with st. bernadette catholic church · worship, regardless of the location, we are gathered as the...

Post on 01-Jun-2020






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with St. Bernadette Catholic Church

Triduum Worship

Mass Packet


April 9, 2020


set aside our lives and ourselves


During this time, when we cannot come together in our usual way, we are left yearning for

the presence of Christ in a variety of ways. The church teaches that Christ is present in:

1. The Eucharistic Body and Blood of Christ

2. The celebrant of the sacrament who stands as Christ – usually the priest or deacon

3. In the Word proclaimed during public worship; the Holy Spirit touches each person in a

powerful way when Christ speaks to His Church through the scripture proclaimed.

4. In the Mystical Body of Christ gathered for public worship – us, our community.

In this time of unprecedented world crisis, let us remember that when we gather for public

worship, regardless of the location, we are gathered as the Body of Christ who is then truly

present to us. Let us hold each other in prayer as we keep Holy Week from our own homes

and be Christ for each other and the world.

Join us as we “Stop & Pray” and “Watch & Pray” throughout the Triduum to try and keep the

following schedule as a parish community:

Holy Thursday

3p Stop & Pray

Home Prayer Service or Stations online

8p Watch & Pray Mass of the Lord’s Prayer

Good Friday

8a Watch & Pray Morning Prayer online

3p Stop & Pray

Home Prayer Service or Stations online

8p Watch & Pray Service

Holy Saturday

8a Watch & Pray Morning Prayer online

3p Stop & Pray

Sorrowful Mysteries w/online reflection

8p Stop & Pray Home Prayer Service

Easter Sunday

8a Watch & Pray Easter Vigil

or Home Prayer Service

Visit www. stbchurch.org/spiritual-communion to “watch & pray” mass online celebrated by

our own priests and make a “Spiritual Communion.” There are separate packets online to

help you pray the Home Prayer Services.

This packet is designed to help you follow along with the online Mass for Holy Thursday.

Pray for those preparing to join the Church through the RCIA

The Easter Vigil is the usual time for adults

and children over the age of 7 to join the Catholic Church

through Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist.

Because of the pandemic, however, they are waiting.

They have spent months preparing to fully join us in faith

and seek to celebrate new life in Christ.

Let us pray that they embrace this Holy Week with the knowledge

that once we can gather again at Church,

not just virtually but in person, we will eagerly celebrate with them

their new life in Christ and His Church.

Prepare for prayer:

Set up a prayer area with a candle, cross/crucifix, bible & colored cloth:

Holy Thursday = white; Good Friday = red;

Holy Saturday = purple; Easter Sunday = white & gold

*For Holy Thursday:

• you are invited to ring bells (if you have any) during the singing of the Gloria

• we invite you to pause the online service and celebrate a ritual washing of the

feet, so you will also need a pitcher of water, bowl & towel.

Individuals: call a friend to pray at the same time to help your celebration.

Families/groups: arrange for enough chairs (sofa, sitting space, etc)

Families with young children: consider using only the Home Prayer Service Packet &

other options like Stations of the Cross (Children’s version online) since those may be

easier for young children to engage.

Prayer of Preparation

“Let us offer our hunger and sorrow in solidarity with those around the world who regularly go

without the Sunday Eucharist because of illness, lack of ministers, or isolation. May Christ,

who is present wherever two or three are gathered in his name, bring us all healing and

peace and unite us together in his Spirit of love.” (Diana Macalintal, www.liturgy.life)

Other things to remember

Prepare your heart & enrich your prayer with the abundance of online resources.

Dress up as you would for Mass.

Take pictures of your prayer space & family at prayer during Holy Week & share them

on St. Bernadette’s Facebook page and email your pictures to office@stbchurch.org.

When we are finally able to get back together at Church, we will use your pictures to

remind us of our time together while we were apart!

Introductory Rites Gathering Song Glory in the Cross

vs. 1, 2 & 4


Introduction to the Liturgy

Penitential Act

Lord Jesus, you are the Lamb of God, the Paschal Victim:

Lord have mercy. R/. Lord have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you show us the way of humility and service:

Christ have mercy. R/. Christ have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you come in word and sacrament to strengthen us in holiness:

Lord have mercy. R/. Lord have mercy.

Gloria {All are welcome to ring bells during the Gloria!}


The Word First Reading Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14

The Passover is here:

Slaughter the lamb during the evening twilight.

The Word of the Lord.

R/. Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 116

R/. Our blessing cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ.

Second Reading 1 Corinthians 11:23–26

Jesus said: Do this in remembrance of me.

The Word of the Lord.

R/. Thanks be to God.

Gospel Acclamation

R/. Glory, praise and honor to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

Gospel John 13:1–15

Jesus said: As I have done, so you must do.

The Gospel of the Lord.

R/. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


{After the homily, if you want to pray with the following Washing of Feet ritual, press pause on the video

after the homily. Placing a pitcher of warm water, a large bowl, and a towel in front of those

gathered, one of the adults might invite prepare for the following ritual, making sure everyone,

especially children, understand what you are going to do.}

Washing of Feet

Prayer Leader: We follow Jesus’s example and celebrate our own washing of feet.

Throughout our time together,

pay close attention to what you experience and how you feel.

I now invite you to slowly remove your shoes and socks.

{The leader takes the feet of one person and places them in the bowl. Pouring some water over the

feet, and looking the person in the eye, the leader says:}

(Name), I love you.

Be kind to one another, help each other,

and share the love of Christ with everyone you meet.

One person may wash the feet of all present or each person may take a turn, washing the feet of their

neighbor after their own feet have been washed. After washing each person’s feet, gently dry their

feet with the towel.

{All Stand}

Intercessions R/. O God hear us, hear our prayer.

Preparation Song Ubi Caritas

Ubi caritas est vera, est vera.

Deus ibi est. (2x)

In true communion let us gather,

may all divisions cease

and in their place be Christ the Lord,

our risen Prince of Peace.

For those in need make us your mercy,

for those oppressed, your might.

Make us, your Church, a holy sign

of justice and new life.

Text: Refrain and vs. 2 based on Ubi Caritas, 9th cent.; vs. 4, Bob Hurd, b. 1950; Music: Bob Hurd;

Text and Music © 1996, 2004, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.

Thank you to all who continue to show your generosity

through your online giving or by sending us your offering in the mail.

Eucharistic Prayer

Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus,

I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you.

Never permit me to be separated from you.


Prayer after Communion

Holy Thursday Mass does not end

but rather leads us into the events of Good Friday.

Under normal circumstances, we would process with the Blessed Sacrament

to a separate location, recalling Jesus’ journey and agony in the garden

as well as his eventual arrest.

Though we cannot hold Night Watch

and will not transfer the Blessed Sacrament to another location,

you are invited to adore Christ from your home

and keep watch for a small stretch of time,

praying with the music and text provided below.

Music reprinted with permission under OneLicense.net A-709182; All rights reserved.

Songs of Adoration & Night Watch

Pange Lingua

Pange, lingua, gloriosi,

corporis mysterium,

Sanguinisque pretiosi, quem in mundi pretium

fructus ventris generosi Rex effudit Gentium.

Nobis datus, nobis natus

ex intacta Virgine,

et in mundo conversatus, sparso verbi semine,

sui moras incolatus miro clausit ordine.

In supremae nocte coenae

recumbens cum fratribus

observata lege plene cibis in legalibus,

cibum turbae duodenae se dat suis manibus.

Verbum caro, panem verum

verbo carnem efficit:

fitque sanguis Christi merum, et si sensus deficit,

ad firmandum cor sincerum sola fides sufficit.

Tantum ergo Sacramentum

veneremur cernui:

et antiquum documentum novo cedat ritui:

praestet fides supplementum sensuum defectui.

Genitori, Genitoque

laus et jubilatio,

salus, honor, virtus quoque sit et benedictio:

Procedenti ab utroque compar sit laudatio.

Sing, o tongue, the mystery of the glorious Body,

and of the precious Blood, which in the world

the King, the fruit of noble birth,

poured out as the value of the nations.

Given to us, born to us, from untouched Virgin,

and in the world kept company, had scattered

the seed of the word, his own delay of exile,

concluded in wondrous order.

In the most supreme night at dinner,

reclining with brothers, to observe

the fullness of the law, a meal in accordance

with the laws, food of the multitude of the

twelve, he gave himself into their own hands.

Precious word, true bread, word made flesh:

and made of the blood of Christ alone,

and if the senses failed, to the sincere heart

made strong, faith alone supplied.

So great therefore a Sacrament,

let us venerate with faces to the ground:

and let the ancient instruction give way

to a new rite: let faith furnish the supplement

when the senses fail.

To the Begetter and the Begotten

be praise and jubilation, health, honor, power,

and likewise blessing:

to the one proceeding from both

be equal praise.

I Love You, Lord by Laurie Klein

I love you, Lord,

and I lift my voice

to worship you,

O my soul.

Rejoice! Take joy, my King

in what you hear,

may it be a sweet, sweet sound

in your ear.

Kyrie Eleison by Chris Tomlin

1. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.

Hear our cry and heal our land.

Let kindness lead us to repentance;

bring us back again.

2. Who is this God who pardons all our sin?

So ready to forgive;

You delight to show Your mercy. (2x)

For Your name is great and Your heart is grace;

Kyrie Eleison!

Over all You reigh. You alone can save;

Kyrie Eleison!

Lord, have mercy, Christ have mercy on us now.

© 2016 S. D. G. Publishing | Said And Done Music | sixsteps Music | Sixsteps Songs | Thankyou Music | Worship Together Music

| worshiptogether.com songs| Be Essential Songs | Fellow Ships Music | I Am A Pilgrim Songs | So Essential Tunes

For use solely with the SongSelect. Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com.

Holy Darkness by Dan Schutte

Holy darkness, blessed night, heaven’s answer hidden from our sight.

As we await you, O God of silence, we embrace your holy night.

1. I have tried you in fires of affliction;

I have taught your soul to grieve.

In the barren soil of your loneliness,

there I will plant my seed.

2. I have taught you the price of compassion;

you have stood before the grave.

Though my love can seem

like a raging storm,

this is the love that saves.

3. Were you there when I raised up

the mountains?

Can you guide the morning star?

Does the hawk take flight

when you give command?

Whey do you doubt my pow’r?

4. In your deepest hour of darkness

I will give you wealth untold.

When the silence stills your spirit,

will my riches fill your soul.

5. As the watchman waits for morning,

and the bride awaits her groom,

so we wait to hear your footsteps

as we rest beneath your moon.

Text: Refrain and vs. 2 based on Ubi Caritas, 9th cent.; vs. 4, Bob Hurd, b. 1950; Music: Bob Hurd;

Text and Music © 1996, 2004, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.

Reminders Stop & Pray Watch & pray

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