world religions

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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This is a presentation about the three famous religions: Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. It`s a good way to enlarge your knowledge about religion.


Antsiferova Julia Antsiferova Julia &&

Novruzova RoksanaNovruzova Roksana 741 group 20092009

World Religion is…World Religion is…

A religious direction A religious direction which is disseminated which is disseminated among peoples of among peoples of different countries and different countries and continentscontinents

World Religions

Christianity(I A.D.


Islam(the early 7th century

Arabia )(6 A.D.

South Asia)


What is Christianity What is Christianity all about?all about?

(from the Greek word (from the Greek word XριστόςXριστός, , KhristosKhristos, , "Christ", literally "anointed one") is a "Christ", literally "anointed one") is a

monotheistic religion centered on the life monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of Jesusand teachings of Jesus



belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Holy Spiritthe Son of God and the Holy Spirit

the death, descent into hell, resurrection, the death, descent into hell, resurrection, and ascension of Christand ascension of Christ

the holiness of the Church and the the holiness of the Church and the communion of saintscommunion of saints

Christ's second coming, the Day of Christ's second coming, the Day of Judgement and salvation of the faithfulJudgement and salvation of the faithful


Roman Catholicism

Eastern Orthodoxy (Greece, Russia,

the Balkans, the Ukraine,

the Middle East)

Protestantism(XVI century)

In 1054


What What


You You

know know



IslamIslam ((Arabic: Arabic: اإلسالماإلسالم al-’islām,al-’islām, pronounced [islæ pronounced [islæ::m]m]) ) The word The word IslamIslam is a verbal noun originating from is a verbal noun originating from

the triliteral root the triliteral root s-l-ms-l-m, and is derived from the , and is derived from the Arabic verb Arabic verb AslamaAslama, which means "to accept, , which means "to accept,

surrender or submit." surrender or submit."

Thus, Thus, Islam meansIslam means:: acceptance of and submission to Godacceptance of and submission to God believers must demonstrate this by worshipping believers must demonstrate this by worshipping

him, following his commands, and avoiding him, following his commands, and avoiding polytheism.polytheism.

The Qur'an statesThe Qur'an states

All Muslims must believe inAll Muslims must believe in::

God God

his revelationshis revelations his angelshis angels his messengers his messengers

the “Day of Judgment”. the “Day of Judgment”.

The Five Pillars of IslamThe Five Pillars of Islam::

The ShahadahThe ShahadahSalah or ritual prayerSalah or ritual prayer Zakat or almsgivingZakat or almsgiving Sawm or fasting during the month Sawm or fasting during the month

of Ramadanof Ramadan The Hajj or pilgrimageThe Hajj or pilgrimage


Сунниты Шииты

((SanskritSanskrit बु�द्ध धर्म�बु�द्ध धर्म�, buddha dharma; , buddha dharma; PaliPali बु�द्ध बु�द्ध

धम्र्मधम्र्म, , buddha dhammabuddha dhamma, «Учение , «Учение Пробуждённого») — Пробуждённого») — religiously religiously philosophicalphilosophical teachingteaching ( (dharmadharma) ) about about spiritual awakeningspiritual awakening ( (bodhibodhi), ), having arisen having arisen aboutabout VI VI centurycentury B.C.B.C. in the South Asiain the South Asia.. The founder was Buddha The founder was Buddha S(h)akyamuni.S(h)akyamuni.


The noble verity of sufferingThe noble verity of suffering: : suffering is in our suffering is in our

The noble verity of the reason of sufferingThe noble verity of the reason of suffering: : the reason of suffering is a fervent desire. the reason of suffering is a fervent desire.

The noble verity of putting an end to The noble verity of putting an end to sufferingsuffering:: putting an end to suffering is putting an end to suffering is eradication of desires by means of refusing eradication of desires by means of refusing them. them.

The noble verity of the way how to put an The noble verity of the way how to put an end to sufferingend to suffering:: consists of 8 right things consists of 8 right things

Buddhism(86 countries, 320 mln.)



The Lord is inside us…The Lord is inside us…

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