wine in greek orthodox religion

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Education and culture Lifelong programme COMENIUS

We searched for hymns mentioning wine and vine


By reading books and searching web sites westudied the role of wine in our religion.

We looked for references to wine and vine in the Old and theNew Testament

We recorded the use of wine in church rituals

We studied icons and wall paintings depicting Christ as vine.

Seeking for further information we went to the church ofSt Irene right next to our school where the priest, Father Titus,welcomed us warmly and answered gladly all our questions.

The words “ampelos” meaning vine and “oinos” meaning wine are frequently used in the Old Testament.

Wine, along with wheat and oil

are basic fruits of nature,

a blessing of God himself.

Characteristically, in the 103rd

psalm we meet the following:


Wine cheers the heart of man, oil makes his face shining, and bread gives strength to him.

is the symbol of joy and


In the Old Testament Noah, as a farmer planted

the first vine after the flood

The Jews used to do libations with wine in the

Temple of Solomon

Their first harvests, grapes included, were always offered to God. This

ritual remains the same to this day.

Wine makes life pleasant, under the condition of being used in moderation.

The wine abuse was not approved in the Old Testament because it limits human free will.

The story of Noah and Lott stands as a great example of it.

Israel which is characterized as God’s chosen people, is depicted as vineyard

an icon that in New Testament is used to symbolize Jesus Christ and the church.


Ι am the true vine, you are the branches

and my Father is the husbandman.

Abide in me, and I in you. He that abides in me, and I in him,

the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.

In the gospel of St. John there is:

According to the New Testament, Christ’s first public miracle

occurred during a wedding feast at Cana, where he turned water

into wine

In the parable of the good Samaritan, wine is used as a remedy for the injuries.

In the last supper Jesus Christ blesses and consecrates

the wine.


this is My blood, which is shed for you

and for many, for the remission of sins

Holding a cup, he thanks God and blesses the wine. Then he gives his

Apostles to drink as he says:

Jesus Christ institutes the sacrament of Holy communion

Orthodox Hymnography greets Virgin Mary:


Hail, the true vine,which fructified the ripe grape

Metaphorically is referring to Jesus Christ as the “ripe grape”.

During the wedding ceremony the bride and groom drink wine from a single cup, representing

their equal share in the cup of life.

Wine is also used in “Artoklasia”while distributing sweet bread in important feasts

Wine is used at the opening ceremony of a new temple while washing the altar

Wine is used in the washing of the dead people


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