worm apr-19 fc

Post on 08-May-2022






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Items for inclusion in The Worm must be with the editor by the third Thursday of the previous month. Post: The Worm, 7, London Land Cottages, Church Road, Wormingford, Essex CO6 3AE. Email: theworm2014@yahoo.co.uk

No: 602 April 2019 Kindly sponsored by CSH Environmental

Thanks to Nick Miller for the Masthead

100 Club WINNER

The Recreation Trust are pleased to announce that the March winner of their monthly 100 Club Draw

is: Number 47: Marcia Hearn The 100 Club is an important part of our

money raising activity and we would like to ask those that have supported us in the past,

to continue to do so - instead of the shop please pop your monthly contributions through the letter box @ Ingate House

on Church Road. -

Have you booked your place for the ‘Mystery Tour’

… leaving @ 2pm on Sunday 14th April from the new bus shelter at the

top of Church Road

If you weren’t able to make last year’s trip this is now your chance to go back in time and experience travel when life was, to say the least, a tad slower!John needs to know who would like to join them this year, so please call him on 01787 227231 to

book your place.

Compactor Van is coming to Wormingford Village Hall on Saturday 20th April 9.30 to 10.45am

John’s restored 1946 Crossley bus in Lavenham on last year’s tour!

* no fridges or freezers; * please bring green garden waste separately to be composted; * this service is pro-vided for small loads from domestic properties, so you can use this service to dispose of bulky items not nor-mally collected with household waste; * no commercial refuse or hazardous waste such as asbestos, batteries, liquids or gas bottles.

Recreation Trust Coffee Morning The Rec Trust coffee morning held on the 9th March in the village hall was a great success raising £226.00! Thank you to all of you who attended and supported us and a huge thank you to those of you who served and cooked and to our very talented village bakers. Enjoy a lovely summer and see you in the autumn - 14th September – same time, same place and an equally good time.

UPCOMING EVENTS: April 12th - Family Quiz April 28th - Car Treasure Hunt Full details inside & on the ‘I love Wormingford because …’ Facebook site

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Contact Nigel: 07929 919599 or email: njgoody@gmail.com

Can you help? Dear Editor; I am trying to trace the above that I filmed dur-ing the Queen’s Silver Jubilee in 1977. As I am now 82 years old I am trying to have this 8mm film transferred to DVD. I’m hoping you could find a space in a future copy of the WORM to help me trace a 600 foot spool of all the events that year. These were shown to a large audience in the Village Hall on the actual day of the Celebration. Through the late Ken Smith I was asked to loan this film and others to a certain Martin Bell (Not the chap who became an MP, as far as I know?) to enable him to make a special film of the MILLENNIUM for the village Archives. I gather this fell through but I don’t know what became of the film stock I made. I believe Ken Smith said they were kept in the Village Hall but due to a three month spell of ill health I wasn’t able to follow this up. I know that John Jackson knew of my work, but have no idea who I might approach in the vil-lage now. Can anybody help please? I have some footage on DVD and will be glad to send the village duplicate copies as soon as I get them done. Because the film is over 40 years old don’t expect HD quality, but I feel you will like what I am able to send you.

Many thanks, Derrick Hasted (Derrick, formerly of ‘Lumley’ on Church Road, now lives in King’s Lynn, Norfolk - so if you are able to help please let me know at the Worm and I’ll pass on your information.)

You have to stay in shape. My mother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 now and... we have no idea where she is.

Car Treasure Hunt

… on Sunday 28th April - starting from The Crown Car Park

@ 2.30pm

Follow the map provided, working out the answers to the written clues, while travelling around North East Essex & the Stour Valley. This is not a race, but there will be a healthy time limit.

Then back to The Crown for a celebratory drink and nibble whilst the winners are calculated!

The map will be rather more detailed than above!

£10 per vehicle.

Please call 01787 227787 to book your place. On behalf of Wormingford Recreation Trust

Wormingford Annual Flower Festival

Saint Andrew’s Church, Wormingford Spring Bank Holiday weekend – 25th,26th and 27th May

Open from 10.00am – 5.00pm daily. No entry charge.

Our theme this year is

“Once Upon a Time”

Fairytales and Pantomime

Is the Bric-a-brac sale in the Community Centre as usual? Oh yes it is!

Are Teas, Cakes, Lunches and Refreshments available? Oh yes they are! Is there a Tombola? Oh yes there is!

Is there Handbell ringing in the Church this year? Oh yes there is! (Sunday 26th at 2.30pm)

Flower Festival Celebration service in the Church on Sunday 26th May at 6.30pm

Please come and help arrange flowers, organise the church, offer to sit in church for an hour whilst it is open to host our visitors, help Carol Bush and her team serve lunches and cream teas in the St Andrew’s Bistro and help Caroline Post

manning the Bric-a-Brac emporium.

We are hoping that there will be offers of cakes, bread, biscuits and jams to sell on the cake stall. Please phone Alex Eden on 227343, Caroline Post on 227282 and Carol Bush on 01206 549370 with offers of help. Thank you and we look forward to

your support at the end of May.

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Wormingford Flower Festival

“Bric-a-Brac Stall”

I am looking for Bric-a-Brac for the stall at our Flower Festival at the end of May. I am happy to

collect, or just leave in front of my garage (weather permitting). Remember that one person’s

rubbish is another’s treasure!

Please ring me on 01787 227282 for further details or leave by my garage at Church Hall on Church Road.

Many thanks, Caroline Post

Date for your diary …

Stour Valley Singers Concert

Saturday 6th July @ 7.30pm St Andrew’s Church, Wormingford

A delightful evening of varied choral music including Barry Manilow, the Carpenters, Elton John, Quilter,

Gershwin, Elgar, traditional and others.

More details including ticket prices (refreshments will be included) and availability will follow next month.

So I rang up British Telecom, I said 'I want to report a nuisance caller', he said, 'Not you again'

I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already.

I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together. Riveting!

Nancy: Our

Local Nutritionist

April 2019 4th Parish Council Mtg @ Village Hall 7.00pm 10th Bookworms @ WCEC 7.15pm 11th Mobile Library @ Robletts Way 2.25pm 12th Family Quiz @ Village Hall 7.30pm 14th ‘Mystery Bus Trip’ from Church Rd 2.00pm 20th Compactor Van @ Village Hall 9.30 to 10.45am 26th Bingo @ Sports Pavilion 7.15pm 28th Car Treasure Hunt from The Crown 2.00pm Post Office: Every Wed @ Village Hall 12.30 to3pm Every Friday @ “ 10am to 12.30pm

To book a trial lesson visit our website: www.esgc.co.uk

Nutritional Tips to meet the midlife challenge!

Eat good fats

Not all fats are created equal, there are some that are

very good for you – essential fatty acids and one that is not good for you in large quantities – saturated fat. Essential fatty acids are absolutely necessary to our bodies and can only be supplied through our diet. If you want to grow old gracefully and keep inflammation at bay then it is essential that you in-clude in your diet key essential fatty acids such as:

Coconut oil, avocados, nuts and seeds

Oily Fish Oily fish contain an essential fatty acid known as Omega

3 fatty acid which is particularly important for brain health. Research has linked adequate omega-3s in the diet with better moods and lower rates of depres-sion. Enjoy at least two servings of fatty fish each week such as salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and trout; some of nature’s richest sources of omega-3s. Vegetarians can snack on walnuts which are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids as is flaxseed oil.

Good Quality Protein

As you get older, you may need a bit more protein in

your diet in order to counter the loss of lean muscle tissue and age-related decline in your immune func-tion. You can include good sources of animal protein such as poultry, fatty fish and eggs and for good sources of plant proteins include beans, tofu, wholegrains, nuts and seeds.

Adequate B Vitamins

B vitamins have a range of important functions in your

body such as contributing to healthy red blood cells, nerve function, metabolism, healthy skin and main-taining adequate energy levels. Sources of B vita-mins are:

Green vegetables, Fortified cereals, peanuts, pork, poultry, fish, cow’s and soya milk, eggs


As we get older a well-balanced diet is

essential as it enables the body to ad-just with the hormone changes and increased stresses on your body. En-sure you eat a diet that is rich in fresh fruit and vegetables. A rainbow of colour will ensure that you get a healthy dose of antioxidants daily.

You might be a redneck if… You think that Dom Perignon is a Mafia leader. Your wife's hairdo was once ruined by a ceiling fan. You go to your family reunion looking for a date. You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded right off its wheels. You had to remove a toothpick for your wedding pic-tures. The bluebook value of your truck goes up and down, depending on how much gas it has in it. You have to go outside to get something out of the fridge. One of your kids was born on a pool table.

JG Garden Services Ltd is a professional family run

gardening business with customer satisfaction and reliability at its core.

We cover residential and commercial properties for garden

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our website or find us on Facebook

Open hours: Monday: 5pm to 11pm; Tuesday to Friday: 12 to 3pm & 5 to 11pm; Weekends & Bank Holidays: 12 to 11pm

THE CROWN: Takeaway Delivery Service Free delivery to all Wormingford Postcodes - Available Tues-Sat 5 to 9pm - 01787 227464

Beer battered Cod; Lasagne; Chicken Wrap; Roast Chicken; Burgers … please contact re availability and prices

Wormingford Parish Council (WPC) Report A short meeting of the Parish Council was held on Thursday 14th March 2019, this was followed by the Annual Parish Assembly.

No new planning applications had been received. WPC was updated on the progress of three other applications still out-standing. Details of these applications can be found on the Col-chester Borough Council website.

It was reported that Colchester Borough Council had inspected the new odour control system for Fairfields Farm and had raised concerns about deviations from the original specifica-tion. Approval to work extended hours has been withheld until this matter has been resolved.

The new bus shelter at Church Road should be installed by the end of March 2019.

A litter pick was held on Saturday 23rd March where 12 large bags of rubbish were collected by 6 volunteers, many thanks to those involved.

Please note that the next meeting will take place at the Village Hall on Thursday 4th April 2019 at 7.00pm

Please email any comments or views to the Parish Clerk at wormingford@outlook.com. Further information and the latest draft minutes and past copies of the Worm can be found at http://www.essexinfo.net/wormingfordpc/

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P & N

Bookworms 2 At our March meeting we

discussed “We are Completely Beside Ourselves” by Karen Joy

Fowler. Our new marking system, to determine the ‘Wormingford Book-worms, Book of the Year’ scored an average of 4.3 for this novel - this

low mark confirms that in general we were quite underwhelmed by the

promised ‘Best twist in years!’ For the April meeting, to be held on the 10th @ 7.15pm, we are reading "Snow Falling on Cedars” by

David Guterson. Contact Margaret on 07913 603830 if you would like to join the club or want

more information.

Bookworms 2 still meets in the WCEC in Church Road, Worming-ford ( formerly St Andrews School) on the second Wednesday of

the month at 7.15pm, but we could do with a few more members. You don’t have to worry about finding and buying the books as

Colchester Library supply them for us, so the only charge is £2.00 to pay for the hire of the room.

Wormingford Weather

Rainfall for February 2018 2.36 inches Rainfall for February 2019 0.82 inches

Thanks to John Jackson for the weather

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7.30pm on Friday 12th April @ Wormingford Village Hall

Teams of 4 to 6 (£3 per person)

Licensed bar + nibbles On behalf of Wormingford Recreation Trust

My name is Fin, which means it's very hard for me to end emails without sounding pretentious.

I like Jesus but he loves me, so it's awkward.

Flower Rota

If you would like to help with the Church flowers please contact Jan Crisp - Tel: 07833 424946

Contact John: Tel: 01206 366930 vicar@wormingford.com

Church Matters St Andrew’s Wormingford

John’s Journal The view from the Vicar’s study Spring lambs

Revd John Chandler is around for a chat at "Coffee & Cake" in

the Community Education Centre on most

Monday mornings from 10 - 11am

He will be there on the 1st, 15th & 29th April

No flowers in Lent (6th March to 18th April) April 20th All welcome to decorate Church for Easter May 4th Pat Sharman 18th Pam Sparkes May 25th, 26th & 27th Flower Festival

April – the month I hope to put away my woolly jumpers and enjoy seeing real ones: new-born lambs in the fields. We all love to see them, don’t we? Clean, innocent, happy, energetic – small, lovable, vulnerable and totally reliant on mother for sustenance. It’s no wonder that from Bible times, and right now in rural communities everywhere, people recognise the parable. We see that same vulnerability and reliance in our young people, as well as their boundless energy and enthusiasm for life. But we who are older and wiser can lose that youthful vigour, would rather not admit that we’re still vulnerable, and the general view is that it’s not a compliment to be called a sheep! But, in a very positive sense, is it good to be a sheep? Let’s ask a wise shepherd for advice. David, the shepherd who became King of Israel in 1010BC, saw himself as both a shepherd and a sheep. He took on the responsibility of leading a large ‘flock’, with the task of guiding them through diffi-cult times and places. And he could see that, as he loved the people he led - and cared enough to put his own life on the line for them - so God loved him and would do the same, to guide him in the right way. The Lord is my Shepherd, he declares in Psalm 23. That psalm is itself a guide to all who have the task of shepherding others (including me, a Pas-tor); leading us to lead people to pleasant, peaceful places, physically and spiritually (verse 2), and inspire confidence even when the path ahead is going to be a troubling one (verse 3). But it’s also a guide for sheep. For instance, we all need to have the ‘rod and staff’ (verse 4) of discipline and support, and to know that when the Lord shepherds us we can have a full and fulfilling life. ‘My cup overflows’ says David (verse 5). That’s twice as good as being a ‘glass-half-full’ person! There’s plenty more guidance in the Bible from Jesus who declares ‘I am the Good Shep-herd’ (John 10:11). He clearly had Psalm 23 in mind as he spoke, and whilst he is guiding us as the sheep of his pasture, he is also guiding us to follow his example and be a good shepherd to others. So here’s some homework for you this Lent. Firstly, read Psalm 23 (why not google it in several translations?), then ask yourself who you care about, and how you can be their good shepherd. That’s the leading question. Yours in the love of Jesus

The Church website has been completely redesigned – for up-to-date news and

information, log on to www.wormingford.com

April 2019:

Celebrate Easter with us Services for Passiontide, Holy Week and Easter:

7th Passion Sunday 11am Family Service 14th Palm Sunday 8am Holy Communion

11am Traditional Morning Service with distribution of Palm Crosses 18th Maundy Thursday 7:30pm Holy Communion 19th Good Friday 2pm ‘The Last Hour at the Cross’ in Little Horkesley Church 20th Holy Saturday 8pm Easter Vigil in Mount Bures Church

21st Easter Day 11am Family Communion Led by Revd John 28th 8am Holy Communion

11am Morning Worship

Other services in the Benefice:

Mount Bures St. John the Baptist Sunday Services are at 9:15am,

7th: Family Service 14th Palm Sunday Communion 20th Holy Saturday: Vigil Service at 8pm 21st: Easter Family Communion 28th: Family Communion

Little Horkesley St. Peter & St. Paul

7th: 8am Holy Communion 11am Morning Service 6:30pm Evensong 14th: 11am Family Service for Palm Sunday 6:30pm Evensong 19th: Good Friday 2pm: Last Hour at the Cross 21st: 11am Holy Communion 6:30pm Easter Communion 28th: 11am Holy Communion 6:30pm Evensong

Website: www.abbertonruraltraining.org Contact: Jacqui.stone@abbertonruraltraining.org

Quality Firewood Logs

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Wait for one and two come along together Abberton Rural Training gains two patrons!

Abberton Rural Training (ART) is delighted to announce that we have today had the pleasure of voting in two wonderful new Patrons, Sir Bernard Jenkin, MP and The Bishop of Colchester, Bishop Roger Morris, who have both given their support for their much needed work for the communities of North Essex.

Jacqui Stone, CEO said “It is a great honour for the charity to be acknowledged in this way and is a huge boost to all the staff in recognition of their hard work and enthusiasm to help change lives.” ART provide rural skills training for hundreds of people each year, with various ages and groups attending different courses throughout the year, includ-ing young people aged 17-24; unemployed adults, an over 45 group, and Wounded and Injured Service Personnel through its work with the Colchester Garrison Personnel Recovery Centre. The charity were honoured recently by the High Sheriff at the 2018-19 High Sheriff Awards, winning the Essex Coun-ty Fire & Rescue Service Shield in recognition of an organisations work with young people, as well as winning the Ru-ral Business Awards Best Education and Training Provider category for the Eastern Region. Courses include all types of Land Based Studies training, including animal care, woodlands, land management, countryside & environment, construction, carpentry and upcycling and together with resident counsellors give real support with mental health issues alongside employability and life skills and gaining valuable qualifications. Sir Bernard Jenkin, MP stated ““What ART do is such a gift to the community. We are only scratching the surface in terms of mental health, and this project makes such a difference. I am looking forward to helping ART continue to provide this tremendous service over the coming years”.

The Bishop of Colchester, Bishop Roger Morris stated “Abberton Rural Training combines my love for the country-side with a passion to address the huge issue of the mental health of young people and adults. Seeing trainees gain confidence, form good relationships, learn new skills and generally thrive - all in such a life-enhancing and inspira-tional environment - is a real joy. This is about human flourishing - and I am honoured to be part of it. I want to be involved in many different ways including mundane, practical things and really getting to know some of the participants”.

Paul Roberts, Chair of Trustees said “We are sure our Patrons will make a tremendous difference – it is wonderful to have their support and look forward to working with both to continue ART’s incredible journey.”

ART has also just received a further funding award from the Police, Fire and Crime Com-mission for Essex to support a new group of 17-24 year olds who are vulnerable and at risk.

ART is located at the old St Andrew’s Primary School,

Church Road, Worm-ingford, Colchester,


In accordance with the recommendations of the Rural Communities Council of Essex no responsibility for the information given or the views expressed in The Worm by contributors can be accepted by the editorial team, Parish Council, Parochial Church Council or Recreation Trust nei-ther can any culpability be accepted in work undertaken by advertisers.

Bingo is back!

On Friday 26th April - 7.15pm @ Sports Pavilion

All ticket money in prizes!

Wormingford Village Hall

Our village hall can accommodate over 100 people for functions and meetings. It is popular for Wedding

receptions, Children’s parties, Dances (great acoustics), Bowls and Badminton. Facilities include Main Hall with stage, seating for 120 people, kitchen, toilets

(with disabled access) and good car parking.

NEW HIRE CHARGES EFFECTIVE JULY 1st 2018 Badminton £24 per 2 hour session at any time. Mornings & Afternoons, Mon to Friday & Sunday (One off) Minimum 3 hours £15 per hour Evenings, Monday to Friday & Sunday (One off) Minimum 3 hours £18 per hour Saturday 8am to 12 midnight … £200 Saturday 6pm to 12 midnight … £140 Wormingford residents receive 10% discount on all charges

Regular bookings: To be negotiated To enquire about or book the hall please contact:

Debbie Moore on 01787 228615 or email: debbiemoore47@hotmail.co.uk

A fifteen year-old boy came home with a Porsche and his par-ents began to scream, "Where did you get that car???!!!" He calmly told them, "I bought it today." "With what money?" demanded his parents. "We know what a Porsche costs." "Well," said the boy, "this one cost me fifteen dollars." So the parents began to yell even louder. "Who would sell a car like that for fifteen dollars?" they said. "It was the lady up the street," said the boy." I don't know her name--they just moved in. She saw me ride past on my bike and asked me if I wanted to buy a Porsche for fifteen dollars." "Oh No," moaned the mother, "she must be a child abuser. Who knows what she will do next? John, you go right up there and see what's going on”. So the boy's father walked up the street to the house where the lady lived and found her out in the yard calmly planting petu-nias! He introduced himself as the father of the boy to whom she had sold a Porsche for fifteen dollars and demanded to know why she did it. "Well," she said, "this morning I got a phone call from my hus-band. I thought he was on a business trip, but it seems he has run off to Hawaii with his secretary and doesn't intend to come back. He asked me to sell his new Porsche and send him the money. So I did."

Worm around the World

this month in Dubai

Big ‘Worm’ supporters, Richard and Mary Batterham (presumably

Mary is behind the camera this time!) sent me this photo taken in front of the Dubai Creek with the

city skyscrapers, including the world’s tallest building at just

over 828m, the Burj Khalifa, in the background.

INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS by advertising in The Worm - £8.00 per

centimetre per year! Customer supplied inserts (250 copies) £15 per month: OR why not promote your business or product range in both the Worm & Fordham Times at a

combined rate of £12 per centimetre per year? Call Brian Jones on 01787 227787


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Wormingford Sport

Premier Division: Division 2 6th Earls Colne Away 6th Arlesford Res Home KO Cup 2.30pm 13th Dedham Away 13th Tollesbury Home 17th Gas Rec Home 6.30pm 16th Sudbury A Home 6.30pm 20th Tiptree Heath Home 20th Lawford Res Away 27th Lawford Away 27th Harwich Rangers Away Reserves have 1 more game to be arranged in April

Worms Chaplain, John Chandler, was a guest at the London Stadium in March - as well as watch-

ing the West Ham V Newcastle Premiership game he saw the naming of the stand after West Ham’s stalwart defender of the 70’s and 80’s, Billy Bonds - John had a tremendous day, being royally entertained and given access to all areas - bit like the Worms pavilion John!�

Pride of place goes to our spirited reserve team during March - three times coming back from being behind to grab two draws and a win! These 5 points have also lifted them out of the drop zone to division three and renewed hope for their compacted run in to the end of the season - 6 games in the next four weeks! Unfortunately, they will have to play a weakened side in the Knock Out Cup semi-final game on the 6th, against Division One high-flyers, Arlesford Reserves - only 2 of the 5 players who have helped the first team out in the Premier KO Cup are al-lowed to play - that, combined with injury to important players, will make life very difficult, for Liam and his boys!

Our first team have continued on their sorry way with one draw and three defeats in March! Unable to play a con-sistent side, with many of their regulars finding other things to do on a matchday - that and once again, injury to important players has left them with a fight to avoid relegation in their remaining five fixtures.

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