wp communication deliverable dc3 · deliverable dc3.1 mid-term conference incl. dialogue event -...

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EDIT BY: Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Building and Transport Lazarettstrasse 67 D-80636 Munich

AlpInnoCT WP Communication Deliverable DC3.1 Documentation of Mid-term Conference incl. Dialogue Event 8th - 9th May 2018 Prien am Chiemsee, Germany

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Deliverable DC3.1 Mid-term Conference incl. Dialogue Event

- Conference Documentation -

Executive Summary The Mid-term Conference of the INTERREG Project “Alpine Innovation for Combined Transport – AlpInnoCT” took place on 9th May 2018 in Prien am Chiemsee, Germany, in combination with the 10th “Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018”. The Mid-term Conference on 9th May was preceded by the 3rd AlpInnoCT Dialogue Event on 8th May 2018.

Primary goal of the AlpInnoCT project is to develop practice-oriented solutions to increase the efficiency and the productivity of Combined Transport (CT).

In future, CT can make an even greater contribution to sustainable mobility. To achieve ecological and cost-efficient transport as far as possible, the different modes of transport like road, rail, water and air must be optimally linked.

During the overall event, the interim findings and results of the AlpInnoCT project have been discussed and further developed with about 120 experts and representatives from the logistics industry, politics, science, NGOs and civil society.

Several parallel working groups focused on politics, infrastructure, terminal, operation, industrial know-how and digitalization. All with the aim of discussing concrete measures to increase the efficiency and environmental sustainability of freight transport across the Alps.

The conference participants discussed and defined “wishes” to improve Combined Transport as well as applicable measures to be implemented in the various processes of the transport chain and partly exemplary demonstrated in the two AlpInnoCT pilot corridors, while the conference concentrated on the Verona-Rostock relation.

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Key messages of the Dialogue Event on the first day were:

Increase shift from road to rail through push measures and pull measures as, e.g. reducing railway infrastructure fees (announced for 2019 in Germany), investments into space and terminals.

Reduce access barriers in CT across all European countries. Develop a standard European language for freight transport.

Mind change is needed to incorporate CT (rail) in training and education, basic principles. Education and training does not provide any know-how of CT (rail) or not enough know-how

Develop concepts for CT (shippers and forwarders) that have not been available up to now.

Increase reliability in CT. Problem of lack of truck and train drivers in Germany, but also all over

Europe to sustain and expand CT. Digitalization of processes and related documentation.

The main findings and conclusions of the Mid-term Conference were:

Mind change by all involved actors of the CT chain was rated by almost all discussion rounds as one of the most decisive indicator, affecting almost all aspects of CT to achieve a shift of transport from road to rail, e.g. by creating a common sense between all stakeholders as well as standards, and to improve cooperation in general. This embraces e.g. the education and training sector by including and advancing the knowledge and benefits of CT in educational programmes and training schemes.

Communication - A big part of the solution approach is thinking beyond the limits of own business fields and borders. Joint discussion of the problems to find joint solutions in CT is the key. This involves also mutual understanding of the problems and positions.

Digitalization - In order to bring about a positive trend reversal in terms of logistics capability of CT, digitalization is seen as an important factor - customers expect certain qualities in a certain time; this must be optimized along the entire transport chain; digitalization can be a strong supporter. Digitalization refers to various aspects and can be implemented in short-term, as already available in different areas:

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Tracking and tracing is a measure that can be implemented in the short term; the information (location of the train e.g.) should be made available to all actors in order to increase the system reliability.

Communication between terminals, EVUs and infrastructure; competitive solutions are already available here.

Digitalization of documents as a next step in order to achieve paperless data exchange (as e.g. already standard in air transport and travel).

Automation of processes in order to open up new potentials in terms of logistic efficiency.

Also, new innovative solutions like NIKRASA (non-craneable trailers will be made craneable with few investments and few technical efforts) can be implemented in the short-term.

Harmonization and standardisation – in view of standards and access to all information of the whole transport chain and for all actors involved. A Pan-European language standard in rail transport is needed to overcome the barriers concerning both access to CT as well as the efficient handling of CT.

Vocational training delivers an opportunity to shift more freight traffic from road to rail by provision of know-how and improving the level of awareness among pupils and trainees. This will help to improve understanding of the complex transport system of CT. The provision of information and the qualification of logisticians and forwarding agents will help improving the Combined Transport market and enable to present customers with suitable transport offers.

Capacity expansion is seen as a key factor in view of terminal capacity as well as investments into terminal networks for economic efficiency in CT.

Artificial Intelligence is offering technologically interesting solutions from autonomous vehicles to the automation of manual processes or (complex) work routines, e.g. customs brokerage processes augmented by using AI or visual inspection of the logistics operational environment but these are future topics that will still be under research within the next few years.

European context - The idea is to develop a standardized European solution that can be transferred and applied all over Europe. It is very important to take on board legislation and particularly European legislation and explain the regulatory “jungle” that freight transport faces today.

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Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 2 

1 Background .................................................................................................................................. 7 

2  Day 1 - Dialogue Event, Tuesday 8th May 2018 ................................................................... 9 

2.1 Dialogue Event - format and structure ................................................................................ 10 

Round Table 1: Politics, associations and infrastructure ........................................................ 11 Round Table 2: Railway companies .......................................................................................... 14 Round Table 3: Future Trailer & wagons ................................................................................... 17 Round Table 4: Forwarders ......................................................................................................... 18 Round Table 5: Shippers .............................................................................................................. 20 Round Table 6: Service providers for digitalization and innovations beyond CT with high potential for CT .............................................................................................................................. 22 

2.2 Findings and main conclusions Day 1 ................................................................................. 24 

3  Day 2 – Mid-term Conference, Wednesday, 9th May 2018 .............................................. 25 

3.1 Conference format and structure ........................................................................................ 27 

Round Table 1: Port of Trieste shipping companies ................................................................. 30 Round Table 2: Terminal operation ............................................................................................ 32 Round Table 3: Railway companies ........................................................................................... 33 Round Table 4: Requirements of transport & forwarding companies .................................. 35 Round Table 5: Industrial Know-how .......................................................................................... 37 Round Table 6: Future Trailer ........................................................................................................ 38 Round Table 7: Digitalization and Start-ups .............................................................................. 39 

3.2 Findings and main conclusions Day 2 ................................................................................. 41 

4  Market Place ......................................................................................................................... 43 

5  Outlook ................................................................................................................................... 44 

Annex 1 – Wishes collected for Day 2

Annex 2 - Press releases (selection)

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Prepared by: SSP Consult/RC

Principal authors: Michaela Haseleu/Robert Burg Contributing authors Wolfgang Backhaus (RC), Lothar Neumann (SSP), Lisa Bloss (RC)

Review Partner Date

Jacob Dietachmair

Jürgen Neugebauer PP


11/06/2018 31/08/2018 24/09/2018

Approval for delivery AlpInnoCT Coordinator Date

Jürgen Neugebauer StMB 30/10/2018

Document Title: WP Communication Deliverable DC3.1 Mid-term Conference

Document History Version Comments Date Done by Draft concept



Version 1 Version 2

Draft version 1.0 Draft version 1.1 Draft version 1.2 Draft version 1.3 Draft version 1.4 Final version

internal internal internal internal PP public

18/05/2018 06/06/2018 19/06/2018 31/08/2018 24/09/2018 30/09/2018


Number of pages: 47

Number of annexes: 3

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1 Background Continued growth in traffic volumes leads to environmental problems. Especially the Alps are a sensitive ecosystem that has to be protected from pollutant emissions. In this case, Combined Transport (CT) offers an ideal approach to counteract these developments and shift goods from road to rail.

To advance and promote this environmental friendly transport method, it is necessary to increase the efficiency as well as the productivity of CT. Therefore, a strong partnership consisting of 15 public and private partners from Germany, Italy, Austrian, Slovenia and Switzerland initiated the project AlpInnoCT to develop measures and practice-oriented solutions to increase both the efficiency and productivity of Combined Transport (CT).

The AlpInnoCT Project is funded by the INTERREG Alpine Space Programme 2014 – 2020 with about 3 million Euros.

AlpInnoCT follows the approach to transfer production industry knowhow to CT (ideal to improve processes), which is a new approach that includes the analysis of existing strategies, policies and processes in CT. It helps to contribute to a sustainable system with an easier access to CT for all actors and promotes low-carbon transport in the Alpine region.

During the two-day event in Prien am Chiemsee, Germany, first interim results of the AlpInnoCT project were presented, discussed and further developed involving around 120 experts and representatives from the logistics industry, politics, science, NGOs and civil society.

The first day opened with a Dialogue Event and continued with the Mid-term Conference of the AlpInnoCT Project on the second day. The participants grouped into seven Round Tables to work in parallel groups focusing on politics, infrastructure, terminals, operation, industrial know-how and digitalization, the conference participants discussed and defined “wishes” to improve Combined Transport (CT) as well as applicable actions and measures to be implemented in the various processes of the transport chain and partly exemplary demonstrated in the two AlpInnoCT demonstration corridors Trieste - Bettembourg and Verona-Rostock.

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The conference was combined with internal AlpInnoCT project meetings before the official conference start on the 7th in the afternoon and 8th May in the morning. As part of the event, the conference participants were invited to the state reception in the Hall of Mirrors at Herrenchiemsee Castle on the evening of 8th May.

The conference format was based on an innovative interactive approach mainly without unilateral frontal presentations, but focusing on discussion rounds in working groups.

Altogether, about 40 international high-level stakeholders worked during two days on solutions to one of Europe’s most urgent traffic problems: Alpine transit. First projects results were presented and evaluated by the conference participants.

To this aim, parallel working groups worked in so-called Round Tables on novel solutions that were organized by a moderator and a rapporteur who summarized the key statements.

Selected results and solutions of the Round Tables will be further taken up and advanced by the AlpInnoCT project afterwards. They will be partly tested in the two pilot corridors of the project: Trieste - Bettembourg and Verona – Rostock.

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2 Day 1 - Dialogue Event, Tuesday 8th May 2018 The representative of the AlpInnoCT Lead Partner Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Building and Transport, Dr. Karin Jäntschi-Haucke (StMB) and Karl Fischer (LKZ-Prien) as the host opened the AlpInnoCT Conference in the framework of the 10th Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018 followed by a welcoming speech of the Mayor of Prien, Jürgen Seifert.

Opening of the conference (Photo LKZ)

Prof. Dr. Dirk Engelhardt (Managing Director of Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logisitk und Entsorgung (BGL) e.V.) highlighted in his key note speech the general conditions for tomorrow’s transport market and the great importance of Combined Transport for the future of the logistics sector. Increasing transport volumes on roads is also due to the rising number of small-sized shipments – volume has grown from 12 to 25 parcels per year and capita. The share of trucks in road transport amounts currently to 70% and is expected to increase in future to even 80% with the consequences of even more congestion on the motorways. Prof. Engelhardt underlined the great importance of Combined Transport in counteracting these trends; otherwise we will face delivery bottlenecks that are in

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some cases already reality today. Solutions here are vital to promote medium-sized businesses and Combined Transport. As autonomous driving is not a solution in the medium-term (10 – 15 years) according to Prof. Engelhardt, truck and train drivers are still needed. However, there is a lack of drivers in Germany and Eastern Europe to sustain and expand CT – currently, about 220,000 truck drivers are required in Germany; one of the reasons for this development is seen in the payment (about 1,800- 2,000 €, gross) and the image of the profession.

2.1 Dialogue Event - format and structure

The AlpInnoCT Dialogue Event was opened by Jakob Dietachmair (Project Manager Economic Transition, CIPRA Lab GmbH) who explained in short the format of the Round Tables involving actors from economy, politics and civil society. Karsten Kessel (Bayernhafen GmbH & Co. KG) introduced the AlpInnoCT wish list that has been worked out within the project and which contains about 70 wishes that have been allocated to the different Round Tables of the conference for further discussion with the participants.

The participants divided into several groups to work in parallel in the interactive Round Tables on the fields of politics, railway companies, future trailer and wagons, forwarders, shippers and service providers for digitalization and innovations beyond Combined Transport with a high level for CT.

Round Table discussion (Photo SSP)

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Round Table 1: Politics, associations and infrastructure

Moderator: Tim-Oliver Frische (DVZ)

Contributions from:

EUSALP & IMONITRAF! – MSc Patrick Skonierki, EUSALP AG4 Leader, Regional Government of Tyrol

Germany – Peter Lüttjohann, Head of the freight and logistics department, BMVI

Austria – Julia Elsinger, Department I/K4 – Combined Transport, bmvit Bavaria – Dr. Karin Jäntschi-Haucke, StMB

The discussion dealt with some general/organizational issues as lack of standards in CT / rail transport. Bavaria has a CT Plan 2025 for innovative solutions, invests annually 2 M€ to shift transport from road to rail. A bottleneck is the terminal network and lack of about 50 terminal areas (infrastructure) in Bavaria. Future trailer should become a standard trailer, independently of being craneable /non-craneable. In Austria, the share of rail in CT amounts already to about 30% due to high efforts in CT (Brenner Basis tunnel 2027). Interoperability was highlighted for rail transport that must be better coordinated on a European level to increase CT (documents, standards, language). Current developments and trends in freight transport have to be taken into account (e.g. IMONITRAF! in AT and CH).

Regarding technical aspects the discussion focused around the topics of reliability of rail transport in CT. Green Logistics is needed to reduce emissions by 20% until 2050 (CO2). Electrification will be advanced in the oncoming years in Germany (Italy and Switzerland already more advanced). Empty container management could help increasing freight transport/management efficiency. Digitalization measures in rail transport needed to ease and accelerate processes, e.g.

Round Table 1 collection of wishes on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

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electronic freight documentation (see also Mobility Package 3 of the EU, published in May 2018). Liability issues in CT are not as simple as in road transport; need for harmonization.

Last but not least the discussion dealt with awareness raising in CT and education and training. Networking and cooperation of the various freight transport modes is needed in the long-term. Implementation of platforms for concrete information and knowledge exchange is indispensable, such as implemented already by Brennergipfel or the EUSALP group; Bavaria is in the process of building up a transparent info platform for CT for companies. Increase awareness about CT seems vital by e.g. educational programmes on CT at professional schools (e.g. SGKV programmes).

Main items discussed/identified:

Introduction of a European infrastructure management. Provision of space for terminals Plan European terminal network Advance standardization of loading units Faster (average) speed of trains. Stimulus package rail for lower prices. Harmonisation and enforcement of push & pull measures in the EU at all

levels (e.g. financial, regulatory and fiscal support measures, liability). Intensified pressure of the German government on rail companies. Infrastructure investments

o CT regulation o Route network

Internalization of external costs. o Push: Higher tolling of roads.

Simplify liability issues in CT (harmonize). Invest into digitalization in all aspects of the transport chain (eventually by

funding). Elimination of (local and general) bottlenecks on the corridors related to

gauge and train length. Continuous tracking of the loading unit (on train, ship, truck). Powerful alternative routes (redundancy) for main routes. Introduction of a Task Force in the event of network problems (such as

Rastatt). Provide approach routes in time.

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Find a common solution across states to avoid “Rastatt”. Analyse network conditions with a focus on heavy freight transport. More (reliable) slots for freight trains. Improvement of the planning and punctuality of the CT. 24/7 operating times of the terminals. Introduction of electronic freight documents. Regard the transport chain as one complete system. Optimize the whole chain instead of isolated solutions. Mobility Package 3 by the European Commission on digitalization

measures/digital documents. 1

1 Mobility Package 3 - https://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/road/news/2018-05-17-europe-on-the-move-3_en

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Round Table 2: Railway companies

Moderator: Mirko Pahl, CEO, TX Logistik AG.

The starting point of the discussion was why modal split of rail in the US amounts to 45%, while in Germany, for example, only to 17%. Profitability is one of the main aims apart from improved punctuality and reliability - longer trains and higher axles loads (22.5-30t) are needed on main TEN corridors (1,500 m trains are necessary for profitable operation); ECTS – Level 3 is already needed now although ECTS Level 2 has been under discussion for more than 20 years and not yet implemented completely.

Harmonization is needed in view of “one” language in the EU, as well as training on the job/during education and a standard language of public authorities in the EU. Moreover, a simplification of rules and standards is essential. The European perspective on main corridors is needed for timetable planning (design of schedules, dedicated tracks). But also investments are important - asset intelligence, i.e. higher investments into locomotives and wagons are needed as well as terminal capacities, where investments into IT are needed to improve capacities and processes.

Round Table 2 collection of wishes on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

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Main items discussed and identified:

Infrastructure Longer trains (>1,500m), higher axles loads (22.5 – 30t) are needed, as well as

higher CT profiles (P400). EU-wide higher investments along TEN corridors (higher average speed

120km/h). Financial support for extended construction works in Europe for the next

years. Sufficient investments into alternative route network in the TEN-network, e.g.

track length, last mile adaptation.

Technology ECTS level 3 on TEN corridors Investments into terminals

o Improvement/investment of (more) terminal capacities. o Improvement of approaching routes to terminals. o Reduction of throughput time in terminals (layout processes). o Intelligent and automatic train check of outgoing trains.

Operation Investments into operation and tools:

o Paperless processes. o Operational processes: common language, simplify route knowledge. o European harmonized timetable - construction of timetable, regular

timetables. o Creating systems for on-line timetables – automated suggestions. o EU standards reduction of complexity – technical documents, waste,

customs, dangerous goods, border controls. o Attractive system routes (24/7 operation). o Real time schedule (ELSTA Project).

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Assets Standardization of wagons (one wagon for all kinds of goods). Higher efficiency by multi-purpose approach of wagons. Asset intelligence investments (into wagons, locomotives).

o tracking and tracing; o according to required data.

Intelligent locomotive / “remote” locomotive. Date exchange/monitoring. Investment in

o e-hybrid/autonomous locomotives; o e-brakes; o automatic coupling.

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Round Table 3: Future Trailer & wagons

Moderators: Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Thiede (Technical expert for laod securing Combined Transport, Schmitz Cargobull AG). Jakob Öhrström (Director Centre of Competence Intermodal, CEO, VTG Rail Europe GmbH).

A main issue is the definition of interfaces. The respective associations are called upon to work on these topics here.

Main items discussed/identified:


Future trailer – future wagon (who adapts to whom?). User friendliness for the driver. Standard compatibility in intermodal transport. Innovative wagon development. Standardization and legal framework conditions. Physical trends (bolts vs welding).


Cooperation of all CT actors. What can be learned from the “road”. Increase of the trailer vs process in

terminals. Interface terminal. By crane. Digitalization in CT.

Round Table 3 collection of wishes on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

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Round Table 4: Forwarders

Moderator: Thomas Eberl (CEO, Eberl – Internationale Spedition GmbH und Co. KG).

Road is the benchmark; as medium-sized enterprises bear a high risk they usually choose the tried-and-tested option – the road. Reliability of the whole CT process is a main item.

“CT UBER” – could be a possible scenario (easy and comprehensive booking and placement services) to simplify the access to CT.

Main items discussed/identified:

Benchmark “road”. Competitive products / services by rail companies. Railable trailers ex works/”trailer”-funding by national government. CT as model of cooperation. Lack of access to CT /too long pre-processing and booking times. Integrated solutions needed. Standard software (App). Information transparency (all processes).

Round Table 4 collection of wishes on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

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Introduction of a task force in the event network problems (such as “Rastatt”).

Introduction of electronic freight documents. Continuous tracking of the loading unit (on train, ship and truck). Reduced waste in transport process (e.g. long storage times of loading units

in the terminal). Standard for ILU check (trains and truck check-in) with standardized

documentation. Shorter stay of the loading units in terminals (storage time). Mainstreaming customs clearance and administrative controls (one stop

shop – for all controls) for faster customs clearance.

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Round Table 5: Shippers

Moderators: Marcus Wollens (Head of control production, logistics, controlling, WPS, BMW Group Regensburg). Andreas Tonke (Director Transport Management, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH).

A key word is customer-oriented production. Automotive production has changed considerably due to different emission regulations, engines etc. in the various countries. Main focus is on the customer (premium vehicles, selection of internal equipment up to 6 days before production). However, delivery on an hourly basis is impossible by rail, but indispensable for a customer-oriented production as in the automotive industry; therefore, the share of inbound rail transport is currently very low, outbound rail transport amount to about 1/3.

Cooperation between terminals and shippers is needed, including knowledge about CT possibilities among all parties involved (shippers, forwarders etc.). Shippers should also inform on CT possibilities themselves when applying for contracts. In general, there is a lack of knowledge on CT concepts, why common concepts should be developed that involve all parties concerned.

Overall delivery concepts are needed for terminal capacity utilization (24/7). Reliability is a main factor that needs to be guaranteed. A certain distance is required in CT (1,000 km, TEN-routes) to be profitable (problem of lack of drivers).

Round Table 5 collection of wishes on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

“If we manage to make a virtue out of necessity, very intelligent concepts can be achieved through cooperation between freight forwarders and terminal operators. At the moment I have the impression that everyone is waiting for the other to move.”

Andreas Tonke Director Transport Management, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH

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Main items discussed/identified:

Harmonization / use 24/7. CT is often not requested in the tender specifications. Concepts for CT are not even developed in many cases. CT concepts should be discussed with freight forwarders and shippers. Bottleneck routes / intersections, particularly the Rhine route N/S. Knowledge of CT with shippers / should be part of education and training.

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Round Table 6: Service providers for digitalization and innovations beyond CT with high potential for CT

Dr. Robert Kuttler (Managing partner, ifp consulting). Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Clausen (Managing Director, Fraunhofer-Institute for

Material Flow and Logistics).

No standards exist neither for systems nor for the exchange of information, while at the same time a high number of stakeholders is involved in the process (problem of “data silos” and monopolies).

Main items discussed/identified:

Track and trace. Digital documents. Implementation of a Pan-European

language standard in rail traffic. NIKRASA Affordable IoT devices. Process automation. Automatic trailer handling. Artificial intelligence (AI). Drones for train inspection.

Track and trace of containers (status quo in rail traffic: only locomotive is tracked):

Usage of track and trace data: o Use Case 1: Notification/assistant if something goes wrong. o Possible use case: AI applications via machine learning.

Material: Status and location often unknown (where is it/when will it arrive/any delays).

Information on daily basis enough (time and date).

Round Table 6 collection of wishes on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

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Artificial Intelligence

Logistics and transportation sector has enough data for AI applications. Main problem is the distribution of data, monopolies and data silos. How to proceed: Start with solving one specific problem. Scope: 5 – 10 years until market introduction. Next steps: Collect data and train systems.

Electronic freight documents

Status quo: A lot of paper in the whole process (e.g. fax). First steps concerning internal processes. Challenges: Officials, laws and exchange with partners.

Process automation

Scanning and steering of arriving of goods and trailers. Autonomous vehicles for specific tasks (e.g. handling).

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2.2 Findings and main conclusions Day 1

At the end of the day, Alexander Ochs (Authorized Officer at Bayernhafen GmbH & Co KG) summarized the main results of the Round Tables of the first day together with Christian Runge (LKZ-Prien) and the Round Table moderators.

Key messages of the first day:

Increase shift from road to rail through push and pull measures as, e.g. reducing railway infrastructure fees (next year), investments into space and terminals.

Reduce access barriers in CT across all European countries. Develop a standard European language.

Mind change is needed to incorporate CT (rail) in training and education, basic principles. Education and training do not provide any know-how of CT (rail) or not enough know-how.

Develop concepts for CT ((shippers and forwarders) that have not been available up to now.

Increase reliability in CT.

Problem of lack of truck drivers in Germany, but also all over Europe.

Digitalization of processes and related documentation.

Summary of the Round Tables – Day 1 (Photo SSP)

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3 Day 2 – Mid-term Conference, Wednesday, 9th May 2018

Dr Karin Jäntschi-Haucke, deputy director of the transport department within the Bavarian State Ministry of Housing, Building and Transport (StMB), officially opened the AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference as the representative of the Lead Partner. Dr Karin Jäntschi-Haucke underlined the importance of the CT in view of managing the increasing transport

volumes in the Alpine region; the shift to rail is indispensable as well as the improvement of the efficiency of Combined Transport at the same time.

An overview on the current status of the AlpInnoCT Project, the work done and the interim results received until today was given by Jürgen Neugebauer (StMB) highlighting the main aim of AlpInnoCT to improve CT in the Alpine Space by transferring, among others, know-how from other successful branches. Production know-how from industry especially suited for this purpose. In a first step, the processes in CT have been analysed. In a second step, experts from production know-how, who also know CT in detail are developing and deriving the transfer potential from industrial processes. This is a completely new approach that has not been investigated before.

To this aim the AlpInnoCT approach is based on three levels or pillars combining the different partners from administration, economy and science:

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AlpInnoCT – levels involved in the project

The first pillar is the strategic level – policy and administration – that sets the legal framework for CT as well as soft factors such as provision of funding. In summary, the actors of the strategic level take influence via the so-called push- and pull-measures.

The second pillar stands for the actors directly involved in CT – transport companies, rail companies, terminal operators etc. They are the most important actors here and contribute mainly through innovations in terms of organization or technology. They play a key role in the transfer of industrial processes in CT.

The third pillar involves all actors indirectly influencing CT, e.g. shippers and forwarders, who are the clients of CT. These are usually characterized by very tight specifications with regard to ramp times. The carrier must comply with these and delivers goods accordingly to the transshipment terminals; as a result peak times and avoidable rest periods occur although 24 hours operation would be possible on seven days a week. This means that some of the warehousing is transferred to the terminals, but also to the limited parking spaces available at our motorways.

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AlpInnoCT is now trying to bring about improvements for Combined Transport on all three levels. Wishes and complete lists for improvement in the three areas have been identified before by the project and further prioritised during the Dialogue Event. Concrete measures will now be implemented on the pilot relations of AlpInnoCT.

Conference Participants (Photo: LKZ)

3.1 Conference format and structure

Based on the Round Table results achieved on the first day, Marko Just (LKZ-Prien GmbH) introduced the format of the Mid-term Conference.

On the first day, a pool of altogether 80 wishes was collected from the Round Tables on the first day (see Annex 2). They build the basis for the development of concrete measures developed during the Mid-term conference and which will be taken up directly by the AlpInnoCT Project afterwards. This was defined around the pilot corridor Bettembourg – Trieste; the starting point is the port of Trieste (RT 1)

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followed by the terminal operation (RT2) - Bettembourg as an end point. The Round Tables 3 and 4 handle the railway companies and the forwarders, who carry out the whole process. Horizontal topics like industrial know how to be transferred to CT focused in RT 5. Future trailer (RT6) handles the cargo units that have to fit with CT. Digitalization and start-ups were discussed in RT 7.

Each Round Table followed the structure on the second day:

1. General 2. Infrastructure, technology, IT and digitalization 3. Operations/processes 4. Assets 5. Mind Change

The principal objective is to improve competitiveness of CT. To this aim, one or two concrete actions should be defined by each table that can be further analysed and developed in the short- and medium-term by AlpInnoCT.

The Round Table leaders of Day 2 as well as of the pilot route Trieste-Bettembourg were made up of the stakeholders of the AlpInnoCT Project.

Round Table discussion (Photo SSP)

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The concrete actions developed on the basis of the discussions of the first day are presented in the following for each Round Table. Tim-Oliver Frische (Deutsche Verkehrszeitung, DVZ) moderated the conference and introduced the Round Table moderators in the plenary session.

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Round Table 1: Port of Trieste shipping companies

Moderators: Alberto Cozzi (Project Manager, Port of Trieste) and Bernd Kulbarsch (Branch manager at MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company).

Results/derived actions:

Mind change (as a most important aspect):

o Overcome competition between terminals.

o Create a common sense of all stakeholders.

o More cooperation and better cooperation in

general. o Better and more offensive

marketing / promotion (strength of the port).

Infrastructure: o Creating more shunting

capacities (new area). o New track layout (last mile )-

750 metres and grate separated

o Detouring possibilities in the region.

Technology / IT / digitalization o Automatic shunting. o OCR train gates (data sharing). o Fast check-in. o Create open data exchange interfaces.

Round Table 1 collection of measures on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

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Operations processes o Shuttle service (buffer area). o Mixed trains. o Cooperation between terminals Fürnitz (dry port hub). o “In-Port” cooperation. o Simplify and accelerate custom clearance processes.

Assets (less important) o Upgrade terminal infrastructure (bigger ships).

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Round Table 2: Terminal operation

Moderators: Alberto Milotti (Managing Director, consorzia ZAILOG – Interporto Quadrante Europa die Verona), Karsten Kessel (Field of Intermodal, Bayernhafen GmbH & Co. KG)

Results/actions derived:


Bottleneck analysis. Paperless process (whole transport chain). Common planning shunting/terminal. Improvement of shared information (ETA). Fast lane. Accelerated check-in.


ILU codes for all trailers (promote). Intelligent/secure truck parking in terminal. Improve communications

terminal/infrastructure management/ shunting company.

Digital controlling (smart assets, automated data collection).


Automated terminal processes (sea terminals as benchmark). Use of hybrid engines. Pricing of peak-times. Intelligent “self-production” within terminal.

Round Table 2 collection of measures on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

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Round Table 3: Railway companies

Moderator: Mirko Pahl (CEO, TX Logistik AG)

Results/actions derived:

General o Define a harmonized joint KPI set for all stakeholders (terminals, RU,

infrastructure managers etc.).

Infrastructure: o To establish holistic transparency about terminal conditions

(infrastructure, processes, communication, etc.). o Definition of alternative routes in case of corridor closing (aligned

action plans). o Providing infrastructure to build mixed trains. o Evaluation of possibilities to run 750 m trains (Bettembourg-Trieste)

Technology / IT / digitalization. o Provide real time information to all involved stakeholders. o Closer connection to infrastructure manager regarding ETA (estimated

time of arrival). o Information from terminal to RU.

Operations / processes o Paperless documentation (standardization of documents) – IT for

displaying and distributing documents. o Option to build mixed trains. o Faster wagon inspections (digital and during the loading process) o Reducing compulsive activities at the border. o Alignment of timetable between European infrastructure providers

(coordination of construction phases). o Use of common language. o Technical support for immigration controls. o Establish ETA information (truck to terminal).

Page 34


o Wagon pooling (neutral between railway companies).

Mind change o Establishing a systematic continuous approach to collect feedback

and experiences from train drivers regarding operation processes and infrastructure condition and performance.

o Spread results to relevant stakeholders and institutions (better publicity and lobbying).

o Establish pilot runs as a “Show Case” for European railway traffic.

Round Table 3 collection of measures on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

Page 35

Round Table 4: Requirements of transport & forwarding companies

Moderators: Dr. Stefano Visintin (President ASPT-ASTRA F.V.G. (Freight Forwarders Association of the Port of Trieste – Friuli Venezia Giulia), Thomas Eberl (CEO, Eberl International Forwarding Agency GmbH & Co KG)

Results/actions derived:

General o Establish better and more information as background for CT processes

(wiki-intermodal). o Promotion of direct operational costs. o To promote CT in schools and education.

Infrastructure o Increase terminal capacity (more and bigger ones). o No reduction, downgrading and reallocation of existing infrastructure

(tracks and terminals). o Exclusive new construction and upgrades only in combination with CT


Operations / processes o To simplify booking

processes (good practice: flight bookings).

o Standardisation of processes and equipment.

o Accelerate terminal processes (including permission processes).

o Building CT networks based on small and medium forwarding companies.

Round Table 4 collection of measures on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

Page 36

o To establish binding commitments for using CT between all partners in the whole transport chain.

Assets o Standardisation of processes and equipment.

Mind change o All procedure should be adjusted and addressed to the client´s

requirements and wishes.

Page 37

Round Table 5: Industrial Know-how

Moderator: Joachim Lößlein (Head of Production System, Factory Cooking Traunreut, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH)

Results/actions derived:

General o Levelling terminal peaks. o Using management methods

and tools. o Detailed process analysis esp.

of “waste processes”.

Technology / IT / digitalization. o Establish Slot-Management

processes. o Establish information systems

(advanced planning systems). o Tracking of CT chain (all

interfaces and between all responsibilities) – connect this

with deviation management processes.

Mind change o Optimisation of the whole process (not only single process steps). o Improve knowledge of benefits of CT-networks. o Establish standards, e.g. AlpInnoCT including ideal processes.

Round Table 5 collection of measures on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

“We need a holistic system in real-time, which integrates information from all parties involved in the logistics chain. This leads to the very specific task of bringing all parties together and clarifying individually who needs exactly which data from whom. There's no point in collecting all the data from everyone.”

Joachim Lößlein Head of Production System, Factory Cooking Traunreut,

BSH Hausgeräte GmbH

Page 38

Round Table 6: Future Trailer

Moderator: Roland Klement (Member of the board, Schmitz Cargobull AG)

Results/actions derived:

General o Definition of interfaces between all stakeholders and components

(trailer, wagon, EU-guidelines, technical specifications).

Technology / IT / digitalization o Adoption of UIC and road transport requirements. o To ensure safety of the assets in CT (implementation of suspension

systems). o IT based identification of trailer (ILU-Code, license plate). o Establish IT platform to connect all actors of the CT chain (use the

options and possibilities of telematics systems within the trailer). o Accessibility to all data (QR-codes) of the stakeholders.

Mind change

o Establish round tables for all actors and stakeholders of CT.

o Concentrate on actions with the biggest impact (leverage) – 80% now instead of 100% later.

Round Table 6 collection of measures on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

Page 39

Round Table 7: Digitalization and Start-ups

Moderator: Prof. Dr. –Ing. Uwe Clausen (Managing Director, Fraunhofer-Institute for Material Flow and Logistics)

Results/actions derived:

General o Identify and establish standards for common use of data (also

openness). o Establish transparency in CT processes. o Motivation of people to use CT.

Infrastructure o “Border-crossing” approach (including emergency plans for track

closings). o Terminals: 24/7 – use of max of capacity and potentials. o Area-wide coverage of 5G- standard (basic requirements of

digitalisation). Technology / IT / digitalization

o Establish IT- tools that provide routing alternatives and forecasts of ETA. o Ensure safety of the assets in CT

(implementation of suspension systems).

Operations / processes o Detailed analysis of the

concrete process chain and the effects.

Round Table 7 collection of measures on the sideboard (Photo SSP)

Page 40

Assets o Use of the potentials of Intelligent ILU including cross-linkage between

them. o Establish transparency to specific level for all stakeholders.

Mind change

o To communicate and mediate digitalization concepts. o To establish a common European level of language for rail transport

(including CT). o To see competition as challenge not as thread.

Page 41

3.2 Findings and main conclusions Day 2

The summary of Round Tables was moderated by Tim-Oliver Frische (Deutsche Verkehrszeitung, DVZ) in an active dialogue with the respective Round Table moderators.

Mind change was rated by almost all discussion rounds as one of the most decisive indicator, affecting almost all aspects of CT.

Communication - A big part of the solution approach is thinking beyond the limits of own business fields and borders. Joint discussion of the problems to find joint solutions in CT is the key. This involves also mutual understanding of the problems and positions.

Digitalization - In order to bring about a positive trend reversal in terms of logistics capability of CT, digitalization is seen as an important factor - customers expect certain qualities in a certain time; this must be optimized along the entire transport chain; digitalization can be a strong supporter. Digitalization refers to various aspects and can be implemented in short-term, as already available in different areas:

Tracking and tracing is a measure that can be implemented in the short term; the information (location of the train e.g.) should be made available to all actors in order to increase the system capacity.

Communication between terminals, rail transport companies and infrastructure; competitive solutions are already available here.

Digitalization of documents as a next step in order to achieve paperless data exchange (as e.g. already standard in air transport and travel).

Automation of processes in order to open up new potentials in terms of logistics efficiency.

Also solutions like NIKRASA can be implemented in the short-term (non-craneable trailers will be made craneable with few investments and few technical efforts).

Harmonization and standardisation – in view of standards and access to all information of the whole transport chain and for all actors involved. A Pan-European language standard in rail transport is needed to overcome the barriers concerning both access to CT as well as the efficient handling of CT.

Page 42

Vocational training delivers an opportunity to shift more freight traffic from road to rail by provision of know-how and improving the level of awareness among pupils and trainees. This will help to improve understanding of the complex transport system of CT. The provision of information and the qualification of logisticians and forwarding agents will help improving the combined transport market and enable to present customers with suitable transport offers.

Capacity expansion is seen as a key factor in view of terminal capacity as well as investments into terminal networks for economic efficiency in CT.

Artificial Intelligence is offering technologically interesting solutions but these are to be seen as future topics that will be still under research within the next few years.

It is very important to take legislation and mainly also the European legislation on board and explain the regulatory jungle that freight transport faces today, e.g. a semi-trailer on the NIKRASA platform is in legal terms not part of CT, but general cargo. The idea is to develop a standardized European solution that can be applied all over Europe.

Summary of Round Tables – Day 2 (Photo: SSP)

Page 43

4 Market Place A Market Place was organized by AlpInnoCT around the 2-day event to share innovations and solutions for Combined Transport. The objective of the AlpInnoCT marketplace was to bring together logistics service providers, wagon and semitrailer manufacturers, policy makers, researchers, academics, consultants, and NGOs, to share their tools, methods and experiences, and to search for the right tool or method to support work towards Combined Transport.

In advance of the conference, applications for an exhibition stand at the AlpInnoCT market place were collected following a call for exhibitors, which was spread by project partners.

The market place was set up outdoors, between the main building of the LKZ Centre and the conference tent. At this location, the market place was well visible and easily accessible to conference participants. Before and after the conference sessions, as well as during the breaks, the market place was well attended, as exhibitors used many opportunities to present tools and engage conference participants in discussions.

The AlpInnoCT market place set-up outside the conference tent (Photo: SSP)

Page 44

The products, projects, initiatives and tools presented at the market place were:

• Aeolix Project, which aims to develop a platform for connecting logistics information systems (displayed by TX Logistik)

• NexTrust Project, which aims at validating a sustainable business model for collaboration in transportation (displayed by TX Logistik)

• Testing of a technical device and questionnaire with conference participants on the acceptance of digital travel assistance systems, as part of the research project “RadAR+” (conducted by Fraunhofer IML, project centre for Transport, Mobility and Environment)

• Logistic Initiative Bavaria, providing an information platform for logistics in Bavaria (CNA e.V. Centre für Transportation & Logistics)

• Project ERFA Gleisanschluss, which works towards information, knowledge exchange and awareness raising on railway sidings (Fraunhofer IML and LKZ Prien)

• In2Code, agency for web applications and web portal solutions (displayed by In2Code).

The AlpInnoCT project poster and flyers (in German and in English language) were also displayed at the market place.

For more information on the AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference, please follow this link to the programme ( https://www.logistik-innovativ.eu/fileadmin/LKZ-Prien/05_Logistik_Innovativ_2018/180315_LI_2018_en_web.pdf ).

Two AlpInnoCT posters displayed at the market place (Photo: SSP)

Page 45

5 Outlook Combined Transport (CT) offers a great potential for the future and can make an even greater contribution to sustainability, above all, in sensitive regions like the Alpine region. To achieve low carbon and cost-efficient transport as far as possible, the different modes of transport road, rail, but also water and air must be optimally linked with each other.

Rail and ship can be economically used primarily for long distances and high traffic volumes. The truck is flexible in terms of time and space and is particularly suitable for small-scale distribution in pre- and on-carriage.

Economic efficiency of Combined Transport depends crucially on the existence of optimum interfaces between the different transport modes of the transport chain. Transhipment facilities need to be available on a large scale. The development of volumes in the existing terminals clearly confirms the importance of this transport sector. This is where the development potential for rail freight transport lies.

In order to achieve a greater shift from road to rail by CT basically a mind change among all participants and stakeholders in Combined Transport is crucial. Improved information flows through digitalization require open systems. Transparency is vital in the sense of openness of all data beyond industrial/business secrets. Customer orientation is essential as well as a standard language and less national regulations.

During the AlpInnoCT mid-term conference and dialogue event, participants discussed innovations and new approaches from industry and production sector analysing their potential for transfer and success as game changers for Combined Transport and making it competitive compared to road – which still is the benchmark today.

AlpInnoCT will further take up the results and insights gained in the Mid-term Conference and Dialogue Event based on the AlpInnoCT Wish List. These findings build the basis for the development and definition of new solutions that will be implemented, tested and evaluated in the AlpInnoCT pilot corridors Verona -Rostock and Bettembourg – Trieste with the aim to put forward new technical solutions and innovations for Combined Transport. This will help to create the conditions to achieve a major shift from road to rail.

Page 46

To this aim, AlpInnoCT identifies optimization potentials in Combined Transport and analyzes and transfers production know-how that enters the so-called Toolbox of Action to provide (tested) technical solutions and recommendations and to optimize the organization of complex processes in Combined Transport. In addition, more sustainable and decarbonised transport is central to EU transport policy, as the transport sector being one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Therefore, AlpInnoCT findings and results may also be taken into consideration in the European Directive 92/106/EEC for Combined Transport between the Member States2.

2 Directive 92/106/EEC on the establishment of common rules for certain types of combined transport of goods between Member States, OJ L 368, 17.12.1992, p. 38- 42

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Annex 1 – Wishes collected for Day 1


Wishes regarding Round-Table 1: Port of Trieste & shipping companies

of the AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference

10th Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018

General wishes No Overall wishes 1  Benchmark road transport 

2  Continuous tracking of the loading unit (on train, ship and truck). 

3  Ensuring the preferential treatment of the CT (more incentives for CT, e.g. slot funding/ adaptation to changing needs, e.g. platooning, long trucks, lower diesel price, etc.). 

4  EU standards ‐ reduction of complexity  techn. documents: waste, customs, dangerous goods, border controls 

5  European harmonized timetable: construction timetable, regular timetable 

6  Harmonisation & Enforcement of push & pull measures in the EU at all levels (e.g. financial, regulatory and fiscal support measures, liability). 

7  Higher investments along TEN‐corridors EU wide. 

8  Improvement of the planning and punctuality of the CT. 

9  Information transparency ‐‐> across processes. 

10  Internalization of external costs. 

11  Introduction of a task force in the event of network problems (such as Rastatt). 

12  Introduction of electronic freight documents along the whole CT transport chain 

13  CT as a model of cooperation. 

14  Mainstreaming customs clearance and administrative controls (one stop shop ‐ for all controls) for faster customs clearance 

15  Mobility package ‐ Package of digitalization measures  ‐ Objective of EU are digital documents  

16  Standardization & legal framework. 

17  Paperless processes. 

18  Define interfaces. 

19  View the transport chain as a complete system. 

Optimization of the entire chain instead of single points (isolated solutions). 20  Interconnection of all modes of transport / digitalization. 

21  Cooperation of all actors in CT. 


Specific wishes No Infrastructure 1  ECTS Ten corridors. 

2  Plan European terminal network.  

3  Improvement / investment of (more) terminal capacities. 

4  Improvement of approaching routes to terminals. 

5  Infrastructure investments (CT directive, route network, German Railway Expansion Act (BSCHwAG)/Service and Financing Agreement (LuFV)). 

6  Reduce the space between two slots/trains (brakes, traffic management). 

7  Securing of areas. 

8  Provide access routes well in advance.   

No Operations / Processes 1  24/7 opening times of shippers / warehouses, depots & workshops. 

2  24/7 operating times of the terminals. 

3  Attractive system lines 24/7. 

4  Automated semi‐trailer handling (long term). 

5  Standard Software/App. 

6  Cooperation with other projects (e.g. ELETA project). 

7  Faster wagon inspection. 

8  Simplify liability regulations in CT ‐‐> UN / EU. 

9  Intelligent & automatic train check of outgoing trains. 

10  Investment in operating systems for timetables online (automated suggestions). 

11  More (reliable) slots for freight trains. 

12  More efficiency regarding shunting (e.g. autonomous shunting or automatic train coupling system). 

13  Real time schedule. 

14  Reduced waste in transport process (e.g. long storage times of loading units in the terminal). 

15  Reduction of throughput time in terminals (e.g. layout, processes etc.). 

16  Standard for ILU check (trains and truck check in) with standardised documentation. 

No Assets 1  Automatic coupling. 

2  Standard compatibility in intermodal transport.  

3  Promoting the standardisation of loading units. 

In order to record and visualize the results of the discussion, we ask you to use the planned metaplan walls and cards.

Wishes regarding Round-Table 2: Terminal operation

of the AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference

10th Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018

General wishes

No Overall wishes 1  Benchmark road transport 

2  Continuous tracking of the loading unit (on train, ship and truck). 

3  Ensuring the preferential treatment of the CT (more incentives for CT, e.g. slot funding/ adaptation to changing needs, e.g. platooning, long trucks, lower diesel price, etc.). 

4  EU standards ‐ reduction of complexity techn. documents: waste, customs, dangerous goods, border controls 

5  European harmonized timetable: construction timetable, regular timetable 

6  Harmonisation & Enforcement of push & pull measures in the EU at all levels (e.g. financial, regulatory and fiscal support measures, liability). 

7  Higher investments along TEN‐corridors EU wide. 

8  Improvement of the planning and punctuality of the CT. 

9  Information transparency ‐‐> across processes. 

10  Internalization of external costs. 

11  Introduction of a task force in the event of network problems (such as Rastatt). 

12  Introduction of electronic freight documents along the whole CT transport chain 

13  CT as a model of cooperation. 

14  Mainstreaming customs clearance and administrative controls (one stop shop ‐ for all controls) for faster customs clearance. 

15  Mobility package ‐ Package of digitalization measures  ‐ Objective of EU are digital documents  

16  Standardization & legal framework 

17  Paperless processes 

18  Define interfaces 

19  View the transport chain as a complete system. 

Optimization of the entire chain instead of single points (isolated solutions). 20  Interconnection of all modes of transport / digitalization 

21  Cooperation of all actors in CT 

Specific wishes

No Infrastructure 1  ECTS Ten corridors. 

2  Plan European terminal network. 

3  Improvement / investment of (more) terminal capacities. 

4  Improvement of approaching routes to terminals. 

5  Infrastructure investments (CT directive, route network, German Railway Expansion Act (BSCHwAG)/Service and Financing Agreement (LuFV)). 

6  Reduce the space between two slots/trains (brakes, traffic management). 

7  Securing of areas. 

8  Provide access routes well in advance .  

No Technology / IT / Digitalization 1  Standard Software/App. 

2  Cooperation with other projects (e.g. ELETA project). 

3  Faster wagon inspection. 

4  Simplify liability regulations in CT ‐‐> UN / EU. 

5  Intelligent & automatic train check of outgoing trains. 

6  Investment in operating systems for timetables online (automated suggestions). 

7  More (reliable) slots for freight trains. 

8  More efficiency regarding shunting (e.g. autonomous shunting or automatic train coupling system). 

9  Real time schedule 

10  Reduced waste in transport process (e.g. long storage times of loading units in the terminal). 

11  Reduction of throughput time in terminals (e.g. layout, processes etc.). 

12  Standard for ILU check (trains and truck check in) with standardised documentation. 

No Assets 1  Automatic coupling. 

2  Standard compatibility in intermodal transport.  

3  Promoting the standardisation of loading units. 

In order to record and visualize the results of the discussion, we ask you to use the planned metaplan walls and cards.


Wishes regarding Round-Table 3: Railway companies

of the AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference

10thSymposium Logistik Innovativ 2018

General wishes No Overall wishes 1  Benchmark road transport. 

2  Continuous tracking of the loading unit (on train, ship and truck). 

3  Ensuring the preferential treatment of the CT (more incentives for CT, e.g. slot funding/ adaptation to changing needs, e.g. platooning, long trucks, lower diesel price, etc.). 

4  EU standards ‐ reduction of complexity techn. documents: waste, customs, dangerous goods, border controls. 

5  European harmonized timetable: construction timetable, regular timetable 

6  Harmonisation & Enforcement of push & pull measures in the EU at all levels (e.g. financial, regulatory and fiscal support measures, liability). 

7  Higher investments along TEN‐corridors EU wide. 

8  Improvement of the planning and punctuality of the CT. 

9  Information transparency ‐‐> across processes. 

10  Internalization of external costs. 

11  Introduction of a task force in the event of network problems (such as Rastatt). 

12  Introduction of electronic freight documents along the whole CT transport chain 

13  CT as a model of cooperation. 

14  Mainstreaming customs clearance and administrative controls (one stop shop ‐ for all controls) for faster customs clearance. 

15  Mobility package ‐ Package of digitalization measures  ‐ Objective of EU are digital documents  

16  Standardization & legal framework. 

17  Paperless processes. 

18  Define interfaces. 

19  View the transport chain as a complete system. 

Optimization of the entire chain instead of single points (isolated solutions). 20  Interconnection of all modes of transport / digitalization. 

21  Cooperation of all actors in CT. 


Specific wishes No Infrastructure 1  Sufficient investments into alternative routes TEN network.  

2  ECTS Ten corridors. 

3  Elimination of (local and general) bottlenecks on the corridors related to gauge and train length. 

4  Plan European terminal network. 

5  Financial support for extended construction works in Europe. 

6  Improvement of approaching routes to terminals 

7  Infrastructure investments (CT directive, route network, German Railway Expansion Act (BSCHwAG)/Service and Financing Agreement (LuFV)). 

8  Introduction of a European infrastructure management. 

9  Longer trains ‐‐> 1500 m, higher axle loads 22,5 ‐‐> 30 tons / higher Gauge P400 / higher average speed 120 km/h. 

10  Reduce the space between two slots/trains (brakes, traffic management). 

11  Provide access routes well in advance.   

No Technology / IT / Digitalization 1  Analysis of network conditions with a focus on heavy goods transport. 

No Operations / Processes 1  24/7 operating times of the terminals. 

2  Attractive system lines 24/7. 

3  Standard Software/App. 

4  Cooperation with other projects (e.g. ELETA project). 

5  European harmonized timetable: construction timetable, regular timetable. 

6  Faster wagon inspection. 

7  Simplify liability regulations in CT ‐‐> UN / EU. 

8  Intelligent & automatic train check of outgoing trains. 

10  Investment in operating systems for timetables online (automated suggestions). 

11  More (reliable) slots for freight trains. 

12  More efficiency regarding shunting (e.g. autonomous shunting or automatic train coupling system). 

13  Operational process‐standards: common languages, simplified route‐knowledge. 

14  Powerful alternative routes (redundancy) for main routes. 

15  Real time schedule. 

16  Standard for ILU check (trains and truck check in) with standardised documentation. 

17  Lead time and booking times too long. 

18  Access to CT missing. 


No Assets 1  Automatic coupling. 

2  E‐brakes. 

3  Standard compatibility in intermodal transport.  

4  Higher efficiency by multipurpose approach of wagons / innovative wagon development. 

5  Intelligent locomotive "remote" locomotive (data exchange / monitoring). 

6  Investment in e‐hybrid /autonomous locomotives. 

7  Each trailer is suitable for railway use ex works. 

8  Promoting standardization of loading units.  

No Mind change 1  European view on managing trains. 

2  Higher pressure of (German) government?! on rail companies. 

3  Stimulus package rail for lower prices. 

4  Competitive products / offers of the rail.  

In order to record and visualize the results of the discussion, we ask you to use the planned metaplan walls and cards.

Wishes regarding Round-Table 4: Forwarders and transport companies

of the AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference

10th Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018

General wishes

No Overall wishes 1  Benchmark road transport. 

2  Continuous tracking of the loading unit (on train, ship and truck). 

3  Ensuring the preferential treatment of the CT (more incentives for CT, e.g. slot funding/ adaptation to changing needs, e.g. platooning, long trucks, lower diesel price, etc.). 

4  EU standards ‐ reduction of complexity techn. Documents: waste, customs, dangerous goods, border controls. 

5  European harmonized timetable: construction timetable, regular timetable. 

6  Harmonisation & Enforcement of push & pull measures in the EU at all levels (e.g. financial, regulatory and fiscal support measures, liability). 

7  Higher investments along TEN‐corridors EU wide. 

8  Improvement of the planning and punctuality of the CT. 

9  Information transparency ‐‐> across processes. 

10  Internalization of external costs. 

11  Introduction of a task force in the event of network problems (such as Rastatt). 

12  Introduction of electronic freight documents along the whole CT transport chain. 

13  CT as a model of cooperation. 

14  Mainstreaming customs clearance and administrative controls (one stop shop ‐ for all controls) for faster customs clearance. 

15  Mobility package ‐ Package of digitalization measures  ‐ Objective of EU are digital documents  

16  Standardization & legal framework. 

17  Paperless processes. 

18  Define interfaces. 

19  View the transport chain as a complete system. 

Optimization of the entire chain instead of single points (isolated solutions). 20  Interconnection of all modes of transport / digitalization 

21  Cooperation of all actors in CT 


Specific wishes No Infrastructure 1  Elimination of (local and general) bottlenecks on the corridors related to gauge and 

train length. 

2  Plan European terminal network.  

3  Improvement of approaching routes to terminals. 

4  Provide access routes well in advance.   

No Operations / Processes 1  24/7 operating times of the terminals. 

2  Attractive system lines  24/7. 

3  User friendliness for the driver (trailer). 

4  Standard Software/App. 

5  Cooperation with other projects (e.g. ELETA project). 

6  Simplify liability regulations in CT ‐‐> UN / EU. 

7  Integrate combined traffic in tenders / concepts. 

8  More (reliable) slots for freight trains. 

9  Powerful alternative routes (redundancy) for main routes. 

10  Real time schedule. 

11  Standard for ILU check (trains and truck check in) with standardised documentation. 

12  Lead time and booking times too long. 

13  Access to CT missing. 

No Assets 1  Federal subsidy for trailers. 

2  Standard compatibility in intermodal transport. 

3  Each trailer is suitable for railway use ex works. 

No Mind change 1  Push: higher tolls on roads. 

2  Stimulus package rail for lower prices. 

3  Competitive products / offers of the rail.  

In order to record and visualize the results of the discussion, we ask you to use the planned metaplan walls and cards.


Wishes regarding Round-Table 5: Industrial Know-how

of the AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference

10th Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018

General wishes No Overall wishes 1  Benchmark road transport. 

2  Continuous tracking of the loading unit (on train, ship and truck). 

3  Ensuring the preferential treatment of the CT (more incentives for CT, e.g. slot funding/ adaptation to changing needs, e.g. platooning, long trucks, lower diesel price, etc.). 

4  EU standards ‐ reduction of complexity techn. Documents: waste, customs, dangerous goods, border controls 

5  European harmonized timetable: construction timetable, regular timetable 

6  Harmonisation & Enforcement of push & pull measures in the EU at all levels (e.g. financial, regulatory and fiscal support measures, liability). 

7  higher investments along TEN‐corridors EU wide 

8  Improvement of the planning and punctuality of the CT. 

9  Information transparency ‐‐> across processes. 

10  Internalization of external costs. 

11  Introduction of a task force in the event of network problems (such as Rastatt). 

12  Introduction of electronic freight documents along the whole CT transport chain 

13  CT as a model of cooperation. 

14  Mainstreaming customs clearance and administrative controls (one stop shop ‐ for all controls) for faster customs clearance. 

15  Mobility package ‐ Package of digitalization measures  ‐ Objective of EU are digital documents  

16  Standardization & legal framework. 

17  Paperless processes. 

18  Define interfaces. 

19  View the transport chain as a complete system. 

Optimization of the entire chain instead of single points (isolated solutions). 20  Interconnection of all modes of transport / digitalization. 

21  Cooperation of all actors in CT. 

Specific wishes

No Technology / IT / Digitalization 1  Analysis of network conditions with a focus on heavy goods transport. 

No Operations / Processes 1  24/7 operating times of the terminals. 

2  Attractive system lines 24/7. 

3  Automated semi‐trailer handling (long term). 

4  Standard Software/App. 

5  Integrate combined traffic in tenders / concepts. 

No Assets 1  Standard compatibility in intermodal transport.  

In order to record and visualize the results of the discussion, we ask you to use the planned metaplan walls and cards.


Wishes regarding Round-Table 6: Future Trailer

of the AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference

10th Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018

General wishes No Overall wishes 1  Benchmark road transport. 

2  Continuous tracking of the loading unit (on train, ship and truck). 

3  Ensuring the preferential treatment of the CT (more incentives for CT, e.g. slot funding/ adaptation to changing needs, e.g. platooning, long trucks, lower diesel price, etc.). 

4  EU standards ‐ reduction of complexity techn. Documents: waste, customs, dangerous goods, border controls. 

5  European harmonized timetable: construction timetable, regular timetable. 

6  Harmonisation & Enforcement of push & pull measures in the EU at all levels (e.g. financial, regulatory and fiscal support measures, liability). 

7  higher investments along TEN‐corridors EU wide. 

8  Improvement of the planning and punctuality of the CT. 

9  Information transparency ‐‐> across processes. 

10  Internalization of external costs. 

11  Introduction of a task force in the event of network problems (such as Rastatt). 

12  Introduction of electronic freight documents along the whole CT transport chain 

13  CT as a model of cooperation. 

14  Mainstreaming customs clearance and administrative controls (one stop shop ‐ for all controls) for faster customs clearance. 

15  Mobility package ‐ Package of digitalization measures  ‐ Objective of EU are digital documents  

16  Standardization & legal framework. 

17  Paperless processes. 

18  Define interfaces. 

19  View the transport chain as a complete system. 

Optimization of the entire chain instead of single points (isolated solutions). 20  Interconnection of all modes of transport / digitalization. 

21  Cooperation of all actors in CT. 


Specific wishes No Infrastructure 1  Longer trains ‐‐> 1500 m, higher axle loads 22,5 ‐‐> 30 tons / higher Gauge P400 / 

higher average speed 120 km/h 

No Operations / Processes 1  Automated semi‐trailer handling (long term). 

2  User friendliness for the driver (trailer). 

3  Cooperation with other projects (e.g. ELETA project). 

4  Standard for ILU check (trains and truck check in) with standardised documentation. 

5  Access to CT missing. 

No Assets 1  Standard compatibility in intermodal transport. 

2  Higher efficiency by multipurpose approach of wagons / innovative wagon development. 

3  Each trailer is suitable for railway use ex works. 

4  Light construction of trailers. 

5  Promoting the standardisation of loading units. 

In order to record and visualize the results of the discussion, we ask you to use the planned metaplan walls and cards.


Wishes regarding Round-Table 7: Digitalization & Start up

of the AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference

10th Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018

General wishes No Overall wishes 1  Benchmark road transport. 

2  Continuous tracking of the loading unit (on train, ship and truck). 

3  Ensuring the preferential treatment of the CT (more incentives for CT, e.g. slot funding/ adaptation to changing needs, e.g. platooning, long trucks, lower diesel price, etc.). 

4  EU standards ‐ reduction of complexity techn. Documents: waste, customs, dangerous goods, border controls. 

5  European harmonized timetable: construction timetable, regular timetable. 

6  Harmonisation & Enforcement of push & pull measures in the EU at all levels (e.g. financial, regulatory and fiscal support measures, liability). 

7  Higher investments along TEN‐corridors EU wide. 

8  Improvement of the planning and punctuality of the CT. 

9  Information transparency ‐‐> across processes. 

10  Internalization of external costs. 

11  Introduction of a task force in the event of network problems (such as Rastatt). 

12  Introduction of electronic freight documents along the whole CT transport chain. 

13  CT as a model of cooperation. 

14  Mainstreaming customs clearance and administrative controls (one stop shop ‐ for all controls) for faster customs clearance. 

15  Standardization & legal framework. 

16  Paperless processes. 

17  Define interfaces. 

18  View the transport chain as a complete system. 

Optimization of the entire chain instead of single points (isolated solutions). 19  Interconnection of all modes of transport / digitalization. 

20  Cooperation of all actors in CT. 

21  Standardization & legal framework. 

Specific wishes

No Technology / IT / Digitalization 1  Analysis of network conditions with a focus on heavy goods transport. 

No Operations / Processes 1  Automated semi‐trailer handling (long term). 

2  User friendliness for the driver (trailer). 

3  Standard Software/App. 

4  Integrate combined traffic in tenders / concepts. 

5  Standard for ILU check (trains and truck check in) with standardised documentation. 

No Assets 1  Investment in e‐hybrid /autonomous locomotives. 

In order to record and visualize the results of the discussion, we ask you to use the planned metaplan walls and cards.

Annex 2 – Press Releases (selection)

Der alpenquerende Kombinierte Verkehr soll verbessert werden. Foto: Thomas Küppers

1 JUN 2018

Beim 10. Kongress Logistik

Innovation feierte das

Logistik Kompetenz Zentrum

(LKZ) Prien seinen 20.

Geburtstag. Im Rahmen

einer Midterm-Konferenz

wurde zudem weiter an dem

Projekt AlpInnoCT gefeilt.

Der Straßengüterverkehr

zwischen Norden und Süden

wird nicht weniger – und das

auch im sensiblen

Alpenraum. Das

europäische Projekt

AlpInnoCT will eine Lösung

für das Dilemma finden. Im

Rahmen des 10.

Kongresses Logistik Innovation – ausgerichtet durch das LKZ Prien – wurden erste Ansätze vorgestellt.

Bis 2030 wird das Güterverkehrsaufkommen etwa allein in Bayern um 31 Prozent wachsen, der Straßengüterverkehr wird

dabei seine dominierende Stellung ausbauen auf einen Verkehrsanteil von 77 Prozent, sagte Dr. Karin Jäntschi-Haucke,

Stellvertretende Leiterin der Abteilung Verkehr beim bayerischen Staatsministerium für Wohnen, Bau und Verkehr (StMB).

Aber um das prognostizierte Verkehrswachstum gerade im Alpenraum zu bewältigen, müssten Transporte auf die Schiene

verlagert, gleichzeitig aber auch die Leistungsfähigkeit des Kombinierten Verkehrs (KV) erhöht werden.

AlpInnoCT-Projekt feiert Halbzeit

Das ist erklärtes Ziel des AlpInnoCT-Projekts, erklärte Karl Fischer, Geschäftsführer des LKZ. Bis 2019 wollen die

Projektteilnehmer etwa die Zusammenarbeit der verschiedenen KV-Netzwerke verbessern, innovative Ansätze zur

Förderung der Verkehrsverlagerung integrieren und eine Plattform für den alpenweiten Informationsaustausch bieten.

Bei dem Kongress in Prien feierte das Projekt Halbzeit: Halbzeit, weil Studien und Analysen zur Ist-Situation des KV jetzt



vorliegen und der nächste Schritt ansteht, die Bestimmung und Umsetzung von Maßnahmen. Dazu wollen die

Projektteilnehmer sich von der Industriebranche und deren Produktions-Know-how einiges abschauen, sagte Jürgen

Neugebauer, ebenfalls vom StMB und AlpInnoCT-Lead Partner. Ziel sei, den Kunden des Kombinierten Verkehrs

Pünktlichkeit, Verlässlichkeit, Effizienz und Profitabilität anbieten zu können und damit die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des KV

gegenüber der Straße zu verbessern. Als Modellprojekt sollen zunächst zwei Relationen dienen: die Verbindung

Bettembourg–Triest sowie Rostock–Verona.

Ticket kaufen wie bei der Luftfracht

Die Transportunternehmen und KV-Operateure etwa wollen für den KV einen Ansatz wie in der Luftfracht, sagte Thomas

Eberl, Geschäftsführer, Eberl – Internationale Spedition aus Aiging: „Einfach ein Ticket kaufen“, um auch im KV flexibel auf

die Lieferverträge der Kunden reagieren zu können, statt wie bisher lange vorher Trasse, Rangierleistung, Terminalslot und

mehr buchen zu müssen.

Die Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen sehen vor allem einen besseren Informationsfluss zwischen allen Beteiligten als

dringlich an, sagte Mirko Pahl, CEO von TX Logistik. Was die Industrie dem KV zur Optimierung beibringen kann, fasste

Joachim Lößlein, Head of Produktion im Werk Traunreut des Hausgerätehersteller BSH, zusammen: „Überall gibt es

unterschiedliche Slots, Zeitfenster und Arbeitszeiten – das könnte durch eine Glättung, wie wir sie in der Produktion kennen,

nivelliert werden.“ Auch der „Future Trailer“ ist ein Thema bei dem länderübergreifenden Projekt. Gero Schulze Isfort vom

Trailerbauer Krone fasste zusammen: „Wenn es um die Standardisierung und damit eine einheitliche Lösung für den

Kombinierten Verkehr geht, müssen wir einfach miteinander reden.“

Das Projekt

Das Project Alpine Innovation for Combined Transport (AlpInnoCT) ist im November 2016 gestartet und läuft bis

Oktober 2019.

Ziel ist, den Kombinierten Verkehr in Europa, insbesondere aber den alpenquerenden Verkehr, zu verbessern.

Eingebunden sind Politik, Verbände und Infrastrukturbetreiber, Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen, Waggon- und

Trailerhersteller ebenso wie Verlader sowie Spediteure und Transporthersteller – insgesamt 15 Projektpartner aus

Deutschland, der Schweiz, Italien und Slowenien.









AlpInnoCT auf Twitter: "During #AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference & 10^ Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018, in Prien am Chiemsee, Project partners and almost 100 logistics experts discuss th...

https://twitter.com/AlpinnoCT/status/994496647236407297[07.06.2018 12:59:56]


AlpInnoCT contributes to a sustainablesystem with an easier access to CT & fostersthe utilization of this low-carbon transportmethod.

alpine-space.eu/projects/alpin…Beigetreten Mai 2017

11 Fotos und Videos

AlpInnoCT AlpinnoCT@ ‏ · 18. Mai Published the study “Vision of Alpine #CombinedTransport after 2030”: current

situation of CT, survey about expectations of the CT sector, analysis of opportunities & threats, elaboration of a future vision on development scenarios.

Download it bit.ly/2Isnnl3

Interreg AlpineSpace, _EUSALP, EU Alps Macroregion und 6 weitere

2 2

AlpInnoCT hat retweetet

Eurac Research EURAC@ ‏ · 16. Mai How are goods transported in the #Alps? Discover the project Alpine Innovation for Combined Transport (@AlpinnoCT) that tackles the main challenge to raise Combined #Transport efficiency & productivity in the Alpine region @EUAlpineSpace

3 3

AlpInnoCT hat retweetet

_EUSALP Eusalp_@ ‏ · 18. Mai How answer to the problem of the growth of #traffic volume in #AlpineSpace? Watch this video of @AlpinnoCT project!youtube.com/playlist?list=… via @YouTube#interreg #Alps #alpineregion #EUSALP #EU

Tweets Tweets & Antworten Medien


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3 Retweets 8 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben

AlpInnoCT AlpinnoCT@ ‏

During #AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference & 10^ Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018, in Prien am Chiemsee, Project partners and almost 100 logistics experts discuss the measures needed to improve #CombinedTransport at 7 round tables.#AlpineSpace #EUAlpineSpace #logistics #transport

01:37 - 10. Mai 2018

Interreg AlpineSpace, EU Regio Interreg, Eurac Research und 6 weitere


3 8

AlpInnoCT auf Twitter: "During #AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference & 10^ Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018, in Prien am Chiemsee, Project partners and almost 100 logistics experts discuss th...

https://twitter.com/AlpinnoCT/status/994496647236407297[07.06.2018 12:59:56]

2 2

AlpInnoCT AlpinnoCT@ ‏ · 14. Mai The #AlpinnoCT promotional video has been just released! Have a look at it:


1 2

AlpInnoCT hat retweetet

VeneziaToday veneziatoday@ ‏ · 7. Feb. Sempre più merci attraversano le #Alpi: "Puntiamo a un sistema intermodale" #VIDEO #7OTT incontro a #Venezia sul progetto #AlpInnoCT bit.ly/2Er4PyM

1 2

AlpInnoCT AlpinnoCT@ ‏ · 10. Mai During #AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference & 10^ Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018, in Prien am Chiemsee, Project partners and almost 100 logistics experts discuss the measures needed to improve #CombinedTransport at 7 round tables.#AlpineSpace #EUAlpineSpace #logistics #transport

Interreg AlpineSpace, EU Regio Interreg, Eurac Research und 6 weitere

3 8

AlpInnoCT hat retweetet

Interreg AlpineSpace EUAlpineSpace@ ‏ · 26. Apr. @AlpinnoCT partners at the @Interreg_eu stand at #TEN_TDays More info on this project on Alpine Innovation for Combined Transport here: alpine-space.eu/projects/alpin…

Visit our stand!#Interregmakesadifference, #MadewithInterreg@RegioInterreg @EU_Regional

AlpInnoCT auf Twitter: "During #AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference & 10^ Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018, in Prien am Chiemsee, Project partners and almost 100 logistics experts discuss th...

https://twitter.com/AlpinnoCT/status/994496647236407297[07.06.2018 12:59:56]

1 1

AlpInnoCT hat retweetet

Interreg AlpineSpace EUAlpineSpace@ ‏ · 26. Apr. @EUAlpineSpace at #TEN_TDAYS!Go to the @Interreg_eu stand and meet partners from iMonitraf!, @AlpinnoCT and @eMOTICON_Alpine@RegioInterreg#Interregmakesadifference

1 5

AlpInnoCT AlpinnoCT@ ‏ · 28. März AlpInnoCT NEXT STOP Prien am Chiemsee #Germany, 8-9 May 2018

The interim results will be presented to the general public in 3rd Dialogue Event & Mid-term Conference during symposium"Logistics Innovative" Programme & Registration goo.gl/YDYBoJ

Interreg AlpineSpace, Eurac Research, Alpen-Initiative und 7 weitere

2 4

AlpInnoCT AlpinnoCT@ ‏ · 12. Feb. #Venice During the 4° Project meeting, WP leaders met within the first WPL

meeting, defined the format of Toolbox of Action, of ideal Combine Transport concept and of the wish list for future development of CT in Alpine space... Read more


Interreg AlpineSpace, Alpen-Initiative, Unioncamere Veneto und 6 weitere

2 7

AlpInnoCT hat retweetet

Interreg AlpineSpace EUAlpineSpace@ ‏ · 30. Jan. @EUAlpineSpace projects contribute to improving governance in the Alps.

Find out how in the #projectbrief "Well-governed Alpine Space"!


@EU_Regional@RegioInterreg @KocksKelly

Image (c)GoApply

AlpInnoCT auf Twitter: "During #AlpInnoCT Mid-term Conference & 10^ Symposium Logistik Innovativ 2018, in Prien am Chiemsee, Project partners and almost 100 logistics experts discuss th...

https://twitter.com/AlpinnoCT/status/994496647236407297[07.06.2018 12:59:56]

6ottobre Trieste @ComunediTrieste ferpress.it/progetto-alpin…

1 1

AlpInnoCT hat retweetet

Interreg AlpineSpace EUAlpineSpace@ ‏ · 7. Okt. 2017 Have a quick read through @InterregD_NL article to know more about @AlpinnoCT and how it is financed! Link here bit.ly/2hPBvYO

2 1

AlpInnoCT AlpinnoCT@ ‏ · 3. Okt. 2017 On 4th-6th October @AlpinnoCT partners will meet for the 3rd Partner

#Meeting&1st Dialogue #event in #Trieste! : goo.gl/Bv8t1T

A tutti un #buonweekend da Trieste! Ph. @pier83ts

AlpInnoCT AlpinnoCT@ ‏ · 3. Okt. 2017 The flyer of @AlpinnoCT project with goals, partners, geographic areas involved, events,expected activities, results to be achieved.

Eurac Research, CIPRA International, Univerza v Mariboru und 6 weitere

2 1

AlpInnoCT AlpinnoCT@ ‏ · 10. Mai 2017 @AlpinnoCT: un progetto per migliorare il #trasporto combinato e salvaguardare l’ #ecosistema alpino! Maggiori info: goo.gl/8sbpQp

Alpen-Initiative, Regione FVG, Porto di Trieste und 4 weitere


Porto di Trieste @PortodiTrieste

Tiratura: n.d. Diffusione: n.d. Lettori: n.d. Dir. Resp.: Achille Ottaviani

Servizi di Media Monitoring

Sezione: PROGRAMMAZIONE LOCALE, VENETO Foglio: 1/1Estratto da pag.: 7

Edizione del: 18/05/18

Peso: 45%328-120-080

Il pr


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PRESSESPIEGEL 10. Symposium Logistik Innovativ

mit Staatsempfang am 08./09. Mai 2018

Priener Marktblatt


Oberbayerisches Volksblatt 19.03.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Oberbayerisches Volksblatt 14.04.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Alt- und Neuöttinger Anzeiger


Priener Marktblatt


Bayerische Staatszeitung 15.05.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Deutsche Verkehrszeitung 09.05.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Deutsche Verkehrszeitung 09.05.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung (DVZ) 09.05.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Verkehrsrundschau 17.05.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Süddeutscher Verkehrskurier 01.03.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Oberbayerisches Volksblatt 11.05.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Oberbayerisches Volksblatt 11.05.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Oberbayerisches Volksblatt 11.05.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Verkehr und Logistik 18.05.2018

Priener Marktblatt


Logistik Heute


Priener Marktblatt




Priener Marktblatt


Samerberger Nachrichten


Priener Marktblatt


Samerberger Nachrichten


Priener Marktblatt


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