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Post on 14-Apr-2018






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Dinosaurs Many years ago there were dinosaurs that no one knew about, and then all of a sudden a volcano interrupted the Earth. Do you want to know what happened to all of the dinosaurs?

Well’ it all goes like this there were all different dinosaurs like Tyrannous Rex, and many others that not so many people know about. But I can tell you what I know about dinosaurs. Back in the 1890s the volcano interrupted the Earth and that’s how this all started. So let me tell you what I know. Well many years back when dinosaurs were never discovered. No one didn’t care about dinosaurs because they didn’t know about them. So why would anyone care any way.

But then a few years’ later Aboriginals started coming to Australia. Than that’s when they started discovering that dinosaurs were real. And started finding fossils as well. That’s were part of the dinosaurs were discovered. Then white people started coming to Australia and when they discovered that more dinosaurs were real. They started making museums and once they finished they put all the dinosaurs together and put the dinosaurs in the museums. Then there were dinosaurs in museums all over the world. Then more people started coming to Australia not just white people and aboriginals there was terrier straight islanders and Indians and many more. Once they came they went and discovered the dinosaur museums. And from that day on there were dinosaur lovers and many kids loved to get the books and play computer games and discovered that they would love to see a real living dinosaur.

After a few more years that’s when earth was peace full again and more people coming and going but that’s fine because that’s what people do they love to live in different places and there are some places that you might not know like the U.S.A, New York City, Japan, Tokyo, China, Fiji and very lots more. So just like I said you might not know anything about the living dinosaurs that were around many years ago.

Do you know that there are 23.9 million people in Australia in 2015

Discovery made by local student.

January 26th 2015

The local student have Discovered that there was a big disaster on the New Year’s Day followed by a big crash, as the leaning tower of Pisa has been fallen. The local student has approached a shadow of a big stegosaurus from the Jurassic period. Know the leaning tower of Pisa has been fallen they are deciding to change the leaning tower of Pisa to a fallen tower of Pisa. The local student has also reported that they don’t know how it fell but they sure know that it was a stegosaurus after all. 21% of people are died since standing next to it but the others have survived they have said that people that have died will be given money for their surgery. Cops don’t know if they can find the stegosaurus but they are now searching to see if his ok or not.

The area of the space has now been locked and for not to let people walk there since the tower had been fallen.

This is the news about how the leaning tower of Pisa became to be a fallen tower of Pisa a discovery made by local student. By:shaakirah

Insanity DailyBy Nate Published on the August 16th 2015 $2.00

Crushing Tower Of Pisa! The famous Leaning Tower of Pisa is now the Fallen Tower of Pisa.

Thousands of people have surprisingly survived except for one very unlucky person.

Traveller Mr Tribe was very unlucky to be squashed by the tower.

Mr Tribe was an innocent teacher from Dawson Public School in Darrahk, NSW, Australia.

His students were devastated that there teacher is dead except for one.

Student Mikey Lupica didn’t care that his teacher is dead. “I didn’t like Mr Tribe anyway.” After he made that statement, he started bursting into tears as well as the whole class.

The only thing they have to remember him is his thrilling comic book “The Adventurers”. You can buy his comics at the Dawson P.S Office for $5.00.

The school has also made a special day for Mr Tribe’s sudden

His wife had set up a funeral this evening for all Mr Tribe’s loved ones, students and colleges.

We will remember him.

Junk food should be banned!

This needs to be dealt with. Junk food is not the answer. Junk

food is unhealthy for your body. Your teeth will get rotten and

you can get diabetes or heart problems.

Right now you as you’re reading this you’re probably eating junk

food. Just to let you know that junk food can damage our bodies.

Even though we love junk food it can be damaging your body

every second that you’re living. The most part of your body that

gets most damaged is your heart .You can get heart problems so

don’t eat junk food.

SAY CHEES! EW look at those teeth. Dental health is a serious

problem. Eating to much junk food can make your teeth will be

rotten and your teeth will be gross. Your teeth might get pulled

out. Trust me I know the feeling.

Do you want your child to get diabetes? Diabetes is a serious

disease. Kids can get diabetes easily and after they eat they would

have to pin themselves to see their blood to see if it’s rotten.

Surely you wouldn’t want that. Also they would need to inject

themselves with a needle.

Don’t eat junk food it’s unhealthy for your body.

Rock paper Scissor Paper is a nature loving paper. She brings flowers to life and she was protected by the rock. She has wood coloured skin and has a warm hard paper brown skin. She can bring trees and flowers and all the other nature things and the plants to life. She lives in the forest and she has to put up with the evil scissors.

She has short hair and it is always strait down.

The Daily Daily August 4th___________________________________________________________$1.80

Homeless man finds unicorn horn!

Last Friday, a homeless man, Kevin Bills claims to have found a unicorn horn in a

trash can.

He says that he was doing what he normally does, rummaging through trash cans trying to find food. Until he pulled

out what he thinks was an ice-cream cone. Until he tried to take a bite out of it, and to his surprise it didn’t crumble or lose its


At first he was puzzled as to what it was, and then it hit him. “IT’S A UNICORN


He claims to have gone to the museum across the road to show the famous

palaeontologist Tim Cox that happened to be doing a show that evening.

He didn’t know what it was until Kevin explained. “I found it in the trash can.

Someone must’ve thrown it out thinking that it was an ice-cream cone, and so did I at first. I’m homeless and I bit into it but it

didn’t lose shape.” He told him. Cox replied “I’m not so sure because unicorns haven’t been proved to be existing yet.”

He told him “I’ll run some tests on it, but I’m not so sure that it’s real or not.”

“Well if I thought that it was fake I wouldn’t be here now would I?!” Kevin


Cox Continued with “It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just that no one has found a “relic” like this before so I doubt that it

will be real.”

At the interview Cox admitted “I only said that because I didn’t want to make him feel bad, not only because he is another

human, but he’s homeless. I honestly thought that he was a bit loopy because, I

mean, he’s a homeless man, and he’s bringing me a “unicorn horn” Not

everyone’s going to believe that, other than that girl on yesterday’s issue of the

Daily Blab.” ( Credit)

We haven’t gotten any response from Cox yet, but all we know is that if the unicorn

horn is real….Kevin will no longer be homeless.


So I was home alone. That’s when I heard a loud groaning noise coming from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen I saw a ZOMBIE:-o. I was scared out of my brain. I was running towards the basement when that fast ZOMBIE was chasing me. I locked the door; I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. The ZOMBIE was banging on the door loudly But I think I was safe FOR NOW……

I stayed in the basement overnight I was so scared I couldn’t sleep I tossed and turned but it wouldn’t help. So I got up and searched for a flashlight but luckily I found one. I had a look around all I could see was stuff from when we moved. And many cobwebs in many dark corners.

2 weeks later…

Ok it has been 2 weeks since I saw my parents they have gone on a business trip. I was sure the ZOMBIE had finally gone away. So I decided to go out and Double check if it actually had gone But yet again the ZOMBIE was in the kitchen. I quickly grabbed a baseball bat and bashed it in the head until it was dead. My parents finally came home and helped me clean up the mess I made with the ZOMBIE blood. My parents were so happy that I can defended myself yet again.


Today two kids

named Jali and

Andrew were

playing tips at

school and while

Andrew was

running he tripped

over his feet and cut

his leg on

something sharp.

And when his sister

looked what cut him

it looked like a

dinosaurs tooth. As

she pulled it out of

the ground lots of

kids were running

over to see what was

going on. Then the

teacher came over

and had a look at it.

Then she realised

that jali was right. It

was a dinosaur

tooth. A couple of

hours later the


came and took the

artefact to the lab to

try and find out

what type of

dinosaur it is. The

dinosaurs tooth

belongs to the

Spineosaurs. It will

be going to the

Australian museum


will be able to be seen

in 2016.

BY: Jali Nipps

Butterfly world

Once upon a time in a faraway land is butterfly world, where flowers never droop and magic is in the air.

In a cottage at the end of Butterfly city, who used to live together was Bella and mum Julie who died two years ago of a rare butterfly disease [butterella]. So she lived with her stepmother Samantha and her stepsisters Lucy and Sucy. They were very selfish and bossy. Bella cooked and cleaned for them. Poor Bella didn’t even have a bed or a room to call her own. She slept next to the blazing fire in her dirty, old smelly rags at night.

One day a royal messenger came to Butterfly city to tell every girl butterfly about the prince’s ball at the castle to find his queen.

Samantha, Lucy and Sucy bossed Bella around to get their things ready for the ball. Bella was so busy getting their things ready. She didn’t have time to get her things ready for the ball. Poor Bella cried and cried until she saw an old woman standing in front of her wearing a sparkly dress, and shoes holding a sparkly wand.

The old woman revelled she was her fairy godmother Amy. Amy said that Bella shall go to the butterfly ball after all. Amy waved her wand and Bella was wearing the best gown, shoes and jewellery she’d ever seen in her entire life.

Amy waved her wand again and a limo was waiting for her. Amy said that her magic wouldn’t last forever. When Bella got home at 12 o’clock she wouldn’t be wearing gown but a butterfly causal dress that almost every butterfly wore.

When Bella arrived at the ball the prince saw her and asked her to dance with him. Bella and Prince Luke danced the night away and soon it was time for Bella to go home. When Bella got home her gown changed into to a butterfly causal dress that every butterfly wears. But back at the place Bella left her shoe.

The next day prince Luke set out to find the pretty girl which had fallen in love with.

Every butterfly that had tried on Bella’s shoe, it just didn’t fit. But when Bella tried on the shoe it fit perfectly. Her sisters were very jealous, but were happy to attend a royal wedding. Bella became a queen and every butterfly lived happily ever after.

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