workouts 1

Post on 05-Dec-2015






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100 No-Equipment Workouts


Neila Rey |

With exercise small changes can produce surprisingly large results. $�FKDQJH�RI�GLUHFWLRQ�HDFK�WLPH�\RX�ͥRRU�WDS�QRW�RQO\�SURYLGHV�VRPH�variation but it also challenges your body’s tendency to fall into an optimized routine that minimizes the energy required to do anything. This makes the exercises physically challenging but there are other, hidden EHQHͤWV�WR�WKLV��E\�FKDQJLQJ�GLUHFWLRQ�HDFK�WLPH�WKH�H[HUFLVHV�EHFRPH�harder from a cognitive recognition perspective. In short they challenge your brain, forcing it to work harder to adapt. Exercise helps achieve VLJQLͤFDQW�JDLQV�LQ�PHQWDO�FODULW\��FRRUGLQDWLRQ�DQG�HYHQ�UDLVH�,4�SRLQWV�

,QVWUXFWLRQV��3HUIRUP�̸+LJK�.QHHV̹�H[HUFLVH����WLPHV�����HDFK�OHJ���GXFN��WDS�WKH�ͥRRU�DQG�FKDQJH�GLUHFWLRQ�DV�\RX�FRPH�XS��5HSHDW�LW�ZLWKRXW�UHVW�until the set is done, rest up to 2 minutes and repeat the set again 3, 5 or 7 WLPHV�GHSHQGLQJ�RQ�\RXU�ͤWQHVV�OHYHO��

Focus: High Burn

4 180 Action

Reward yourself with a point and feel good about what you do with a workout designed to supercharge your body. The 1000 point, total body workout will see you take to the air as well as command the ground.

Instructions: This is a throughout the day workout, the goal is to collect 1000 points. One rep of each exercise = 1 point.

What it works: chest, triceps, lower abs, upper abs, adductors, calves, quads. This one does a lot.

Tip: When taking to the air with a jump knee tuck two things are important: to maintain your balance and to minimize impact and injury. To achieve WKH�ͤUVW�PDNH�VXUH�WKDW�\RX�EULQJ�\RXU�NQHHV�WR�\RXU�FKHVW�UDWKHU�WKDQ�\RXU�chest to your knees. To achieve the second make sure that you land on the ball of the foot rather than the heel. This avoids jarring to the spine and brings into play the calf muscles, hamstrings and the tendons of the ankle, strengthening them.

It’s ok to cheat. You can earn the bulk of the points doing a lot of half jacks, for example. It’s really up to you how you hit the target… as long as you get all the points in until the day is up.

Focus: High Burn

5 1000 Points

Streamline your body, change your posture and add additional power to \RXU�HYHU\�URXWLQH�ZLWK�WKH�$EV�'HͤQHG�ZRUNRXW��1RW�RQO\�ZLOO�\RX�EH�DEOH�to feel the change in the way you walk but you will also see the difference every time you perform any exercise.

Instructions: Repeat each move with no rest in between until the set is done, rest up to 2 minutes and repeat the whole set again 3 times in total.

What it works: Abs, lower abs, internal obliques, external obliques, core, cardiovascular system.

0DNH�LW�EHWWHU���.HHS�\RXU�KHDG�RII�WKH�ͥRRU�RQ�WKH�UHFOLQLQJ�H[HUFLVHV�VR�you can bring your upper abs into play.

Make it harder: Add some ankle weights to your feet for a slightly tougher challenge to your abs.

Perfect for: Those looking for a midriff burn. Plus those who want to increase their body’s ability to perform.

Focus: Abs

6 $EV�'HͤQHG

Abdominal muscles are body armour. They help protect your vital organs from damage. They keep your body performing at maximum and, when WKH�FORWKHV�FRPH�RII��WKH\�PDNH�\RX�ORRN�WHUULͤF��7KLV�ZRUNRXW�LV�WKH�DQYLO�where that armour is fashioned.

Instructions: Repeat each move with no rest in between until the set is done, rest up to 2 minutes and repeat the whole set again 3, 5 or 7 times GHSHQGLQJ�RQ�\RXU�ͤWQHVV�OHYHO�

What it works: lower abs, upper abs, side abs, abs, abs, abs all the way.

Tip: Always exhale when you perform any exercise that tenses the abs. This ͥDWWHQV�\RXU�ORZHU�VWRPDFK�DQG�EULQJV�WKH�DEGRPLQDO�PXVFOHV�LQWR�SURSHU�alignment, increasing the pull exerted on them which strengthens them faster.

Focus: Abs

7 Abs of Steel

The body is made up of two basic sections: upper body and lower body. Physical power emerges by forging a better synchronized connection of the two. The Achilles workout aims to help you do just that through a series of routines that will make you feel you’re working hard.

Instructions: Repeat each move with no rest in between until the set is done, rest up to 2 minutes and repeat the whole set again 3, 5 or 7 times GHSHQGLQJ�RQ�\RXU�ͤWQHVV�OHYHO�

:KDW�LW�ZRUNV��&DOYHV��TXDGV��IURQW�KLS�ͥH[RUV��ORZHU�EDFN��JOXWHV��abs, obliques, deltoids, triceps, core, cardiovascular system, aerobic SHUIRUPDQFH��92��0D[���

Make it better: Up the speed throughout each set of exercises to feel the burn of your muscles.

Make it harder: Cut back on rest time between sets to no more than 90 seconds and feel your aerobic performance kick in.

Perfect for: Those looking to join the ranks of the demigods. Also, great as a workout that enhances overall power and physical performance.

Focus: High Burn

8 Achilles

“You all got on this boat for different reasons, but you all come to the same place. So now I’m asking more of you than I have before. Maybe all. Sure as I know anything I know this, they will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, ten, they’ll swing back to the belief that they can make people…better. And I do not hold to that. So no more running. I aim to misbehave. “ Mal, Serenity

Instructions: Six exercises, no rest in between – it’s not over until it’s over and when it is, catch your breath for up to 2 minutes and repeat the set again 3, 5 or 7 times or until you can donkey kick no more.

:KDW�LW�ZRUNV��TXDGV��ORZHU�EDFN��KLS�ͥH[RUV��ORZHU�DEV��XSSHU�DEV��JOXWHV��hamstrings, core stability, arm strength.

Tips: For maximum effectiveness, when doing the duck walk avoid coming up a little and then going down again. Keep your upper body upright, eyes level in front and work your legs beneath you in the full range of motion, without coming up a level in height.

Focus: High Burn

9 Aim to Misbehave

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