workout tips for men to lose weight

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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Fitness Tips for Men

So finally you’re ready for a fitness regimen. Have you abandoned the slouchy arm

chair, the TV dinner and the bag of potato chips and traded it in for a healthy lifestyle.

There are innumerable reasons that would motivate you to opt for a healthier

lifestyle. You can avoid disease, be fit, live healthier and happier and of course, you

can impress the ladies. So let’s get started on a healthier, happier you with a great

workout plan. Here are some fitness tips for men.

1. Go slow:

Being motivated is one thing and achieving results is another. Sometimes our

motivation leads us to go beyond our bodies limits causing injuries. Most often

injuries happen with beginners who attempt at being athletes’ overnight and end up

right back on their slouchy arm chairs with an injury. It’s better to maintain a slow and

consistent burn of calories. Don’t push too hard too soon.

2. A convenient schedule:

Fix a schedule that works for you. You will

hear conflicting ideas about the ideal workout

time. If you are not a morning person don’t fix

an early morning schedule, you may end up

dropping it. Or if you are the type that tires by

evening an evening schedule will also not

work. find your own convenient time, maybe

at lunch break or early evening or whatever

works for you

3. Choose the right gismo:

Any type of workout, whether walking,

running, or tennis requires the right kind of equipment. While making your choice of

expensive equipment you need to ensure that it is in good condition, fits you properly

and is the right equipment for your sport. Replace your equipment at the first sign of

wear and tear or you’ll end up with injuries.

4. Workout with a friend:

Just when you feel like slacking off for a day or two and that leads to many days,

making an exercise date with your friend will help you to stick to your schedule. You’ll

be motivated to keep the appointment and time.

5. Be warned of the grey zone:

You’ll eventually settle into a workout zone that becomes comfortable, not to hard

and not too easy. This will ensure that you maintain your current fitness levels but will

not allow too much of adaptation. To get good results vary your workouts between

easy one and tougher ones throughout the week. This will also keep you motivated

and interested while gaining good results too.

6. Engage a trainer:

Hiring a trainer is probably one of the best investments you can make for yourself.

Some gyms include it in your subscription so

check it out. Trainers know how to get the best

out of your strengths, adding resistance to

techniques to the areas you are best at.

7. Go with what you love:

Always choose activities that you love to do. This

will make sure you don’t get fed up or burned

out. There will be a definitive ‘feel-good’ factor

that will motivate you to do more.

Keeping fit, motivated to exercise, healthy and happy are priorities. For a healthier,

happier you.

Check out our Great Collection of Exercise Bikes

Delivering a healthier lifestyle to your home is not only our passion, it is also our commitment. At Home Fitness Direct, helping people to lead healthy, wholesome lives is our primary focus and our products are only the beginning of that journey which we wish to take with you. Home Fitness Direct is now a leader in the fitness industry and the preferred choice of discerning individuals and top commercial institutions.

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