witricity paper

Post on 15-Oct-2014






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WiTricity E.Vivek Vigneshwaran kingofkings.vivek@gmail.com imvigneshwaran@gmail.com


The technology used for wireless power transmission is known as witricity. Wireless power transmission is not a new idea, Nikola Tesla proposed theories of wireless power transmission in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Tesla's work was impressive, but it did not immediately lead to wide spread practical methods for wireless power transmission. Since then many researchers have developed several techniques for moving electricity over long distances without wires. Some exist only as theories or prototypes, but others are already in use. In 2006 researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology led by Marine Soijacic discovered an efficient way to transfer power between coils separated by a few meters. They have dubbed this technology as witricity. Witricity is based upon coupled resonant objects. Two resonant objects of the same resonant frequency tend to exchange energy efficiently, while not interchanging the surroundings. The researchers demonstrate the ability to transfer 60W with approximately 40% efficiency over distance in excess of 2 meters.As witricity is in the development stage, lots of work is to be done in improving the range of power transmission and efficiency.


Electricity today a necessity of modern life. It is difficult to imagine a day without electricity. The conventional use of electricity is made possible through the use of wires. These wires are usually bulky and occupy lot of space.These days we see dusty power cord tangles which create some mess around our home. We have even had to follow one

particular cord through the seemingly impossible snarl to the outlet hoping that the plug pull will be the right one. This is one of the downfalls of electricity. This problem induced a team of MIT to develop a new theory i.e., transmission of electricity wirelessly called WiTricity.


WiTricity is Wireless Electricity Delivered Over Distance.

WiTricity, a portmanteau for "wireless electricity", is the ability to provide electrical energy to remote objects without wires using oscillating magnetic field.Witricity is a new technology used for wireless power transmission. By the use of this technology transmission of electrical energy to remote objects without wires can be possible. The inventors of witricity are the researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), led by Prof.MarinSoljačić in 2007. They developed a new technology for wireless electricity transmission and this is based upon the coupled resonant objects. In this resonant magnetic fields are used. So the wastage of power is reduced. The system consists of witricity transmitters and receivers. The transmitters and receivers contain magnetic loop antennas made of copper coils and they are tuned to the same frequency.


This is not the first theory.In 1825 William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet, a conducting wire wrapped around an iron core. The principle of EM induction — that a changing magnetic field can induce an electrical current in an adjacent wire — was

discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831. Combining these two discoveries, Nicholas Joseph Callan was the first to demonstrate the transmission and reception of electrical energy without wires. Callan’s 1836 induction coil apparatus consisted of two insulated coils — called the primary and secondary windings — both placed around a common iron core. A battery intermittently connected to the primary would ‘induce’ a voltage in the longer secondary causing a spark to jump across its free terminals. In an induction coil or electrical transformer, which can have either an iron core or an air core, the transmission of energy takes place by simple electromagnetic coupling through a process known as mutual induction. With this method it is possible to transmit and receive energy over a considerable distance. However, to draw significant power in that way, the two inductors must be placed fairly close together.


This concept of witricity was made possible using resonance where an object vibrates with the application of a certain frequency of energy. So two objects having similar resonance tend to exchange energy without causing any effects on the surrounding objects. Just like in acoustic resonance, where there is a chance of a glass breaking if you strike the right tone, witricity is made possible with the resonance of low frequency electromagnetic waves.

The concept of witricity is the combination of resonance and magnetic induction .time

varying current (ac) causes a time varying magnetic field.This time varying magnetic field induces current in anotehr coil near to it this is called magnetic induction.combining with resonance it forms the concept witricity.

In this experiment, the coils were resonated at 10 MHz where the cols coupled and energy made to flow between them. With each cycle, more pressure and voltage built up in the coil till the accumulation of voltage provided enough pressure and energy to flow to the light bulb. These low frequency electromagnetic waves are rather safe as though the body responds strongly to electric fields; it has almost zero response to absorbing power from a magnetic field.


The inventors of witricity are the researchers from the team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They are the people who had coined the phrase of witricity and this invention can change the way electricity is used today. With witricity, the tangle of cables, plugs and charters that normally clutter homes can be rid of.

This team from MIT belonged to the Department of Physics, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies. The members of this team were Andre Kurs, AristeidisKaralis, Prof. Peter Fisher, Robert Moffatt and Prof. John Joannopoulos. The leader of this team of researchers was Prof. Marin Soljacic.

It was Prof. Marin Soljacic who provided the inspiration for the experiment and invention of witricity. It was while standing in the kitchen one night, that on staring at his mobile phone that he had thought it would be nice if his

mobile phone would take care of its own charging instead of him having to periodically charge it.

He then tried out his experiment using two coils of copper, where one was connected to a receiver, and the other to a transmitter. With the help of these two coils of copper, the inventors of witricity managed to transmit power across seven feet through the air to instantly light up a light bulb.

This experiment was done using two copper coils of diameter two feet, a transmitter that was attached to a power source and a receiver that was placed about seven feet from the transmitter. This receiver was attached to a light bulb and once power was switched on at the transmitter, the bulb lit up despite there being no physical connection between the transmitter and receiver. Data collected through measurements showed that there was transference of 40% of electricity through witricity.

This concept of witricity was made possible using resonance where an object vibrates with the application of a certain frequency of energy.So two objects having similar resonance tend to exchange energy without causing any effects on the surrounding objects. Just like in acoustic resonance, where there is a chance of a glass breaking if you strike the right tone, witricity is made possible with the resonance of low frequency electromagnetic waves. The interesting part of the electricity was that the bulb glowed despite the fact that wood, metal and other devices were placed in between the two coils.


Consumer Electronics:

Automatic wireless charging of mobile electronics (phones, laptops, game controllers, etc.) in home, car, office, Wi-Fi hotspots … while devices are in use and mobile.

Direct wireless powering of stationary devices (flat screen TV’s, digital picture frames, home theatre accessories, wireless loud speakers, etc.) … eliminating expensive custom

wiring, unsightly cables and “wall-wart” power supplies.

Direct wireless powering of desktop PC peripherals: wireless mouse, keyboard, printer, speakers, display, etc… eliminating disposable batteries and awkward cabling.


Direct wireless power and communication interconnections across rotating and moving “joints” (robots, packaging machinery, assembly machinery, machine tools) … eliminating costly and failure-prone wiring.

Direct wireless power and communication interconnections at points of use in harsh environments (drilling, mining, underwater, etc.) … where it is impractical or impossible to run wires.

Direct wireless power for wireless sensors and actuators, eliminating the need for expensive power wiring or battery replacement and disposal.

Automatic wireless charging for mobile robots, automatic guided vehicles, cordless tools and instruments…eliminating complex docking mechanisms, and labor intensive manual recharging and battery replacement..


Automatic wireless charging for existing electric vehicle classes: golf carts, industrial vehicles.

Automatic wireless charging for future hybrid and all-electric passenger and commercial vehicles, at home, in parking garages, at fleet depots, and at remote kiosks.

Direct wireless power interconnections to replace costly vehicle wiring harnesses and slip rings.

Other Applications

Direct wireless power interconnections and automatic wireless charging for implantable medical devices (ventricular assist devices, pacemaker, defibrillator, etc.).

Automatic wireless charging and for high tech military systems (battery powered mobile devices, covert

sensors, unmanned mobile robots and aircraft, etc.).

Direct wireless powering and automatic wireless charging of smart cards.

Direct wireless powering and automatic wireless charging of consumer appliances, mobile robots, etc.


A magnetic coil(antenna A) is housed inside a box and set inside a wall or ceiling.

A Resonant circuit is embedded in the ceiling along with the copper coil; the resonant circuit can be a simple LC circuit resonating at a particular frequency.

Antenna A, powered by mains, resonates at specific frequency.

Second magnetic coil(antenna B) fitted in a laptop/T.V etc., resonates at same frequency as the first one and absorbs energy.

This energy charges the device.


WiTricity technology is a non-radioactive mode of energy transfer, relying instead on the magnetic near field. Magnetic fields interact very weakly with biological organisms—people and animals—and are scientifically regarded to be safe


No need of line of sight - In witricity power transmission there is any; need of line of sight between transmitter and receiver. That is powertransmission can be possible if there is any obstructions like wood,metal, or other devices were placed in between the transmitter andreceiver.

No need of power cables and batteries - Witricity replaces the use of power cables and batteries.

Does not interfere with radio waves Wastage of power is small -

Electromagnetic waves would tunnel, theywould not propagate through air to be absorbed or dissipated. So thewastage is small.

Negative health implications - By the use of resonant coupling wavelengths produced are far lower and thus make it harmless.

Highly efficient than electromagnetic induction - Electromagnetic induction system can be used for wireless energy transfer only if the primary and secondary are in very close proximity. Resonant induction system is one million times as efficient as electromagnetic induction system.

Less costly - The components of transmitter and receivers are cheaper. So this system is less costly.


Wireless power transmission can be possible only in few meters.For efficient working of a system which uses this method, the receiver must be in very close proximity to the-transmitter.

Efficiency is only about 40%.As witricity is in development stage, lot of work is done for improving the efficiency and distance between transmitter and receiver.


Research disclosed that witricity power applications operate at only 40% efficiency. The potential applications of witricity are expected to materialize in the new future, of say a few years’ time, after the necessary modificationsare made to them. These witricity applications are expected to work on the gadgets that are in close proximity to a source of wireless powerwherein the gadget charges automatically without necessarily havingto get plugged in. There are no limitations in witricity powerapplications where anything and everything that used to run

withbatteries or electrical connections can be used using witricity. Just imagine, the future witricity power applications permit you to usewireless energy, without having to replace or recharge batteries. Therewill be no need of getting rid of these batteries either or of remembering to recharge batteries periodically. In addition to this,with witricity, there is no need of plugging in any wires and plugs andthus face a mess of wires.

Hence if scientists are successful in developing WITRICITY to an extentthat it can be used on a domestic scale we can certainly circumvent thedifficulties caused by wires


www.witricity.net http://www.witricitypower.com/

index.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

WiTricity http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/


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