wordpress ii day 6 - carawaysclass.com · named theme. 2. modify your theme to have a...

Post on 22-Sep-2020






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WordPress II Day 6


• Moving your SiteGround WordPress site (continued)

• Building our own Theme

• Mid-Term Project

WordPress in Its Own Directory

• codex.wordpress.org/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory

• “Using a pre-existing subdirectory install” section (about half -down)

• Steps to follow…

In WordPress Admin - General panel

1. Go to the General panel.

2. In the box for the Site Address (URL): change address to the root directory’s URL - remove the ‘/wordress’ directory.

3. Click Save Changes.

In WordPress Admin - General panel

In SiteGround’s cPanel File Manager

4. Copy the index.php and .htaccess from the wordpress directory into the root directory (public_html)

In SiteGround’s cPanel File Manager

5. Edit your root directory’s index.php:

a. Change the line that says:

require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-blog-header.php' );

to the following:

require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php' );

b. Save the file.

In SiteGround’s cPanel File Manager

In SiteGround’s cPanel File Manager

In WordPress Admin - Permalinks panel

6. Login to your site (if you aren’t already).

7. If you have set up Permalinks, move to the Permalinks panel and update (or re-save) your Permalinks structure.


Creating Your Own Theme

• We don’t have to start from scratch

• Project or starter themes provide a starting point

• Multiple options - see Six Revisions article

• Naked, Bones, Roots

Mid-Term Project1. Using one of the Project (or starter) themes like

Naked-Wordpress, create your own uniquely named theme.

2. Modify your theme to have a different/unique:

a. color styling, including background colors of the header and footer areas, text, borders,…

b. selection of fonts

c. text alignment and layout alignment

3. BONUS: See if you can personalize the “credit line” in the footer. (Hint: see the footer.php template file)


• Do a little research on Custom Post Types

• Lots of online resources: TUTS+, WPBeginner,…

• To get you started see:

• madebyraygun.com/quick-introduction-custom-post-types-custom-taxonomies-wordpress

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