women empowerment activities under peace project

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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SRSP under component 4 in EU PEACE program established Adult Literacy Center at village Umar Khel, UC Charbagh.


7-day Visit of EU delegates to Peace Project Area. Part-11

Visits to the women empowerment component

Under EU-Peace Project

SRSP under component 4 in EU

PEACE program established Adult

Literacy Center at village Umar

Khel, UC Charbagh. The ALC Umar

Khel was established in the

month of Aug 2013 and there are

22 students in this ALC and till

date three books have been

taught to them.

During visit, the teachers

practically demonstrated the

students how to find out due

date, month and expenses

detail in electricity bill. Some

of the learners also

demonstrated where to find

out expiry date written on

medicines, how to read and

use mobile no, how to read

guidelines to prepare Oral

Rehydration Solution (ORS)

and its benefits.

The members

of monitoring


told EU

Mission that

they regularly

visit ALC on

weekly basis

and ensure

the presence

of teachers as

well as


The EU Mission appreciated

the efforts of learners and

teachers. She was quite

impressed of the literacy and

numeracy skills of enrolled

learners. She advised that

such ALCs may be established

in other villages where

literacy rate is low among


Sylvia Beamish paid a

visit to ongoing

community management

skill training. She met

with the participants. It

was shared with her

regarding this training

that this is a 3 days basic

training arranged for CO


The purpose of this

training is to impart basic

knowledge of running

community organizations

on a hamlet level.

Visit to Community Management Skill Training (Women) at village Saeed Abad

Visit to Business Interest Group (BIG) women at Chekrai village

Sylvia also met

the women BG

group at Chikrai

village where

the female BIGs

informed her

about their

training and


skills they learnt

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