wilderness wanderings ~ trust · 10.10.2013  · welcome worship leader, jason unruh *call to...

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Tabor Mennonite Church October 27, 2013

“Trusting God”

(Exodus 16:1-12 & Numbers 20:1-13)

“Whenever the cloud was taken up from the tabernacle, the Israelites would set out on each stage of their journey; but if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not set out until the day that it was taken up. For the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and fire was in the cloud by night, before the eyes of all the house of Israel at each stage of their journey. (Exodus 40:36-38) Wilderness Whining Miraculous Memories

I. Water (Exodus 15, 17; Numbers 20)

II. Food (Exodus 16; Numbers 11) III. Safety (Exodus 17; Numbers 21)

Forming Faith

Tabor Mennonite Church

Worship: 9:15 am Fellowship Time: 10:30 am Faith Formation: 10:45 am

891 Chisholm Trail, Newton, KS 67114 Phone: 620-367-2318 e-mail: tabor@tabormennonite.org website: www.tabormennonite.org check out the sermon blog

As God’s children and the body of Christ, we are called by God to offer hospitality, healing and hope in the name of Christ.

Pastor: Philip Schmidt 620-367-2405 Cell: 620-386-0779 email: pschmidt@tabormennonite.org

Associate Pastor: Rosie Jantz 620-367-8356 Cell: 316-772-8740 email: rjantz@tabormennonite.org

Associate Pastor: Doug Krehbiel 316-283-7351 Cell: 316-217-1307 email: dougkrehbiel@sbcglobal.net

Cover Photo:

Phil Schmidt

Wilderness Wanderings ~ Trust

Meat Canning Time! Volunteers are needed once again to help can meat at MCC Central States in North Newton. Please see the bulletin board to sign up to work on October 31 and November 1. Donations are also needed and go towards the cost of cans, shipping, and meat. Donations can be made out to Tabor Mennonite Church and earmarked meat canner and placed in the truck in the foyer. See Kenton Nickel with any questions.

The Community Thanksgiving Meal and Service will be on Sunday, Nov. 17, at the Goessel High School Cafeteria and Auditorium. Meal will be served from 5-6 p.m. The music group, "Uncle Regier and the Unruhly Rascals," will be entertaining between 6 and 6:30 in the auditorium. The service will begin at 6:30 p.m. Everyone in the community is invited! We need your help too! Sign up on the bulletin board for salads, bread, or desserts, or a turkey or ham by Nov. 10. Monetary donations to be used for meal expenses are also welcome. Make checks payable to "Goessel Ministerial Alliance" and turn in to the church office. Goessel Ministerial Alliance members are Phil Schmidt, Brad Penner and Linda Ewert. Thank you for your participation and support!

Save the Date: Community Christmas Vesper's Service will be at Tabor Mennonite Church on Sunday evening, December 1 at 6pm. Plan to come help us usher in the Christmas season with singing and snacks!

Additional announcements are on the Community and Conference announcement sheets received via email or mailboxes. Additional sheets are in the literature rack in the foyer.


PRELUDE “Kyrie” -Viadana Bethel College Concert Choir “Kyrie” -Mendelssohn

“O Nata Lux” -Steffen

“Selig sind die Toten” -Schutz

“This Little Light of Mine” -Hogan

WELCOME Worship Leader, Jason Unruh

*CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: We gather as pilgrims on a journey of faith. People: We come seeking the cloud of your presence as we travel the way. We come seeking your pillar of fire to light our darkness. All: Shine in our hearts, O God, with the light of you love. Make your presence known through Jesus the Christ. Amen.

*GATHERING HYMN “Guide me, O thou great Jehovah” No. 582 Accompanist, Michelle Unruh



*HYMN OF PRAISE “Joyful, joyful, we adore thee” No. 71




OFFERING OUR GIFTS “We shall walk through the valley in peace” Woven -William Appling

Volume LVIII October 27, 2013 No. 42


Offering = $ 5,100.00 Adult S.S. = $ 36.50 Jr. S.S. = $ 3.69

Attendance = 156 Attendance = 65 Attendance = 10

“Living Into God’s Story”


Tabor Annual Giving through 10-20-13

Ytd Actual Giving

Shortfall: $ 8,965.52

Year to date actual giving

Year to date



6-1 7-1 8-1 9-1 10-1 11-1



Prayer requests continued

Western District Conference: Pray for Moises Romero, pastor of Iglesia Camino de Santidad, Liberal, KS, who was licensed towards ordination last Sunday. Pray for Mennonite Church of the Servant, Wichita, KS, as they dedicate their new meetinghouse this afternoon.

Mennonite Mission Network: Bopaganang Basha Youth Centre in Botswana has a troupe of actors who present dramas dealing with HIV/AIDS, substance abuse, and domestic violence. Although the group is much in demand for their productions, MMN’s Melanie Quinn requests prayer for the participants’ spiritual growth and life skills.

Mennonite Education Agency: Pray for Marlene Epp of Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ontario, who gives the annual Menno Simons Lectures at Bethel College beginning this afternoon.

A n n o u n c e m e n t s

Thank You:

We have felt your prayers since our house fire. Thank You, we appreciate your concern for us. It is helping us to get through these difficult days of discerning each day. We ask for continued prayers as we struggle each day with decisions. Thank You for the good meals brought to us, it was very helpful. A big Thank You to Fred, Diane, Kristin, Michelle and Luke for graciously making us feel at “home” in their home since the fire on October 10. It is a good feeling to be members of a caring congregation. -Paul and Norma Graber

We want to thank our wonderful Tabor Church family for the many prayers and expressions of care and concern during Alfred's brief battle with lymphoma, and for the hugs, cards, food and support following his passing. We are so grateful for the love that has surrounded our family during these past few difficult weeks, and that will go with us as we face the days ahead. May God bless you. -The family of Alfred Schmidt

Suggestions for Fellowship? If you have ideas for activities that you think would be fun and enjoyed by many, the Quarterly Fellowship committee would love to hear from you. There is a green box in the foyer with pink slips beside it for suggestion to build community.

HELP! Nursery Staff Needed: Six have committed to serving in the nursery during the worship service. A few more workers would allow each volunteer to serve once a quarter. Contact Carrie Unruh if you could help with this ministry.

Mennonite Men Chicken BBQ November 7, 5-7pm: Donations will go to the Goessel Ministerial Alliance and Tabor Church Facilities Taskforce. Men, remember to sign up to help.

Annual Congregational Meeting November 10: Fundraiser meal for the Mennonite College Task Force followed by the meeting at 12:30. There will be affirmation of individuals to serve, the budget will be presented for approval and there will be an update from the Facilities Task Force.


WORSHIP MUSIC “Stranger” -Luboff Bethel College Concert Choir “Amazing Grace” -Luboff


SCRIPTURE READING Eunice Nickel Exodus 16:1-12, 35; Numbers 20:1-13

SERMON “Trusting God” Pastor Phil Schmidt


SONG OF RESPONSE “Lead us in your light” No. 139CS



CHORAL BENEDICTION “The Prayer of St. Patrick” -Bernhardt

*BENEDICTION May God bless and keep you. May the very face of God shine on you and be gracious to you. May God’s presence embrace you and give you peace.


T o d a y

Today we continue our yearlong journey through the Bible by focusing on Israel’s wanderings in the wilderness before arriving at the Promised Land. As the people journeyed through the wilderness, they found much to complain about. As a result, they had much to learn about putting their trust in a trustworthy God.

We are so glad you are here with us to worship God and experience God’s love. This morning you were greeted by Rod and Ilona Abrahams and John and Ruth Peters. A special welcome is extended to all visitors.

Come Holy Spirit.

Fill the hearts of thy faithful people and kindle in us the fire of thy love.

Today Continued

We welcome the Bethel College Concert Choir, directed by Dr. William Eash and the women’s ensemble, Woven, who are sharing music throughout the service this morning.

The flowers today are in celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary of Jerol and DeLome Schmidt. Praise God for the gift of marriage.

Childcare is provided by Sarahanne Unruh in the nursery during the worship service. Reminder: The pews at the back of the sanctuary are reserved for families with young children.

10:30—Fellowship Time/Biblical Snacks: Sweet manna and water out of a rock.

10:45—Faith Formation for everyone. Adults: Prayer: Pastor Rosie’s Office Bible Study: Rm. 113 and 211 Discussion: Rm. 112 Visual Arts: Library Peace: Pastor Phil’s Office Drama: Front of Sanctuary Junior High: Rm. 210 High School: Rm. 14-15 1st-5th Grade: Rm. 11-12 Wee Wonder: Rm. 10 Preschool & Kindergarten: Rm. 13

On the table in the foyer are Prayer Request Cards. You are invited to fill one out if you have a request and return it to a pastor’s box.

T h i s W e e k

Sunday, October 27 - Tuesday, October 29 Serve at Harvey County Homeless Shelter

Wednesday, October 30 9:00 a.m.—Women’s Bible Study

Wednesday Evening Activities 5:15—Adult Bible Study 6:00—Supper - Please sign up for the meal 6:30—Sonbeams and Children’s Music 6:40—Faithful Fitness 6:45—Faith Adventure, Youth Explorers, Adult Bible Study 6:50—Faith Friends 7:00—TMYF 7:45—Adult Choir

N e x t S u n d a y , N o v e m b e r 3

Daylight savings time ends. Remember to turn your clocks back.

9:00 a.m.— Prelude

9:15 a.m.— Next Sunday we continue reflecting on the people’s journeys through the wilderness. As they learn to trust a trustworthy God, they also need to learn to relate to a new model of leadership. Moses provides a good example of servant leadership in place of Pharaoh’s coercive rule. Pastor Phil will be preaching.

10:30 a.m.— Fellowship Time/Biblical Snacks

10:45 a.m.—Faith Formation for everyone.

3:30 p.m.—Katy Schmidt will share about her experiences while serving with United Planet in New Zealand. Come hear the fascinating stories as Katy describes her work there. Tea and scones will be served.

P r a y e r R e q u e s t s

The following requests were shared on October 20.

Ben Schmidt shared a praise that there will be many more kids going to Camp WaShunGa next May. He also asked that we pray for the upcoming fundraisers that will help many Jr. Highers take in this meaningful camp experience.

Remember to pray for:

Caring Quilt Locations: The Care Quilt is with LaVerta and Warren, Sheri, Mark and Josh Schmidt as they grieve the loss of Alfred. The Children’s Quilt is home.

Daniel Barrera Leland Brown III Cody Claassen Kevin Coash Philippe David Erin Engle Caleb Epp Brenan Erb Tevin Freel *Lisa Goering Matthew Graber Emily Harder Tara Harms-Becker April Harpe Kaitlin Heller Samantha Jarvis Kathryn Kelman Riley King Evan Koch Clarie Koehn

Benjamin Kreider Carl Lehmann Will Lewis Emily Leudtke *Caroline Mayhew Audra Miller Cris Nelson *Karina Ortman Jessie Pohl Kaitlyn Preheim Melinda Regehr *Erin Regier Tim Regier *Renee Reimer Kyle Riesen Alli Rudeen Casey Schunn Abby Schrag Elizabeth Schrag *Jill Siebert

*Megan Siebert *Ariel Silva Dalton Smith Micah Smith Nicole Smith Chase Stucky Taylor Stucky Georgia Thiesen Leah Towle Aaron Tschetter Issei Tsuji Braden Unruh Henry Unruh *Michelle Unruh Andrew Walker Madelyn Weaver Amy Wedel Julie Wedel Jocelyn Wilkinson


Bethel College Concert Choir:

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