write with style – 3 be’s to attract readers to your blog

Post on 16-Mar-2016






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Blogs are an essential tool in the marketing process. They allow people to see your thoughts, ideas and views. This can be vital when it comes to your blog that you are doing the right things to be efficient, professional and helpful to all of the people that are taking the time to visit and interact on your blog. I have started you off with some of the basic tasks you need to be completing DAILY to get the most out of your blog.


How Do I Write Good, Effective Blog Posts?

How Do I Write Good, Effective Blog Posts?



It can be daunting to create a blog, especially when you are just starting out on the internet.

Itcan be difficult to know where to start, who to direct your opinions at and what to actually say when you do know these.

Forthis reason I have put together 10 quick and easy to help you get on your way to blog celebritystardom...

Step one and two

Direct your ramblings.Your reader will always be considering what is in this for them. To make sure they get what they want make sure it is aimed solely at them.

Provide VALUE.Dont worry if you dont have something to say but NEVER waste peoples time. Provide the reader with some value by sharing someone elses articles or reviewing some software or a book.

Step three and four

Proof-read Make sure you go through your work, checking for typos and obvious grammatical errors.Respect your readers by looking through your work before you press the submit button.

KISS - Keep it short and simple. Online readers are scanners. They tend to scan through an article checking for keys points. Ensure that they get the big points in your article by ensuring that your article is to the point. Shorter posts, published more frequently, are far more effective than larger posts every few weeks.

Steps Five and Six

Jazz it up. Blogs are an opportunity to shed those writing shackles and let loose. Even if you arent a natural writer, the trick is to imagine that you are talking to a friend or even yourself! Just remember to get to the point and not to waffle.

LINK to others. By linking to other websites or blogs helps you gain authority in your industry. If you can tell people what others are doing in your industry it demonstrates that you are an authority and have your finger on the pulse. Commenting on other peoples blogs help to get posts on your site too, further enhancing your authority.

Steps Seven and Eight

UseKEYWORDS. Key words are exactly that. They are key to your site being ranked well in the search engines. You need to ensure that you stay focused on the reason you are writing your blog and ensure you are using your keywords often and throughout your blog. The more focused you are on the reason for your blog the more key worded your blog will be, and more the search engines will love you.

Write CLEARLY (short sentences, only one concept per sentence). Make sure that you keep it clear. Stick to one rule Only one concept per sentence. Dont use jargon or conflicting views. Think of it as spoon feeding your readers Make it as simple and easy to read as possible.

Steps nine and ten

Write as you speak.Put simply, just imagine that you are talking to your reader. This also makes writing your blog far easier. Feel free to use common statements. Phrases like dont even go there or now, I ask you will only endure you to your reader Remember the age of your reader!

Be BOLD. Dont be afraid to make some bold statements on things that you feel strongly about. People endear to passion and that will show in your blog. Just remember to always be honest to your readers and keep it snazzy to grab their attention.


Use this checklist to ask yourself a few questions as you are reading through for typos and grammar:

Isthe topic clear to someone who only reads the headline?

Does the lead paragraph tell who and what the story is about and why the reader should care about it?

Is the angle youve used likely to seem newsworthy?

Would someone who knows absolutely nothing about this topic understand this post?


Is the post free of jargon?

Isit written in journalistic style and does it make an effort to be objective?

Have you peppered the headline and the post with keywords and phrases that will be attractive to search engines?

Did you remember to ask your readers a question at the end, or something to stimulate readers to comment?

Did you remember to write with the reader in mind, always keeping in mind WIIFT? (Whats in It for Them?)

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