winterton on sea parish councillors and clerk wish you all...

Post on 24-Sep-2020






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Winterton on Sea Parish Councillors and Clerk

wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Photo courtesy of Perry Fairman –


Christmas and New Year are times when we look back at what has happened in the past year and

ahead at what is going to happen in the New Year. In the past year a new Councillor joined us,

Carmel Shiggins, this is the first time for nearly two years that we have had a full Parish Council

of nine Councillors. In May we will be holding elections for a new Parish Council, some of the

existing Councillors may not be standing for re-election, so there may be some vacancies, would

you be willing to stand for the position of Councillor? The more people that stand, will give the

villagers a chance to vote for whom they want on the Council.

As Christmas approaches the trees and lights round the village look very cheerful. The village

Christmas tree has recently been erected and a thank you to all the people who helped with that,

we had good weather for it; last year we did it in the snow. Christmas is a time when we gather

together as families to celebrate, but it is also a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus over 2000

years ago which is the true meaning of Christmas.

On behalf of myself, all the Councillors and our Clerk I would like to thank you for your support

over the past year and wish you a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.



e-m: Tel: Bev on 394954

or drop in red wall postbox at 6 Dune Court

Event Date Time Location Details

Christmas Carol Service Sun 18 Dec 6.30 pm Church Mulled wine + mince


Christmas Crib Service Christmas Eve 3 pm Church

Moonlight Mass Christmas Eve 9 pm Church

Christmas Morning Mass Christmas Day 9 am Church

Parish Council Meeting Thurs 19 Jan 7.30 pm Village Hall All welcome

Parish Council Surgery Sat 21 Jan 10 – 11 am Village Hall

Quiz Night Thurs 12 Jan 8 pm Hermanus Last month’s Quiz raised £154

for Church Restoration Fund.

Thank you to our dedicated band of

volunteers who have helped to deliver

the monthly Newsletter this year.

However, one or two have had to drop

out so we need some more volunteers,

please. If you could help please call

Bev on 394954. Thank you ☺

Thanks must go to the Gardening Club for once again

supplying the marvellous Christmas Tree that adorns the

Village green. And, of course, to those willing volunteers

who helped erect it this year – Michael, Gill, Jim, Russ, Bob

and Keith - thanks for all your efforts. This year, you will

have seen that the tree is now topped with a shining star –

for which thanks go to Bob Mann.

Wishing my wonderful husband Keith a Happy Christmas and New Year, Love always Carolann XXX

Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and a healthy and happy new year. Love Mark & Debbie xx

To all involved in our Village

Community Emergency Plan – Happy

Christmas and all the best for 2012 -

Chris Barlow

Darrin & all his staff would like to wish

everyone a very happy Christmas and a

happy and healthy new year

Fr Adrian and all the folk at Winterton Parish Church wish all the people of this village a very happy Christmas and peace-filled New Year. Thank you for your generosity and support throughout this year, in helping us to maintain our fine historic church. We hope you have been able to enjoy some of the events we have organised. Look out for details of events in our action-packed programme in 2012. May the light of God's blessing shine upon you and all whom you love this Christmas and throughout the coming year.

The Friends of Winterton Primary School and Nursery would like to thank everyone who supported our recent Christmas Fayre. It was very well supported and we raised over £1,400 for school funds, which was amazing, thank you all so much, We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everybody at the school.

Thank you all again!

The Quilters’ Christmas Bazaar was a happy occasion

with an interesting Sales stall – home-baked cakes and

fudges, fabrics, books and jewellery as well as raffles

and a tombola stall where everybody went home with

a cuddly toy. We made a handsome profit of £868

which we are donating to the East Coast Hospice.

THANKS TO ALL who spent their money with us.

We are rejoicing.

THE LEAVING OF A LEADER – from one of the

Winterton Quilters

Nine years ago a very talented and enthusiastic lady,

Hazel Chambers, moved to Winterton and a year later

set up the Quilters Group with just six women. One

of those women is Sheila Whisker who became the

Quilters Chairperson and with Sheila at the helm we

have grown and grown and are now 43 members with

a waiting list and we meet every Wednesday. This

year we have raised approximately £2,350 for

charities in Norfolk and dour principal charity for the

year July 2011-2012 is the East Coast Hospice. But,

regrettably, Sheila will be leaving in January.

Leaving with her valuable people skills and humour

which are second to none (you try keeping 43 women

in check as well as keep them happy). Winterton

Quilters will go on, but it won’t be the same. Watch

out Wrexham, Warrington or Wymondham – here she

comes! BUT we have failed her; Sheila has never

learned to quilt.

Thanks for everything, Sheila.

We would like to thank all who have

supported us over the past year and wish

everyone a very happy Christmas from the

committee of the Gardening Club.

Mrs Peggy Scott, formerly of Bush Road and

now residing at Ealing House in Martham

would like to wish all her friends and

acquaintances a very Happy Christmas and a

healthy New Year. She is pleased to say she is

still very happy at Martham and extremely

well cared for by kind, wonderful, friendly


Happy Christmas to all my doggy friends

and hope you get lots of treats for

Christmas from Prince

Coastal Erosion Steering Group We continue to work hard in the interest of our Village and keep a watchful eye on our coast and on Government policy and initiatives. We wish everyone in our Village a very Happy Christmas and a trouble-free 2012.

Accommodation required for single man – if you

have a room to let or maybe a holiday let laying

empty awaiting summer bookings that you would

let short-term at reduced rate to keep the place

secure – please contact Perry on 07905 574798

URGENT. Thanks

901 Troop Marine Cadets (TS Fearless)

Everyone at 901 Troop, also known as Winterton

Marine Cadets, are most grateful for the excellent

support we receive from OUR Village. We wish you all

a very Happy Christmas and an enjoyable 2012.

Seasons Greetings and a happy New Year from Valerie and Michael.

Fisherman’s Return

New Years Eve Disco

8 till late

in the Tinho

Free entry

Inspirational Interiors for you and your home

Karen & Anthony would like to say a big thank you to Scott & Darrin at The Fishermans Return, Debbie at the Chip Shop, Ivan & Margaret at The Hermanus and all at Winterton Parish Church for their support and for selling our Winterton Cards this year. We would also like to wish all Winterton residents a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, and look forward to seeing you at one of our future events. 14 Bulmer Lane, Winterton-on-Sea Tel: 01493 393694 / Mob: 07810 862266 (

Winterton Village Hall Your Village Hall Committee hope to continue the steady improvements around our very popular venue. We are grateful for the generous support we receive from our Villagers at all of our various fundraising events. We wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. We are very pleased to announce that we made £909 at our annual Christmas Fayre on 10th December. My thanks to all who helped in any in raising this excellent amount for our funds – Terry

Maggie and Lottie would like to "woof" all their doggie (and human) friends their best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Bev, Jim and Jack would like to wish a very

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to

all our friends and neighbours in Dune

Court and all round the Village.

Wishing you all a Very Merry Xmas and a Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Remember I am here to help. Shirley Weymouth - Borough Councillor for the East Flegg Ward

WINTERTON IN BLOOM Following a very successful year which resulted in a Gold Award and Overall Best Village Award from Yarmouth in Bloom, the In Bloom team have worked hard to ensure that the Village will be a riot of colour in the Spring and are now looking forward to a slightly less busy time during the winter months. A big thank you goes to everyone who supported us during the last year and those who generously made donations to our funds. Our web site,, has been updated with photographs of the village during the summer and looks wonderful. Do take the opportunity to look at the site if you can. Please come and join us next year if you have a few hours to spare. You will be given a very warm welcome. Contact Pam on 394365 or Jean on 393682 The Winterton in Bloom Team wish everyone a Very Happy Chistmas and a Happy New Year.

Just to wish everyone a happy & healthy Christmas & New Year from Winterton WI

CHRISTMAS SHOEBOXES Once again, the Winterton WI and Busy Fingers Group ladies have excelled themselves in collecting gifts, toiletries, colouring crayons, books and knitted items to fill 78 boxes this year. These go to Eastern European children through the Smile International Organisation, giving a gift to a child who otherwise would get nothing. Judith Bews would like to thank all those who showed such generosity and support.


Three grit bins will shortly be sited in

Winterton – at Hillview Drive/Holway

junction, near to the Village Hall and

outside Loomes Stores. The Highways

Department has approved these sites

and will fill the bins with grit. The grit is

only for use on public highways and

footpaths. We are looking to draw up a

list of volunteers to spread the grit

when needed, please contact our clerk,

Gill on 393306 or you can e-mail her on Whilst

spreading the grit you will be covered

by the Parish Council insurance,

provided we have recorded you on our

list of volunteers. I trust that people in

these areas will volunteer to help keep

our roads and footpaths safe during bad



Dorothy Sharples would like to wish all her Winterton friends a very happy Christmas and a healthy New Year.

Edna and Ron Haylett will be sending a donation to E.A.C.H. in lieu of Christmas cards but wish all their friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year.

David and Jean Neve wish a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one

and all.

Susan, Philip and Simon want to wish all our neighbours on The Lane a Happy

Christmas and a prosperous New Year and thanks for making our move such a

happy one.

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