wild weather

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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What is most What is most dangerous dangerous disaster?disaster?

Violent eventsViolent eventsAvalancheAvalancheFloodFloodHurricaneHurricaneTsunamiTsunamiTornadoTornadoVolcano eruptionVolcano eruptionblizzardblizzard

What is an avalanche?What is an avalanche?

A heavy fall of snow andA heavy fall of snow and ice down a mountain .ice down a mountain .

What is a flood?What is a flood?

It is a a large amount of water in an It is a a large amount of water in an area which is usually dry.area which is usually dry.

What is a hurricane?What is a hurricane?

It is a an extremely strong wind.It is a an extremely strong wind.

What is a tsunami?What is a tsunami?

It is a large amount of sea water , It is a large amount of sea water , moving fast towards the coast. moving fast towards the coast.

What is a tornado?What is a tornado?

It is a violently spinning columnIt is a violently spinning column

What is a volcanic eruption?What is a volcanic eruption?

It is a lava and hot ash coming out It is a lava and hot ash coming out from below the earth’s surface.from below the earth’s surface.

What is a blizzard?What is a blizzard?

It is a a strong wind combinedIt is a a strong wind combined

with a heavy snowfall .with a heavy snowfall .

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