word power set 1b

Post on 08-Apr-2016






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Word Power Set 1B


Words Power SET-1B

25 Words

26 Prolific

Prolific उपजाऊ• Productive• Creative• Fertile• Inexhaustible• Fruitful• Unproductive(ANT)

PROLIFIC sunflowers near Prospect Valley CO

Producing much fruit or foliage

27 Debilitate

Debilitate कमज़ोर बनाना• Incapacitate• Weaken• Hamper• Hinder

Unfortunately, the battle with his DEBILITATING disease is not over yet.

Make somebody or something weak

28 Ostentatious

Ostentatious दि�खावटी• Pretentious• Affected• Showy• Brazen• Flamboyant• Grandiose• Modest(ANT.)

Mayawati has always been criticized for OSTENTATIOUS display of power in her state

pretentious display.

29 Affable

Affable मिमलनसार• Genial• Pleasant• Friendly• Sociable• Easy-going• Jovial

 AFFABLE and humble, the Editor-in-chief of CNN-IBN

Friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to.

30 Deflect

Deflect ध्यान हटाने• Turn aside• Ward off• Repel• Sidetrack• Prevent• Attract(ANT.)

Kapil Sibal DEFLECTS 2G blame to NDA, Raja

turn aside from a straight course.

31 Dawdle

Dawdle सुस्ती में समय बिबताना• Waste time• Hang around• Hang about• Dally• Plod• Delay• Hurry(ANT)

Remember when Sundays meant parking yourself in front of the tube and DAWDLING away the whole morning watching your most wanted serials on Doordarshan?

Waste time; be slow.

32 Exorbitant

Exorbitant अत्यधि$क• Excessive• Very expensive• Very high• Inflated• Ridiculous• Reasonable(ANT.)

It meant borrowing money at an EXORBITANT rate of interest.

Unreasonably high.

33 Pivotal

Pivotal कें द्रीय• Essential• Key• Crucial• Fundamental• Critical• Central• Irrelevant(ANT.)

Yash Chopra ropes in Aamir Khan for a PIVOTAL role in Dhoom 3

of vital or critical importance

34 Vulgar

Vulgar अशि'ष्ट• Offensive• Earthy• Improper• Naughty• Clean,Decent(ANT.)

Rakhi Sawant wants Anna Hazare to judge VULGAR songs!

Making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions;

35 Obverse

Obverse सी$ा स्र्ख़• Face• Façade• Frontage• Back(ANT.)

The OBVERSE of the coin shows a scene of Mother Teresa

The side of a coin or medal bearing the head or principal design

36 Mirth

Mirth हँसी• Amusement• Hilarity• Laughter• Entertainment• Delight• Joyfulness

Her MIRTH on seeing his downfall became evident from the sadistic expression on her face

Amusement, esp. as expressed in laughter

37 Terrific


Of great size, amount, or intensity

She's given me some TERRIFIC ideas.

38 Diligent


He manages to leave the asylum and is taken in by his brother Pete, a DILIGENT and well-meaning restaurant owner.

Having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties.

39 Abridge

Abridge काट - छाँट• Edit• Condense• Reduce• Abbreviate• Cut• Expand(ANT.)

The editor ABRIDGED the story to make the book easier to digest.


40 Whim

Whim यँू ही • Impulse• Urge• Notion• Quirk• Caprice• Fad• Craze

Warne confident could still return to Test cricket on WHIM

A sudden desire or change of mind,

41 Dissolute

Dissolute हठी • Degenerate• Depraved• Immoral• Self-indulgent• Dissipated• Upright(ANT.)

RSS a band of DISSOLUTES, says Lalu.

Lax in morals; licentious.

42 False

False झूठा• Bogus• Phony• Counterfeit• Forged• Artificial• Real(ANT.)

A FALSE statement or Rumor.

Not according with truth or fact; incorrect.

43 Anathema

Anathema अशिभ'ाप• Abhorrence• Abomination

The vegetables were depressed on finding out they are ANATHEMA to most small children.

something despised or under a curse

44 Niggard


A stingy or ungenerous person

such a NIGGARD that he refused to hand out candy at Halloween, saying it would cost too much money

45 Placate

Placate रिरझाने• Pacify• Conciliate• Soothe• Calm• Mollify• Enrage(ANT.)

He made a PLACATE approach to impress obama

Make (someone) less angry or hostile.

46 Abnegation

Abnegation त्याग

Swami Vivekananda ABNEGATED all the luxurious of material life.

give up renunciationDenialrelinquish.

assert, assume, defend, defy, hold, remain, retain, usurp.

to deny oneself, self-denial, self-renunciation.

47 Supervene

Supervene पीछे आना

During the first four days after the accident acute apprehension was felt by the physicians that tetanus might SUPERVENE.

Occur later than a specified or implied event or action,

48 Abrade

Abrade रगड़न

Frequent brakes ABRADE tyres fast.

to wear down or tear away by friction.CHAFE, RUB OFF, WEAR AWAY, ERASE, ERODE, SCOUR, SCRAPE.

Antonyms – smooth.

49 Sanguine

Sanguine आ'ावा�ी• Confident• Optimistic• Cheerful• Positive• Upbeat• Uncertain(ANT.)As the EZ Finance ministers get together for yet another meeting on Greece due to commence 1130 GMT the markets are generally SANGUINE that some sort of a bailout deal with be made.

Cheerfully optimistic


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