will gold surge of plummet in 2014?

Post on 08-May-2015



Investor Relations



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Peter Esho introduced Invast’s 2014 Gold Report for traders wanting to find out Invast’s outlook for the gold price.


Will Gold Surge or Plummet

in 2014? NEW Gold Report

Available Now

with Peter Esho April 9, 2014

One of the most common questions we are asked here at Invast is what

our outlook is like for the gold price. We often cover this in our live market

analysis sessions on Wednesday; but we thought with the new year, new

trading opportunities and new situations in the gold market; that it would

be prudent to put out a forecast guide on gold. We�’ve spent the past

month going through... speaking to company CEOs, looking at the supply

side of the industry.

There’’s a lot of focus on gold usually around the demand side, but here at

Invast, we focus equally on the supply side. We have trailed through our

recent Australian Gold miners which have reported, and we're trying to

really look at what the cost of producing an ounce of gold is. So we’ve put

together this guide. It�’s a very comprehensive guide. We�’ve spoken to

CEOs; we�’ve articulated what they’ve told us. We�’ve taken information out

from, as I said, this gold report to see where the marginal cost of

production is, and we’ve also put around our way of thinking on gold.

This is all available for a very short period of time, and it will be backed up

by a live market analysis webinar where we will go through the gold price

market. We will trade it live and show you exactly where we think the key

points and the key levels are if you are trading gold.

It’s very important that you download the guide, that you read through it,

that you really prepare yourself going into the webinar. The webinar is only

exclusive for those of you who register, and it�’s coming up very, very soon.

So I’d encourage you all to download the guide. Register into the webinar

and we hope that will position you very well to trade the gold price for the

remainder of 2014

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