
Post on 19-May-2015






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Vorstellung von Helfermodulen zu einfacheren ezwugung einer WxPerl GUI : https://bitbucket.org/lichtkind/wx-perl-smart



Schneller Bessere GUI's







$var ~~ @list

Wx::Perl::Smartsub OnInit {

my $app = shift;

# load localisation texts in chosen languagemy ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};$app->{'l18n'} = \%l18n;

# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();

# making UImy $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitudemy %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init

frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],


({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;$frame->SubscribeWidgets({

drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),fav_select => [-ComboBox => \@remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),


$frame->SetSmartLayout({flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},[ # left part

'<drawboard>',10,{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},'<fav_select>',['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', \1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],

],[ # right half-TabbedBox => [

'~oscillators' =>[{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},['~phase :', \1, '<no_phase>', \1,'<closed_phase>', \1, '<open_phase>'],

]],-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],{border => 10}, '<friction>',

],'~visuals' => [

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],{border => 10},'<zoom>',





sub OnInit {my $app = shift;

# load localisation texts in chosen languagemy ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};$app->{'l18n'} = \%l18n;

# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();

# making UImy $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitudemy %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init

frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],


({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;$frame->SubscribeWidgets({

drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),fav_select => [-ComboBox => \@remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),


$frame->SetSmartLayout({flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},[ # left part

'<drawboard>',10,{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},'<fav_select>',['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', \1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],

],[ # right half-TabbedBox => [

'~oscillators' =>[{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},['~phase :', \1, '<no_phase>', \1,'<closed_phase>', \1, '<open_phase>'],

]],-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],{border => 10}, '<friction>',

],'~visuals' => [

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],{border => 10},'<zoom>',





sub OnInit {my $app = shift;

# load localisation texts in chosen languagemy ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};$app->{'l18n'} = \%l18n;

# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();

# making UImy $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitudemy %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init

frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],


({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;$frame->SubscribeWidgets({

drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),fav_select => [-ComboBox => \@remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),


$frame->SetSmartLayout({flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},[ # left part

'<drawboard>',10,{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},'<fav_select>',['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', \1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],

],[ # right half-TabbedBox => [

'~oscillators' =>[{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},['~phase :', \1, '<no_phase>', \1,'<closed_phase>', \1, '<open_phase>'],

]],-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],{border => 10}, '<friction>',

],'~visuals' => [

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],{border => 10},'<zoom>',





sub OnInit {my $app = shift;

# load localisation texts in chosen languagemy ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};$app->{'l18n'} = \%l18n;

# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();

# making UImy $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitudemy %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init

frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],


({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;$frame->SubscribeWidgets({

drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),fav_select => [-ComboBox => \@remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),


$frame->SetSmartLayout({flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},[ # left part

'<drawboard>',10,{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},'<fav_select>',['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', \1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],

],[ # right half-TabbedBox => [

'~oscillators' =>[{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},['~phase :', \1, '<no_phase>', \1,'<closed_phase>', \1, '<open_phase>'],

]],-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],{border => 10}, '<friction>',

],'~visuals' => [

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],{border => 10},'<zoom>',





sub OnInit {my $app = shift;

# load localisation texts in chosen languagemy ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};$app->{'l18n'} = \%l18n;

# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();

# making UImy $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitudemy %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init

frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],


({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;$frame->SubscribeWidgets({

drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),fav_select => [-ComboBox => \@remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),


$frame->SetSmartLayout({flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},[ # left part

'<drawboard>',10,{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},'<fav_select>',['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', \1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],

],[ # right half-TabbedBox => [

'~oscillators' =>[{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},['~phase :', \1, '<no_phase>', \1,'<closed_phase>', \1, '<open_phase>'],

]],-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],{border => 10}, '<friction>',

],'~visuals' => [

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],{border => 10},'<zoom>',




Wx::Perl::Smartsub OnInit {

my $app = shift;

# load localisation texts in chosen languagemy ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};$app->{'l18n'} = \%l18n;

# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();

# making UImy $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitudemy %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init

frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],


({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;$frame->SubscribeWidgets({

drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),fav_select => [-ComboBox => \@remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),


$frame->SetSmartLayout({flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},[ # left part

'<drawboard>',10,{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},'<fav_select>',['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', \1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],

],[ # right half-TabbedBox => [

'~oscillators' =>[{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},['~phase :', \1, '<no_phase>', \1,'<closed_phase>', \1, '<open_phase>'],

]],-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],{border => 10}, '<friction>',

],'~visuals' => [

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],{border => 10},'<zoom>',




Wx::Perl::Smartsub OnInit {

my $app = shift;

# load localisation texts in chosen languagemy ($v, $dir, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);$l18n_file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $l18n_file) if $dir;die "localisation file $l18n_file is missing!" unless -e $l18n_file;my %l18n = %{YAML::Tiny->read( $l18n_file )->[0]{$language}};$app->{'l18n'} = \%l18n;

# loading the numbers of the remembered favorites$app->{'favorites'} = -e $fav_file ? YAML::Tiny->read( $fav_file ) : YAML::Tiny->new;my @remembered_pic_names = ref $app->{'favorites'}->[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys $app->{'favorites'}->[0] : ();

# making UImy $frame = $app->{'frame'} = Wx::Perl::Smart::Frame->new(__PACKAGE__." $VERSION", 'fixed_size');$frame->SubscribeStrings( $app->{'l18n'} );my $remember= sub { $frame->SetValues( $app->{'favorites'}[0]{ $_[0]->GetValue() } ); $app->Repaint()};my $repaint = sub { $app->Repaint() };my $boardsize = Wx::GetDisplaySize()->GetHeight() - 250;my $origin_offset = $app->{'origin_offset'} = $boardsize / 2;my $max_amp = $app->{'max_amp'} = $origin_offset - 10; # max amplitudemy %range_defaults = (# label, min, max, init

frequency_x => ['X', 1, 1, 30], frequency_y => ['Y', 1, 1, 30],amplitude_x => ['X', 0, 0, 360], amplitude_y => ['Y', 0, 0, 360],rotation => [$l18n{'amount'}, 1, 0, 30], friction => [$l18n{'friction'}, 0, 0, 200],length => [$l18n{'length'}, 12, 1, 100], density => [$l18n{'density'},100, 1, 100],thickness => [$l18n{'thickness'},1, 1, 12], zoom => [$l18n{'zoom'}, 0,-10, 10], start_colour=> [$l18n{'start'}, 0, 0,1500], flow_colour => [$l18n{'flow'}, 0, 0, 60],scale_colour=> [$l18n{'scale'}, 1, 1, 4],


({$_ => Wx::Perl::DisplaySlider->new($frame, @{$range_defaults{$_}}, $repaint)}) for keys %range_defaults;$frame->SubscribeWidgets({

drawboard => Wx::Perl::DrawMap->new($frame, $boardsize),fav_select => [-ComboBox => \@remembered_pic_names, 0, -1, $remember],format_select=> [-ComboBox => [qw(PNG JPG TIFF BMP XPM)], 0, 70 ],save => [-Button => '~save', sub {$app->Save() }],save_all => [-Button => '~all', sub {$app->SaveAll() }],remember => [-Button => '~remember', sub {$app->Remember()}],forget => [-Button => '~forget', sub {$app->Forget() }],no_phase => [-Button => '~no', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 0, amplitude_y => 0);$app->Repaint()}],closed_phase => [-Button => '~closed', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 90);$app->Repaint()}],open_phase => [-Button => '~open', sub {$frame->SetValues(amplitude_x => 90, amplitude_y => 180);$app->Repaint()}],y_invers => [-CheckBox => '~y_inverse', 0, $repaint],rotation_dir => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(no left right)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, $repaint),app_mode => Wx::Perl::RadioGroup->new($frame, [@l18n{qw(lateral rotary free)}], 0, &Wx::wxHORIZONTAL, sub{}),


$frame->SetSmartLayout({flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},[ # left part

'<drawboard>',10,{border => 10, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},'<fav_select>',['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', \1, '<forget>', 10, '<remember>'],

],[ # right half-TabbedBox => [

'~oscillators' =>[{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},['~mode :', '<app_mode>'],-LabeledBox =>['~frequency' =>[qw( <frequency_x> <frequency_y>)]], #<y_invers>-LabeledBox =>['~start_amp' =>[qw( <amplitude_x> <amplitude_y>),

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxALL|&Wx::wxGROW},['~phase :', \1, '<no_phase>', \1,'<closed_phase>', \1, '<open_phase>'],

]],-LabeledBox =>[ '~rotation ' =>[qw( <rotation_dir> <rotation> )]],{border => 10}, '<friction>',

],'~visuals' => [

{border => 5, flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},-LabeledBox =>['~line' =>[qw( <length> <density> )]], #<thickness>-LabeledBox =>['~color' =>[qw( <start_colour> <flow_colour> <scale_colour>)]],{border => 10},'<zoom>',








aus Kephra



K. GUI LibsKephra::App::EditorKephra::App::DialogKephra::App::DocBarKephra::App::FocusKephra::App::PanelKephra::App::SizerKephra::App::SplitterKephra::App::WindowKephra::App::Util

'kleine Projekte'App::Harmonograph






In 5 Schrittenzur Intelligenz



Das sind nur 3


Jetzt sind es 5

Wid getsKompositionAbstr aktion


Wid getsKompositionAbstr aktion

Nummer 1

einfach & sichereWidgeterzeugung

Nummer 2

mächtige Widgets


mächtige Widgets

Nummer 3

leicht änderbar,kompakte


Nummer 4

Trennung vonDaten & Layout

Nummer 5

MVC – GUI Layer

GUI Comp. Lang.

MVC – GUI Layer


Wid getsKompositionAbstr aktion

Schritt 1


Einzelne Widgets


Wx::Button->new(..., ..., ...)


$parent $frame ID -1 $label wxEmptyString, wxPoint wxDefaultPosition, [-1,-1] wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, [-1,-1] style 0, wxValidator, wxString $name

New Parameter

$button = Wx::Button->new( $parent, -1, 'label', [-1,-1], [30,-1]);

Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON ($frame, $button, \&callback);

Button Erzeugen

Wx::Perl::Button ($parent, 'label', \&callback, 30);

Smart Button

Wx::Perl::Button ($parent, 'label', \&callback, 30);# required , opt

Smart Button

wxWindow* parent,wxWindowID id, wxString& value,wxPoint& pos,wxSize& size,long style,wxValidator& (validator),wxString& name,

Textc. Parameter

$txt = Wx::TextCtrl->new( $parent, -1, 'content', [-1,-1], [30,-1], &Wx::wxTE_MULTILINE Wx::Perl::TextValidator->new (qr//));

Wx::Event::EVT_KEY_DOWN ($txt, -1, \&callback);Wx::Event::EVT_TEXT ($frame, $txt, \&callback);

TextCtrl Erzeugen

$txt = Wx::Perl::TextEdit->new( $pa,'content',\&callback,qr/.../,[30,-1]);

Smart TextEdit

$txt = Wx::Perl::TextEdit->new( $pa,'content',\&callback,qr/.../,[30,-1]);# required ,opt

Smart TextEdit

weglassen was nicht wichtig istnimmt hinzu was wichtig wäreoptional auch mit benannten Param.Def als Code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose)Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht

Einzelne Widgets

weglassen was nicht wichtig ist

Einzelne Widgets

weglassen was nicht wichtig ist

Perl hat besseres

ObjRef statt WxID | WidgetName

Einzelne Widgets

weglassen was nicht wichtig ist

Weil du es nicht kontrollieren willst

Position und Größe regeln Sizer

Einzelne Widgets

weglassen was nicht wichtig ist

Weil es Probleme macht

auf undef gesetzte parents

Einzelne Widgets

weglassen was nicht wichtig istnimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre

callbacks (coderef)

Einzelne Widgets

weglassen was nicht wichtig istnimmt hinzu was wichtig wäre

callbacks (coderef) & zus. styles

Einzelne Widgets

weglassen was nicht wichtig istnimmt hinzu was wichtig wäreoptional auch mit benannten Param.Def als Code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose)Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht

Einzelne Widgets

weglassen was nicht wichtig istnimmt hinzu was wichtig wäreoptional auch mit benannten Param.Def als Code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose)Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht

Einzelne Widgets

weglassen was nicht wichtig istnimmt hinzu was wichtig wäreoptional auch mit benannten Param.Def als code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose)Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht

Einzelne Widgets

weglassen was nicht wichtig istnimmt hinzu was wichtig wäreoptional auch mit benannten Param.Def als code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose)Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht

Einzelne Widgets

weglassen was nicht wichtig istnimmt hinzu was wichtig wäreoptional auch mit benannten Param.Def als code oder String (compilien) alles normalen Widgets (Moose)Wx::Perl::Button ... kommt vielleicht

Einzelne Widgets

Wx::Perl::Button ($parent, 'label', \&callback, 30);

neues Modul für den einen AufrufSoftwarearchitektur: factory method

Smart Button ?

Wx::Perl::Button ($parent, 'label', \&callback, 30);

neues Modul für den einen AufrufSoftwarearchitektur: factory method

Smart Button ?

@widgets = factory method([ [-Button => 'label', \&callback, 30], …]);

Smart Factory

@widgets = $factory->MakeWidget([ [-Button => 'label', \&callback, 30], {widget => 'Button', label =>'...', },]);

Benannte Param.

$factory = Wx::Perl::Smart:: WidgetFactory->new($parent);

Kürzt Aufruf

$factory = Wx::Perl::Smart:: WidgetFactory->new($parent);

Wx::Perl::Smart::WidgetFactory-> MakeWidget([ ….

Und vermeidet

im Sinne einer Factory Methoderzeugt normale Widgets & weitere

Smart Factory

Schritt 2


Zusam. Widgets


Zusam. Widgets

sammle mehrere Einzelwidgets und deren Daten & Event-handling in ein Widgeteinfacherer Umgang,Layout wird übersichtlicher

Schritt 3







einfache, robuste Erzeugungin TabellenanordnungTrennung vom GUI-Layoutkeine Daten ins Layoutstrukturierte Programme


einfache, robuste Erzeugungin TabellenanordnungTrennung vom GUI-Layoutkeine Daten ins Layoutstrukturierte Programme




einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentaremehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)einfache und effektive Benutzung


einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentaremehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)einfache und effektive Benutzung


einfache und robuste Erzeugung

$sizer = Wx::Perl::Smart::Sizer->new([$widget, $widget, ...]);


einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentaremehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)einfache und effektive Benutzung


Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets

$sizer = Wx::Perl::Smart::Sizer->new([$widget, '---', $widget, ...]);


einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentaremehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)einfache und effektive Benutzung


einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentaremehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)einfache und effektive Benutzung

::Smart::Sizer$sizer = Wx::Perl::Smart::Sizer->new(-TabbedBox => [ [$widget, ...], [...]]);

mehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)


einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentaremehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)einfache und effektive Benutzung


einfache und robuste Erzeugung Erzeugung von Deko-Widgets Kommentaremehr Abstraktion (tabs = Sizer)einfache und effektive Benutzung




Panel mit Smart::Sizer


Panel mit Smart::Sizer

$panel = Wx::Perl::Smart::Panel->new([$widget, $widget, ...]);


Panel mit Smart::Sizer

Sichbarkeit und Verwandschaft wird automatisch geregelt




Hauptenster einer Appnoch eine Abstraktionvereinfachter Zugriff auf Panel, Sizer und WidgetFactoryverwaltet auch Widgets und Localisationstrings

Widgets mit ID

$frame->MakeWidgets({ drawboard => Wx::Perl::Draw... fav_select => [-ComboBox => ..]

def Layout$frame->EvalSmartLayout ( \{flags => &Wx::wxGROW|&Wx::wxALL},

[ '<drawboard>',10,'<fav_select>',

['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', \1, '<forget>', 10,...],

ohne Ränder

$frame->EvalSmartLayout ([ '<drawboard>',

'<fav_select>', ['<format_select>', '<save>', '<save_all>', \1, '<forget>', ...],

Panel mit ID

$frame->EvalSmartPanel ( 'my_panel' => [ '<drawboard>',


['<format_select>', 10,'<save>', 10, '<save_all>', \1, '<forget>', 10,...],

Nutze wie Widget

$frame->EvalSmartLayout (

[ '<my_panel>','<fav_select>',

['<format_select>', '<save>', '<save_all>', \1, '<forget>', ...],

Smart > GUI Designer

''can't touch this'

Smart > GUI Designer

Designercode darf nicht berührt werden

Smart > GUI Designer

Brauch mehrere Programme / Formate

Smart > GUI Designer

Smart ist schneller effektiver als GUI

Smart > GUI Designer

Smart ist schneller effektiver als GUI

änder Abstandsklassen

Smart > GUI Designer

Smart ist schneller effektiver als GUI

denk in Proportionen



Gen Comp AbstrWx::Perl::Smart::UtilWx::Perl::*Wx::Perl::Smart::WidgetFactoryWx::Perl::Smart::SizerWx::Perl::Smart::PanelWx::Perl::Smart::FrameWx::Perl::Smart::Dialog




Schritt 5





AbstraktionWikiformat für's layout

(oft besser als GUI designer)kompiliert zu Datenstruktur(jedes Format funktioniert)

kompiliert zu GUIandere Backends denkbar(GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)

AbstraktionWikiformat für's layout

(oft besser als GUI designer)kompiliert zu Datenstruktur(jedes Format funktioniert)

kompiliert zu GUIandere Backends denkbar(GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)

AbstraktionWikiformat für's layout

(oft besser als GUI designer)kompiliert zu Datenstruktur(jedes Format funktioniert)

kompiliert zu GUIandere Backends denkbar(GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)

AbstraktionWikiformat für's layout

(oft besser als GUI designer)kompiliert zu Datenstruktur(jedes Format funktioniert)

kompiliert zu GUIandere Backends denkbar(GCL::Prima, GCL::GTK)


top related