why we should not vote in corrupt system

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Why We Should Not Vote in Corrupt System


    Why We Should Not Vote In Corrupt System

    Islam believes in democracy. It believes in honesty, transparency and integrity. And it stands

    for justice and equality. As it is commonly perceived and propagated by the general Muslim

    Ummah, Islam has not condemned the practice of voting. Islam has however, outrightly

    discarded the deceptive form of democracy which is based on dishonesty, corruption, fraud

    and injustice. This is being practiced throughout most of the Muslim world, and particularly

    in Pakistan. This article will articulate the reasons for which voting has become

    impermissible in countries such as Pakistan, where a system that has merged with

    corruption has rendered its citizens incapable of voting for those who stand for fairness.

    Due to a vast interest in politics, without the knowledge of voting for s system that is free of

    the taints of unscrupulousness. The community question, How can voting in an election be

    labelled a sin? When voting is practiced under a system that is holistically based on

    selfishness and greed. The outcome of such fraudulence will only amount to sin.

    In Islam vote is considered as a trust (Amanah), which has to be entrusted to those who are

    worthy. If this trust is delegated to those who are unworthy then we will be held

    accountable for betraying the trust according to the following verses of the Quran where

    Almighty Allah Says:

    Surely, Allah commands you to entrust the belongings to those who are worthy ofthem; and when you judge matters amongst people, give judgment with justice.

    What an excellent advice Allah gives you! Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.1

    O believers! Do not betray the trust of Allah and His Messenger ([blessings and

    peace be upon him] in paying them what is their due), nor betray your mutual

    trusts, whilst you know (the whole truth)2

    According to the principles of Tafsr, although the Qurnic verse [4:58] was revealed in a

    particular background, the general rule of its application must be taken universally and not

    restricted to that particular scenario.

    According to the Qurn, we are addressed to entrust those who have the rightful position

    to be trusted. It informs that each individual is duty bound to see that trust obligations are

    faithfully fulfilled and that the rightful beneficiary have in their hands what is due to them.

    There are several levels of trusts and obligations. This editorial deal with the trust that is

    given to those in authority, such as he Government and its officials who have been made

    trustees (Ameen) over the affairs of the nation.

    1Al-Quran, Surah al-Nisa, 4:58


    Al-Quran, Surah al-Anfaal, 8:27

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    The first element of the verse [4:58] is an instruction to fulfil the duty of assigning the trust

    to those who are worthy, while equity and justice have been spoken of in the latter part of

    the verse. There is great Divine wisdom is giving precedence to trust over equity and justice.

    From my deficient understanding, it may be because the establishment of a system

    (Political) that guarantees equity and justice all over the country is not just possible withoutit. Hence, equity and justice will only prevail in a society where the political office bearers

    are honest, competent, corruption free and discharge their duties faithfully. In matters

    pertaining to appointing office bearers it should not be based on friendship, connections,

    recommendations or bribes and this practice is the norm in Pakistan, hence corruption

    prevails. When corruption encompasses the whole society it will become a very difficult

    task to get rid of it, but it is not impossible.

    Some Golden Principles of Governance have been mentioned in this verse (4:58) of the Holy

    Quran which are as follows:

    The verse begins with Surely, Allah commands you....Through this Almighty Allahinforms that ultimate sovereignty lies with Almighty Allah, all the rulers are

    vicegerents of Almighty Allah.

    The government offices are not the rights of the people, but rather a trust that hasto be entrusted to those who meet the criteria set by the Quran and Hadith,

    The vicegerents have to keep in mind the principles laid down by Almighty Allahwhich have been given in the form of the Quran and Hadith when formulating the

    laws of the land.

    It is an incumbent duty upon those in authority to give judgement based upon equityand justice without making any discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion

    and ethnicity.

    Take Pakistan as an example, corruption, fraud, might, bribery, injustice, terrorism,

    exploitation and dishonesty are rampant throughout the political system. How can one

    know these realities , yet still expect honesty, competency, justice, peace, love and harmony

    to prevail? It is absolutely evident, the amount of corruption that the world is witnessing on

    the accounts of Pakistan. Voting in such a system is beyond the concept of the question.

    Emphasising the importance of entrusting the trust to those who are worthy, the Holy

    Prophet (blessings and peace be upon Him) said:

    One who does not fulfil trust obligations has no faith, and one who does not stand

    by his word has no Din3

    How can one fail to see the mistrust and the breaking of vows that a nation has been

    constantly deceived by. Even worse, how can a nation retreat back to the lions den, when

    they have previously been betrayed?

    3Baiyhaqi, Shuab al-Iman, Hadith No. 4354

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    The nation of Pakistan must come to terms with its true enemy - the corrupt political system

    and reject its entirety in all forms and manifestations in order to live prosperously in a

    flourishing Pakistan where justice and love outweighed the evils of injustice. We must live to

    see the country excel in employment and health, through the empowerment of honest

    notables' who truly care for the nation. This can only be achieved if the people reject toparticipate in this exploitative system through not voting, because anyone taking part in this

    system will be considered as co-conspirators. Almighty Allah commands us and Says:

    And always support one another in (the works of) righteousness and piety, but do

    not become accomplices in (works of) sin and transgression. And fear Allah

    persistently. Indeed, Allah awards severe punishment (to those who disobey and


    The above verse instructs us to assist one another in good and pious acts and to avoid

    becoming collaborators of those who perpetrate felonies and transgressions. Reflect for a

    moment and question your conscience. By voting , are we not becoming accomplices in this

    heinous act? Are we not intentionally rejecting the commandments of Almighty Allah and

    His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon Him)? As a result of negligence of verses of

    such themes and disobedience to Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon

    Him) the whole Muslim Ummah finds itself going through trials and tribulations. In the

    Quran Almighty Allah warns us of this reality when He Says:

    So let those who go against the Messengers command (of veneration and

    devotion) feel afraid lest some trial should overtake them (here in the world) or apainful torment seize them in the Hereafter


    What has this corrupt system given to the nation apart from, terrorism, unemployment,

    injustice and corruption at each level. The time has come to vehemently reject this system

    and bring a system where corruption can be undermined. We have to turn to the teachings

    of the Quran and Prophetic Hadith to revive the Muslim Ummah through educating them

    and raising awareness about the current political system of Pakistan. If we fulfil this duty

    then we will, inshaAllh, be absolved from the wrath of Almighty Allah.

    Further elaborating on the same concept Almighty Allah Says:

    Whoever makes a righteous intercession has a (fixed) share (in its reward), and

    he who makes an evil intercession has a (fixed) share (in its sin)6

    A vote is a form of recommendation (Shafah) and through their vote, a person is approving

    the candidate of his choice to be the elected representative. Therefore, it signifies that

    anyone who makes a good and justified recommendation, will be rewarded for the


    Al-Quran, Surah al-Maidah, 5:25Al-Quran, Surah al-Nur, 24:63

    6Al-Quran, Surah al-Nisa, 4:85

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    recommendation and get a share of the good acts performed by the one he recommended.

    However, if a person who makes an evil recommendation , then, he shall also get a share

    from the evil deeds of the person he recommended. Hence, a candidate that is voted into

    office through this corrupt system of Pakistan, will do many wrongs and impermissible acts

    and as a result, the curse of his evil doings will also fall upon the voter. This is the reason

    why, in Islam, the greater post a person is on, the greater the accountability he will have to

    undergo. This is the philosophy of the slogan Vote4None, because being a part of the

    Pakistan Nation, we do not want to become participants of this so called Democracy

    Drama taking place in Pakistan.

    Commenting on the verse of Surah al-Maidah Maulana Mohammad Shafi (Usmani) says in

    his Tafsir (Maarif-ul-Quran (5:8) that voting can be a false evidence. In that case the evil

    fruits of your voting will be recorded in your deeds!

    To recapitulate our vote has three-pronged status: Shahadah (evidence), Shafaah

    (recommendation), Wakalah (advocacy or reputation in common rights). Under allthree conditions, voting for good and deserving person brings great reward the fruits

    of which are bound to reach the voter. Similarly, voting for someone undeserving

    and uncouth is false evidence, unjustified recommendation and impermissible

    advocacy all in one, so, the evil fruits of his thoughtless voting shall stand recorded in

    the voters log of deed.

    Therefore, it is the duty of every Muslim, man and woman, that he or she must fully

    investigate into the background of the candidate being voted for good before the vote is

    cast. Let them make sure that the candidate is deserving, capable and honest and not

    otherwise. Negligence, apathy and heedlessness are poor reasons to go about committingsuch grave crimes. If done for no reason, it is absurdity at its worst.

    The same notion can be further elaborated in the light of the Hadith of Holy Prophet

    (blessings and peace be upon Him) said:

    He who guided another person to a good deed will receive a reward like the one by

    the one who performed the act7

    The above Hadith makes it clear that guiding a person towards a good act will result in the

    person being equally rewarded for the one who performs it. However, the counteractivemeaning of the Hadith is relatively patent that anyone who guides towards evil will also

    receive the burden of the sin. Hence, it is of utmost important to understand the intent

    behind the Quranic verse as well as the sayings of Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be

    upon Him), so that we can avoid the pitfalls we encounter in our journey towards the truth.

    The turmoil and corruption you see in the system of Governance is the consequence of

    neglecting Qurnic and Prophetic teachings. People are given governance on the basis of

    recommendation, connections and bribes. Therefore, due to their incompetence they

    become a source of punishment for the people who elected them. Warning of such

    7Al-Adab al-Mufrad, Chapter: 122, Hadith No.242

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    methodology Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon Him) has been reported to have


    If a person, who has been charged with some responsibility relating to the general

    body of Muslims, gives an office to someone on the basis of friendship or connection

    of some sort, without finding out the capability or the merit of the person concerned,

    the curse of Allah falls on him. Nothing is accepted from his act of worship which has

    been obligated to (fard) nor any of that which he offers voluntarily (nafl)8

    There are several Qurnic verses and Prophetic traditions that can be cited to support this

    claim of not voting in a system based on corruption and dishonesty. Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr

    Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has fulfilled this duty of raising awareness against the fraudulent

    political system of Pakistan and through his struggle, he has exposed all those departments

    including those that were masked with the veil of justice. The struggle of Shaykh-ul-Islam in

    essence is a Prophetic struggle and those who are supporting this cause are engaged in a

    form of worship of Almighty Allah. Now is the time to come and join hands with this

    movement to uproot this system based on corruption and save our beloved country. Many

    question the notion that it is solely Shaykh ul Islam who is standing up against the

    corruption of this system, but the answer is simple: Shaykh-ul-Islam who is currently

    standing alone is raising his voice against tyranny while others are protecting the tyrannical

    system. According to Abu Darda (may Almighty Allah be pleased with him) Allahs

    Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) said:

    You will continue to benefit until you will acknowledge evil and avoid it, and thenation will continue to benefit (the door of goodness will not be closed) until a

    scholar from my Ummah will be telling the truth to the nation and will not fear


    8Jamul Fawaid, Page 325


    Uthman bin Said al-maqrai al-Dani in al-Sunan al-Waredah fil Fitan, vol. 3, pg. 744 #365

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