wireless propagation

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 Wireless Propagation




    Wireless Propagation Channel Models

    2.1 Propagation Characteristics of Mobile Radio Channels

    In an ideal radio channel, the received signal would consist of only a

    single direct path signal, which would be a perfect reconstruction of the transmitted

    signal. However in a real channel, the signal is modified during transmission in the

    channel. The received signal consists of a combination of attenuated, reflected,

    refracted, and diffracted replicas of the transmitted signal. On top of all this, the

    channel adds noise to the signal and can cause a shift in the carrier frequency if the

    transmitter or receiver is moving (Doppler effect). Understanding of these effects on

    the signal is important because the performance of a radio system is dependent on the

    radio channel characteristics.


    Attenuation is a general term that refers to any reduction in the strength

    of a signal. Attenuation occurs with any type of signal whether digital or analog.

    Sometimes called loss, attenuation is a natural consequence of signal transmission

    over long distances. The extent of attenuation is usually expressed in units called

    decibels (dBs).

    If Ps is the signal power at the transmitting end (source) of a

    communications circuit and Pd is the signal power at the receiving end (destination),

    then Ps > Pd.

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    The power attenuation Ap in decibels is given by the formula:

    Ap = 10 log10 (Ps/Pd)

    Attenuation can also be expressed in terms of voltage. If Av is the

    voltage attenuation in decibels, Vs is the source signal voltage, and Vd is the

    destination signal voltage, then:

    Av = 20 log10 (Vs/Vd)

    Attenuation is the drop in the signal power when transmitting from one

    point to another. It can be caused by the transmission path length, obstructions in the

    signal path, and multipath effects. Figure 2.1 shows some of the radio propagation

    effects that cause attenuation. Any objects that obstruct the line of sight signal from

    the transmitter to the receiver can cause attenuation.

    Figure 2.1: Radio Propagation Effects

    Shadowing of the signal can occur whenever there is an obstruction

    between the transmitter and receiver. It is generally caused by buildings and hills, and

    is the most important environmental attenuation factor.

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    Shadowing is most severe in heavily built up areas, due to the

    shadowing from buildings. However, hills can cause a large problem due to the large

    shadow they produce. Radio signals diffract off the boundaries of obstructions, thus

    preventing total shadowing of the signals behind hills and buildings. However, theamount of diffraction is dependent on the radio frequency used, with low frequencies

    diffracting more then high frequency signals. Thus high frequency signals, especially,

    Ultra High Frequencies (UHF), and microwave signals require line of sight for

    adequate signal strength. To overcome the problem of shadowing, transmitters are

    usually elevated as high as possible to minimize the number of obstructions.

    Shadowed areas tend to be large, resulting in the rate of change of the signal power

    being slow. Typical amounts of variation in attenuation due to shadowing are shown

    in Table 2.1.

    Table 2.1: Typical Shadowing in a Radio Channel [14]

    Description Typical Attenuation due to Shadowing

    Heavily built-up urban centre 20dB variation from street to street

    Sub-urban area (fewer large


    10dB greater signal power then built-up

    urban center

    Open rural area 20dB greater signal power then sub-

    urban areas

    Terrain irregularities and treefoliage 3-12dB signal power variation


    2.1.2Multipath Effects

    There are obstacles and reflectors in the wireless propagation channel, the

    transmitted signal arrivals at the receiver from various directions over a multiplicity of

    paths. Such a phenomenon is called multipath. It is an unpredictable set of reflections

    and/or direct waves each with its own degree of attenuation and delay.Multipath is usually described by

    Line-of-sight (LOS): The direct connection between the transmitter (TX)and the receiver (RX).

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    Non-line-of-sight (NLOS): The path arriving (to the receiver) afterreflection from reflectors.

    The illustration of LOS and NLOS is shown in Figure 2.2.

    Figure 2.2: Effect of Multipath on a Mobile Station

    In a radio link, the RF signal from the transmitter may be reflected from

    objects such as hills, buildings, or vehicles. This gives rise to multiple transmission

    paths at the receiver. Figure 2.3 show some of the possible ways in which multipath

    signals can occur.

    Figure 2.3: Multipath Signals

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    2.1.3.Delay Spread

    The received radio signal from a transmitter consists of typically a

    direct signal, plus reflections off objects such as buildings, mountings, and other

    structures. The reflected signals arrive at a later time then the direct signal because of

    the extra path length, giving rise to a slightly different arrival times, spreading the

    received energy in time. Delay spread is the time spread between the arrival of the

    first and last significant multipath signal seen by the receiver.

    In a digital system, the delay spread can lead to inter-symbol

    interference (ISI). This is due to the delayed multipath signal overlapping with the

    following symbols. This can cause significant errors in high bit rate systems,

    especially when using time division multiplexing (TDMA). Figure 2.4 shows the

    effect of inter-symbol interference due to delay spread on the received signal. As the

    transmitted bit rate is increased the amount of inter-symbol interference also

    increases. The effect starts to become very significant when the delay spread is greater

    then ~50% of the bit time.

    Figure 2.4: Multipath Delay Spread

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    Table 2.2 shows the typical delay spread for various environments. The

    maximum delay spread in an outdoor environment is approximately 20 s, thus

    significant inter-symbol interference can occur at bit rates as low as 25 kbps.

    Table 2.2: Typical Delay Spread

    Environment or cause Delay Spread Maximum Path Length


    Indoor (room) 40 n sec - 200 n sec 12 m - 60 m

    Outdoor 1 sec - 20 sec 300 m - 6 km

    Inter-symbol interference can be minimized in several ways. One

    method is to reduce the symbol rate by reducing the data rate for each channel (i.e.

    split the bandwidth into more channels using frequency division multiplexing, or

    OFDM). Another is to use a coding scheme that is tolerant to inter-symbol

    interference such as CDMA.

    2.1.4Doppler Shift

    When a wave source and a receiver are moving relative to one another

    the frequency of the received signal will not be the same as the source. When they are

    moving toward each other the frequency of the received signal is higher then the

    source, and when they move away from the each other the frequency decreases. Thisis called the Doppler effect. This effect becomes important when developing mobile

    radio systems.

    The amount the frequency changes due to the Doppler effect depends

    on the relative motion between the source and receiver and on the speed of

    propagation of the wave. The Doppler shift in frequency can be written:

    coscos mD f



    The received signal frequency

    cosmcr fff

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    When = 0o (mobile moving away from the transmitter)mcr


    When = 90o (i.e. mobile circling around)cr ff

    When = 180o (mobile moving towards the transmitter)mcr fff


    m = v/=maximum value of Doppler frequency

    2.2 Multiple Access Techniques

    Multiple access schemes are used to allow many simultaneous users to

    use the same fixed bandwidth radio spectrum. In any radio system, the bandwidth that

    is allocated to it is always limited. For mobile phone systems the total bandwidth is

    typically 50 MHz, which is split in half to provide the forward and reverse links of the

    system. Sharing of the spectrum is required in order increase the user capacity of any

    wireless network. FDMA, TDMA and CDMA are the three major methods of sharing

    the available bandwidth to multiple users in wireless system. There are many

    extensions, and hybrid techniques for these methods, such as OFDM, and hybrid

    TDMA and FDMA systems. However, an understanding of the three major methods

    is required for understanding of any extensions to these methods.

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    2.2.1 Frequency Division Multiple Accesses

    In an FDMA system, each user has its own frequency channel. This

    implies that relatively narrow filters are needed in each receiver and transmitter. Most

    duplex FDMA systems must transmit and receive simultaneously. (Frequency

    Division Duplex, FDD).Each user is allocated a unique frequency band in which to

    transmit and receive on. During a call, no other user can use the same frequency band.

    Each user is allocated a forward link channel (from the base station to the mobile

    phone) and a reverse channel (back to the base station), each being a single way link.

    The transmitted signal on each of the channels is continuous allowing analog

    transmissions. The channel bandwidth used in most FDMA systems is typically low

    (30 kHz) as each channel only needs to support a single user. FDMA is used as the

    primary subdivision of large allocated frequency bands and is used as part of most

    multi-channel systems.

    Figure2.5. Time and bandwidth occupancy of three user signals with FDMA Advantages Very Simple to design Narrowband (no ISI) Synchronization is easy No interference among users in a cell

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    22 Disadvantages

    Narrowband interference Static spectrum allocation Freq. reuse is a problem High analog filters large guard band required

    2.2.2 Time Division Multiple Access

    In TDMA, a set ofNusers share the same radio channel, but each user

    only uses the channel during predetermined slots. A frame consists ofNslots, one for

    each user. Frames are repeated continuously.

    The transmit bandwidth isNtimes the bandwidth that would be needed

    to accommodate a single user. Thus the receiver can be built with broader filters,

    which are less expensive and smaller than those required for FDMA operation.

    Mostly, TDMA is combined with Time Division Duplex (TDD), in which

    transmission and reception do not occur simultaneously, but during different slots.

    This obviates the need for costly duplex filters. In a downlink (base to mobile),

    TDMA is simple to implement: it is just a matter of multiplexing Nuser signals. In

    the uplink (mobile to base), TDMA is more difficult: the signals from all users have to

    be aligned in time. Often this is achieved through a feedback loop with timing

    information. Relatively fast power-up and power-off times are needed to avoid that

    signals from users interfere with signals in other slots.

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    Figure2.6: Time and Bandwidth Occupancy of Three User Signals in TDMA

    System, Each user has its Own Time Slot Advantages

    Better suited for digital Often gets higher capacity ( 3 times higher here) Relaxes need for high quality filters Disadvantages

    Strict synchronization and guard time needed Still susceptible to jamming, other-cell interference Often requires equalizer

    TDMA is normally used in conjunction with FDMA to subdivide the

    total available bandwidth into several channels. This is done to reduce the number of

    users per channel allowing a lower data rate to be used. This helps reduce the effect of

    delay spread on the transmission. Figure 2.7 shows the use of TDMA with FDMA.

    Each channel based on FDMA, is further subdivided using TDMA, so that several

    users can transmit of the one channel. This type of transmission technique is used by

    most digital second generation mobile phone systems. For GSM, the total allocated

    bandwidth of 25MHz is divided into 125, 200 kHz channels using FDMA. These

    channels are then subdivided further by using TDMA so that each 200 kHz channel

    allows 8-16 users.

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    Figure 2.7: TDMA / FDMA hybrid, showing that the bandwidth is split into

    frequency channels and time slots

    2.2.3 Code Division Multiple Access

    Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a spread spectrum

    technique that uses neither frequency channels nor time slots. With CDMA, the

    narrow band message (typically digitized voice data) is multiplied by a large

    bandwidth signal that is a pseudo random noise code (PN code). All users in a CDMA

    system use the same frequency band and transmit simultaneously. The transmitted

    signal is recovered by correlating the received signal with the PN code used by the

    transmitter. Figure 2.8 shows the general use of the spectrum using CDMA.

    Figure 2.8. Code division multiple access (CDMA)

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    CDMA technology was originally developed by the military during

    World War II. Researchers were spurred into looking at ways of communicating that

    would be secure and work in the presence of jamming. [17]

    Figure 2.9 shows the process of a CDMA transmission. The data to be

    transmitted (a) is spread before transmission by modulating the data using a PN code.

    This broadens the spectrum as shown in (b). In this example the process gain is 125 as

    the spread spectrum bandwidth is 125 times greater the data bandwidth. Part (c)

    shows the received signal. This consists of the required signal, plus background noise,

    and any interference from other CDMA users or radio sources. The received signal is

    recovered by multiplying the signal by the original spreading code. This process

    causes the wanted received signal to be despread back to the original transmitted data.

    However, all other signals that are uncorrelated to the PN spreading code become

    more spread. The wanted signal in (d) is then filtered removing the wide spread

    interference and noise signals.

    Figure 2.9: Basic CDMA transmissions

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    26 Advantages

    Signal hiding and non-interference with existing systems. Anti-jam and interference rejection Information security Accurate Ranging Multiple User Access Multipath tolerance Disadvantages

    The near-far problem occurs at a CDMA receiver problem. Users nearthe base station are received with high power. Users far from the base

    station are received with low power.

    Quasi-orthogonal codes cause self-interference, which dominates theperformance in most CDMA systems.

    2.3 Path loss propagation model

    Path loss models describe the signal attenuation between a transmit and

    a receive antenna as a function of the propagation distance and other parameters.

    Some models include many details of the terrain profile to estimate the signal

    attenuation, whereas others just consider carrier frequency and distance. Antenna

    heights are other critical parameters.

    2.3.1 Free-Space path loss

    We consider the system show-n in Figure 2.10, where a cell-site

    transmitter is transmitting at an average power level of PT. We want to find the

    received power level, PR, at the receiving antenna (MS) located at a distance, d, from

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    the transmitter.[3]

    For an isotropic antenna, in free space:


    4 d


    ................................................................................................ (2.1)


    PT=average power level of transmitter

    D=distance between transmitter & receiver

    PR=power density at the receiver

    For an antenna radiating uniformly in all directions (spherical pattern. the power

    density, PR at the receiver is given by Eq. (2.1)

    Figure 2.10: A Simple Model for Path Loss in Free Space

    When a directional transmitting antenna with a power gain factor GT, is used, the

    power density at the receiver site is GT times Eq (2.1)

    Transmitting system

    PT,Gain GT

    Receiving System PR,Gain GR


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    The amount of power captured by the receiver is PR times the aperture area, AR, of the

    receiving antenna. The aperture area is related to the gain of the receiving antenna by

    GR= 24 RA ........................................................................ (2.2)




    f=the transmission frequency in Hz.


    103 m./s is the free-space speed of propagation for electromagnetic waves

    AR is the effective area, which is less than the physical area by efficiency factor PR

    Typical values for R range from 60% to 80%. The total received power , PR is:


    Substituting the values ofR & AR from Eq (2.1)&(2.2) into Eq(2.3) together with the

    transmitting antenna gain GT we get

    PR= RTT GGPd



    ................................................................. (2.4a)

    Eq(2.4a) includes only the power loss from the spreading of the transmitted wave. If

    other losses such as atmospheric absorption or ohmic losses of the waveguides

    leading to the antenna, are also present, Eq ( 2.4a) is modified as








    R ........................................................................................................... (2.4b)






    denotes the loss associated with propagation of electromagnetic waves

    from the transmitter to the receiver

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    Lp depends on the carrier frequency and separation distance, d. This loss is always

    present. L0= loss factor for additional losses. When we express Eq. (2.4a) in terms of

    decibels, we get


    log20 LGGPd

    P RTTR

    ................................................................... (2.5)

    The product PTGTis called the Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) and term


    4log20 is referred to as free-space loss (L p)in dB.

    2.3.2 Hata-Okumura Model

    Most of the propagation tools use a variation of Hatas model. Hatas

    model is an empirical relation derived from the technical report made by Okumura so

    that the results could be used in computational tools. Okumuras report consists of a

    series of charts that have been used in radio communication modeling. The following

    are the expressions used in Hatas model to determine the mean loss L50. Hatas

    model is applicable to urban, suburban, and open environment. [3]

    Urban Area

    L50 = 69.55 + 26.l6log fc 13.82loghb a(hm) + (44.9 6.551oghb)logR dB


    fc = frequency (MHz)

    L50 = mean path loss (dB)

    h b= BS antenna height (m)

    a(hm) = correction factor formobile antenna height dB

    R = distance front BS km;.

    The range of the parameters for which the Hata model is valid is:

    150 fc 1500 MHz

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    30 hb200m

    1hm10 m

    1R 20 m

    a(hm) is computed as:

    Small or medium sized city:

    a(hm)= (1.1log fc-.7)hm - (1.56log fc-0.8) dB

    Large city

    dBhha mm 1.154.1log29.8)(2 , fc200MHz


    a(hm)=3.2(log11.75hm)2-4.97 dB, fc400dB

    Suburban area


    urbanLL c





    Open area

    L50=L50(urban)-4.78(log fc)2+18.33log fc - 40.94 dB

    Hatas model does not account for any of the path-specific correction

    used in Okumuras model.Okumuras model tends to average over some of the

    extreme situations and does not respond sufficiently quickly to rapid changes in the

    radio path profile. The distance-dependent behavior of Okumuras model is in

    agreement with the measured values. Okumuras measurements are valid only for the

    building types found in Tokyo.

    Okumuras model requires that considerable engineering judgment be

    used, particularly in the selection of the appropriate environmental factors. Data is

    needed in order to be able to predict the environmental factors from the physical

    properties of the buildings surrounding a mobile receiver, In addition to the

    appropriate environmental factors, path-specific corrections are required to convert

    Okumuras mean path-loss predictions to the predictions that apply to the specific

    path under study. Okumuras techniques for correction of irregular terrain and other

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    path-specific features require engineering interpretations and are thus not readily

    adaptable for computer use.

    MATLAB Program is given in APPENDIX-B

    2.3.3 Walfisch--Ikegami Model

    This model (also known as the European committee of Scientific and

    Technology COST 231 model) is used to estimate the path loss in an urban

    environment for cellular communication (Figure 2.11) The model is a combination of

    the empirical and deterministic models for estimating the path loss in an urban

    environment over the frequency range of -2000 MHz. This model is used primarily in

    Europe for GSM systems and in me propagation models in the United States. The

    model contains three elements: free-space loss, roof-to-street diffraction and scatter

    1055, and multiscreen diffraction and scatter loss from other structures loss. The

    expressions used this model are



    L50=Lf whenLrts+Lms 0

    Figure 2.11: The Walfisch-Ikegami Propagation Model [3]

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    Lf= free-path loss

    L rts = rooftop-to-street diffraction & scatter loss

    L ms = multiscreen loss

    Free-space loss isgiven as:

    L f= 32.4 + 20IogR +20logf dB

    The rooftop-to-street diffraction and scatter lois is given as:

    L rts=-16.9-10logW+ l0log fc + 20log hm + l0 dB


    W= street width (m), and

    hm=hr- hm(m)

    L0=-9.646 dB 0 35 degree

    L0 = 2.5 + 0.075(- 35) dB 3555 degree

    L0=4 - 0.l14 (-55) dB 5590 degree


    =incident angle relative to the street.

    The multiscreen lossis given as:

    Lms =Lbsh+ka+kdlogR+kflogfc-9logb


    b=distance between buildings along the radio path (m)

    Lbsh=-18log11+b, hb>hr

    Lbsh=0, hbhr

    ka=54-0.8hb, R500m, hbhr

    ka=54-1.6hb R , R

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    The path losses predicted Walfisch-Ikegami model is greater than Hatas

    model. Hatas model ignores effects from street width, street diffraction, & scatter


    which the Walfisch-ikegami model includes.

    MATLAB Program is given in APPENDIX-C

    2.4 Conclusion

    Mobile cellular wireless systems operate under harsh and challenging

    channel conditions. The wireless channel is distinct and much more unpredictable

    than the wireline channel because of factors such as multipath and shadow fading,

    Doppler shift, and time dispersion or delay spread. These factors are all related to

    variability that is introduced by the mobility of the user and the wide range of

    environments that may be encountered as a result. Bandwidth of the signal could

    increase or decrease leading to poor and/or missed reception. If maximum Doppler

    shift is less than the data rate, there is slow fading channel. If maximum Doppler

    shift is larger than the data rate, there is fast fading channel. In outer space, the path

    between two antennas has no obstructions and no objects where reflections can occur.

    Thus the received signal is composed of only one component. When the two antennas

    are on the earth, however, there are multiple paths from the transmitter to the receiver.

    The effect of the multiple paths is to change the path loss between two points. Several

    empirical models have been suggested and used to predict propagation path losses.

    We have discussed two widely used modelsthe Hata-Okumura model and the

    Walfisch-Ikegami Model have also presented the models suggested for use in IMT-

    2000 specifications.

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