windows programming using c# arrays, collections

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Windows Programming Using C#

Arrays, Collections



Arrays Collections Generics Strings



Arrays are similar to Java int[] intArray;

Creates a reference to an array intArray = new int[5];

Creates an array object and assigns it Array objects are reference types created on the

heap The integers in the array are value types Array indexing is zero based



All arrays are derived from this class Properties

Length – number of elements in all dimensions

Rank – number of dimensions Methods

BinarySearch – performs a binary search for a member



Clear – sets a range of elements to 0 or null Clone – creates a shallow copy Copy – copies elements from one array to another getLength – returns the length of a single dimension IndexOf – returns the first occurrence of a value Sort – sorts the array


Arrays of Objects

When you create an array of objects, it is simply an array of references to objects, not the actual objects

These references are initialized to null You must then create objects and assign

to each member of the array


The foreach Statement

This iterates through all elements of an array or collection foreach (type ident in expression) statement

int[] ar = new int[5] {1,2,3,4,5};foreach(int i in ar) {Console.WriteLine(i);



Rectangular Arrays

C# supports rectangular and jagged arrays Arrays can be of 1 or more dimensions To declare a rectangular array

int[,] int2d = new int[2,3];for (int i = 0; I < 2; i++) {for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

int2d[i,j] = i+j;}



Jagged Arrays

These are really arrays of arrays Each member must be created as a separate

array Note the difference in subscripting

int jag[][] = new int[2][];jag[0] = new int[5];jag[1] = new int[10];jag[0][1] = 15;



Indexers allow any class to be indexed like an array

Indexers are declared in a way similar to properties

They always use the keyword this The index can be an integer or even a string * see IndexedArray



Create a simple array which can be indexed By an integer By a string using “first”, “middle” or “last”

class IndexedArray { int[] data;

public IndexedArray(int sz) { data = new int[sz]; }…



An indexer with integer indices

public int this[int index] {

get { return data[index]; }

set { data[index] = value; }



Indexers An indexer with string indicespublic int this[string index] { get { int idx = 0; switch (index) { case "middle": idx = data.Length / 2; break; case "first": idx = 0; break; case "last": idx = data.Length - 1; break; } return data[idx]; }}



Arrays Collections Generics Strings



Collections are generic data structures for containing objects or primitives

These are often in the form of common data structures like lists, and dictionaries

Many of the collections have interfaces representing their functionality


The IEnumerable Interface

This states that the class supports an enumerator or iterator which steps through the elements one-by-one

Classes which implement this interface can be used with the foreach statement

public interface IEnumerable {

IEnumerator GetEnumerator();



The IEnumerator Interface

This is the interface the enumerator must implement It is usually implemented as a private class within the

class being enumerated

public interface IEnumerator {bool MoveNext();bool Reset();object Current { get; }



IndexedArrayEnumeratorprivate class IndexedArrayEnumerator: IEnumerator { int idx; IndexedArray theArray;

public IndexedArrayEnumerator(IndexedArray ar) { theArray = ar; idx = -1; }

public bool MoveNext() { idx++; if(idx >= return false; else return true; }

public void Reset() { idx = -1; }

public object Current { get{ return theArray[idx]; } }}


Getting an Enumerator

public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()


return new IndexedArrayEnumerator(this);


This creates and returns an enumerator Using a separate enumerator class allows several

enumerators to operate at the same time


The ICollection Interface

Defines properties and methods for all collections

Implements: IEnumerableCount

the number of elements in the collectionCopyTo(Array ar, int idx)

Copies all elements to an array starting at the index



The problem with arrays is their fixed size ArrayLists fix this by resizing the array

when the addition of new members exceeds the capacity

The class has an extensive set of methods


ArrayList Methods

Method/Property Description

Capacity The number of elements the list can hold

Item() Indexer

Add() Add an object to the ArrayList

AddRange() Add the elements of a collection to the end of the array

BinarySearch() Binary search

Clear() Removes all elements from the ArrayList

Clone() Creates a shallow copy

Contains() Determines if a value is in the ArrayList

CopyTo() Copies to a 1-D array


ArrayList Methods

Method/Property Description

GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator

GetRange() Copies a range to a new ArrayList

IndexOf() Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value

InsertRange() Inserts elements from a collection

Remove() Removes the first occurrence of an element

RemoveAt() Removes the element as a specific location

Sort() Sorts the ArrayList

ToArray() Copies the elements to a new array

TrimToSize() Sets capacity to current size



Sorting primitives is easy since comparing one to another is well-defined

Sorting user-defined types is more difficult since you do not know how to compare one to another

There are two solutions IComparable IComparer


The IComparable Interface

This require one method CompareTo which returns -1 if the first value is less than the second 0 if the values are equal 1 if the first value is greater than the second

This is a member of the class and compares this to an instance passed as a parameter

public interface IComparable {int CompareTo(object obj)



The IComparer Interface

This is similar to IComparable but is designed to be implemented in a class outside the class whose instances are being compared

Compare() works just like CompareTo()

public interface IComparer {int Compare(object o1, object o2);



Sorting an ArrayList

To use CompareTo() of IComparableArrayList.Sort()

To use a custom comparer objectArrayList.Sort(IComparer cmp)

To sort a rangeArrayList.Sort(int start, int len, IComparer cmp)


Implementing IComparer

To sort people based on age

class PersonComparer: IComparer{

public int Compare(object o1, object o2){

PersonBase p1 = (PersonBase)o1;PersonBase p2 = (PersonBase)o2;return p1.Age.CompareTo(p2.Age);



ICloneable Interface

This guarantees that a class can be cloned The Clone method can be implemented to make

a shallow or deep clone

public interface ICloneable {

object Clone();



Queue Class

Method Description

Enqueue(object) Adds an object to the queue

object Dequeue() Takes an object off the queue and returns it. Throws InvalidOperationException if empty.

object Peek() Returns object at head of queue without removing it.

object[] ToArray() Returns contents as an array.

• Implements: ICollection, IComparable, ICloneable


Stack Class

Method Description

Push(object) Adds an object to the stack

object Pop() Takes an object off the stack and returns it. Throws InvalidOperationException if empty.

object Peek() Returns object at top of stack without removing it.

object[] ToArray() Returns contents as an array.

• Implements: ICollection, IComparable, ICloneable


IDictionary Interface

A dictionary is an associative array It associates a key with a value and allows

a value to be retrieved by providing the key

Implements: ICollection, IEnumerable


IDictionary Interface

Method/Property Description

Add(object key, object value) Adds a key and value to the collection

Remove(object key) Removes the key and value pair

bool Contains(object key) True if the dictionary contains the key

IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator()

Returns an enumerator

object this[object key] Gets or sets item with specified key. If the key does not exist, it is created.

ICollection Values Returns the values as a collection

ICollection Keys Returns the keys as a collection



The hashtable is a common implementation of the IDictionary interface

If the key is not an integer then the hashcode for the key is used as an index into the hashtable

Keys used with hashtables must have unique hashcode for every value


IDictionaryEnumerator Interface

This is the type of enumerator used with dictionaries

It implements IEnumerator Has properties

Key Returns the key for the item

Value Returns the value for the item


BitArray Class

Long bit strings can be difficult to store efficiently

Since data structures can be addressed on the byte level, we end up storing one bit per byte, wasting 7 bits

The BitArray class stores the bits efficiently while providing access


BitArray Class

The constructor is overloaded BitArray(Boolean[])

Makes a BitArray from an array of Booleans BitArray(Byte[])

Makes an array from an array of Bytes where each byte represents 8 bits

BitArray(int len) Creates a BitArray of len bytes

BitArray(int[]) Makes a BitArray from the 32 bits in each int in an array of



BitArray Indexer

The BitArray has an indexer providing both get and setBitSet bs = new BitSet(8);bs[0] = true;Console.WriteLine(bs[1]);

There are also Get and Set methodsbool Get(int index)void Set(int index, bool value)


BitArray Operations

Various Boolean operations are providedBitArray And(BitArray)BitArray Or(BitArray)BitArray Xor(BitArray)BitArray Not()

You can set all of the bits at oncevoid SetAll(bool value)



Arrays Collections Generics Strings



All of the containers so far have stored data as objects This means

Containers hold any type Operations must test the type before operating on the objects in

the container When objects are removed from the container they must be cast

to their true type The programmer must remember the type of the object placed in

the container CLR must test to see that the cast is legal



All of this Places an extra burden on the programmer having to

remember the types Introduces new potential sources of error Forces expensive run-time type checking

What is needed is a way to make a class work with many types but Do so efficiently Enforce compile type strong type checking



The solution is generics! This is almost the same as the template facility

of C++ Classes and methods are parameterized with a

type Every time the class or method is used with a

new type, the compiler generates the code for that type and compiles it

This allows strong type checking at compile time


Generic Classes

To create a generic class, we parameterize it with one or more type parameters

The parameter types can then be used as types within the class and will be replaced with the actual types used when the class instance is created


Generic Array

A growable array which can hold any type

class GenericArray<T>{ T[] data;

public GenericArray(int sz) { if (sz < 1) sz = 1; data = new T[sz]; }

…} * see GenericArray


Creating Generic Class Instances

To create an instance of our generic array for integersGenericArray<int> iar = new GenericArray<int>(5);

This will cause the compiler to write a new class and replace every occurrence of the parameter T by int and compile this new class


Generic Methods

A class can also have generic methods which can work with any type

We will demonstrate this by writing a method to test the Generic Array

This method will be placed in the class containing the Main method


Generic Methods

static void test<E>(string id, GenericArray<E> ar, E[] data) {

for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { ar[i] = data[i]; }

for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("{0}[{1}] = {2}",

id, i, ar[i]); } Console.WriteLine("final capacity={0}",



Generic Collections

There are actually three different namespaces for collections System.Collections

Non-generic collections with data stored as objects

System.Collections.Generic Generic collections

System.Collections.Specialized Specialized, strongly typed collections designed to work

efficiently with specific types


Generic Collections

Generic Class Description

Dictionary<K, V> Generic unordered dictionary

LinkedList<E> Generic doubly linked list

List<E> Generic ArrayList

Queue<E> Generic queue

SortedDictionary<K, V> Generic dictionary implemented as a tree so that elements are stored in order of the keys

SortedList<K, E> Generic binary tree implementation of a list. Can have any type of subscript. More efficient than SortedDictionary in some cases.

Stack<E> Generic stack



Arrays Collections Generics Strings



C# strings are really instances of System.String

The class implements IComparable, ICloneable, IConvertable,

IEnumerable, IEnumerable<string>, IComparable<string>, IEquatable

The class provides a large number of methods for manipulating strings


Creating Strings

The easiest way is to assign a string in quotesstring s = “abc”;

All builtin types have a ToString() method which can be used to convert to a stringint n = 5;string s1 = n.ToString();

Verbatim strings start with an @ symbol and do not have escape characters replaced string exact = @”ab\nc”


Manipulating String Contents

Strings are immutable This means that any attempt to change a

string will create a new string This has major performance implications If you will be making major changes to a

string, you should use a StringBuilder


Accessing String Contents

Strings have an indexer which supports get onlyString s = “abc”;

Console.WriteLine(s[1]); There is also a substring method

Substring(int startIdx);

Substring(int start, int len); Find the string length with Length property



Comparing Strings

A static method to compare two strings static int compare(string, string);

An instance method to compare this to another string int CompareTo(string);

Static & instance versions of Equals int Equals(string) static bool Equals(string, string)


Comparing Strings

Comparing the starts and ends of strings bool startsWith(string) bool endsWith(string)


Searching Strings

To find the first index of a char int IndexOf(char) int IndexOf(char, int startIndex)

To find the first index of a string int IndexOf(string) int IndexOf(string, int startIndex)

To find the last index of a char int LastIndexOf(char) int LastIndexOf(char, int startIndex)

To find the last index of a string int LastIndexOf(string) int LastIndexOf(string, int startIndex)


Searching Strings

Find the first occurrence of any of a set of characters int IndexOfAny(char[]) int IndexOfAny(char[], int startIndex)

Find the last occurrence of any of a set of characters int LastIndexOfAny(char[]) int LastIndexOfAny(char[], int startIndex)


Handling Spaces

To remove a set of chars from start or end TrimStart(chars[]) TrimEnd(chars[])

To remove spaces from both ends Trim()

To remove a set of chars from both ends Trim(char[])

To pad spaces on either side PadRight(int totalLength) PadLeft(int totalLength)


Converting Case

ToUpper() ToLower()


Splitting and Joining

To split a string into an array of strings at every occurrence of a separator charstring[] split(string, char[])

To join an array of strings into one string with a separator string between every pair of stringstring join(string sep, string[])



To format an object into a string string format(string fmt, object)

The format string is the same as used by WriteLine where an argument is referenced by an index string s = s1.format(“{0:fmt}”, i); Where fmt is one of the format codes on the next




Format Meaning

C Currency

D Decimal

F Fixed point

E Scientific

P Percent

X Hexadecimal

D Long date


StringBuilder Class

The trouble with strings is that they are immutable

Every time you have to concatenate two strings, a new string is produced

This creates a huge amount of memory allocation and garbage collection

The StringBuilder is a class which can build a string much more efficiently


StringBuilder Class

To create oneStringBuilder()StringBuilder(int capacity)

If the capacity of the StringBuilder is exceeded, new space is automatically allocated

Ensuring sufficient capacity at the start is more efficient than forcing reallocation


Appending to a StringBuilder

StringBuilder Append(anyPrimitive) This produces a string representation of the primitive

and appends it onto the end of the contents of the StringBuilder

This can be used to append strings too

You can also append a formatted string similar to the formatting done by WriteLinesb.AppendFormat("2) {0}, {1}", var1, var2);


Appending to a StringBuilder

You can also append a line using the default line terminatorAppendLine()AppendLine(string)

Without a parameter, it just inserts a line terminator

With a parameter, the string is appended followed by the line terminator


Getting the Content

Building a string is useless unless you can retrieve it

To get the whole StringBufferstring ToString()

To get just part of the StringBufferstring ToString(int start, int len)

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