words for production 1. friendship [ `frendsip ] n. [u][c] feeling and behavior that exists between...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Words for Production

1. friendship [] n. [U][C]feeling and behavior that exists between friends 友誼,友情

After their argument her friendship with Jason cooled.


friendly [] adj. 友善的,友好的

Our manager is always friendly to others. That’s why he is so popular around here.

Words for Production

2. vary [] vi.to be, make, or become different 不同,有出入

The price of this book varies from store to store.

詞類變化* vary from store to store 因店而異

various [] adj. 不同的,各式各樣的

You can buy various kinds of books in this bookstore.

variety [] n. [U]變化,多樣化

The show had so much variety that the audience really enjoyed it.

Words for Production

3. chat [] vi.to talk in a friendly and informal way 閒談,聊天

I met an old friend yesterday, and we chatted happily about our days in junior high.


chat [] n. [C] 閒談,聊天

Why don’t we sit down and have a nice chat over a cup of coffee?

* chat over a cup of coffee 一邊聊天一邊喝咖啡

Words for Production

4. term [] n. [U]a word or expression, especially used in a particular activity, profession, etc. ( 特殊的 ) 用語,專業術語

CPU is a term used in computer science.

Words for Production

5. innermost [] adj.farthest inside 最深處的

Having been so close to James for 18 years, I can know his innermost thoughts.

Words for Production

6. define [] vt.to give the meaning(s) of (a word or idea) 下定義

Some people define the difficulty they meet as a challenge, while others define it as a burden.

詞類變化* S + V + while/whereas + S +V. 表對比


definition [] n. [C] 定義

The definition of happiness varies from person to person.

* vary from person to person 因人而異

Words for Production

7. acquaintance [] n. [C]a person whom you know through work or business, but who may not be a friend 相識的人 , 泛泛之交

He has many acquaintances but few friends.

Words for Production

8. single [] adj.only one 單一的,僅只一個的

How can you finish the whole job in a single afternoon all by yourself?

* by oneself = alone

Words for Production

9. compare [] vt.to examine or judge (somebody or something) against another in order to show the points of difference or likeness 比較If you compare the old version of the play with the new one, you will be surprised at the creativity of the writer.

詞類變化* compare A with B 比較 A 與 B

* be surprised at 對…感到驚訝

comparison [] n. [U][C] 比較

In comparison with Taiwan, Singapore is small.

* in comparison with 相較於…


Words for Production

10. notion [] n. [C]an idea or belief 概念;想法,意見Only after Copernicus did people have the notion that the Earth moves around the Sun.

*Only 置句首加強副 詞 , 主要子句主動詞 要倒裝 .* 科學真理動詞永遠 用現在式 .

Words for Production

11. relationship [] n. [C]the way that people feel or behave toward each other 關係

The relationship between teachers and students isn’t the same as it was 20 years ago.

Words for Production

12. awareness [] n. [U]knowledge, consciousness or interest 察覺,意識

People’s awareness of environmental protection has increased in recent years.

詞類變化* environmental protection 環境保護

aware [] adj. 意識到的,知道的

We were not aware who the boy was.

* be aware of 覺察的 ; 意識到的

Words for Production

13. intellect [] n. [U]one’s ability to think and to understand 智力,理解力

When dealing with trouble, use your intellect instead of your feelings.

* instead of 而不是…* intelligent 聰明的 intelligence 智力

Words for Production

14. temperament [] n. [C][U]a person’s nature; one’s usual way of thinking or acting 氣質,性情

His excitable temperament regularly got him into trouble.

* get … into trouble 陷入麻煩

Words for Production

15. quality [] n. [C][U]something typical of a person or material; a degree of goodness 品行,特質;品質


Words for Production

15. qualitySusan is patient, kind and intelligent. I believe that she has all the qualities of a good teacher.These products of yours are of poor quality. We require that your company make necessary improvements.

*S + 建議性動詞 + that + S + (should) + 原型動詞…

品質不好的 要求

Words for Production

16. disagreement [] n. [U]a situation in which people express different opinions about something 意見不一,分歧

There is great disagreement over the existence of aliens.


disagree [] adj. 相互的

We disagreed with each other over the solution to the problem.

* 下列名詞後面用介係詞 to ; the solution to the problem the answer to the question the way / road to the city the key to success


Words for Production

17. mutuality [] n.[U]feeling or action that is felt or done by both or all the people involved 相互關係

Their friendship is based on the mutuality of musical interests.

詞類變化* be based on 以…為基礎

mutual [] adj. 相互的

It’s plain that he loves his daughter, and the feeling is mutual.

明白的 , 易解的

Words for Production

18. tragedy [] n. [C]a terrible, unhappy, or unfortunate event 悲劇,慘事The 911 incident was one of the greatest tragedies in New York’s history.


tragic [] adj. 悲劇的,不幸的

The plane crash resulted in a tragic loss of life.

* result in = bring about =lead to 導致

Words for Production

19. permanent [] adj.lasting for a long time or for ever 永久的

I’m really tired of moving from place to place. Can’t we just find a permanent place to live?

* be tired of 討厭 ; 厭倦

Words for Production

20. fade [] vi.; vt.to be less intense or strong; to lose color or strength 漸淡;褪色

After he heard her explanation, his anger gradually faded away.This shirt will fade if you wash it in hot water.

* fade away 凋謝 ; 消退


Words for Production

21. pattern [] n. [C]the way in which something is done or happens 模式,方式

The doctor found it difficult to cure the man because the illness was not following its usual pattern.

Words for Production

22. activity [] n. [U][C]situation in which a lot of things are happening or being done 活動

The activity of foreign trade in Taiwan is much more intense than usual.

My leisure activities include swimming, hiking, and seeing movies.



Words for Production

23. interval [] n. [C]a period of time between events 間隔時間

There was a long interval before he could answer my letter.

* answer the letter 回信

Words for Production

24. couple [] n. [C]a man and a woman together 一對男女We all agree that Cathy and Alex make a nice couple—they are meant for each other.

* They are meant for each other. 他們天生一對 .


Words for Production

25. pause [] n. [C]a short break in activity or speech 停頓,暫停

After a long pause, Vincent tried his best to ask the girl for a date.

詞類變化 * try one’s best 盡力

pause [] vi. 停頓,暫停

She paused to take a sip of coffee before continuing her explanation.

* take a sip of 啜一口

Words for Production

26. hobby [] n. [C]an activity which one enjoys doing in one’s free time 嗜好

George and his wife share a common hobby—they both enjoy mountain-climbing.

Words for Production

27. long-lasting [] adj.having existed for a long time 長久的last v. 持續Susan and Jacky have a long-lasting friendship that dates back to when they were students.

* date back to = trace back to 追溯到

Words for Production

28. nevertheless [] adv.also nonetheless, in spite of that 不過,儘管如此Almost all students hate taking exams. Nevertheless, they admit that it is a good way to check how much they have learned.

* nevertheless = nonetheless


Words for Production

29. survey [] n. [C]an examination of ideas made by asking people questions 調查

A recent survey found that most young people spent less than 30% of their leisure time with their parents.


survey [] vt. 調查

Sixty percent of those who were surveyed support the government.

* those who = people who 凡是…的人

Words for Production

30. distinguish [] vi.;vt.to tell or recognize the differences between two things 區分,辨識

The boy was born color-blind, so he has difficulty distinguishing between red and green.Many Westerners find it hard to distinguish the Japanese from the Chinese.

* tell / distinguish between A and B = tell / distinguish A from B 區別 A 與 B

Words for Production

31. casual [] adj.not serious; informal 普通的 ( 朋友) ;休閒的,非正式的Helen and I are not so close to each other—we are just casual friends.We are required not to wear casual clothes to the meeting.

* be required to +V 被要求…


Words for Production

32. emphasize [] vt.to focus on 強調

It should be emphasized that flying is a very safe way to travel.

詞類變化* emphasize = focus on

emphasis [] n. [C] 強調

The artist puts a special emphasis on weather in his paintings.

* put/lay/place emphasis on = put/lay/place stress on 強調

Words for Production

33. aspect [] n. [C]a particular side of a many-sided state of affairs, idea, plan, etc. 方面

You have only considered one aspect of the problem, but there are many.

* Adj-Ned 為併合形容詞

Words for Production

34. element [] n. [C]a part of a whole 要素

Honesty is an important element in anyone’s character.

Words for Production

35. select [] vt.to choose 選擇The beautiful girl was selected to take part in the national beauty contest.

詞類變化* select = choose* take part in = participate in* beauty contest 選美會

selection [] n. [C] 選擇

The new shopping center has a wider selection of goods.

Words for Production

36. freedom [] n. [U]the state of being free; not being under control 自由

In a modern society, people should have freedom from fear.

* under control 在控制之中免於恐懼的自由

1. Internet[] n. [C] (the ~) a large computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide 網際網路

Words for Recognition

2. anthropologist[] n. [C] a person who studies the science of human race, including its different bodily types, its beliefs and social habits, etc. 人類學家

Words for Recognition

3. Margaret Mead[] n. an American anthropologist 瑪格麗特‧米德 ( 美國人類學家 )

Words for Recognition

4. Western[] adj. from or connected with countries of the West 西方的

Words for Recognition

5. Psychology Today[] n. a magazine that focuses on human behavior and society and how the latest research in psychology can be applied to improve relationships or other aspects of lives 今日心理學 ( 心理學雜誌名 )

Words for Recognition

* apply to 應用於…

6. co-worker[] n. [C] a person, working with another worker, especially as a partner or helper 同事

Words for Recognition

* co-worker = colleague 同事

1. vice versathe other way around 反之亦然

Tom and Sue disagree all the time: When Tom wants to go out, Sue likes to stay home, and vice versa.

Idioms and Phrases

2. the breath of lifethe most important thing in one’s life 生命中最重要之物

Music is the breath of life to Martha; she couldn’t live a happy life without music.

Idioms and Phrases

3. as a resultin consequence 結果

He kept on drinking against the doctor’s advice and as a result died of liver cancer.

Idioms and Phrases

* as a result = in consequence = consequently* die of 死於

4. be attached toto be fond of 喜愛

attach 黏著 ; 依附

Nancy and Sue have been deeply attached to each other since they were little girls.

Idioms and Phrases

* be attached to = be fond of

5. take upto continue 繼續 ( 可分開的動詞片語 )

I’ll take up the story where I left off yesterday.

Idioms and Phrases

* take up = continue

6. leave offto stop 停止 ( 可分開的動詞片語 )

We hope that the rain will leave off soon, so we can go on a picnic.

Idioms and Phrases

* leave off = stop* go on a picnic 去野餐

7. strike upto begin playing (a piece of music) 開始演奏 ( 音樂 ) ( 可分開的動詞片語 )

As the band struck up a popular song, everyone there started to sing along.

Idioms and Phrases

* strike up = begin 開始

Paragraph 1

What is a friend?

Paragraph 2

Who compared notions of friendship in some Western countries?

Paragraph 3

What do the French defined “friend” as?

Paragraph 4

The French enjoy disagreement. How about Germans?

Paragraph 5

Why do young Germans in the U.S. have difficulty making friends with Americans?

Paragraph 6

What is the difference between British friends and German friends?

Paragraph 7

What do Americans describe British friends as?

Paragraph 8

What confuses people from other cultures when Americans speak of a friend?

Paragraph 9

According to Psychology Today, what do we know about Americans?

Paragraph 10

What makes friendship such a special and unique relationship?

For others,a friend is someone who has known you

—someone whose family knows you, too.

all your life

For some,a friend is someone who chats with you

on the Internet.


關係子句 ( 限定用法 )

關係子句 ( 限定用法 )

關係子句 ( 限定用法 )

who 的所有格 , 指”某人的” (someone’s)

some…, others…, and still others…名詞的範圍及個數沒有界定,任取 3種來講

What one person defines as a friend,

another calls an acquaintance, and vice versa.


泛泛之交 反之亦然

複合關係代名詞(= the thing which)

關係子句 , 為名詞子句 , 當 calls 的受詞

原句為Another calls [what one person defines as a friend] an acquaintance. = Another calls [the thing which one person defines as a friend] an acquaintance. = One person defines the thing as a friend, but another calls it an acquaintance.

one…,another…名詞的個數有很多,只任取 2個來講


For Germans, whose friendships are based on

mutuality of feeling,

deep disagreement on any subject

that matters to both

is a tragedy.




事關重大 (v.)


who 的所有格 , 指”德國人的” (Germans’)

關係子句 (補述用法 )

關係代名詞指 any subject

兩者(代名詞 )

關係子句 ( 限定用法 )

As a result, Mead reports,

young Germans who come to the United States

often have difficulty making friends

with Americans,

whose friendships are less permanent.

結果 報告說

較不 永久的

關係子句 ( 限定用法 )

關係子句 (補述用法 )

who 的所有格 , 指”美國人的” (Americans’)

那些來到美國的德國年輕人 ( 限定先行詞的範圍 )

美國人的友誼是較不永久的 (補充說明先行詞的狀況 )

British friends may not be

as deeply attached to each other as

German friends,

but their relationships

can survive a long separation.

對…依附的 , 對…喜愛的



雙方彼此和…一樣 像


渡過…存活下來 分開

關係子句中的副詞子句 , 表示時間修飾 began to dance

關係子句中的副詞子句 , 表示時間修飾 began to dance

分詞構句 , 原句為When friends meet after a long interval,

分詞構句 , 原句為When friends meet after a long interval,

動詞Meeting after a long interval,

friends are like a couple

who began to dance again

when the orchestra strikes up after a pause.



管弦樂團 開始演奏 停頓

關係子句 ( 限定用法 , 限定是什麼樣子的 couple)

those 為代名詞those who = people who

According to a survey in Psychology Today,

those who answered the survey found that

“it is easy to distinguish

between close and casual friends.”

根據 調查 心理學



關係子句 ( 限定用法 )

distinguish between A and B = distinguish A from B = tell A from B= tell A and B apart = tell the difference between A and B

( 不及物 ) ( 及物 )

As Mead puts it, “a friend is someone

who chooses and is chosen.”

一如 敘述 , 解釋


關係子句 ( 限定用法 )

It is this freedom of choice

that makes friendship

such a special and unique relationship.

自由 選擇 (n.)


It is … that 句型 , 用來強調句子的某一部份。原句為This freedom of choice makes friendship such a special and unique relationship. 要強調的為紅字部份 , 放在 It is 與that 之間

such a special relationship= so special a relationship

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