wine & web: content, conversions and lead generation

Post on 17-May-2015






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In this presentation, we analyze the birth of a lead, deconstructing each page in the process and each stage in the funnel. Discover the topics and types of content that attract and engage visitors. Finally, we breakdown the page elements of each step in the process. This presentation shows you how to create content that drives results at every stage of the funnel, from high-ranking blog post to the page after the thank you page.


  • 1. Content, Conversions & Lead Generation Andy Crestodina #wineweb @orbiteers Wine & Web #36

2. This is your funnel 3. This is your funnel on content 4. % of buying decisions are made before contacting a sales rep source: Corporate Executive Board, Marketing Leadership Council survey of 1900 B2B customers 5. TOP OF THE FUNNEL 6. Its all about empathy What topics do they want? 7. Help your audience make a buying decision. 8. Your website is the mousetrap, Your content is the cheese - Barry Feldman 9. 1. Keywords 2. Q&A Sites 3. Listening Sources of Topics 10. Finding Topics: Google Suggest 11. Finding Topics: Ubersuggest Source: 12. Finding Topics: Soovle Source: 13. Google Keyword Planner 14. #convcon @crestodina 15. Finding Topics: Analytics Queries 16. Finding Topics: Analytics Site Search source: Justin Rondeau 17. Finding Topics: Analytics Site Search 18. Finding Topics: Yahoo! Answers Source: Yahoo! Answers #convcon @crestodina 19. Finding Topics: Source: #convcon @crestodina 20. Finding Topics: Listening 1. Sales Team 2. Customer Service Team 3. Client Stories 21. source: Deana Goldasich #convcon @crestodina 22. Source: Periodic Table of Content 23. A Family of Keyphrases Many pages, many phrases 24. Home Page Main Navigation Blog Posts 25. Home Page Main Navigation Blog Posts many pages 26. PRIMARY KEYPHRASE most competitive phrase SECONDARY PHRASES product categories, services pages TERTIARY PHRASES problem-related phrases, how-to content many phrases 27. Which posts have ranking potential? Low hanging fruit is delicious! 28. Top content 29. Find your traffic champions 30. The Spike and the Long Tail Initial spike from email marketing and social promotion (one week) 20 to 40 visits per day from organic search (months or years) 31. Queries Report with Advanced Filter for Average Position set to Greater than 10 Posts that rank high on page two 32. Posts that rank high on page two! Queries Report with Advanced Filter for Average Position set to Greater than 10 33. 1. View: Search Engine Optimization > Queries 2. Set Advanced Filter: Average Position greater than 10 3. Sort by Average Position 4. Confirm the rank and the post by searching for the phrase Finding posts with ranking potential 34. Now for a little on-page SEO Lets indicate the relevance. 35. A. Once at the beginning of the title B. Once in the first header C. Four to six times in the body of the page D. Within the links to the page from other pages on your site. Use the phrase in 4 places 36. 1. Title: Once in the beginning and its the link in Google search results! It appears above the address bar in your browser 37. HomeHome 38. 2. Header: once, anywhere 39. 3. Body: 4 - 6 Times 40. Dont be too aggressive! 41. This stuff works 42. A Hidden Ranking Factor User Interaction Signals? Whats that? 43. more info: Ideal Length for Blog Posts and everything else 44. source: Blind Five Year Old, Social Signals and SEO 45. User Interaction Signals Time on page after clicking from Google Quick bounce vs. the long click Comments, shares Correlate with engagement Impossible to study 46. Why doesnt MOZ study this? 47. Its deep in the survey: dwell time 48. Increase Time on Page! Formatting that draws readers in Great design Write longer, in-depth content Add Video 49. MIDDLE OF THE FUNNEL 50. Optimize for subscribers 51. Before After 52. 1900% increase. Not bad! 53. Why it works 1.Prominence 2.Promise 3.Proof 54. Call to Action Conform 55. GOOD 56. BAD 57. Find Your Conversion Champions Which are your most compelling posts? 58. Reverse Goal Path with Advanced Filter for Goal Previous Step 1 set to /blog/ Subscribers per blog post 59. Pageviews per blog post 60. well hello, champions! Subscribers per page view per blog post 61. Lets watch that in slo-mo 62. Put it into heavy rotation on the social streams Add it to your home page slideshow Link to it from your email signature Run an ad using PPC, Facebook, etc. Write a guest post. Link back to the page Include it in a roundup of your best posts Link to it from other high traffic pages Now put on your traffic driving gloves 63. BOTTOM OF THE FUNNEL 64. Testimonials = supportive evidence 65. Never make a testimonials page 66. When you say it, its marketing When they say it, its social proof. 67. Speaking of trust source: Dr. Albert Mehrabian 68. Regardless of your age, if youre searching for the answer to the question, what do you want to be when you grow up? you are not alone. Survey after survey shows that the majority of working adults wish they could start over in a different career. They also wish they had more information and better information in making that decision and I couldnt agree more. Choosing the right career is one of the most important decisions that youll make in your lifetime. versus text. 69. Video 70. SUBSEQUENT CONVERSIONS 71. But wait! Theres more 72. Subsequent Conversions 73. Where theres traffic, theres hope... 74. Your Pages. Your Funnel. Lets break it down. 75. #convcon @crestodina 76. #convcon @crestodina 77. source: Lead Generation Best Practices 78. Bottom Line. 79. Any questions? 80. Thank you! Andy Crestodina @crestodina #wineweb

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