why the americans won how had the americans managed to win the revolutionary war? how had they...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Why the Americans Won

How had the Americans managed to win the Revolutionary War?

How had they defeated Britain, the world’s strongest power?

British Disadvantages•Britain had to bring troops and

supplies from thousands of miles away.

•Britain was extremely dependent on support from the sea.

•Could occupy and control the cities but not the countryside.

American Advantages•Fighting on their own land•Guerrilla warfare kept the

British from controlling the countryside

•Help from other nations: France supplied loans, soldiers and ships; Spain kept the British busy along the Mississippi River and along the Gulf of Mexico

The Most Important Advantage

•The American Revolution was a people’s movement.

•The outcome depended not on any one battle or event but on the determination and spirit of all the Patriots.

According to John Adams, 1818:

•The Revolution was “This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people, was the real American Revolution.”

The Influence of the American Revolution

•These radical changes in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people inspired other countries around the world.

• Revolt of the Dutch Patriots 1785• French Revolution 1789-1794

–Led by Maquis de Lafayette• Haitian Revolution 1791-1802

–Led by slave Toussaint-Louverture• Irish Rebellion of 1798

Spark the Latin American Revolutions

• Brazilian Declaration of Independence 1798

• May Revolution of Argentine 1810• Chilean War 1810

– Declaration of Independence 1818• Peruvian War 1809

– Declaration of Independence 1821

• Bolivian War 1820-1822• Ecuadorian War 1820-1822• Patria Boba (Colombia) 1810-

1816• Venezuelan War 1763-1811• Mexican War 1810-1821

Sample Revolution Mini Project

Declaration of Independence 1776

Leaders: Sons of Liberty, George Washington

The American Revolution 1775-1783

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