wildlife in australia

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Team “Discoverers”


Australia is a very unusual country. Everybody knows that it is the smallest continent in the World. And we also know that the fauna of Australia

consists of a huge variety of the most unusual animals. But have you ever heard that Australians admire their animals so much that they make coins

with the animals’ images? We’ll tell you about these wonderful species.

The largest kangaroo - red kangaroo (Red Kangaroos). They can jump with a speed of 70km/h for short distances. Kangaroo live about 9-18 years, and some species live up to 30 years. Most kangaroo live in the Bush, but they can be found also on the beach or in the mountains, where rock Wallaby (rock wallabies) live.

The koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) is found in coastal areas of the mainland's eastern and southern regions, inhabiting Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. It is easily recognisable by its stout, tailless body; round, fluffy ears; and large, spoon-shaped nose. The koala has a body length of 60–85 cm and weighs 4–15 kg.

Kookaburras (genus Dacelo) grow to between 28–42 cm in length. The name is a loanword from Wiradjuri guuguubarra, it is onomatopoeic . The kookaburra's loud call sounds like echoing human laughter. They are found in habitats ranging from humid forest to arid savanna, as well as in suburban areas with tall trees or near running water

The saltwater crocodile is a large reptile growing to about 5 m (16 ft) in length. The males are bigger

than the female, with some rare individuals longer than 6.6 metres.They can weigh up to 1,000 kg

.They have a powerful tail which helps with swimming. Saltwater crocodiles are now a protected

species in Australia. Hunting crocodiles is illegal.

The dingo (Canis lupus dingo) is a free-ranging dog, currently classified as a subspecies of the grey wolf, Canis lupus. For many Australians, the dingo is a

cultural icon.

Platypus are found in Eastern Australia from Queensland to Tasmania. They also brought on Kangaroo island, South coast of Australia. They usually live near wetlands, riverbanks and lakes, feeling at home and in cool mountain streams, and in the warm tropical lagoons. They build a deep hole, in which shelter and breeding. Close the input tunnel is designed to wring out the water with coats of the owner.

A lyrebird is either of two species of ground-dwelling Australian birds, that form the genus, Menura, and the family Menuridae. They are most notable for their superb ability to mimic natural and artificial sounds from their environment. As well as their extraordinary mimicking ability, lyrebirds are notable because of the striking beauty of the male bird's huge tail when it is fanned out in display. Lyrebirds have unique plumes of neutral coloured tailfeathers and are among Australia's best-known native birds.

The Australian ostriches Emu are the largest among not

flying birds. Height of an ostrich can fluctuate from

1,5 to 1,8 meters, and weight – from 45 to 55

kilograms. These birds can't fly because of an

underdeveloped structure of skeletons of the wings in which there are no moss

feathers and steering feathers. The Emu have very long legs which are

perfectly developed. They have three fingers, and also

one internal finger. This finger inside is the main

weapon of an ostrich in fight against enemies.

Wombats are short-legged, muscular quadrupedal marsupials, native to Australia, approximately 1 metre in length, with short, stubby tails. They are adaptable in habitat tolerance, and are found in forested, mountainous, and heathland areas of south-eastern Australia, including Tasmania, as well as an isolated patch of about 300 hectares in Epping Forest National Park in central Queensland.

Оpossum is a tiny Australian marsupial weighing just 7-11 g for the male, and 8-16 g for the female—about half the weight of a mouse. Their body length ranges from 6.5 cm to 9 cm..The possum is mainly nocturnal, but will come out to feed during daylight in cooler weather. Generally, though, it spends the days asleep in a shelter of convenience: a rock cranny, a tree cavity, the hollow inside of a grass tree, or an abandoned bird nest.

Tasmanian devil is also a marsupial, — a mammal species of predatory marsupials; the only type of the sort Sarcophilus. It is black ,has got huge mouth with sharp teeth.Its terrible night shouts and furious temper gave to the first European settlers the idea to call it "devil".

The great white shark is a ferocious predator with 3,000 teeth at any one time. Only the underbelly of the great white shark is actually white; its top surface is grey to blue grey. This is useful in hunting its prey. The great white usually strikes from below and its grayish top coloration blends in with the dark water.The biggest great white shark on record was 23 feet (7 m) long, weighing about 7,000 pounds (3200 kg). Females are larger than males, as with most sharks.

Echidnas are the only extant mammals that lay eggs. They eat termites and ants, which they catch with their long sticky tongue eggs.

References http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%E5%ED%E3%F3%F0%F3_%28%E7%ED%E0%F7%E5%ED%E8%FF%29















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