womens magazine

Post on 14-May-2015






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Women Magazines

These magazines are aimed at younger women. The main age of the audience for this magazine is 18-35. The magazine’s contain content such as sex, fashion and relationships which is what the younger audience are mostly into. This magazine aims to target their main audience by emphasizing the content on the front of the magazine such as using bold writing and bright colours. The women which read the magazine are attracted to these headlines and that will encourage them to buy the magazine.

On both Cosmopolitan and Glamour they both use celebrity endorsement on the cover such as Nicole and Amanda Seyfried. They use a middle body shot. The show the fashion what these girls are wearing. These celebrities are what women in that age rage inspire to be and have as their idols. Putting them on the cover of the magazine makes women want to read the story that they have in the magazine and this encourages women to buy the magazine.

Both these magazines have a similar style title and are similar how they are laid out. Glamour and Cosmopolitan are very well known magazines so following this the title is hidden a bit by the model. This represents the popularity of the magazine’s that their audience don’t need to read the whole title to know what the magazines called. The P and O is hidden in the Cosmopolitan title but you can tell its Cosmopolitan just by looking at the font and the first 5 letters. Both titles have a feminine font and use very rounded soft fonts. They are in girls colours such as cream and pink which have a high contrast font the backgrounds.

These magazines use colours which are very contrasting. So the content of the magazines stands out on the front page. For example on Cosmopolitan they have used the colours Pink and yellow. The colours represent the magazines of been fun and girly. They make the models stand out and some of the colours reflect what the model is wearing for example the blue dress and ‘Leighton Meesler’. The bright colours also help to make different part of the magazine to stand out and make them noticeable so they draw the reader in by a glance. Using the colours pink and yellow help to enhance the fact that the magazine is feminine because they are viewed as being girly

Both Cosmopolitan and Glamour use similar material within the magazine. They both talk about Sex, fashion, Makeup, bodies etc…

In women's magazines you are always likely to find articles about how women should look for example ‘Feel and look awesome every single day’ and ‘Shortcuts to a sexier body’ This is what women are interested in ways to look good and how to achieve this.

As the target audience is women and women Always want to look good there is articles about dieting and health. This shows women ways in which they can get a ‘Bikini Body’ or great skin. The articles give women ideas which they can follow to allow them to have these elements.

Both magazines consists of Sex Articles for example ‘Sex Survey, Thousands of guys reveal what flips their switch’ and ‘Guys talk Sex’ this is giving women a males view on this subject which allows women to know what men want. As the target audience is younger women who are probably looking how to impress guys and attract them they will find knowing a guys view on this subject really helpful and they can take tips from this.

This is a double page spread article on Emma Watson’s makeup rules in the Cosmopolitan magazine. Following the interest of the target audience Cosmopolitan have done an article on makeup and combined this with an well known inspiring actress. The page is broken up into a main image an article then smaller article. There are pictures that demonstrate what the article is talking about for example ‘Emma’s beauty stash’ this shows the products that she uses and inspires the reader to go out and buy the exact products. There is a lot of pink on this page to show the feminine girly side which represents the makeup being a girly aspect. The font is a sans serif font which has flicked edges which appeals to the target audience as it’s a feminine font. The page uses contrasting colours and is uses a dynamic black and white image to make the article sophisticated and high fashion like.

This article from Glamour magazine following their target audience of young women has the topic of makeup same as Cosmopolitan. It uses the same kind of working as Cosmopolitan regarding the article to the ‘rules and essentials'.’The article uses girly colours such as pinks to represent to feminine side to the article such as It talking about makeup. Both magazines include pictures of theProducts that they are talking about. This article shows all the different mascaras that they want to advertise to the audience. This shows example to the readers so they can visually see the products in which they will then be inspired to go out and buy these products. Again this article along which the Cosmopolitan article deals with using a sans serif font which is a very feminine dynamic font to use.

The magazines articles that are used both use the same kind of article layout and conventions to create a magazine article that there target audience of young women will like.

The first column are magazines in 2001 and the seconded column are magazines from 2013. As you can tell the magazines have evolved over this time period.

The layout has changed from having the model at one side to having the model to the middle. The tile hasn’t changed that much it just is in a different colour and has the letters missing in a different area. The 2013 version has a lot more different fonts and interesting headings on the cover the writing stands out more and the writing it a lot more bolder.

Glamour magazine has changed quite drastically. The headline has changed has the Glamour now is bolder and has a 3D affect. The quality of the picture is a lot more dynamic in the 2013 version. There is less writing on the cover and smaller headers for the content inside. The 2013 versions now a lot more flexible with what the style is they are a lot creative by having a brick background instead of just a normal blue one. They have spiced up the magazine by making it bolder and more fun by making 3 words stand out ‘Fun, Style, Sex.’

Similarities within the Magazines

These magazines are usually all aimed at women who are in their young adult hood so 18+. They are aimed at the average young women who is very interested in their appearance, fashion and sex life.The average readership of this magazine is women in the A/B social class as they are quite pricey magazines to buy for some people. Both these magazines have their main heading/title at the top in the middle of the page. This is so they stand out and the reader knows what the magazine is called. Both magazines have part of the title missing by the models head. All of the magazines have an image of a young women on the front to act as an inspirational figure towards the readers.Both the magazines consists of having some sort of big article that is the main article that they advertise on the front such as and

The magazines have content such as beauty, fashion, sex, dieting/health, makeup. This is because the average reader of this magazine is interested most in these topics. Each magazine uses celebrity endorsement on the cover by having the model as a celebrity then uses a big story to go with this attracts the readers into wanting to read about the people they inspire to. They both use bright and girly colours and fonts such as pinks and yellows and blues. They use san serifs font which make the magazines feminine soft and girly.


The age range of these magazines varies between a large age gap between 18-35. There is lots of ages between this age range though out the magazines such as the celebrities can be younger more into their 20’s or older 30+. Although the magazine is aimed at younger women. Older women may like to read it to understand their 18 year old daughters or try and keep young. A young women matching the target audience of the magazine is mostly shown to be single and looking to impress a man. They are also shown to be obsessed with how they look and how they dress and have a interest in the latest trends. This is because they are at the age where they are looking for a husband or a serious relationship and being fashionable is an important aspect of their life.Women can be shown to be vulnerable at this age range but these magazines show that the women are strong women who have a lot going for them which vulnerable women can inspire to be like.Fashion icons such as Miley Cyrus are shown as Miley has a massive fan base in which a lot of the readers in this age rage inspire to dress like her. This sells more magazine for the companies.


The dominate gender of these magazines are mostly female. This purely because the magazine is all about fashion and beauty. The feminine gender audience is represented throughout the magazine as it consists a lot of pinks and feminine colours which shows that it is a females magazines.

The magazine caters for its target audience of women through using bright and girly colours such as pinks and yellows to attract your attention. They also place a large image of a female on the front cover to be an inspirational image. Inside the magazine you will find advertisements and tips associated with clothes, shoes, hair and make-up. Through the stories, women are portrayed to be very stylish and obsessed about their looks. Just from the cover it shows that it is aimed at women as the articles are mostly about looks, dieting, how to impress a guy etc…

Males are portrayed in these magazines as being not that dominant and it shows women wanting the men. This is shown through some of the articles in the magazine. For example ‘12 little things every guy wants inBed’ this shows that women want to know these things to give to guys to make the guys want them.

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