wonders in maramures2

Post on 19-Aug-2015






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In northern Romania, at the Ukrainian border, lies the county of Maramures. Here, amidst mountains, hills and depressions are one of the most interesting tourism objects in the country, yet very well kept. Here, people lead their lives as authentically and peacefully as in the old times.

Maramureşul nu este doar un punct de atracţie turistică: el este mai ales un simbol de tradiţie autentică românească şi continuitate. Maramureşul este unul dintre puţinele locuri din România unde tradiţiile sunt încă păstrate şi respectate, aşa cum au fost cu sute de ani în urmă.

Maramures is not only a tourist attraction: it’s the very symbol of Romanian tradition and continuity. Maramures is one of the few places in Romania where traditions are still kept and respected, as they were hundreds of years ago.

Arhitectură tradiţională - un stil foarte bine conservat, case cu faţade îmbrăcate în şindrilă

Traditional architecture - a style well preserved houses with facades clad in shingle

Amenajat într-o fostă gospodărie ţărănească, la baza dealului pe care se află cea mai veche biserică de lemn din Maramures, muzeul etnografic al familiei Pleş cuprinde o colecţie de obiecte de port popular precum şi unelte specifice acestei zone.

Arranged in a former peasant, at the bottom of the hill on which is the oldest wooden church (UNESCO monument) of Maramures, the Ethnographic Museum of Pleş family includes a collection of folk costumes, objects and tools specific to this area.

Ieud is also home to the unique Hemp Museum, hosted by the Ples family, who changed a peasant household into a real ethnographic settlement.

Run by Ples family, nearby the oldest church in Maramures

Biserica veche din deal de la Ieud a fost construită de familia nobilă locală Balea la începutul secolului al XVII-lea. Biserica a fost inclusă în 1999 pe lista monumentelor UNESCO cu valoare de patrimoniu împreună cu alte șapte biserici de lemn din Maramureș.

The old church on the hill from Ieud was built by local noble family Balea the early eighteenth century. The church was incorporated in 1999 by UNESCO on the value of monuments of world cultural heritage, together with other seven wooden churches of Maramures .

Fond muzical: Tudor Gheorghe - Rapsodii de primãvarã; Salcâmii

Fotografii şi prezentare:

Sanda Foişoreanu


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