work together q

Post on 24-Jan-2015






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To be able to consider how successfully your main and ancillary texts work together.

When it came down to the way in which we were going to make and design our digipak and magazine advert, we knew that we had to make it linkable with the original music video. Our music video has very natural environments around it in the background, so one of the first things we wanted to focus on was our background of our digipak and advert. We therefore decided it best to return back to our filming location, which was in the woods, and take some pictures of our lead singer in our filming location, with him in his costume from the music video too. This therefore creates two solid ways in which the music video, the digipak and the advert all have aspects to them which link together. These aspects make the digipak much more effective as they are therefore much more relatable with the music video, therefore making people whom watch the music video more likely to relate themselves to the album cover as they will be able to link the two together and more likely consider buying the album if its easily related to the artists music video. Another way in which we have related our products is through our link between our two ancillary texts, both use a specific kind of star image in which they both idolize our singer throughout both texts by using lose ups and images of just Taylor. This creates a solid relationship between the audience and the singer as they will know that the singer is the same person behind both the advert and the digipak, therefore making the album better and easier to sell as audience members will want to purchase something more, the more often they see it advertised.Another link between the texts is the amount of people shown on the digipak and within the music video; although in the music video there is about three different people, with two being the main people, there is still a solid connection. Throughout the music video, it is the narrative behind the music video that shows how alone Taylor is, he has to make the important decision of giving up something that he is in order to get the girl and has to make the decision on his own, this can reflect onto Taylor loneliness in the digipak. There is also the fact of how Taylor appears happy in the digipak; this is meant to link with his emotions and the way in which he is starting to find himself being much more positive about how he is, therefore being a better man and a happier man. We used lots of shots with trees in our music video and decided it best to show them in our digipak and advert too as then the location would be fully supported and people would feel a solid link between the texts.The lyrics are also featured inside of the digipak to also give a very strong link between the text and the song itself, so that the people who see the video will get to know the lyrics and therefore will relate back to the digipak through the sight of the lyrics.When it comes to the colors within the music video, both the music video, digipak and the advert all have a very bright colored theme to them and I enjoyed keeping that style the entire time. It keeps a solid connection between the texts and also allows for the audience to feel a connection between all the texts.Overall, I feel as if we have created a set of products which are just as effective both individually as well as collectively. These points give a great link between the texts and therefore make the texts much more effective.

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