windows 7 application compatibility

Post on 31-Oct-2014






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Windows 7Application CompatibilityDave AllenISV Application ArchitectMicrosoft

AgendaWhy your application might not work

User Account ControlNew Folder LocationsWindows Resource ProtectionMandatory Integrity ControlUser Interface Privilege IsolationInternet Explorer Protected ModeOS and IE VersioningSession 0 Isolation

Some less common issues

Some of the cool stuff in Windows 7


Why: User Account ControlOS is at risk from today’s malware when user is running as Administrator

Ease with which malware can self-installPrivilege elevation through security holes in softwareExtent of damage caused by malware is potentially greater

Other issuesAccidental damage caused by user

How: User Account Control

With Windows 7 all users run as Standard User by default, including members of Admin group

Only true for interactive logins; services continue to run as before in Windows XP

How: User Account Control (cont.)

Two tokens are created at logon (split token)

Standard User TokenAdministrator SID set as Deny Only (can still be used to deny access, but not to grant)Runs with medium integrity level (IL)Most privileges removed (e.g. SeDebugPrivilege)

Administrator TokenAdministrator SID has all rights assignedRuns with high integrity level (IL)All privileges are present

How: User Account Control (cont.)

Standard User Token is used until explicit consent is given, then Administrator Token is used (Consent UI) for that particular processSupporting feature: Unnecessary Administrator checks (in XP) have been removed

Example: Change time zone

UAC: Elevation Details

Standard User or

Protected Administrato

r SystemFull


explorer.exe AppInfo Service


elevatedapp.exeRPC RPC




UAC: OTS Dialogs

UAC Spilt Token


UAC: Running Apps Elevated Right click program Run as administratorCompatibility fix (shim) or mode

Program properties Compatibility tab Run as administratorRunAsAdmin shim in system shim database

Installer detectionHeuristics such as string containing “Setup”, “Install”, or “Update” in:

Executable nameResource strings

MSIs are always detected as installers

UAC: Running Apps Elevated (cont.)

Application designed for Windows 7UAC manifest with <requestedExecutionLevel>

All applications should have one Removes application compatibility overhead (some Shims, PCA, virtualization) at run time

Internal manifest (compiled into the application)

Build manifest into application binaryTakes precedence

External manifest (added as a separate file)MyApp.exe.manifestUnsupported, avoid!

UAC: Internal Manifest (cont.)

requireAdministratorThe application runs only for administrators and requires that the application be launched with the full token of an administrator

asInvokerThe application runs with the same token as the parent process

highestAvailableThe application runs with the highest privileges the current user can obtain

UAC: Internal Manifest (cont.)Extract application manifest from executable if it

exists:mt -inputresource:elevatedapp.exe;#1 -out:extracted.manifest

Modify the manifest to add UAC request<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><asmv1:assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv1="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2" xmlns:xsi=""> <assemblyIdentity version="" name="MyApplication.exe"/> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">

<security> <requestedPrivileges xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">

<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" /> </requestedPrivileges>

</security> </trustInfo></asmv1:assembly>

Insert the modified manifest back into the executable:

mt -manifest elevatedapp.exe.manifest -outputresource:elevatedapp.exe;#1

Side topic: Compatibility manifestModify the manifest to add OS target

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><asmv1:assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv1="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2" xmlns:xsi=""> <assemblyIdentity version="" name="MyApplication.exe"/> <compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1"> <application> <!—- The ID below indicates application support for Windows 7 --> <supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}"/> </application> </compatibility></asmv1:assembly>

Combined ManifestCombined UAC and compatibility manifest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><asmv1:assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv1="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" xmlns:asmv2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2" xmlns:xsi=""> <assemblyIdentity version="" name="MyApplication.exe"/> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">

<security> <requestedPrivileges xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">

<requestedExecutionLevel level=“asInvoker" uiAccess="false" /> </requestedPrivileges>

</security> <compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1"> <application> <!—- The ID below indicates application support for Windows 7 --> <supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-

a2440225f93a}"/> </application> </compatibility>


UAC: UI Design for ElevationSend the BCM_SETSHIELD message to a button control, using SendMessage

Button.FlatStyle has to be set to System

Fails for owner-drawn buttonsGet icon and render in owner draw handlerHICON shieldIcon = LoadIcon(null, IDI_SHIELD);

Unmanaged code (C++)SendMessage call can be invoked more easily using the Button_SetElevationRequiredState macro

Managed code (C#, VB.NET)Use SystemIcons.Shield

Elevation, Manifests, and UI Design


Why: Program Compatibility Assistant

Program Compatibility Assistant (PCA) automates mitigation of some UAC (and more) compatibility issues

Attempts to detect if a program is an installerClient-only feature – not in Server

PCA monitors attempts to:Create a sub folder in “Program Files”Copy exe or dll files into the new folderOverwrite system filesNot writing to the “Program Database”Etc…

How: Program Compatibility Assistant

If PCA detects a compatibility issue it…Notifies the user ANDApplies a solution (high confidence) OROffers to apply a solution (medium confidence)

UAC: Virtualization

Redirects privileged file access to C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore

C:\Program FilesC:\Windows

Redirects registry access from HKLM to HKCU\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE

Adding a manifest disables virtualization and the Program Compatibility Assistant (PCA)

Redirection is “sticky” – reads are re-directed

Deleting all virtual copies removes the “stickiness”

Elevated process not affectedSide effects: multiple virtualized copies (one per user and one for admin)

UAC: Virtualization (cont.)



UAC: Symptoms

Explicit access right error message

Event Log contains security or application messages indicating security problems

Application crashes, fails to install, or fails to update for automatic updater

Application fails to remember saved settings

Symptoms vary widely and are difficult to diagnose

UAC: InvestigationDetermine whether application was designed to run as administrator

Run as administrator – does it work?

Run as standard user – check redirection locations



Event Log – logs relevant UAC

Process Monitor (Procmon) for failed access

Event Log



SymptomMSI with a custom action fails with a UAC error despite elevation

CauseMSI contains custom action that impersonates the user (default)

Example: ActionType=1025msidbCustomActionTypeInScript (0x400) delayedmsidbCustomActionTypeDll (0x1) = 0x401msidbCustomActionNoImpersonate (0x800) not set

UAC: MSI’s (cont.)

FixesRedesign to select not impersonating user

Set bit msidbCustomActionNoImpersonate (0x800)Example : ActionType 1025 (0x401) becomes 3073 (0xC01)

Edit MSI with Orca.exe to change the right ActionType fieldsRun from elevated command prompt



UAC: Self-extracting installer

SymptomSelf-extracting EXE or custom wrapper runs elevated and executes a script, but script fails

Cause UAC prompt occurs on self-extracting EXE or custom wrapper, but elevated privileges are not transferred to script

FixesRedesign to use MSIRun from elevated command prompt

Creates an elevated script engine

UAC: Checking for admin rightsSymptoms

Many – from minor feature misbehavior to crash

CausesApplications uses

IsUserAnAdmin, CheckTokenMembership “BUILTIN\Administrators” and similar APIsAPIs return false when not elevated

MitigationShim ForceAdminAccess or ProtectedAdminCheck

FixGetTokenInformation API

TokenElevation (elevated or not)TokenElevationType (default, full or limited)

UAC: User COM ObjectsSymptoms

Elevated application cannot instantiate COM objectRegular application can instantiate the same COM object

CauseCOM object is registered per user

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is a virtual registry hiveHKCU\Software\Classes take precedence in Windows XP and for medium and low integrity processes in Windows 7HKCU\Software\Classes is NEVER used for high integrity processes (elevated) in Windows 7Prevents user configuring malicious COM object and tricking elevated task into executing code.

MitigationApplications that will require administrator rights should register any COM objects during installation to HKLM\Software\Classes.

UAC: Mapped Network Drives

Symptoms Regular mapped network drives (and SUBST) are not visible when running elevatedDrives mapped from an elevated prompt are not visible in standard processes (including Explorer)

CausesMappings attached to logon session

Mapped Network drives are only valid in the context of the user token that mapped themTwo sets of mapping for split token situation

UAC: Mapped Network Drives (cont.)

MitigationAutomatic mitigation for installers accessing remote driveMap each drive in the context of the regular token and elevated tokenRegistry entry

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\EnableLinkedConnections = (dword)1

Mapped Network Drives


New Folder Locations

“My Documents” and other user folder locations are changed to provide a better user experience

The user data is now stored in: ‘\users\%username%\’ folder structurePictures, Music, Documents, Desktop, and Favorites are all new folders directly under this structureThe “My “ prefix was dropped from Documents, Music, etc.“All Users” became “Public” and “\ProgramData”

New Folder Locations (cont.)

Differentiation between User and App data

User does not directly interact with app data

Identify specific locations usingShGetFolderPath or SHGetKnownFolderPathSystem.Environment namespace

Shared User Data (Documents)C:\Users\Public\DocumentsCSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTSFOLDERID_PublicDocuments

New Folder Locations (cont.)

Per User Data (Documents)C:\Users\%username%\DocumentsCSIDL_MYDOCUMENTSFOLDERID_DocumentsSpecialFolder.MyDocuments

New Folder Locations (cont.)

Shared Application DataC:\ProgramData\MyAppName%AllUsersProfile%\MyAppNameCSIDL_COMMON_APPDATAFOLDERID_ProgramDataSpecialFolder.CommonApplicationDataSet permissions (ACL) for folders in shared application data area during install

New Folder Locations (cont.)

Per User Application Data (local) C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local%LOCALAPPDATA%CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATAFOLDERID_LocalAppDataSpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData

New Folder Locations (cont.)

Per User Application Data (roaming)C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming%APPDATA%CSIDL_APPDATAFOLDERID_RoamingAppDataSpecialFolder.ApplicationData

New Folder Locations (cont.)

Localization ChangesLocalized folder names used to be the actual name (i.e., “C:\Programme”) and an English name was not providedIn Windows 7, all folders have English names (i.e., “C:\Program Files”) and a junction point with the localized name is provided (i.e., “C:\Programme”)Explorer displays the localized name for the actual directory

New Folder Locations: Mitigation

Directory junctionsProvides backward compatibility for hard-coded paths

‘Documents and Settings’ ‘Users’‘My Documents’ ‘Documents’‘Programme’ ‘Program Files’

New Folder Locations: Fixes

Never hard code absolute pathsAppVerifier includes a testScript: environment variablesUnmanaged code (C++/C)

ShGetFolderPath function (CLSID_...)SHGetKnownFolderPath (FOLDERID_...)

Vista and later

Managed code (C#, VB.NET)System.Environment.GetFolderPath

Enum System.Environment.SpecialFolderMicrosoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.SpecialDirectoriesMy.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories

Q & A

Why: Windows Resource Protection

Core operating system files and registry keys can be overwritten with older versions or malicious code causing serious stability and security issues

Windows Resource Protection (WRP) is designed to protect those objects from being overwritten

Increases system stability, predictability, and reliabilityReplaces Windows File Protection in Windows XP

How: Windows Resource Protection

Updates to protected resources restrictedOS trusted installers (Windows Update)ACL on resources

Affects specific files, folders, and registry keys

Majority of core OS modules (EXE and DLL) Majority of core OS HKCR Registry Keys Folders used exclusively by OS resources



Mandatory Integrity ControlWindows 7 implements Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC)Processes run at one of four Integrity Levels:

System processes run at System ILApplications that require administrative privileges run at High ILStandard applications run at Medium ILRestricted apps run at Low IL

Securable objects (Files, Processes, Windows Stations, Message queues) define the minimum IL for a process to access them

Default IL for objects: Medium

User Interface Privilege IsolationUIPI uses MIC’s Integrity Levels to restrict sending window messages

Applications cannot send messages to other applications running at a higher integrity levelHigher application can allow accessSendMessage returns success to mitigate failures

Where compatibility impact is high, lower IL applications can be manifested to opt out of UIPI

ManifestedSigned (authenticated)Installed in “Program Files”


Medium ILProcess








Low ILProcess

Processes Objects


High ILProcess

Integrity Levels

Security IDs (SIDs) for integrity levelsRID defines the integrity levelLow: S-1-16-4096 (0x1000)Medium: S-1-16-8192 (0x2000)High: S-1-16-12288 (0x3000)System: S-1-16-16384 (0x4000)

Why: IE Protected Mode

Change Settings,

Download a PictureExploit can install MALWARE


Install an ActiveXcontrol

Cache Web content

Exploit can install MALWARE

Admin-Rights AccessAdmin-Rights Access

User-Rights AccessUser-Rights Access

Temp Internet FilesTemp Internet Files


Program Files


My Documents

Startup Folder

Untrusted files & settings

How: IE Protected Mode

In Windows 7, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 runs in Protected Mode (IEPM) for non-trusted sites (installation default)

IE runs as separate process instances for different protection modes

Prevents buffer overflow exploits from affecting higher trust level sitesRequired by IEPM’s underlying mechanism:

Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC)User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI)

How: IE Protected Mode (cont.)Integrity Levels (IL) for IE

IEPM: Low Integrity LevelUnprotected: Medium Integrity Level

Low-integrity processes (such as IEPM) can only write to folders, files, and registry keys that are also marked as low-integrity

Temporary Internet Files folder%TEMP%\LowHistory folderCookies folderFavorites folderWindows Temporary Files folders%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow

IEPM: Compatibility ImpactAttempts by ActiveX controls to modify medium and higher IL objects fail

e.g. writing to the user’s Documents folder

ActiveX controls fail to installAutomatic mitigations

IEPM: Automatic Mitigation

IExplore inProtectedMode

Install an ActiveX control

Change settings,

Drag and Drop



ty C


trol an

d U





Redirected settings & files

Cache Web content

Admin-Rights AccessAdmin-Rights Access

User-Rights AccessUser-Rights Access

Temp Internet FilesTemp Internet Files



Program Files


My Documents

Startup Folder

Untrusted files & settings




IEPM: Manual Mitigation

Redesign the site to function properly in Protected Mode

Add site to trusted sites

Protected Mode is not enabled for trusted sites

Use ActiveX Install Services (AXIS) for enterprise deployments

AXIS: How it works

IE parses a page that requires an ActiveX control

If the user is a Standard User, the AXIS is called

The AXIS will perform a lookup in the Allowed Installation Sites list deployed via Group Policy

If the Host URL is within policy, the control will be downloaded by the service

If the control meets the signing criteria, it will be installed as the LocalSystem account

AXIS: Enabling the Service

AXIS is an optional component that must be enabled

Deploy through SMS

Run cmd.exe as Administrator, then run this command: ocsetup.exe AxInstallService

Control Panel Programs Turn Windows Features On or Off

AXIS: Configuring the Policy

Run gpedit.mscNavigate to Computer Settings

Administrative Templates

Windows Components

ActiveX Installer Services

Enter Host URL and policy for each trusted site

Must specify protocol: http or https(preferred)Example: Policy 2, 1, 0, 0

Q & A

Windows and IE Versions

Internal version number for Windows 7 is 6.1 – this is what is returned by GetVersion()

Version number for Internet Explorer is 8.0

Version number is included in User Agent StringUser Agent String is included in HTTP header



Windows Server 2003

Windows Vista/


Windows 7/

WS2008 R2

Version 5.1 5.2 6.0 6.1

Windows Version Mitigation

Compatibility mode is provided in Windows 7

Users can right-click the shortcut or the EXE and apply the Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode from the Compatibility tab. This applies multiple shims including “WinXPSP2VersionLie”PCA automates step for installersBetter: Apply the shim “WinXPSP2VersionLie”

In many cases, applications will work the same way they did in Windows XP and there is no need for changes to them

Windows Version Mitigation (cont.)

'Reinstall using recommended settings' Applies the Windows XP compatibility mode and restarts the programThe fix is effective for all users (stored in HKLM)

Windows Version Remediation

Applications should not perform version checks for equality, e.g. == 5.1

If you need a specific feature, check whether the feature is installed or availableIf you need Windows XP, check for Windows XP or later (>= 5.1)Exceptions to this occur when there is a very specific business, or legal need to do a version check, such as a regulatory body requires you to certify your application for each operating system and version

Windows Version Numbers


IE8 Version Symptoms

Web sites may render incorrectlyCSS and JavaScript compliance changesRenders in IE8 Standards Mode for Internet sites

Web sites that check the User Agent String for the IE version will get higher version number

Web sites might refuse to loadWeb Sites might reduce functionality

IE8 Version Mitigations

IE7 Compatibility ModeDefault setting for intranet sitesCan be controlled from the server

For a single Web PageFor a directory, application, or site

Add <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> to the page or response headerSee for different options

IE7 Compatibility Mode

In a Web Page

<html> <head> <title>My Web Page</title> <!-- Use IE7 mode --> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7”/> </head> <body> <p>Content goes here.</p> </body></html>

IE7 Compatibility Mode

In the web.config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <system.webServer> <httpProtocol> <customHeaders> <clear /> <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=EmulateIE7”/> </customHeaders> </httpProtocol> </system.webServer> </configuration>

IE8 Standards Mode

In a Web Page

<html> <head> <title>IE8 Standards Mode Web Page</title> <!-- Use IE8 Standards Mode --> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=IE8”/> </head> <body> <h1>Hi from IE8 Standards Mode</h1> </body></html>

Expression SuperPreview

Stand-alone visual debugging toolShows web pages rendered in IE 6 and either IE 7 or 8, depending on which version you have installed on your machine.View pages side by side or as an onion-skin overlay and use rulers, guides and zoom/pan tools to precisely identify differences in layout.

Expression SuperPreview


Sessions in Windows XP/ Server 2003Session 0

Window StationDesktop

Screen Saver



1st User’sWindow

1st User’sWindow

1st User’sWindow

Sessions in Windows 7Session 0

Window StationDesktop



Session 1

Window StationDesktop

Screen Saver


1st User’sWindow

1st User’sWindow

1st User’sWindow


Session 0: Compatibility Impact

A service and a user application that use window message functions (e.g. SendMessage, PostMessage) to communicate will silently failA service and a user application that use local objects to communicate will silently failA service that uses a UI to interact with the user will display the UI on a special desktop which is inaccessibleApplications that work with Fast User Mode Switching will probably continue to work

Session 0 Isolation


Less Common IssuesPainting Behavior

Deprecated ComponentsManaged Code for .NET 1.x

64-bit Vista

Painting behavior

Why: To improve user experienceHow: All top-level windows are rendered to an off-screen bitmap; Desktop Window Manager combines the images to draw the desktopImpact: Some applications will render incorrectlyMitigation: Disable desktop composition

Apply shim “DisableDWM”Properties -> Compatibility Tab -> Disable desktop composition

Fixes: Redesign application to not assume that it is rendering directly to the screen

Disabling Desktop Composition


Deprecated components

Windows Help (WinHlp32.exe)Available as a downloadCHM is now the preferred option

Graphical Identification and Network Authentication (GINA) modulesRemoval of Windows Mail

Disables CoStartOutlookExpressFile associations (.eml, .nws, .contact, .group, .wab, .p7c, .vfc) are broken or disabledInstall Windows Live Mail

Deprecated components (cont.)

Removal of Windows Movie MakerInstall Windows Live Movie Maker

Microsoft Agent technologies Removal of Windows Registry ReflectionPCA instruments CoCreateInstance API and the Loader (NTDLL)

Detect load failures on deprecated COM objects and DLLs respectivelyUses Windows Error Reporting (WER) to retrieveKnowledge Base article or link to download deprecated component

Managed code for .NET 1.x

SymptomManaged code written for .NET 1.x fails (error message or crash)

CauseApplication depends on .NET 1.x feature ANDApplication does not specify <supportedRuntime> or <requiredRuntime> in configuration fileNote: .NET 1.0 did not support <supportedRuntime>

FixAdd <supportedRuntime version="v1.1.4322"/> to <appname>.exe.config

Managed code for .NET 1.x

SymptomManaged code written for .NET 1.x fails (error message or crash)

CauseApplication depends on .NET 1.x feature ANDApplication does not specify <supportedRuntime> or <requiredRuntime> in configuration fileNote: .NET 1.0 did not support <supportedRuntime>

FixAdd <supportedRuntime version="v1.1.4322"/> to <appname>.exe.config

64 bit

WoW64 allows 32-bit applications to run on 64-bit Windows, but compatibility issues may still existNot supported

16-bit applications and installersLimited support for some installers

32-bit kernel mode drivers32-bit user mode printer driversKernel patching (x64 only)

Patchguard prevents applications from patching the Kernel. If this is detected, a shut down will be initiated

Windows Server 2008 R2 – 64 bit ONLY

Windows 7 Logo Program

BenefitsCompatibility message to your customersJoint marketingPartner Points

RequirementsISVs must sign up to receive their crash data from WERUse AppVerifier as part of development lifecycleInstall to correct folder locationsSign binary executablesInclude a manifest and run as a standard userSupport Restart Manager64 bit supportEtc...

Windows 7 Logo Program Roadmap

Follow these steps to verify that your application complies with the Windows 7 Client Software Logo technical requirements:

Download and install the Windows 7 Client Software Logo Toolkit Run the Toolkit to validate your application Ensure the application adheres to all policies Accept and sign all legal agreements Opt in to receive communications from Microsoft about your product(s) Mail a licensed copy of your software to Microsoft Upon successful completion of validation testing submit the results to Microsoft

Tools, documentation, and helpApplication Verifier

Standard User Analyzer

Windows 7 Application Quality Cookbook

Windows 7 Training Kit for Developers

Application Compatibility Forum

Call to action

Get ready for Windows 7 deploymentsTest your applications on Windows 7

Make use of resources that are available nowJoint marketingFree technical supportFree App Compat LabsLatest toolsActive discussion forums

Tell Microsoft and your customersUpdate Greenlight Web Site

Consider Window 7 Logo certification

ResourcesWindows Application Compatibility

Developer for Windows 7 on MSDN IE8 Readiness Toolkit

Windows API Code Pack

Greenlight Web Site

UK DPE Briefings and Labs

© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.

The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after


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