windows 8.1 creating a windows 8.1 reference imagecreating an windows 8.1 reference image lab...

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Creating a Windows 8.1 reference image

Windows 8.1

Hands-on lab

In this lab, you will learn how to create a Windows 8.1

reference image using MDT 2013.

Produced by Deployment Artist

Version 1.0


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Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

Lab created by Deployment Artist. For questions or comments, send an email message to Page | 3


Estimated time to complete this lab

60 minutes


After completing this lab, you will be able to:

Create a deployment share in MDT 2013.

Add Setup files, create task sequences, and configure deployment share settings.

Create a Windows 8.1 reference image using MDT 2013.


Before working on this lab, you must have:

An understanding of Windows deployment.

The ability to work with Windows PowerShell.

An understanding of Windows Server 2012 management tools and procedures.

Overview of the lab

In this lab, you will learn how to create a Windows 8.1 reference image using MDT 2013.

Intended audience

This lab is intended for individuals who are responsible for deploying Windows clients and wish to

leverage the features of MDT 2013 to simplify the process for deploying Windows clients.

Virtual machine technology

This lab is completed using virtual machines that run on Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V technology. To

log on to the virtual machines, press CTRL+ALT+END and enter your logon credentials.

Computers in this lab

This lab uses computers as described in the following table. Before you begin the lab, you must ensure

that the DC01 and MDT01 virtual machines are started and then log on to the computers.

Virtual Machine Role

DC01 An existing domain controller.

MDT01 An existing member server.

REF001 A blank virtual machine

All user accounts in this lab use the password Passw0rd!

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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Exercise 1: Creating the server structure

In this exercise, you create the MDT 2013 server structure which includes installing Windows ADK 8.1 and

MDT 2013, review service accounts, create a folder structure, and create a MDT deployment share.

Review the Service accounts

In this task, you will review the service accounts added in Active Directory. During deployment MDT is

using the MDT Build Account to access content in the deployment share.

Perform this task logged on to DC01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Using Active Directory Users and Computers, in the Contoso / Service Accounts OU, review

the service accounts that are created.

TIP. The simplest way to find application in Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2 is by pressing the

Windows button and start typing, i.e. “Active Directory”.

2. In this lab, to access the MDT 2013 deployment share, the MDT_BA (MDT Build Account)

account is used.

The Service Accounts OU.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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Install Windows ADK 8.1

In this task, you will install Windows ADK 8.1 in the default location. The Windows 8.1 ADK is required

when using MDT as it provides the foundational tools that MDT uses to perform deployment.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Using File Explorer, navigate to the C:\Labfiles\Windows ADK 8.1 folder.

2. Run the Windows ADK 8.1 setup (adksetup.exe), install to the default location, and select to

install the following components:

Deployment Tools

Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE)

User State Migration Tool (USMT

The Windows ADK 8.1 Setup.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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Install MDT 2013

In this task, you will install MDT 2013 in the default location. This setup also installs the Deployment

Workbench, the console you use to manage the MDT 2013 Lite Touch deployment solution.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Using File Explorer, navigate to the C:\Labfiles\MDT 2013 folder.

2. Run the MDT 2013 setup (MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit2013_x64.msi), and use the default

options in the setup wizard.

Running the MDT 2013 setup.

Create and share the Logs folder

In this task, you create and share the E:\Logs folder on MDT01 using PowerShell. The Logs folder is used

to store the server side logs that MDT provides. During deployment, if something goes wrong, MDT will

copy the log files to that location for troubleshooting. MDT will also copy the log files when a deployment

completes successfully.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Start an elevated Windows PowerShell prompt (run as Administrator)

2. Type the following commands, pressing ENTER after each one.

↪ New-Item -Path E:\Logs -ItemType directory

↪ New-SmbShare –Name Logs$ –Path E:\Logs -ChangeAccess EVERYONE

↪ icacls E:\Logs /grant '"MDT_BA":(OI)(CI)(M)'

TIP: You can use tab completion on all parameters to simplify typing.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

Lab created by Deployment Artist. For questions or comments, send an email message to Page | 7

Creating and sharing the Logs folder.

Create the MDT Build Lab Deployment Share

In this task, you create the MDT Build Lab deployment share using Deployment Workbench. A

deployment share in MDT is a folder structure which is used to store all content needed for deployment.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Using the Deployment Workbench (available on the Start screen), right-click Deployment

Shares and select New Deployment Share. Use the following settings for the New Deployment

Share Wizard.

Deployment share path: E:\MDTBuildLab

Share name: MDTBuildLab$

Deployment share description: MDT Build Lab

Options: <default settings>

2. Using File Explorer, verify that you can access the \\MDT01\MDTBuildLab$ share.

Verifying access to the \\MDT01\MDTBuildLab$ share.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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Configure Permissions for the deployment share

In this task, you grant permissions for the MDT 2013 Build Account to the captures folder. When building

a reference image with MDT it will automatically run sysprep and capture the installation to a new WIM

image. That image is stored in the captures folder.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Start an elevated Windows PowerShell prompt (run as Administrator)

2. Type the following command and pressing ENTER.

↪ icacls E:\MDTBuildLab\Captures /grant '"MDT_BA":(OI)(CI)(M)'

Setting permissions in the Windows PowerShell prompt.

The Capture folder permissions assigned.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

Lab created by Deployment Artist. For questions or comments, send an email message to Page | 9

Exercise 2: Add Windows installation files

In this exercise, you add the Windows 8.1 operating system to the previously created deployment share.

Import the Windows 8.1 operating system

In this task, you import add the default Windows 8.1 operating system image to MDT. These setup files

are used during the build and capture process in MDT.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Using the Deployment Workbench, expand the Deployment Shares node, expand MDT Build

Lab, right-click the Operating Systems node and select New Folder. Name the new folder

Windows 8.1.

2. Expand the Operating Systems node, right-click the Windows 8.1 node, and select Import

Operating System. Use the following settings for the Import Operating System Wizard:

Full set of source files

Source directory: C:\Labfiles\Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64

Destination directory name: W81EX64RTM

TIP: Due to the Windows limits on path length, we are purposely keeping the operating system

destination directory short, using the folder name W81EX64RTM rather than a more descriptive name.

3. After adding the operating system, using the Deployment Workbench, in the Windows 8.1

node, change the operating system name to Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64 RTM.

4. Using File Explorer, navigate to the C:\Labfiles\MDTBuildLab\Catalog folder.

5. Copy the install_Windows 8.1 Enterprise Evaluation.clg file to E:\MDTBuildLab\Operating


TIP: The catalog file is used by Windows System Image Manager (WSIM) if you need to edit the

Unattend.xml template the MDT adds to each task sequence you create. If you don’t have one, MDT

generates one for you, but you save a few minutes of waiting by copy an existing file.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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The Windows 8.1 node after renaming the label (name) for the imported operating system.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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Exercise 3: Add Applications

In this exercise, you add a few applications to the deployment share.

Add Office 2013 Pro Plus x86

In this task, you add Office 2013 as an application in MDT 2013. Also, Office 2013 is a special application

to MDT, because MDT will detect that it’s office and provide additional settings.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Using the Deployment Workbench, expand the Deployment Shares node, expand MDT Build

Lab, right-click the Applications node and select New Folder. Name the folder Microsoft.

2. Expand the Applications node, right-click the Microsoft folder, and select New Application.

3. Use the following settings for the New Application Wizard:

Application Type: Application with source files

Publisher: <blank>

Application name: Install - Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus - x86

Version: <blank>

Language: <blank>

Source Directory: C:\Labfiles\Office 2013 Pro Plus x86

Specify the name of the directory that should be created:

Install - Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus - x86

Command Line: Setup.exe

Working directory: <default>

The Office 2013 application added.

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Automate the Office 2013 setup

In this task, you will use the Office Customization Tool to automate the Office 2013 setup. The Office

Customization Tool offers rich customization options for the Office 2013 setup. The resulting

configuration is stored in an MSP file that is stored in the Updates folder within the Office 2013

installation files.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Using Deployment Workbench, In the Applications / Microsoft node, double-click the Install -

Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus - x86 application.

2. In the Office Products tab, click Office Customization Tool, and click OK on the Information

dialog box.

3. Wait for the Office Customization Tool dialog box to start (will take a short while), then select

the Create a new Setup customization file for the following product option, and click OK.

4. In the Install Location and organization name node, set Organization name to Contoso.

5. In the Licensing and user interface node, select the Use KMS client key check box, select the I

accept the terms in the License Agreement check box, and in the Display level dropdown list,

select None.

6. In the Modify Setup Properties node, add the SETUP_REBOOT property and set the value to


7. In the Modify User settings node, expand Microsoft Office 2013, expand Privacy, select Trust

Center, and enable the Disable Opt-in Wizard on first run setting.

The Office 2013 user settings.

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8. In the File menu, select Save. Save the configuration as 0_Office2013ProPlusx86.msp in the

E:\MDTBuildLab\Applications\Install - Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus - x86 \Updates folder.

9. Close the Microsoft Office Customization Tool, click Yes on the dialog box.

10. In the Install - Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus - x86 Properties window, click OK.

Add additional applications via PowerShell

Internally MDT does its operations via PowerShell, which means you can automate the same tasks easily.

In this task, you add additional applications like Silverlight and Visual C++ runtimes using PowerShell.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Start an elevated Windows PowerShell prompt (run as Administrator)

2. Type the following commands, pressing ENTER after each one.

↪ Set-ExecutionPolicy –ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned –Force

↪ Set-Location C:\Labfiles\MDTBuildLab

↪ .\ImportMDTApplications.ps1

3. Using Deployment Workbench, select the Applications / Microsoft node, press F5 to refresh

the node, and then review the list of imported applications.

Deployment Workbench listing the applications in the Microsoft node.

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Exercise 4: Create the MDT Task Sequence

In this exercise, you create and edit the MDT task Sequence for Windows 8.1

Create and configure a Task Sequence

In this task, you create a task sequence using the standard client task sequence template. The task

sequence is just a list of actions that are carried out during deployment.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Using the Deployment Workbench, in the MDT Build Lab deployment share, select the Task

Sequences node, and create a folder named Windows 8.1.

2. Expand the Task Sequences node, right-click on the Windows 8.1 node, and select New Task

Sequence. Use the following settings for the New Task Sequence Wizard:

Task sequence ID: REFW81-X64-001

Task sequence name: Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64 RTM

Task sequence comments: Reference Build

Template: Standard Client Task Sequence

Select OS: Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64 RTM

Specify Product Key: Do not specify a product key at this time

Full Name: Contoso

Organization: Contoso

Internet Explorer home page: about:blank

Do not specify an Administrator password at this time

The Windows 8.1 task sequence created.

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Edit the Task Sequence

Task sequences in MDT are easy to customize with additional actions. In the “Add” menu of a task

sequence you find many ready-made actions you can use. In this task you add the previously create

applications as well as the built-in .NET Framework feature to the task sequence.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Using the Deployment Workbench, in the MDT Build Lab deployment share, in the Task

Sequences / Windows 8.1 node, right-click the Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64 RTM task

sequence, and select Properties.

2. On the Task Sequence tab, in the State Restore node, after the Tattoo action, add a new Group

action and give it the name: Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update). Then click Apply and select

any other node, like the Opt In to CEIP and WER node, for the task sequence to refresh.

TIP. When working with multiple edits in a MDT Lite touch task sequence, click apply every once in a

while, and shift the focus to force the task sequence to refresh the view.

The new group added in the task sequence.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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3. In the State Restore node, after the Windows Update (Post-Application Installation) action,

rename Custom Tasks to Custom Tasks (Post-Windows Update).

4. Select the State Restore / Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update) node, and in the Add menu,

select the Roles / Install Roles and Features action.

5. Rename the new action to: Install - Microsoft NET Framework 3.5.1.

6. In the Properties tab, in the Select the operating system for which roles are to be installed

dropdown list, select Windows 8.1. Then in the Select the roles and features that should be

installed list, select .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0).

7. Again, use the tip of applying the changes and move focus to force a refresh.

The Install Roles and Features action added

8. In the State Restore / Custom Tasks (Pre-Windows Update) node, after the Install - Microsoft

NET Framework 3.5.1 action, add a new Install Application action.

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9. Name the new action: Install - Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 - x86-x64, select the Install a

single application option, and then browse to select the Install - Microsoft Visual C++ 2005

SP1 - x86-x64 application.

10. Repeat the preceding step (add a new Install Application ) to add the following applications:

Install - Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 - x86-x64

Install - Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 - x86-x64

Install - Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 - x86-x64

Install - Microsoft Silverlight 5.0 - x64

Install - Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus - x86

TIP: You can copy the selected application name and paste it as the name of the step.

11. After the Install - Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus - x86 action, add a new Restart computer


12. Click OK.

The completed task sequence.

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Optional Configuration – Adding a Suspend Action

The goal when creating a reference image is to automate everything. But sometimes you have that special

configuration or application setup that is just too time-consuming to automate. If you need to do some

manual configuration, or just want to check your installation, you can add a feature called LTI Suspend.

This is done by adding a “Run Command Line” action with cscript.exe “%SCRIPTROOT%\LTISuspend.wsf”.

When adding a suspend action to the task sequence, the task sequence will do all actions up to that point,

and then abort the task sequence, leaving a “Resume Task Sequence” shortcut on the desktop. At this

point you can install an application manually, reboot if needed, and when you are ready, simply double-

click the “Resume Task Sequence” for the task sequence to continue were it was.

TIP: When using the Suspend action in Windows 8.1, you will actually not see the shortcut to resume it

because the Windows 8.1 Start screen is in the way. You have to click the Desktop tile on the Start

screen to access it.

A task sequence with optional Suspend action (LTISuspend.wsf) added.

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The Windows 8.1 desktop with the Resume Task Sequence shortcut.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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Exercise 5: Edit the Unattend.xml File

In this exercise, you edit the Unattend.xml file belonging to the previously created task sequence.

Edit the Unattend.xml File for Windows 8.1 Enterprise

Most time you don’t need to modify the Unattend.xml template that is copied to the task sequence when

you create a task sequence. This is because the Unattend.xml file is dynamically updated during

deployment, but if you want to add a setting that is not available as a rule in MDT, you can. In this task,

you use Windows System Image Manager to edit the Unattend.xml file belonging to the Windows 8.1 task

sequence you created earlier.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Using Deployment Workbench, in the Task Sequences / Windows 8.1 node, right-click the

Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64 RTM task sequence and select Properties.

2. In the OS Info tab, click Edit Unattend.xml.

3. In Windows System Image Manager (WSIM), in the Answer File pane, expand the

4 specialize node, and select the amd64_Microsoft-Windows-IE-InternetExplorer_neutral


4. In the amd64_Microsoft-Windows-IE-InternetExplorer_neutral properties window (right-hand

window), set the DisableDevTools value to true.

5. Save the Unattend.xml file, and close Windows System Image Manager.

6. On the Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64 RTM Properties window, click OK.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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Windows System Image Manager with the Windows 8.1 Unattend.xml.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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Exercise 6: Configure the deployment share

In this exercise, you configure the deployment share settings and rules.

Prepare the deployment share rules

In this task, you configure the deployment share rules for a reference image build. The deployment share

rules controls the behavior of the deployment wizard as well as settings for the task sequence.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Using File Explorer, navigate to the C:\Labfiles\MDTBuildLab\Control folder.

2. Copy the Bootstrap.ini and CustomSettings.ini files to E:\MDTBuildLab\Control (replace the

existing files).

3. Review the E:\MDTBuildLab\Control\Bootstrap.ini file, note the DeployRoot value.

TIP. Don’t worry about the password being visible in clear-text; this text-file is only available in the boot

image ISO file you use to start the virtual machine with. Also, you should not use any high privileged

account like a member of the Domain Admins group, use a normal user account.

The Bootstrap.ini file.

4. Review the E:\MDTBuildLab\Control\CustomSettings.ini file.

Configure the Deployment Share

In MDT boot images are used to start the deployment process. In this task, you configure the boot image

(WinPE) settings in the deployment share.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Right-click the MDT Build Lab deployment share and select Properties.

2. In the Windows PE tab, in the Platform dropdown list, make sure x86 is selected.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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3. In the Lite Touch Boot Image Settings area, configure the following settings

Image description: MDT Build Lab x86

ISO file name: MDT Build Lab x86.iso

4. In the Windows PE tab, in the Platform dropdown list, make sure x64 is selected.

5. In the Lite Touch Boot Image Settings area, configure the following settings

Image description: MDT Build Lab x64

ISO file name: MDT Build Lab x64.iso

6. Click OK.

TIP: Even though you can use the x86 boot image to create reference images for both x86 and x64

operating systems, you still need to create the x64 boot image. That image is being used when MDT

captures the WIM file to the server.

Properties of the MDT Build Lab deployment share for the x64 Windows PE platform.

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Update the Deployment Share

When you change boot image (Windows PE) properties in the deployment share, you need to update the

deployment share so the boot image is updated. The first time you update the deployment share you

don’t yet have any boot image so they are created for you automatically during the update deployment

share process. In this task, you create the boot image by updating the deployment share.

Perform this task logged on to MDT01 as CONTOSO\Administrator with the password Passw0rd!

1. Right-click the MDT Build Lab deployment share and select Update Deployment Share.

2. Use the default Options for the Update Deployment Share wizard.

3. The update process will take about 5 minutes, a perfect time to review the MDT documentation

(Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Documentation Library.chm, available in the C:\Program

Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Bin folder). For a start, check out the Toolkit Reference /

Properties / Property Definition information. A list of the values you can use in CustomSettings.ini.

TIP. Normally you would access the MDT documentation directly from the Help menu in the

Deployment Workbench, but currently its busy creating boot images.

The MDT documentation, listing a few properties for CustomSettings.ini.

4. When the update is completed, review the contents of the E:\MDTBuildLab\Boot folder.

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The contents of the E:\MDTBuildLab\Boot folder after updating the deployment share.

Creating an Windows 8.1 reference image

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Exercise 7: Create Windows Reference Images

In this exercise, you create a Windows 8.1 reference image.

Create a Windows 8.1 Reference WIM Image, fully automated

In this task, you start a virtual machine and use it to create a Windows 8.1 reference image. Normally you

would have to copy the boot image (MDT Build Lab x86.iso) you generated, to the Hyper-V host and then

configure a virtual machine to use it. In this lab environment this has already be done for you.

Perform this task on to the REF001 virtual machine.

1. Start the REF001 virtual machine, and wait until the Windows Deployment Wizard starts.

2. On the Select a task sequence to execute on this computer page, select the Windows 8.1

Enterprise x64 RTM task sequence, and click Next.

Selecting task sequence.

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3. On the Specify whether to capture an image page, select the Capture an image of this

reference computer option, and click Next.

The Capture Image page in the Windows Deployment Wizard.

4. Once you see that the image starts applying to the disk (Running action: Install Operating System)

turn off the REF001 machine.

INFO: If the deployment process would have been allowed to run through, it would have installed the

Windows 8.1 Enterprise operating system, installed the added applications, roles, and features, and

eventually run sysprep and capture the installation to a WIM file.

5. Turn off the REF001 virtual machine.

NOTE: You did turn off the REF001 virtual machine, right? There is unfortunately no time to complete

the build and capture process (takes up to one hour).

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