wittmann elementary is a no bullying zone · reporting vs. tattling reporting: when you or someone...

Post on 23-Aug-2020






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Wittmann Elementary Is A No Bullying Zone

Why is it important to talk about bullying?● Safety● Respect● Learning

Wittmann is a NO BULLYING ZONE

What is bullying?● Behavior that is done purposely● Is hurtful● Is done more than once or may be repeated by one or more


Bully, Victim, & Bystander● Bully: Person(s) doing the bullying● Victim: Person being bullied● Bystander: Person(s) who witness bullying, but do not

take part in it

Types of bullyingVerbal:

● saying or writing mean things

● name calling● making fun of

others● Making threats


● Gossiping● spreading rumors● whispering about

someone● ignoring● leaving out● turning others

against someone


● Hitting● Kicking● Pinching● Pushing● Taking or destroying



● Sending mean texts/emails

● Hurtful comments, videos, and posts

on social media

Conflict vs. bullying Conflict: Is when people disagree or want different things

● May require some adult assistance

● May be talked or worked out between people involved

Example:Timmy and David disagree about what their science project should be. David says, “I don’t want to be your partner anymore.”

Bullying: involves danger of someone being physically or emotionally hurt

Example:Lisa makes fun of Carina’s clothes every day at recess. Carina feels sad and no longer enjoys coming to school.

Why do people bully?Sometimes they feel insecure so they bully others to feel better about themselves

Sometimes people who bully others have been bullied themselves

They may be unhappy and take their anger out on others

Many times they feel powerful when they bully others

Victims: Who’s a target for bullying?

● Bullying can happen to ANYONE ● It can be directed at the shy, quiet student, or the big,

tough kid.

● Bullying is defined by a person’s behavior and not the way they look.

● Bullies can be any size, grade, or gender.

Bystanders… why don’t they help?

● They fear the bully may turn on them

● The person who is bullying is their friend

● Aren’t sure what they should do

● Afraid they might make it worse

● Think they’re “tattling” or “snitching” by telling an adult

Reporting vs. tattling


When you or someone else is in danger or in a harmful situation. Keeps people safe.

Example: Someone fell off the monkey bars and they are really hurt


Telling to get someone IN trouble

Example: A classmate accidentally bumps into you

What can bystanders do to help?● Speak up! Say something like

“You wouldn’t like someone to do that to you.”

● Change the subject ● Don’t join in on bullying● Tell an adult● Ask the person being bullied if

they are okay● Stop rumors ● Be friendly● Become a friend

What can you do if you’re being bullied?● Remove yourself from the situation● When safe, be assertive with the bully! Say things like

“Stop!” or “Don’t do that!”● Be confident! Remember you’re not the one with the

problem, the bully is● Ignore, don’t give a reaction● Hang out in groups or where an adult is present● Report bullying to a trusting adult (e.g. teacher,

parent, principal)

Remember to…Be RESPECTFUL, be RESPONSIBLE, be KIND, and always treat others the way you want to be treated!

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