'------- -Idaho,-iRKSUBDIVISICNNO.I. Lol 4.ocordod in Book 11 of Twin F

Pago 1:t to 0 b.inkruRlcy liling, a - ■ Thjsolhor condilions ol which' pnyoK,would causo Iho cancollo> tho Tnol Ihoso condilions oxisl, cancel

j, Iho successlul bidder's tions 00 Trustoo and tho Bonoli- bidder' successlul bidder lor any iho Bo

purchajdgo ol a more pnmcular damagneed tool propeny. but lor Tho3clion 60-t t3 Idoho Codo. descrijlhondd rosso l1 l89P ark - lor puiomolimos associated with Codo,

Iho Coout covenant or warranty son SIoncumbrances 10 satisly wilhsapursuant to tho powor o( £frust oxoculod by MIckoy warrarndor, husband and wifo, to sati:ogo Partners, a California powerros ns Iho Bonoliciary, un- MARL1 April 29. 1999, a s Instru- a n d w 0 records ol Twin Falls COMP miorosl ol said Dood ol succos

od to ContiMortgago Cor- Fodori 1999, os inslrumoni No, rocorc

Droslol said Dood ot Trust 20011ManulQClUfOrs ond Trad-' ELECPlara.Bullalo. NY 14203- (soloiyin Series 1999-3. Agree- so rsa iid Ja n u ary 17, 2002 a s odN o\, in the records o( sa id Monga


ThoJ IS 10 bo made is Iho (ail- lailuroor tho cort.nin Promissory monthiamounts called lor ihoio- 5628.6m onts In the am ount o( Novom:tobor 2003, Ihrough ond dnto ofior wilh lato chargos and accr'ulr10 sum owing on tho obli- the nm3l Trust Is S39,193.99 os annum. aitornoy's loos, costs ol pnncip.nds oxpendod by Bonoli- secure;orosl, and iniorost accru- ing tntcim Septom bor 1, 2003 , aro noplus penalties and Inlor- inloro:

tru s toir cause Iho Irust proporty advan<Ion. . forocloy. 2004, c a u sofor Charles C-Just. Esq. obligatith is sala pleoso con tac t Oato: Jj8llaw o r Toll FIRST


nd 26.2004 , PUSLIi

TWiN FALLS 0ISO No. CV 03-5727 . DATDTICE TO CREDITORS JanuarIhe MntlOf ol tho Esiato VoorheJOHNGILSERTRUST. /s/Jami DocoastJd.NOTICE IS H EREBY RopfosVEN lhal Kelly R ust has ’ | 2 Shon appoinied pe rsona l PO Bo>p r o s o n la t iv o o i Ih o Twin Fj ovo-nnmod docodont.poisons having claims PUBLI

a in slthodecedoniorh is ^o^ruaiin to a ro r o q u ir o d to IN THEjsonl thoir claims wilhin FORT^ir months allor Iho dalo DISTRIIho lust publication ol .• OF ID,3 Notice or sQid cloims - THLboJoloyOLbnrrod:__________C laim s m u st Do p ro - Caso Nn te d to tho p e r s o n a l NOTICijrosontativo's nllornoy inRo.’Jih is 'ad d res s ind icaiod Dato 0low, and liled v/ith tho 1985.

------------NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'SFA-17174

On the 26th day o( May, 2004. a •1., ol said day. (recognized local tii Bt Amorican Tlllo Com pony. 260 'in Foils, in tho Couniy o( Twin P; st Amoncan Title Comp.’my ol Idi rporation. a s su c co sso r Irusloo, :tion, lo Iho highost biddor, lor co jivalenl, which is lawlul monoy ol It ^ablo at Iho time of sato in comp -1506(9) Idaho Codo, Iho follow iperty, situated in tho Couniy ol T ho. and described a s follows. lo-wi 5 -ol GARDNER SUBDIVISION.

ho. rocordod in Book 5 ol Plais, Pc his Trustee's Salo is subject to an ^off. roinsiatomenl, or any other c Trusloo is not awaro of, and thr

icollalion of this salo. Further, i( 0 IS oxist, this salo^nay bo null and v dor’s funds shall bo relurnod, and Bonoliciary shall not bo hold libo

chasof(s) or biddors, at Iho Trus nagos.fho Trustoo has no knowledge 0 icriplion ol Iho abovo roloroncod purposes ol complianco with Soc Jo. Iho Trusloo h as boon inlormoi 1 C ounty A s s e s s o rs o llico , Ihc im ond A vonuo. Tw in Falls, Ids ociaiod wilh said roal proporty.

Sard sa lo will bo m ado wllh 'raniy regarding titIo, possession latisly Iho obligation socurod by a vor ol salo conlorrod In tho dood 0 IBERT'AUANiZTo'morrlod mon, 0 ERICAN TITLE COMPANY OF lio Corporation, a s successor Irus I security ol WELLS FARGO HC

as bonoliciary rocordod Novo rumonl No. 2000018082, Morlgag :s Couniy, Idaho.= ABOVE GRANTORS ARE NAr FH SECTION 45-1506(4)(A), IC PRESENTATION IS MADE THA' E NOT, PRESENTLY RESPON: LIGATION.rho dolaull lor which Ihis salo is iro lo pay when duo, undor Dood Uhly paymonis lor PrincipaF, Inloro: i3,16. duo por monlh (or tho mor lugh Novombor. 2003 ond all sub I Iho dalo ol sale or roinslalomont, ,rgo accruing a l S23,26, wilh Ini S*lo por annum, and conlinuing to 0 1003, Tho principal balanco owing o b lig a tio n so c u ro d by s a id I

,563,33, plus accruing inlorosl, co lolinqu'ont amounts aro now duo. Ii lalo chargos and inlorosl. unpaid c ossm ents. trustee 's foos. aiiorno 3unls advancod lo proloci tho socui

foroclosuro nnd that tho boneficli ISO tho Irusl p ropo rty to bo sol galion.0; January 22.2004 ST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY lonino Cole. Trust Ollicor

3LISH: February 1 2 ,1 9 .2 6 and


>n Ihe la th day o( Moy, 2004. at .. ol said day, (recognized local tin :t American Titlo Com pany, 260 3 n Foils, in the County ol Twin Fal I American Title Company ol Ida: poralion, a s su cco sso r trusteo. lion, to tho highest bidder, for cash :h equivalent), in laiMul money of ayablo al Iho timo ol salo In compl 1506(9) Idaho Codo. tho loilowlr lorty, situated in tho Couniy ol T\ io,-nnd describod os (oltows, to-wiI 4. Block 2, LINCOLN SCHOOL j 1 Falls County, Idaho, rocordod Ir 0 14, • •Ijs Trustee’s Sale is subject lo anj 3t(, roinslalomont, cr any olhor c< Trustoo is noi awaro ol. and lhal rollation ol this solo. Further, if ai > oxist. this sale may be null and vc or's (unds shall bo relurnod, and I Bonoliciary shall not be hold libol ;hasor(s) or bidders, at Iho Trusli lagos.ho Trusloo has no knowlodgo o( ;ripiion ol tho abovo rotoroncod }urp'osos ol complianco with Soci 0. the Trusteo has boon inlormed Couniy Assessors ollico, tho addr Street, Twin Foils. Idaho, is som said roal property. ..S a id sa lo will bo m ado wIthi

anty regarding titlo. possession itisty tho obligation socurod by ar or of salo conlorrod in tho deed ol 1L0N TOVAR AND LISA MARIE' w ife, as g ran lors. 10 FIRST Al

,1PANY OF IDAHO, INC,, an Idah :ossar.trustco..for ttio bonoliLanc oral Savings Bank of Twin Fail ird o d F e b ru a ry 2 1 . 2 001 , a s H 0 0 2 7 7 5 . a n d a s s i g n e d to •CTRONIC REGISTRATION S Diy os nomlnoo for Londor. and I I and assigns), a s bonoliciary by 0 lovombor 19.2001, a s Inslrumoni gagto Records ol Twin Falls Count . ABOVE GRANTORS ARE NAM H SECTION 45-1506(4)(A). ID. 'RESENTATION IS MADE THAT ; NOT. PRESENTLY RESPONS IGATION.ho dolaull lor which this sale is I ro 10 pay whon duo, undor Dood ■ thIy payments for Principal, Intoros ).61, duo por monlh (or tho montt smbor, 2003 and all subsequent p ot sale or rolnslatement. with a m

uIng .nt S25.14, uncollected lalo cl imount ol $25,14. wlth-lnlorost a< jm, and continuing to nccruo from . :ipnl bnlanco owing a s of this date ired by said Dood of Trust Is S72.4 ntoresi, costs and advances. All dc now duo. togolhor with accruing rosi, unpaid and acc ru ing laxo: to e 's loos, a tlo rn o y 's foos, a r mcod to prbloct tho security ass :losu 'o and lhat Iho -bonellclary 30 Iho trusi p ropo rty lo bo ool< latlon, '1: January 16,2004 iT AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY ( jnlne Colo, Trust Ollicor

LISH: January 29, February 5, 12 1

k of tho Court. a Potilion'ATED this 21sl day o( Branci tjary, 2004, 1965 in \rheos Lamuro LLP Calilornioim ioA U m uro 2 4 3 6 E,rnoys (or Iho Personal ijjaho. prcrosor)laiivo • jn nam eShoshono Siroot East sragg-ScBox Z filnrt In Ih1 Falls, ID 83303-0090

„ c h a n g o3L ISH : J a n u a r y 29 , 1 would Iruary 5 and 12,2004 namo as 1HE DISTRICT COURT polilioner'I THE FIFTH JUDICIAL Such po FRICTOFTHESTATE a t 9 :2 0 IDAHO AND IN FOR March 8,

THE COUNTY OF Fails Cot.— TWIN.FAUS______ Objection:D No, CV 04-396 any po rs'ICE OF HEARING such obji0.’Jo s s ic a R osoB rogg Iho courl a o( Birth: J u n e 6th, against s

E 'S S A L E -........................... -

1. a t tho hour o( 10:15 On IhoII timo), in Iho Ollico ol A .M .,o(s, 60 3rd Avonuo North. First Amc 1 Falls, State ol Idaho. Twin FallIdaho, inc.. an Idaho First Ame

0 0 , will sell a t public Corporati coniliod (unds, or tho auction. t<

Jl Iho United Slates, all equivaloni mplianco with Sociion payablo a ow ing described roal 45-f506(! )l Twin Falls, Slalo ol properly. >-wit; Idaho, ancN. Twm Falls County. Lot 13 in t , P ago 7. land 5 looI any bankruptcy liling. long a s sa

conditions ol wliich ol DuBoi: lha l would causo Iho Idaho, roC' i( any o( those condi- This Tn, d void, Tho successful payod, roi ind Iho Trusteo and/or the Trusic ibol to any successlul cancollatic rusloo 's Salo. lor any tions oxist,

r bidder's (u D ol a moro panicular the Bonoli :od roal properly, but purchaser Soction 60-113 Idaho dam ages, mod that according to Tho Tn Iho o d d ro s s o( 335 doscriplioi Idaho , is som etim es lor purpos

Codo, tholilh o u t c o v o n an t o r tho County lon or oncumbrancos A v o n u o ,' ly and pursuanl to tho with said r d o( Irust executed by Sale 1, os'flrantor.’ toFIR ST 'wa'rranly"' DF IDAHO, INC,, an to satisly rustoo, (or tho benefit powor of s HOME MORTGAGE, ERIN D E jvom ber 20, 2000. as a n d wifo, ja g o Records o( Twin COMPAN'

succossorMfWED TO COMPLY FARGO E , IDAHO CODE. NO Intorost t< ■4AT THEY ARE, OR recordod . 3NSIBLE FOR THIS Mortgogo I

THE ABO'is 10 bo mado is tho WITH SEi

lOd of TmsI Noto, Iho REPflESE jro si and Impounds of ARE NOT nonths of Soplember OBLIGATI' subsoquoni paymonis Tho del nl, with a monlhly lato failure to f Intorost accruing a t monlhly pc

10 accrue (rom August S879.06, cl ing a s o( this dato on October, < Id D ood o( T ru s t is dato of sal co sis ond advances, accruing a

J. logother wllh accru- annum, or Id and accruing taxos, piindpal b: rnoy 's (oos, and any socurod b icunly associated wllh accruing li (iciary olocts lo sell or am ounlo , so ld lo .sa llsfy sa id charges or

monls. trui advancod

NY OF IDAHO, INC, loroclosun c a u so ific obligation.

M arch 4,2004 Dale: Janu

/s/MoninoiI'S SALE

PUBLISH;a t Iho hour of 10:00 _________tlmo), In tho OKicoof

10 3 rd Avonuo North,Falls. Stalo ot Idaho,Idaho. Inc.. an Idoho On Iho ; 10. will soli a t public A.M., o( sa 3Sh or cashiers chock First Atnoi of Iho United States. Twin Falls mplianco with Sociion First Amer iwlng doscribed roal Corporalic I Twin Falls, Stalo of auction, lo■wit; ....................... (cash equi'IL ADDITION NO, 1, all payable d in Book 2 of Plats, 45-1506(9

pioporty. sany bnnkruplcy (lling, Idaho, and r condilions of which Lot 3 In Bt :hal would causo iho County. Idc f any ol Ihoso condi- Book 7 of F I void, Tho successful This Trui Id tho Trustoo ond/or payoll. roir boi to any successlul Ifio Trusloi js lo o ’s Salo. for ony canccllalioi

tions oxist.of a moro particular bidder's lur

od rool proporty, but Iho Bonollc loctlon 60-113 Idoho purchasor(: le d that according to damagos, Jdross of 175 Joftor- Tho Tru omolimos associalod doscriptlon

(or purposeIthou l c o v o n an t or Codo. tho ’ sn or oncumbrancos tho Couniy f an d pursuanl to Iho S lrro t Nor lo f ln js l oxoculod by od with soli IE TOVAR, husband - S a id AMERICAN TITLE worranly r«

3aho Corporation, a s lo satisly I and security o( First powor.o( st -a ils , a s bonoliciary, LEROY E 1 a s In s tru m en t No. and wKo, to M O R T G A G E COMPANY SY STEM S, INC., succossorl

id L ender's succos* MANHATT ly assignmonl record- (iciary, roco ont No. 2001021180, 199802131 unty, Idaho, Idaho,AMED TO COMPLY THE ABOV IDAHO CODE. NO WITH SEC


OBLIGATICis 10 bo mado Is Iho The do(i 3d of Trust Noto, Iho fniluro to pi rost and Impounds ol monlhly pa; in lhs ot July through S602.70,di nt poymonls until tho Novombor. 1 monlhly lalo charge dalo ol sale 3 chargos oro due in accruing at I accruing at 7^4 per iflo amount im Juno 1,2003. Tho nnnum, one lato on tho obligalion principal ba

f,453,26, plus accnj- socurod by dollnquonl amounis Ing Interest, ng lalo chorgos and aco now d i x o s , a sso ssm o n is , in lorosl. u a n d any a m ounts I ru s to o 's f

assoclo led wilh ihis advanced t a ry olects 10 soil or foroclosuro lo ld lo sa tisfy said c au so tho

obligation. Dato: Janut


12 and 19. 2004 • PUBLISH:.

llion by Jessica Roso

m Vontu?a" Slalo oi »i°is 26th“diirnia now residing at 2004.■ E. 3 8 7 0 N. F ilo r . By:Clork.. proposing a chango ,o u .mo to Je ssica Rose PUBLISHi-Sam ano has boon F e b ru a ry 1n Iho abovo ontitlod 2004, Iho reason (or this IN THE DISgo in nam e boing: OFTHE FiiJid hko tho somo last DISTRICT Cas my Stop-dod, The OF IDAHO

■nor'9 father Is living, THECC1 potllion will be hoard TWIN2 0 o 'c lo c k AM on CasoTJo.C'I 8, 2004 at tho Twin NOTICE TOCounty Courthouso,- m tho Manetions may be Mod by o f : P H i H ie rso n who c an . In' ‘REEVES. 'objoclions, show lo Docoasoiu r t a good reaso n NOTICEst such a change o( G IV E N th

Roovos has


Iho 26th day ol Moy, 2004, a t Ihe o( said day, (recognized local limo). \m orlcan Tillo Company. 260 3rd 1 Falls, in tho County of Twin Falls, \merican Tillo Company of Idaho, iration, a s succossor trustoo, will n. to the highost biddor. for corlilioi llont, which IS lawful monny o( tho Ui10 a t Iho limo of solo in compllanc 06(9) Idaho Codo. tho following i ly . situated in tho County o( Twin and doscnbod as (oltows, to-wil:in Block 2 of NIVEN SUBDIVISION loot wido adjoining said Lot on Iho

5 said Lol Is wido. boing a'porllon of I Bois Avonuo. now vacated. Twin rocordod In Book 6 ol Plats, Pago '4 Trustee's Sale is subject lo any ba

, roinslotomont. or any othor condi usioo is not awaro ol. and that wc lation ol Ihis solo. Further, il any c xist, Ihis salo may bo nuti and void,' ’s (unds shall bo rolumed, and tho ’ ineliciary sholl not be hold libol to i isor(s) or biddors, at tho Tnisleo's [OS.I Trustoo hos no knowlodgo of a n Dlion ol Iho above rolerenced real -poses o( compliance with Sociion tho Trustoo has boon Inlormod thi unty Assessors ollico, tho addross'i 10. Twin Falls, Idalio, Is somolim' lid roal proporty. .>a|d so lo will bq^m ado wUl^ouj ily regotding tillo. possossron or c sly tho obligalion socurod by and p of sale contorted in Iho dood of tnji D EVANS AND STACEY L EVAI 'ifo, a s granlors. to FIRST AME( ANY OF IDAHO, INC,, an Idaho C isor Irusloo, for tho bonofil and secu ,0 BANK NORTHWEST, N.A. s I t to First Socurity Bonk, N.A., od Ju n o 14,1999. os Inslrumoni No igo Records o( Twin Foils Couiity. Ic ,BOVE GRANTORS ARE NAMED SECTION 45-1506(4)(A). IDAH( ESENTATION IS MADE THAT Th JOT. PRESENTLY RESPONSIBL ATION’.dolaull for which ihis salo is lo bi

to pay whon duo, under Oood ol T y payments for Principal. Iniorost an 6. duo por month (or tho months 0 ir. 2003 and oil sciljsoquonl paym salo or roinstalomonL wilh o montt

ig a l S35.16. wilh iniorost accruini 1, and continuing to accrue from Juni al balanco owing a s o( this dato on Id by said Deed of Trusi is S 1 13 ig Intorost, costs and advancos. 1 I ts a re now duo, togolhor w llh i s and InlorosL unpaid ond accruing 1 trustoo's (oos, aitornoy's loos, and

red to protoci tho socurity assocli suro and that tho bonoliclary ok Iho tru s t proporty to bo so ld to on.anuory23 .2004AMERICAN-TiTLE-COMRANY-OF-l Ino Colo, Trust Olficor

3H; Fobnjary 12 .19,26 and March ■


ho 20th day o( May, 2004, at Iho ( said day. (locognizod local tlmo). ii m orican Title Company, 260 3rd A nils, In Iho County ef Twin Foils. S merican Tillo Company ol Idaho, I a tion. o s succossor irusloo. will . to tho highosi,biddor, (or cash or c iquivaloni), in lav/(ul monoy ot tho t ible at Iho time of solo in ccmplianc i6(9] Idaho Codo, tho following d y. situated In Iho County ot Twin F and described as follows, to-wit:'1 Block 1 ol RADTKE SUBDIVISIO , Idaho, according to tho plat Ihorec o( Plats. P ag o 3 l. records ol'said C

Tnjstoo's Salo Is subject lo any bar roinstatomonl. or any olhor condit

istoo Is not aware ot. and that woi Dlion o( this salo. Further, 11 any ol list, this sale may bo null and void, T J lunds shall bo returned, ond tho T lotlclary shall not bo held libel to 0 sor(s) or biddors, ol tho Trustoo's 38.Trusloo has no knowledge o( a m lion o( Iho abovo co(oronced real 30SOS o( complianco with Soction ' ho Trustoo has boon inlormod Ihol inly Assessors ollico, iho address of North, Twin Falls, Idnho, Issomolii sold real proporty, a id sa lo will bo m ado w ithou t • ly fogardlng titlo, possession or 01 ly tho obligation socurod by and pl }(salo conforrod In tho deed of Ims ’ E NORRIS AND WENDI R NORF 1(0 , a s granlors, to FIRST /l<,1ER VNYJ3FJpAH0,.INC., on jdohp Ct sor trusloo, for tho bonolit ond socrui XTTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATli rocordod November 25.1998, a s Ir .1315, Mortgage Records ol Twin :

30VE GRANTOflS ARE NAMED ’ SECTION 4S.1506(4)(A), IDAHC ISENTATION IS MADE THAT THI OT, PflESENTLY RESPONSIBLI \TION.dofoult for which this salo Is to bo0 pay whon duo, under Dood o( Tr ’ paymonis (or Prtncipol, Inteiest anc ), duo par month (or tho monlhs o( A< 3or, 2003 and airsubaoquenl paym salo or reinslolomonl, with a month: 3 al S24.11, uncolloclod late chargi )unt of S93.24, with Iniorost accruini and continuing to accruo from July

11 balanco owing a s ol Ihls dato on 11 by sold Dood of Tnjsl Is S68,669.2‘ rest, costs and odvoncos. All dollnqi V duo, togolhor with accruing late I. unpaid and accruing taxos, a: I 's (o o s . a ito rn o y 's fo o s, a n d a od to proloci Iho socurily associa suro and that Iho bonoliclary oIO' tho tru s t property lo bo so ld to rn,muary 20,2004^MERICAN TITLE COMPANY OF ll 10 Colo. Tnjst Olficor

;H: Jonuory 29, February 5 .12 and ’

rnmmISS my hand and ocl porsonal roi aid District Court o l l h o a b o v day o |,January , docodont. All p

/ ing claims aga . . codiint or.his 0:

q u ired 10 pro H; J a n u a ry 29.- claims withm f y 5 . 12 a n d 19-. allorHho dalo

publication of It liStRICT COIJRT said claims Wil FIFTH JUDICIAL “’ari od. rOFT H EST A TE C laim s mu fO. IN ANO FOR s e n to d lo lh c COUNTY on rcjprosQntallvo i/IN FALLS a t h lsad d ro si CV 04-261 ’ below, and nil

TO CREDITORS Clork ol the Cc mor ol Iho Estato , OAT^D this L U P W A Y N E

sod /s/Jamio A, Lan : E i s HEREBY Atlornoys lor It t h a t M a r l o n o flopiosontaiivo ,» b . .n = p p o im .

------------------------ Twin Falls, ID 8

.............i=UBLISH:"Fotho hour ot 10:00 and 19.20043). In the Ollico of in THE DISTRId Avonuo N orth. OF THE FIFTHs, Stato ol Idaho, DISTRICT OF 1 0. Inc., an Idoho OF IDAHO. IN vill sell a t public THECOUr liod funds, or tho TWiN Ff Unitod States, all MAGISTRATEnco wilh Section C a s e No, SPg doscribed rooi CV-1990-40431in Falls, Slalo of NOTICE OF HE

In Ihe Manor ol: n , and a strip ol of LAURENA B:ho South and a s MARSHALL,3f Iho Norih 5 fool Docoasod, in Falls County, NOTICE IS0 47. GIVEN, that: bankruptcy Ming. th e Trusteo idillons of which Polition wilh I would causo Iho ontitlod court l< / ol Ihoso condi- of tho annual 11 Tho successful and loos, Tho 10 Trusloo and/or sot lor Thursda0 any succosslul q ( M arch. 200 a's Salo, for ony a .m . al iho co

the nbovo-onlill1 moro particular the Couniy Coi sal proporty. but the County o l ' on 60-113 Idaho s t a t e of Idahi lhal according to ordered by sali is'ol 244 D ubois hearing said Po imos associalod ten (10) minutes

allocated by Ihiu j c o v e n a n t o r ,thls hearing. Anr oncum b'rancos' tng to contos'l ttiJ pursuant to Iho ing must providinjsl oxoculod by and all inlorosl'ANS, h u s b a n d with 48 hours’ clERICAN TITLE n o tic e ol IholiI Corporation, a s n ro d u c o ovidicurttyot WELLS cfoss-oxamlno, s u c c o s s o r In m tho ovoni thai. a s bonoliclary bo(ore the CourtVo, 1999011277. bo contested. 1i

sliali bo roscho.:D TO COMPLY (uiure dale wheiHO CODE. NO c o londo rw illaTHEY ARE, O R den t timo lor alBLE FOR THIS bo hoard,

DATED Ihisbo mado is Iho February. 2004.

I Trust Nolo, tho ST E PH A N , Kand Impounds of STONE STRAII} o( July through By Russoll G. K-ymonts unlll tho Allcmoys (or Tn nthly late chargoling al 6,5% p er PUBLISH: Febnuno T, 2003. Tho and 26.2004

f3!T53°S!”‘c , S INTHEDISTHKA S u r a S i w OFTHEHFTH


S c f s S l ” ? C O ^N O ™ ™ NOTICE TO CR 10 s a iis ty s a ia 15.3.001)In Iho Mailer o(


Docoasod..•h 4 2004 NOTICE IS • " ‘’• 209“ GIVEN th a t th ----------------------- signed havo boc

W n^hn baving clnims 0

. Slolo ol ld»M . | ? i !

iii ':= iiM ™ bfi?! U ° l " s S S E S S r i . 1 ! '0 Uniled Stales,nco with Seclion ,

«d“ r f i . " d on Foils. SMIO 01

ilON, T«tn Foils “ " ' " ' " ' • a rool. locordod In . . ,

W S S oT cT ' .J S c n ls ^ m S 2091 Todd Woy

. Meridian. Idaho ITho f u M o s .S l“ 8) JB8.56Z0

1 any successlul 's Sale, (or any

moro particular (208)345-4745

n i ’o T i W h 'o PUBLISH; Fobru in 60-113 Idaho onmia t according to ahd26 .2004 of 865 Brocken INVfF ATION ’

olimos ossociot- S o a lo d b id rocoived by thoC

It c o v e n a n t o r Falls. PO B ox iencum brances Socond Avonuo ipursuanl to tho Falls, Idaho 83;

u st oxoculod b y . .a t tho.ollico ot IIRRIS. h u sbond City Clork unlH 2;ERICAN TITLE P.M., prevailingCorporation, o s on F ob ruo^ 27runty ol CHASE w hich lim e thc,T10N. a s bono- oponod publiclyI Instrument N o .. in Ihu Council Chn Falls County. City Hail, 321 So

nue East, Twin Fi D TO COMPLY Bids will boHO CODE, NO fo r th e pu rcha•HEY ARE, O fl Optically AclivoJLE FOR THIS E n co d e d Tro((

Priority Conlrol S'bo mado Is Iho lorms oro avoiloTrust Nolo, Iho City of Twin Folljind impounds ol Room 12,321 2r' August Ihrough East. Twin Falls, /m onij until tho Bids must boilhly late chargo on bid term s pnrges'oro duo In tho Twin Falls fling a t 6.5% per Proloclion Dislricjly 1 ,2003 . Tho / Poo, Chaiim tho obligation Twin Foils Rurol1.24, plus accm - loclion Dislrlctiquont am ounis PO Box 2230le chargos and Twin Falls, Idaho

a n y o m o u n ts PUBLISH: Februi ;lotod wilh this 19.2004 ilocts to soil o r OPEN: February to s a tis ly sa id a d v e RTISEME


= IDAHO. INC. Dis’I j f f i S " ;for tho followini

d i o . 2004 Conllni.«lon

Ql roprosonloliyo D o v o -n a m o d All persons hav- against Iho

lis osioio aro » - I p r e s e n t tho le hin (our.monihe date ol Iho (Irst I o( Ihls Notico Or s Will bo (orovor

! m u st bo pro'- ) Iho p o rs o n a l Olive's a ltornoy Iro ss Indicaiod d lilod wilh tho 0 Court.this 29lh day of- 004, _______________

, Lamurolor Iho Porsonal . aliveeno Sirool East

ID83303-0090’. •


S P -9 0 -3 7 4 &0431F HEARING ' lor ot Iho Estate VA B.LL.od,E IS HEREBYIt:stoo has Med a ilh Iho above- url lor approval uol accounting Tho hoarlng Is rsday, tho 26th 2004. a t 9 :00

0 courtroom of onlillod court at1 Courthouso in r ol Twin Falls, d ah o , a s duty ' said Court (or d Polition, Only lulos have been ly tho Court (or], Anycno_wl9ti:__________)sl the proco'ed* ovido tho Court srostod parties jis ' prior wrilton Iheir in to n t to jv id o n c o a n d lino w itnesses,I that Iho manor 'ourt is going to sd. Iho hearing scheduled on a when Iho Court vill allow su(fi- or all parties.10

Ihis 5lh day,o(004.

KVANVIG;•RAINOR G. Kvanvig .)r Trusloo

-ebnjory 12, 19 M;THICT COURT FTH JUDICIAL RICT OF rE OF IDAHO,. IT H E C O U m y riN FALLS : .:V-04-231 ' ,) CREDITORS.01)rr o( Iho Esiaio ENd r d ;----------- -------------------id,.: IS HEREB:y a t Iho und()(>) boon a'ppoint- 'nal reprosenla- ■ obovo-nam(Jd

All p e rs o n s ms against Itio - Ihe osiaio am I presoni thole in four monlhs ato o( tho (irst 3l Ihls Notice or will bo lorovor

ust bo pros6ni- :ndersignod,at , indicated, ond to Clork of tho . . . . . . .

his 13lh day pf04.c/Vaya h o 83642520 ^3ungasodona Lano

) 83705 745

■obruary 12.'19 4ION TO BID • b i d s w i l l b o

tho City ol Twin iox 1907, 321 nuo East, Twrtn ) 83303-1907,of Iho.Doputy.....................

1IH 2:00 o'clock lling local limo. y 27, 2004, nt H h o y w il lb o ’ illcly.and road ;il Chambers of 1 Socond Avo- nn Foils, Idaho.I bo roco ivod r c h a s o o ta -n ':livolod DatB- 'rafflc Sigrtai rot Syslom. Bid voiloblo 01 mo Foils City Hall.21 2nd Avonuo 'alls. Idaho, . t bo submitted s provided by Ills Rurol Fire islrlct.Shoirman lural Fire Pro» ct ' • • •0jahoB3301-••-


uary27.2004’ ................EMENTFOn: kLTBIDS ,Falls HighwdV les proposQls (Wing aspho tl <1 on noxt pago

:----------- .------- -- I


k > ^ I J J I L W

Conanuid Inm pm loui p tg t

producti lor m s 2004 Oil* Ing Seaion.

: C fi8 -2 .C R 3-2R , C S S-1 , C 99 -1H .C S 3-1 D iluted. HFR8-2P. HFE-300.- HFE- GO. HFE-160, SC GRADES AND MC GRADES SptclllcatloiK and bid doc- umdnli a rt on III* and may

• b* axam lnid «i th a Twin F a l l! H ighw ay D is tr ic t. 123 4 H ighland A v e n u e E a s t, Twin Falls. Id eh o . OHIce hours are 7:00 A.M. t o 4 : 3 0 P .M . ,M o n d a y

' through Friday. Bids will be . . . . ■ tflca lV B d-bn -O f-befo re-


o 'c lo ck A.M.. local tim e , ( • te p a of th a Tw in F a lle i

_ ____ Shoshone Strael N orth, T»SWENEY, as Successor Tn lion to tho highest biddor, for Unitod Stales, nil payable at i doscribod rool property, togo Iho County of Twin Falls. Stt dflscrlbodas follows;Lois 5. 6 and 7 in Block 6 c Twin Falls. County, Idaho, a focordod In Book 3 ol Plaia. County Rocordor of sa id Coi According lo Iho County Ass scribod pfoporty is commonlj 313 Boyd Sifoot Wost, Muno

Tho Irusfoo h as no kno doscftptlon of tho obovo rofoi posos ol complianco wilh Soi

Sold solo will bo m ado V regarding litlo, possossion or obligations socurod by ond p

'conlorrod In Iho Dood o l Trus A Oood ol tnjst with powor c 1977 to socuro an Indobtodm Rocordor; N ovom bor 26 . 19970196B6Gninlon Emosto G onzalos i band and wiloTnjsloo; Twin Foils Tillo and Bonoficiary; Bonolicial Modgi

THE GRANTORS NAME! COMPLY WITH SECTION 4 HO CODE. No roprosonlalior or oho l3 curronlly rosponslbli

Tho dolault tor which Ihi Grantor's failuro to m oko pa noto or crodit agroomont soc Pnymonis'aro'duo for tho'mo ovory month Ihoroaflor in tho January. 2004.ihoom ountin Iho oulslonding principal bolj oory nolo or Crodil Agroomo Trust was S47.744.89 plus ac Addilional intorost accruos at

Grantors must a lso pay ponolllos, iQlo chargos. sorvi litlo policy foos. and any olhor or oxponsos incurred o r pale Trusto& assoclatod wim this r foroclosuro as proved by tho Noto or Crodil Agroomont. oi SWENEY. Altomoy a t Law. i; Dood of Trust...DATED; 23. January 2004 R. Wayno Swonoy. Trustoo 250 Nonhwosl Boulevard, Su Coeur d'Alono. Idaho 83814 208-667-0S17.PUBLISH; FobruaryS. 1 2 .19


On tho 19lh day of M a y ,; ^ M ., ot said day. (rocognlzod First American Title Coinpai Twin Falls, In Iho County of First Amoriean Tlllo Compon Corporalion. a s s u c c o s so r i auction, to tho highost biddor. (cosh oquivaloni). In lawful m all payablo at tho tlmo of salo

-----------4 5^ 1506 (9riaoho 'C o 'dorih lproporty. silualod in lha Cou li^aho. and doscribod a s follov Lot 228 THE RIVERSIDE AT I moro particularly doscribod as A parcol of land In Soctlons 10 Range 14 East ol tho’Bolso M ty. Idaho, as shown on Iho R Record of Sunroy for tho Rh Ranch rocordod on May 6. l No. 1995001439. in tho Twin doscribod as follows; BEGINNING at a point that 2616.17 1001 dlsiani of Iho 1/ lions 10 ond 11: Thonco South of 261.83 fool; Thonco S9uth Of 561.67 (oot: Thonco North of 293.14 foot; Thonco North 7 264.78 foot: Thonco North 68 357.97 loouo Iho POINT OF I TOGETHER WITH AND SUE a n d Utility E asom onls. recc Inslrum onl No. 199401181 Couniy. Idaho.

This Tmstoo's Salo Is oubjo poyoff. rolnstnlomont. o r any tho Trustoo Is nol aw aro o f , . cancollotion ol Ihis sa le. FurtI tions exist, this saio may bo nu bidder's lunds shall bo rotumc Iho Bonoliciary shall not bo h purchasor(s) or biddors. a t th damoQos,

Tho Trusloo hos no knowi doscripllon ol Iho abovo roto for purposes ol complianco w Codo, Iho Tnjsloo h as boon I tho Couniy Assessors offlco. II s ido Drive, Buhl, Idaho, Is s< sold real proporty.

S a id so le will b o m ac warranty rogarding tillo. poss

: ' to satisfy Iho obligation socur powor of sole conforrod In Iho

V VERNON BAILEY'AND Cir ’ a n d V(l(o, as g ran to rs, to Fl

COMPANY OF IDAHO. INC.. succossor tnistoo. for Iho bone FARGO BANK N0RTHW E5 Intorost to FIrat S e c u rity Bi rocordod May 18,1998, a s Ina Mortgage Rocords of Twin Fall THE ABOVE GRANTORS AF WITH SECTION 45-1506(4) REPRESENTATION IS MADI ARE NOT. PRESENTLY RE

. OBLIGATION.Tho dojaull lor which Ihis i

foiluro to pay whon duo, undo monthly paymonts for Prlncipa duo por month lor tho m onths c 2003 and all subsequent paym or colnslotomont, with Inlorost e and continuing to accrue from , pal ba lance owing a s o f thli socurod by said Dood of Trust Ing Intorost. cosla and advancc oro now duo. logothor with a< Intorosl, unpaid a n d o c cru lr t ru a to o ’s foes, a t to rn o y 'a f advanced lo protect tho oecij

' foroclosuro and that Iho borI ■ c a u s e Ihe Irust p ro p o rty lo

obligalion.D alo;Januoiyie,20CM .FIRST AMERICAN TITLE C 0 ^ /a/Monlne Cole, Tmst Officcr

PUBLISH; January 29. Februar

I ,I ______


- 10:00 a .m . F a b r u a r y i9 .« • 2004

All bids mual be sealed )ll> with a concise a taiem ent

m a rk e d on th a o u ta ld e -1. ‘2004 A sphalt B ids'Id. Dsve Burgasa, Director

=S 'PUBLISH: February 6, & 12,2004

« - •-------LEGAL N6TlCe------ !•V N O TICE 18 HEREBY

GIVEN purauanl to Idaho Code §46-806 lhat 0 & R Mini S to rage , 400 South

'O- Locust Slraet, Twin Falls, Id a h o w ill s e l l to H u n t ,

>y B r o t h e r s A u c t io n on Februaw lB . 2004thecon•

'®- tan tsbelongtngto:---------------

TRUSTEE'S SALE , 2004 AT THE HOUR OF 11:00 le , of aam e day, a t th e fro n t ' la C ou n ty C o u r th o u a e , 426 , Twin Falla, Idaho, R..WAYNE , ' Truaioo. will sell at public auc- ! , for cash. In lawful money of the ‘ > at tho lime of sale, iho following ' ogothor wilh fixluroa, silualod In > . s ta le ol Idaho, and particularly

6 of MURTAUGH TOWNSITE.0. according to the plat Ihoreor, <118, Pago 32, In the Olfico of tho <Couniy. 1Assessors oflico. the abovo do* ilonly known as: Iurtaugh, Idaho 63344 1knowlodgo ol a moro particular toforonced roal proporty lor pur* tSoction 60-113 Idaho Codo. <

jo without covenant or warranty In or oncumbrance lo satisfy tho iId pursuani to tho powor of solo irrust described a s lollows: / or ol salo dalod November 21.3dnossolS47.000.00 c >6. 1977. a s Instrum en t N o.' f

QS and Sharon Gonzalez, hus- r

md Escrow c>flgago Co. of Idaho CMEO HEREIN ARE LISTED TO t<N 45-1506(4)(a) OF THE IDA- tilion Is mado whether or not he fsiblolortho obligalion herein. 11 1his salo Is 10 bo rhado Is the C) paymonis on tho promissory 1socurod by Ihe Dood of Trust. E ■monlh-'ofSoptombor 2003aiTd' ”tho omouni 015392.61. As 0( 8, CIt in arrears w as S2.974.04. and 11balonco ov^lng on tho Promis- h jmont socurod by Iho Dood of5accnjodinlorosiolS8.712.B4. Cs a t tho rato of $11.65 por day. r}ay outstanding laxos, intorosl. Forvico chargos. appralsol foos, ethor dlsbursomenls, costs, foes 1paid by tho Bonoliciary and/or Slia Noilco of Dofault and/or this ctho Dood ol Trust. Promissory llt. or by idaho law. R. WAYNE ow. is succossor trusloo ol said S

i . a10 pSuilo 102 0

14 T f(

,1 9 and 26.2004. N S

------------------------------------------ C

rRUSTEE'S SALE c1-17106 2ly, 2004, a t tho hour of 10:00 rl20d local tlmo). In the Otflco of o ipany, 260 3rd Avenue North,' of Twin Falls, Slalo ol Idaho, p pany of Idaho, Inc., an Idaholor trustoo. will soil a t public - dor. lor cash or cashiers chock Jl money of Ihe United Statos, lalo in compliance wilh Soction -IH TfolIow In^do^rib irdT oor ~Dounly ol Twin Fails. State ol A)llows. to-wil: FAT KANAKA-RAPiOS RANCH. Td a s follows: F! l0 an d 11 .T ow nsh ip9S ou lh , C0 Meridian In Twin Falls Coun- ai0 Revised (January 30.1995] (cRiverside ol Kanaka Ropids ol

3. 1994. No. 1995001438 ond 4!win Falls County Courthouse pi

Id101 Ilos North 49 '21 '45‘ E ast Li0 1/4 cornor common to Soc- S 3 U th 0 n 9 '3 7 ‘ W ostodistanco & uth 8 1 '0 4 '5 rW o sta d is to n c o irth lO'OO'OO'Wost 0 distanco pi th 74'04'07* East a distance of Ih1 66‘47'57* Eosi a dislanco ol aDF BEGINNING. - ____ IkSUBJECT TO: Rood, A ccess blocordod Ju n o 29, 1994, o s th1814. ro co rd s o l Twin Falls pt

d(jbjoct to ony bankruptcy filing,sny other conditions of which d(of, and that would cause tho fo-urthor. il any of those condi- D} null and void. Tho successful (humed, and the Trustee and/or M'0 hold libel lo.any successful cli It the T rustee 's Sale, for any

Wlowlodgo o l a morn panlcular loroforoncod rool, property, but pc;o with Section 60-113’ldaho b\on Infonnod that occonling to S0. Ihe address of 1331 River- gris oomelimes associated with ID

n a d o w ith o u t c o v o n o n t o r Milossosslon or encum brances reicurod by and pursuant lo tho IGIho deed of trust oxocutod by BJCINDY R BAILEY, h u sband Mi

3 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE miIC., on Idaho Corporotion, a s oslonellt and socurity of WELLS N<VEST, N.A ., s u c c e s s o r In Cc' Bank. N.A., os bonoficiary, Tl-I Instnimont No. 19SS009194, W Falls County, Idaho. • REi ARE NAMED TO COMPLY Af3(4)(A), IDAHO CODE. NO OE ADE THAT THEY ARE, ORRESPONSIBLE FOR THIS fal

mciis sole is to bo m ade is tho S6nder Dood of Trust Noto, tho pe:ipal and Inloresl of-S101.91. 20 h s o l Moy through November.' orsymonts until the dole ol salo S2ist accnilng ot 8% por annum, fee3m April 15.2003. The prlnd- witth is da to on tho obllgotlon aou sl Is $14,998.49, plus accni- .ofmces. All dotinquont omounts Tnh accruing loto chargos and adruing toxos, a sso s sm o n ts , wll's feo a , a n d ony a m o u n ts aolecurity associalod wilh this fo«bonoficiary oiocta to se ll o r ok)o bo so ld to s a tis fy aa ld e!o

sal Do


ruary 5 ,1 2 and 19,2004 PU

'• Tom & LIndaey Tllloaton. Unit «13 . la st known ad- i o f

i d r e a a Is 1 1 7 E 4 0 0 N , pg,,' Jarom a Idaho 6332S. The paii,> contan iacontisto l; House* vqu

holdgooda. ,o ,c

, PUBLISH: February 5 and K k‘ ^2^2004

LEGAL NOTICE ' 2«C ; ALL-RITE STORAGE ' “ 'n' under provlalons oMdaho '\ Code26*7*2tOwllldlipota' of siorad Hems of:’ R obert H olt, U nit N. lasl; known a d d re ss ; 366 Eric ■• Court, Twin Fells, idaho. — ' Cecil Q allay. Unit 15, last1 . k i o w j a d d r e a a a i T . e . . , J |

Sparks, Twin Falls, Idaho S , , . Hems will be sold at auction

PUBLISH: February 5 and f-Hf'I ^2-200^ Feb

LEGAL NOTICE SchDarrin Bond Bulk

: L a s t k n o w n 'f ld d r o a s ; ' Wo!, 2 1 3 E a s t 4 6 0 S o u t h . 833(I Jerom e, ID 63318 T

NOTICE OF TRUSTE . On FRIDAY, 30 APRIL 2004, A1 , o 'c lock A.M.. local time, of a a ld « I o f the Twin Falla County Courtf

S treet North, Twin Falls, Idaho,• a s Successor Tnjstoe. will sell o

highest biddor, for cosh, in lawfu S la te s , all payablo a l iho ilmo '

• doscribod roal proporty. logolher• tho County of Twin Falls. Slalo of

described a s follows;’ L ot18lt»B Iock7ofW H rrE A N D I EN RULE ADDITION, Tw in Fl

reco rded In Book 2 of Plats, pog Address: 254 Monroe Stroel. Tw:

Tho trustee hos no knowledge description of iho obovo roloron

• purposos of compliance with SoclliSaid salo will be mado wllhout

rogording litlo, possession or oncu obllgotlons socurod by.and pursua conforrod In the Dood of Tmsl dos' Dood of Trust with Powor ol Sale d to socuro an indebtedness of 530. omounts and/or obllgallons socuro R o c o rd o d : J a n u a r y 22 . 1996 , 1998001130Gmnton David Earl McClellan, o :

.Trustee: First Amorlcan Title

■ - ^ H E - ^ A N S R - N A M io ^ H ^ COMPLY WITH SECTION 45- IDAHO CODE. No representation I ho Is curronlly responsible for tho c

The default for which this saio Gronior’s failure to mako paymor nolo or crodit agroomenl socurod Poymonts are duo for tho monlh ol every month thoroaltor in the amo 12 D e c e m b e r , 2 0 0 3 , th o am o S1.413.90. and iho outstanding pr cn tho Promissory Noto or Crodil / Iho Deod of Trust was 530,089.70 ol S1.516.90. Addilional Inlorost t S7.36 por day.

Granlor must also pay oulslandl^i allies, lalo chorgos. son/lco charge policy loos, and any other disburse oxponsos Incurred or paid by th Trustee associated with this Nolico foroclosuro os provldod by Iho Doo Nolo or Crodit Agroomont. or by I Swonoy, Attorney a l Law. is succ Oood ofTnjst.DATED: 26 Docomber, 2003 R. WAYNE SWENEY. Trustoo 250 Northwest Boulevard. Sulto 10 Coour d'Alono. Idaho 83814 208-667-0517

PUBLISH: January 22.29. Fobnior


— O fT th iri 1 lh~dororM ayr2004:A.M.. ol said day. (rocognlzod local First A m erican Title Compaiw. 26 Twin Falls, in tho County ol Twin First Amorlcan Tlllo Company of I Corporation, o s succossor Irustc auction, to the highost biddor. for ci (cosh oquivaloni), in lawful monoy oil payablo ol tho Ilmo of sale In coi 45-1506(9) Idaho Code. Ihe (ollc praperty. situated In iho County ol Idaho, and doscribod a s follows, to- Lot 20, EXCEPT Iho South 200 fool SUBDIVISION, Twin Foils County Book S o l Plats, Pago 21.

This Trustoo's Sale Is subjoct to payoff, rolnslatemont. or ony olhei the Trusloo Is nol aware of, and I cancellation of this sale. Furthor, ll lions oxist, this solo may bo null’anc bidder's funda shall be rotumed. ar the Bonoliciary shall nol bo held III purchasor(a) o r biddors. at tho Tn damoges.

Tho Trusloo has no knowledge descriplion of the above rolerenci for purposos of complianco wilh S Code. Iho Tn.istoo hos boon Inlom (ho C oun iy A s s e s s o rs o llico , t Madrono S treet, Twin Falls, Idaho da lod with said real proporty.

S a id s o lo will be m ade wl warraniy regarding lillQ. possosslc lo satisfy Iho obligation socurod by powor of sa le conferred in Iho do< by J E F F TRA M M E L L , a n u n r ST E PH A N IE EN OCH , a n unm i grantors, lo FIRST AMERICAN Tl IDAHO, INC., an Idaho C orpora tru s to o , lo r th o bono lll ond so< M ortgsge C orp., a Utah Corpora ro co rd o d S e p te m b e r 2 ,1 9 9 8 , 1998016136; and'ttsslgnod to WAS BANK. FA, a u c c e a so r by m erge Mutual H om e L oana. Inc., aucce m e rg e r to F lee t M ortgage Corp, assignmoni recorded November 8, No. 1 9 8 9020084 . M ortgage Roc County, Idaho.THE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE NJ WITH SECTION 45-1506(4)(A). REPRESENTATION IS MADE TH ARE NOT. PRESENTLY RESPO OBLIGATION.

Tho default for which ihis salo I failure to pay whon duo. undor Doc monlhly paymonis for Principal. Inlei S633,43, with o change lo S632.89 por month lor the months ol May 2003 ond all subsequent poymonts or rolnstatomont, with a monlhly loti S25.34, wilh a chongo lo S25.89 (e looted lato chorgos aro duo in Iho with Inlorost occrulng al 7% poronni occnjo from April 1,2003. Tho princl)

.of this dale on the obligation aocui Trust Is $73,669,08. plus occrulng odvorifits. All dolinquonl amounla or with accru ing la te oharges ond In accruing taxes, assessm ents, trusti foes, and any amounla advanced to assocfiatod with this foreckwure and elec ts to 'se ll or cau se Iho Injst 'pn satisfy said obligalion.Dato: Docombor 31.2003 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPAN /s/EIlshio M Ricky, Tnjst Olficer

PUBLISH: Januory 2Z, 29, February


A lyssa Ja m aa o n suppL att known add raas; e44 IlonaParadise Place *101, Twin th eFalls. 10 83301 A geYour po a aa sslo n s will be S c haold a t public auction for Bullcnon-paym ent of rent alter ThiF ebruary 20 , 2004 . Pay* Schim e n t IN FU L L p r io r tb serv2/20/2004 la required to re* any^lain your goods. ’ all In

The VAULT Storage . TWI738-9919 DISI

Publish : F e b ruary 6 a n d c(ar> 12,2004

NOTICE OF BID - - >Jctlce la hereby given A pe

ihat the-Twin-Falls-Schcrol- - = District *411 will rece ive Ni se ale d b ids lor Jan ito rial ’. Suppllaa for the 2004*2005 No school yoar until 1:00P,M., theC February 19, 2004 a t Ihe of Tv S c h o o l A d m ln la tra t lo n publi Building. 201 Main Avenue on ht W ost, Twin Foils, Id ah o Marc 93301. 2004

T h e l i s t o f r e q u i r e d o 'cio Cour

------------------------------------- a l3C

STEE'S SALE l,A TTH EH O U RO F11:00 Sid day, a t th e fron t atepa a urthouae, 425 Shoahone ho. R. WAYNE SWENEY.)llo l public auction-to tho iwful monoy of tho United ? ^ mo o l sa lo , tho following i ' _ ier with lixturos. slluatod Irt J of Idoho. and particularly

ND CALLAHAN'S GOLD- , 1 F a lla C o u n ty . Id o h o ,

Twin Falla, Idoho 83301.Jdge ol a moro particular . ironcod real proporty lor ,k, oc1lon60-l13ldahoCodo.10UI covenant or warranty incumbranco to satisfy tho , ■suant to Iho powor of solo - " - i doscribod os follows: lie dated Jonuary 16.1998 530.000.00 and any olhor:urod Ihoroby. -------(98. a s I n s tru m e n t No'.

t, 0 singlo manSo

10 Co. of Idaho SHEIHEREIN IS'LTSTED TO 'F oils. 4 5 -1 5 0 6 (4 ) (o )O F T H E follow Ion Is modo whothor or nol A i ho obligation lislod heroin. 6439 salo is 10 bo mado Is tho a lto ' m onts on Iho promissory equip rod by Iho Oood ol Trust. Olficc Ih ol Soplernber 2003 and 321 S imounl of S250.04. As of 2:00 im o u n t In a r r e a r s w a s F e b n g principal bolonco owing oponc dll Agroomont secured by Th 3.70 plus accrued inlorost Contr ist accruos a t tho rate of Pdrlo

Docuinding taxes, Inlorosi. pon- Projoi arges, approlsal foes, tlllo Avon* lursomonts. costs, foes or Olfico Y tho Bonoliciary and/or Avo. E 3tlco of Default and/or this Cop Deed ol Trust. Promissory COOl by idaho law. H. Wayno EAST juccossor trustoo ol sold 1907.

(S150 of Twi will bc

3102. Anyol the hIs/ho su c h

n>Q iySond12.2004 ($100 orod I

■ BiddeiTho

T C E 'SSA LE tofojc

» 4 r a n h 'o 'h o u r o n 0 :0 0 ' •®''Eai ocal lime), in Iho Office ol tuo ar r, 260 3 rd A venue North, provid win Foils, Stole ol Idoho, no I of Idaho. Inc.. on Idaho af,on i

u s te e , will sell ot public oalc or cosh or coshlors chock /s/Sho noy ot the Unitod Slatos. c ity c ) compllonco with Soction lollowing doscribod real p u b l i ty ol Twin Foils. Siote ofI. lo-wll; --------foot thereof, ol RITCHEY unty. Idaho, recorded in

REI to any bankruptcy tiling. On i ilher conditions ol-whlch said d nd that would cau se tho Avonu sr. II ony of ihoso condi- E S Q ,. 'and void. Tho'succossful public f. end Iho Tnjsloo and/or money Id llbol lo any succosslul solo, tl I Trusloo'o Solo, for any County

follow!dgo of a more particular Lot 27 oncod roal proporty. but 1, Twi Ih Soction 60-113 Idaho P lats , lormod that According lo This 0 , th o a d d ro s s of 2 7 7 pnyoll. laho. Is somollmos osso- tho Tn

lion of] w ith o u t c o v o n o n t or this sa isslon or oncum brances lunds i d by and pursuani to tho clary s I deod of trust oxoculod damdg u n m a r r i e d m a n a n d Tho n m a r r le d w o m a n , o s doscrl( i TITLE COMPANY O F purpos lorollon, a s su c c o s s o r ih o T n so c u ri ly of R e p u b lic Court,

lorailon, a s bonoliciary, sold ro )8 , a s In s tru m e n t N o.. Sole /ASHINGTON MUTUAL' rogordl irger w ith W ash ing ton tho obi icceaao r In In terea t by sale cc orp„ o s benoficlory, by Moxfie r 8 ,1999 , a s Instnimont jo in t ti R oco rds of Twin F a lls Rogisti

Capital• NAMED TO COMPLY ro c o r ' A), IDAHO CO D E. NO 200201 THAT THEY ARE. OR THE


lie Is to bo made Is the N O T . Dood of Trust Nolo, tho OBLIG. Interest and Impounds of Tho c 2.89 (elf. 10A)1/03), duo ure to { (ay through Novem ber, Note oi n ts unlil Iho date ol sale under < ’ late charge accruing at S908.2' 9 (elf. 10/01/03), uncol- eluding Iho am ount ol 5352,01, .month!] mnum. ond continuing to gallon i inclpol balance owing a s prlndpt ocurod by said Deod ol Ihis for< Jing Inierest, co sts end dory to la are now due, together Ingo ttl d In terest, unpaid and with de 'u stee 'a feee, a tto m e /s dale ol d to protect the security The B and tnat the beneficiary lo b o sc I property to b e iiold to Ootdc

/aT*aul« For Ir

*ANY O F IDAHO, INC. The Ju: Free a t

ia ry S o h d 1 2 .2 0 0 4 ' ' PUBLIS

pplles and (he spaclflca- Cily Pns may ba obtained from Admine S c h o o l P u rc h as in g 321 Sij e n t a t th e F a lls 735*72:h o o l A d m in is lra lio n Parailldlng. a c c o irhe Board olTrusleas for public:hooI D istrict *411 ra- to com'rv es the right lo reject Falla sly tira llb ldsandlow slve five (5;


R oaeS lalfantarkJ)f lha Board PU B L

F e b nJBLISH; Februaiy 5 and T hu ra.•2004 ----------- ,-------------2 0 0 4 -


HEARING . T R U 8'loilceia hereby given by .13060I City Council for ttie City 5 7 7 2 Twin Falls. Idaho, that a 3 6 1 0 blic hearing will bo held H E R E Mondays, Fobmary 23. FIdolltv

ir c h 1 ,-ond March 15 : once C04. a t the hour ol 6:00 & Cou:lock, P.M., In Iho City ln c . , t lluncll Chambers, locaiod Succo:305 Third Avenue East, 5/10/2C'InFolls. Idaho, 10 hear 0 so lddc^uostby; Alllani

SIDLEZAMIZ C o r p .iquosls the vacotlon ol N orth.9 .11 ' X 15' utility ease* B3301.a n t ( 1 9 3 6 .6 5 s q . f l .) lion, totween lots 6 & 7. Block for cosiWindomoro subdivision, tho Unc o to d in W indom oro ablo atclo. Twin Falls. followlT ho City Council may p ropo r10 to suspend tho rules Countyd OCI upon Iho relotod of Idahllnanco(s) on tho lirst or Hon ofcond mooling date. II S u b d i\II o c c u r s , no lu r th o r County 3llc hearings will bo hold lo lh o F th o Issuofs). In Volui A ny a n d a il p e r s o n s 89, Ro( siring lo commonl may ty . dos 300r nnd bo heard at Iho B eginn solntodtlmo. fool Eo t comploto doscripiion Is cornor file with Iho Twin Foils ning th


Soporalo soalod bids for th o Nl ELTER 10 bo locatod ot 42 0 Vic Is. Idaho. whlch'"consists ot, Bui owing;\ new ANIMAL SHELTER buildi )9 sq u are fo o t M asonry a n d w< e w ork . In terio r f ln la h e s , hoc Jlpm ont and olhor related work wll ico ol the City Cleik. iocolod a t T I Second Avonuo East. Twin Foils 0 o 'c lo ck p.m.. provalling loca b ru ary 20, 2004, and thon o t s mod and road aloud, rh o Inlormalion for Bidders. Foi Mract, Plans. Spodllcallons. and io rm once and Poymeni Bond, c :umonts may be examined a t the f ijoct Coordinaior. Twin Falls Clly inuo East, Twin Falls. Idaho 83301 ICO ol Russ Lively Arehlloct. Charli ). East, Twin Falls, Idaho 83301. PI :opios may bo obtained at tho olllc ORDINATOR, locatod a t 321 S ST, P.O. BOX 1907, TWIN FALt )7 , upon poymont of O no Hum50.00) for oach sot. Paymont is lo I win Foils. An $8.00 shipping chon bo a ssessed on all malted plans, iy Bidder, upon reluming such sot h e Bid Oponing. in good conditio hor payment, end any non-blddei :h a so t will bo ro lundod O no30.00). Subcontractors and suppli d Biddors If they provido a'":opy aer. ,10 Ownor reserves tho right lo walv eject any or all bids not conlormir 305o,o!jt3o.coDiwc, Each Biddor must doposit wilh h am ount ol 5%, lorm ond subjoc /ided In tho Inlormalion tor Bidder:0 Biddor may v/lihdraw his Bid wil r Ihe actual date ot Iho oponing thi olod this 2 ls l day of January. 200- haron Bwan. Deputy' Clork - Twin Foils. Idaho

3LISH; February 5 and 12.2004

MAXFIELD, ROBERT AND [ ^RESCHEDULED NOTICE O F TRIn March 25.2004, at the hour ol1 day. In Iho lobby of first Amorio nuo North, Twin Foils. Idoho. Cl- 3, Attomey at Lov.-, os S uccessor Ilc auction to tho highost bidder, loy ol the Unliod States, ail poyi '. tho lollowlnfi doscnbod reel propi nly ol Twin Falls, Slate of Idoho, w ato tfil;27 o l FAIRWAY ESTATES SUBI win Falls County, Idaho, record s . page 30.Ils Trustoo's Solo Is subjoct to a I ) ll..a rolnstnlomont or any othor c Trustee is not aware that would c of Ihis salo. Furthor. if any ol thos sa le may bo null and void, the a Is shall bo rolumod, and tho T rust I sholl not bo liable to the su cces d g o s .,ho Trustee has no knowlodgo of ;rlptlon ol the above roloroncod to o s e s of complianco vrith Soction & rrusloe has boon Inlormod tho od< rt, Twin Falla, ID, is somollmos o roal propony. •old sale will bo mado wlihout cov rdlng iltle, possessions or oncum 3b11galion socured by and pu rsua conferred In the Deed of Trust ox field and Danielle Maxfleld. huai t te n an ts , as Gmnlor(s) with Moi Istration Systems, inc. a s nomlni lol Ino. a s tho Benolldory. under 3 r d e d A u g u s t 2 3 . 2 0 0 2 . a s I >017168. In Iho records ol Twin Fo IE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE NAh ■i SECTION 45-1506{4)(n). IDAHC ENTATION IS MADE THAT THE r . P R E S E N T tY R E S P O N S II IGATION.0 dofault for which this solo Is to b0 pay tho amount due undor tho c ond Deed ol Tnjst. In the omounj

ir a s follows: Monthly poym onts >.24 for tho months of Maroh 200: ng Iho date ol sole, together with :hiy paymonis occmlng. Tho sum i n securod by sold Dood of Trust ipol. plus son/lco chargos. ottomc orodosuro, ony ond all .funds oxp to protect thoir socurtty Intorost, o

1 tho rato of 6.875% from Fobruary delinquent taxes plus penottlos a ol sale.> Bonoliciary elects to sell or cause sold to sa tla^ sold obligation.

Idd Ihis'28th ^ ol January, 2004. ula Petorson, Trust Ollicer for Chi ' Information Concam lna th is u i Ju a t Law Offlca a t www!justlawl(a t i-eoo-gzs-oioe.

JS H : February 5,12. and 1 9 , 2W

Planning and Zoning n lnn tra io ra f City Halt! ,^ S .ccndA v .nuaE a .t,

'arsona needing apedal;o m m o d a l lo n s a t a , , me maating ara aaked lomact lha City of Twinla a t 735*7287 at least I ® L . pJ(5) working dsys prior ^

lam eallng ,G len d a T h om pson . J y / , *

ingiharalBL ISH ; T h u r s d a y ,b r u a r y 6, 2 0 0 4 a n d S i f ' yJ[?^» iF ab^u a_ ry ;12 .______________ ■ property.TICE OF TRUSTEE’S - of compilLE UNDER DEED OF 60*113 1U S T T .8 . N o.: T 0 3 - Trustoo f60 Loan No.: 001011- th a t the72 T l l l e O r d e r N o : H lghlam1 0 6 6 8 N O T IC E IS FaTia, IDR E B Y G IV EN t h a t U'n## asi)llty National Tllle Insur* foa' P'°P'0 Compony C/O Town be made lountry Title Services, o r warrai ., th e duly appo in ted p o a a e s : cossor Trustee, will on tr a n c e s i )/2004 at 11 ;00 AM, ol flo’ior' so1 day, ot the entrance to suan i to a n c e Title & E sc row conferre r p . , 311 2nd S t r e e t Trust oxc I h . Twin Falls. Idaho E lle r 01. sell 01 public ouc* m an. As , to the highest biddor. dollty No :osh. In lawful money of a n c e Co Unliod Statos. oil poy- c o s s o r ' I a t the time of salo. the b o n e li l jw ing described rool Amorlquo Dorty. s ituated in Iho P^^iy- As nty of Twin Fells. Slalo e d 1 /26 / jaho . lo wit: That por- 2 /2/199S of Lol 19 of Surtoos No. 1999

idiv lsion . Twin F a lls o f T w in mty. Idoho. according Idoho. P 10 Pint thereof rocordod a b o v e C olume 1 ol Plots. Pago to Rocords ol sold Coun- tion 45-1: ioscribod os follows:' Code. No inning nl a point 120 fnado tha East ol Iho Southwest not- Pf°S'

lor of said Lot 19, run- lor this ol I thence North parallel heroin. Tr

Iho unpal obllgaiior property ll

__ sonoblo I•OR BIDS oxponsos. NEW CITY ANIMAL The tirno

.S 4J .418Jbul not limited to. the

Mding, approximately I w ood building, w ith AKn e a t, p lum bing a n d NOTIC ; will bo rocolvod by tho 20th day It Twin Falls City Hall, said d a y .. alls. Idaho 83301. until pany. loci )ca l tim e, on Friday, 83303, Di It sa id ollice publicly Bar Assoc

auction toForm ol Bid, Form ot tho Unlloc nd lorms of Bid Bond, salo, tho f j , and othor Contract County of 10 following; follows, lo:ity Hall. 321 Second Lol 6 . Bio 301 Falls Couilartorod. 2068 Addison recorded I . Phono 208-734-4303 Falls Coui Jlllco ol tho PROJECT Tho Tr 1 SECOND AVENUE descriptloi ALLS, IDAHO 83303- purposes - undrod Fllty D ollars -th e T rust to bo made to tho City 401 Diam

large, nen-rolundablo, timos assc IS. Sold sc30twilhlnlon(10)days regarding Illion, will be rolundod the obligo Ider upon so reluming so lo con no H undred D ollars ROGER E ppllors will bo consid- David E. py ol ihoir quote to a /^ssoclallo

security 0/aivoanyinlcrmalityor said Dood ming to tho intont and 29.1995 , iI,____________________ Halls Couth his Bid. socurity In com ply w Joel to the conditions roprosent; lors. . rosponslblwithin thirty (30) days Tho nai

I thorool. - ' m ado Is t 1004. In sta lim o

tho montl Inclusive, Promissor

4 T ho origiIhoroon ol

' November

D DANIELLE f g ^ S lrRUSTEE'S SALE ot ho rateol 2:00 o'clock PM 01 olS213.13

jricon Tillo, 260 Third nh|o oioniCHARLES C. JUST, nnd ie o so

lor Tnjsloo. will sell al DATED 1er. for cash. In lavrful SUCCESSayablo at the ilmo of /s/OavId £roperty. silualod In the p o Box 82ho, and described a s Boigo, Wot


a bankruptcy filing, a 3r condilions of which d cause the cancolla- hoso conditions oxisi. On May0 successful bidder's sa id day c ustoo ond tho Bonoli- North. Twi :ossful bidder lor any corporatlor

highost bic1 of a moro portlcular S ta to s . oil i raal proporty. but for described n60-113ldahoCodo, Foils, Stole address ol 567 Ping That port o IS assoclatod with tho County, id.

. . _ cordod In Ecovonont or wnrmnly County, Idtumbmncos lo satisfy BEGINNINluanl lo tho powor of whtoh Is 50I oxocutod by Robert THENCE Eluaband and wifo a s lino orsa tdMortngngo Elodronic THENCE Sninoo for Stoneridge lino of saidlor tho Dood of Trust THENCE VIS In o tru m o n t N o . lino of saidFalls County. Idnho. THENCE N

JAMED TO COMPLY 3 a dlstano,H 0 CODE. NO REP- Sometimes'HEY ARE. OR ARE Idoho 8334S IB L E FOR T H IS Sold sa l

regarding tl0 be made Is (ho fell- obligation10 certain Promissory salo contorlunjs called lor there- M cCAU^ iI ts In Ihe amounl of Idaho corpc!003, Ihrough and in- and Betty I^Ih tale chargos and doled Marcim owing on the oMI* slrumont Nijs t Is 599,509.37 a s Idaho,im o /s loos, cosls ot Dofauii foioxpondod by Benefi- (o) AccumuI, and Intorost accru- month, forary l.2003.togolher N ovem bers and inloresl to the monlhs Is S

on th o obiuso the tnjst property $33,321.51.

(b) T he first>04. quen tln thoCharles C. Just. Esq. Receipt No.u f e p lease con tac t DATED thisiw orToll TITIEFAC)

/s/R. Todd E

2004 PUBLISH; .

T hursday , February i

l l l l l l

r . r , s L ' rth ence Eait parallel, e a 's l 'a e s ilha Soulh line of said coats and idialance ol BO feet lo to Dfolocl Inl; thence South par- aodalod wl0 Ihe West line of said m,. Tha Bc1 distance ol 225 feet to sell or c

nee of 80 laat to the -VnuBry i 4 of beginning, Excapt- N ational T larefromlheNorthlOO c o c/o T< The Trustee has no T111 e S oledge ol a more par- (8B8)485-9ir cfescrlptlon ol ihe >26 Andy f /e r e f e r e n c e d r a a l ( s n t v ' c iJrty. bul for purooaea ASAP5772' mpilance^wtth'Section” —— —*13 Idaho Code, th e PUBLISH00 haa been Informed Fobruorv the address O M 525 jo04

i g n e r s. associated wlih saidiroporty. Sold sale will W E.ELIWade wllhout covenant ^ 'irranly rogording iltle. COPH. arel e s s lo n or oncum -:es to satisly ihe obll- '1 socurod by and pur- I ri d I v i d i : 10 tho powor ol sale companies; irred In tho Dood of DionnoEyo executed bv W evno R ^ h o l DIar

H ere an unm arrlod Michelle W. As grantors. To: Fl- ^ ^ n Shormi Notional Tillo Insur- Laura Lohir Com pany, As sue - Tommy Shu

or T rusloo . for th o SondyB ast lfll a n d socu rily ofIquost Mortgage Com- Montco fnifli As Bonoliciary. dat-

'26 /1999 , rocordod Homobuyor999 . os Instrum ent o's.LLC:999002062. records T rans Natuvin F o ils C o u n iy . gofp.;I. Plooso.Note; Tho Pam Froelc- o G r o n lo r ( s ) a r o MongagoF,d to comply wilh Sec- Son/ices;5-1506(4) (0), Idaho G^alus Prog. No roprosontalton is Foundationth a tlh o y n re .o ro ro BoIlicimaPr

irosonlly rosponsibla Totally AwoiIs obligalion sel lorth Dalod 01/16

Illon socurod by Iho Fobruary 5 (rty lo bo sold and roa- PUBLICJio oslimoiod COSIS, Actions plarISOS and advances ot dv vour no™ ol m il Non™ Is; In18J4_A l!.dollnquon..|-Thorara pa

AMENDED NOTICE O F TRUSTEI ITICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhat on Jay ol Moy, 2004, at Iho hour o( 3 < ay. at tho ollicos ol Twin Falls Tillo £ located ot 905 Shoshono Siroot. Tv I, David E. Wlshnoy. a mombor ol ll ssociation, as Succossor Trusloo. w n to tho highost biddor. lor cash iri I; Iliod Statos ol America, otl payablo ho lollowing doscribod roal proporty y ot Twin Falls. Slalo o l Idaho, am 3. lo wit:Block 2, South Meadows Park Sul

:ounly. Idaho, according to tho ollici tod In Book 14 ol Plats. Pago 25, rf :ounty. Idaho.> Trustoo has no knowlodgo ol a n ption of Iho nbovo-doscribod roal pi ;os of complianco with Idnho Codo S ■ustoo has boon Inlorm od th a lll ' Iamond Drivo. KImboriy. Idaho 82 assoclatod wiih said rool proporty. d sale will bo mado without covonn ling litlo. possossion or oncumbran illgallon securod by and pursuant u :o n fo rro d lo tho D o o d o l Trusi :R E. OSEN AND PATTI A. OSEN, E. Wlshnoy. o m em bor ol tho Id:

lallon, as Succossor Trusloo, lor it ty of Washington Fodoral Savings lood of Tojst having boon rocordod 95 ,0S Insimmont No. 1995018515, r :ouniyJdahojrho.abQVQ-GraniDt(a) y with Idaho Codo Soc iion 45-1! entatlon Is mode lhat thoy are or arc islblefor this obligation.' naturo ol the dofault for which ihi: Is the lailuro of tho Grantor(s) to I m o n ls ln lh o su m of 5 8 9 2 .0 0 o on lhs of July, 2003 Ihrough Doci Ivo, In accordanco w ith tho prov isoryNoiool oven dato. original loan amounl w as $ 101,600.0' n ol tho role ol 7.5% por annum cc iber 24.1995. Tho unpaid balance a olo. Induding accrued intorost Ihroi 03. is $96,766.22, with Intorost occn rnle ol 519.06 per day, until paid, an 3.13. All dolinquonl am ounts aro noM liong wilh'oil accruing lato cti.irges, ss ossocinlod with this torodoswo. ED this 13lh day ol January. 2004 ESSOR TRUSTEE d E. Wlshnoy, Altomoy ol Law x837Idaho 83701

SH; Jonuary 22,29. February 5 nnd


«ay 20,2004. nl Ihe hour ol 2:00 o’ sy ot Iho lobby of Trustoo. 163 F< Twin Falls, Idnho. TITLEFACT. It Ition, os Trustoo will sell at public cI biddor. for cash. In lawlul monoy . oil poyablo ol tho tlm o ol snIo. >ed real proporty. situotod In Iho C( Hole ol Idoho, and doscribod os folio Irt of Lol 3, Block'l, ALBERT TRAC '. idaho. according to tho ollicial pl In Book 3 of Plots, pogo 11. rocords . idohoNING a t 0 poim on th e W est line 3 50 feel South from iho.Nortnwest c :E East on o line porallol with the Nc jo td lo l 3 0 distance of 100 feot lo n ;E South on n lino porallol with lhaU mid Lot 3 a distance of 50 lool to a p :E W esl on a line porallol wilh Iho Ni lald Lot 3 o distance of 100 feet to a ;E North along the W osl boundary lli onco ol 50 lool 10 the POINT OF BE mos known na: 722 Moin Street Nor 3341.solo will bo made wiihoul covonar

ng tltlo, possossion or oncumbrnncos Ion secured by and pu rsuan t lo I nlorred in Iho Dood ol Tnjst Irom JC

an unmarried w om an, to Tltiol orporallon. Tnjsloo. and Themes P. Ity Lou Homan, husbond and wile, larch 29,2002. recorded March 29, It No. 2002-005840. records ol Twin

II forwhk:h this sale Is to be mado is umulalod dolidoncy In paymonts ol lor the monlhs ol August. Soplomi ber and Docomber, 2003 end all Is S2.120.00. Tho balance owing a ob ligation secu red by aald Dooi 1.51. plus 10% Interest ond forodosi first one-hatf of tho 2003 laxos, wh 1 the amount ef $226.16, plus penally No. 3687.this 13lhdayol January, 2004. ACT. INC.dd Bloss, Vico Prosidont

■H: January 22.29. Febmary 5 and

•• \

y 12,2004, Tlmea-Newa, Twin Fall

—now due, together to know and lolald and accruing your gcsaaaamenta. trust- doing. As soil-J, atlornoy's fee t, ctiarges all ciid advances mado informed, ihia:l me aecurlly .as- « « fy cnwith mis lorecloa- “ f ? »tudy t|ieBonoliciary olecls “ '‘vise th!r c au se th e lr u a t ' 's e e k fum10 be aold to sat- <.*0 ' exoreia dbijgatlon. Dated; to “ “ eas put 14.2004 Fidolliy and public mee I Tltlo in a u ra n ee IMPOR' Town & Country Pieaao addro

l o r v l c e a , I n c advartfslngto: '•9191 (916)367-7 LEGALADV / Fragassl. Assis- TheTlmai c e P r e s l d o n l POBon 7215 T ^nFajl_i.lD

Deo'dlmo foTIIH; J a n u o ry 2 9 , days prior to 1'y S. 1.2 a n d 19, noon on W ad

Sunday, noon c^ C R E D IT O R S

ZABETH I. COPPVIN M IC H A e L (oiro not liobib for.not bo noble for. Saturday, Hols of Iho lollowing ''no* f"ay vaiVd u a l s a n d / o r PuOS'iOns („ u “ ' s a n o / o r I 735.3324 .

Volin: I PUBLIC Nilanne Evenn: I NOTICE IS HEI W.: I itiat C entral Crman; Conlor Homoovhmons; cioiion. Inc., locIhirly: V.ikima. Fllor,islodor; 55-» H o u s in g

, P e r s o n s dov i/fluoz;. - • inior:clocl arid c igofs; ■ I occupancy by 1 'or'sChoico Build- yoais ol ago 0;

I suant to tho H Itional M orlgago 1 O ld o r P o r s o

1995(HOPA)1 for Liie; ,'s/PiisciHa Par:■Funding . C h a i r m a n .; Community Coiogiossivo ownois Associ.ion;Proprota. LLC: PUBLISH: Fob vosomoHomo; 19 and 26, 200- '>6/04 W THEOiSTRl

OF THE FIFTH H; J a n u a r y 2 9 . DISTRICTOFT 5 and 12.2004 o F IDAHO, IN J C N 'O T I C E " ’ THECOU^ fanned ond taken « M„‘'e p ? p

— :---------------------ESTEP.Doccascd

rEESALE NOTICE IS3n Thursday, the GIVEN lh a t li3 o'clock P.f*1. ol signed has beere 8’Escrow Com- personal roprcsTwin Falls, Idaho tho abovo-nar11 the Idaho Slalo donl. All porsc ,_will soli a t public claim s a g a in s n lawful monoy ol docodont ot hts bto nt the timo ol required to prc ly silualod-In the c la im s v /iih ir and doscnbod a s monlhsalloriho

lirs i pub lica liSubdivision. Twin notice or said cl;lidal plat thorool. lo rovor barro i, rocords ol Twin musioilhorbopi

th o u n dersign1 moro particular addross indicatiproporty, bul lor wiih tho Cloik ol

3 Section 60-113, /s/Ronald HaidyIho a d d ro s s ol 3303 Fairway83341. Is somo- Coourd'A lono.

mani or warraniy PUBLISH; Ja i ancos. lo satisly February 5 nnd

N, as Grantpr, to Idaho S ta to Barr tho benoM and ,"■igs, Bonoliciary; p .


.‘? K , a , . N oare nol prosonlly g q n z a LES.

Ihis salo is to bo NOTiCE‘ is

,,00. - 1. , . , . . .commencing on ,io n i o r iii > f..

.n d la ,o c h « ,g .ssa .d d .im w il ls, and all costs

Claims must b eel to Iho undoi th o taw o llice Brown Sindnif. A vonuo Norlh 2322. Twin Falls,

n d l? ?DOd \ 2322 . and 1il«c nd 12,2004 X c loikolm oC oui______________ DATED this I

January. 200.I. ftLE /s/CopiicQ Gcnz;

Personal Roprbs

Foirt^A voriud PU euSH ; FooiuINC.. nn Idaho and 26.2004

c auction, lo Ihe C----------3y ol tho United ^ q i q i 3. tho lollowing Couniy ol Twin

mows to-wil: FOUND alrplorACT. Twin Foils conlrollod oiocplat thorool ro- P lo a s o c a ll 1

rds ofj.w in Foils inlormalion « 7

10 ol sa id Lot 3 ;l cornor Ihoroot;North boundary

iWost boundary B U Y I a point:

SELLf lino ol said Lot BEGINNING.Orth, Klmborly.

loni'br wnrronty

TIMES-NJOYCE MARIE ________iloFact, Inc.. an C LA SSIF Palnck Homan

lie, Bonellclnry. W li I P 29, 2002. a s In- ^(In Foils County. EVER Islnllurotopoy:ol $424.00 per NEEE

imbor. Oclobor. all su b se q u en t I as of this daio fe d of T rust Is 3suro cosls. . .ivhlcharodolln-.Illy nnd inierest. . SELL I

B U Y I*

Id 12.2004 I '

Id lo be Informed ur governmanl is aoil-govornmont

III citizens 10 bo this now spaper.

ry citizen 10 road / tliese.noiicov. e those c itiz en s" furtnor Inlorma-

ordae trieir rtgw 1 public rocords moalingj

ORTANTjd ro a s oil legul , jio :ADVERTISING ''Imes News 'B ox 646I. ID 63303-054B_________foTlbgal ads. 3 r to publication. AlQdnosday lor 3on on Thursday ly. noon on Fn- r u o s d o y o n o .y, noon on Mon- jrsdny ona noon .y lor Friday and Holiday dead-

/ary. II you havo ons call Ruby at

.TC NOTICE IHERBY GIVEN ral Com munity noownors Asso- ... locaiod ai 50fi •Her, Idaho is sing lo r Oldt-r d o v e lo p m c n i nd oporaiod Icr ■ by persons 55 IJO or otdor puf- no H ousing jo ! . t r s o n s A ct o l

Parsons.a n . C 0 n 1 r a I .I Conlor Home- jociation, Inc.

Fcbruafy 5. 12.2004STRICT COU RTFTH JUDICIALOF THE STATE), IN AND FOROUNTY OFiROMElP-IE-03-31D CREDITORSer. oMhQ.Estatu-----------------:l in to n

2dE IS HEREBY at tn o u n d e r- bccnappoiniCLi. . . iprcsonlalivo o'•nam ed doco-o rsons havinga in s t Iho sa id ^I hts estate aio) p resen t thoiiilh in to u r (4 )r Ihe daio ol thoca tio n o l th isid claims witi boirro d . C laim sbo presonlod tos ig n e d a i ihoficated, or lilcd■ikol Iho Court.lardy Estoplyono. ID 83815

; J a n u a ry 29, and 12.2004 :TRICT COURT FTH JUDICIAL 3FTHE STATE MN AND FOR DUNTY OF i FALLS V04^236 > CREDITORSjrof-iho-ESTTitD------------------JDRO MIGUEL >.■d.: IS HEREBY at tho u ndor- Doon aupoiniocl ptesQniaiivo ol'•named doce^ o tsons having inst Iho doco-0 e s i a i o n ro

1 prosont Ihcir m lour months SIO ol tho lirsl 3 llhisNoiiccot ' will Oe lorevor •• • •

usl bo prosonl-ndoisigned atlice o t P a u la • •aif. 321 Fourthorih . P C BoxNills. ID 83^03-1il9d with IhcCoun.:his 5th clay ol D-I.lonzalos .....................iprbsoniaiivb

otjiuaiy 12.19

p la n e . Radio otoclric modol a ll lo r m o ro 1 i t 733-6668--



.F IL LERY;e d

L IT !/ I T !

I Falla, Idaho E5

FOUND C a t on H.inkin n j .ite.n. lg. InonUly nn ».‘uliif.iul, a y p o .n s wo i.iroU lof, long dark tui:;iii73iV70-Jl •_______

• ■ "• FOUND ciit, in Kifnborl' r’l.iio yf.Ty r-ms c.lll 423-4110'

FOUND cair.smalioV nrc M(il)Pd wtiiio lool. gfoc 1 yi!:i N onr Cnndloridc; Ar.\i ;34.0382 .- _ •

FOUND GotmnnStioi'lM.'»i t,fuv.n. m .ilo. in Joioni C:oui)ly .ilm obi 2 weol' ,ujo /3-»-e3^-.l20-J5eji

‘ FOUND iio'ltwoilnrX.mnli •iclu;i Soulli ol Hnnsoi

. Vu'rv.liJOitclly. -J2^-«G2‘FOUND liib b y 'c a t, mnii

-----------rr’igc rrrrn irrrm tio -N r'I .i*T Gold oyos. Ploai •-,11 lof'tnoTO in(ofm.i1ic ^ .'OB-.120-5037/

FOUND TOOLS’ on't'ro . I .iktjs G r.'iO e in Buti

_________f'.'ilMo.'cf-^nlily 5 J3-_678SFOUND; FoTdifuTloadtr

t.mii) D csido food no; Kitnii.'fly on Fcotuary r’lc.isocnll 208--J23-6-1ElO K lo n l r ly . '_______

L 0 5 T 2 D 0 G S ‘tOoi(l<’n Roifievof lO monltir* old A Blnck

Seollif 1 yr. old. Near 3C S. oM ofomc. REWAHI

ollorod' 324-3-13I 'Lo s t BrncolorBiricriHii

(".old, Inrgo 3 . r link: lODo gold lenl design. Lo iiGlvvoon W .ilM arl on

__:______ InuTim cs News oMiceUiifli'y. VAis n Cnrisim: gilt R e w o rd oMofo<i00-076-29l£^________

LOStCnliCO dnrh.Sm on oiu, blue e y o s . on Po Uino P J by T.F. Filno! Coniuf. beloro Saiurda Cnll208-734.1220.*

To s t Coirphono m n cas Howard olforotJ. Ploaj

_Mll 20B-734-3755.- LOST Cnihuahua (omal

on Jan. 31. no collar. Sr got oul ol Iho houso ar w o h a v o n ' i s o o n h * smco. Ploaso call wilh at

________ mfotmaiion 208-212-2031

maio. rod brindio ani wtiito, h a s discolorattoi ol llio right oyo causoi

' , by s u r g o r y . L ost oi ■ Hanson Avo. in Burloy

SSOO re w a rd offorod 208-878-3003-

LOST FESTOOL saw wivacuum, commercial tyf near C loar Cfook Rd Buhl. Howard! 733-3147

LOST Lab yollow, malo! yr. uld. bad right tioni 10 lod collar w/ail tags. $11 REWARD for salo rotut

____ 731-2176 or 886-2176/LOST Rod Morlo Austr

tian S h o p h o r d . m nl b/own a whilo spocklo dark brown oar. 8 montl old. Hazotton/Gioonwoi .iroa.Call20a-829-411!

LOST Snow panls. Colur--------------i-iftrnnvy bluorSii!o-ia/1

Loll on ski bus lo Pomt rollo on Feb, 8 . Rowor Call 733-3B69.*

L ^ s t S lo c k d o g . bia< maio. nl M oniana Stoi Houso. W oaring collar, i Mgs. C all 420 -5110

. .131-8051,•___________L O S f T orrtor Spaniol

DiacK modium sno , woj mg oii'p lo collar. Rupi Aroa. N am o Maiya, m. LOi/ying lo g e l homo. R w n r d P l o a s o c a

.............. 208-734:2467,'LOST: C h o c o la io La

male, 1 yoa r old, injuti ;;tjlil bnck log. 77 S 8:

P a u l , I d a h o . C t :08-438-5134,V


P l o a s e c h e c k y o u i a d o n . t h e f ir s t d a v If y o u l i n d a n e r r o w e w ill c o r r e c t it,

Wo aro nol rosponsibk lor Qtrors altor iho lirs

day ol publication,'

Call Twin Falls 733-0931 0x1,2, Of Burloy 677-AQA2:

OiTihTs’ da lo , February 20a i . I Mlchool McFor

...............‘.im'ho longer rosponsil---------tor any d o b ts olhor Iti

own.'____________SWMY 7 0 . no sm oki;

i’d r in k in g & no drug Would like to moot a la ijolwbon 60 '7 0 for dali bul c a n g o anyw hor P o s s i b l o l o n g lo r rolalionship. 32C-5058.



D E P A R T M E N T208-73^5538208-677-4543

■ EG Tlinos'Nowg. Twin Ft

ik in s A L C O H O L I C S and A N O N Y M O U S wall 2O8-733-830O&721-OJ5O5'

REMEMBER"— That birthday ad you placetJOrly. soriio tune ago tn T/if

ri»i(‘.';'-/V.nv.-;-'’ Now is me' ....... Iiine to como pick up yooinray piciwes. S topbythoC ias

jreen ; siliod Dept, today! ' ridgo


■eoks BANKRUPTCY585.■ Compeiilivo rates on mTi'o' Chaplor 7 bankruutcios.

Jo tis to k o ra l 734-8.152'}G2- B a n k r u p t c yiiiiia Inexpensive chapler 7& 1C

------Will.amsL.iw-7JGJDC90:loaso B ^K R U P tC Y i.ilion Guarantood lowest prico

Unconiestod divofco t lo ^ f ■ S295 . Mimj leGS. Call

lolllreo.1-866-€ea-2399 van. : aANKRUPTCY

-A"ofd.ntiio paymom plan, rfimn Accidenis, divorco & no-ir criminal manors.

,rv 7 Brad RIcc a t 734-3367 BANKRUPTCY


10 LAW WESTck Twin Falls 208-732-5G76 ir300 Burloy/Rupen 208-21i)-999( ARD Toll Froo 1-888-567-5G76' ' ■ ROBYN'S NESTrTTills CLEANING SERVICE inks, Accepting now clionis, (as

Lost dopo h d ab lo . thorough 1 n n d allordablo, 208-212-8713. ice in YOUR HANDYMAN— jim as 0 jg Qf small |0bs. i r o d . 208-678-5250 Of 431-4440

Inessifday, CERTIFIED oxp'd., 45 yea_____ old vmmon seeking partcaso. timo work lor oldoily in loaso . hom ocare Roloroncos _____ Call 208-934-8026.-

^ S h o0 and

ih any BURLEY Little Explorer* 2031,' C hlldcaro Contor. ago: — I —2-yf575T)p“ A-fun-piacotc

licensed. ICCP cortilied 20 y o a rs oxp. LimitO( g roup SIZO. Pro -schoo

f iffi ' availablo. Call 878-2570, H KIdz Com pany^ Daily actwitos, fiold trips.

ICCP. moals. 73S-8768* NANNA-S HOUSE Daycart

& P'o-School. ICCP 4 anon 3 , cxponenco

24 hours, moals & snack; includod. All ages!

208-735.4193- y ’ OUR LIL’ ANGELS — I Downiown Localion V wil Now accopling onrollmoni iltvDO Opening March isl. R d in COII410-0191 Of 539-4159

oHim. ADVERTISING SALES76.- REPRESENTATIVE — PoalllonO pon------n l i n Ag Weokly/Farm TimoscMod immodiato oponini

Iwood ntJworllBing account

Tho idoal candidate will ^olum havo salos oxporioncoia/14i----------nnd on ogrtcolturel—omor- background,iward- Candidates with college

degroos In businoss, b l ^ ■ agri-businossor S teak . odvort.smgw.llbo lar no proforrod. If you would lik< i d o r low oik lortho

IntormounlainWosfs —— largest agncuttural101 nowspapor,woar- gQp(j ypjjf fosumo lo: luport Times-News.. At t n; Jonot Goffin 0. R ^ PO Box 548

" Twin Falls. ID 83303-054; _____ Idnot.go lfiny ioo .nor-L a b , , ' ' ' I—

niured ADVERTISING SALES S 880 Tho Tlmoa-News Uas

C a ll ari immediate opening 'lo ra n outside

- advarllsing so lo s ' -porson in our Twin

Falls olfico. Applicants S must havo a collego

degroo or equivalent o u r sa 'osoxpenenco.J . , , Sen,I your rosumo lo:

Janet.GoWnOLoc.not trror or Jnno t Goffint i t , Tho Timos NowsSiblo PO Box 5481 first Twin Fnlls, ID 83303* in.* ------------------ =


2-' ConAgra Cattio Feeding -------- Com pany

in Malia. Full bonolits. -40 tkp lan , insuranco.

208-645-2221-------- ConAgra Catllo Feeding

Company is an . Eqjnl C«3ortuntfy.'AfhmalM}

insiblo Employerr m an scroon is roquirod_____ prior to employmonro k in gr u g s , tr ASKING QUESTIONS a lady Conduct public opinion dating polls ovor iho lelephono h o ro . ABSOLUTELYlo r m , N 0SA L E St!!~ .....S58.’ Strictly rosoarch.-------- S7.00 lo $9,00 pof hour

Casual work onvironmor lloxiblo o vos,. dnys. wknd. hours. 15-30 hr:

-------- por wook. Gtoat part-lim|0b Of second |ob.

C loso lo CSI cam pua. ^ For more inlormation^ Coll 736-2853

AUTOMOTIVE JINy Lube is now hinng F

te c h n ic ia n s . C ustom c c so rv ico Irlondly, Som^ c o m p u ie r k n o w lo d g) holplul. Bonollts availobliIT Apply In personJ g A ddiaon Avo. location '

Soo ciosniiiiKin Bur.inua:i an ^ 3 sorvico cJifocrofy lor Iho tioi..........- — you.n»©(J.lo gui vout ftom


n Falla. Idoho Thursday. Fobruar

! I BOOKKEEPER \p. 1 Full-time full charge book-

keeper with oxporionco D ■ An a c c o u n t in g b nck -

I g round ho lp lu l. oxperi- C i ence Wllh GL.AR,AP,BR I

, ■ lb a m ust. Mulli-task w,' <oiir ' cuslom or so rv ico skills

j ancJ knowledge ol Cougar j . I Mnt coMwaro :s a plus.- (

P lease bnng your resumo

S Mon-Fii (rom 8am lo 5pm PIpc fo

402 W ashington , TwInFnlls*

^ o l ^ i p i S T•s. SECRETARY Com puier 52' oieperionco roquirod. Ex-,— cel, Word nnd Poactitroe , holplul, knowtedgo ol AP u r / a n d p a y ro ll . C all 324- i r r '~ 3 '-5 2 7 ~ 0 7 '3 p p ir J ’fS 3 - N r •

200 W, Jerom o. Wosioc ICO C o n s tru c tio n is a d rug0 . free work piaco.'a t l ----------------- --------------------199* CHILDCARE— NoecJod ch ild c a ro nid.

Must bo 18. and First Aid2 -S -C P H C o r l i l ie d . C olt

S tephanie 410-0191*

'S7’ c l e HLocat CO. seeking Quality A ssurance c lork. Ware-

I houso oxp o fo in ce pro- I (o rro d , d a t a e n try an

f;7(-, ' mveniory oxp. ap lus. Call i (or appl. 736-3855-

'IS i ‘ COSMETOLOGY; Cosmolology InsUuclor,

'E ■ I Part-limo. musi bo last I licensed. Pleasani i g h , ' working onvironmeni,’3^; I Ca1I73G-4972or734-1697-

’-------COUNSELOR----------------i.n - Full-limo adolosceni coun-

s o lo r , s t a l e c e r l i l ie d . M CADC proforrod. Send W rosumo to : i s W alker Center = 6 0 5 11th Ave. Eaat /ear G ooding. Idaho 83330 )art- • 1-0OO-227-419O.*

:e s , COUNSELORFull-limo A ssociate adull

S m counsolor. CADC orBA 9 Wllh addiciion experience. | H ' Sond rosumo to :■ Wolkar Cenier— . 605 11th Avo. East

Gooding. Idoho 83330 ______ 1-800r227.-4190J______


W a n t p r o lo s s lo n a l g ' ; • p o o p lo to w ork w ilh

p o to n tia l c u s to m e rs :aro ono on ono,& R ops w ou ld exp la in

hco, products, answ er ques- icks tions. a n d help placo '■ o rdo rs. No doo r c an ­

vassing, phono solos or ;— sun/ey. Training provid-1 od. Floxiblo schodulos'

5 DENTAL> D enial a s s is ta n t neededI part-time, Exporienco pro-— lorrod but no t roquirod,- • ie s Send rosumo lo: PO Box ; ning 63S, Burloy. 10 83318.'

I 9 8E ! _ i ^ S - F O O D S ^ . -

DRIVER go Rallol Long Houi Drivers. Clear Springs Foods, is

now accopling applica- I fiords for a roliel longliko haul driver,

T ho p o s i t io n o n la its .'s r e p l a c i n g fu II-llm o ,1 d r iv o r s d u r in g th o ir

v a c a t io n s , sh u ttlin g o: equipmenl lo and (tom

ro p o ir a g o n c lo s and I I p e rfo rm ir ig v a r io u s <

work in ttio processing )548 oporallons. Intoroslod ll*. - .-applicants can contact = = I h o D i s t r i b u t i o n !S M anager.IS Je rry Mockng by colling 543-3423

10 request an opplicolion.1 ■ Tho p o rso n nirod for in this posiilon will bonis olleied a vory compel- |0 Hive w ago and benolil nt program ihgl includos:

•Vacation and holidays o: »Paid Personal Leave

.Family M edicals •Donlal Insuranco •Lifo Insuranco •401k Plan I

3 ' ‘Employee Stock = = Ownership Plan

I, i f y o u p o s s e s s n C o m m o rc ia l D rivors •Llconso(ClassA), havo

Ing an oxporioncod back­ground in Iho operation

2 o( a c lass eight vohicio o ' a n d .h a v o in to ro s t in

driving on a full-limo mn basis m tho luturo.

Call and apply loday,_ Clear Springs___

Foods, Inc.■oa Clear Lakes Rond t r Buhl. Idaho 83316_ _ 20B-S43-3428jg -5 An Employoo Ownod Co, on AA/EOE/M/F/OA/*

[■ h I t l M A M t lin num erous Id

h rs . Tw enty d a y s ex pe rie nce . R M ust b e a b le to m o ve 4 8-

u s o f p ip e per/h r. Jo b s s ta r t 3 •n e n d i n g d a t e s n / 1 / 0 4 - 1 1 ,

crops, m a y d o oth^T farm /i— P a y ;S 7 .7 0 /h r„ 4 ’ p ipe, 17i g P T of .0 1 6 p e r 4 ' p ipe. Single

th o se w h o c a n n o t re tu rn t d g o s a m e day, u tilities, w o rk C( able, b o o t & a p ro n s , g u a ra n ie c t

w o rk c o n tra c i. R eim bursei VL. 5 0 % o f c o n tra c t a n d p aid 'im”o co n tra c t fo r o u t-o l- th e -a re

a n y s t a t e J o b S e rv ic e 01

uary 12, 2004

DAIRY ElExporioncod quito gonilo H.

milker, m Owyhoo Coun- ily, coll 208-834-2015' (

DENTAL ♦ Dental Hygiemol, oxcoiiont

- p a y 4 qoodl)onolils. *FrionOly Stall 734-8080'- ♦

bfllVER V,■ Catllo UucK driver w/oxpor- Ft

oince, Idaho lo CaliforniaCall 2 0 8 - 4 0 4 . ^ ' ___

D'RTvrFfs - ' • IArlo G. Loll Trucking in

Jerom e is hiring protessionnl ovor Ihe road g drivers. 2 yrs. oxpenonco, good diivmg records. Call Colo nt 1-800-443-5GB8

208-324.-5053 vAVw,ogItfucl(’

* I DRIVERS ~~~[Class A CDL Wllh'

minimum 2 yeafs OTR Full-limo/»olio(

■ 8 W estern stales &Alberla. Homo weekly, nder program, health

. — insuranco. (uo land- sa(oty bonuses.

DRIVERS ICom e loin ou r toam. Enjoy <

t}ono(its such as: home jlime, good pay. vacation |pay. health insurance. & |multipio safety bonuses. |Toam. Solo, or Roliol, i

New equip. 1-888-806-5785 -botw oori8am -5pm,' “

I DRIVERS I Tl- ^ -D a v ls e o Foods— f

Cheese Company H; on oslablishod omployor '

in Ihe dairy industry for ^over SO yoars. now has <4 p o s i t io n s available <for newly created job o( <T rac lo r Trollor Driver. <Davisco is looking lor •reliable onorgolic moli- '

I v.ntod a n d o rgan ized individuals lobo part ol I

Its loom. Must llko work- 'in g In a l a s t - p a c e d ‘o n v iro n m o n l. n o e d s ’strong verbal and wrii- 1lon skills and iho ability <

_ to handle multiple tasks _ l . ' a n d p a y a lle n t io n to ‘ <

d e ta il . T h is lull-lim o <p e r m a n e n t p o s it io n <requires 1-2 yoars role- *vant experience. Com- •ponsalion is nogoliablo, i

D a v i s c o o i l e r s I t s •omployoos Iho lollowing '

♦ 401k w ith om ployor i match

♦ E m p lo y e r p rov ided I health insurance -up to ‘

'1 0 0 % , '♦ Li(o insuranco *♦ Floxiblo bonolit plan '♦ Prolit shadng I♦ P a i d v o c a t i o n s & I

holidays '♦ D oublo timo paid for I

Sundays & holidays I Ploaso send resume lo '

Jo rom o C heese Co.Attn: BIN RIobosell- 4 7W . l o a s . -

Jo ro m o ID 83338 or ■i fox 20&024-5002

emolt BlII.RIebeBOll®I,. . * _

< DRIVERS----------------------- pLocal company looking for ”

qualified omployoos. to " drivo iruck, Bonolils, '

homo ovory 10-12 days, compolitivo pay, ■

_____ Call20B-324-5192' J


DRIVING ACADEMYClassA CD Llralnlng.Low Inlofcsi (inancing.

S30.000 IOS35.000 1SI yoar. Call 735-6656 or 1-866-635-6656 So H abla Espanol

420-7307* I

DRIVERSBS T Tmck Driving School C lass A CDL 3-4 4 6 wks.

c lassos. Job placement,. S30.000-S40,000^yr.


I d r iv e r s ” jC lass A Drivois noodod r

lor W oslorn and upper Midwostorn runs and occasionally Canada.

2 years oxporionco wiih tanker ontiorsemont

foquifod.Food grade products.90°.o no-iouch loads.

401k. medical, poy DOE, Good homo limo. r 1-800-967-2911* | q

d r iv e r ' sGItlnerMllk Transportation

OTR — (ull-timo.C lass A COL required.

vans & reelors Family insumnco & 401 k Coll 324-3515 betw een

9-3 p .m . weekdays*. DRIVERSR iA Truck DrIvlngSehool

E arn u p to $30,000, como get your Class A CDL

208-736-5026.*DRIVERS -------------

Upgrade from B to A. Part-limo/Saiufdays,

So hobla Espanol Professlonol Truck

D riving School . 208-734.0586*

I Idaho counties.e . R efe ren c es req u ired .4 8 -3 * o r 4 4 -4 " sec tio ns r t 3 / 1 5 / 0 4 w ith various n i / l 5 /0 4 .W ill irrigate rm /ran ch /liv es to ck w ork.17c p e r p ip e . EOS b o n u s

ig le w o rk e r h o u sin g for irn to th e ir re s id en ce th e :k co m p , w o rk tools, gloves, te e d p a y fo r 3 /4 o f th e . irsem en t for tra v e l co s ts a t a id u p o n co m p le tio n of •a rc a w o rk ers . C o n ta c t 6 O ff ic e f o r r e fe r ra l .

EDUCATION FAFH.igorman School Distrief L ab

IS .accopting appplications oplor Ihe Ipllowinq: Co

♦ Corllllad Special Education Instructor

♦ Substllule custod ian aq ,♦ Substllulo teacher (jn Coll 208-837-4777 EOE* &

FORKLIFT op FuH-iimo position. Must bo

availablo all shilts, ' Phyjical labor includod, '

Must pass Forklill oxam. nnd have exponenco . rO'

Apply ol SOS Staffing an663 Bluo Lakos Blvd. N. 20

736-4473 I—r Drug ireo workplace'

• » . • • • • • • IGENERAL . . RlCrtfo-lordovelopmontal' - - —

ly disabled. No expert- .. onco required, wo train.Day shilt S7 hour, olh- '

'or shills S7.70, S8.2§ ' J a llor.90 d a y s , S upor ^ bonolil package. Drug Iroo w orkplace. Back-

■■ground chocx roquirod.158 Bloke S treet North 208-734-2322 0x1.3001*

GENERALLooking (or FT soK motivat­

ed individual for counter L — sales, cleaning, stocking p = and parts ofdering, Poo- ME plo skills n must. Apply at Snako R iver S p o n s on Kwy 30 and Snake River in Builey. 208-87^7473'

GRAPHIC DESIGN Preprcss/G raphlcs Tho Tinws-Nows is looking in d iv id u a l w ilh . I ?

oxporionco in P roP ross ' /produciion ond computer I' graphic desig p skills to work in o u r Twin F a lls ollico. Tho su c c e s s fu l ^ candidate will p ag inate p dally pages. Ilov/ c(assi- " lied ads with Pongross. " and d e s ig n a d v e r t is e - ” moms on tight de.idlines,T ho a p p l i c a n t m u s t ^ p o s s e s s Ih e a b ility to ^ maintain quality conirol of ® ad produciion Irom siart ri 10 (inish and havo strong “ typing sk ills(50W P M ), c Ouahdod. applican ts will have minimum o( 3 years '

~oxpononco‘wltrrctassifiod- • — and pagination system s, and Associaios Degroo In Com puter A pplications. P C o m p u te r G r a p h ic s . G r a p h ic A r t s o r t h o equivalent. E xperience wilh M aciniosh compul- OfS using Q uarkX Press, Adobe I llu s tra to r a n d 1 ^

PhQioshop. strong typing and d e s ig n s k l l l s 'a r o Ml essoniial.This is a full-timo position « with tho Valley's bosi ond biggosi nowspapor. 401k hoalih In su ra n co . pa id vacation, and competitive pay m a k e th is a g ro a t place lo worK. Oualiliod c a n d i d o t o s o n l y !Sond resum e to; _

Attn: Kent Schm idt CI Tho Tlmos-Nows <

PO Box 548 fiTwin Foils. ID 83301 . P 01 email rosumo and c

____covorle tto rio____Kont®* "

HOTEL 0Hampion Inn a now hotel q

in T w in F a l l s - h a s on opening for a from dosk pg supervisor.This full-timo porm anont

—p 0 9 ilio n -ro q u lro 6 -l-2 - yoars holol oxporionco. Biingiesumo to:Twin Foils Holiday Inr» J Express Hotel & Sultos »

g o m to S p m o r .Fox 208-732-5974* ^

Looking tor a •greatjob?


wiito you an oltociivoand prolosslonal _

resume. With ovor j I 10 yoars oxporionco, i 208-324-3576*

MAINTENANCE F/T M aintononco techn i­

cian noodod for largo os- ❖ . slslod living. Experionco a

in b a s ic } ))a ln tenanco skills required and CDL <i m ust. P lo a s o ap p ly in ❖ person.

Allerra Wynwood ; j6 7 to c u s f S f .N . ♦

Twin Falls. ID 8330r MAINTENANCE ♦G roundporson . lull-limo

position available tor per­so n 10 c o m p le to a p l . . repairs, lu rnovo r a p ts , ‘ and maintain tho grounds (or apt. community local­od In Twin Falls. Solary , b a se d on o x p o r io n c o . ' Application p ro ce ss full ' background check . Fox t ro su m o to A nnetlQ .Q L — 2 0 8 -7 3 4 -9 0 0 4 Of COlt 734-7421* EOE L ,

» / ' - F u l l - a i S IS rfT ? m e i

✓ $ 7 . 0 0 P E K H O I(minimum houra re

Insurance B en e fitsJob M m c e m e n t


1 3 9 9 F i l l m o r e

lljoa ture exeelleat M ils as well tf bMsIc eoi

V m kPO M E SEE USm B E ' o >' c a i


:ARM MECh.a b o re r, shop & tra c lo r Busyo p o ra lin g oxpo rionco . encoCall 432-5472 8am-5pm aloty weekdays, *

MECHANIC MEDIi^0 & IndusKial oquipmont I dealer in Mouniain Homo& Boise aro has position (> open lor'hoy equipment mdchanlcG . M ust haveoxporionco ori hay oquip- - ,ment ond have own lools: --------G o o d d r iv in g r o c o [ d MEDI'roquirod . Hourly w ago Clan d bonolils. Cdll S teve a n d208-376-3333* ondi------- PlooMEDICAL - I

Blaine Manor • 1Immediate o p e n in g .........._ ,.Tv

RN/LPN Charge n u r s t m e o F— po8itionfor.24-to32— -OfU <

hours 0 week (Cf Sfiwll tjlllin: 25bodskil!odcafo ps I

facility. Nursing homo pyu.oxporionco proforrod. q jIq

Competitive salary wllhoxcollonl bonollts --------

Director of N uftingBlaine Monor w an tPO Box 927 mt

Holley. ID 83333 muH208-578-3436 bo

Blaine Manor Is on £Equal Opportunity resu

Employer* Twt O ^


T W ^ F A U . S

O lrectoroT N ursing Al'Team-focusod RN so iv

needed alTwin Falls Caro Center, OV '-Twin FQiis. Idaho to - pR O I

load strong N urs ing Groupm a n a g o m o n t to a m S o loIncluded- ADON. MDS. c u rSDC and med rocords. applE x c e l le n t B o n o f i ts Pi indudo PTO, Holidays,hoalih, Donlal & Vision R ospInsuranco. 4 0 lk . Por- tro lif o r m a n c o B o n u s . s u pRolocalion. Looking for o c t l2 - ^ y o a rs L T C D O N o p eoxporionco & lirst-rolo adjuregulatory and clinical kno\skills. Submit rosumo & dotecovor loiter with salary schchislory/roquifomonls lo lentChad Herrick; ADM . rolo

----- fa x 5 0 a .7 3 4 -0 6 4 7 _ - —monoromail on .

odmln.lwInfallB® onct

. Coll Chad Bt occc 208-734-4264 to schedule to u r 8i

Interview.Equal Opportunity

^ ^ ^ E m p lo v m o n r _ _ J

MEDICAL ~ j jPRGLooking for on Ideal jobwllh flexible hou rs and The

a dedication to work iso : with a diverso ctlontolo

ino nbn-prodt Pacorganlzotlon? Thi

Wo Nood you,.. po!Planned Parenthood Ica

ofldaho potnoeds tho following; sk

Cllnlclan-Llconsod NP. Ib•CNM. or PA wilh oxpo- afrienco in o GYN family iplanning, hoollh coro nconlor proforrod. o lt

M e d ic a l A s a l a t a n tC o r t i l i e d M A w l t h Wooxpoflonco In bolh front wtia n d back a ro o s of n bfl; health caro conlor.

Fax covor letter, resum eAttn: A lycann I208-376-9444* re

NOW HIRING:❖ RN’s or LPN’s bi

FullTlme . Graveyard Shift6pm -6am Th<


•> Two Week Paid Bui Vacation

❖ Sick and Holiday Pay ooo❖ Pakl Comp Days for

Good Ailciidancc.❖ 401K Retirement of

Plan Ja n❖ Health, Denial, and r — Insurance❖ Collcge Tuition

Asslslance{Scholarship) •

To b«come pari of our (cam appiv In p tncn at

Brklgevlew Estates 1628 SridgevicwBIvdTwin FalU, ID 83301 ’or can 208-736-3933 V- C o n ta c t Person: f t

W endo H olt

IC S h f f t s A v a l la b i f t -

OUR Starting IJLinquired)i t s A f t e r 3 0 P a y s . ^

uNfTY EMPLoven e o e 1

« ^ i t e 5 0 £ I

Hag a d eowmaleitln ' ^ eaaipaterkBowiedgi,

™ mi2-5259Wl L

ECHANIC r j I s c E usy shop naods oxparl-incod mechanic Irnmodi- ,i1oty.B u#i»/mp/«nM f 5 A ,

Cmi 543-8232' jJ^ug EDICAL

Diroct caro staff. H ertzAll shifts. 636


EDICAL . OxboCNA A NA'3 line cc

11 shifis; 208-212-0115* PT. PoEDi6 a L ~ ovailalr CNA noodod for days »oam d N O C. E xperionco r e STA imd cortilicalion proforrod. j t i o c h’(oaso apply In porson 10: |g■ Altarra Wynwood o„n

1367 Locust SLN co-wTwin Falle'.JD 83301*_____(,avo

EDICAL foslouJ H c o R ec« p tlo r» I* tT - -o n o rg cilllino. coding & colloctlo- ' porscis. Exporienco preferred. Ap-ull-timo. bonofits avail- '1 3 9 W . Iblo. Fox covor lollor &esum o 10 208-734-3675* ROUTIe b g a u ----------------------'antod part-tim e clinical {„

m odlcal assis tan t for (q multl-silo otflco. Salary Is

bosod on oxperienco. p - dqSond cover loltor& . . ] n a

esum o to; P.O. Box 413, Annii. Tw in Falls, ID 83303.*PTICAL mulll.^ nn 's Eyowoor Boutique th e d

h a s Q position for an long-experienced Optician. foquiPart-time & Full-time valid

poslions available, cloonApplicants should bo to dr

lOfVico orfflntod, & knowf- wrth 1cdgablo about fashion lon, f

oyowear. 208-733-1067* rrio 0 5ODUCTI0N•oup Lead - Production °o lo Cup com p a n y \o ^: u r r o n l l y o c c o p t i n g “ jO ; ipplk:atlonsfor

P roduction GroupLeaders. bo n e

B sponslbllltios Includor a in in g , in stru c tin g & "IU'lu p o r v is in g tho do lly f®™ jc t lv l t lo s o lm o c h in o) p a r a l o r s . M a c h in e " “ 2idjustmonts ond product . (nowlodgo, Idoal candi- jo to s m usi hove 0 high ichooI diplofflo Of oquivo* ent & a minimum of 1 yr. o lo tod e x p o r lo n c o ^ a

)n . S a la ry dopondontjpon proven work export* p i> -rcrsnco.Applicallonswillbo p J J i j

°5o“b i S , ™ ” . a



Tho South Idaho PressisocceptifwoppllcaUona SALES

forolull-timo Full-IlmP ackaging Supervisor. RV saT ho Ideal condldato win oxporpossossstrongmochar>- b o p tIcal optlludo. havo solid K nowpersonnel monogoment R V sskills, bo ablo 19 liti 50 Indiviclbs,, and work vailod Applyshifts. Work schodulo B e r t»

includos days ond 45 nights, Moy Includo

olhor dutlos Including s a l e sbuilding maintenance. 1 ^ ) ^ ,

V .oofforacom petit^o ^ m jwrago ond on excolloni . _ a 7benefit pockogo. which Z i t f l

Includos modlcal, ” , 2 , donlal. vision, lifo

flra^ranco.401(k)^^ rosum

~ “ pald holtoys. a n d ' Vellm 1vacotton. rollob

gollcIf Intorostod, ploaso fill )°ln °ou t on appitoiiion ot f^o coirip

S outh Idaho Pre ta bopol 230 E as t Main S tree tBurtey,ldat)083316. Va

Attn: DonletWalock 'lo

TTio South tdoho Pross N o P hIs 0 Dnjg-Freo SECRE

_.Wortoto<a>!>*____ Fuil-timRO fESSjdN A L- - ■■■ ‘• " ‘ c Ibntal Health ^ l a l l a t Burloy. Ruport and Twin

Fatto oroa. Provide psychosocial rohobilitation. . TECHII

Oogroo In human son/icos Pivot TroTotod field, FulHimo. mlnlrr

Contact possll

o f Idoho 208-73&-2134 AdvnrJa n ice o r Jody AA/EOE.* C all 2

watch rtm s E e v E i

B u s i n e s sT h e nm cs-N cw .s ha.s a lw de livery sct^-icc fo r o u r cu; m otivated , and enjoy w or p crfcc t business opportun i rc flcc t ou r com m itm ent

r-jjrow th to apply. P a p rf* a r

T h e Tim cs-N ew s h i s ind ’ m any area.s ih roughoul the

Call Jeni at 2

. ’ - • J


a t te n d a n t noodod 2o£ ^ - 13ays 0 weok coniact ^ugA lbrolhsonol TECHNICt/

Bouldor \rtz of M aglcV alley looking Ic 136 Polellne Rd.* ’ hoating ar' ~ lime nvaili•AURANT . ly in Ihobow Colo Bliss ID,. Valley. W>co o k noodod ASAP, ca ll JR 21Pay DOE, oil bonolils T ppnM ,rif llablo, C a ll352 .«50

rAURANT coniracis3hodwick Gnilo team area. Musis looking to hiro m o t iv a l

xperioncod serious orintatod.i-workorc. You must • jg salary.,vo.a passion for.the.. ,.’iuli hoalihouront businoss. Only with resu rgoUcandonthuslastic— encos 10-rsonnol will bo hired. Sen*Apply in person at P.iW. Moln St. B u rley Twin Fa

m SALES Sara Lee Company} immodiato openingsIho Twin Falls aroa bo lo re y(for Route Sales For freo in

R epresen tatives. T ° n p o r io n c o in ro u te OS is proforrod. plicanis must bo welljn n iz o d . outgo ing . 205BO. orilll-taskod. ond havo " I dosiro to oxcol In 0ig-term caroor. Job k Jjulromonls includo a ^ 2 1 4 ^ lid drivors’s license, on MVR. ond abilitydrlvo 0 roulo tructt Highly skllh manual transmiss- Legal soc., High School diplo- em p lo y *I o r GED required. i s * y r s . (c k g ro u n d c h o ck . Avail Marcu g s c r o o n a n d . ~ jliiudo lost oro mond- ^ ^ jry . A com potitlvo i r t i n g s o la r y ond

s,”, ' , i r : r z ; i S

« » » » " ' l " t " “ "d n o m Z b

' r » “n R « o . r c . . P ' X » »

mail in word format lo ------------- -ck.hon® 8lbg .com k . ^R esum es must bo ^ 2 1 8 ^ 1

rocoivod by> b fu4 ryT O r2004^ " ^ ^ ^ 5

ECHNtCIAN--------- --/part-limo oxporionco ulrod in tho following;3frlgorol0f. lumoco. all enQlno repair and rtricol work. W age and lonefils DOE. Sond isume to; Box 91722 c /o Time# Nows

PO Box 548

TV.1N FA 1:S RT. 603imo position in boai & 109-300 Esalos. Must hovo prior 1 13q.129!orionco in solos ond RT.807p o o p lo o r io n lo d . 200-600 h}w lodgo ol b o a ts & 180-500 Fs iQught to tho rlghl r t . 810vidual. Excolloni pay, 600-700 Fily with rosumo ol: 500-700 F1 H arbaugh Motora RT.811450 N. Idaho St, 600-700 £

W endell, ID 600-700 V£3--------- ---------------- RT. 882I ld e S a lo a p o ra o n . I000-I30ia w in g 3 0 y o a r o ld ” PO-130(

S S F»a porson Io grow wilh 1000-1291B aso + commission. RT- 607

llih In su ra n c e . Fox 400-5M Fjm o to 80M12-7563* 1000 -t 1£==-------------------------- Drivo.

y Coop is looking lor a ' e n o . i6 « able motivated, onor-Ic Individual to como cnn'penn I o u r toam, Full-tlmonpotlllvo wogos ond o r 'n g olofil programs, Sond 1200-129jm o fo o ro p p V al: 400-590 f

' ' “ ' s s x r -

P h . n . ( A p i . . . . -RETARY 700-900 f :lmo, must havo oxcol- 1200-155 I com puter ond com* Goldon Si nicalton skills. Ploaso b u HL id roeumo to; PO Box r t . 540 I Twin Fall*, Id 83303* 1400-170HINICAN 1500-200 I Tochnlcion 2 yoars H you liv limum oxp., roquirod. *iose 01 islblo advancement to Uko 10 bir v l c o m a f i a g o r . Pleo; /nncoment & poy DOE. ^my_JII208-366-2538* ^


i f c

I Opportunitw ays dedicated it.sclf to cnh ;ustoiners. If you are v ery org o rk ing unsupcrvised, then v m ity for you. We invite indiv t to cu sto m er'scrv i« c anda rc early m om ing delivery.

ndependcnt contractor oppo h c M agic Valley.

, 2 0 8 - 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 e x t . 3 0

>TD f o r l e a s o lo r a ncod cosmelologist. 44-1330.*IICtAN •'or Mm. Homing is ig lor oxporioncod •' ig and AC tech. fail ! * ivaiiable imm odiato-- Ih o W o o d R iv o r *^ Wogo DOE. 'IR 208-720-2640,* | itCIAN ‘ :10 lubo ibchnician to - nd maintain service- icts in Magic Voiloy - Musi bo self startor I' v a io d . d o l a i l o d * ited. Compensation I iary. commission &3alih bonollts. Reply. ' - _ rosum o and ro ler-, 10--------------------------- ;—Service/Sales * '

P.O. 2775 ■ - ’ n Falls. ID 83303* - IBUC SERVICE

MESSAGE p a y 10 (in d w o rk

'0 you gel tho jo b . ■00 information aboul ; ing omploymoni se r- . scam s, wrilo lo ih o ; ral Trado Com m is- W ashington. D ,C., ;

5. Of call Ihe Nation- . lud Inlormation Con- . * ■eoO-076-7060,- : .

1 -

skillod Exoculivo/ ' - I socrofary soefcJng • ' lo y o r w /b o n o f ils . . • /rs. oxp. Salary neg. : Match. 539-1949*

r ' :;


r a l o m p lo y m o n i . ; r m a t io n is f r o o . ombor, no ono c a n . ; iso you a federal job . i00 Inlormation aboul . • al jobs, call C areor icaC onnedion. >78-757-3000* .



1 FALLS . *03 I100 El CamIno Avo, , • -1299AZ10C J07100 Highland Ave.100 Park Avo/Drivo 10’00 Paradiso Placo ’OORoseSiroolN11'00 Saratoga Dr,'00 Windomoro Dr.82-1300BlakoSt. N.,-1300 Sunburst St.;

i99 Ridgoway Dr, .1299W ondellSt. : « 7iOO Potkway Clrclo • 1199 Twin PotkJJ 0.

1600 North Po ln ia :

>500 Northern Pino ;

190-1209 Sparks St. N.590 Park Torraco;r152)00 Idaho Strool )00 5 lhS t.W ,.169>00 Midway St. W.-1550 Erin Way/ 'o n S p u r-L>40-1700 Arrow Cl,-2000 Poplar SI, u livo noar ono of :o aroas and would 10 bo a carrier Pleose contac t ny. District Mgr.

735-3347 * I

: o m e | :



^ - j -



l i t i e senhancing o u r . • organized , .self ;

:n w c have the ndividuals who m d c ircu la tio n ‘ ;

ry- ' ' I

pportun itics i n . :

3 0 2 . , ' j > ; .




BoUi Canior &Subslilul03 neodod

•...................II you livo In thoso aroos ; and would Iiko to bo a ........... — corrior------------

PIosso con tac t '------------- -K flihy .-D lB lric lM gf-; 735-3348‘ .



• TW IN FA LLS RT. 702

: . 1BOO-2100 Candloridgo Of.

2000-2200 Candlowood i Avo.

RT. 735300«500 Elm St. N 100-500 Locusi St. N RT.743100-200 Juniper Sl.N 1700-1800 Maplowood

: RT. 746300-600 Madrona

: 400-500 WakofioldRT.7S4000-900 Elm St. N

; 1200-1500 Wilmoror RT. 776

500-700 Whispbrlng ; Pino Orivo

2-i0O-25OO Siadium Blvd. RT. 7802500-2600 Carhago Way

; 100-400 Codar ParkCirclo •

R i;782 ■1700-1800 Glondalo

: RTT787 .300-2000 Alluras Dr - 1700-1800 Borah Avo. E RT.814200-000 2nd-Avo.N

: . 200-500 3rd Avo. NHT. 023100-500 7th Avo, E 100-200 lOlh Avo. E

: R t.829100-500 Jolforson

: R 1836100-500 Tylor

: RT839200-500 Fillmoro

: 300-500 TaylorItyoultvo noar ono ol thoso aroas and would • liko lo bo a carrlof

Ploaso con tac t Jonn, D istrict Mgr., 7 3 5 ^ 6 » „


Wo oro currontly accopling applications

; lor Indopondont carriors

' S t ^ by our Burtoy olfico;^for an application.

; 1263 O verland A vo .'

: i BUYIT!,: 1 ■ SELL IT!





; ■ m m l: Visit U S

Magic; -I: ' ci

Sieve B d icm Deb DJl. CiirtLs Company Ncl

— REMEMBERThat bim«ay ad you placed

I somo brrwago in 7>io 7/mos- WflwS? NowlsUio timo to como pick up your p«iuros.Slop tjy trio Cuslomor Sonrico Dept todayl


oxira cash dolivoring - . Tho Tlmea-Nowa, but not •

commilmont ol 7 days a IS wook? Tho TImoS'NowB

l3 cudontly looking (or dopondablo, molivatod

IS poopio in tho aroo to ] - dolivor routes on an

— o3-noodod t>a6ls. Call— loday for moro Inlormation

— flboul thio opportunity.------735-3302.*

^ NEWSPAPER “ Earn oxira SS th

your sparo timo.If you aro a highly molivatod

solf-siartor looking lo oarn— ...som ooxifam onoyinyour- .

sparo limo, thon tnis could bo a groal opponunity

lor you!5 r/io Timos-Woivs is looking

lor individuals intorostod In soiling nowspapor

subscriplions a s Indopondont C o n tracto rs.

10 ' II you aro Inlorostod in .Ihis opportunity.

,H ' ploaso call Jon! Ot 206-735-3302*


The Times-News is currently iool<ing for

Independent Route C arriers

KIMBERLY RT. 5541 0 0 -8 0 0 Taylor St. 1 0 0 -4 0 0 Polk St.- ■RT. 5562 0 0 -6 0 0 Adams St. ' 1 0 0 -6 0 0 Lincoln St. ^

MOTOR°R^OUTE 617£ II you livo In thoso aroos

nnd aio Inloroslod In boing a nowspapor

corrior...PlouM con tac t

Kathy. District Mgr.I 735-M4B • \


In Iho Ruport aroaWo oro currontly

J accepting applications = lorindopondonlly

contractod carriors.

Routo422OnoidaSt. 10 City Limits

100 s . to East 9th Route 427

E as l1 8 lh S L to 1 2 lh S t.D St. tb Sharron St.

Stop by our Burloy ollico 3 (or on application5 1283 Ovorlond Avo. *


Coopor Normon B usiness Brokers

& Advisors

Koys to Succoss

• 208-733-6581* . :

WORK FROM HOMEusing your Porsonal

Computor. Full training & sot you own hours.


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m c a N w a

I S online arid chc |ic Valley area hc C lick o n R eal E s ta te

)c b ra Nelson B rent Kerb;Nelson Ht'alt)' Coldwell »anki

Curtis Real!)'



MESSAQE hoBig prolilS'Usually moan to

big risk. Boforo you do $1business wllh a company. g ,

’ ■ chock il out wilh Iho prj-Bottor Businoss Buroau. ^For Iroo Information about fj,'

t- avoiding invoslmont ‘I scams, writo to Iho •} Fodoral Trado

Commission, Washinglon, _• D.C.. 20500. o rcalllho 1“ Naiional Fraud Inlormalion Conior. 1-BOO-876-7060,*

~ ^- ^

R lD R A C O Oc

IN V E S T M E N T C O R P . S; CASH (or Doeds o( Trust.

u M ongagos and Rool Eslolo [Jfl Contracts. Call loday (oro P ir. —(roo, no-obligation quoto.d (208)733-3021* J_

WHY WAIT SS ^(, Rocoiving payments on, sitr roal ostato sold? Wo pay m <

moro (or all typos o( loans, rr*(rom porfoct 10 delaultod. , e

, Call (600)901-9301 2^ ' N oFoos. NoSurprisos. •

NO Hasslo- “

V sp pc

STOP FORECLOSURE!Savo Crodil. TwinFalls caoroa. Evo3735-‘1645 Eric" tn.

^ bc mi

” * T w ' l ^ A L i ] s 1 ^ ^bodroom on Candlondgo l a

Golf couiso. pa1330CleorwalorWDy. me

Salurday Fob 14th. • Cc , 1-3pm. 206-732-5637-

• -------- ^ATTENTION------- 1* "BillCLASSIFIED -----ADVERTISERS

P l e a s e c h e c k y o u r 20& a t j o n t h e ( ir s t d a y , . j pIf y o u f in d a n e r r o r $ s,cw e w ill c o r r e c t it. mt

Wo oro not burosponsiblo (ororrors 53

altor tho lirct day o( <12publication.* • PC

Call Twin Falls ,733-0931 oxt. 2. or |

Burlov677-4042.* I ^

BUHL AREA 1.25 acros. [?’ 2400 sq . Ig. kilchon, g a s (iroplaco. AC, largoloncod shady back yard, KIM5 c a r ga rano , 30x72 (t. olciruck shop. $165,000. a c

Cali 208-543-6539* ga BU R L E Y Do you h a v o

somoono you nood to livo c rn o a r? 2 hom os on .52 .f., a c r o s . B oth iiko now .Maluro troos, baskotball f /c o u r t , s lo ra g o s h o d s , — ^s prinklor r.vstom. cnnal M Usnaros. Main homo is a ^4 bdrm., 2 both, with 2000 . sq . It., lamily room, baso-' mont ond 2 car garago.Smaller homo is 2 bdrm.. sq.2 bath wllh 1420 sq. (I. »•$165,000.208-678-7754* 20

I FAX 11OR p

EMAIL ^Your Ad To g;



Twin Falls si 208-734-5538

twinadftmaoicvalloy.comBuriey b


hieck o u t <1 ipmes.te. ■ E

1 ^ 1T b s 'C h ris Barber linmkcr Cjjiyonside Rcali)' " ill>' GMAC__ _______________________. Th

Iftillllil'' IIs


Fast Closol -ooc!Twin F'alls 736-4645/Eric* iirof

FILER 2 housos & 2 mobllo hom os (or salo. 585,000i o r a l K o u f . A p p ro x . s v - S l8 0 0 /m o . In incom o .Excolloni buy. 366-797_4.* r ic h

FILER country homo on *'hi3 C o d a r D ra w C r o o k .

■ Nicoly upgraded Marletto '’’f / on 1 ocro w/wotor. 2100sq . (t. * lull basom ont. 2 «S129.000.208-326-2205.* 2 J>

■ ---------------------------- - zor(looOn

^ E R -D o u b lo Y our M oneyl TWi^

Sollor will doublo your wo<lax rolund a s down pay- roolmont on 3-4 bodroom Dr.homos in Filor. Flnanc- 456ing Avallntjlo. Call Tom fuTii 208-737-9169*

-REE hoOso in Jeromo. story 3 tdrm , l bath.- You Movo! Call 324-5327.' -

H A G E R M A N 1/2 a c r o with 1600 sq . it. 3 bdrm ., 2 $15 bath, 2.5 car garago. AC. carpotod Ihroughoui. Ca- Ihodral ceiling, skylight, bdri c o v o r o d p a t io . A u to 226 sprlnklors/nicoly landsca- P 'f i pod.S135.000.543-4436.*

HAZELTON 4 bodroom , c?Q .1 .5 b o t h , n o w r o o t . qac cabinols, painl. windows, = 77;- In su la tio n , ro lin ish o d J v ' f ’ m o p l o ( l o o r s , l u l l . b a s o m o n t , la rg o lo t. m aluro troos, 3 covorod porchos. S89.900.' Ploaso * call 208-829-5554.-

H O L L IST E R Own y o u r own hom o nowl 3 bod - croom. 2 bath. ’94 doublo ____w ldo on ovor 1/3 a c ro . TWI^ O w ner will (inanco. Uso. you r tax ' ro(und or m ay 3 b( l a k o t r a d o (o r d o w n f paym ent. Only S475.1B con monthly 'wilh lO'o down. S7B

■ Call 206-737-9169.* ’ TvflR HOME INSPECTIONS 3 be

2000 4- Since 1993, CaBiirBakot7208-32F5nS7-----------

i BUY HOMES 1 ^ Any price, any condition.

Call Davo ® ^208-532-0734 or 312-4335’ KJEROME - - -$8,000 2 bodroom. 1 balh • '''

mobilo homo. Excollontbuyl Call Alox Caslafioda ^539-5758 or FII Miranda S'420-4729. MLS»108526 '“ 'i



200-734-0400 tJEROME 315 East Avo. H. K

3 bdrm. 1 bath, 100'x265‘ BC;lot. appraised $ 121,000, B Rsoil (or $112,000. B E

Call 206-420-7312.* TWI KIMBERLY nowly lomod-

olod 2 bdrm,, 1 balh. 3/4 p acre. Ig. shop & separate garago, romodolod kiich-on , now palm & lexturo P ° ‘ throughoui. 1000 sq. (I.S m . d ock , lo ts o( fru it “ O't r o o s . P r ic e d to so i l ! so< $79,900. Soparato build-ing lor horsos. 320-3311.* fvviN

M U R T A U G H n l c o roor-TBdrm raonriaroo-ireing- “ bmi-

rm . now ly ro m o d o lo d oJ c kitchen, family rm, 1 bath. S12: 2200 sq. ft. Includes 900 $89 sq. It. rental homo, 60X26 C ft. storago shod w/shop,2 0 X 2 5 ft. bo rn on 4 .3 acres w/full water sharos » 7, , $130 ,00 . Call 206-432- 5408 or 208-280-1280-

TWIN FALLS I -T|1330 Cloarwaler Way

Enjoy Golf courso living.$199,000 1 ;


, . N ew homoon Candloridga Golf course.

Over 2300 sq. IL with 3 bdrm. ollico. living & hobby rooms. 3 lull

ba ths with whirlpool in masier. Tons ol closol

spaco. Hardwood lloors.. Vaultod collings with

plant sholvos. 3 car 12garago.'AH on 1/3 acro 0 bordoring Candloridgo

Goll Courso. PFor moro inlo call

208-732-5637 iDuston or Tanya* Don't

-* soldFor oxtrn summor noip. mn an Ot>Oi

nJ In cinssitiod. irs Iasi, it’s am inoxponsivo, Ond It woiks. wiCnll 733-0031.__________ Tt

■■■ • - 1 Wasi


k k S I S S -ffimakoi R 0 * ^ b advwilM. p = 'any pra(*r«ne« nmUOon or k dlietlmlniilon b m it on m s i

ESSK'.»“t t 4 ' J 5 bDhl

Ineludd ehlldivnunder lha sg t of IS llvlno o c ri»lih psranli or Itgal (rentcwatadun; pfvgntm iraman i

- S l"•dvartltlng >o« leal aitiia wWch l< In vieutlon or iho ^ Uw, Our raadan in hareby # Informad Wat all OwalllnQi I •ra avallabla onTTaqual Bpportunlly fiatli. To eomplain ol tllaerlmlnallon ..........—caHuoToo-irM ati^oo- ' m m000-0777. Tha Toll.ftaa talaphona numbar tor lha Sun:


VLTA Custom built ranch C tylohom o1B49sq. It.on ^ 5 1 4 ach lloor. Brick exterior, j roplacos, 3bath3. Sbod- Dom, lots ol Slorogo, 2 RHCSr a r g a ra g o . s p r in k lo r hom y s to m o n .7 2 o c r o . spac 120,000.307-683-2060’ bllo I CHFIELD Boautilul un"- nished homo, 3 bdrm., 2 U'"'"' /2 bath, 2200 sq. it. on ialn lloor. 1700 sq. ft. in nfinished basem ent, Ig. car gnrngo, 2 yoars old.Jonn-Air o v e n s , sub-

o ro . d ish w o sh o r . tlio ^ „ oor, solid oak cabinets.In 2 a cro s. un lin ished C ard. Must soo to approc- ^ s i g ito.-For-colo or rent.-No moking or pots. First and islmo.ronLwith cioaning. .TWIN- oposit, 208-356-9423.* propo /IN FALLS 4 bdrm, Lyn- 'ood hom o , b rick , tlio t )o(, large'yard. on Alder ^ 5 1 7 ir. Triple A RooHy, ,734- ^ j 567 or 731-4567,-,VIN FA LLS B oautK ul harming vin tago brick y-p ,, omo. 4 bdrm .. 2 ba th . as liioplaco, Ig. kitchon. ipgradod gos heat/A C. « i2SiI ground swimming pool . . ’ fim covor. Many updates, t157.500. C all733^Sl6.- ^ 5 1 8 ^IN FALLS Boaulilul 4drm., 2 bath, luxurious, hEYBI 260 sq. It. hom o. (Iro- laco, lamily room, enter- ilrtmoni contor..near goll s = c i 7 o u r s o . $1 1 9 ,5 0 0 o r 1000 dow n, S775 mo.. lAC. Call Kon 734-4321.*/IN FALLSer Uppers, Foioclosuros. ^

Froo List. . ^ S 2 1 988)453-4177 Id* 1042 0 Monoy Down Homos,

Froo Ropon.888) 453-1177 Idf 1051

. Bryan Nowborry Canyonsido Roally’

/IN FALLS For sa lo b y ' wnor. 1921 MapIo Avo. bdrm., 2 bath, 1800 sq, .. Full b a som on i. New ontral a lr/gas/hoa tlng . k78.500. Call 731-2075.’ ^ 6 0 2 /IN FALLS Foroclosuro!bdmi,, 2 ba th ,- S52,500 ------- 7:all600-319-3323oxt. c a s — H 792foriistina5.- " T a s t ck

--------------------- 733.gTWIN FALLS Meondor 577^

poim, built 2002 3 bdrm., 2 bath. 3 car garago. Many oxtras.

londscapod, sprinklers..Excellent country

leighborhood. $148,000 Sail Jim 206-734-6128* BUHL:

■■■ applic

WIN FALLS M ust Soot BUHL-Jew socuro condo, unit. * once } bed room . In c lu d e s , argo master sulto wllh T T I volk-ln c losel. 2 balh,}as firoplaco, coiling ons, relrigorator, stor- 0 1 e igo, oak kitchon, ond iocuro paiking. S95,000 t6-731-0C84/436-3545- | t p j

IIN FALLS N o w l3 b ^ -lom, 2 bath. Great neigh- ___3ih‘<jiiyri544 'scrfrL 'ots----------t o x t r a s . M u s t s o o . 123,500orS4000dow n,991/mo. total morlgago!

Cali 208-280-1591* P „riN FALLS Ront To Ovw ) bedroom. 1 3/4 balh. „ _ _II Davo 01208-532-0734

208-312-4335- RLERiI 3 bod

THETIMES-NEWS hoilossKlod O oportm ent R

Ollico hours aro hoal8:00 am 10 5:30 pm indueMonday thru Friday. $600.

oaro opon 10 oil walk-ln Colluslomors to assisi you S T e p -

In building your ad . mo 0 Or call ono ol our •Classified Salos ;

Roprosonlaiivos. S

733^)931 oxt. 2 - • d 1-800-658-3883 132 3rd SL W

Twin Foils Offlco ^

677-^042 b o th1263 Ovorlond Avo. tonco*o r Burloy Offlco* JEROR


MESSAGE ___ ^Soiling proporty? j f R O f

n't pay ony loos until it s ,Did. For (roe ln(onnotion 5 5 5 5 . Mut ovoidlng timosharonnd roal estate scam s, uiiwrito io Ihe Federal . ! Trado Commission.ishington, D.C., 20580, 324-81call tho National Fraud JERO hinlormalion Contor. homo

EN 725 + actos 3 pivots« ttlo Bot-up, 2 homes, S375/t56shs.-AFK2.S900.000. JEROW)lhotionchos availablo. bo lh .addon n u t ty 312^ 135 ' P e ts 1

Allor 65 t 3 ^ f l Q S g S s ^ | JEROPill' bodto(

H L * : CoiNAKA RAPIDS JERO S»4,000 Spoclacular live §350 ;ro 3 of S n a k o R iv e r cail32 )ntago ol Kanaka Rap- s Ranch. Call Carolyn JE R °fc Jtlor 420-3381 or go to a r o ly n C u t lo r . c o m LS«109134.PC«5451 i

GEM ^TATE REALTY, INC, homo.-2 0 8 -7 3 4 - 0 4 0 0 - ............d o p oIN PALLScemotarylot:jn se t M em orial Pa rk . Ponoonrjnny slopo otoo. S575. pon-cIII 208-734-0976.- Cnll 7;

r TIREDCall Kem

Manu Esiaio I

.bH 4 spacO moDiloi sorvico ■omo park. E xcoilon tI Ouick\)aco torn history. Mo-I 539-_SI10 homos nro privalelvl • • ivnod. Tenants pay o i l -TWIN FAilitlos. No maintenancci__ Madisoiiqulfod. Only $ 4 0 .000 l 440 Elm °ii2Qg*73V-fesio.» I

IN FALLS -flro d o f S Jo c fc s? 'C h o c k fo tu rn W.inew4ploxos. T W IN F:oll Chuck 733-8207* Irosh, S

r Call 2

-TWIN FA_________ + dep .

IN-EALLS>l/2.o c rQ ^ L _A vo,E rl oporty in Induslrial Park.15.000.206-731-7327.* ^

IN FALLS C o n d o . 2Dry. 200 yords Irom can- T W IN Fn trail. N. Washington. l .S .b a iDdrm, 3 bath, don, livin- Northoaoom ; 2 c a r g a r a g o . O'^'ngo,25.000.1-208-733-9597,- Call 1

^ TWIN F .S600 + < 734-^46

TWIN f ;YBURN 2 bdrm. g ood b a th . Snd- needs work. $2000 j 50 pi,ler, 436-9431 431-9431* 73.1-9lf=ICE TRAILER 4 0 'now f w i S T /lors, corpof, (iros a n d h o m o lint. S3000/ollor. Phono , 'Idd f t 208-300-0220- |,“ o of

3ERMAN '99 Champi- qlfk?.”! , 1 6 ll.x 7 6 - .3 b d (m „2 . ilh, nico. onorgy oKi-ml. oxlras’ S29.500 or TWIN F/

S500/mo. 837-9136.* bdrOi-, CKPOT, NV 14-X 66'30twood. 524,000. Will *'2 yearrry. Call 208-308-5363* TWIN FA

S02’ f f i l i ! ] i I ! I B i la 3 smoking.d o g 231

-UNDLOROS" ■ TWIN Ff'astiioLy.ouLhou5oJ______ 3.-t.boit closo. Twin Falls aroa. doubloCall73G-46.15/Eiic.- /sm okiiHL 2 bdrm, 1091 N . ♦$600doadway, S400. 3 bdrm. TWIN F/i9 9 lhA ve . N, $ 5 0 0 . n eat 3 I3-9658or731-2345.- home wHL 3 bdrm ., 1 b o th , (ully (onjnd ry room, oil h o a t, basomc;m t.. g a ra g o , h u g o plus_doficed yard. $500 monlh. ablo, Ly) sm oking/pets. R of. t w i n f /T. 543-6553/731-5868- bdrm..liiL 3 bodtooms, 1 balh, A ppls.pllancos, S4S0/month. hookup.Ill 208-543-C573-- fW lfT F /HL Cloan 2 bod room bdrm., p3bllo home on acroago. balh. latonicandquiol. Foncod. sprlnkloI indoor smoking / pols. yard , 0110/month.S250/doposit town. SIIII 208-678w118r No smc-IL Smoll 2 bodroom , 208-732need yard. Coll 2 0 8 - TWIN FA3-4377 alter 7 pm.-_______ iion ,jiof T T T V V T T bodrooi

opon (a ogo spo

l a s s i f i e d s6569 10

; p ays to read th e "owhonfin e p rin t. t w in fai

borhood_____________ __________2-ba1hr-Call Tw in Falls m o .,s5(

733-0931 Nosmolo r TWIN Fl

B u rle y 6 7 7 -1 0 4 2 'Coll Sus

r T V V T T T T - T ^w iN FAER nowly remodeled bdtm. hDodroom, 1 bath larm up. wauhouso, oil Polo Lino S375+d(

Road. Forced air. ^w in ca

s a s s r s i S T

=R Nico town homo. 6 m onth>. old, 3 bdtm, 2 bo th Gootglnicurily sy stem , la rg o . Susan Cic e d yord. ovo rsizod ■T.gMriPL uble cat garago, non lOklng, smoll po t OKh deposit S750 month , loposll, rols. roqulrod.IB,l .n i .8 .7 3 ,.3 5 8 3 .- “3ERMAN 2 bd rm ., 2 Q3C.Ih , s h o p , 1 /2 a c r o 53^icod, SSOO, 837-6523- .lOME 2 bodroom. (ull i somont wator & trash luded, SSOO fdoposit."oil 208-324-2154* ^ ~ —lOME 3 bdtm ., 1 1 /2 .Ih. AC, oppls, lawn coro 55 > dop. 350-1370*:OME 3 bdtm.. 2 ba th gpadcibllo homo, no p o ts , A|'9 tomi. SSOO deposit. 2 BDRM4-8903 or 543-8342.*:OME 3 bdtm,V2 bolh 3 BDRMmo w/litoplaco, locatod stai nicoTiuiorsubOivisioTi— - — <jthollow n.S750+dop. W/I pets. 208-324-0020*OME 3 bdtm., 2 bolh. ^ 3 Sth Avo. W. S500/mo. imo-lbdtm.. 2120 Sl.75/mo. C ..;36 .Q 322 .- 25,OME Clean 3 bdtm., 1 ' Otivo Ih. a ttached g a ra g o .ts nogoliablo. $ 5 5 0 . 20£ or 6pm. 208-788-1073.*lOME Goll c ou rso . 3 fitflItoom, 2 both homo (or M, Tso, SllOO/month. . »:<«Coll 208-200^82* Til 1:01;OME Smoll 1 bdrm ,. S o tl1 :( SO + utllitlos. F len se 1324-5837 Iv. m sg.'lOME small c o tto g o . ,“ 55“ Dlioncos, ckiso to town, 5 0 /m o n lh . A ls o 2d r o o m ro p p ls . , g a s rA w la t. basom ent, S 5 0 0 . APAI11 Tti Co, Prop. Mgmt. ♦ * ♦ ♦ : 1-2734 or www,* R E NTS ’ERTSmall2.&odroom ' - A no.SSOO/monlh + SlSO •• p o s l t . -R o (o r o n c o s Larne 1 iUited, Cnll 436<I292.* , ” : lonng iho purcKo'so oi a 647 Fo ii-Cheek out ciasstitod. ^ Hand-C 11733-0931.___________ Equal Hot

iED OF RENTERS? BUHL 2 & :Con at Secuio Ptopotly Rent basilanogomont & Rool Ploaso caio Investors; Honest Equal Hous>ico S low mgmt. rales b URLEYCick vaconcy lill rolo. 5975 2 119-5067^025-5133, n q i- 825-5068.* Call (201

I FALLS 1 bdtm. 140 R T E 'S T b i}isonrS35077"bdtm, s p a c e a \Elm. SSOO. 733-9656- meld.. $44I FALLS 1 bdtm. Util. GOODING

5300 ♦dep. 434 4th bodroom. W. P2. 736-0322* income. £N FA LLS 1 b d tm ., disabled,h, S37S/month. S350 A pattm oi .no smoking, no dogs.:all208-734-5216* HANSEN JFALLS2bdtm,SSOO e p . t o l . , -1516 Filor

< FALLS 2 bd tm ., 1 . . . . - p .). 529 Mam S47S/mo.jSOdop.212-2693.* syrln. i FALLS 2 bedroom.- 1 b^rm a5 -*dep. 1803 Elizabo- ^voll maii■34-M64 or 308-2167,* oWetlv 62N FA LLS 3 b d r m ., .- th , b r ick h om o , . 'ogatcthoast location. 2 car Federiige, (oncod back yard. Housing.:all 208-543-5232.* : HandiCJ N FA LLS 3 b d rm .,0 + dcp, i43W Botah.-4464 or 308-2167.* JEROME *MFALLS 3 h d rm .,1 =h. S550*$450 dop . . lE Im , n o p b ts . C an JEROME •9104 ot 420-7006--I FALLS 3 bedroom 324.3213n o (o r r o n t . G o o d .e e i 'n u c ition. Gas hoat. SSOO..o ,R . 'h . 735.0300.-1 FALLS 3 bedroom, k T m r p rT ath dup lox . lo n c o d d X s f u c J.S6S0/m onthV dop. g a w n w :oum (or loaso . 560 — lor St. N athan a lto r 2 be 1. Call 206-734-6230* g a ra g o . J

1 PALLS Boautilul 3 h ion th -f E -, 2 ba th , all brick 312.4159 10, inGtovoEstalos. l p , ,p p p T 1

543.5233.- j4 FALLS Brond Now hookup, Idim, 2 bath. 00 pots/ closo lo'sc<ing. 1 yr. leaso S895 S200/dop. 1. 2300 Eastw ood Rd.;aii 208-324-6056- • ^ n e a rI FALLS Brand new p . , .b o d to o m _ 2 .b a th „bio garago . no po ls “ t*oking. SB 35/m onth , n i ,00 doposiL 737-3900.- _____ — '. FALLS C l . . n . n d13 bodroom. 2 bath “ 5 ,le with 1 car garage, , ,(oncod backyard, (ull TW'^^

omont, S700/month. d o a n 'l a t. doposiL Pets negoli- * =I.'Lylo at 731-6569.* c red it rol

J FALLS C ottage , 2 3118or2(n„ lamily rm„ kitchon. . ) ls .(u tn ish o d . W/Dkup. S525. 733.0881- “ J ;4 FALLS E le g an t 3 po ls. wain., possible 4th, 3 1/2 dop, rols. (I. largo 3 car garago, Avail, 2/15'nklots, huge (enced uiils. pd, ni, on 2 1/2 a c ro s In 648 1/2 Ja 1. S1200-f $700 dop. A voiL 2«0 ' sm oklng /pots. Coll utils. pol( -732-6027/420-5669* yard. S45C

novor^ Q c S S ° 3 ^nll 734-47! room, 2 ba th , largon (amlly room, stor- 1 , , , , ,spaco, no smoking. p -D octto

jo ls . $950/m onlh ♦ 5 ; 3SIL Cal! Lylo a t 731-9 to so e th is b rond ^j^dorgrohomo today.- g5 7 B'go

1 FALLS Groal Noigh- 736-2451 lood. Sweet 4 bdtm.. • » • • • • « »th,-(anced-yd.,-S735- tw I N FALL , $500 dop. Pots nog. bdrm 2 I smoking. 734-7935’ • 5 ,7 R050 i FALLS lu x u rio u s in Porrino I 10. 2854 square loot, db l. g a ra Xl/monlh. sprinkler Susan ® 731-7210.* m o.l yr. I I FALLS nice small 2n. houso, W /0 hook- IfvvIN FAL waiot/saniialion paid,Stdoposil. 733-2605* TURN0F1! FALLS Wondotlul 3 ^ .^ 1room, 2 ba th hom o bpaciou: I a g rea t room , g asI. qulol c u l-d o -sa c „ ®33SJ ro I r s a w 10 0 1 i r a n d — ^'f^ocaarv schools. $950/ ********I th - t-d o p o s il. C all TWIN FALLtglna ft 731-6070 or |nci, Q 734-6500.- - .^dpp.NoiDELL3bdtm.. 1»i TWINFALIbalh, lamily room. 2nd Avo. \ached garago, nice ro(. No pol0 comet lot. No pots, c a m0 ♦dop. on appravod garngo ri toncos. /Vsk (or Bort.

“W* " * S200 d(536-2416 eves. - paid 420-£

2 1 1 = 1•S525/moBRAND NEW I ’ 861 SAPARTMENTS Weekdays (APPLY NOW TWIN FAL

bath . loaclaeious Allordablo Ing/pols, V

Aponmonts! Slatting3RM./2 FULL BATH tw im PalT

staning atS491 734.9^82

W / o S ! i p s TWIN FALtA/C -1 balh,.2r

And moto! tTWntNopi fS42Sdep


:O.Whispoiing Pine qW, W/D,•tivo Twin Falls, ID Call 20{

2 « T 5 . 2 „ r 1 b o th , V'

1:00 ptn-7:00 pm TWIN FAL11:0 0 om-<:00 pm b o th , a p

S650/mo..f ollowarKO.

U n t w i n FALIJ S S i bodroom I

b a th , gotlA W N B R O O K w t . m 1P A R T ^ N T S

* * ♦ ♦ * * ♦ ♦ . ' 1 i - i-j -i-i vJTS STARTING-ATS399 ............. - C le a n 2 1

* * * « * « * « * « $410 por rgo 1 .2 ,3 bodroom- Somoufila

734-1600 to c o lo d n7 Fawnbrook Avo; Crodit chndicapaccQssiblo --C oll208- iH ou^Oppoitunliy

Thursday, Fobrunry 1

& 3 bodioom opts, a * * * * * * * !asod on incomo. TWIN FALLS3 coll543-6633. now! 2 b d tr>usino Opponunity.* duplox, range■Cloani bedroom. t o r .W / D h i2 bodroom. $300. Sf^all0 pois. EHO. TO, 5200 soci 208)678-7438* No pots piole— ------------------- and la n d lo ibdtm, apl. horse fOQuired CoJI a v a l la b lo .u t i ls .’1440.326-5310* TW IN FA LLS^G C loan 'n-gS -T i ° ; “;,2bdm r

.*i ' K i a o c ™ . ;lo n ts 9 3 4 .4 9 8 6 . f s f S h - cusmo Opponunity-N 1 b e d ro o m . 1 t l u iij c a i r300'rTionm.*.S300. ‘•• Nopols/smoking, -^ p e d ro o m . J t i l i l ie s - c a b io .^ - . / “ - - - f J f , - . mci.423-5898.‘ (oncod. covot

------------------- sloiago.patio.Iandscapod, 1

ting apphcptions: , 5475 cqII 208

I. apts. Quiot and T WIN F A L Llainlamod (or tho 2 bdim.. 2 b:6 2 y o a iso la g o o r dep.. 5300 0yidcappc<iDBaUod ' >ncls. all app ntdiossolago, • 734-4121 o r :orally Assisted TW IN FA LLSig. Cnll 829-4206. clean, 1 bdrnicap/V:co5siblo. hook-uo noo<luol H ousing - .5366 monthpportunity,- . aoposn. 200-71 2 bdrm,, appls,, ■r^ii. c a m s;, $400 « doposit. .32or644-1202-' ★ h A L L o tI Nico 2 bedroom Phoosn use! All appls. Nog/pols, $495. Call . . 1,2,3 Bc130x1. 105- S369-JIE n ic e c le a n 3 SomoDW&W;1 1/2 bath, $ 5 3 5 Spacious ane 2744/420-1011. pots..208-7: RLY A llo rd ab lo TWIN FALLS I tudios, appls. incl, ' tiori with 1 y0.208-316-2111.- bdtm,. 2 bath, bodroom, 1 bath. W/p, garago1. W/D hookups.5 smoking. $400/- I'^cludod- 733-•f S200 dep o sit. TWIN FALLS39or3l2-4165.- bdim., I.S baT Largo l bdrm . ><>«"’ home, Jappliances, WO monlh dopotv

I, lois ol Slorago, ''ons ■► $ 6 5 ^■schools. S275/mo • Imporlol. En)p. 208-312-2882* faflO- loncod y— r r hoal/air, W/Cir the quiet! Quioi,com(onj

most major ap’a rk A p o ttm e n ls No smoking,MaunceStraoi----------- considorod.-lTwin Falls ablo Lon 208-g-r^-^^95* TWIN FA LL!ILLS 1 bdrm. W/D bodroom. in 4ip slovo . re lr ig . CSl,S475/mo.10 p«B. 423^532.- fw iN FALLS iILLS • 2 b d rm .,. 1 1/2 bath tclaundty room . AC S475. Call 20S

™ IN FALLS I• Call 2 0 0 .7 3 4 . S o o k i

‘LLS yard. 1620 FII/15 2 bdrm .. ga - s;75/m o. *S:in lenced yd., no mo.loasoroq.■ator pd.. $550 + ^s. 604 Jackson Sl. Tvum pALLS 151 bdmi.. aplps. no pois. no yard. 2 & 3

101 bdrm., appls.. hook-up. AC avail. S645 &

ISO ♦ dop., rols. ol opon 384 Call Chuck 7:

4758 or 539-2769 _TonnJJ0B-7:

a u 3 ----------------1' • • • • • • • • • TWIN FALLSto bo I m p r e s s ^ bodioom. 2 b:s 2bdrm3.Quiet a n c e s . W /0Jing with gotod (oncod yard. 2jround parking AC. Sawtooth

smoking. $6851 or 734-4339 d o p . i ly o o r l............ .. J Filor Ave. E.7:LLS'Extra nicorS" ' tw in f a i i q ^2 baih duplox a t 550 50 Si. (ol(ol Filer) A lso3bdtm .h .0 Dl!I.AC,nppl!.. p|„sjBp<,si,.7 rag e w /oponor,ar system . S790/ TWIN FA•. loaso roquirod. SARATC, 503-297-0396.* a PARTMr r r s --------------- 1 Luxury 1. 2 s :

apartments.F THE CENTURYCHARM! ®

, u s l K o o m .i. storage, $405. tnmm t. Shoshono N, ^HpoThArv iOOor-734-4339', t f f t-t f t-H ^ * garagos. <T T T T .. . .T . .^ omorgoncy maiLLS 1 bdtm. Utils. Wo oro o nolg)Is. roQ. S350/mo. watch comlopots. 735^}336* Call or VisitLLS 1 bdtm,, 520 '651 Saratoi. W. $400 dep., „ 208-735-'301S. 420-0125.- You havo 10 kLLSi bodroom.range, telrlgoto- holstoOpi

moking. $475/mo. . PioviO'dop, EIoc./wnler »■ =

0-6209/733-7599.* WENDELL dupAl L«; 9 hrirm 1 bedroom , (et

tQinnotaiot. Cno.-f S300 dop. ,

u x s T b d F f f r r r cladod. No sm ok- ^ 6 0 5 ^ | l | | „ W/D or hookup S495 735-0473.*

^ S 2 8 s ln S ? « tjn to 4 .p I . . . C II 208.54:

82.<IL135-,81L51_ 0 0 ^ 0 CotLLS 2 bodtoom, ••.2nd lloor opart- J ‘,^=^’59 w «ipois.S42Vmonth 'Y Q'50.9lep.733-3669.- JEROME Hoii ILLS 2 bedroom.Hove, relngorator. *"°nlhly. 208-.D. no pots. $525 T W IN F A L L!08J.32r0895* ' miterowave & i ILLS 2 bedroom:very c loon . o il c<PnW <^/. ,

atking, S450/mo. TWIN F A L L ^No smoking/pots. OLD TOWN^10 208-731-6589* Cloan &quic\L lS 3 bdrm .72 Micfowave A t.ip p is , g a r a g o , Laundry.Ni0.. $200 movo in ^ Sl25. am:e. 208-539-4907* 248 2nd Avo. W.tLLS Attractivo~g TWIN FALLS Bn brick duplox. 2 -lown!! Microyia rago , sprink lor spa,cableTV, I1 year lease, no daily m aid:

50 month -fdop. codoo/dou ' Spm. 734-6189* Chock u s out!

start at!LLS AVAIL NOW * » W.Addlsoi2 bdtm. 1 both,— M onfray M ir mo.+ $200 dop. tw INFALXSw fils. Incl. No pots. - - - stoning ot t near downtown. Microjvavo & r chock required. dally maid >8-733-2218. individual heaL ' * * * * * * * * * * 360W ast AC

y 12, 2004, Tlmos-Nowi, Twin Fall:Falls, Idoho E7

* * * * * * * *L L S ^ v o ilo b lo jd t m . . 1 b a th ango, tolrigota- D h o o k - u p s ,.mail yard. S425 socunty deposit, iiolerred. Credit d io r d c h o c k s Call 7 3 4 -4411 ;'- :— LLS B o a u tilu l idrni.. 2ba thap t.It, A C. ro lr ig ., ifO, OW, rango. k ing , no p o ts . - j S r e l . SIOO otl Ihs ro n t with l 3.208-734-3373.; L L S B E S T Io rfi 'apanm am r-----------9vo In i O u io i,:ovorod'parJ(ing.-'---------atio. fresh pami.- od, new sidmg. I20a^20-152a*.. ‘I L L S C l o a n . * •2 bath. S525 r

a o o i n s t m o . a p p ls . & W/D— o r 734-8674.* •

LLS cu~io~nnd bdtm. apt. W/D 10 peis/smoKmg. m h cioan ing ■O0-734-8493- LS .,S A P T S .*oosan t Vlow vnhom os.J B d rm s . •59-S515 &W /Dh|Okups. sand cloan. Na 08-734-6600; V LS F re e Vaca-1 1 yt. lo a so . 3 jath. witt) appls. igo. AC, S695 *. W ater & sower 733-7818* 'LL S L a rg o 2 : . .5 ba lh , 2 stofy (10. $660-S725-/ . pondinj] on op- • e S tfd o p . 1179. E nclo sed ga- :od yard, contral W /0 hook-upc ilortablo. roomy.:r appliance mcl. ing. S m all pciod.-N ow A vail-----------------208-326-3121- .L L S L a r g e 2 in 4-plox, near

i/mo.734-4120.*•LS lg 2 bdim., • th low nhouso .1208-734-4120- - ,LS Ig. 2 bdtm.<iIchon ap p ls ,. —o k u p . g o r g eotago shod , ig '0 Fllor Avo. E., *S300 d e p . 6 - reg. 866-7778.*

.LS * N E W * ]M wHh 1 year6 3 bdrm .. 2

io, oppls., W/D I. AC. ga rago 45 & up. Mod- 384 M adrona. ck 733-8207 ot38-734^012 ______Springs 111*

LL S N ^ w o r ^, 2 ba th . Appll- V /0 h o o k u p s , rd. 2 cat garage, oolh dislrlct. No S680/m onlh -f

'Oor leaso. 2174 E. 733-2307.- LS Nico 2 bod- . $500 plus dop. m. houso. $600 sit. 731-1779.*

•i FALLS IlATOGARTMENTS2 & 3 bedroom mts. W ashor :luded, conitai lir, swimming m ess contor,OSS center,lity room, (too . .rary. e n c lo s e d ________os. 24 hour' ■ . “ maintonanco.

lo lghborhood com m unity.Visit to d o y |_ _ _ _ _ _ _iratogo'D r.735-1600 o lo soo It to ihevo Ml Egu.ilgOppoitundyroviaer*

duplox. Now 3 ■, (e n c e d back s h e r & d ry o r.:h o t , s to v o &)t. Control heat >0 0 / m o n l h -f 08-536-2314.-


Ito Motel, Dally i I, $400 monthly. j-543-6427* '■1 C o t l^ ^ o iniv_______"kllc iion 'o ltos.iweokly.Month-50.934-4055.*H oliday Motol J s in g le . $400 108-324-2361- I L L S H B O .'0 & rolhgorotor. icos. nopois.


?rfiELODGE " quiot rooms r«

) A rolrig. HBO ' y. No Pots, i. and up,3.W. 733-5630.*LSB ost deal iri . crovvove/rolng.,TV, laundromat, laid servico,/doughnuts, ou tll No pois. rtol$l20/w oek.Hson. 733-5161 ly M otor Inn* -

o ga tS IIO .- - • - - D & rotrlgorotor, laid sen/tco, 'oaL El R ancho_______It Addison.*

' w — <

TWINFALLSSIOVweol S375 mo. OuM. mcrowa; icfrig.'& uMs. incl.776*f9

FILER exlm ntco, quiot, IJ'fi. wKjt'w/sflO

S375/monih . doposil, pots. Rols, 2O8-326-508;

TWIN FALLS vory Cloan, bOtm.. mosi ulililios. qui

‘ *■ park, nopols, S410/mon ♦ Ooposit. 208-733-923^


Olfico & Rolail Ham msck M anogem en734-4339 Of 3J2-7368-

TWIN FALLS 2n0 Avo. : 740 ol ollicos ar, o ls io fa g o .ss j montn. 20e-539-4539-

o lf ic o p a rk , o x c o llo i location with 5 ollicos O ro a k -ro o m /fo c o p lic aroa, HoacJy toloaoono> S750/monih. 280*3000. ‘

TWIN F A L L S O F F IC SPACE AVAILABLE FO LEASE. 3200 sq. ft. wii private olficos. rocoplic aroa. Available Foburai 1st. S2750/monlh.

CallJudy 543-8510 Irwin Roally Buhl'

TWIN FALLSPrice reduced

Stiop/warohouso wilh restrooms and olfico. 4,000 sq .ft.. Including olfico. 258 6th Avo W,

733-0081 or 420-0081 ■ TWIN FALLS www.TwinFallsShops.cor

Now, Lowor Rolos' TWIN FALLS Ollice opac

avail, localod in hislorl oldlown. S125&UP. ind! ullls, & Iroo parking, Co 731*4812 or 734*6622.-

KIMBERLY S ing lo wid and now doublo sp a ce avail. F r ie n d ly V lllag M o b ile E s t a t e s . A s about 1 month ront FREE

Call 208*423'S253. TWIN FA L L S S in g lo i

doublo spacos avail. FrO' mo, roni. C am eo Mobil' E sta tes . Call 734-8064*


TWIN FALLS Housomali w an tod , priwnlo room

____. ^-nohrsmokor. S250/m6ntti___________ Utihiios Includod. Ask Jo

Kelly ® 735-2214.‘ , . TWIN FALLS Roommati

w a n io d . S 2 5 0 m o n tu Ulililios paid, 733-0973.



SERVICE A dvertise In

the Service

Directory 733-0931 ext. 2

3ULI. Black Angus, 2 yooi olds, long yoarllngs anc spring yoarllngs. Wolghls and £ P 0 available. SO' mon a n d tr ic h to s to d . Black Magic Angus Ranch

•934*8552 or 539*2827' BULLS for sale. 2 yoar olQ

P o lled H erefo rd tJulls. Somon tostod, Ploooecall 328*7223 or 308*8430.'

C A L V E S 20 F a l l p a l t 'opprox im alo ly 400 lbs. Solid Moulh Bfod Back,

.2 0 J a n . end Feb. pairs, ■ 731-4418 Of 543*2678' HEIFERS

lO b re d ls tc a lf hollers, black. Ready to calvo,

. Call 20S-638^52S-

, HOLSTEIN tjprlnoor Moi^ .••»'en, top quallty.VTTWnths < . t o Iresh haifers.

-------- > : • Call 4 1 7 -425*365855

E0 Tlmos-Novv*. Twin I'In Falls, Idaho Thursday, Februa

- /IO T ?

i s

■ APPEMDIX Q U ARTEFM a r o , 1 3 y e a r o ld

, rooittorod. SISOO/offor Call 208-539* f4 9 9 .'

shod, CONSIGN your wastari ;ii. No and cowboy collocliblo! 5087,' lo r w o s lo rn a u c t io n ' u March tsl, Idaho Auclior qylo. Bam, 208-731-4S67.'

Ttonlh r i U H B B V i l )234.* ^ 7 0 4 ^ E 3 3 3 ^ 3

B h AIREDALE, 2 P a n ish fo H i l ^ maio, 4 Panish X Bordoi-------- C o llie p u p p i o s . C a lER 734-3S87,'_____________

A U S ItJA L IA N S H E P . n en t HERD ro g ls io ro d pup ' 153* pios, rod tr i 's . m orlo 's, — ^ cham pion l in o s , g rea i 'o- porsonalillos, S300 -$350,

, 423-4318 Of 539-48l5r ,9 * BEAGLE • A d o ra b le 1C —;— . w ook old m a lo .p u p p v •akos looijing ,j,r a good homo. I len t S200, Call 208*837*4747,' olfon BEAGLE puppios. fomalos, , now' 9 wooks old. S250. Would 00* llko a homol P leo se call

208-320-1272.* f o r c h ih u a h u a A dorablel Wllh Puppios lor sale. Call 208*

Iplion 732*0578 or 736-2078.' urary CHIHUAHUA p u p p io s .

apple hoads. 1 1 w oeks0 o l d . m a l e s S 2 7 5 &


a CHIHUAHUA pu p p io s. 6 w eeks old. S 3 00 /o ffe r. Call 326-6877.*

------- CHIHUAHUA/Jack R ua-ta ll Terrier mix pups, 7 wks, 2 males left. i black,

'" f’ 1 brown. 208-878-3025' Nna CHOW CHOW P u p p ies ,w ForValontlnosDay. SIOO, n r Call 643*6320.*------- ENGLISH BU L L D O QS

. AKC rogialored puppios. ( 2 ) .f o m o l0 8 , $ 1 5 0 0 .

____ Champion bloodlines, latpace a n d w rin k ly , R E A D Y ilof lc NOW! Call 203-324-9664.* % ENGUSH MASTIFF AKC.

. 1 1/2 years old. molo stud. z:__ dark fawn. S 1 5 0 0 . Call■ _208*530*9537,:--------------

FREE Basset Hound Tonl- or Mix. 7*8 m o n th s old,

la g e FR E E B o rd e r C o l l lo X A sk puppios (3). To a good REE! homo. Can 208-S43-0977,* ■53.* FHEE cols looking lor good lo £ homos. 2 fomolo spayed Free c a ls . 1 m ale c a l ond 1 3b lle '^ ‘>1') kition. 734*6998.' M* FREE Catllo Dog X. pup*

a . pios. bo roady.Fob. 10th. J u s t In lime fo r Valen-

" t r n e s D a y r A f ld rS p .m , 736*0746,' •

Ttalo FREE EhQllsh S e tte r Rod lom . H oolor c ro s s p u p p io s , anth. Coll 208-352-4292,* k for p p E g Goldon R olrlovor/___^ B ordor Colllo c r o s s . 7na to availab le , ro ad y lo go! n th , Vory smort! 6 w ks. old. 3 . Please call 732-5222.' m m FR EE Lab, b lo c k . 1 1/2

years old. n o u to rod . all ■ ■ shots. G ood fam ily and

hunilng dog. N oods room = = i to run. Call 735*2204'

FR E E Pug X. a l l s h o t s current. Loves Kids, but noods foncod yard. Cralo b roko & h o u s o b ro k o . Great dogl 734-0935,*

FR E E S p r ln g o r L a b X. noutorod. Block cat. neu­te re d & doclQ w od. C al

1 noods to be on ly co t In twuaehold. Call 32&4643.*

FREE Sprlngor S p a n io l. Schnouzor. P e rs ia n cat. Hlmafyan, Cockotell-.Mov^^

/) Ing! All excolloni & need a ^ good homo, 410-2584.'

^ GERMAN SHEPHERD a n d purebred, black &Qk,, s ilv e r . M ic ro c h ip . 1 s t “s o ! shots. S350.206<»6-7272

rqiN«xtlh1ft)rmxrrQspt'5KBTfmch GOLDEN RETRIEVER ex-r collanl AKC puppies. Coll

. 208.312-2428*ills . HOUND puppios, 6 months,call old, ready to s ta r t. Por-3.' on ts used on b o o r and—p lion, SISO. 208-07&-1403

?lr^ ERS purebred, baaiitllul 3- ' dogs. 3 females, S250.----- Calt20B-S39-19«0* “rs, LAB AKC p u p p le a , (41. ro m alea . (2) g o ld e n , (2)

black. Call20a-644-1613* = LAB pupplsi. AKC, yellow, ! I 9 Champion b lo o d llnoa , y f l (hois, worried, excellsni ■ hips, SSOO. 788-1859,*

You'll tino ■ vantiy of ifliiraat* Jlh» ino elfaflftfl* in ih* daaimad

eoiiimna avary day. Davatop the rasdar naon,--------


For It

I MINI DACHSHUNDS EAdorable, males, shaded I

. rod. black and tan. short I___ hairod. sold'as pots S300, ■rE R brooders SSOO. H I d , 208^36*1880 Rupert*

MINI-DACHSHUND___ 4m modiaio sato. 5250. r }los Call (208) 679-9333. * |

MINI-DACHSHUND pup* I pios. purobrod. 4 black , -

___ ■ malos. no papers. SIOO. V

1 .208-436-4495- ' • ' |MINI-SCHNAUZER p

Puppios, AKC, 3 malos. 2 k-TT lomalos. Paronls on silo. ■

5350.208-678*5169' |: a l l MINI-SCHNAUZER puppy Ji

7 wooks old. black maio,r p " AKC. lirst sh o ts . S325. •; ,o . 436-3073 o r 431-3073' ;D-S. POMERANIAN AKC pup* Be a t pios adoroblo flulf balls, t150, brown & parti. 1st shots, j;r S300-S350. 736^}130.* ^

' 0 SAINT BERNARD X pup. I )py pios, S75 oach . Ploosomo. call208*326.6519loavoa g*♦7,* message il no onswor.' |Jos. SC O TTISH T E RRIE RS ’u'd AKC (3) 0 wk. old males,call 1 st 4 2nd s h o ts , dow- jT_ da*s.S400 775-7534019' <'* SHIH-T2U t■08* Puppios, 9 woeks old. male h -:__• i fomalos availablo, :o e . $300.320*1272.' iS'*! SH IfT-TZU p u p p ie s , 2 H.

fo m a lo s a n d 1 m a le , c! L Roody now, S300-S350, i I. 6 Call 206-829*5354,*

TERRIERS 1___ Jack Russoll. ACA rog., 8 1“u«* weeks old, (9) availablo. £>.7 S250 4 up. 280-2182.* jj;5* • YORKIE t__ Pups, 2 malos available, 3' monlhs old. $450, h /00, 208-280-1045.* p

IOY AC LOADER TRACTOR h/■A. 75 h .p . w ith c a b . now b— llros. S3500, Call 208* c <c. 837-6064 loavo message.* o ali EAGLE-95 FARMBED 50 0 /

______ft., 36 In. boit.3 a » lo , niu- _ r__ mlnum whools, now aulo-'” l‘ lill lallgalo. plaslic linor, »

Uko now condilion. Must *s o s e e ! 208*300*0182 or ®_ 208-436*3566 ollor 5 pm ' _ ’ X FORD 1710 4x4 iraclor.

24H P, front ond loador.'■ 3.PT0, r'oconl overhaul. —

)od now soal Sboltory, $7500-od orbesloffor734*5721* ^ '' FORD NAA 900.53000. =

_ International 7 4 10 ^jp- whoolor. gas, S2000, MIth.. International7 8 1 0 . . . . ■>n- whoolor, gos, $2000, —m, W llderneat 7 8 c o m p ------

tffillor'. noods work. $2000. « GMC 74 . rough, bul runs.

SIOOO.Makoollorsonari. BE536-6479 or 280-0646' 1

J f / GRAIN BIN 4809 Scafco7 5 5 .0 0 0 b u . S la n d in g . f

aroallon lloor. swoop au- ^l(j gor and roof augor. You H

lako dovm. Mako olfor. ■— Coll 208*267-7230' . Dll all JD 8100 tractor, 4 romoios ^ nd MFWD. 6800 hrs, S52.900 _ 3m JD 4850 fresh molor, MF* C "

WO. 18,4 42 drivors and k— duals. 8900 hrs. $32,000 ■

JD 7810 MFWD, 14.0 R46 ■, ’ drivors and duals, 3700 BE

i*!° hours. S6300. rtNEW Tfloliot 715 cubic 11,. hi

__ twin vorllcal food mixer on f£X. Ford injck S75,000. C)u* J D « 0 0 35 hplractorM F- ^:ol WD, w ilh lo a d e r , 6 0 0 ‘=2'In h o u r s , S 1 9 ,0 0 0 .C o ll ,

3.* S co tt <0 208-699*3448. -!^^ S p e c ia l in to re s t ro te s ■n ,' av ailab le on u so d row ■

crop tractors. OAC.'- ■ ia JOHN DEERE 544 A load* ' |

o r , ro a l g o o d s h a p e !— Plooso call 731-1122.'& TOY TRACTOR colloctlon s t 1/16 slie: AIlls Chalmers;72 IHC: J . l . C o s o : F o rd : m* Massey Harris, Mlnnoop-

oils Moline; som e rare,Qll ba lan c e o lde r m odels.

Cell 536*2029 ovonings.' hs TRACTORA'IRE chains,ir- Size 11.2x38 or 12,4x38 ,Id chains, closeoul! Llmilod ' ' D3 lo slock on hand. S300

per poir. .Call Twin Falls L _it: Traflor 208-733*eea7.' f =lui WANTED TO BUY 12 ft. k

swather, 8olf*propelled or ■- -hydra-swing; 635*2963.’ 5

4 » WANTED *ob -uy o ld e r 2) grand drive or PTO ma-3* nure sp reader. Regard- '— lo s# of c o n d . W an te d

good runnlag Chevy 350 ” V6 engine or larger block 4 2 7 o r c o m p a r a b l e . Opi W anted good condition CO

It- lorque converter lor C a te ncKf W7 front loador c r com- le>p plete machine lor parts. Si_ -'404^0371 or 324-5858.*------ C<


Items under or ad.52 each addlth


HERBICIDE Upbool 120 W^OZ, pkg. Br.ind now. nov- bor oponod. mako o llo r. $

. 208-438-4793/670-5646’ &

' ' r

' WATER RIGHTS-SHARES Dalry-farm-commorcial. ^

.Buy Of Soil. 312-1'135‘

ALFALFA Isl. Snd, 3r~d! 4 ^4th culling. Small balos. — -$65/Ton, Call 208-366- Bt 2220 King Hill-

BARLEY STRAW 1.000 — tons, 3x3x8 ba lo s. $35 por lon. 208-788-3530.*

BARLEY STRAW 2 Siring, qI long stommod, Cloan.

Call 208-733*9357' _ BARLEY STRAW Cloan

Mall. 2 string. 48 ' balos.Con dolivor.

Call 208-543-6999.*HAY 1st. 2nd & 3rd cutting, ^

oxcoiiont quality. Sm all ^bales. 543-6065 evee* B

HAY lot, socond, 4 third, ^ 3x4 b a le s , approx, 250 ton. No rain! 731*1122.'

HAY 3 c u t t i n g s , g o o d ccquality, closo lo Twin. Soil —ony omouni, 733-2620.* —

HAY 360T 1st. 2nd 4 3rd, ®1 ton balos. undor covor. ] ■K aso ta aroo , 206-436* W9828 or 678-5998 ovosr* f

HAY 3 rd c u llin g , sm a ll ^balos. llO tons , I L

Call 208-326~t659.' ■HAY Dairy 4 loodor quoll* H

ty. big boles, bright groon, Btostod. COII20&423-4104,' ■

KAY fee d er lor sa le , big ■bales. Coll 208-734*3569 —or 208-731-3471' i—

HAY For Salol 250 ono ton >b a le s , so c o n d c u ttio g . jcloan hay. 208-532-4800 * or 208-431-4899,'

OAT HAY Mid-Sizo bolos. \

“ ' Call 208-678-2673'STRAW BaMoy malt. 1 lon

$40 por ton, Ir,Call 208-543-6597.' —

STRAW clean barloy andwhoat. small balos, A

Call 208-212-4072* . T.S.C. Hay Retrloving

llconsod biokor, ,Call Con -208-2a0-0a3g* ^

Ground' lor ront. Spuds In ■— 2003, Call 208-539-0201.' A

BEET SHARES for sa le,120 o c ro s . Twin F a lls Factory Drst.-544-2622.* y,

dIr t •Road mix or liold. cloon, L__ • Call 206*324*9310,* ' =

; BELL RA PID S farm for ront. 2300 acres , pivot, hand lings, 700 acros ot-* falla . oxc, opportunity .Call 208-539-0996,*

EMERSON AREA 1— 280 acros potato ground. ___wtiool linos. 208-678-2632' [“

Gro,w your "buBlnoBS!

AdvorllBo In Tho AQ Bualnosa A Sorvico DIraclory

To find out moro call Tl Lindsoy O

208-735-3269 or C l1-800*658*3883 0x1269

oromail \sOClMsOmtgicvBiisy com*

2nd Tim a A roundQuality Anilquo Mall

Prealdant'a Day S a lo February 12th-16th

669 Washington St. N,Twin Falls 734-6008

Opon Mon.-Sat. 9am-5pm* COH a iQN yTiir aritlqlToa

now. A nilque and C ol­lectib le A uction, F e b .23rd, Idaho Auction Bam

-C a lI208-73n4587.*------

d d l n g u p to S lb olonal line. Private Party onl)

I Call 733-09

W ASHER rvlaytag 3 y rs ROC bid. Dryer Oldor Maylag boi $ 2 0 0 p a i r J o r o m o Cal 644-1925 '- -

iVASHER/ORYER S225. Refrigorator. 5150 , Call 208-421-0364.* “

tf A S H E R /D R Y E R s o t f ” " Konmoro. $ 2 5 0 . Sinnlo Konmoro w ashor w/wflrr- an ty . S l2 5 . ' E xco llon i condition, 206-736-4805*

BOB'S BEST DRYWALL <Acoustical & Drywall 'Call 208-731-0788' 1

JONCRETE BLANKETS. In su lo to d , n o w . novoru s o d . 4 -1 2 x 2 4 o n d 1- 'w '6x24, T ake all lor S400/ -------olfor.CflII208-731*8029.' MAC

STEEL BUILDING Facloryspocial 21-X24-thru 100 'X ± £ 1 !150’. L oca l d o a lo r can Cconslnict. 208-423-4422.* ^ 8 1

:A L S P A * 9 6 , (2 ) 4 h p l a cpumps, now covor. pro- 'fo sslona lly m olnt. Exc. “ 5u7cond. S2000, 404-3170' nei.


GarsWhy call tho rost? or

You doson/o tho bost! flOi— B O B 'S B E S T — — <c

D R Y W A L L .7 3 1 -0 7 8 8 P 7 T

Insurod * Froo Estimator


736R e p a ir , T o x tu r in g ___

& A dvancod Palnling ~ = Ropalrs, romodols 4 f

now conslructlon, Lance LoBarori/KavIn Haight 732*5904 o r 306-1699* H ap

• - —Doi


Wo havo tho right part L _ ^al a low pricol f

M a g i c V a l l e y ^A u t o P a r t s _

226 Main Avo. Nonh TH E733-3388* I Ro

B I / S J i V E S S I Woo! S E R V I C E

T W IN F A L L S P L A N R O O MJobs to bid for all

conslructlon. Bluoprintcopios. W hit

734«PLA N (7526)* I Com

- - I WlFroo




r i M E S - N E W S


E V E R Y DSor


r i i Ss



■------- -. ...................- 733*'

) 0 0 (Maxlmuth o f

i/j/y. Merchandise only.-

931 Ext.2 o r

T c o f fS 30 i

S15,______________________ s e t IODEO Quoon Clothing. c h a iboautilu l d ro s so s . o tc . ch aiColl 734-5713.* from

C H E C K T H E 1 Ent'eS E R V IC E S20.I

D IR E C T O R Y m a t t ID A ILY to p ,

and Imd thoso who can now,holp you with thoso I'co S:

duties you arb to busy , i ' . todoyoursoll,

• S wAdvertise In licosthe Service m o v

Directory^ 3 3 -0 9 3 1 e x t . 2 * K ;, ':

— I p a d sACINTOSH c o m p u to r sorvoivith laser printer. $300 . sola i:all 206-678-8901 ovos.* ami cl

^ 676-» RECUl

c o n c

______________________ mass)ftNOPY, black Iron WITH oach, 3UEEN M ATTRESS &BOX. Now. Slill in plaslic. '^ouii oi Sacrilico S299.420-6350*

3uy, soil, torn 01 swap wnn low.. In eiBHilica ntl. 733-0931. Thai'a

sC ^ I N E T S 1 CA

C R S Torriaragocablnols4 closot Gone

oraanlzors. Spodally, Inloriifloorings. Coll.MlchaoI windo

- lo r Iroo osllmalos a t - -HablJ208-423^527* I @ 358


M A G IC T O U C H ,PoFor All Your Homo

Improvomonis.NO JOB TO SMALL

736-7404 or 280-1661 '2 VAsk for Lou* I ^


lappy H o u se k e e p e rs Wiiid

ratos. Commorlcal4 GonerRosidonlial, Froo palm

Estimalos, Bondod, SoInsurod, 733-7300 Twin Rogt■ 678-4040 Burley* | .


H E H O USEKEEPER S a la 2Rosidonlial 4 olficos. vVi

Spociolizing In p.holplng seniors. odd I

'ooWy 4 bi wookly ratos, ,0}•00 ostlmatos 4 Insurod. vVo diCall 206-TO3^7S2.* I puj

" C L E A W i V G nS E R V I C E i

^ I to Glovo C lo an in g:ommorcial 4 rosidonlial

Spoclalizlng In deep Cus lc

Weekly 4*bl"weekly comrroe Estimalos, Insurod plufn^

Call 737*9407* vvddl otc, ■


la c OS Tech Support -Byphonooron-elto Genoi Installalion -Upgrados in

-Troubloshooling plumt lata rocovory -Training. dry all Gary 20»-73S-622r corpi



1All p o in ts

Delivory 4 Notary S3on;jce. WIII travol for SHNotary eorvlcos. Call HsaUngCynthia at 423*6088. Comm

4040781* aOft


emporory-Permanent B e m l '.ooking for employoea _____Or looking for w o rk ' ' ' Yo

> E R 8 0N N E L P L U S To^mw.par« 423-4S33*7300 or 678*4040* ; ;oi

af 4 Items) ■

r 677-4042

3FFEE TA BLE g la s s , SECTK30 matching ond toblo p io c c 15, $40 for pair. Dining formic e t g la s s 4 m a tc h in g $^00 (h a irs $ 7 5 . P a p a a a n _____ _h e ir, black with w ood SLEIGHam e, S50 . GE ro n g e wood,175.208-734-6501* box. Lim o TABLE wfchalfs. ‘jund w /g lass lop. S5S, e o c A •lood desk w/hutch. SSO, jo v o s e a t , n ic o , $ 3 0 , §5 0 0 1n te rla ln m o n t c e n to r . inmnc20. Call 208-735*9379' “5 ,

kTTRESS, King pillow _ .)p , and sp lit box s o l . tDW, still in plastic, socri* ^ 8 1 2 i ;oS249. 208*420*6350.'

\ T T R E S S , Q u o o n -------Illow to p and box sol.3W. slill In plastic, sacri- :oS129, 206-420*6350.*

3 V t N G - Q u a l t t y >)!Ec irnllure*Droxol Horllago10 now dining room la- 0 , 4 c h a irs w /cuslomId s , Chino c u p b o ard , ,irvor S1600. Hldo-a-bod ‘jIa S150,, 3 heavy oak — —m Chairs S20 oach. 208- r ^ ~^6-3004or208-131-9057 U j j gCUNERS (2) bluo. good l \ 11o n d i l i o n . o n o h o s M l l iassago unit. Asking S75 - |] ^ B 1ich. Coll 208-324*4111.* M i l

III oa pioawniiy aurpnsoaI how it Is to Diaco o ConsI{flMiiiad ad. Tna coat la Accopii.w..,itia reauiia ato high. 10--W a claiBillod. 733.Q03t. 734-16

P Pi f M |T •

S A R P E O T H r j CONS

orres C arpentrylonoral homo ropalrs, H E N [ilorior/oxtorlor, install Cindpw , doors olc. S o commorlabia Espanol I Ernoslo - • —oirjol:358^186/736-3927*1 inior

flAND YM AN IPolnilng. Dtywall, H O M

Ml construction work.Froo ostlmatos Nc

Roasonablo ralos. ' Hoi2 yoars oxporionco, Appl

208-212-3944* HoaliI LIghI PI

H ^D Y M A N/ill do you 0 Royal Job HOMI-a t a budgot price,--------inerol ropolrs, drywall. X ,>ainling 4 much moro *

Senior discountsJogal 208-422-4004* POl'""'

-I , tro


PAilazars Solutions

Wo lix problems GartFroo Esllmotos Into

dd jobs, romodoling. 25 yooromoval of dobris. Husbor

'0 do il all plus moro. jqcIRuben 7it-6506* I Col



ustom wood storago PAIK shods, Rosidontial.

ommorcia!. olodrlcal,umbing, VC lilo, poinl, p


onoral homo ropalra, inlorlor/oxiorlor,

umbing. palnling, and |® 0drywoll, 1 6 -f years J lorponlry oxporionco.

Free estim atesJohn73S-S179* L ____ £s!


ResideniSAWTOOTH Rooj

SHEET METAL Frooestlilling aoHirtce and repair - 7immerclal 4 Reaidanilal 7 3 108-733*8048 o r 'u >a J \SH A1R iating I sem le '8 H ig h - T e c h J o h n ' s

H e a t in g ST o u r authorized ' ’ Compio'Toyostove dealer. Caibldo

M 5 4 0 o r6 2 & -6 2 1 2 141 Bi'o r 3 0 8 * ^ S .* I g°a*


riONAL Boautiful 5 CO. $ 8 5 0 , O ld o r M U S S I lico toblo 4 chairs, r T W T T ). Coll 208-735*7527,*

3H BED S249. Solid d, brand now, slill In List $600. Sacrilico-

),20a-420-63S0.' sorvinglf

\ S 2 5 0 . 2- W alnut ' s top cofloo tables, i lC AH 0 0 . 2 - w ood b a so

IS, S25 oa. Coll 733.)or316-0316.* (208)


1 —


^ B IL L DOWNS AJCTION SERVICE[208)467-1712 9!?* svw.(*3MBauswuOTi T h c M a Comm/fffldfo Scct Exeolleneor \ T h e Tin

------■ for Ihe

lr , l l i l ST O II , ,! li,l S o n

M i r i i n M ,

n s H ''“ '“5.'208.7:

IA tl ' [£ |o l |o h £ r^ piing Conslonmonts wnen you ha' 0-5 P.M. Mon.-Ffl. your hcma■1635 or 731.4567' I ncad, advar

" h o m I I i r a^STRUCTION . . ,

M agic^DRY & SONS S to

Ca^jonlors norcial 4 Rosidontial (Bohindlobj-D iyflo 's-sm or--------- 2 0 8 ^lorior 4 Extorlor =

732-56ie- I I

BOW EN- Evory 'bo<

North Polnte wilh bowoHome Ropalr offocllvo Iapllanco Ropalr hoalll■ating AC Ropalr M ind & Bi

i r r a i s ' s .


lucots. Drywall, Topping,lling. wlnlorlzing, romovaltrash removal, stumpsJo what you can't. fortllizor, liony-734-3322' 4 Iht■ , = ! 678 -3478AINTING I •

TR E E Si r r 's P o in t in gitorfor/Extorior R a y ’s T re'ears oxporionco. Removal,lond 4 Wilo loam, Toppincock and Lona. • Sit;oII 735^)227 Call 208*

INTING &, I I i m e s

T R H E S .S

LUPHER 1, 4 ' S S JNT1NG INC.Ino Romo^djllna Tim Abbe(luring 4 Drywall Ogn |i,icCn ostimalosi Call Bill 18) 324-3476 or) 727-1287 call*— T R U C K .

- ----- SCIPIANO I p .JA SO N S Truck d ” v

Como gel^oors oxporionco, A CDL witnnorsloadvoncod. ColMar In my homo, bul 208-731 occommodalo Inhomo If necossofy. | ':a ll 736*6743* ,, W A .■ . —. = h e a : tOOFING

-Entiro MoROOFING -Competlti

snllal, commarclal,. -Froo Es josonablo ralos!stimatos,Flnanclng In s ta lla tlo i731*6658 208*43'

r37»0000* I— :a s


Service O resses-Fjieio-shorponlnor - “ s t i o b a ^

r c E r s ^ ')e*734*40B0* • I 21QS.M01

W l'

i s s c r B r o s .

>08) 7 3 3 8700*

ng mo Norffjwesf

AUCTION33ITi7:iZQJlM3E?208) 43|^S5S5

A uctionsChcck O ut M aglcV alley Scction O f TlmeS’New s

r th e auction mcjar, everyday I O nline 24 /7 at T

Ion AdvertlslnR JUI Hoflon )8-735-3222 Omojjlcvoll0| ;coriv

IU hava iiamroieuno icma you no longar itfvertue tnem.

rORAGE I 'agic Valley* S to ra g e •

hind Shllo Inn)g ^ s ^ o o s y y —

SERAPPiE N T H E R A P Y ' 'body* Is boiler lowon, Tho qontlo live Ihorapy lorji loalthloryo^ i B o d y W ^ s - 18-878*941^- •

B&ERVr^J im 's T f e e ~ S e r v i c e - ' "

ping, shoplng. loval. shrubs 4 mps. Spraying :or, lown aerating & thatching, .>78 431-3253*

ESERWCElT r e e S e rv lfce

Dval, Trimmlhg, pplng. Shrubs,

Stumps • . •208*736-2571:

?SE37VICe 1i 4 STUMP»T)f iGlC VALLEY-, irtlflod. Wood for . freo estimatoe. U )bott734r7ai9 teCwery4200771*

i ^ D R I V E V o l SCHOOL -

R&A 'D riving S c l io t l I got your Class L with tho besti

a Magic v i ^ petlth/o P r i ^10 E s llm a to a o

Btlon & l ^ ^ r ^ 4 3 1 - 6 2 8 g g

nSnvSri>ESAL4mD IN Qig D re ts e iZ K pLOBj^ent o j g ^ l '

S ^ s - lw l^ ^ ^

* I

II' the“Planning i lies with H(

I ■ T h e se daI . D y sp e p tic !; t o m e d to s

.......; ------------— rock-crush '(_________________ fe e l lucky \

; o n e - le v e l. :; t h a n hi_s nJ opening'.• N o n e th i J r e a c h e d hi

t h r e e no-l J h e a r t lead I

; I ja c k . E a s t i- I : • th o u g h tfu l!

I ’ - . S o u th duckt! 7 ■ w o n th e n e

; t o p c lu b s ,' • r ' r b re a k . H e h i ] “ E a s t . T h a t |: ■ s p a d e winn

: W e s t , s e t t l• - 'i r ie k s . -, : • • • A s S o u t

: l i ta n y of wcN o r th , who in c re a s in g

; . d u r in g th e ] ; ■- o b se rv in g t

•• n i q u e m ig l r “ f ro m h is fatt■ m e a n t?: W ell, wh

h e a r l a t tri c a ll fo r dum

: ■ ^ W hy? Bci : tf ie n dec lan

tr ic k s . If not ; fu l h e a r t g i• : . • j a c k m ay lea : c a s h th re e

t h e i r hypoth t h e h e a r t k

; ' ■ g a in o f te m i : , w h e n c lu b s: t h e defende

to s e t u p spa

^aplSM ONDTENNiS ^ A C E L E T , 2 .0 Tolal

Appraisos S2600. K S lo c r lllc o fo rS IO O O . « S o I t 208-431-9097 or omail

■ .for picture.*-- .........I _ BEARL NECKLACE' Bfjy. doublo strand , with.

; 16 karat gold clasp, Granat Brolhor 01 San

: Francisco. P loaso call tor• dolaila. DaytlmoAvookdays : 206-733-633Q-

MOWER Craftsman 42* IG• . -tiR riding mowor w/ catch-

or. $7S0/offar : - Joromo 644-; 925*

- V 615

- *X aold a y o j r e r e i« «' . .Jiika cn th o v o r v '/r -e irm t d v T s iy ad r»a

------- ;— - la . Tba-Tlaaa-Nawa- .: ■ .C la a tleX o d a .-

-Cbitrlaa Klnl-Caaala-

. SluHloSoIl?; Coll our Ciassiliod

" StaHnt;: - • 200-733-0931 oxt. 2• 208-677-4042 oxt. C04 L :! :TlJoTImo«-Now8 _

" “BOWFLEX wlih log Slatlon,; 210 lb s. w o ig h ls , good ■ ^.canditlon.S890. C all Jim : 735-8645.‘

' EXERCISE BIKE Woslo A o r o 7 0 0 . U k o n o w .

_ 550,733-4547 ottor 3 pm.-’


• C O M P U T E R , D o ll w ilh ' printor, now S600. Rofrlg-

: o r a to r liko n o w . S450 .------- '’ S lovo . u sod . S 1 2 5 . Ml-

; trow avo. S2 5 .420-7544*. -1'IBERGLASS T O P P E R , .

- ..........tod. tits now Ford.F -150.. -G ood c o n d itio n , S 400/

: oHor. Call 208-543-4716 or 208-490-1900.*

; 'iJfl5y.Doai. cnnoo. sniicoat. .powoitKXil-llyoutJomuiio ‘ 'tl. coll It wim nn oconomicnl

• - ' _ c iw il im ln d . ________

T h u r s d a y , 1



iig lies witii incti; .? ' iH coren ."

— C /urie.9e'proyerb

: days th e m em bers o f th e tic s C lub a r e so a c c u s - .0 se e in g S o u th p ic k u p ish'ers th a t h is o p p o n e n ts . . <y whon he o p e n s a t th e 2\. It m ean s h e h a s le s s s n o rm a l tw 6 -n o - tru m p

th e le .ss , S o u th q u ic k ly I h is favorite c o n tr a c t o f o - tru m p . a n d o n a low ad he callcd for d um m y’s •- s t sco red h is q u e e n a n d fully sh ifted to a s p a d e , tckcd the first tw o sp ad es , next, then played off th e

b s , w in c in g a t th e 4-1 e had lo give up a c lub Id a t p layer then c a sh e d h is inner and led a h e a r l lo e ttin g th e c o n t r a c t tw o

}Uth s ta r t e d h is u s u a l woes about b a d b re a k s ,

/ho had b een e x h ib itin g ng s igns of r e s t le s s n e s s le play, cu t him s h o r t by g th a t a n ounce of te c h - ligh t h av e s a v e d S o u th fate. Can you s e e w h a t h e

w hen W est le a d s a low ' trick one, S o u th sh o u ld

ummy’s king!B ecause if c lubs a r e 3-2,la re r always h a s his n in e • j not. tlien even a s u ccess -: guess o f p u ttin g in th e 'leave th e defense a b le to ‘

e e sp ad es, a h e a r t , a n d !othelical club trick. B u t i f '•I king ho lds, d e c la r e r ’s 'empo will save him e v e n ' jb s do n o t b re a k , s in c e id e rs have n o t had lim espades. I



■ SATELLITE TV RECEIV- |E R C - b a n d T r a c k o r I

sysiom. 70 wilh 10' KTI Id i s h . C o m p l o l o . !

~ ovoryihing works. S250. C Coll 543-5383 altor 6pm.‘

I. STORAGE SHED 12x12. _liko now. Call tor dotails. |

ail 75 p iocos 5 / 6 'R a b a t . I1 $ 4 5 0 o a c h .2 0 8 ^ -2 1 3 0 - I

Wa n t e d t o b u y o ld o r -grand drivo or PTO m a- ^

1. nuro sproador. R ogard- loas o l.c o n d . W o n to d

I Qood running Chovy 350 sr V6 ongino or largor block ys 4 2 7 o r c o m p a r a b l o .

W aniod good condilion ~ lorquo convortor tor Caso■ V/7 tronl loader or'com -I ptolo machino lor pa rts . . I 404-9371 or 324-5858.- C r : WASHER/ORYER S125.

Ollico do sk , L -sh n p o d black ond gray with bulll _ In lilo cabinol and hulch, P

_ S400. 3 oak bar s too ls ,I • S175/30I. 280-1162.*

1 ~ FAX -- YOU R I- - .Aa I


DEPARTMENT ^- 208-734-5538d OR w T. 208-677-4543

(BURLEY)*0 GUITAR Alvoroz'Classic, ^

with soil caso . liko now, y novor boon usod, S250:

( Call 208-736-0823* INSTRUMENTS, Irumpol.

saxophono. tronch tiorn. ^■ barilono, tiulo. clarlno l. , H 73MB89 or 734-1385.- , I ' PIANO an tiquo up rig h t, . i '• good condition. S400. Call Cy ; 208-536-2983,* ,

r R E M E t W B E R !)’ Thai birthday ad you placod _,/ somo'limb'ago in 77id Wg 7Tmos-/Voivs?Nowis1ho I

limo to como pick up your rplciuros. Slop by Tho '

I. Ciassiliod Oopt. todayl - t“ TROMBONE Bac~n.~wlTh W' hanjcaso.Likonow $300. <

Call208-886-7 l8r c


ly, Feb . 12,2004


N O IIT H •A 9 8 6V K J 10 3 2♦ 9 7 5 • * Q 5

W EST EA STA K J 2 . A Q IV A 8 0 5 4 . V QC

. . ♦ Q C 4 3- ♦' J 2* 9 - * J 1

SO U T H A A 5 4V —♦ A K 10 8

■ * A K 6 4 3 2

•V ulnerable: E ast-W est Dealer: S outh

The bidding:

South W e st N o rth E: • 1 * I V .P i 2 ♦ P ass 3 A Pi

. 3 NT All p a ss .

Opening lead: H ea rt five


Soulh holds:A K J 2V A 8 6 5 4♦ Q 6 4 3


S outh W e st N o rth E j1 A I 4

, ANSWER: M ak e a n ega tiv b le r a t h e r t h a n b id d in ,

/• h e a r ts , w h ic h o u g h t to s b e tte r s u it o r a b e t te r hani th is and m ay g e t y o u too hi] ing any m in im u m h a n d w it rea l red-su it fiL T h e advani doubling Is th a t i t n o l on ] b o th h e a r t s a n d d ia m o n d th e p icture, b u t a lso a llow s follow up w ith tw o n o -tru g e t your g e n e ra l v a lu e s a cn

Ityuu » ukl lilic luninUrt llotit? Wolff, htlp.','wwwbh<!«cirt.rom.

CopjT iihl W4, Uniird KMturr.SjTidical

C --------- WAr^ flin odi


CHAIR high Hit. S650 paid yoJ will sacniico S550. Brand dist Nowl Lt brown. 326-S606.- ^

^ R ~ c d M P R E S S O R 10 W AIH P . $ 3 9 5 . S t o a m twIiprosiuro w ashor. porta- ol <hlo. S150. Froo standing w odrill p ro ss . hoovy duly. rocS 1 7 5 . W iro fo o d 2 2 0 . VVM5225. Parts washor paint, n^nr$75. Ryobi 1 0 - lablo saw dotw /ro u to r . S 2 0 0 . L o ts p .ol olhor tools. 320-3311.' p m

CHAIN SAW S to o l, 26* r j r r i blado. G root condition . S 2 0 0 / o l to r . C a l l l o r lnlo.420-6483/212-557B.-

PACK RAT roll ou t too l tran box, 40*x4e*. oxcollonl condition. Seoo/olfor. Coll 2O0-C7O-O!H)7,*

TABLE SAW C ra ttsm o n no r10' cost iron tablo & ox- At I(onsion Vory good condi- $20lion S250. J ig sow Oldor Brai

' m odol work g o o d $ 5 0 / ;-777; _ o llo r Jorom o644-.192S:_ -WAN

WANWANTED / ----------------------- t r oBllllard/pool tablo light. com

CaI1208-737-0788.* WANWANTED------------------------ ion

Oulhouso WPA. Ploaco ' 208-732-5383.- JTaM

WANTED up,Thicknoss planqr. 302

opproximatoly13‘-24.* 2O0- Call 734-2613.*

WANTED IL o-- Wool, yain/throad. vintago

' ’ loxtllos; PondlotonVioclons, will pay cash I r j r ^438-8833 or 733-6283.* '7 ^ n

WANTED B o o -k o o p in g conoqu ipm on l. Hivo b o x , h o ss m o k o r . v o i l . b o o s , chai

. ovoryltilng, 208-324-6554.* ondWANTED Door, olk.& 673-

mooso antlQfS. Top pricos r paidI Ploaso call 208-324- 1487 or 208-731-5336*

WANTED E as to n P ro s s ,Fronklln L ibrary, o th o r HUSCniCQly bound books. I buy 30.Gwholo libraries, turn your Clasbooks inlo SI 655-4100.- Brov

WANTED R bor'gloss ta n k ^ c h2x4)18 It. Loomlx. P loaso Stovc a l lu s 0 208-212-0395.- P ti-


' ■ I 324

b y W o iir - ---------------- ^aull

___________ I_______________ dbl,• trM2-A _324

1 2 . ^

’ i c T

ST his<3 10 7 3 . . 208-< Q 9 7 =J 2 ............... ^J 10 8 7 ______________^


3 UpriG3 2 K, _____________ ___________bor

fonbodta bOisl

E a s t TO ir. P a s s EST/

P a s s .

T.V.,dollCOlta b

c e S r0M2-D Sh)

unlit 442 h


ATVE a s t oxci1 A 237


i t i v e d o u * . =£1^l i n g tw o0 s h o w a l a n d th a n1 h ig h f a c - STAI w i th o u t a• a n ta g e o f ditioo n ly g e t s 324-) n d s i n l o r —w s y o u t ot r u m p t o ,a c ro s s .


cVANTEO lor Boiso Mount- s h I lod Patrol Unil. QUARTER 5 , .H ORSE G elding, rogis- “ avlorod. 15.3 or largor. 6-12 p j,',y o a rs o ld , wilh gon tlo stQ( dispossllion. 345-8721.-

VANTED Looking for a ^ g n good usod or now pool ta- bio or snookor toblo. Call208-678-2972.* • ARC!VANTED n o w o rc lo a n -Sp«< twin bod w/framo. chostsol d raw ers & d ro sto r all ^ 0 ^w o o d , n o w o r c l o a n HAULrocllnor. Call 324-8286.* 2 7 'ti VANTED old militarymodais, uniforms. Insignia. P O L /documonts.'& souvenirs.. '580 ,Paying h ighest price!------- allor

Paul N utting 733-1691* p O L / T A N T E D T T d o T g ^ running roasonably pricodgolt cort for oldorly lady P O L /on oxygon. Would hko for oxC'transportation. 326-4814.' 5295/ANTED Still looking for P O L ;maro horso lor brooding, ^=9 botw oon 3 &10 yrs. rog. papors nocossary. S450At l o a s t h a l to r b ro k o . P O L /5 2 0 0 -S400. 15 + hands. w i t lBrandon 208-312-4113.' $430iA f iT E l^ O BUY I T _POLfl

Good njnrilrig vdhicfo. 151cloan. loss than $1000. Covi326-6828 or731-5323* 208-:

/ANTED TO BUY Eloclric SKI-D; t r o a d m i i l . ln g o o dcondition. Call 732-5637.* 8812/ANTED To Buy Roming- —^ion Nylon 66 22 calibor SKt-Di rlllo. Call 208-308-2176.*/ANTED VW diosoi pick- up, running or nol. Oldor 302 c o r o r pickup. Call 208-539-2393.*_____ condi

u s e . L ano rocllnor llll „ ' c h a i r , t a n . o x c o llo n l c o n d ilio n . $700 . Also. l io s p ltn l b o d . sh o w o r :hair. portablo chair toilot nnd 1 now air bool. 208- 578-9113 o r 312-2667* .

USQVARNA model 9000 1 30.06 with T asco World ^ la s s 3x9 scopo,-S450. -Tv Browning BPS 12 gaugo,» choko tubos, $325. Call stovo 324-9440 altar 4:30 126

I j Hp

EMINGTON 1 1 0 0 . 12 SKI-Dl laugo. 2 3/4* wiih modi- Mari' lod barroll, $275. Stovo , milos 124-9440 altor 4 :30 ' gm lp i -^OTGUN M os 500 12 Form laugo, $175. M auser 32 pinco lUto., $250. R ugor P-BO oil Ir;lbL aclton..9m m .-5350.___ or.'42,124.9494 or 731-6057.*--------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^

. e 2 6 . ^ E £ i i n [ I u Hva' m a. oxcol

E AUGER Jilly Logond 208-7 .Ightonirlg, 9 inch , lo sl v A u a un, a s now. $315.8-678-5751 o r 431.1804-

~ ~

tfELTON Sa tu rday M j '2/14 8am -5pm . .-ugo indoor moving salo! irighi piano, vintogo sow- ig machino. 1950's mot-1 cupboard w/glass. Old- ^ ■onchos. d o o rs ..p lc h o l. ^ 9 0 7 onco . n id m olo l bunkods, iron bod, old Lovi's. ablo c lo th s . & lin o n s . SE M I' )ishos & colloctiblos. Lois orn 4; lorol 820 Marlon Dr.' sidosUN FALLS------------------ SNOWTATESALE 2 p lobruary M th & 15th im - 6 pm P'3C0V.. m icrow avo. lo is o l 324-2 lothinglsizo 12). jowolry. 733-2 o u c h , c h a i r s , d o s k . TRAILI a b lo s , h td o - a - b o d . Tiltbo Adding, dishos, pots/pa- s: s. loastor ovon. boauly h o p d r i o r c h a i r s . nllorms, & miscollanoous. Jnnn2 Heyburn Avo. W est*

)NDA '9 8 Rocon 250.TV. good condilion, runs xcollonl. Call 208-788- •, 371 or2O8-4B1-02G0' .IZUKI '0 0 RM0O. vory lo a n , now g r a p h ic s . 1400/ollor. 423-5662.'

r TIRESmouni $60. (

A R C R A F T ’73 16 FTuminum, 85 HP Chrys- T IR E Sr motor, all In good con- now.tion. $1750. Call Slovo holo C24-9440 oltor 4:30 pm.' whool=-----208-7:


•-USED SHELLS'—— i -Fil m osi tru ck s ^ tnne

-Solocllon-Guality- ^ j iw Pricos-208012-1525-,M PER SH E L L G ood j }indition, usod, SSOO. Call 208-423-4665' ■

ELL lor a T oyota Tun- ' CL ra. fiborglass. Ihundor ay color, mado by Loar. a id $ 1 6 0 0 S Q cririco 1000. 208-308-3525.-

A d

CTIC CAT ’99 Powdersocial eoo. pipod, roflds, [Isod handio bar & covor. _ _ _1000. Call 731-0805.* 733-ULMARK '04 onclosod F r a n e’• trailer, porfoci for long , m.-nir, ckskxfci. 208-934-5560.'L A R IS -94 Indy XLT w/wlnrSO. S 160C ..3 0 8 -7 1 7 4 to rnallot-tpm r733'9609'-----------p lo w tL A R IS ’96 XLT. now ' Call 2C)ltom ond. la s t slrong p r e ig i-}d, $1200. 423-5330.* .fuckLARIS '9 9 RMK 700, bod. $( c o l lo n t c o n d i t i o n . q r e a T1950. Call 324-6474.* ,or SoLARIS ’01 8 0 0 RMK Nowbi.9- track, poriod. pipod, s la c kE co llon t c o n d i l i o n . paint/t.50(Vo1lor 208-431-9100* Call 2CLA RIS '0 1 8 0 0 . 151 MACK '1th l o l s o f o x t r a s i milos.'300/olfor. 404-1555.* Mako<L A R IS’01 RMK 800. PETERIiv irack . o lo c rs ta n o r .- “ tro im>vor. low m llo s. C all up. ron8-788-4979 ovonings.* alumir. 'D do"W 6 '7 0 Summit ^^^,00$3000. Call 208-736- WESTE12 ovonings 308-2534 • Irallor.ys. loavo mossago* hilch,•DOO ’99 Summit 136' f . f * ' ' ' ick, good cond. Runs}ailS2SOO. 312-1789* ^°8-SS-DOO '02 Summit Sport k . . .0. Sk l-D oo '99 Summit ^ 1 0 0 ^0, Bolh, low milos. oxc. ^ndillon. 208-349-5705' "

I TrucksTHETIMES-NEWS 600-71Qsslfled D epartm ent CHEVY

Ollico hours aro ro-built3:00 am to 5:30 pm Ig. box. ilonday thru Friday.

Wo aro opon to alljstomors to assist you ,tn building your ad, mq„ iiOr coll ono of our 5 ° " ' 'Ciassiliod Salos Cal?Do Roprosonlaiivos

CHEVY733-0931 oxt: 2 150 V£1-800-65S-3883 o n ly 1132 3rd SL W $5000/

Twin Foils OHico c h EVY" ton. 4x-

677-4042 PW p263 O vorland Avo. c a s s o

Burloy Ofdco* | 20S-30i

1.000 '00 Summit High CHEVYa rk . 1 5 1 - tra c k . 7 1 2 Ir.ins, oilos, $4500. 326-5047.* Ilor. Cal-DOO '03 Hov 800. '00 CHEVY'irmula 111 jlOO spocial. 2 w hoolaco d ri^ -on nnd drivo- pickup.I Irailof. Call 731-9037 Call:..423:4997.1^------------------CHEV?-l-DOO '04 REV.Excol- slopsnII condition. 400 milos. shapo. I6-312-0294' . c h e v y ' MAHA '93 Excilor, runs. 4x4, A' colloni: $800/o1lor. Call til l, vo I8-736-62B8,*' • S10.50( MAHA ‘00 MM700 650 CHEVY ilos. 141* track. Lot's ol c a b . 4 )rk dono, pipes. $4000. c o n d .! ill 208-308-0196* 2012 oi

9 0 6 ^ B E I E m ^ H - lo a tn o r lowpVc 731-15'

' '6 5 C om panion , i r oal shapo. $600.Call 208-734-1465*___ 5 ,g g|,;


^I TRAILER '80 Wost- D 42 It. 24* chain, toflon ? a b 4 Jos. $7500. 436-2365* 3U .:?2 : 3WM0BILE TRAILER 0 0 ° ° ' p la c o , b la c k . $ 9 5 0 . ^hoft b .UMINUM TRAILER, 2 9 ’ X.52 3C0. $1 ISO. Coll 208 - 4-2252 ovonings 208 - FORD -7 3-2684 Ask for Roger* r u n s cULER ■----------------- P-250:I bod. 8 It., singlo axlo. good .

$250. 320-3311.-f tlL E R la n d o m a x l o ____5 1 .>0. 35 ft.. S1200/oflor. FORD'S00 lb. air hoist. $85 0 / ‘I* '’ e r. Ja ck ® 543-6334.* c a s so l

------------ tiros/briV


CK '03 LaSabfO. ALL LORD'S' PA R TS, Call 2 0 8 -

ickup box & bumpor FORD '9linor. Liko nowl $1000. ■’*■‘-7,3Call 208-863-1019.* O'OSOl, 1 ES (2 ) 7 3 5x75 . nowlunted on Ford whools. FORD i0, Call alter 5 pm Call "a 'o sic B-733-5329.* od, low E S (4) B lizzak n o a rw . 215x65 R15 on 5 FO R D '0'lo Chovy Vonturo van 4x4. eo^ools. S250/olfor, Call 934-5723-735-7473.- . F O R D 'l'JTED Wrockod or )unk crow La •s. Coll 208-438-2704208-312-3322- $26,500= = ^ S = = = = S Q M ^nnq dually. J

^ ■ ^ T r Q T n j n H now tir $4200/0

" = 0 1 — 1 ^W II H o ry lh lr

CU STO M ER S $4900.W HO g m 'c ^ bNEED oxl. caby o u r cassolio

SERV ICE GMCiXdvertise In caii'208


se rv iceDlrectoiy $280. a

J3-0931 ext. 2 n ’s s a n ^

iNE '8 4 P&H S20 Ql 5134 or■ain. 4x4. doutz. O sh PROBUs h '6 5 4 x 4 p l o w . FII/ing,190 Cummins. In- -Coll 72n a t io n a l '6 9 2 .5 to n Lalham's w tn ic tom O -ftrb lad ir- .1208-726-3203.- k .IGHTL1NER ‘87 dum p ^ A;k,. G reat buy. 12 yard M k u f l l1. $19,500. 324-8148* chEVY"e AT DANE ’89 Trailo'r good mo Semi. 45 ft. Ilal bod . $650.70 V brakos. drums, auto. ’84 3501 c k a d ju s to r s . N o w trans. tui nt/tarp boxos. $5500. 208 1208-423-4625.- pORD 7 i K ’02 CL713 (2). low now pair is. Volvo L150 Loader. truck. F <0 oilers. 308-2590.- er. runs; E R B IL T '94 430 Do- MOTOR.- m 0 - s p a ,r4 8 * 's ta n d - ~b'ullt, S2 romovablosioopor. all s f o n C m inum . Vory c lo a n l $750.Tr .,000. Call 423-4825.- now robi TERN '85 Hoppor/llat Call 2( or.42ft..sidokit/plnllo N ERF Bi :h, $4800. STAR '7 8 s too l. II (I. hoppor/llat. p intio crow cat h. $2800.543-4783 or dlamom •5556 Iv. mossogo.- riurn. sir —— ma ko olli


condition1.POLICE IMPOUNDS ^ ...... ....:ks $500. For listings k . n o a i -719-3001 oxL 3109*/Y '84 1 ton stop van.uilt motor, tuns good. CHEVY 'ox.S2950.320^3311.‘ d lesol. rV Y '88 crew cab IT PW.PL.up. dually. 4x4,.7.4L pushbunI), long bod. Auto, fold Call 208^m goosonock h itch . CHEVY '{/ liios. cuslom painI,. -4x4,-blai:id condition. $6500 . cond., S2Doug 208-371-0932- rH FV Y '4:

VY '9 0 pickup. 4x4 . 4 dr.. ToV8. vory cloan, h a s "Brldgosi

y 1 1 0 .0 0 0 m i l o s . brakoa.N00/ olfor. 720-4030.- 678-5751/Y '93 Silvorado. 1/2 C H E /Y ^4x4, oxl. cab, 5 spd., 3rd soat.. P L . A C . A M /F M 40K. Runs o u o . $ 5 8 0 0 . C a ll $26,500.•308-6767.' 5163, loa

•VY ’04 B lazor. n o ’f# CH EV Y 'ns. and hubs. S2000/O- 4x4. pov-.Call 536-6671,- $24,500.•VY '95 1/2T, 6.5 lurbo. 0^208-42ools, s lo ro o , sw o o t DODGE 'Q kup.m uslsoo.$ 12,0 0 0 ' . lo aded:nll208-539-73ir. Call208-:iVY'95 4X4roxt.-caO FORD'91p Sido, now Irans.. oxc. d r , s i Ivcipo, $7500.677-2130* mags, oil:VY'96 1500 oxt. cab . ular $30'I, AT. cruiso. PW. RL. $^995. 2C. vory g o o d s h a p o . FORD '973.500/cllor. 731-0659' AWD/4* ;VY '96 Silvorado. oxl.D. 4x4, 1 12K, g r o a t 2 0 8 - ^Id. S8500/olfo;. 324 - FORD '99I2or30e-2744' , . . . only SlG, •VY ' o rr3 8 K ro x crc o n ar •FORO.'ggi<pVo.,w/linor,$21.500. 4x4, onrl-154GOf736-949r 20Q-788-:•V Y '02 1/2 lon E x t. G M C '0 3lb , 4 x 4 , L T , O n ly loadod .3.995. 700-2225 flir.' 208-7B8-: E V Y '0 3 C r e w c a b CM C'03 Y 601, Only S31,995.-Call- -Only.$3G 5-788-2225 dir,- 788-2225 >G E '9 9 2 5 0 0 R o g , ISUZU'01 b 4 x 4 , 4 4 K, o n l y 45K, AC,

1.995. 788-2225 dir.- t o w i J i j r G E 'O O C u m m in s ^16.000/. >ft bod, 0x1. cab. 4x4. JE E P ‘99 <•520.000 or lako over 82K. AC t. 487-2098009-1970.- $7500. 2C D 77 F-150 351. AT. J E E P ’99 IS g o o d . F o r d '7 3 SE. blacl 50 350.4 spood, runs custom w 3d. p a n s or r o s to ro conOitlon. fl. $450/otror for both. Bo/. Call208-B37-913e.- $8500, P.0 '89 F-150 4 spood,1 with sho ll. AM/FM JEEP'OOV ise llo , c ru is e , n o w 4x4, AT. s/brakes, oxlra sot ol 'haidtop,-! s. Vory good c o n d .. shapo. 20 s t soil, S3200 /o lto r. NO Credit' •9002 or 308-3729.* Call 73: D '94 F-250. now tiros. Lalham's 1 5 groal. cloan truck. SUZUKI ‘ all 208-733-5294 or 8000 K. hh i-731-5297 atlor 3pm ' $16.000/o D '96 F-250 oxt. cab . TOYOTA '9 .7 3 Illor. powor siroko aulo.. 120 iOl,150K.$9500. 731- rool. $7S( 4 or 539-6099 ovos.- 731-60731 D '99 R a n g o r 4W D k A } sido. 0x1. cab. load- ^ 1 0 0 9 ^ low milos. Sharp! ^K5/ollor. 208^78-4181*0 'OO F-250 oxt. cab, .80K ,asking$l5,000.•5722 or 539-6237.*D '00 F -2 5 0 s u p o r — . • vLaiiat. Short box, 35-s . 75K. im m aculate. van SE. l .500.208-308-6269''■ '86 crow cab . 1 ton ,Hy. strong robuilt 454. DOOGE 0V tiro s , ru n s g r o a l . c a r a v a r 00/cllor. 735-0321.- ^12,000.2 '922500 pickup. Ext. p

. V8 454. powor ov- Ihing. g ro a t tru c k .00. 208-543-6706.* /■ '98'l/2TSiorra, 4x4. V . cab, all powor, CO, ,

;ollo. 208-324-8148- C l l / '01 1/2 ion Ext. C ab ^ I W I

. Won't last. $15,995. Y n i i r 208-788-2225 dir.- '' PARTS CJ 5/7 '7610 ISoli top. $650. U sod T h e T init with now c o v o r , r ' l o e 3. Call 208-324-0324.*AN '97 4WD. $5500. D e p : -878-5134 or 4 3 0 -1 or 678-5561 msg.^ X . . . l r 3BUEMS GETTING

RNANCING? 208-7;1II733-IBBI today. twlnod®mtam's l-800<:af-LQ an.'_______ g j j

'Y '86 Blazer K5 4x4. ''J x O L T .vi motor. 700 R4 trans. 126K. $4.4). 700 R4 trans. $200. 'p a n p i 'p ii ISO .njlnow O TO R43. runs good. $650. CniiVrT

u i r S f i.I.75 4x4, short box, . . 1palnl on cob. P ro jec t WAFk. FORD '76 C ourl- vvhon purdjnsS 250.404-l632- clo. rnoko)R. 400 Ford, now ro- litle is in, S2200rTronVrriIs'^------ Iho sollorn CG now r o b u i l t . motor vol).Trnn8for coso. 205 vohiclo «rebuilt. $200. unless the111 208^04-lij32* namo ol 1 F BARS. s ta in le s sII. Ills '99^ '04 Fo rdr cab. $250. Toolbox ale n d p latod. alumi- ,hm. single lid, $200 or °

> AND WHEELS idonlilicaliislom. 6 lug. good amount piiitlon. $400.423-4665- o(s) and a — now purcli

sale mi

miioago aVY ’83 S u b u r b a n sa lo . II yi01. runs groat. 4x4 . questions, PL. 3rd soal. chromo *‘>ct your bumpor. $ 1800/01for. sorsollict 208-734^1323.- — ■'Y '89 S^IO Blazor. f M black..loadod. good .. S2500. 212^3542.' ^Y '93 Blazor II, 4WD. .. Tahoo pkg._4.3L. Al^Ogosionos; sh o c k s . TRANS)3, NIcol $3950.20s - Specia5751 or 43MB04* Most Amoo

S S S S , “Ru»i S w i c ojnoi: ^ “ " S 5 500. Cull a o s - A s ., leave m essago,- foreati

W ltceh F o M tru c k s ^ ^ ^ R

F I B "

O K U res, a g r o c ^ ^ . s t o n


Y '0 1 T a h o o LS BMW'07 530ilowtor, low m iles. drives exc.)0. Call 280-0554 $2250 , Ca-423-9620,* .4650 or 539-: '01 Dur.ingo R/T. BUY POLICEd. O n ly ,$ t6 .9 9 5 . CorsS500.Fii8-788^2225tllr.' 800-719-30031 Explorer, 4WD 4" 'C A R SIvor, t 0 2 K. C D , WHOLE olhor extras. Rog-3995, will soli lo r 'x . . . .

208 30837 Exploror XLT , c h f u v ' -'o i 1 4x4, 6 c y l in d e r . CHEVY 91 L :7900/offor. Call ,4.9553 • tires. $800. 7)9 Expedition XLT. CHEVY'00 C 1G.995. Call 208- , I?? ,;* !' 55 . . , . 3 6 K lo w m l

8-2225 d if ' whllo, oxcelli

UJ.YUKon t>L I . Call20fl-934 d. $3 1 ,9 9 5 . C a ll «-ail ^OB JiA 8-2225 dir.- CHRYSLER'!lYukonXLDoHSiT 3G.995_Call 2 0 8 - Call208-788 25dlr.' D O D G E .'9501Rodoo4x-t.V6, iC, CD. rool rack,

3 /ollor! 536-^ 5^90.' condition, turl>9 Chorokoo 4x4, J.lS 00 .C a |l2 (iC, CC, AT, 4 .0 . f o r d '89 Mu208-679-3360- spood, 5K p 19 W rangler. 4x4,

^ w h o S e T c o S

s r a ' s s | ~ 'Plo,ISO coll 208.

Bl or 324-7415.' m otor. $500.

) Wrangler Sahara T. air, cruise. CD —3,45,000 mi. Groat 2C8-404-1B19.'JII? BAD Crodil? j n B S * 733-1881 loday.'sl-800-Car-Loan' FO R D ‘94 I l ‘0 2 X L 7 . 4 X 4 , Cummins HC , hko now. loadod. *Voller. 543-9B97- p o f ™ c , c | k '94 4-runnor, V6, S4 , oon ?fif 20K. loaihor. sun7500. Vory cloon! ORD '01 Foci '3 loavo mossago.- sp d .. now bi

Asking $8500

F O R D '01 Wi■ ! ■ ■ ■ — 60.000 miles. 96/\stro,allw nool $ n .9 0 0 .208' seats 8 . g rea t in H O NDA ‘90 'orynicoconditlon, door, autom JOB-734-9299- thing. 175K. . '96 Grand C ara- $3000/ollor. 5 :. 106.000 milos. H O N D A ' 3f maint. $5250 . runsgood. $' t5 allor 6 pm.* Jeromo'644-l< '01 Grand Sport HONDA '9 8 C a n . g o ld , 4 6 K . door, siivor, 8 ' ].208-678-3254' o x c o llo n t c _ ^ I $7900/oller.3- A x IS U Z U ‘90 An

dard, must sel r t D Bosi olfor. 20t[ I K LINCOLN'98 '

looks Iiko now

\ / | A | L Tosi'oTaol-V

jrA d T o - S Soiler. 536-645

lm p q - W p w « : MERCURY ‘95 i m e s I ' j e w s v-6. n s K .ir ea s s i f i e d s $ i 5 0 0 /0 1 1 . p a r t m e n t

. - . . MERCURY '99/ I n F a l l s 74K. AC. pv\ 73^5538mogloraltoy-com 208-306-45113 u r l e y ------------ ■N d c r„ d it7 B/677-4543 Caii.733-i8iSm.9lcvnlloy.eom- Ulham'S 1.0O{

.A o,05 lO ,.E X t:r.wollmolnmlnod.


N A N D N ^

----------- ■ _ SUZUKI '92 SlX R N I N G 'l i t le . b o s t 0- » * 0 O V O t . . . . 208.326-5963,Iko suro that tho TOYOTA '9 5in Iho namo of d o o r , 1 1 0 HlorU ndorldaho —S3300/ofTorr5vohiclo code, a TOYOTA'97 Ctcannot bo sold p s nowor bra

tho tlllo is in Iho doors, power)l Iho so lor (ox- AM/FMiadio,!; Idaho iconsod cruiso. imlodg• Tho sollor sholl runs good. MLo th o new pur- C a llJo s h O ?a signod bill of ---------------------lowing tho lol- I ATTENTION 'Full doscripiion Closslfl

ifohicle. vohiclo Advertli:alions number, . .. S J P le a se ch ea address of Iho . ,. ,fchaoor. Tho bill 3 0 o n I h e I musi be signod. I fy o u f in d ind show actual w s will CO 3 at the limo ot W oaronolro i you havo any for errors olK

ns, ploaso con- day ol publur local a sso s-lico- ■ Call Twin

733-09:^1 e> Butloy 677

TOMATic I R e a dEMISSIONS ------ ----cial $359,95.oneanvehiclos. C l a S S i ts . labor andQlion includod. -, w * . i o n E v e r y

laf/rrufes. *

K t is o n e - s o u rc c , fo r c.irs R ,in d m o re . I t a v a ila b le n ocalio ru i I h ro u g l io u l so u th e r [ n o r th e m N e v .id a .

, as well os Swenmart and !. W a lg rm 's , . M c D o m Ic

ITO ; ,w h e ^ r l r a j r m - a r l e ' I s V d ^ a j ^ ' b n e a s i ly Idi

ry 12.'2004, TIinos-NowsVTwIn Fa

5301, 4 door. AT.IXC. good cond..

Call 2 0 6 -4 2 3 - 539-1901,7cE IMPOUNDS • lO. For listing call -3001 e x t C819- A R S AT O L E S A L E

:all Mark 308-5002.* .91 Lumma. runs 30ks g o o d .h o w X). 733-7563' 'DO Cavalier Z24. sun roof, PW/PL,V m iles . S6 600 ’.'" :Z31;6255.___________ __

(cellenl condition, real tiros. $4000. •934.5302,'ER '02 PT Cruis^Id. Only $11,995.•768-2225 dlf.'_________'9 5 N eon goo d in. $ l3 0 0 /o tfe r. lings 423^5341.'90 T alon, good I, turbo. 5 spood, all208-212-1649'I Mustong. 5.0 5 3K porform anco low paint, $5000.32 Thundorbird, packago. lealh^

j o d .g a r a g o d . ick paint, straigni.4 6 0 F o r d 4w d 500.731-2381,* .

jE J O a c ?

'94 L9000. 8.3 ISHD750 140K.A /C . 2 1 f t .Cial box & hoist.:t c o n d i t i o n ..280-0268.' IFocus, sodan, w b rakos/lires .3500.404-3237.'

I W indsla r LX. illos. great cond. 208-536-5380*‘90 A c c o rd . 2 itom atic every- 5K. good cond.. lor. 539-1230*A ' 9 0 C H X

1 $1500/ollor 14-1925'98 Civic DX. 2 Of, 89,000 milos, n t c o n d i l i o n , Ior. 324-7091.'C Amigo, s ian -11 sell. Exc. cond.

208-326-5047*'98 Continental new. low milos,

1 511 ,995 .733- 08-733-2323.'’ '90 Topaz 4 dr. lo'ds wotk. make •6451 Iv. msg,*’ '95 Sabto. 3.0 C. Iresh tuno^up./ o t l e r . C a l l 5969.*• • • • • •

' '99 Sablo GS., PW. P S . ABS . g o o d t i r e s ./ o f l o r . C a l l t511.'T B A O C re d tt? ---------------3-1881 today. l-BOOCar-Loan*3ILE '86 C iora la n i p a c k a g o .:o n d i I i 0 n , or, 733-B651,*'96 G rand Am 1 groal, $2500/ I208-212-B835-12 Swilt. Clean s t o f fo r . C a lli963.'_________'9 5 C o ro lla 4

lO K . p o w o r . ■3 rrS 36^667 i:-----------------17 Camry, whllo.f brakos. powor }wor window s, dio, CD. AC, lilt, lod glass, clean.I. MUST SELL!0 720^874B*

5n Iisslfiod'ortlsers

c h e c k y o u r h e f ir s t d a y . i n d a n e r r o r1 c o r r e c t it.Dl responsible ! alter Iho first publicallon*

■win Falls ■ j t exi. 2 . or 677-4042.*

d T h e

s i f i e d s

y D a y !

c .irs, b o a ts , ib le M o v e r th e m Id a h o

nd S e t h ' s t u l d ' s and

I d e n t i ^N e y a d fc . ''f r '

h Falls. Idaho'E9

"'■■'Sv • -

M' P»^'. ' -. y-K,



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-At H Q S j l

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03 ChevT(

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03 C h e \w a ^ , M 7 . 9 9 5

03 J e e pI w a s * 2 4 . 9 9 5

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99 Volv(■ w a s ^ 2 1 .9 9 5 1

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p G ra n d Che:9 5 n o w * 1 9 , 9 9 8 2 u 7

jv ro le t T ah o e9 5 n o w n 2 , 9 9 8 G 3 2

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f ®N 733-192ale. Photos for illustration purposes s. ( j e ^ C o S s 3 ,8 ftipob



9 9 B e & c t i l i i 0 m

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1 S T 7 2 ni7ri5-o ' :


99 P o n tiac TrsA fas " 1 6 , 9 9 5 n o w H 2 ,

32 L a n d ro v e rTO S ‘2 1 . 9 9 S n o v v n s .

)1 F o rd F ocusv a s ^ 9 ,9 9 5 n o w ^ 7 . 1

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1 9 8 2U877-1___________

• R a n g e ro v e rt . 9 9 8 G-iOTO-i

33-2219 TWINl l 6 ,o n d jM le r d o c ,W o f $ U 9 . r o b 1500 S m . A i a a 4.1 W ,1

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