why your website_not_earning

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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I know it’s happening on your websites. I’ve seen it happen on my own websites. Banner click rates are down, they’ve been moving down steadily for years. And less clicks equals less money for you and me.


Why our website not earning?

From the desk of Pat Flanagan,

I know it’s happening on your websites. I’ve seen it happen on my own websites. Banner click rates are down, they’ve been moving down steadily for years. And less clicks equals less money for you and me.

It’s because of one simple fact…

Let Me Tell You A Little Story ToIllustrate What’s Happening…

I grew up in the Midwest. We had good weather during the summer, but during the winters… we had snow. And plenty of it.And let me tell you, nothing beats walking outside on a sunny winter’s day with a fresh snowfall…

Instant SnowblindnessGoing snowblind is when it’s bright out and the snow on the ground reflects all the light back up. Everything is there around you, just like during the summer. You just can’t see any of it, no matter how good your sunglasses are.

Your visitors aren’t snowblind, though…They’re BANNER BLIND.

People have been surfing the web for 15 years now. The “good old days” of the web are like the summertime in my story. Your website visitors saw everything on the screen, because it was all new to them. And they clicked on EVERYTHING.Over the years, though, we’ve moved into “winter” and people have become banner blind. They’re so used to seeing websit e ads, they have started ignoringthem. This happens at the subconscious level.

Making less money sucks, doesn’t it? I got really tired of it. So I decided to do something about it.I started thinking, what could I do to make my banners noticeable… What couldovercome my website visitors’ banner blindness…Then it hit me…

Maybe My Banners Shouldn’tLook Like Banners At All.

If my website visitors weren’t noticing banners, then maybe they’d notice more content. Or maybe they’d notice other new things that they’re used to clicking on at other sites.This was a situation where my years of graphic design experience came in handy. After a few weeks of outside-the-box thinking, I had the perfect solution.

I’ll Tell You Now, This May Not Be For You.I’ll tell you right now that what I came up with is sneaky. It’s crafty. And it isn’t for everyone.So if the idea of doing something tricky with your website visitors gets your panties in a twist…Don’t read any further. You should leave right now.

For those of you who want to get more clicks and make more money, though… This is for


NINJA BANNERS has EIGHT tricky banner layouts, each designed to look like asection of content or a social media click trigger. They come in PSD format, so you can customize them with Photoshop or free GIMP software (or get a cheap outsourcer from Fiverr to do it) to add content and photos/graphics pertaining to the offer you’re linking to.They’re a powerful click-grabbing cure for banner blindness. Just see for yourself…

Here’s What You Get. . .


This simulates a scrolling “Related Sections” widget on your website. Includes simulated arrow buttons for an additional click trigger. Each ad within the graphic is independently customizable.


This simulates notifications from a very popular instant messaging program. Includes black background for additional eye appeal, plus selectable bubble and asterisk icons in green, yellow, and red. Each ad within the graphic is independently customizable.


This simulates the sidebar of a popular social media site. Includes customizable “Likes” number line for an additional click trigger. Each ad within the graphic is independently customizable.


This simulates a news headlines widget. Includes a bright fuscia header and big headline text for grabbing eyes. Each ad within the graphic is independently customizable.


This simulates a “click Like if you like this, or click Share if you like that” image. These images are proving to create MAJOR visitor engagement and clicks on social media sites. Each ad within the graphic is independently customizable.


This simulates the sidebar of a popular social media site. Includes a prominent call-to-action button for an additional click trigger. Each ad within the graphic is independently customizable.


This simulates a scrolling Related Content widget on your website. Includes simulated scroll arrows for an additional click trigger. Each ad within the graphic is independently customizable.


This simulates the alert boxes from a popular social media site. Includes upper right X button for an additional click trigger. Each ad within the graphi

This simulates the alert boxes from a popular social media site. Includes upper right X button for an additional click trigger. Each ad within the graphic is independently customizable.

Each NINJA BANNERS layout comes in the 12 Adsense banner sizes:• 160×600, 120×600 and 120×240 Skyscrapers• 728×90, 468×60 and 234×60 Horizontals• 336×380, 300×250 and 180×150 Rectangles

• 250×250, 200×200 and 125×125 Squares

That’s 96 Banners In All!As you’ve seen above in the 250×250 examples, most of the designs actually come with more than one “ad” in the layout. This pushes them further away from your typical banner look people are so used to.Plus, it gives you the opportunity to subtly present your offer in multiple ways, greatly enhancing the chance of getting that click. After all, who better to compete with for clicks than yourself!

WARNING! These Banners Are Controversial.While they do come in the 12 Adsense banner sizes, NINJA BANNERS may just be too controversial to use FOR Adsense & Adwords.HOWEVER… by having those sizes are your fingertips, they’re guaranteed to work for your own offers in thousands upon thousands of WordPress themes and HTML site templates that have pre-made spots for Adsense banners.Also, you could get in trouble if you use NINJA BANNERS for evil instead of good! These pull so many clicks that, if you customize them with deceptive content, your CPA network may not like it.HOWEVER… use content that directly relates to the offer and you should be ok.Don’t let any of this scare you off… Just like any other ninja powers, using themfor GOOD will bring you longterm benefits… In other words, more money!

OK Cut To the Chase. . .How Much Does NINJA BANNERS Cost?

Between you and me… I know I have to give you a good deal, that’s just how these things work. But I still have to show you how good a deal it really is. So…I know how long it took to design all these banners from scratch, because I did it. If you hired a graphic designer to create these (and they’d have to be a GOOD graphic designer in order to make this work, not some cutrate Fiverr flunky)… You’d easily pay at least $200 per design.And there are 8 designs here, so we’re talking about more than $1,500 for what you get in NINJA BANNERS.I’m not going to charge $1,500. Or $150. Or even $15.

Get Your NINJA BANNERS Right Now.>>> Smartest Deal <<<

Developer License(Use On Your Sites, Client Sites,

and Sell Banners Made With Templates)

Personal Use License(Use On Your Own S

ites Only)P.S. Remember, NINJA BANNERS has 8 sneaky designs, each with 12 banner sizes, for 96 banners total. If you think you can come up with a better way to get your ads clicked, by all means, do it, I’ll probably want to buy it. Or you can have something rolling in minutes, if you buy NINJA BANNERS right now.

>>> Smartest Deal <<<Developer License

(Use On Your Sites, Client Sites,and Sell Banners Made With Templates)

Personal Use License(Use On Your Own Sites Only)

P.P.S. If you don’t grab NINJA BANNERS right now, your click-thru rates will continue heading down, along with your income. There’s no magic trick that will turn that downward spiral around, you have to DO SOMETHING. While you wait, others will be DOING that SOMETHING and they’ll pass you by. Don’t let this happen to you. Get NINJA BANNERS now, before the price rises.Or before I take it off the market completely.

>>> Smartest Deal <<<Developer License

(Use On Your Sites, Client Sites,and Sell Banners Made With Templates)


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