world food programme 1 2 3

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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Ideas for the world food programme


World Food Programme (part1)

Ideas for places like: Molly's village in Kenya, Africa.

Haiti, Pakistan, Somalia, Africa, Brazil, Nepal etc.

1. Create a 'freecycle' account, your email will be full of goods for collection in seconds.

2. Start fundraising for the collection truck.

3. Rent/hire bus/truck

4. Organise collection of children's essentials, such as:

baby clothes, baby toys, children's books, sewing machines, musical instruments etc.

5.Box it for flight.

6. Drive the goods to an airport where the world food programme operate.


From this:

WFP-free cycle coordinators must be employed to set up links to the WFP to achieve the above goal on a global level.

Constantly stretched aid services will always require more workers.

Links to the WFP and local 'Free Cycle' internet sites, are a vital step towards alleviating the problem of having Small children with nothing to do, not having any fun or learning anything! - Thus leaving their mothers and fathers in stress.

Make a 'clear' internet campaign which informs the general public where to take their Christmas boxes for children in the greatest need.

World food programme (part2)

A Self Perpetuating Plan is needed for the WFP to achieve its goal.

All the plan is: A TEACHING PLAN

Ask the children to design their own world using drawings, log books and research.

The WFP need to teach a research campaign, whereby the children take part in researching the best way of how they need their surrounding world (its design, function and form).

All together a huge idea.

Like all good ideas this could take 10 years for each person to formulate even at college graduate level.

The younger children start learning, the better.

For example:

• How the country needs to be irrigated using access to geographical information on water and the best/nearest water reserves.

• Find out what it is that is needed to achieve good water in their particular area.

• Found out how and by what good water could be pumped to your area, avoiding contaminating pitfalls.

• Map and keep a LOG BOOK on all of your research results, never throw anything useful or research material away!

• Use Internet to find out as much as you can about the geographical location of water and where it flows and disappears underground. The children’s grand project needs to incorporate as much of this water and it's accessibility as it can upon this project to redesign your world around its need for clean water.

• MAP everything, draw maps of your town and its connections to major places and further areas and unknown regions.

World Food Programme (part3)

Teaching example:

A group of kids (I) for 'irrigate' could research the above (part2)

A group of kids called group (mI) could research miniature versions of irrigation.


Water irrigation in the immediate village or town and its most effect usage to each family therein.

These two groups lead us to group (T)

Group (T) the Trees.

This group focuses’ its attention on replanting vegetation and trees.

Group (I) & group(mI) need to work closely and in conjunction with the group (T)

It is the teacher’s responsibility to monitor and LOG the results of this conjunction.

Group (F) the farmers

The farmers learn about sowing seeds and planting crops.

Group (G)

Group (G) responsibility is to research amount of wood cultivatable per fertile acre. Etc.

(Obviously a younger group)

World Food Programme (part4)

Corporate manufacturers must donate:

Plastiscene, modelling clay, paint, stationary equipment, musical instruments, toys, dolls, etc.

Food manufacturers must donate:

Basic food flavourings, ie: vegetable stock cubes, salt, mixed herbs, curry powder & spices!

Medical + hygiene manufacturers must provide:

Sanitary and cleansing materials, towels, toothpaste, soap, bleach, nappies.

Politicians must:

Agree to the above ideas, the necessity to improve the quality of the children’s early years, is most important!

WFP must tell the African Schools to teach about ‘Eden project’s as a long term view to maintaining some of Africa’s people.

These projects might start as ‘greenhouse projects’ which always need donations of plastic sheeting.

Obtaining fertile soil is something I know very little about. (Well I know it’s just, manure, vegetable leftovers and water!) – These commodities need to be carefully utilised also. In fertilization bins etc.

Things I must do to achieve this:


Modelling clay manufacturers

Stationary wholesalers

Musical instrument manufacturers/wholesalers

Children’s Toy manufacturers

Sanitary and cleansing material manufacturers

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