www.pascalapparel.com an online ecommerce shopping cart software user manual prepared for pascal...

Post on 14-Dec-2015






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An Online Ecommerce Shopping Cart Software

USER MANUAL Prepared for Pascal ApparelPrepared by: Rukhsar Ahmad

TechnologyMS Visual Studio .NET, C#, ASP.NET, MSSQL Server 2008 Database, jQuery, JavaScript and Knockout js and advanced APIs payment Integration from http://www.authorize.net

Software Developed By

Rukhsar Ahmad

9819076079 rukhsar.engineer@gmail.com

Website All Solutions. www.websiteallsolutions.com Email: info@websiteallsolutions.com

Welcome to Pascal Apparel Ecommerce Shopping Cart User Manual

Thank you for choosing our ecommerce shopping cart solutions. Our shopping cart software is designed to get your store up and running with minimum cost and hassle whilst providing a powerful solution to your ecommerce needs.

We have tried to do as much as the work for you, through the design, payment processor integration, shipping options etc. which will leave you to personalize the store, add your categories and products and get up and selling as soon as possible.

Please take time to read through the notes provided here to get better understand of Admin Control Panel as well as online Customer Dashboard Features.

We divided the user manual into two parts.

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Admin User Guide Admin - Custom Measurements Guide

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1. Total list of features and function included in admin control panel.

2. User login details and how to use My Account info form – Single User Control?

3. How to use Add Category Product Option?

4. What is Customer Transaction and how to use?

5. What is Measurement Master and how to use this Option? ( New Feature Added )

6. What is Customer Query option for and how to use?

7. What is Customer Subscription?


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1. List of Features and Functions

System admin User should Able to do following action:

Able to login into admin panel. User can change password.

Admin User able to add /edit /delete /deactivate product with details and upload Image with thumbnail

and can view with zoom image option.

Admin User can see Customer Transaction details and also have right to change the Product shipped

details i.e. in the format of yes or no.

Admin able to see user queries and reply them through email.

Admin able to See Email subscription list and reply or delete the list.


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To connect Admin Section use the below link http://www.pascalapparel.com/Admin/adminLogin.aspx After connecting site you will get login page see Figure 01 In case of forgot password click on forgot password into the login form you will get Figure 001 After entering the email address, you will get your password in your mail.

Fig:01 Fig:001

2. User login details and how to use My Account info form – Single User Control?

After entering login email address and password you will enter into your Admin Control Panel… See fig 02


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2. How to use My Account info form – Single User Control?

On click My Account button you can change password of your admin control panel.


Click here to log outClick here to Change Password

My Account


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3. How to use Add Category Product Option?

Refer the below fig 03 and click the given options to add, edit, view, delete the product .

By Clicking on Pen icon you can Edit the existing product details of selected row see the yellow color of row..

Fig:03 By Clicking on Plus sign you can add new product in selected category for e.g here Swim suit is selected product See Figure 04 Add Form

Add Category

You can delete selected product from the red cross icon.

To view selected product click on the note pad icon.

Selected Product


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Figure 04 Add Form

3. How to use Add Category Product Option?

Add new product in selected category for e.g here Swim suit is selected product..

Admin User can add new product name and other details by filling Add Form fields. After filling the form Click on SAVE button to add new product in database.

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To Edit Or View of the existing product details, you have to click on the particular row, the selected row of the grid would be display in yellow color.

To Edit / View the existing product details click on pen

/ notepad icon.

Click to see the EditForm and View Form

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Figure 05 Edit Form

From this form you can edit the details of the selected product row and even image.

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Figure 06 View Form

From here you can View the details of the selected product.

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4. What is Customer Transaction and how to use?

Admin User can see Customer Transaction details like the purchase item with

details of shipping address, amount, transaction id, invoice no and also have

right to change the Product shipped details i.e. in the format of yes or no.

Figure 07

User can change the shipped details of particular selected category of product, select the record of customer which you would like to update from the grid… click on the top pencil icon for update the shipped details…Click here to see the form Figure08

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4. What is Customer Transaction and how to use?

Figure 08

User can change the shipped details, and can put the comment yes or No from the drop down arrow. Click to SAVE for update the details

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6. What is Customer Query option for and how to use?

Figure 09

For reply of particular query the admin user should select row from the grid and than click on the top right corner email icon … see fig 10

Customer query is nothing but the questions and feedback of customers or the new user send to

admin through the online query form which stored into the database. Admin User can see these queries and able to reply the customer through database directly.

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6. What is Customer Query option for and how to use?

Figure 10

Using this reply form, admin can reply to the customer query directly

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7. What is Customer Subscription?


For reply of subscriber the admin user should select row from the grid and than click on the top right corner email icon … see fig 12

A customer can subscribe for product updates or new product announcement through online subscribe news

letter option.. Admin user able to see these subscription request in database and also able to give the updates or can give

new announcement of latest product though mailing list.

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7. What is Customer Subscription?


For reply to subscriber the admin user can use the form for product updates.


End Of USER MANUAL - Pascal Apparel

Rukhsar Ahmad

Website All Solutions. www.websiteallsolutions.com Email: info@websiteallsolutions.com

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