wk 7 vocab

Post on 26-May-2015






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wk 7 vocab


Vocabulary – Cur. AVocabulary – Cur. A

Week 7

Eclectic Eclectic

  adjective  \e-ˈklek-tik, i-\

: including things taken from many different sources

Eclectic Eclectic

: including things taken from many

different sources

Diatribe Diatribe

  noun  \ˈdī-ə-ˌtrīb\

: an angry and usually long speech or piece of writing that strongly criticizes someone or


Diatribe Diatribe

: an angry and usually long

speech or piece of writing that

strongly criticizes someone or something

Gregarious Gregarious

adjective  \gri-ˈger-ē-əs\

: enjoying the company

of other people

Gregarious Gregarious

: enjoying the company of

other people

Lethargy Lethargy

noun  \ˈle-thər-jē\

: a lack of energy or a lack of interest in doing things 

: a lack of energy or a lack of

interest in doing things 

Lethargy Lethargy

Malignant Malignant

Adjective \mə-ˈlig-nənt\

: evil in nature, influence, or effect : injurious

Malignant Malignant

: evil in nature, influence, or

effect : injurious

Nadir Nadir

Noun  \ˈnā-ˌdir\

: the worst or lowest point of something

Nadir Nadir

: the worst or lowest point of something


Watch to see Edmund’s lowest point; he reaches the nadir of all his actions.

Onerous Onerous

Adjective  \ˈä-nə-rəs, ˈō-\

: difficult and unpleasant to

do or deal with

Onerous Onerous

: difficult and

unpleasant to

do or deal with

Profligate Profligate

adjective  \ˈprä-fli-gət, -ˌgāt\

: carelessly and foolishly wasting money, materials, etc. : very


:  wildly extravagant 

<profligate spending>

Profligate Profligate

Watch from 0:20 – 1:10 and from 3:00-4:00. Is profligate spending occurring?


Quantitative Quantitative

adjective  \ˈkwän-tə-ˌtā-tiv\

: of or relating to how much there is of something : of or relating to the quantity or amount of something

: of or relating to how much there is of something

Rancor Rancor

noun  \ˈraŋ-kər, -ˌkor\

: an angry feeling of hatred or dislike for someone who has

treated you unfairly

Rancor Rancor

: an angry feeling of

hatred or dislike for someone

who has treated you unfairly

Shrewd Shrewd

Adjective  \ˈshrüd\

: having or showing an ability to understand things and to make good judgments : mentally sharp or clever

Shrewd Shrewd

: having or showing an ability to

understand things and to make good

judgments : mentally sharp or


Usurp Usurp

Verb \yuA -ˈsərp\

:  to seize and hold (as office, place, or powers) in possession by force or

without right <usurp a throne>

Usurp Usurp

:  to seize and hold (as office, place, or powers) in possession by

Watch as an example of usurpation occurs.

What makes it a true usurpation?


Boondoggle Boondoggle

Noun  \ˈbün-ˌdä-gəl\

: an expensive and wasteful project

usually paid for with public money

Boondoggle Boondoggle

: an expensive and wasteful

project usually paid for

with public money

Capricious Capricious

Adjective  \kə-ˈpri-shəs, -ˈprē-\

: changing often and quickly; especially : often changing

suddenly in mood or behavior

Capricious Capricious

:changing often and quickly; especially :

often changing suddenly in mood or



To be capricious or not to be capricious?

Euphemism Euphemism

Noun  \ˈyü-fə-ˌmi-zəm\

: a mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one that is

unpleasant or offensive

Euphemism Euphemism

: a mild or pleasant word

or phrase that is used instead of

one that is unpleasant or


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