why you should disregard these six outsourcing myths?

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Contrary to popular perception, outsourcing is even more beneficial for smaller businesses. It is not just for big-businesses. Also, there is no concrete evidence that it results in unemployment. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Why You Should Disregard These Six Outsourcing Myths?


Global outsourcing is a two-decade-old phenomenon, and now it is a $300 billion market. Despite, there are lots of myths prevail around the whole process. These are the most prevalent myths.

It is just for big business

Core work outsourcing is not advisable

It results in job loss

Time-zone differences create problems

You lose project control

Managing remote workers can be challenging


It Is Just For Big Businesses

May people may think that way. It is because they always read about million-dollar outsourcing contracts. So, they have the perception that outsourcing is not suitable for smaller and individual businesses.

However, the fact remains that outsourcing is beneficial for any business irrespective of their size. Even smaller companies can equally reap benefits.

It is possible to outsource a single job or you can even hire remote part-time resources. Sounds unbelievable!


Outsourcing Businesses Models

A new outsourcing business models have emerged keeping in mind the requirements of startups and smaller businesses. A dedicated remote offshore employee is the best example. It is suitable because of the following reasons.

Saves overhead costs such as office infrastructure, insurance, healthcare

It is borne out by a vendor

You can focus more on work

Feel big while remaining small


Core Work Outsourcing Is Not Advisable

It is perfectly possible to outsource the core work. In fact, many startups prefer to keep an offshore development team

If you have prior experience of outsourcing work, you can outsource your complex tasks as well

It all depends on your comfort


It Results In Job Loss It is the biggest lie about outsourcing spread by the anti-outsourcing lobby

There is no proof that it reduces jobs for natives

According to Forrester, a leading business research firm, outsourced work has been just 0.71 percent of total jobs available in USA

On the contrary, cost-efficiency helps organizations to remain sustainable

A survey conducted Line Economics proved that 34 percent outsourcing is done because of the unavailability of resources

Another research conducted by Economist W. Klein established that benefits of outsourcing far outweigh the cost


Time Zone Differences Create Problems

On the contrary, it is an opportunity

Since, outsourcing stretches your working hours

When your San Francisco office is closed, your Bangalore office is bustling


You Lose Project Control

Many businesses improperly assume that they lose control by outsourcing

Your service provider merely supports your strategy, he cannot take a final decision in many areas

New models such as remote dedicated model provide 100 percent project control


Managing Remote Workers Can Be Challenging

It is not true as they are managed by an offshore service provider

Your remote resource work in a professional office environment

Their work is properly monitored

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