wra 150 week 12 hybrid material

Post on 16-Dec-2014






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1) I will be grading project 2 this week. Expect grades soon.

2) Remember to read the syllabus and know the policies on late papers and revision. We’re at a point where that matters.

3) Remember that this week we’re doing conferences again. I have times set up on Tues/Wed/Thurs. Pick one. I’m going to make a PowerPoint JUST for the conferences. Make sure you read it carefully.

4) Make sure you’re checking your grade on Engrade. If something’s missing, talk to me. Don’t let yourself get shocked.

READINGI’m going to ask you to watch something that’s a little on the longish side, but I think it will be interesting and useful. On the main site for class, at Cyberphill.com, I have embedded the unedited interview that Rachel Maddow did last week with Jon Stewart. If anyone doesn’t know, Maddow is a commentator on MSNBC, and Jon Stewart is the host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show.


I want you to make a pair of forum posts in response to the video. The first is this:

For the “Maddow and Stewart: Is this Remixing” forum, I want you to think about how Jon Stewart compares his program (the Daily Show) to what Maddow and her fellow news pundits at MSNBC produce. Use specific points from the video to support your response to whether or not what Stewart does is “remixing” what MSNBC and other news outlets do.


For the “Maddow and Stewart: What I noticed” forum, I want you to pull out a quote, or an exchange that you found particularly interesting or intriguing, post it, and post “why” you found it interesting or intriguing.

Next week, as part of your work, you will respond to these posts, so please make sure your post is substantial enough that a classmate can engage in conversation with you.


Three prompts again this week:

1) Top 5 List: The Five Best Books I’ve Read in the Last Year

2) Media post: find a clip from some form of news satire (like the Daily Show) that you feel uses remix and post it

3) After your conference, reflect on how it went.


1) Conferences this week. If you miss the conference, it’s going to do bad stuff to your grade. Please look at the conference PowerPoint

2) Project 4 is due on Friday the 19th. If you’re having any issues with that, talk to me ASAP.

3) Remember that Making 5 and Project 5 are both due the day or our class final, December 16th, at 2:45 pm.

The work load this week is a bit lighter as I want you to focus on your research and your conferences. Make sure you come into your conference ready!

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