wise up! james 1:1-27 p. 1118. james as a book (1) wisdom literature purpose is life (pr. 8:35-36)...

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Wise up!James 1:1-27

p. 1118

James as a book (1)

Wisdom literature Purpose is life (Pr. 8:35-36)

When you find me, you find life, real life,to say nothing of GOD’S good pleasure.

But if you wrong me, you damage your very soul;when you reject me, you’re flirting with death.

James as a book (2)

James writes as a prophet direct and strong language


he does not explain his reasons, but assumes his readers know them==> we need to unpack what he is saying

James as a book (3)


Do not read James thinking he addresses someone else! He writes to a “normal” church

James is addressing me and you.Let us accept to wrestle with it!

Structure of James

Chapter 1: a double introduction 1.2-12: Look forward: What is your goal?

1.13-25: Look backward: Who gave you birth?

1.26-27: Summary of the key themes

Three main points: Know your God

Know your goal

Know your origins

Know your God (1)

How we see God has a huge impact on our walk with him. ==> Get to know Him as He really is!

v.5: God is generous. He loves to give

“God loves to help” ==> ask!

He will never…

rebuke you for asking

ask you why you are asking

Know your God (2)

v.13: God does not tempt us

He is not testing us or trying us, looking if we do well or not.==> When tempted… go to him! Do not fear!

v.17: Instead of giving us temptation, God gives good and perfect gifts

He brings light - ends confusion

We can count on him

Know your God (3)

v.18: God chose to give us birth

Life and new life is his initiative

He will continue to sustain it

James starts with grace!He is addressing people who received and experienced God’s grace

Know your goal (1)

How can trials be a joy?

For James, forming our character is much more important than an easy life

His focus is on eternity (v.12)

This is also why wealth is so trivial…It lasts only for a second

Know your goal (2)

Trials and wealth: two big enemies of faith

They are often mentioned together (see for example the parable of the sower)

In the middle, James speaks about wisdom and faith(in OT, wisdom = Spirit)

Know your goal (2)

“GOD sovereignly made me—the first, the basic—before he did anything else.

I was brought into being a long time ago,well before Earth got its start.

I arrived on the scene before Ocean,yes, even before Springs and Rivers and Lakes.

Before Mountains were sculpted and Hills took shape,I was already there, newborn;

Long before GOD stretched out Earth’s Horizons,and tended to the minute details of Soil and Weather,

Know your goal (2)

And set Sky firmly in place, I was there.When he mapped and gave borders to wild Ocean,

built the vast vault of Heaven,and installed the fountains that fed Ocean,

When he drew a boundary for Sea,posted a sign that said, NO TRESPASSING,And then staked out Earth’s foundations,

I was right there with him, making sure everything fit.Day after day I was there, with my joyful applause,always enjoying his company,

Delighted with the world of things and creatures,happily celebrating the human family.

(Prov. 8.22-31)

Know your goal (2)

Trials and wealth: two big enemies of faith

They are often mentioned together (see for example the parable of the sower)

In the middle, James speaks about wisdom and faith(in OT, wisdom = Spirit)

James ends with a beatitude and a promise of life.Everything in James is told with this eternal perspective

Know your origins (1)

James comes back to temptations:

Temptations do not come from God…

… they reveal what is in our heart.

James distinguishes two kinds of birth:

Our desires give birth to death

God gives birth to life

Know your origins (2)

If we received new birth through the Word…

Receive it humbly

Do not be rash to transmit it to others

Be transformed in depth by it

Know your origins (3)

How can I be transformed by the Word?

By practicing it

What does it mean for the Word to be a mirror?

It reflects reality, not an “ideal” image

It reflects the face of our birth… our new birth

Know your origins (3)

“God looks at you as if you were a little Christ;Christ stands beside you to turn you into one.”

(C.S. Lewis)

Know your origins (4)

The Word witnesses to who we are, by grace

Not practicing it = not acting according to who we really are, to how God sees us

Not practicing it ==> being double-minded

We need to be reminded everyday of our true, new nature

How do you think of yourself?

Know your origins (4)

“The real problem of the Christian life comes where people do not usually look for it. It comes the very

moment you wake up each morning. All your wishes and your hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists

simply in shoving them all back; In listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in. And

so on, all day.”

(C.S. Lewis)

Know your origins (4)

The Word witnesses to who we are, by grace

Not practicing it = not acting according to who we really are, to how God sees us

Not practicing it ==> being double-minded

We need to be reminded everyday of our true, new nature

How do you think of yourself?What voices are you listening to?

Conclusion (1)

We have entered a period of Lent,of repentance:

We have things to repent of, but…

We will have no desire to repent if we feel not secure

Repentance will not help if we only try to go on by more willpower

We need to get our ideas straight

Conclusion (2)

We need to have our minds shaped by:

Who God really is:generous, helping and wanting to give us life

A goal and focus that reflects God’s goal

Knowing what God says about us, and trusting his work in us

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